
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-h138e-bm_tops20_v6_1_distr - 6-1-documentation/utility.tco
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                               TCO-number:  6.1.1069

Written-by:  TBOYLE                           Creation-date:   4-Dec-84 09:31:39

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  CHECKD

Problem:  cosmetic

Diagnosis:  The message that describes files that are "new" does not
put a space between the filename and the rest of the sentence.

Solution:  fix it.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1069]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1094

Written-by:  TBOYLE                           Creation-date:  18-Dec-84 13:56:29
Edited-by:   TBOYLE                           Edit-date:      18-Dec-84 13:56:47

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  CHECKD
Related-SPR:  	 20484

Problem:  DISABLE AUTOMATIC-STARTUP leaves garbage in the home-blocks.
Diagnosis:  HOMSER gets garbage instead of the zero it should because
a SKIPN is loading the wrong register.

Solution:  Fix it. Change SKIPN T1,ENAFLG to SKIPN T2,ENAFLG
at .autos+6.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1094]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1135

Written-by:  HAUDEL                           Creation-date:  15-Jan-85 10:19:26

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  CHECKD
Related-QAR:  	706418

Problem:  The error message " %Error building bat blocks, write aborted "
is not very descriptive.

Diagnosis:  Error message written that way.

Solution:  Change the error message to indicate that the BAT BLOCK
was not written and that the probable cause is too many entries
to add.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1135]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1199

Written-by:  HAUDEL                           Creation-date:  13-Feb-85 15:19:21
Edited-by:   HAUDEL                           Edit-date:      19-Feb-85 16:50:42

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          Yes    TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  CHECKD

Problem:    The "SET DRIVE SERIAL NUMBER" command in CHECKD is
no longer needed. The Monitor now creates the number for the RP20s.

Diagnosis:    None

Solution:    Remove the command from CHECKD.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1199]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1235

Written-by:  HAUDEL                           Creation-date:   6-Mar-85 10:03:19

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          Yes    TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  CHECKD

Problem:  The "DON'T CARE" location in the Home Block is not
set up with a descriptive name.

Diagnosis:  Coded that way.

Solution:  Set up this location with the Sixbit name "DONOCA"
to indicate the DON'T CARE option.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1235]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1307

Written-by:  LEACHE                           Creation-date:   5-Apr-85 11:31:33

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  DLUSER

Problem:    The LOAD command sometimes fouls up the password excryption date
and then erroneously establishes the real excryption date as the password
expiration date.  Since the ersatz expiration date almost certainly predates
the current date, the user is left with an expired password and can't log in.

Diagnosis:    Every data item in the DLUSER data file must be preceded by one
and only one blank.  However, when dates are stored by the DUMP command
(specifically, dates for the first 9 days of any month), ODTIM will generate
a leading blank, resulting in 2 leading blanks for this data item.
DLUSER then gets confused when a LOAD command is performed for this data file.

Solution:    One of the following:

(1)  Avoid doing a DLUSER dump on the first 9 days of each month.

(2)  Set the bit in ODTIM that suppresses leading blanks.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1307]

                               TCO-number:  6.1.1291

Written-by:  LOMARTIRE                        Creation-date:  27-Mar-85 12:17:09

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  EDIT
Related-SPR:  	 20638

     EDIT can loop continuously when the last characters of a file are spaces.

     Edit 205 added some code which read in characters and checked for CR or LF
but  neglected  EOF.  So,  under  certain circumstances, EDIT will loop forever
looking for the CR or LF.

     Add a check for EOF in routine LP2: and continue at LINFD if it is found.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1291]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1367

Written-by:  GROSSMAN                         Creation-date:   6-May-85 20:20:27

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  MACSYM

Problem:  G1BPT macro does not generate correct code if the section is
specified as a symbol instead of a number.

Diagnosis:  Macro stripped off the angle brackets, and appended the symbol
name to the string 'B17', resulting in something that looked like
FOOBARB17.  This is a legal (but too long) symbol, and ended up putting the
value of FOOBAR in the right half, instead of the left half of the generated

Solution:  Don't use <symbol>B17.  Use double commas instead.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1367]

                               TCO-number:  6.1.1344

Written-by:  DMCDANIEL                        Creation-date:  26-Apr-85 07:55:01

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  MAKLIB
  Routines-affected:   	READ2B	YANK2

Related-QAR:  	838228

Problem:  MAKLIB rejects rel block type 100 and aborts execution.

Diagnosis:  No code to handle rel block type 100.

Solution:  Add code to ignore rel block type 100.  At READ2B+4 add:



                               [End of TCO 6.1.1344]

                               TCO-number:  6.1.1065

Written-by:  GROSSMAN                         Creation-date:  30-Nov-84 17:37:09

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          Yes    TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  MONSYM

Problem:  Add error code NIERTE (Receive or Transmit quota exceeded)

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1065]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1075

Written-by:  HALPIN                           Creation-date:   7-Dec-84 15:09:14
Edited-by:   HALPIN                           Edit-date:      10-Dec-84 15:46:38

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  MONSYM

Problem:  The SOURCE ETHERNET ADDRESS field (BXSAD) in the NI% JSYS'
Buffer Descriptor Field is only one word long. It needs to be two words
long to accomadate the address.

Diagnosis:  Make the field two words long.

Solution:  The value of BXSAD is 11 (octal).  Change the value of BXPRO
from 12 to 13 and change the value of BXBMX from 13 to 14.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1075]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1148

Written-by:  MCCOLLUM                         Creation-date:  21-Jan-85 15:25:48

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  MONSYM

Symbols for PDV memory map fields and offsets are not defined in MONSYM.


Add definitions for .MMLEN, .MMDAT, MM%ACC, MM%LEN, MM%WR, .MMLOW and .MMHGH

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1148]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1195

Written-by:  LOMARTIRE                        Creation-date:  13-Feb-85 12:10:44

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          Yes    TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  MONSYM
Related-TCO:  	6.1.1194

Problem:   Need to add new error codes or change the text of existing ones in 
order to support TCO 6.1.1194.


Solution:   Do it.  MSTX44 and MSTX45 are simply a text change.  MSTX47, MSTX48, 
and MSTX49 are new error codes.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1195]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1389

Written-by:  JROSSELL                         Creation-date:  14-May-85 16:51:59

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  monsym

Problem:    Symbol .qbsna is defined twice with different values

Diagnosis:    Same

Solution:    Take out one of the definitions of .qbsna

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1389]

                               TCO-number:  6.1.1349

Written-by:  LOMARTIRE                        Creation-date:  30-Apr-85 10:43:21

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  PTYCON

     PTYCON suffers from strange panic interrupts at various times.

     The  interrupt  routine which responded to PTY interrupts restored the ACs
and then trashed T1 and T2. This caused strange happenings and  general  PTYCON

     Restore the ACs in the right place.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1349]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1450

Written-by:  EVANS                            Creation-date:  13-Jun-85 15:29:07

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  PTYCON
Related-QAR:  	838446

Problem:  PTYCON's PUSH command doesn't know about DEFAULT-EXEC:
Diagnosis:  Code asks for SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE
Solution:  Make PTYCON ask for DEFAULT-EXEC:, else SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1450]

                               TCO-number:  6.1.1005

Written-by:  GLINDELL                         Creation-date:  24-May-84 12:55:29
Edited-by:   GLINDELL                         Edit-date:      24-May-84 12:57:48

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          Yes    TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  SETSPD

Problem:    There is no way to set the DECnet area number

Diagnosis:    Not needed before

Solution:    Add code to allow the area number to be specified.
The new format for node numbers is <area>.<number>, e.g. 7.123

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1005]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1006

Written-by:  GLINDELL                         Creation-date:   8-Jun-84 11:18:49

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          Yes    TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  SETSPD

Problem:  No code to set DECNET startup parameters

Diagnosis:  Not needed before
Solution:  Add new DECNET command to SETSPD

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1006]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1034

Written-by:  TBOYLE                           Creation-date:   6-Nov-84 19:37:00
Edited-by:   TBOYLE                           Edit-date:       6-Nov-84 19:54:35

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  No     Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  SETSPD
  Routines-affected:   	SETSPD	STG	SYSERR


	SETSPD is unable to read SYSERR blocks out of extended spaces
from a dump.


	The code only used MMAP and hence could only read out of section 0.


	Make changes to DMPRED, DMPMAP, and add MAPSEC to allow SETSPD
to grobble through the SPT and MSECTB so that it can read out of sections
other than zero.

	DMPRED will now accept a page address that includes the section
number. It will map a new section map if necessary. As before, only
direct pointers are supported. Instead of using a lowcore address in
the dump to point to MMAP, it will look at SPTWD and MSCWD to find
pointers to the SPT and MSECTB. READIT is a utility routine to fetch
a word out of the dump while applying EXE format indirection. MAPSEC
will use READIT to grovel through the tables.

	Also change SYSERR.MAC to re-enable ALCSBX to allocate
SYSERR blocks in extended space. Also reduce size of free space
.RESGQ from 6000 to 1400. This saves about 5 pages.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1034]
                               TCO-number:  6.1.1352

Written-by:  DUSSEAULT                        Creation-date:  30-Apr-85 16:15:57

Edit-checked:         No     Document:          No     TCO-tested:  No 
Maintenance-release:  Yes    Hardware-related:  No 

Program:  SETSPD
  Routines-affected:   	LPTLOD	LODERR

Related-SPR:  	 19422


When specifing  a  lowercase  printer unit  number  greater  than
LPTN-1 in the  config file, a  word outside the  LODLCP table  is
being overwritten.  No error message  is sent out by SETSPD  that
an invalid unit number was encountered.


No range checking is done  for specifing an invalid printer  unit


Add range  checking in  LPTLOD.   If an  invalid unit  number  is
specified in the config file,  JRST to the VFU/RAM loading  error
routine.  Have this routine include additional information (?Unit
number out of range) along with the ? SETSPD: COULD NOT LOAD  THE
XXX FOR PLPTn message.

                               [End of TCO 6.1.1352]