
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-jr93g-bb - 7,6/ap018/act1.c18
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 REP 26/1	;18C1
	GLOBAL BIND ACT1V = #11^24 + 0^18 + #4527;	! Version Date: 1-Jan-86
	GLOBAL BIND ACT1V = #11^24 + 0^18 + #4576;	! Version Date: 11-Nov-87
 INS 566/1	;18C2
	***** End V11 Development *****

	4576	DCE	11-Nov-87
		Bad statement number due to missing dot.

	***** End Revision History *****

 REP 24/11	;18C3
	%1511%			ISN,E192<0,0>);
	%4576%			.ISN,E192<0,0>);
 SUM 258643