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.! To select the help text for eightbit terminals, append /VARIANT:EIGHTBIT
.! to the DSR command line.
.! To select the help text for line numbered files, append /VARIANT:NUMBERS
.! to the DSR command line.
You can get help on a topic by typing:
HELP topic subtopic subsubtopic...
Where the topic and subtopics are alphanumeric strings.
Enter the keypad editor through the CHANGE command with the keypad option set
(see SET command). See HELP CHANGE KEYPAD for more information.
2 VT100
[1;24r[H[J)0lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk
x ^ x DOWN x x x x[7m [mx x FNDNXT x DEL L x
x x x x x <qqqq x qqqq> x x[7m GOLD [mx HELP x x x
x x x x x LEFT x RIGHT x x[7m [mx x[7m FIND [mx[7m UND L [mx
x UP x v x x x tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu
mqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj x PAGE x SECT x APPEND x DEL W x
DELETE Delete character x x x x x
LINEFEED Delete to beginning of word x[7m COMMAND[mx[7m FILL [mx[7m REPLACE[mx[7m UND W [mx
BACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu
CTRL/A Compute tab level x ADVANCEx BACKUP x CUT x DEL C x
CTRL/D Decrease tab level x x x x x
CTRL/E Increase tab level x[7m BOTTOM [mx[7m TOP [mx[7m PASTE [mx[7m UND C [mx
CTRL/K Define key tqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu
CTRL/R Refresh screen x WORD x EOL x CHAR x x
CTRL/T Adjust tabs x x x x ENTER x
CTRL/U Delete to beginning of line x[7mCHNGCASE[mx[7m DEL EOL[mx[7m SPECINS[mx x
CTRL/W Refresh screen tqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqqu x
CTRL/Z Return to line mode x LINE x SELECT x x
x x x[7m SUBS [mx
[1mPress a key for help on that key.[m x[7m OPEN LINE [mx[7m RESET [mx x
[1mTo exit, press the spacebar.[m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqqj[22H[K
3 127
Deletes the character preceding the cursor and stores it in the delete character
buffer. When the cursor is on the leftmost character position on a line, the
line terminator to the left is deleted and the text on that line is moved to the
right of the text in the line above.
3 300
[7mLINE - (0)[m
Moves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest beginning of a line,
depending on the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
.b2 .lt
[7mOPEN LINE - (GOLD 0)[m
Inserts a carriage return/linefeed after the cursor and leaves the cursor
position unchanged. Pressing the OPEN LINE key when the cursor is at the
beginning of the line creates a new blank line.
3 301
[7mWORD - (1)[m
Moves the cursor forward or backward by a word, depending on the current
direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
[7mCHNGCASE - (GOLD 1)[m
Changes the case of a range of characters as follows:
.le;If the select range is active, the case of each alphabetic
character in the select range is changed.
.le;If 1 does not apply and the cursor is positioned on the current search
string, the case of each alphabetic character in the search string is
changed. This does not apply if a repeat count greater than 1 is given.
.le;If 1 and 2 do not apply, then the case of one character is changed.
If the current direction is ADVANCE, then the cursor moves forward
one character after the change of case occurs. If the current
direction is BACKUP, then the cursor moves backward one character
before the case change occurs.
3 302
[7mEOL - (2)[m
Moves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest end of line, depending on
current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
[7mDEL EOL - (GOLD 2)[m
Deletes all characters to the right of the cursor in the current line, including
the character on which the cursor is positioned, up to, but not including the
line terminator.
3 303
[7mCHAR - (3)[m
Moves the cursor forward or backward one character, depending on the current
direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
[7mSPECINS - (GOLD 3)[m
Inserts any ASCII character by using its decimal value. Press the GOLD key,
enter the decimal representation of the character, press the GOLD key again, and
press SPECINS (special insert).
3 304
[7mADVANCE - (4)[m
Sets the current direction to forward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,
SUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. ADVANCE means that movement will be toward the end
of the buffer; that is, to the right and down.
[7mBOTTOM - (GOLD 4)[m
Positions the cursor at the end of the text buffer.
3 305
[7mBACKUP - (5)[m
Sets the cursor direction to backward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,
SUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. BACKUP means that movement will be toward the
beginning of the buffer; that is, to the left and up.
[7mTOP - (GOLD 5)[m
Positions the cursor at the beginning of the text buffer.
3 306
[7mCUT - (6)[m
Moves the select range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the text
between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor position. If
no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current search
string, that string is cut. Each time CUT is used, the previous contents of the
PASTE buffer are discarded.
[7mPASTE - (GOLD 6)[m
Inserts the contents of the PASTE buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 307
[7mPAGE - (7)[m
Moves the cursor to the top of a page. A page is defined by a delimiter string,
which can be set by the SET ENTITY command. The default page delimiter is the
formfeed character (CTRL/L).
[7mCOMMAND - (GOLD 7)[m
Allows you to input a line mode command to be executed. The command is
processed when you press the ENTER key on the keypad.
3 308
[7mSECT - (8)[m
Moves the cursor 16 lines (one section) forward or backward, depending on the
current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
[7mFILL - (GOLD 8)[m
Performs a word fill on the select range. A word fill reformats a block of text
so that as many full words as possible are placed on each line without exceeding
the right margin. You can set the right margin with the SET WRAP command. If
it is not set, the default is the terminal width - 1. For purposes of the FILL
command, only spaces are used as word delimiters.
3 309
[7mAPPEND - (9)[m
Moves the select range to the end of the PASTE buffer. The select range is all
the text between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor
position. If no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the
current search string, that string is appended.
[7mREPLACE - (GOLD 9)[m
Deletes the select range and replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer.
3 310
[7mHELP - (PF2)[m
Use the HELP key to obtain help on the editing keypad.
3 311
[7mFNDNXT - (PF3)[m
Searches for the next occurrence of the search string previously entered by the
FIND key. The direction of the search is the current one (ADVANCE or BACKUP).
[7mFIND - (GOLD PF3)[m
Searches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter the
string from the main keyboard. End the string by pressing either the ADVANCE or
BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the ENTER key to search in the
current direction.
3 312
The _^ (up-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character above.
3 313
The v (down-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character below.
3 314
The --> (right-arrow) key moves the cursor to the next character.
3 315
The <-- (left-arrow) key moves the cursor to the preceding character.
3 316
[7mSELECT - (.)[m
Marks one end of a select range. A select range is a block of text on which
various operations (such as CUT, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. To create a
select range, you:
.le;Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you
wish to select.
.le;Press the SELECT key.
.le;Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text.
You can then perform the desired operation on the range.
[7mRESET - (GOLD .)[m
Cancels the effect of the GOLD key if it was pressed by mistake, cancels a
select range, or cancels any partially-entered command string. Also sets
the current direction to forward.
3 317
[7mDEL L - (PF4)[m
Deletes text from the cursor position to the end of the current line, including
the line terminator. If the cursor is positioned at the beginning of a line,
the entire line is deleted. The deleted text is saved in the delete line
[7mUND L - (GOLD PF4)[m
Inserts the contents of the delete line buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 318
[7mDEL W - (-)[m
Deletes text from the cursor to the beginning of the next word, storing the text
in the delete word buffer.
[7mUND W - (GOLD -)[m
Inserts the contents of the delete word buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 319
[7mDEL C - (,)[m
Deletes the character on which the cursor is positioned and saves it in the
delete character buffer.
[7mUND C - (GOLD ,)[m
Inserts the contents of the delete character buffer directly in front of the
3 320
[7mGOLD - (PF1)[m
Lets you use the lower function of the editing keys. Press the GOLD key, then
the key you wish to use.
You can also use the GOLD key to enter counts. Press GOLD and then the main
keyboard numeric keys, followed by the key to which the count should apply. The
DELETE key and CTRL/U can be used to edit the count, and thus cannot have a
count applied to them. The count can be a repeat-count, a level-count,
or the code for a character, depending on the terminating key.
For help on "GOLD letter" (for example, GOLD A), press the alphabetic key on the
main keyboard.
3 321
Processes the command that was just given.
Deletes the search string, replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer,
and finds the next occurrence of the string. For multiple substitutions, you:
.le;Press SELECT.
.le;Type the new text.
.le;Press CUT.
.le;Press FIND.
.le;Enter the text you wish to replace.
Each time you press SUBS, EDT makes one substitution and finds the next
occurrence of the search string. You can use a repeat count for multiple
3 001
Sets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing the current
cursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor position is not a
multiple of the SET TAB number, an error results.
3 004
Used to decrease the indentation level counter.
3 005
Used to increase the indentation level counter.
3 008
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the cursor is already
on the beginning of a line, it moves to the beginning of the previous line.
3 009
Moves the cursor in one of two ways:
.le;If the tab size has not been set with SET TAB or if the cursor is not
at the beginning of the line, a tab character is inserted at the cursor
.le;If the tab size has been set with SET TAB or if the cursor is at the
beginning of the line, a number of tab characters and spaces are
inserted to move the cursor to the column position that is equal to
the SET TAB value times the indentation level count.
3 010
Used to delete all characters from the cursor position to the beginning of the
word containing the cursor. If the cursor is on the first character of a word,
the previous word is deleted.
3 011
Used to define a new function for an editing key. You are prompted first to
press the key to be defined, then to enter the definition. You can define the
key either in terms of other editing keys or with change mode subcommands. If
you use an editing key, its definition appears at the bottom of the screen.
3 012
Inserts a formfeed character (<FF>) at the cursor position.
3 018
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 020
Adjusts the tab level of the select range. To use the key, you:
.le;Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.
.le;Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tab
indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default
level count is 1.
.le;Use the tab adjust key.
The effect of CTRL/T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of the
select range by the number of tabs specified in the level count.
3 021
Used to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. If
the cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line is
3 023
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 026
[7mEXIT - (CTRL/Z)[m
Returns you to line editing.
3 065
Sets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing the current
cursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor position is not a
multiple of the SET TAB number, an error results.
3 068
Used to decrease the indentation level counter.
3 069
Used to increase the indentation level counter.
3 082
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 084
Adjusts the tab level of the select range. To use the key, you:
.le;Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.
.le;Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tab
indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default
level count is 1.
.le;Use the tab adjust key.
The effect of GOLD T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of the
select range by the number of tabs specified in the level count.
3 085
Used to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. If
the cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line is
3 087
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 090
[7mEXIT - (GOLD Z)[m
Returns you to line editing.
.if eightbit
3 428
[7mHELP [m
Use the HELP key to obtain help on the editing keypad.
3 429
Processes the command that was just given.
3 401
Searches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter the
string from the main keyboard. End the string by pressing either the ADVANCE or
BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the DO key to search in the
current direction.
3 402
Inserts the contents of the PASTE buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 403
Moves the select range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the text
between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor position. If
no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current search
string, that string is cut. Each time CUT is used, the previous contents of the
PASTE buffer are discarded.
3 404
Marks one end of a select range. A select range is a block of text on which
various operations (such as REMOVE, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. To
create a select range, you:
.le;Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you
wish to select.
.le;Press the SELECT key.
.le;Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text.
You can then perform the desired operation on the range.
3 405
Moves the cursor 16 lines (one section) backward.
3 406
Moves the cursor 16 lines (one section) forward.
3 424
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the cursor is already
on the beginning of a line, it moves to the beginning of the previous line.
3 425
Used to delete all characters from the cursor position to the beginning of the
word containing the cursor. If the cursor is on the first character of a word,
the previous word is deleted.
.endif eightbit
2 VT52
| | | DEL L | UP |
DELETE Delete character | GOLD | HELP | | |
LINEFEED Delete to beginning of word | | | UND L |REPLACE |
BACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line +--------+--------+--------+--------+
CTRL/A Compute tab level | | | | |
CTRL/D Decrease tab level |COMMAND | FIND | UND W | SECT |
CTRL/E Increase tab level +--------+--------+--------+--------+
CTRL/K Define key | | | | |
CTRL/R Refresh screen | BOTTOM | TOP | UND C |SPECINS |
CTRL/T Adjust tabs +--------+--------+--------+--------+
CTRL/U Delete to beginning of line | WORD | EOL | CUT | LEFT |
CTRL/W Refresh screen | | | | |
CTRL/Z Return to line mode |CHNGCASE|DEL EOL | PASTE | APPEND |
| | | |
*** For help on a key, press the key. +-----------------+--------+--------+
*** To exit, press the spacebar.
3 127
Deletes the character preceding the cursor and stores it in the
delete character buffer. When the cursor is on the leftmost character position
on a line, the line terminator to the left is deleted and the text on that line
is moved to the right of the text in the line above.
3 300
LINE (0)
Moves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest beginning of a line,
depending on the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
Inserts a carriage return/linefeed after the cursor and leaves the cursor
position unchanged. Pressing the OPEN LINE key when the cursor is at the
beginning of the line creates a new blank line.
3 301
WORD (1)
Moves the cursor forward or backward by a word, depending on the current
direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
Changes the case of a range of characters as follows:
.le;If the select range is active, the case of each alphabetic
character in the select range is changed.
.le;If 1 does not apply and the cursor is positioned on the current search
string, the case of each alphabetic character in the search string is
changed. This does not apply if a repeat count greater than 1 is given.
.le;If 1 and 2 do not apply, then the case of one character is changed.
If the current direction is ADVANCE, then the cursor moves forward one
character after the change of case occurs. If the current direction is
BACKUP, then the cursor moves backward one character before the case
change occurs.
3 302
EOL (2)
Moves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest end of line, depending on
the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
Deletes all characters to the right of the cursor in the current line, including
the character on which the cursor is positioned, up to, but not including the
line terminator.
3 303
CUT (3)
Moves the select range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the text
between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor position. If
no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current search
string, that string is cut. Each time CUT is used, the previous contents of the
PASTE buffer are discarded.
Inserts the contents of the PASTE buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 304
Sets the current direction to forward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,
SUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. ADVANCE means that movement will be toward the end
of the buffer; that is, to the right and down.
Positions the cursor at the end of the text buffer.
3 305
Sets the cursor direction to backward for the CHAR, WORD, LINE, EOL, PAGE, SECT,
SUBS, FIND, and FNDNXT keys. BACKUP means that movement will be toward the
beginning of the buffer; that is, to the left and up.
Positions the cursor at the beginning of the text buffer.
3 306
DEL C (6)
Deletes the character on which the cursor is positioned and saves it in the
delete character buffer.
Inserts the contents of the delete character buffer directly in front of the
3 307
PAGE (7)
Moves the cursor to the top of a page. A page is defined by a delimiter string,
which can be set by the SET ENTITY command. The default page delimiter is the
formfeed character (CTRL/L).
Allows you to input a line mode command to be executed. The command is
processed when you press the ENTER key on the keypad.
3 308
Searches for the next occurrence of the search string previously entered by the
FIND key. The direction of the search is the current one (ADVANCE or BACKUP).
Searches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter the
string from the main keyboard. End the string by pressing either the ADVANCE or
BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the ENTER key to search in the
current direction.
3 309
DEL W (9)
Deletes text from the cursor to the beginning of the next word, storing the text
in the delete word buffer.
Inserts the contents of the delete word buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 310
Use the HELP key to obtain help on the editing keypad.
3 311
Deletes text from the cursor position to the end of the current line, including
the line terminator. If the cursor is positioned at the beginning of a line,
the entire line is deleted. The deleted text is saved in the delete line
Inserts the contents of the delete line buffer directly in front of the cursor.
3 312
The _^ (up-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character above.
Deletes the select range and replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer.
3 313
The v (down-arrow) key moves the cursor to the character below.
Moves the cursor 16 lines (one section) forward or backward, depending on the
current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP).
3 314
The --> (right-arrow) key moves the cursor to the next character.
Inserts any ASCII character by using its decimal value. Press the GOLD key,
enter the decimal representation of the character, press the GOLD key again, and
press SPECINS (special insert).
3 315
The <-- (left-arrow) key moves the cursor to the preceding character.
Moves the select range to the end of the PASTE buffer. The select range is all
the text between the selected position (see SELECT) and the current cursor
position. If no SELECT has been made and the cursor is positioned on the
current search string, that string is appended.
3 316
Marks one end of a select range. A select range is a block of text on which
various operations (such as CUT, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. To create a
select range, you:
.le;Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you wish to
.le;Press the SELECT key.
.le;Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text.
You can then perform the desired operation on the range.
Cancels the effect of the GOLD key if it was pressed by mistake, cancels a
select range, or cancels any partially-entered command string. Also sets
the current direction to forward.
3 320
Lets you use the lower function of the editing keys. Press the GOLD key, then
the key you wish to use.
You can also use the GOLD key to enter counts. Press GOLD and then the main
keyboard numeric keys, followed by the key to which the count should apply. The
DELETE key and CTRL/U can be used to edit the count, and thus cannot have a
count applied to them manner. The count can be a repeat-count, a level-count,
or the code for a character, depending on the terminating key.
For help on "GOLD letter" (for example, GOLD A), press the alphabetic key on the
main keyboard.
3 321
Processes the command that was just given.
Deletes the search string, replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer,
and finds the next occurrence of the string. For multiple substitutions, you:
.le;Press SELECT.
.le;Type the new text.
.le;Press CUT.
.le;Press FIND.
.le;Enter the text you wish to replace.
Each time you press SUBS, EDT makes one substitution and finds the next
occurrence of the search string. You can use a repeat count for multiple
3 001
Sets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing the current
cursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor position is not a
multiple of the SET TAB number, an error results.
3 004
Used to decrease the indentation level counter.
3 005
Used to increase the indentation level counter.
3 006
Performs a word fill on the select range. A word fill reformats a block of text
so that as many full words as possible are placed on each line without exceeding
the right margin. You can set the right margin with the SET WRAP command. If
it is not set, the default is the terminal width - 1. For purposes of the FILL
command, only spaces are used as word delimiters.
3 008
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If the cursor is already
on the beginning of a line, it moves to the beginning of the previous line.
3 009
Moves the cursor in one of two ways:
.le;If the tab size has not been set with SET TAB or if the cursor is not at
the beginning of the line, a tab character is inserted at the cursor
.le;If the tab size has been set with SET TAB or if the cursor is at the
beginning of the line, a number of tab characters and spaces are
inserted to move the cursor to the column position that is equal to the
SET TAB value times the indentation level count.
3 010
Used to delete all characters from the cursor position to the beginning of the
word containing the cursor. If the cursor is on the first character of a word
the previous word is deleted.
3 011
Used to define a new function for an editing key. You are prompted first to
press the key to be defined, then to enter the definition. You can define the key
either in terms of other editing keys or with change mode subcommands. When you
use an editing key, its definition appears at the bottom of the screen.
3 012
Inserts a formfeed character (<FF>) at the cursor position.
3 018
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 020
Adjusts the tab level of the select range. To use the key, you:
.le;Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.
.le;Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tab
indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default
level count is 1.
.le;Use the tab adjust key.
The effect of CTRL/T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of the
select range by the number of tabs indicated by the level count.
3 021
Used to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. If
the cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line is
3 023
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 026
Returns you to line editing.
3 065
Sets the indentation level count to the value obtained from dividing the current
cursor column position by the SET TAB number. If the cursor position is not a
multiple of the SET TAB number, an error results.
3 068
Used to decrease the indentation level counter.
3 069
Used to increase the indentation level counter.
3 070
Performs a word fill on the select range. A word fill reformats a block of text
so that as many full words as possible are placed on each line without exceeding
the right margin. The right margin can be set by the SET WRAP command. If it
is not set, the default is the terminal width - 1. For purposes of the FILL
command, only spaces are used as word delimiters.
3 082
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 084
Adjusts the tab level of the select range. The key is used as follows:
.le;Create a select range of the text you wish to adjust.
.le;Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tab
indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default
level count is 1.
.le;Use the tab adjust key.
The effect of GOLD T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of the
select range by the number of tabs indicated by the level count.
3 085
Used to delete all characters in the current line to the left of the cursor. If
the cursor is on the first character of a line, the entire previous line is
3 087
Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters
in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages.
The cursor remains in the same location.
3 090
Returns you to line editing.
The CHANGE command (abbreviated C) puts EDT in change mode. Use change mode
to edit at the character level rather than the line level.
Format: CHANGE [range] [_\nokeypad commands]
The optional range specifies the cursor position when you enter change mode. If
you omit range, the current position is used.
There are three submodes of change mode. Which submode you use depends on the
type of terminal you are using and whether or not you wish to use the auxiliary
(numeric) keypad for editing commands. These modes are:
.le;Hardcopy mode
.le;Keypad mode
.le;Nokeypad mode
If the command contains a backslash (_\) it may be followed by nokeypad commands.
If the last nokeypad command is EX, EDT returns to line mode for the next
command line. This is the only form of the CHANGE command that may be used in a
startup file or macro.
Entities are used in change mode subcommands to specify the text on which a
subcommand will operate. Each entity represents a portion of text, which may be
anything from a single character to an entire text buffer. Most entities can be
preceded by a count, which indicates the number of entities to be affected.
The character entity is specified by the letter C. It selects a single
character of text.
A word consists of a string of characters terminated by one of a set of delimiter
characters. The default delimiter characters are spaces, tabs, carriage
returns, line feeds, formfeeds, and vertical tabs. Spaces are handled in a
special way: all spaces following a word up to the first non-space character
are considered part of a word. Other delimiters are not considered part of
the word they terminate. Rather, they are considered to be words by themselves,
unless NODELIMITERS has been set. If NODELIMTERS is set, delimiters are not
considered words by themselves but are considered part of the word they
terminate. The three word entities are:
.b0.i-4;W###Specifies the entire word in which the cursor is positioned.
.b0.i-4;BW##Specifies all characters preceding the cursor up to the beginning
of the word.
.b0.i-4;EW##Specifies all characters from the cursor through the end of the word.
You can change the word delimiters with the SET ENTITY command.
The line entities are:
.b0.i-4;L###Specifies the entire line in which the cursor is positioned.
.b0.i-4;BL##Specifies all characters preceding the cursor up to the beginning
of a line. (When the cursor is positioned at the beginning of a line,
the BL entity selects the entire previous line.)
.b0.i-4;EL##Specifies all characters from the cursor to the end of a line, including
the character on which the cursor is positioned. (If the cursor is on a
line terminator, the entire next line is selected.)
.b0.i-4;NL##Specifies all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the next
line, including the character on which the cursor is positioned.
The range entities specify all text in the buffer either before or after the
cursor. The two range entities are:
.b0.i-4;BR##Specifies the text from the cursor position to the beginning of the
.b0.i-4;ER##Specifies the text from the cursor position to the end of the buffer.
A sentence consists of a string of characters terminated by one of a set of
single character delimiters. The default sentence delimiters are: period (.),
question mark (?), and exclamation point (!). A sentence delimiter is
considered to be a delimiter only if it is at the end of a line or if it is
followed by a space. The line terminator or trailing spaces are considered a
part of the sentence. There are three sentence entities:
.b0.i-6;SEN###Specifies the entire sentence in which the cursor is positioned,
including the delimiter and trailing spaces or line terminator.
.b0.i-6;BSEN##Specifies all characters preceding the cursor in the current sentence.
.b0.i-6;ESEN##Specifies all characters in the current sentence from the cursor to
(but not including) the delimiter character.
The sentence delimiters can be changed by the SET ENTITY command.
A page consists of all the text between two page delimiters, including the
trailing page delimiter. The default page delimiter is the formfeed character.
The three page entities are:
.b0.i-6;PAGE##Specifies all of the current page.
.b0.i-6;BPAGE#Specifies all characters in the current page from the character
preceding the cursor to the beginning of the page.
.b0.i-6;EPAGE#Specifies all characters in the current page from the cursor to (but
not including) the page delimiter.
You can change the page delimiter with the SET ENTITY command.
A paragraph consists of all the text between two paragraph delimiters, including
the trailing paragraph delimiter, and if WPS is set, any adjacent delimiters.
The default paragraph delimiter is two consecutive line terminators.
The three paragraph entities are:
.b0.i-6;PAR###Specifies all of the current paragraph.
.b0.i-6;BPAR##Specifies all characters in the current paragraph from the character
preceding the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
.b0.i-6;EPAR##Specifies all characters in the current paragraph from the cursor to
(but not including) the paragraph delimiter.
You can change the paragraph delimiter with the SET ENTITY command.
The select entity consists of all characters between the cursor and the select
mark. The select mark must have been specified previously by a SEL subcommand.
The select range entity is specified by SR. Some commands use the search
string when SR is used and no select mark has been specified.
The vertical line entity is the same as the line entity, except that with the V
entity, the cursor stays in the same column. You specify the vertical entity
with V.
The string entity consists of all the characters between the cursor and the next
occurrence of a specified search string. Specify the string entity by enclosing
the desired search string in single or double quotes. If the string is null
(specified by '' or ""), the previous search string is used again.
For key definitions, you may use the null character (ASCII character 0) in place
of the quotes to avoid conflicts with the search string.
On a hardcopy terminal, change mode operates like this:
When you enter change mode, EDT displays the current line on the terminal.
The cursor position is marked by bracketing the character on which the cursor is
positioned. EDT will then prompt with the characters:
In response, you type a series of change mode subcommands terminated by a
carrige return. EDT will execute the commands and retype the line.
You enter the keypad submode of change mode when your terminal is a VT100 or
VT52 and the keypad option is on. (This option is on by default for these
terminals.) In this submode, the terminal screen is used to view the text
buffer. Characters typed on the main keyboard are inserted into the buffer at
the cursor position. You enter editing commands by using keys on the auxiliary
keypad, function keys, or control keys on the main keyboard.
For more help on keypad mode, type CHANGE to enter that mode. Use the keypad
HELP facility as follows:
.le;If your terminal is a VT100, press the keypad key marked PF2.
.le;If your terminal is a VT52, press the red keypad key.
.if eightbit
.le;If your terminal has function keys, press the function key marked HELP.
.endif eightbit
You enter the screen submode of change mode if your terminal is a VT100 or VT52
and the SET NOKEYPAD command has been used to turn off the keypad option. The
screen is used as a window into the text buffer. You type change mode commands
at the keyboard; they echo on the bottom line of the screen. EDT executes the
commands and updates the text on the screen whenever you type a carriage return.
When EDT is in change mode, it accepts a distinct set of commands called the
change mode subcommands. You may concatenate a string of subcommands with
or without spaces separating them.
Subcommands take one of the following forms, depending on the particular
.le;[+|-] [count] command
.le;[+|-] [count] [command] [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity [=buffer]
Whenever a sign can appear in more than one place, the last sign specified
determines the direction.
The ADV command sets the cursor direction to advance. Many subcommands use the
current direction to determine whether entities to the left or to the right of
the cursor are to be affected. When the direction is advance, subcommands
affect the cursor character and characters to the right.
Format: ADV
The APPEND command works in the same way as the CUT command (see CUT) except
that it adds the new text to the end of the alternate buffer instead of
replacing its contents.
Format: [+|-] [count] APPEND [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity [=buffer]
The ASC subcommand inserts a specified ASCII character into the buffer at the
cursor position. Use the count field to indicate the decimal value of the ASCII
character you want to insert.
Format: [count] ASC
The ASC command is the only way to insert a carriage return into the
middle of a line of text; otherwise, insert commands always treat the carriage
return as a line terminator. The following command would insert a carriage
13ASC (13 is the ASCII code for carriage return)
The BACK command sets the cursor direction to backup. Many subcommands use the
current direction to determine whether entities to the left or to the right of
the cursor are to be affected. When the direction is backup, subcommands affect
characters to the left of the cursor.
Format: BACK
The BELL command rings the bell on the terminal. There is no effect on the text
Format: BELL
The CHGC command changes the case of every alphabetic character in the specified
number of entities: lowercase characters become uppercase and uppercase become
Format: [+|-] [count] CHGC [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
CHGCSR (change case of select region) works differently: If there is no select
range and the cursor is in the search string, CHGCSR changes the case of every
alphabetic character in the search string. If there is no select range and the
cursor is not in the search string, CHGCSR changes the case of the character
under the cursor, if it is alphabetic. If the [count] field is two or more,
CHGCSR ignores the search string condition.
The CHGL command forces every alphabetic character in the specified range to
Format: [+|-] [count] CHGL [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
CHGLSR has the same special contingencies as CHGCSR.
The CHGU command forces every alphabetic character in the specified range to
Format: [+|-] [count] CHGU [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
CHGUSR has the same special contingencies as CHGCSR.
The CLSS command clears the search string buffer.
Format: CLSS
The CUT command deletes a specified number of entities and saves all the deleted
text in an alternate text buffer. The command works exactly like the DELETE
command except that the text is saved.
Format: [+|-] [count] CUT [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity [=buffer]
If you do not specify a buffer, the buffer named PASTE is used.
.b0.i-5;Ex:##CUTSR###Cut the selected range
.b0;CUTPAGE#Cut the current page of text
3 D
The D subcommand deletes a specified number of entities.
Format: [+|-] [repeat-count] D [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
If the entity is C, W, BW, EW, L, BL, EL, or NL, the last entity deleted by the
command is saved in the delete buffer associated with the entity and can be
restored with the UNDELETE C, W, or L subcommand.
.b0.i-12;Ex:#D15C####Deletes 15 characters in the current direction.
.b0.i-8;DSR#####Deletes the select range.
.b0.i-8;DBR#####Deletes to the beginning of the buffer.
The DATE command inserts the current date and time string into the buffer at
the current cursor position.
The form of the string is: dd-Mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss . Note the trailing space.
Before the tenth of the month the dd is a space followed by a single digit.
This command always uses the English abbreviations for month names.
Format: DATE
The DEFK command assigns new definitions to editing keys. You are prompted
first to press the key to be defined, then to enter the definition. You can
define the key either in terms of other editing keys or by use of change mode
subcommands. If you use a keypad or function key, its definition appears at the
bottom of the screen. You should only use this command in keypad change mode.
Format: DEFK
The DESEL command cancels the current select range if one is active. If no
select range is active the command has no effect.
Format: DESEL
The DLWC command sets the default command to CHGL. With this as the
default command, a MOVE command moves the cursor the specified
number of entities and leaves each moved alphabetic character as
Format: DLWC
The DMOV command returns the default command to MOVE. When the default
command is MOVE, a MOVE command moves the cursor the specified number of
entities and changes no text.
Format: DMOV
The DUPC command is used to set the default command to CHGU. With this as the
default command, a MOVE command moves the cursor the specified number of
entities and leaves each moved alphabetic character as uppercase.
Format: DUPC
The EXIT command exits change mode (not the editor). When the exit command is
executed you return to line mode.
Format: EX
The EXT command executes a line mode command while you are in change mode. EDT
interprets the remainder of the command line as a line mode command, executes
the command, and reenters change mode automatically.
Format: EXT line mode command
The FILL command reformats a block of text so that as many complete words as
possible are placed on each line without exceeding the right margin. It sets
the right margin to the terminal width minus 1 character by default. The margin
may be changed by the SET WRAP command.
Format: [+|-] [count] FILL [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
The HELP command causes a diagram of keypad functions and CONTROL key
descriptions to appear on the screen. If executed in keypad change mode,
additional information can be obtained by pressing keypad or control keys; in
nokeypad mode, pressing any subsequent key returns you to editing mode.
3 I
The I command inserts new text into the buffer at the current cursor position.
Format: I text to be inserted _^Z
This command behaves differently in each mode:
.le;In keypad mode, insert text by typing on the main keyboard; you do not
need to begin the insert with I or end it with _^Z.
.le;In nokeypad mode, type I to begin inserting text. You can insert text
from the keyboard until you enter _^Z; you can enter one or more lines of text.
.le;In hardcopy mode, type I to begin inserting text. You can insert text
from the keyboard until you enter either a _^Z or a carriage return.
3 KS
The KS command modifies the cursor position after a PASTE command.
Format: KS
After a PASTE command, the cursor is on the character to the right of the pasted
text. If PASTE is followed by KS, however, the cursor moves to the last
pasted character if the current direction is advance and to the first pasted
character if the direction is backup. You should only use the KS command
immediately after a PASTE command.
Such cursor positioning affects a subsequent string search. KS is used in the
definition of the keypad SUBS function so that the character that follows the
pasted text in the current direction is included in the next string search.
The MOVE command moves the cursor a specified number of entities. If the
default command is lowercase, all alphabetic characters encountered are forced
to lowercase. If the default command is uppercase, all alphabetic characters
encountered are forced to uppercase. With the default command set to move, no
text is changed.
Format: [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
If you use an explicit sign, the direction of the move is determined by that
sign (+ for forward, - for backward); otherwise, the current direction mode
(set by the ADV and BACK commands) is used to determine the direction.
.b0.i-13;Ex:##+3W#####Moves the cursor 3 words forward.
.b0.i-8;L#######Moves the cursor 1 line in the current direction.
.b0.i-8;-PAGE###Moves the cursor backward to a page mark.
The PASTE command copies the contents of an alternate buffer into the current
buffer at the cursor position.
Format: [count] PASTE [=buffer]
If you omit the buffer name, the PASTE buffer is used.
The QUIT subcommand leaves the editor without saving any text buffers. This
will cause you to lose any editing you have done in this session unless you used
the WRITE command to save the text before quitting.
Format: QUIT
3 R
The R(eplace) command has the same form as the D command. In nokeypad mode,
the R command will enter insert mode after the text is deleted.
Format: [+|-] [repeat-count] R [+|-] [count] [+|-] entity
The REF command refreshes the screen.
Format: REF
3 S
The S command replaces occurrences of one string of characters with another.
Format: [+|-] [count] S/string-1/string-2/
The slashes represent any non-alphanumeric character used to delimit the two
strings. S searches in the specified direction from the cursor and finds an
occurrence of string-1. It deletes string-1 and inserts string-2 in its place.
The SEL command marks a portion of text that will be one end of a select range.
You create a select range by marking one end of the desired text (either end
will do), moving to the other end, and performing an operation on the SR (select
range) entity.
Format: SEL
Use the SHIFT LEFT and SHIFT RIGHT commands to alter the left margin when in
change mode. The left margin is the position of the first character in each
line on the screen. Normally, the left margin is 0, which means all characters
are displayed. If you use a SHR command, the left margin can be changed by an
integral number of tab stops (8 characters). If SHL is used once, the first 8
columns will not be displayed on the screen. This shifts the screen window
.b0.i-8;Format:#count SHL (Shift left by count tab stops)
.b0;count SHR (Shift right by count tab stops)
The SSEL command searches for the occurrence of a string and places the string
in the select range. The cursor remains at the far end of the string.
Format: SSEL"string"
3 SN
The SN command performs a SUBSTITUTE command using the same search and
replacement strings as the previous SUBSTITUTE command.
Format: [+|-] [count] SN
Use the TAB subcommand when the structured tab feature is enabled. Insert the
correct number of tabs and blanks to position to the current tab level. When
structured tabs have not been enabled or the cursor is not at the beginning of a
line, this command inserts a tab character.
Format: TAB
The TADJ command adjusts the tab level for the selected range of text. The tab
size and level-count set the tab level (see TC). The tab level is adjusted by
the value of level-count; it is incremented for a positive level-count and
decremented for a negative level-count. A level-count not preceded by + or - is
assumed positive. The TADJ tab setting is the product of the tab size and the
indentation level.
Format: [+|-] [level-count] TADJ [+|-] [entity-count] [+|-] entity
Note that the + or - that precedes the level-count is not used to modify the
direction of entity selection. Its function in this command differs in this way
from all other commands taking the above format.
3 TC
The TC subcommand computes the tab level from the current cursor
position. This command has meaning only if the structured tab feature has been
enabled. See the SET TAB command.
Format: TC
3 TD
The TD subcommand decreases the tab level counter. This command has meaning
only when the structured tab feature has been enabled. See the SET TAB command.
Format: TD
The TGSEL command allows you to toggle select. That is, when the
select range is active, TGSEL will cancel it, and where no select
range is active, TGSEL will enable it.
Format: TGSEL
3 TI
The TI subcommand increases the tab level counter. This commmand has meaning
only when the structured tab feature has been enabled. See the SET TAB command.
Format: TI
The TOP command forces the line on which the cursor is positioned to
the top of the screen.
Format: TOP
The UNDELETE commands restore the last entity deleted by a delete
.b0.i-8;Format:#UNDC (undelete character)
.b0;UNDW (undelete word)
.b0;UNDL (undelete line)
3 ()
A sequence of subcommands can also be enclosed in parentheses to form a single
unit. A numeric literal preceding the left parenthesis indicates the number of
times to repeat the entire sequence.
3 ^
This command provides for the insertion of control characters in text. EDT
accepts a circumflex (_^) followed by an alphabetic character and inserts the
corresponding control character in the text as a single character.
Format: [count]_^[A..Z]
The CLEAR (abbreviated CL) command deletes all the text in a buffer.
Format: CLEAR buffer-name
All the text in the specified buffer is deleted. (Note that the argument is a
buffername, not a range specification: CLEAR PASTE is valid, while CLEAR
The COPY (abbreviated CO) command copies text from one location to another
within a buffer or between buffers. When text is copied, the source text
remains intact.
Format: COPY [range-1] TO [range-2] [/QUERY] [/DUPLICATE:n]
The lines specified by range-1 are copied in front of the first line specified
by range-2. Either range defaults to the current line.
If the destination is not the current buffer, put the name of the receiving
buffer immediately after TO (=buffer). Give the full name of the buffer. To
copy text from an external file, see INCLUDE.
When you use the /DUPLICATE (abbreviated /D) qualifier, the lines specified
by range-1 are duplicated n times.
Format: /DUPLICATE:n
When you use the /QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with a
question mark (?) to verify each line to be copied.
Format: /QUERY
Responses are:
.b0.i-4;Y###Yes, copy this line
.b0.i-4;N###No, do not copy this line
.b0.i-4;Q###Quit, do not copy any of the rest of the lines
.b0.i-4;A###All, copy all the rest of the lines
The DEFINE command (abbreviated DEF) defines either editing keys for keypad
mode or macros for line mode.
The DEFINE KEY (abbreviated DEF K) command defines customized editing keypads
or extends the keypad now available by using additional control keys. It is
also used to define function keys, for terminals that have function keys.
Format: DEFINE KEY key-selector AS "string"
Format: DEFINE KEY key-selector AS "string"
Key-selector is one of the following
.if eightbit
.b0;[GOLD] [FUNCTION] number
.endif eightbit
.b0;[GOLD] CONTROL letter
.b0;[GOLD] CONTROL "letter"
Number refers to keypad and function keys and CONTROL letter names specific
control keys (upper- and lowercase letters are considered equivalent). DELETE
refers to the delete key, which is not a control character. Character refers to
any keyboard key except 0-9. Characters !, ?, ;, and " must be enclosed in
quotes, others may be. With " an extra quote is required, ie, """".
Format: DEFINE KEY key-selector AS "string"
The string is a string of change mode subcommands that define the function of
the key. If you want the command to be executed when the key is struck, the
definition must end with a period; otherwise, EDT will accumulate definitions
until the user types a key whose definition ends with a period, then execute
them all together.
You can use a question mark (?) or question mark and asterisk (?*), in key
definitions to request input from the user. The ? is then replaced by the
characters read from the terminal before the command is executed. A prompt
string enclosed in single quotes may follow the ?. A response to an input
request generated by a ? must be terminated by a keypad or function key, whereas
a response to a ?* may be terminated by a keypad key, a function key or a
carriage return.
If you define a key as "RESET" (must be exactly five characters) the key will
perform the reset keypad function. RESET is not a nokeypad command.
If you define a key as "GOLD" the key will perform the gold keypad function.
GOLD is not a nokeypad command.
To define the key CTRL/A to move 3 lines, use the following command:
To define the GOLDed function of the up-arrow key to mean "go to top of buffer,"
use the following command:
To define the key CTRL/D to write your COBOL identification division header for
you, use the following command:
(After pressing the key, give the program name.)
To define the CTRL/R key to prompt for the name of a BLISS routine, which it
will then find, use the following commmand:
3 VT52
This diagram defines | | | | |
the numbers of the | 20 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
keypad keys on VT52 | | | | |
terminals for use in +-------+-------+-------+-------+
the DEFINE KEY | | | | |
command. | 7 | 8 | 9 | 13 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 4 | 5 | 6 | 14 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 15 |
| | | | |
| | | |
| 0 | 16 | 21 |
| | | |
3 VT100
+-------+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+-------+
| | | | | | | | | |
| 12 | 13 | 15 | 14 | | 20 | 10 | 11 | 17 |
| | | | | | | | | |
+-------+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+-------+
| | | | |
This diagram defines the numbers | 7 | 8 | 9 | 18 |
of the keypad keys on VT100 | | | | |
terminals for use in the command. +-------+-------+-------+-------+
| | | | |
| 4 | 5 | 6 | 19 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | |
| | | | |
+-------+-------+-------+ 21 |
| | | |
| 0 | 16 | |
| | | |
.if eightbit
Terminals with function keys have a row of function keys across the top, and a
six-key editing keypad just above the arrow keys. The arrow keys themselves are
arranged as an inverted T. The editing keypad is numbered from 1 to six, left
to right, top to bottom. The top row of function keys has numbers above 6, with
some of the keys being inaccessible because they perform local functions or
because they are omitted to provide spacing between groups.
.endif eightbit
The DEFINE MACRO (abbreviated DEF M) command defines line mode macro commands.
Format: DEFINE MACRO name
The name is the name of the text buffer in which the macro is stored. The macro
itself is a series of EDT line-mode commands.
Invoke the macro by giving its name in response to the line mode prompt.
The DELETE (abbreviated D) command deletes the lines specified by the range.
Format: DELETE [range] [/QUERY]
If you do not specify the range, the default is the current line.
When you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with a
question mark (?) to verify each line to be deleted.
Format: /QUERY
Responses are:
.b0.i-6;Y###Yes, delete this line
.b0.i-6;N###No, do not delete this line
.b0.i-6;Q###Quit, do not delete any of the rest of the lines
.b0.i-6;A###All, delete all the rest of the lines
The EXIT (abbreviated EX) command terminates all action in the editor and
saves a copy of the MAIN text buffer in the output file.
.if numbers
Format: EXIT [file-spec] [/SEQUENCE:[init:incr]] [/SAVE] [/GO]
.else numbers
Format: EXIT [file-spec] [/SAVE] [/GO]
.endif numbers
If you omit the file specification, the output file name from the command line
that invoked EDT is used. If no output file name has been specified, and if
/READONLY and /NOOUTPUT have not been specified, then the input file name is
When you use the /SAVE (abbreviated
.if numbers
.else numbers
.endif numbers
qualifier, the journal file is saved. The journal file
is called 'name.JOU', where name is the output file name from the command line.
For information about the journal facility, see HELP JOURNAL.
.if numbers
Format: /SEQUENCE[:init:incr]
When you use the /SEQUENCE option (abbreviated /SE), the output file is
written with line numbers. The values of both 'init' and 'incr' must be less
than 99999.
If you set init and incr, the file is renumbered starting with the number you
choose for init, and the lines are incremented by the number you choose for
incr. Otherwise, the line numbers assigned by EDT are written. These line
numbers are truncated to integers and taken modulo 100000, with a maximum value
of 99999.
.endif numbers
2 /GO
When you use the /GO option (abbreviated /G), the last load class command
used before entering EDT will be re-executed. These commands are COMPILE, DEBUG,
EXECUTE, and LOAD. This simplifies the task of editing and testing new programs.
Format: /GO
The FILL (abbreviated FIL) command reformats a block of text so that there are
as many full words on a line as possible without exceeding the right margin.
Format: FILL [range]
The lines in the range must be contiguous. If you omit the range, the select
range is assumed.
The right margin is set by the SET WRAP command. If the margin has not been
set, the default is the terminal width minus 1.
The FIND (abbreviated F) command places the cursor at the first line specified
by range.
Format: FIND [range]
The located line is not typed. To find and type a line, use the TYPE command.
.i-10;Ex:#F#=X##Returns EDT's attention to buffer X, to the line EDT was on when it
last left buffer X.
The INCLUDE (abbreviated INC) command copies external files into text buffers.
Format: INCLUDE file-spec [range]
The specified file is copied to the location before the first line of the range.
Note that range specifies the position to which the file will be copied; it
does not restrict the portion of the file which will be included. To include
part of a file, first INCLUDE the file into a buffer, then COPY text from the
The INSERT (abbreviation: I) command inserts new text into a text buffer.
Format: INSERT [range] [_\line to be inserted]
The new text is inserted before the first line specified by range. If you omit
range, new text is inserted just before the line at which the cursor is
If you do not use the optional backslash, the editor enters insert mode. In
insert mode, you can enter as many lines of text as you wish, terminating each
line with a carriage return. Terminate insert mode by typing CTRL/Z.
If you choose the optional backslash, the text on the line following the
backslash is inserted and the editor does not enter insert mode. This is the
only form of the INSERT command that should be used in a startup file or macro.
The line following the last line inserted becomes the current line.
EDT saves all input from the terminal during an editing session in a file called
the journal file. The journal file is deleted when you exit the editor with an
EXIT command or a QUIT command (without the /SAVE option). If the editor is
left involuntarily, the journal file is saved.
The journal file can be used to redo all the operations of an editing session.
The edited file is thereby recreated. Type the same command line used
previously with the addition of the /RECOVER qualifier.
Unless explicitly overridden by the /JOURNAL qualifier on the command line, the
journal file will have the same name as the output file, except that the file
type will be JOU.
The MOVE (abbreviated M) command moves text from one location to another,
deleting it from the original location.
Format: MOVE [range-1] TO [range-2] [/QUERY]
The lines specified by range-1 are moved to a location immediately before the
first line specified by range-2. The lines are deleted from the original
location. If you omit either of the range specifications, the current line is
used. The first line of range-2 becomes the new current line. To move lines of
text without deleting them from the original location, see the COPY command.
When you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with a
question mark (?) to verify each line to be moved.
Format: /QUERY
Responses are:
.b0.i-6;Y###Yes, move this line.
.b0.i-6;N###No, do not move this line.
.b0.i-6;Q###Quit, do not move any of the rest of the lines.
.b0.i-6;A###All, move all the rest of the lines.
The PRINT (abbreviated PR) command creates a listing file with the specified
file name.
Format: PRINT file-spec [range]
The lines selected by range are written to a listing format file with page
headers. If the NUMBERS option is set (see SET NUMBERS), the EDT line numbers
will appear on the listing. If you omit range, the entire current buffer is
printed. Print does not alter the current line. Use PRINT only to create a
listing. If you wish to create a file, use the WRITE command.
The PUSH (abbreviated PU) command temporarily transfers control to system level
without disturbing the editing session. Any system command can be executed, but
you should not attempt to edit the same file. To return to the editing session
type POP.
The QUIT command exits the editor without saving the contents of the MAIN
buffer. The QUIT command cannot be abbreviated.
Format: QUIT [/SAVE]
Use the QUIT command only if you have made no changes to the buffer you are
editing or if you have decided you do not wish to save the changes you have
made. All edits will be discarded when you QUIT from the editor.
The SAVE qualifier specifies that the journal file should be saved. Normally,
the journal file is deleted when you QUIT.
Range specifications select the exact lines of text on which the line editing
command will operate.
There are several general classes of range specifications:
.le;Single line ranges specify a single line of text.
.le;Multiple line ranges specify blocks of text, such as an entire buffer or
all lines from the current line to the end of the buffer.
.le;Compound ranges combine single line ranges with operators to specify
multiple lines of text.
.le;Noncontiguous ranges specify multiple lines that are not necessarily
adjacent to one another.
The ALL range further refines a general range specification.
Format: [range] ALL "string"
While range can be a single, multiple, or compound range, the command being
performed will only apply to those lines of text containing the given string.
This string must be enclosed in double quotes.
.i-30;Ex:###TYPE#ALL#"EDT"##########When ALL is used, the default for range is
WHOLE. This command will type all the lines in the current
buffer containing the string "EDT".
.b0.i-24;SUBS/A/B/50:100#ALL#"1"#Substitute B for A in lines from 50 to 100
which include the string 1.
The AND range selects a group of single lines.
.i-10;Format:###range-1 AND range-2 AND range-3 ... or
.b0;range-1 , range-2 , range-3
Each of the ranges must be a single line range. Each of the single lines is
operated on.
.i-4;Ex:#TYPE#4#AND#7######Lines 4 and 7 are displayed on the terminal
.b0;TYPE#BEGIN,END-1##The first and last lines are displayed on the terminal
The BEGIN range (abbreviated B) is a single line range that specifies the
first line in the buffer.
The BEFORE range (abbreviated BEF) is a multiple line range that specifies
all the lines in the buffer preceding the current line.
The BUFFER (abbreviated BU) specification may precede any other range
specification and indicates that the range is to be applied to a named buffer.
.i-10;Format:###BUFFER name [range] or
.b0;=name [range]
The two forms are equivalent. Name is the name of the buffer in which the text
resides. If you leave out the range, the entire buffer is selected.
The dot (.) is a single line range that refers to the current line of text.
For many commands, dot is the default range. See the help text for a command if
you are unsure of the default.
Ex: TYPE . Type the current line.
The END (abbreviated E) range specifies an imaginary line following the last
line in the buffer. END does not specify the last line in the buffer. The last
line can be referred to by E-1 (that is, the line preceding END). When the END
line is typed, it looks like:
The FOR range is a multiple line range that selects a specified number of lines
starting at a specified location.
.i-10;Format:###[range] FOR n or
.b0;[range] _# n
The two forms are equivalent. Range is a single line range that specifies the
starting position, and n is an integer number. If range is omitted, the current
line is the starting position.
.i-24;Ex:#TYPE#.#FOR#5########Type 5 lines, starting with the current line
.b0.i-20;TYPE#_#5#############Equivalent to the previous example
.b0.i-20;TYPE#BEGIN#FOR#10###Type the first 10 lines in the buffer
The LAST (abbreviated L) range is a single line range that refers to the line
in a previous buffer which was the current line when you switched to the current
The minus sign (-) in ranges selects a single line that is a specified number of
lines before a specified line.
Format: [range] - [n]
Range is a single line range, and n is an integer. The line selected is the
line that is n lines before the line specified by range. If you omit range,
the current line is used; if you omit n, 1 is used.
.i-24;Ex:#TYPE#15#-#3#########Type the third line before the line numbered 15.
.b0.i-20;TYPE#END#-1#########Type the last line in the buffer.
.b0.i-20;TYPE#-##############Type the previous line.
A line number is a single line range that refers to the line having the
specified number. The line number may contain a decimal point.
.i-16;Ex:#TYPE#10#####Type line number 10.
.b0.i-12;INSERT#65.3#Insert before line 65.3.
The maximum allowable line number is 45035996273. A line number may have up to
five digits to the right of the decimal point.
You can change the line number with the RESEQUENCE command. In addition, the
INSERT and INCLUDE commands will automatically change the numbers of existing
lines if necessary to make each line in a buffer to have a line number larger
than the previous line.
When lines are read from the primary input file and that file has sequence
numbers, the line number assigned is the sequence number from the file, plus
N*100000, where N is large enough to ensure that each line in the buffer has a
line number larger than the previous line. File sequence numbers range in
value from 0 to 99999.
Format: ORIGINAL n
The ORIGINAL (abbreviated O) range is no longer a feature of EDT. The keyword
ORIGINAL is ignored; the number specified is taken as an editing line number.
See HELP RANGE NUMBER for more information.
The plus sign selects, in ranges, a single line that is a specified number of
lines after a specified line.
Format: [range] + [n]
Range is a single line range, and n is an integer. The line selected is the
line that is n lines after the line specified by range. If you omit range, the
current line is used. If you omit n, 1 is used.
.i-18;Ex:#T#15#+#3######Type the third line after the line numbered 15.
.b0.i-14;T#BEGIN#+1####Type the second line in the buffer.
.b0.i-14;T#+###########Type the line following the current line.
.b0.i-14;T#"string"+2##Type the second line following the next line containing
The REST (abbreviated R) range is a multiple line range that refers to the
current line and all lines following in the buffer.
The SELECT range is a multiple line range that contains all lines between the
current line and the SELECT mark. The SELECT mark is set by the change mode SEL
A quoted string specifies a single line that contains the specified string.
You must enclose the string in double quotes ("). When you
use a string as a range, EDT will search forward, starting with the current
line, until it locates a line with the specified string. If a minus sign (-)
precedes the string, the search will be backward.
.i-16;Ex:#T#"abc"#####Locate and type the first line forward that contains the
string "abc".
.b0.i-12;T#-"abc"####Same, except the search will be backward.
The THRU range is a compound range that specifies all lines between two single
line ranges.
.i-10;Format:###range-1 THRU range-2 or
.b0;range-1 : range-2
Both forms are equivalent. Starting with range-1, EDT selects all the lines up
to and including the line specified by range-2.
.i-20;Ex:#TYP#15:30#########Type all lines with numbers between 15 and 30.
.b0.i-16;TYP#"glorp":END###Type all lines from the first line forward containing
"glorp" to the end.
The WHOLE (abbreviated W) range refers to the entire text buffer.
The REPLACE (abbreviated R) command deletes the specified range of lines and
then places EDT in INSERT mode.
Format: REPLACE [range] [_\text to insert]
When you do not specify a range, replace deletes the current line and inserts
the new text at that location.
If you do not use the optional backslash, the editor enters insert mode. In
insert mode you can enter as many lines of text as you wish, terminating each
line with a carriage return. You terminate insert mode by typing CTRL/Z.
If you use the optional backslash, EDT inserts the text in the command line
following the backslash and the editor does not enter insert mode. This is the
only form of the REPLACE command that should be used in startup files and
The line following the last line inserted becomes the current line.
The recognition feature of the TOPS-20 command parser may be used with commands
entered in line mode or on the initial command line. Two characters are used to
assist with command entry, these are query (?) and escape (ESC).
If you press query at the start of a field in a command, the system will list
the possible elements which may be entered at that point. For example:
Typing: res ?
Produces: res A valid range specification
If you press ESC part-way through a keyword or file specification the rest
of the entity and any
appropriate guide words will be typed by the system. For example:
Typing: res<ESC>
The RESEQUENCE (abbreviated RES) command assigns new line numbers to a range
of lines.
Format: RESEQUENCE [range] [/SEQUENCE:init:incr]
The specified range of lines must be contiguous. When you do not specify a
range, all lines in the current buffer are resequenced. If the new numbers
assigned would cause duplicate or nonsequential line numbers, EDT will either
disallow the command or renumber lines beyond the specified range.
Note that the total count of lines resequenced (which is displayed upon
completion of the command), may differ from the number of lines originally
specified in the range, due to the possibility of extra renumbering.
The SEQUENCE (abbreviated /SEQ) qualifier specifies the sequence of numbers to
be assigned. The init parameter specifies the initial number, and incr
specifies the number by which the lines are incremented. If you do not use the
SEQUENCE qualifier, init and incr both default to 1.
The maximum allowable line number is 45035996273. If, during resequencing, a
line number plus 'incr' would exceed this value, that line and all remaining
lines will be numbered 45035996273. You should correct this immediately by
resequencing with a different 'init' and/or smaller 'incr'.
The SET (abbreviated SE) command sets options that control other editor
operations. Once set, these options are in effect throughout the rest of the
edit session or until changed by the SET command.
The SET AUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE AUTOREPEAT) command enables EDT's use of the
DECARM VT100 control sequence to prevent keypad, function and arrow keys from
repeating faster than EDT can update the screen. If you do not want EDT to
manipulate the VT100's autorepeat feature, use SET NOAUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE
NOAUTOREPEAT). On some VT100-class terminals, SET AUTOREPEAT can cause the
arrow keys to repeat at the rate of 2 per second rather than the usual 30 per
second. With SET NOAUTOREPEAT the arrow keys repeat faster, but the screen is
not be updated for each repeat of the arrow key, since EDT skips intermediate
updates if it gets behind.
On the VT100 with a printer port (not the VT102, which has its printer port
built in), SET NOAUTOREPEAT can cause the terminal to stop transmitting. If
this happens, you can fix it by clearing the keyboard buffer. To clear the
keyboard buffer, push the SET-UP key twice.
Use the SET CASE (abbreviated SE CA) command on terminals which are capable of
displaying uppercase characters only. SET CASE instructs EDT to flag with a
preceding apostrophe either the uppercase characters, the lowercase
characters, or neither. The default for SET CASE is NONE, which means no
characters are flagged.
You can abbreviate the keywords as follows:
Format: SET COMMAND file-specification
The SET COMMAND (abbreviated SE COM) command is used in a startup file to
specify the name of the next startup file to read. EDT provides a default file
type of ".EDT". If the file is not present this command does nothing; otherwise
it causes the current command file to be abandoned and the new one to be read in
its place.
When EDT starts up, it reads the installation-default startup file. The name of
the file is always EDTSYS. The default for the remainder of the file specification
is: SYS:.EDT.
When opening the file, EDT combines the name and the default name together into
a complete file specification.
The installation default initialization file should have SET COMMAND EDTINI at
its end, so that the user's initialization file will be read after the
installation default initialization file. IF EDTSYS is not found, EDT will try
again using the name EDTINI and default type .EDT, so there is no need for an
installation-default initialization file that just contains SET COMMAND EDTINI.
The SET CONTROL-T command makes CTRL/T available to EDT as a keypad mode
command character (normally used for tab operations). SET CONTROL-T may be
abbreviated to SE CON. SET CONTROL-T is the default.
SET NOCONTROL-T (abbreviated SE NOC) gives CTRL/T its usual system function
of reporting the status of the current program (EDT). In line mode, CTRL/T
always performs its status function.
Format: SET CURSOR top:bottom
The SET CURSOR (abbreviated SE CU) command, used with screen editing, sets the
limits within which the cursor is allowed to move without scrolling the screen.
Top and bottom are the line numbers at the top of the screen and the bottom of
the screen. The line numbers must be in the range of 0 to 21, with 0 specifying
the top line of the screen and 21 the bottom. The default setting is 7:14,
allowing the cursor to move within the middle third of the screen.
Format: SET ENTITY entity-type 'delimiter string'
Entity-type is one of the following:
.b0.i-12;WORD########(abbreviation: W)
.b0.i-12;SENTENCE####(abbreviation: S)
.b0.i-12;PAGE########(abbreviation: PAG)
.b0.i-12;PARAGRAPH###(abbreviation: PAR)
The SET ENTITY (abbreviated SE E) command sets the delimiters for the
user-defined change mode entities. For the WORD and SENTENCE entities, the
delimiter string is a set of single character delimiters. For PAGE and
PARAGRAPH, the delimiter is a character string that delimits the entity. See
HELP CHANGE ENTITIES for explanations of the entities.
If control characters are to be inserted into the string, they may be in the form
<XX> where XX must be in uppercase. The following are recognised: <LF>, <VT>,
<CR>, <FF>, <ESC>, and <DEL>.
Format: SET [NO]FNF
The SET FNF option controls whether or not an informative message is typed out
when you attempt to edit a non-existing file. NOFNF opens a new file
but gives no message.
Format: SET HELP [file-specification]
The SET HELP (abbreviated SE H) option lets you define which help file will be
accessed when you either give the HELP command or press the HELP KEY in keypad
mode. The default device and directory are always as listed below unless
overriden by an explicit device and directory. SET HELP without a file
specification returns you to the original default help file.
The default file specification for the help file is HLP:EDTHELP.HLB.
The SET KEYPAD (abbreviated SE K) option controls whether or not the editing
keypad is to be used when you are in CHANGE mode. KEYPAD is set by default for
VT100 and VT52 terminals, which means the alternate keypad is used to enter
change mode commands.
The SET LINES (abbreviated SE L) command controls the number of screen lines
used in either of the screen versions of change mode. Use this option to reduce
the time it takes to refresh the screen image when editing on slow terminals.
Format: SET LINES n
where n is the number of lines to use. n must be between 1 and 22. By default,
n is set to 22 lines.
The SET MODE (abbreviated SE M) command determines which mode of editing
should be entered after all initial processing is complete. This command is
useful only in the startup command file.
By default, EDT enters line mode when the startup processing is complete. Use
SET MODE CHANGE in your startup file to cause EDT to enter change mode when
startup processing is complete.
The SET NUMBERS (abbreviated SE NU) command controls the typing of line
numbers on the terminal. Numbers are set on by default. If you want to
suppress numbers, use SET NONUMBERS (abbreviated NON).
The SET PARA command specifies a paragraph as the text between
two delimiters and including any adjacent delimiters (WPS), or the text between
two delimiters (NOWPS).
Format: SET PROMPT prompt-type "string"
Where prompt-type is either LINE, KEYPAD, NOKEYPAD, HCCHANGE, INSERT,
The SET PROMPT command allows redefinition of the prompt string that is
displayed in line mode, in keypad mode, in nokeypad mode, in hardcopy change
mode, in line mode when inserting, in line mode when inserting with NONUMBERS,
and with the /QUERY qualifier.
Use of this command is not recommended. If SET PROMPT is used, note that
EDT will become confused if the new string for the keypad or nokeypad
prompt causes a net motion of the cursor.
If control characters must be inserted into the string, they may be in the form
<XX> where XX must be in uppercase. The following are recognised: <LF>, <VT>,
<CR>, <FF>, <ESC>, and <DEL>.
The SET QUIET (abbreviated SE Q) command controls whether or not the bell will
sound when an error is made in change mode.
The quiet option is off (meaning the bell will sound) by default.
The SET REPEAT (abbreviated SE REP) command enables you to use the GOLD key
followed by digits to represent a count. If you do not want the ability to use
counts, use SET NOREPEAT (abbreviated SE NOREP). A warning bell sounds if you
attempt to use counts with NOREPEAT set.
By default, REPEAT is enabled.
The SET SCREEN (abbreviated SE SC) command controls the number of characters
displayed on a line.
Format: SET SCREEN w
where w is the width of the screen line. By default, the screen width is set to
the terminal's width, as reported to EDT by the operating system.
The SET SEARCH (abbreviated SE SE) command controls several options related to
string searching.
.i-20;Format:#SET#SEARCH##{ GENERAL | EXACT | WPS |
.if eightbit
.endif eightbit
.b0;{ [UN]BOUNDED }
.b0;{ BEGIN | END }
The GENERAL option will cause the case of letters and the presence or absence of
diacritical marks to be ignored in search strings. GENERAL is the default.
The EXACT option will require all characters to match exactly, including the
case of letters and the presence of diacritical marks, in search strings.
The WPS option will cause a case-independent string match for lowercase letters
in the search string, and a case-dependent match for uppercase letters in the
search string.
3 CI
The CI option will cause the case of letters to be ignored in search strings,
but not the presence of diacritical marks. CI is an abbreviation for CASE
.if eightbit
3 DI
The DI option will cause diacritical marks on letters to be ignored in string
searches, but not the case of the letters. DI is an abbreviation for
.endif eightbit
The BOUNDED (abbreviated BO) option will cause the search to be bounded by a
page delimiter. By default, the search is unbounded, which means that the
entire buffer will be searched. This option has effect only in change mode.
The UNBOUNDED (abbreviated U) option causes the search not to be bounded by a
page delimiter, which means that the entire buffer will be searched. This is
the default. This option has effect only in change mode.
The BEGIN (abbreviated B) option causes the cursor to be left at the beginning
of the search string when it is found. This is the default. This option has
effect only in change mode.
The END (abbreviated E) option causes the cursor to be left at the end of the
search string when it is found. By default, the cursor is left at the beginning.
This option has effect only in change mode.
The SET [NO]SUMMARY command controls whether or not summary information about a
file written with the WRITE or EXIT commands will be typed out. The default is
SUMMARY, which means that summary information is typed.
The SET TAB (abbreviated SE TA) command enables the structured tab feature and
sets the logical tab size.
Format: SET [NO]TAB n
where n is the number of columns in a logical tab stop.
With the structured tab feature, EDT keeps a counter of the tab level, which is
set to 1 when the SET TAB command is issued. When you use the tab key in change
mode at the beginning of a line, EDT inserts enough tabs and spaces to move the
cursor to the column defined by the level n times the tab size. Change mode
subcommands can alter the tab level. The structured tab feature is disabled by
The tab size set by the tab command is also used by the TABS ADJUST command.
.i-22;Format:#SET#TERMINAL##{ HARDCOPY | HCPY | VT100 | VT52 }
.b0;{ EDIT | NOEDIT }
.if eightbit
.endif eightbit
The SET TERMINAL (abbreviated SE TE) command identifies to EDT the type of
terminal you are using. Normally, EDT will set the terminal type by asking the
operating system what type it is. If it does not appear to have set the type
correctly, you can use the SHOW TERMINAL command to see what EDT thinks your
terminal is and the SET TERMINAL command to correct it if necessary. If your
terminal is not a VT100 or a VT52, it should be set to HCPY (hardcopy).
HCPY stands for hardcopy. EDT considers a terminal hardcopy if it is not a
VT100 or a VT52. On such terminals change mode does not use the screen as a
window onto your buffer, but instead shows you the current line with the cursor
position indicated. You type NOKEYPAD commands and EDT will keep you informed
by printing the current line after each command.
3 VT100
The VT100 is a family of terminals, all based on the original VT100 terminal.
This class of terminals includes the VT101, VT102, VT125, VT131 and VT132.
3 VT52
The VT52 terminal is the predecessor of the VT100 family. It does not have
reverse video, and has fewer keys in its keypad.
This option indicates that your terminal has scrolling regions and EDT may use
them. This is the default for most VT100 terminals.
This option indicates that either your terminal does not have scrolling regions
or EDT should not use them. This is the default for VT52 terminals.
This option indicates that your terminal has the screen editing features of the
VT102. These are IL (insert line), DL (delete line), ICM (insert character
mode) and DCH (delete characters).
This option indicates that your terminal does not have the screen editing
features of the VT102.
.if eightbit
This option indicates that your terminal contains the DEC Multinational
character set, which extends ASCII to include letters with diacritical marks and
other characters used in Europe.
This option indicates that your terminal does not contain the DEC Multinational
character set. On such a terminal characters which cannot be displayed directly
are displayed using <>.
.endif eightbit
Format: SET TEXT text-type "string"
Text-type is one of the following:
The SET TEXT command allows you to define the displayed string to indicate a
formfeed character (SET TEXT PAGE), and the displayed string to indicate the end
of the buffer (SET TEXT END). The string can not contain control or escape
The SET TRUNCATE (abbreviated SE TR) command controls the handling of long
lines in change mode.
By default, truncate mode is set, which means long lines will be truncated on
the display (the actual text is not altered). If you turn off truncate mode by
using SET NOTRUNCATE, long lines will be wrapped to as many screen lines as are
necessary to display the entire line.
The SET VERIFY (abbreviated SE V) command controls the listing of commands that
are executed from the startup file or from a macro.
Verify is off by default, which means the lines are not typed. If you turn it
on, each command line is typed as it is executed.
The SET WORD (abbreviated SE W) command enables you to specify that the word
delimiters be considered words by themselves (NODELIMITER), or considered as
part of the word they delimit (DELIMITER). The default is DELIMITER.
Format: SET [NO]WRAP n
The SET WRAP (abbreviated SE W) command enables word wrapping and specifies the
right margin. Word wrapping is a feature of EDT that automatically insert
carriage returns when the text you are typing exceeds the right margin. Word
wrapping is in effect in change mode only and only if you have used the SET WRAP
The SET WRAP command also sets the right margin for the change mode FILL
SET NOWRAP (abbreviated SE NOW) disables the word wrapping feature.
Format: SHOW parameter
The SHOW (abbreviated SH) command displays selected information on the current
state of the editor. Parameter is one of the additional topics listed below.
The SHOW AUTOREPEAT command displays whether EDT is allowed to manipulate the
Autorepeat feature of VT100-type terminals or not. See SET AUTOREPEAT for more
The SHOW BUFFER (abbreviated SH BU) command lists the buffers being used during
the edit session, including the number of lines of text in each buffer. The
current buffer is marked by an equal sign (=) before the name. If an asterisk
follows the number of lines, it indicates that an input file is connected to the
buffer and that there are more lines to be read from the file. Thus, the line
count is not accurate.
The SHOW CASE (abbreviated SH CA) command shows the current case setting (upper,
lower, or none).
The SHOW COMMAND (abbreviated SH COM) command shows the name of the last
specified command file. When EDT starts to read a startup file specified by SET
COMMAND it clears this name. For more information see HELP SET COMMAND.
The SHOW CONTROL-T (abbreviated SH CON) command shows the current state of the
CTRL/T character. If the response is "Control-t" the CTRL/T is available to EDT
as a keypad mode command character. Otherwise, CTRL/T performs its usual status
reporting function.
The SHOW CURSOR (abbreviated SH CU) command shows the current setting of the
cursor region. EDT will respond with:
where t and b are integer numbers indicating the top and bottom of the cursor
region. See HELP SET CURSOR for an explanation of the cursor region.
Format: SHOW ENTITY entity-type
where entity type is one of the following:
.b0.i-12;WORD########(abbreviation: W)
.b0.i-12;SENTENCE####(abbreviation: S)
.b0.i-12;PAGE########(abbreviation: PAG)
.b0.i-12;PARAGRAPH###(abbreviation: PAR)
The SHOW ENTITY (abbreviated SH EN) command displays the current delimiter
string for the specified entity.
The SHOW FILES (abbreviated SH FI) command displays the name of the input
and output files which were specified in the EDT command line. If no
output file was specified, then the input file name is also used as the
output file name. If /NOOUTPUT or /READ_ONLY was specified in the command
line, then this will be indicated in place of the output file name.
If an output file was not specified in the command which initiated the editor,
then the output filespec will be the same as the input filespec. The generation
number will be changed during the EXIT command to the next higher one.
Format: SHOW FNF
The SHOW FNF command displays whether the file not found message is enabled or
The SHOW HELP (abbreviated SH H) command shows the currently active default help
file specification and help file name. Use the SET HELP command to redefine the
help file name.
The SHOW KEY (abbreviated SH K) command displays the current definition of a
keypad or control key.
Format: SHOW KEY key-selector
Where key-selector is one of the following: (alternatives separated by "|")
[GOLD] number | [GOLD] CONTROL letter | [GOLD] CONTROL "letter"
[GOLD] CONTROL letter | GOLD character | GOLD "character" | GOLD 'character'
Number refers to keypad and function keys and CONTROL letter names specific
control keys (upper and lowercase letters are considered equivalent). DELETE
refers to the delete character, which is not a control character. Character
refers to any keyboard key except 0-9. Characters !, %, ', and " must be
enclosed in quotes.
For the meaning of the string printed by the SHOW KEY command, see HELP DEFINE
The SHOW KEYPAD (abbreviated SH KEYP) command shows the current setting for the
option of using keypad editing when you are in change mode. KEYPAD is the
default for VT100 and VT52 terminals, which means that the alternate keypad is
used to enter change mode commands. The option can be changed by using the SET
[NO]KEYPAD command.
The SHOW LINES (abbreviated SH L) command shows the current number of screen
lines displayed in change mode. Use the SET LINES command to modify this
The SHOW MODE (abbreviated SH M) command shows the current setting of the
default editing mode. It indicates the editing mode that is entered after all
startup processing. By default, EDT enters line mode when the startup
processing is complete. Use SET MODE CHANGE in your startup file to cause EDT
to enter change mode at the end of startup processing.
The SHOW NUMBERS (abbreviated SH NU) command shows the current setting for the
option of displaying line numbers on the terminal. Numbers are displayed by
default. Use SET NONUMBERS to suppress the line numbers.
The SHOW PARAGRAPH (abbreviated SH PARA) command shows the current setting for
delimiting paragraphs. By default a new paragraph begins after two successive
linefeeds. Use SET PARAGRAPH WPS to indicate that a new paragraph begins at the
first non-linefeed character after two successive linefeeds.
Format: SHOW PROMPT prompt-type
The SHOW PROMPT command shows the current string to be used when prompting in
line mode, in keypad change mode, in nokeypad change mode, in hardcopy change
mode, in line mode when inserting, in line mode when inserting with NONUMBERS,
and in response to /QUERY, respectively.
The SHOW QUIET (abbreviated SH Q) command shows the current setting of the
option that controls whether or not the bell sounds when you make an error in
change mode. You can change this option with the SET [NO]QUIET command.
The SHOW REPEAT (abbreviated SH REP) command shows whether or not counts are
allowed. The default is to allow counts. To disable counts use SET NOREPEAT.
The SHOW SCREEN (abbreviated SH SC) command shows the current setting for the
maximum length of a line EDT displays.
The SHOW SEARCH (abbreviated SH SE) command shows the current search parameters.
See HELP SET SEARCH for a description of search options.
The SHOW SUMMARY command shows whether the file summary on WRITE and EXIT is
enabled or disabled.
Format: SHOW TAB
The SHOW TAB (abbreviated SH TA) command shows the current settings for the
structured tab feature. If structured tabs are enabled, the tab size and
indentation level are displayed.
For additional information on the structured tab feature, see HELP SET TAB and
The SHOW TERMINAL (abbreviated SH TE) command shows your terminal type: VT100,
VT52 or Hardcopy. It also shows whether or not your terminal has scrolling
regions, eight-bit graphics and the advanced screen editing features. See SET
TERMINAL for more information.
Format: SHOW TEXT text-type
where text-type is one of the following:
The SHOW TEXT command shows the current string to be used for displaying
formfeeds or the end of buffer.
The SHOW TRUNCATE (abbreviated SH TR) command shows the current setting of the
option for displaying long lines in change mode. The default is TRUNCATE, which
means that lines longer than the screen width are truncated on the display (the
actual text is not altered). If you turn off this option by entering SET
NOTRUNCATE, long lines are wrapped to as many screen lines as are necessary to
display the entire screen.
The SHOW VERIFY (abbreviated SH VERI) command displays the current setting of
the option to list commands that are executed from the startup file or a macro.
By default, verify is off, which means that the lines are not typed. If you
turn it on, each such command is typed as it is executed.
The SHOW VERSION (abbreviated SH VE) command displays the version number and
copyright statement of EDT. You should write the full text of the version
number on any EDT SPR. The copyright statement appears as:
.if eightbit
the latter form is used on terminals that have the international copyright
.endif eightbit
The SHOW WORD (abbreviated SH WO) command shows the current setting for the
handling of word delimiters. The default is to consider all delimiters with the
exception of a space a word. To disable this use SET WORD NODELIMITER.
The SHOW WRAP (abbreviated SH WR) command shows the current setting of the right
margin for word wrapping.
Word wrapping is a feature of EDT that automatically inserts carriage returns
when the text you are typing exceeds the right margin. The same margin is used
for the change mode FILL subcommand. Word wrapping is in effect in change mode
only and only, if you have used the SET WRAP command.
The SUBSTITUTE (abbreviated S) command replaces occurrences of one string of
characters with another string.
Format: SUBSTITUTE/string-1/string-2/ [range] [/BRIEF[:n]] [/QUERY] [/NOTYPE]
Any nonalphanumeric character except % can be used as string delimiters.
All occurrences of string-1 within the specified range are replaced with
string-2. If you do not specify range, a single occurrence in the current line
is substituted. The line in which the substitution occurred is typed after each
2 /BRIEF[:n]
When you select the /BRIEF (abbreviated /BR) option, only the first n characters
of the line are displayed. If you omit n, the default is 10.
When you specify /NOTYPE (abbreviated /NOT) the lines in which substitutions
occurred are not typed.
The SUBSTITUTE NEXT (abbreviated N) command replaces the next occurrence of
string-1 with string-2.
Format: [SUBSTITUTE] NEXT [/string-1/string-2/]
The search for string-1 is made forward from the current location. When a
substitution is made, the line where the substitution occurs becomes the current
line. When the optional strings are omitted, the strings used in the last
Format: /QUERY
When you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with a
question mark (?) to verify each substitution.
Responses are:
.b0.i-4;Y###Yes, do the substitution.
.b0.i-4;N###No, do not do the substitution.
.b0.i-4;Q###Quit, terminate the command.
.b0.i-4;A###All, do the rest of the substitutions without query.
The TAB ADJUST (abbreviated TA A) command shifts each of a range of lines a
specified number of logical tab stops.
Format: TAB ADJUST [-] n [range]
where n is the number of tab stops to shift. You must use the SET TAB command
to set the logical tab size in order for this command to work. If you omit
range, the select range is assumed. If a minus sign (-) precedes the count n,
the text shifts to the left. Otherwise, it shifts to the right.
The TYPE (abbreviated T) command displays the specified range of lines on the
Format: TYPE [range] [/BRIEF[:n]] [/STAY]
The first line in the specified range becomes the current line.
If the range specification starts with a nonalphabetic character, the keyword
TYPE may be omitted completely.
Format: /BRIEF[:n]
When you select the /BRIEF (abbreviated /BR) option, only the first n characters
of the line are displayed. If you omit n, the default is 10.
Format: /STAY
When you select the /STAY (abbreviated /ST) option, the cursor position is not
changed by the TYPE command. This enables you to look at text elsewhere in the
buffer (or in another buffer) without losing your position.
The WRITE (abbreviated WR) command creates a file from a specified range of
.if numbers
Format: WRITE file-spec [range] [/SEQUENCE[:init:incr]]
.else numbers
Format: WRITE file-spec [range]
.endif numbers
When you specify a range, the text contained in that range becomes the file.
When you do not specify a range, the contents of the current text buffer becomes
the new file. The cursor position is not affected by the WRITE command.
.if numbers
Format: /SEQUENCE[:init:incr]
When you use the /SEQUENCE option, the output file is in VFC (variable with
fixed control) format, and line numbers are written in the control field. The
values of both 'init' and 'incr' must be less than 99999.
If you set init and incr, the file is renumbered starting with the number you
choose for init, and the lines are incremented by the number you choose for
incr. Otherwise, the line numbers assigned by EDT are written. These line
numbers are truncated to integers and taken modulo 100000, with a maximum value
of 99999.
.endif numbers