
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-jr93f-bb - 7,6/ap015/hbsc.c15
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 REP 188/2	;15C1
	; 4(075) TPW	8-May-1986
	;		HASP: Check on buffer resources before starting to receive.
	; 4(076) TPW	14-May-1986
	;		HASP: Correct the line idling exchange.
	; 4(077) TPW	11-June-1986
	;		HASP:  Validate device number before continuing to process
	;		a Request Input Permission RCB in HSRQMS

 INS 48/30	;15C2
	;@HSPLIN 10$+4
		CALL	INFLO		;[075]Enough chunks to start accepting?
		BCS	14$		;[075]No, don't accept bid
 REP 3/31	;15C3
	HSRECV:	CALL	INFLO		;check on line flow control thresholds
		BR	HSPXM5		;yes - go try to send something
	HSRECV:	CALL	INFLO		;[075]Are there sufficient chunks to receive?
		BCC	HSPXM5		;[075]yes, take some input
		DSCHED	#EBQCHK,#5	;[075]chunk threshold too low - wait and
		BR 	HSPXM5		;[075] see if the situation improves
 REP 52/33	;15C4
	15$:	DSCHED	#EBINTR!EBQCHK!EBQMSG,#JIFSEC ;wait for something to happen
	15$:	DSCHED	,#JIFSEC 	;[076]wait the proverbial second 
 INS 37/41	;15C5
		TST	TCMSG1(R5)	;[076]Check if messages for this task.
		BEQ	22$		;[076]None

 REP 42/41	;15C6
		BIT	#LF.SIM,LB.FGS(R4) ; simulation mode ?
	;@HSCDOT 11$+4
	22$:	BIT	#LF.SIM,LB.FGS(R4) ;[076] simulation mode ?
 REP 9/47	;15C7
		ASL	R1		;dev no * 2

		CMPB	R1,LB.NTC(R4)	;[077]is device within limits
		BLOS	10$		;[077]yes, go process the RCB
		STOPCD	HDO		;[077]invalid device number

	10$:	ASL	R1		;[077]dev no * 2
 REP 23/47	;15C8
	11$:	ASR	R1		;get back the device number
		CMPB	R1,LB.NTC(R4)	;if out of limit, check for rcb
		BHI	20$		;yes, its out of limits
		CMPB	TCSRCB(R5),TCCTP(R2) ;does it match the rcb?

	;@HSRQMS 11$
	11$:	CMPB	TCSRCB(R5),TCCTP(R2) ;[077]is this the device we want?
 REP 29/56	;15C9
	INFLO:	SAVE	<R0,R4>			;check line flow control thresholds
						; and do universal suspend/unspend accordingly
	INFLO:	SAVE	<R0,R1,R4>		;[075]check line flow control thresholds
		CLC				;[075]
 REP 46/56	;15C10
	10$:	BIT	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5)	;check if already suspended
		BNE	35$			;yes - don't bother
		BIS	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5)	;set suspend
		BIS	#TCHGST,TCST2(R5)	;indicate status chnge

	; here if there are enough chunks to receive data

		CMP	R0,#CHSRPL		;have we got enough to restart line
		BLT	35$			;let current state ride
		BIT	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5)	; check if already clear
		BEQ	25$			;yes - don't do again
		BIC	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5) 	;unsuspend hasp data
		BIS	#TCHGST,TCST2(R5)	;set up to receive

	25$:					;on the input
	;@INFLO 10$
		BIT	#LF.SIM,LB.FGS(R4) 	;[075]Check what mode we're in.
		BEQ	40$			;[075]Termination
		MOV	#FCSADS,R0	 	;[075]Get suspension FCS
		MOV	TCTFCS(R5),R1		;[075]Get status of emulation devices
		XOR	R0,R1		 	;[075]Are they suspended already?
		BEQ	30$			;[075]Yes, just return unsuccessfully
		MOV	#FCSADS,TCTFCS(R5) 	;[075]No, suspend on a per device basis
		BR	41$			;[075]Note the change
	40$:	BIT	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5)	;[075]Termination, already suspended?
		BNE	30$			;[075]Yes, just return unsuccessfully
		BIS	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5) 	;[075]No, do a system-wide suspend
	41$:	BIS	#TCHGST,TCST2(R5)	;[075]Indicate status change
		BR	30$			;[075] and return showing there is a problem.
	; here if there are enough chunks to receive data

	20$:	CMP	R0,#CHSRPL		;have we got enough to restart line
		BLT	35$			;let current state ride

	;@INFLO 20$+2
		BIT	#LF.SIM,LB.FGS(R4) 	;[075]Check what mode we're in.
		BEQ	42$			;[075]Termination
		MOV	#FCSAGO,R0	 	;[075]Get All Devices Go sequence
		MOV	TCTFCS(R5),R1		;[075]Get status of emulation devices
		XOR	R0,R1		 	;[075]Unsuspended already?
		BEQ	INPON			;[075]yes - don't do again
		MOV	#FCSAGO,TCTFCS(R5) 	;[075] Set all HASP devices go.
		BR	25$			;[075] Return success.
	42$:	BIT	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5)	;[075] check if already clear
		BEQ	INPON			;[075]yes - don't do again
		BIC	#FCSUNV,TCTFCS(R5) 	;unsuspend hasp data


	25$:	BIS	#TCHGST,TCST2(R5)	;[075]Note a status change
	INPON:	CLC				;[075]Turn on input
 DEL 68/56	;15C11
 REP 73/56	;15C12
		BGE	25$			;yes

	;@INFLO 29$+1
		BGE	INPON			;[075]yes
 REP 85/56	;15C13
	35$:	RESTOR	<R4,R0>			;flush the resource calc
	;@INPOFF 35$
	35$:	RESTOR	<R4,R1,R0>			;[075]flush the resource calc
 SUM 251473