PDP-10 Archives
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REP 11/1 ;12C1
INS 28/1 ;12C2
;MJC 21-JUN-85 [1600] Add code to INITIALIZE to do tables
INS 17/13 ;12C3
REP 13/14 ;12C4
INS 37/50 ;12C5
REP 5/51 ;12C6
ADDI TC,1 ; to point to first item
ADDI TC,5 ;[1600] Skip two dummy DATAB and VALTAB entries
REP 23/51 ;12C7
LDB TB,DA.SON## ;Is this an elementary item?
LDB TB,DA.DLL## ;[1600] Is there a depending clause?
JUMPN TB,INITDP ;[1600] at a lower level?
LDB TB,DA.OCC ;[1600] Is this an occurs item?
SKIPE TB ;[1600] No OK
LDB TB,DA.DEP## ;[1600] depending on this level?
JUMPE TB,INIG2A ;[1600] No - OK
INITDP: MOVEI DW,E.856 ;[1600] Yes -- Can't Initialize it
JRST INIG2E ;[1600] Give error
INIG2A: LDB TB,DA.SUB ;[1600] Subscript needed?
JUMPE TB,INIG2B ;[1600] No - Skip check
PUSH PP,TA ;[1600] Save TA
PUSHJ PP,INSUBS ;[1600] Count the number of subscripts needed
PUSHJ PP,CNTSUB ;[1600] Go count given subscripts
POP PP,TA ;[1600] Restore TA
CAMN TB,SUBNUM## ;[1600] The same?
JRST INIG2B ;[1600] Yes - continue
MOVEI DW,E.250 ;[1600] No - wrong number of subscripts
INIG2E: PUSHJ PP,OPNFAT ;[1600] Give error
JRST INITGX ;[1600] Give up on this one
INIG2B: LDB TB,DA.SON## ;[1600]Is this an elementary item?
REP 36/51 ;12C8
INITG4: HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;Get datab link back incase something moves
INITG5: PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;Get table address back
LDB TB,DA.BRO## ;Get brother link
PUSH PP,CURDAT ;[1600] save curdat from subscr
POP PP,CURDAT ;[1600] get curdat back
INITG4: HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;Get datab link back incase something moves
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600] Get table address back
INITG5: LDB TB,DA.BRO## ;[1600] Get brother link
REP 44/51 ;12C9
MOVE TA,TB ;No, back up one and try again
MOVE TA,TB ;No, back up one
HRLZM TA,CURDAT ;[1600] Save the pointer for later
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600] Get table address
LDB TC,DA.OCC ;[1600] Is it a table?
SKIPE TC ;[1600]
PUSHJ PP,INITOC ;[1600] Yes - Go init the table
;[1600] Define a macro to push entries in to EOPTAB when building operands
;[1600] for calling MOVGEN. Both A and B must be ACs.
DEFINE PUSHOP (A,B)< ;[1600] Push B onto EOPTAB using pointer A
MOVEM B,(A) ;[1600] Save the data
AOBJN A,.+2 ;[1600] Point to the next one
PUSHJ PP,EOPFUL ;[1600] Get more space if it overflowed
> ;[1600] End define PUSHOP
;[1600]Here to generate code to initialize the second and subsequent
;[1600]occurences of a table. The first occurence is copied to each of
;[1600]the remaining occurences. The code is generated as follows.
;[1600] MOVEI 0,number_of_occurences-1 ;Init the loop counter
;[1600] MOVEI 1,2 ;move to subscript 2 first
;[1600] MOVE 1,-GENERATED-INITIALIZE-COUNTER- ;used by move code
;[1600] %n |
;[1600] {Call MOVGEN to generate:
;[1600] MOVE table(1...1) TO table(1...1,-GENERATED-INITIALIZE-COUNTER-)}
;[1600] |
;[1600] AOS -GENERATED-INITIALIZE-COUNTER- ;next subscript
;[1600] SOJG 0,%n ;loop to the last subscript
;[1600]The VALTAB entery (1) and DATAB entry (-GENERATED-INITIALIZE-COUNTER-)
;[1600]are provided by phase D as operands to INITIALIZE.
;[1600]Note: This algorithm has a known side effect when the REPLACING clause
;[1600] is used. The standard states that items not of the replacing
;[1600] type will be uneffected. If a table occurence contains items
;[1600] not of the replacing type then the group move used by this
;[1600] algorithm will effect these items. The value of all items is
;[1600] set to the value of the first occurence. It is assumed that
;[1600] that in most cases a table containing valuable data will not
;[1600] be initialized and that strait COBOL code can be used to aviod
;[1600] this side effect when it does appear. If this side effect is
;[1600] required to be fixed then a new algorithm must be used for the
;[1600] replacing case that does not use the group move. The INITOC
;[1600] routine could be replaced for the replacing case with a routine
;[1600] that would generate elementary moves inside nested loops. Each
;[1600] nest of the loop would count off one of the required subscripts
;[1600] through its range. Only one set of nested loops would be needed
;[1600] if the elementary moves are placed at the proper place in the
;[1600] set of nested loops. The DATAB entrys would be generated in
;[1600] phase D after counting the number of subscripts that would be
;[1600] needed. Walk the DATAB tree saving occurs and items of the
;[1600] replacement type in HLDTAB. Clean entrys form HLDTAB when
;[1600] no entrys of the correct type are found. Walk down the HLDTAB
;[1600] entrys generating looping code and elementary moves as needed
;[1600] and saving the loop target tags in HLDTAB. This algorithm
;[1600] was not elaborated in this PCO because the side effect did not
;[1600] seem serious enough to require the necessary coding effort.
;[1600] It is included here in case of future need.
INITOC: PUSH PP,CURDAT ;[1600] Save DATAB pointer
PUSH PP,CUREOP ;[1600] Save where we are working
;[1600]Count the number of subscripts needed
;[1600]subtract the number that we were given in phase D.
PUSHJ PP,INSUBS ;[1600]count the levels of subscripts
PUSHJ PP,CNTSUB ;[1600]Get the number of subscripts given
MOVE TA,SUBNUM ;[1600]Get the level count back
SUB TA,TB ;[1600]The number of valtab entries needed
MOVEM TA,VSUBS## ;[1600]Save it for later
;[1600]Save the end of EOPTAB
MOVE TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]the current end
MOVEM TD,EOPHLD## ;[1600]so we can clean up later
;[1600]Gen MOVEI 0,number_of_occurrences - 1 for the loop counter
SETZM EAC ;[1600]Restart AC counter
HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;[1600]Get the saved curdat
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600]Convert the relative address
LDB TB,DA.NOC ;[1600]How many we need to do
SOS TB ;[1600]Less one
JUMPE TB,INITO6 ;[1600]OCCURS 1 TIMES - this code not needed
MOVSI CH,MOV## ;[1600]Gen <MOVEI 0,DA.NOC-1>
HRRZ TC,TB ;[1600]Get DA.NOC from TB
PUSHJ PP,PUT.LA ;[1600]Put it into the ASYFIL
;[1600]Gen MOVEI 1,2 to initialize the subscript counter
AOS EAC ;[1600]Next AC
HRRI CH,2 ;[1600]Start with the second occurence
MOVE TB,EAC ;[1600]Use this AC
DPB TB,CHAC## ;[1600]Put it in CH
PUSHJ PP,PUTASY## ;[1600]Gen MOVEI 1,2
;[1600] This counter is used in the move code as a subscript.
MOVE TC,EOPLOC ;[1600]Off set from the top of EOP
HRRZ TB,2(TC) ;[1600]get the DATAB entry passed from D
MOVEM TB,EBASEA ;[1600]set up as 'A'
HRRZI TC,1(TC) ;[1600]Point to EOP for the init counter
HRLZM TC,OPERND ;[1600]Store it for the setopn code
HRRZI LN,EBASEA ;[1600]Set up as "A" for the PUT.AA call
PUSHJ PP,SETOPN ;[1600]Set up "A"
MOVSI CH,MOVEM. ;[1600]A move to memory instruction
SOS EAC ;[1600]Give AC back
;[1600]Put a tag here so that we can do the move again.
INITO5: PUSHJ PP,GETTAG ;[1600]Get a tag for the loop
JUMPE CH,INITO5 ;[1600]Can't use tag 0
MOVEM CH,OCCTAG## ;[1600]Save the tag number
PUSHJ PP,PUTTAG## ;[1600]The tag goes here
;[1600]Set up EOPTAB entrys to call MOVGEN
;[1600]create the "from" datab entry and put it in EOPTAB
MOVE TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]the current end
AOBJN TD,INITO7 ;[1600]point to empty spot
PUSHJ PP,EOPFUL ;[1600]Full- Expand EOPTAB
INITO7: SETZM TB ;[1600]Start with zero. Use DPB to set fields
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Save it in EOPTAB
MOVE TA,TD ;[1600]point at the entry being built
SOS TA ;[1600]which is one back
SETOM TB ;[1600]To set some flags
DPB TB,EO.IDO## ;[1600]Set operand bit
HRRZI TB,%US.DS ;[1600]Usage is display for group move
DPB TB,EO.USG## ;[1600]Set usage
HRRZ TC,CUREOP ;[1600]Point to the current item
HLRZ TB,1(TC) ;[1600]The size of the given subscripts
ADD TB,VSUBS ;[1600]Plus the added VALTAB entrys
HRLZ TB,TB ;[1600]Put it in the left half
HLR TB,CURDAT ;[1600]the datab entry
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
;[1600]add the VALTAB =1 enterys as needed
MOVE TC,EOPLOC ;[1600]get the start of this operator
MOVE TA,VSUBS ;[1600]Get the number of dummy "1" subscr
JUMPE TA,INITO4 ;[1600]Don't need any
INITO1: MOVE TB,3(TC) ;[1600]just the flag of the VALTAB entry
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
MOVE TB,4(TC) ;[1600]The VALTAB offset provided by phase D.
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
SOJN TA,INITO1 ;[1600]Loop till done
;[1600]Copy the given subscipts given in phase D so that
;[1600]they can be used for the group move.
INITO4: MOVEM TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]Save the pointer
PUSHJ PP,BLTEOP ;[1600]Copy the given subscripts
;[1600]Set up EBASEA
INITO3: HRRZ TC,EOPHLD ;[1600]Point to the A operand
AOS TC ;[1600]Starts one past the old end of EOPTAB
HRLZM TC,OPERND ;[1600]Start of the A operand in EOPTAB
MOVEI LN,EBASEA ;[1600]Set up A operand
PUSHJ PP,SETOPN ;[1600]Set up EBASEA flags and check subscripts
MOVE TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]Get the EOPTAB pointer back
HRRM TD,OPERND ;[1600]Start of the B operand in EOPTAB
;[1600]create the "to" DATAB entry (copy "from" entry)
MOVE TA,EOPHLD## ;[1600]Offset from the old end of EOPTAB
MOVE TB,1(TA) ;[1600]Get the first of the two word
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
MOVE TB,2(TA) ;[1600]The same for the second word
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
;[1600]get the DATTAB for the counter from COBOLD
MOVE TC,EOPLOC ;[1600]so we can offset from here
MOVE TB,1(TC) ;[1600]The DATAB entry form cobold
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
;[1600]put it into EOPTAB as the last subscript
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
;[1600]add n-1 VALTAB=1 entrys
MOVEM TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]Put the updated pointer back
HRRZ TC,CUREOP ;[1600]Point to the current item
HLRZ TB,1(TC) ;[1600]The size of the given subscripts
ADD TB,VSUBS ;[1600]Plus the added VALTAB entrys
SOS TB ;[1600]Less one
JUMPE TB,INITO2 ;[1600]Only one subscript - skip this
HRLI TC,5(TA) ;[1600]address of second VALTAB entry
PUSHJ PP,BLTEP1 ;[1600]Go copy the subscripts to EOPNXT
;[1600]finish set up of ESIZEB
INITO2: HRRZ TC,OPERND ;[1600]Get the start of B back
MOVEI LN,EBASEB ;[1600]Point to B
PUSHJ PP,SETOPN ;[1600]Set up B operand
;[1600]call MOVGEN to generate one group move.
PUSHJ PP,GRPMOV ;[1600]Should be a group move
PUSHJ PP,MXX. ;[1600]The general move routine
;[1600] to point at the next subscript to initialize
MOVE TC,EOPLOC ;[1600]Get the counter entry
HRRZ TB,2(TC) ;[1600]The DATAB entry
MOVEM TB,EBASEA ;[1600] for ebasea
HRRZI TC,1(TC) ;[1600]Set up a pointer into EOPTAB
HRLZM TC,OPERND ;[1600]point at -GEN..COUNTER-
HRRZI LN,EBASEA ;[1600]use -GEN..COUNTER- in the instruction
PUSHJ PP,SETOPN ;[1600]set it up as A temporarily
PUSHJ PP,PUT.A## ;[1600]Call to generate OP EBASEA
;[1600]Gen SOJG 0,%n to jump back to the group move if all of the
;[1600] occurrences have not been initialized.
HRRZ TA,OCCTAG ;[1600]Get the saved tag
PUSHJ PP,REFTAG## ;[1600]I am using the tag here
MOVE TE,EAC ;[1600]Use this AC
DPB TE,CHAC ;[1600] for the test
HRR CH,OCCTAG ;[1600]Jump back to saved tag
PUSHJ PP,PUTASY ;[1600]Put the instruction into ASYFIL
;[1600]All done. Restore the things we stepped on.
INITO6: MOVE TD,EOPHLD ;[1600]Get the old eopnxt
MOVEM TD,EOPNXT ;[1600] and put it back
POP PP,CUREOP ;[1600] Get saved pointer back
POP PP,CURDAT ;[1600] Restore Father pointer
POPJ PP, ;[1600] initialize the occurs
;[1600]Count the number of subscripts needed by MOVGEN to generate
;[1600]a move to the DATAB item in CURDAT.
;[1600]Return the count in SUBNUM.
INSUBS: HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;[1600]count from here
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600]get the absolute address
SETZM SUBNUM## ;[1600]Start with zero subscripts
LDB TB,DA.OCC## ;[1600]occurs on this level?
SKIPE TB ;[1600]no - start with 0
AOS SUBNUM ;[1600]yes - start with 1
INSUB2: LDB TA,DA.OCH## ;[1600]is there one above?
SKIPN TA ;[1600]jump if so
POPJ PP, ;[1600]done
AOS SUBNUM ;[1600]bump count
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600]Get the address
JRST INSUB2 ;[1600]loop for more
;[1600]Count the number of subscripts passed in EOPTAB from phase D.
;[1600]CUREOP points to the subscripted data item.
;[1600]The count is returned in TB and GSUB.
CNTSUB: SETZM GSUB## ;[1600]Start with zero given subscripts
MOVE TC,CUREOP ;[1600]Point to the current item
HLRZ TA,1(TC) ;[1600]initialize the counter
JUMPN TA,CNTSB1 ;[1600]Subscripts?
SETZM TB ;[1600]No
POPJ PP, ;[1600]done
CNTSB1: ADDI TC,2 ;[1600]Point to the next one
MOVE TB,(TC) ;[1600]Get the flags
TLNE TB,GNLIT ;[1600]Is it a dataname?
JRST CNTSB2 ;[1600]No - skip adder check
HLRZ TB,1(TC) ;[1600]Get the flag
JUMPE TB,CNTSB2 ;[1600]Is there an adder?
ADDI TC,2 ;[1600]Yes - bump past it
SOS TA ;[1600]And count it
CNTSB2: AOS GSUB ;[1600]No - bump the count
SOJG TA,CNTSB1 ;[1600]Loop till done
HRRZ TB,GSUB ;[1600]Put the result in TB
POPJ PP, ;[1600]Done
;[1600] Here to expand EOPTAB
EOPFUL: PUSHJ PP,XPNEOP## ;[1600]Call the table expanding routine
HLRZ TE,EOPHLD ;[1600]get saved size
SUBI TE,^D20 ;[1600]The table was expanded by 20
HRLM TE,EOPHLD ;[1600]so update it
HLRZ TE,TD ;[1600]get the EOPTAB stack pointer
SUBI TE,^D20 ;[1600]Update it too
HRLM TE,TD ;[1600]put it back
HLRE TE,EOPNXT ;[1600]Was that enough?
JUMPGE TE,EOPFUL ;[1600]NO - jump back and do it again
POPJ PP, ;[1600]done
;[1600] Here to copy a set of subscripts from one part of EOPTAB to
;[1600] EOPNXT. Enter with CUREOP pointing to the from location or
;[1600] at BLTEP1 with TC pointing to the source and TB holding the size
;[1600] of the block to be moved.
BLTEOP: HRRZ TE,CUREOP ;[1600]Start of an item from phase D
HLRZ TB,1(TE) ;[1600]The size of the subscripts given
JUMPE TB,CPOPJ ;[1600]None - Don't need to do the BLT
HRLI TC,2(TE) ;[1600]The first subscript starts here
BLTEP1: ;[1600]Enter here with TB and TC set up
HRR TC,EOPNXT ;[1600]Put the copy here
LSH TB,1 ;[1600]Two words per subscript entry
HRL TB,TB ;[1600]2*subnum,,2*subnum
ADDB TB,EOPNXT ;[1600]Point to the end of the copy area
HLRE TE,EOPNXT ;[1600]Must check for EOPTAB overflow
SKIPL TE ;[1600]No - OK
PUSHJ PP,EOPFUL ;[1600]Overflow - Go expand EOPTAB
HRRZ TB,TB ;[1600]Zero left half
SOS TB ;[1600]The last subscript goes here
BLT TC,(TB) ;[1600]Copy the subscripts
POPJ PP, ;[1600]Done
REP 49/51 ;12C10
INITG6: PUSH PP,CUREOP ;[1600]Save the item we are working on
PUSHJ PP,INITEL ;[1600]Set up subscripts
SETZ TB, ;[1600]Zero out the pointer to "A"
HRLM TB,OPERND ;[1600]"A" is not in EOPTAB
REP 58/51 ;12C11
REP 64/51 ;12C12
INIG6C: PUSHJ PP,MFCX.## ;[1600]Call MOVGEN at Move Figurative Constant.
MOVE TD,EOPHLD ;[1600]Get the old eopnxt
MOVEM TD,EOPNXT ;[1600] and put it back
POP PP,CUREOP ;[1600]get saved pointer back
POPJ PP, ;[1600]
REP 1/52 ;12C13
;Here to see if current elememtary item is eligible for MOVE
;Enter with TA = datab link
;Return .+1 if MOVE cannot be done
;Here to see if current elementary item is eligible for MOVE
;[1600]If the elementary item has an occurs clause then initialize it.
;Enter with TA = datab link
;[1600]Return .+1 if MOVE cannot be done or an occurs item was initialized.
REP 9/52 ;12C14
JUMPN TB,CPOPJ ;Ignore indexed data items
JUMPN TB,INITG1 ;[1600]Indexed elementary special case
INS 22/52 ;12C15
AOS (PP) ;[1600]Set for OK return
LDB TB,DA.SUB ;[1600]Do we need a subscript?
SKIPE TB ;[1600]If so
POPJ PP, ;[1600]Not the simple case - exit
REP 27/52 ;12C16
AOS (PP) ;Set for OK return
JRST SETOPN## ;Return with "B" operand set up
PUSH PP,CUREOP ;[1600]Save the pointer
PUSHJ PP,SETOPN## ;Return with "B" operand set up
POP PP,CUREOP ;[1600]Get it back
POPJ PP, ;[1600] Return
;[1600] Here for the special case of an occurs clause with a picture clause
;[1600] In this case the elementary item and the occurrences of it are
;[1600] here and the plus 1 return is taken
INITG1: MOVE W1,OPLINE ;[1600]Get operator back
TLNE W1,OPM.IZ ;[1600]Replacing clause?
JRST INITR1 ;[1600]Initialize with the replacing item
PUSH PP,CURDAT ;[1600]Save curdat
PUSHJ PP,INITG6 ;[1600]Init the first one
POP PP,CURDAT ;[1600]Get curdat back
PJRST INITOC ;[1600]Do the rest of them
INITR1: PUSHJ PP,INITRA ;[1600]Set up "A"
SETOM REPFLG ;[1600]Flag that an item was found
PUSHJ PP,INIMV ;[1600]INIT the first one
PJRST INITOC ;[1600]Go do the rest
;[1600]Here to set up subscripts for an elementary move
;[1600]If subscripts are needed to generate a MOVE to the current item
;[1600]then provide a subscript of (1,...,1) for MOVGEN
;[1600]Otherwize return.
INITEL: MOVE TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]the current end
MOVEM TD,EOPHLD## ;[1600]so we can clean up later
HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;[1600]Get the DATAB pointer to be sure
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600]Get the absolute address
LDB TB,DA.SUB## ;[1600]Does this item need a subscript?
JUMPE TB,INIEL4 ;[1600]no - clean up and exit
PUSH PP,TA ;[1600]Save the datab pointer
;[1600]Count the number of subscripts needed
;[1600]subtract the number that we were given
PUSHJ PP,INSUBS ;[1600]count levels of subscripts for curdat
PUSHJ PP,CNTSUB ;[1600]count the subscripts from phase D
MOVE TA,SUBNUM ;[1600]get the count back
SUB TA,TB ;[1600]The number of valtab entries needed
MOVEM TA,VSUBS ;[1600]Save it for later
;[1600]Save the end of EOPTAB
MOVE TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]in case td was stepped on
AOBJN TD,INIEL5 ;[1600]point to empty spot
PUSHJ PP,EOPFUL ;[1600]Full- Expand EOPTAB
;[1600]set the pointer to the B operand for movgen
INIEL5: HRRM TD,OPERND ;[1600]Start of the B operand in EOPTAB
;[1600]create the "to" datab entry and put it in EOPTAB
SETZM TB ;[1600]Start with zero. Use DPB to set fields
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Save it in EOPTAB
MOVE TA,CUREOP ;[1600]get the line number of this item
LDB TC,EO.LN## ;[1600]from the EOPTAB entry
MOVE TA,TD ;[1600]point at the entry being built
SOS TA ;[1600]which is one back
SETOM TB ;[1600]To set some flags
DPB TB,EO.IDO## ;[1600]Set operand bit
HRRZI TB,%US.DS ;[1600]Usage is display for group move
DPB TB,EO.USG## ;[1600]Set usage
DPB TC,EO.LN## ;[1600]LN for truncation warnings
HRRZ TC,CUREOP ;[1600]Point to the current item
HLRZ TB,1(TC) ;[1600]The size of the given subscripts
ADD TB,VSUBS ;[1600]Plus the added VALTAB entrys
HRLZ TB,TB ;[1600]Put it in the left half
HLR TB,CURDAT ;[1600]the datab entry
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
;[1600]add the VALTAB =1 enterys as needed
HRRZ TC,EOPLOC ;[1600]Offset from here
MOVE TA,VSUBS ;[1600]Get the count of subscripts back
JUMPE TA,INIEL2 ;[1600]Don't need any
INIEL1: MOVE TB,3(TC) ;[1600]just the flag of the VALTAB entry
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
MOVE TB,4(TC) ;[1600]The VALTAB offset provided by phase D.
PUSHOP TD,TB ;[1600]Put it in EOPTAB
SOJN TA,INIEL1 ;[1600]Loop till done
;[1600]copy the given subscripts
INIEL2: MOVEM TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]Save the counter
PUSHJ PP,BLTEOP ;[1600]Copy the given subscripts
;[1600]Set up EBASEB etc
INIEL3: HRRZ TC,OPERND ;[1600]get the EOPTAB pointer
MOVEI LN,EBASEB ;[1600]Set up "B"
PUSHJ PP,SETOPN ;[1600]Set it up
;[1600]Restore the absolute DATAB pointer saved on the stack
POP PP,TA ;[1600]get the datab pointer back
INIEL4: POPJ PP, ;[1600]go do the move
REP 3/53 ;12C17
INITRP: CAIL TC,-2(EACA) ;Do we have at least 2 operands?
JRST BADEOP ;No, error
INITRP: CAIL TC,-4(EACA) ;Do we have at least 3 operands?
JRST BADEOP ;No, error
HRRZ TB,(EACA) ;[1600]Size of the replacing item
HRRZ TA,(EACA) ;[1600]Save it for the check
AOS TB ;[1600]Plus one for the size entry
LSH TB,1 ;[1600]Two words per entry
HRL TB,TB ;[1600]Do the left half too
SUB EACA,TB ;[1600]Adjust the pointer
HLRZ TB,(EACA) ;[1600]Get the entry count
CAME TB,TA ;[1600]The same?
JRST BADEOP ;[1600]NO - Must be bad ref. mod.
MOVEM EACA,REPSAV# ;[1600]Save it for later
REP 45/53 ;12C18
INITR2: SETZM REPFLG## ;[1600] Flag no items initialized
REP 54/53 ;12C19
JUMPN TB,INITGX ;Give up if error found
LDB TB,DA.SON ;Is this an elementary item?
JUMPN TB,INITRX ;Give up if error found
LDB TB,DA.DLL## ;[1600] Is there a depending clause?
JUMPN TB,INIRDP ;[1600] at a lower level?
LDB TB,DA.OCC ;[1600] Is this an occurs item?
SKIPE TB ;[1600] No OK
LDB TB,DA.DEP## ;[1600] depending on this level?
JUMPE TB,INIR2A ;[1600] No - OK
INIRDP: MOVEI DW,E.856 ;[1600] Yes -- Can't Initialize it
JRST INIR2E ;[1600] Give error
INIR2A: LDB TB,DA.SUB ;[1600] Subscript needed?
JUMPE TB,INIR2B ;[1600] No - Skip check
PUSH PP,TA ;[1600] Save the DATAB pointer
PUSHJ PP,INSUBS ;[1600] Count the number of subscripts needed
PUSHJ PP,CNTSUB ;[1600] Count the subscripts given
POP PP,TA ;[1600] Restore the saved DATAB pointer
CAMN TB,SUBNUM## ;[1600] The same?
JRST INIR2B ;[1600] Yes - continue
MOVEI DW,E.250 ;[1600] No - wrong number of subscripts
INIR2E: PUSHJ PP,OPNFAT ;[1600] Give error
JRST INITRX ;[1600] Give up on this one
INIR2B: LDB TB,DA.SON## ;[1600]Is this an elementary item?
REP 79/53 ;12C20
INITR4: HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;Get datab link back incase something moves
INITR5: PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;Get table address back
LDB TB,DA.BRO## ;Get brother link
SETOM REPFLG ;[1600] Flag that one was found
PUSHJ PP,INIMV ;[1600] Do the MOVE
INITR4: HLRZ TA,CURDAT ;Get datab link back incase something moves
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600] Get table address back
INITR5: LDB TB,DA.BRO## ;[1600] Get brother link
REP 87/53 ;12C21
MOVE TA,TB ;No, back up one and try again
MOVE TA,TB ;No, back up one
HRLZM TA,CURDAT ;[1600] Save the pointer for later
PUSHJ PP,LNKSET ;[1600] Get table address
LDB TC,DA.OCC ;[1600] Is it an occurs table?
SKIPE TC ;[1600]
SKIPN REPFLG ;[1600] Don't init if no items found
SKIPA ;[1600]
PUSHJ PP,INITOC ;[1600] Yes - Go init the table
JRST INITR4 ;[1600] Go do next brother or father
REP 93/53 ;12C22
HRRZ TC,REPSAV ;[1600]Get pointer to REPLACING item
REP 118/53 ;12C23
; JRST INITRX ;See if any more
JRST INITRX ;[1600]See if any more
;[1600]Here to move the replacing item
INIMV: PUSH PP,CUREOP ;[1600]Save current EOPTAB
PUSHJ PP,INITEL ;[1600]Set up subscripts for B
PUSH PP,CURDAT ;[1600]save curdat
PUSHJ PP,MXX.## ;[1600]Call MOVGEN
POP PP,CURDAT ;[1600]restore curdat
MOVE TD,EOPHLD ;[1600]Get the saved EOPTAB pointer
MOVEM TD,EOPNXT ;[1600]Return the EOPTAB space used
POP PP,CUREOP ;[1600]Restore the pointer
POPJ PP, ;[1600]
REP 126/53 ;12C24
MOVE EACA,REPSAV ;[1600]Get the start of the replacing item
SUM 147434