
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-jr93k-bb - 10,7/lp20/lp20.exe
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!@YA^<@LP20>(INXYAm(+	`7,"4$7,!u+@@7 $
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Typing Control-Z will cause the program to
return to monitor level.  This is the preferred
method of exiting the program.
K	b+@
The EXIT command will cause the program to
return to monitor level.  This command is
equivalent to typing ^Z.
^,p4@[ [ \"+\\"^,!J\",!J,~
The HELP command will print useful information about
any other command.  Typing HELP with no argument will
cause this text to be printed.
},p4@Q^B@ (  , B: D; / B? D 2*" 5 B
 D7 "! B " B " B@@6 @,~ 8*"9,~
The MODE command selects the operating mode of the LP20 program.

RAM mode is used for editing .RAM files, which specify how the ASCII
characters in a user data file are to be interpreted by an LP20 controller.

VFU mode is used for editing .VFU files, which specify the vertical
pitch and physical size of each logical page, and on which line(s) each
VFU channel stops.
Bm 2f*,s4@. `B+*l+' 
i4@Q1J+:1J+;+'2f,C`R +=,4@Q,>,l,^4@Q B;@@<@@<@@= " B; " $;, K5@: ;,J B:"$, W7@7; $,O R @,Q :aR , P`R ,!4R,~
The SHOW (editing buffer) command lists the contents of the editing buffer
on your terminal.  (Use LIST to direct the output to a disk file.)

The following switches may be used to control the output produced:
	/ALL-ENTRIES	List entire buffer
	/BEGIN:		Start listing at specified position
	/END:		End listing with specified position

The default is to show only the part of the buffer of current interest.

In VFU mode, the following additional switch selects the output format:
	/BY-LINE	Output VFU by line number rather than by channel

The default is to output a listing by channel number.

The LIST (editing buffer to) filespec command produces a readable listing
of the editing buffer on the specified file.

The output file must be on disk.  Use SHOW for listing the buffer to your

In RAM mode, the following switch may be used:
	/BRIEF		Do not include reference data at end of listing

The default is to include about a page of reference data at the end of
the listing.

In VFU mode, the following switche may be used:
	/BY-LINE	Output VFU by line number rather than by channel

The default is to output a listing by channel number.
 `D 5!K  :5 MI@1Y &X2,T5@FR`,s4@C G+@,U4@Q,>,l,^4@Q B;@@<@@<@@=,V,~
The READ command reads a pre-existing VFU or RAM file into the editing

In VFU mode, the controller type (LP20 or LP100) is determined automatically.

The WRITE command writes the editing buffer to a new .VFU or .RAM file.

In VFU mode, the file format may be selected with the following switches:
	/8-BIT-FORMAT	Writes a (TOPS-20) 8-bit VFU file with LP20 codes.
	/LP100-CODES	Writes LP100-format VFU codes.
The default is /LP100-CODES in a (TOPS-10) 7-bit VFU file.

If both /8-BIT-FORMAT and /LP100-CODES are specified, the LP100 codes
will be written to a (TOPS-20) 8-bit VFU file.

Note that TOPS-10 normally uses /LP100-CODES in 7-bit VFU files, even with
LP20 controllers.  The monitor/LPTSPL provide automatic translation.
g 0 " B; " $;+@@~5@ ;7@,\,J B:"$, W7@7; $S`X$5[*$45PS :,R6`0b@,b, o>"!`X Nx,g :, L5@,,m, p>~ :, P+F D8*n',^9 n,>7`@+4@@o p0"
0bO@x6@x p"7@x+8B,e+=(B|B,e+=`aD+5R`*n57 @+M@ 1B
 $w1B $v1B $v5DD0"v0bw,u+F D $"2Bw,| "wb 1"d`B,(B<bJ B3" B+O 0B@,, p>~ " B@@+} $5 V,
7`@+vaRl@@,e1+WaR&"`R&"6@8,o>Q$BaRQ$A`,`R,B@@,e+jB+b7`@+"",>A"0B+1Bw>,^:+""`R "+BaR+s xQ&D,> (B(H|h
i4@Q $/,	r,~
The ARROW ch command causes the character specified by ch to be
printed as ^C, where C is the upper-case character matching ch.  

The RAM is loaded with Interrupt and the special code "^", which
causes the monitor to expand the character in up-arrow form.
 ,l4@Q@@@ *",~
The CLEAR command initialized the entire RAM such that no character
will translate.

Note that MODE RAM loads in a default RAM, not a CLEAR RAM.
B@1^ &,
i4@Q ,55"!5"!,
i4@8G *,	r+"",p4@Q,+Q+6G&>+5@+"",}4@"#G"+"",}4@"#<G"+""
CONDITIONALLY-TRANSLATE (character code) <octal number> (to) <object>
Causes the  specified  character  to  be  translated to the specified
object only  when  preceded  by  a  PREFIX-CHARACTER.   See  the
TRANSLATE command.  When not translated, characters print as themselves.

TRANSLATE (character code)  <octal  number>  (to)  <object>
Causes  the specified  character  to  be  translated to the specified object.
For conditional translation, see CONDITIONALLY-TRANSLATE.

Available objects:

PREFIX-CHARACTER (and) <other  object>
Specifies  that  this  is  a PREFIX-CHARACTER.  PREFIX-CHARACTERs
cause the FOLLOWING character to be translated.   PREFIX-CHARACTERs
themselves are translated unconditionally.  (Possibly to themselves.)
The translation for this character is specified as <other object>.
The default is NO-ACTION.

When translated, no action or printing will occur.

SLEW <decimal number> (lines)
When the character is translated, causes the printer to slew  the specified
number of lines, which must be in the range 0 to 15.

VFU-CHANNEL <decimal number>
When the character is translated, the printer advances to the next hole in
the specified channel of the vertical format tape.  Channel number must be
in the range 1 to 12.

<octal number>
When translated, the character will print as the specified code.
,!4,!4 aR,!4%,!4, 
!,aR +WaR+U " B@@+W 
Z,f ,f`B,!4.`B,!41`B,!44aB+baB7:7>8,!4?,!4R*lWaR,!4C,~A$ ,>A$?0$7I &J1D? &N1$+P,^,!4R,~
-----------------General information---------------
Characters sent to the printer are looked-up in the RAM to determine how
they are processed.  The RAM may specify that a character is to be printed,
translated to another character or action, conditionally translated, or 

After the RAM processing occurs, a second level of processing is handled
by the controller.  <TAB> characters (011) are translated to enough spaces
to reach the next 8-column tab stop. (If past col 127, executes a LF, then
tabs to col 9.)  <NUL> characters (000) are not passed to the printer at all.
They may be used to inhibit any action.  <CR> (015), <LF> (012), and <FF> (014)
are normally translated by the RAM, but if output will cause paper motion
independent of the VFU.  Any other non-printing character will be printed
as a space.  Any non-paper motion character received in column 133 causes
a <LF> to be output first.

Character marked as "delimiters" can cause the following character to
be processed differently from the normal case.  For example, the RAM can
implement FORTRAN carriage control  See examples below.

----------------Key to flags-------------------
Int	Processor intervenes before character is printed.  If Trn is set,
	applys only if DELHLD is st. (Prefixed character)  Driver handles
	if data is 136 (^), otherwise "Undefined character interrupt".

Del	Current and following character are translated, regardless of Trn.
	See examples.  DELHLD is set for next character.

Trn	RAM data or command is sent to printer rather than input character.
	Modifies Int, PI.  DEL forces Trn action.

PI	Paper motion initiated if Trn or DELHLD also set.  Motion may
	be a slew (absolute physical advance), or VFU channel advance.

To make "1" advance to top-of-form when in column 1, but print as "1"
otherwise (eg, FORTRAN carriage control): 
	<CR>	Del no-action
	<LF>	Del no-action
	 1	PI VFU chn 1

To make <CR> advance 0 lines:
	<CR>	Trn PI Slew 0

To print all <ESC> characters as "$":
	<ESC>	Trn	(Data = 044)

To print Control/X as "^X":
	^X	Int	(Data = 136)	[Implemented in device driver]
	M $05	I	\ $  "0 *,	r::=j	K,~
The LOWER-CASE (output) command sets the ASCII lower case codes (140 thru 
176) to translate to themselves.  Used with 96 character printers.

The UPPER-CASE (output only) command sets the ASCII lower case codes (140 
thru 176) to translate to the corresponding upper case characters. Used
with 64 character printers.
	{,p4@Q7@e2l2,~3" B2b B("6 QD@7 XD@." `r,~6 QD@7 XD@,~
The NUMBER-OF-DATA-BITS n command determines whether the input code is
considered to be 7 or 8 bit characters.  

When n is 7-BIT, entries made for codes 0-177 are duplicated for 200-377.

When n is 8-BIT, entries made for codes 0-177 are independent of 200-377.

,l4@Ql * <&"# ,

The CLEAR command clears the entire VFU so that no line is marked for any

Note that the MODE VFU command loads a default VFU, not a CLEAR VFU.

8,}4@Q3B,~4bQ0bG,[*  *l,
2 *w 3" Bd,
The LENGTH n command resets the page length to n lines.

N must be less than or equal to 143 lines.  

If the new length is less than the logical page size, the page size is
reduced to the new length.

If the new length is larger than the previous length, all channels are
cleared for the new lines.

Z,p4@Q B,~
Specifys which LPI setting is selected by the VFU.  Not all
printers support 6-LPI and 8-LPI selections.  If a VFU which selects
an unsupported LPI setting is loaded, VFU errors will result.

PRINTER-CONTROLLED works with all current printers.
	6-LPI			VFU selects 6 lines per inch
	8-LPI			VFU selects 8 lines per inch
	PRINTER-CONTROLLED	VFU accepts printer's switch or lever setting
,!4R`R ,!4_ /"v,!4eaR@+%,!4l,!4r 
!`X,aR +aR+ " B@@+2h 6`2f & 
(DG,!4u & $(D`B,!4yaB,!4|=fZ3B,!4,!4R*l,~,!4,!4 
!`X*,>`x,>(DG $(D7aB*j+5*5> x+3,!4>+@+>x,!4*j+>,!4R*l',~{mR,}4@Q>
 *0l."(J,p4@Q+ <("# ,
_+@ =
_,}4@Q @ ,
_.3&+E,~ 2&,~ ,
PUNCH	(channel) vfu-channel arg
Specifies line or lines on which a channel will stop.
Arg may be one of:
	ALL-LINES	Mark all lines on the logical page
	BOTTOM-OF-FORM	Mark last line on the logical page
	EVERY n		Mark every nth line on the logical page from line 1
	FORMS-BREAK	Un-mark the forms-break area
	LINES n,m,...	Mark the specified lines
	TOP-OF-FORM	Mark the first line on the page

UN-PUNCH (channel) vfu-channel arg
Specifies line or lines on which a channel will no longer stop.
Arg may be one of:
	ALL-LINES	Un-mark all lines on the logical page
	BOTTOM-OF-FORM	Un-mark last line on the logical page
	EVERY n		Un-mark every nth line on the logical page from line 1
	FORMS-BREAK	Un-mark the forms-break area
	LINES n,m,...	Un-mark the specified lines
	TOP-OF-FORM	Un-mark the first line on the page

*,}4@Q4bQ2b,2 B,~
The PAGE-SIZE n command sets the length of a logical page to n lines.  N must
be less than or equal to the form length. (See the LENGTH command.)  

The logical page size determines how many lines commands such as PUNCH EVERY
and PUNCH ALL will effect.  

Lines beyond the logical page size may be punched with PUNCH LINE, or

The logical page size is defined for your convenience in entering commands
only; it has no direct meaning to the line-printer controller and is
not recorded in the VFU file.
' 00p 0(0 @'HEXIT)(HELP+MODE-PTAKE$0,ARROW-MODE`<CLEARcXDCONDITIONALLY-TRANSLATEfH@DELIMITED-TRANSLATELIST4XLOWER-CASExoNUMBER-OF-DATA-BITSxq@OUTPUTG`/READGPSHOW4HfFUPPER-CASEvWRITE@C@CHANNEL7(z"p@INFORMATION4HLENGTH%@LINES-PER-INCH+@NEWG`2PAGE-SIZEDp"PUNCH7(xUN-PUNCH7xto the monitorwith commandediting buffer toBRIEFZBY-LINEZoutput listing fileof operation isRAMVFUfile modeinput data fileediting buffer contentsALL-ENTRIES 8BEGIN:#END:#))quoted characteroctal character codedecimal line or channel numberoutput data file8-BIT-FORMAT ZLP100-CODEStranslation forentire RAMunconditionally@DELIMITER-CHARACTER[NO-ACTION8PREFIX-CHARACTERSLEWhVFU-CHANNELlandlinesoutputis7-BITS8-BITSoutput onlychannel numbernumberVFU channel numberALL-LINES8BOTTOM-OF-FORMEVERYFORMS-BREAKLINES 	TOP-OF-FORM(8numberedentire VFUabout current VFUof physical page is66set by VFU isPRINTER-CONTROLLED6-LPI8-LPI@LEFT-ALONEof logical page is,:Invalid character codeInvalid slew distance (0 thru 15)Invalid channel numberInvalid line numberLP20_RAM>LP20_VFU>e)s*ehixm(wMH@`QH@Q
User data   RAM data        RAM Flags9 Oct ASCII   Oct ASCII9`     (See key below)9` #
---}-----ZL---t-----   -----------------9 'Int 9` .Del 9` 1Trn 9` 4VFU chn  7p`8Slew  ;p`<PI 9 ?P`90m`   F0` FF ^ J0` F DEL ` M,^l +l   9T0  P` QLength may not exceed 143 lines W,
Page-size: 9 ]p ^pVFU selects 9 d07 Line	              Channels9 i----	-----------------------------------9 n	9 t0H` t9t ` 9` Q [End of Page]9` Chn	Lines9 ---	-----------------------------------------------------------------------9  9 t H` t
	9`e9tH`Printer-controlled LPI?BCHKQTrailing	comma ignored !,,!5,> ", 84@J, B4@J3BxO@ ,^O@;\"g B>,j!"A` B- "$h&" B- -X"D B? B> " B  " B  "g B=@@@ "@$- B? -X" B@ "@$- BA "D BA@@} "= By@@y@@z {: Bz,~,  0B0b+lO@<4"e@@<SX${*${0B+m7@;,D,i,~7B| "g,
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