
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-l014r-bm_tops20_v6_1_atpch_18 - autopatch/netpar.mac
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	.SBTTL	from NETGEN-20 on 17-Apr-86 16:02:55
	.IDENT /X04109/
;                    COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982, 1985
;     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;     DIGITAL.
; [Beginning of NETPAR]
.enabl	lc
; MCB Process data base prefix file NETPAR
	CE.lix = 2.		; CEX - Number of line indices
	DL.blk = 576.		; DL - Block Size = <DL.blk+6.+1>&<-2>	; CEX - Receive Buffer Size

	.macro	CE$buf macro	; CEX - buffer pools
	'macro'	16.,69.,19.
	'macro'	60.,8.
	.endm	CE$buf

	.macro	CE$cbb	macro	; CEX - CCB/buffer pools
	'macro'	0.,63.
	.endm	CE$cbb

	.macro CE$nod macro	; CEX -	local node name
	'macro'	<FOO>
	.endm	CE$nod

	;Driver Parameters
	; = 8.		; DMC - Max # DMCs =		; DMC - DMC transmit buffer size
	DMC.xb = 7.		; DMC - DMC transmit buffers = 4.		; DTE - Max # DTEs =		; DTE - DTE transmit buffer size = 3.		; KDP - Max # KMCs = 12.		; KDP - Max # DUPs = 4.		; KDP - Max # DUPs per KMC
				;	hard limit of 16. = 7.		; KDP - KDP transmit segment limit

	XP.bl2 = DL.blk		; XPT - Phase II block size
	XP.bl3 = DL.blk		; XPT - Phase III block size
	XP.ebq = 8.		; XPT - ECL buffer quota (to NSP)
	XP.ibq = 8.		; XPT - Input buffer quota (from NSP)
	XP.lbq = 50.		; XPT - Line buffer quota
	XP.mxc = 100.		; XPT - Maximum total path cost
	XP.mxh = 16.		; XPT - Maximum network diameter (hops)
	XP.mxl = 25.		; XPT - Maximum data-link cost
	XP.mxp = 20.		; XPT - Maximum Phase II logical links
	XP.mxv = 32.		; XPT - Maximum visits (XP.mxh * 2)
	XP.nln = 2.		; XPT - Number of XPT lines
	XP.nn  = 255.		; XPT - Number of nodes in net
	XP.t1  = 60.		; XPT - Maximum time between routing messages
	XP.t2  = 1.		; XPT - Minimum time between routing messages
	XP.t3  = 10.		; XPT - Time between hello messages
	XP.t4  = 60.		; XPT - Node listener timeout
	XP.uhq = CE.lix		; XPT - Update/Hello message quota

	.MACRO XP$nid macro
	'macro'	<DECnet-20 V3.0 Release          >

	.MACRO	XP$mxa macro
	.ENDM	XP$mxa

	.MACRO XP$rcv	macro
	'macro'	<>

	.MACRO XP$xmt	macro
	'macro' <FOO>

	NS.act = 30.		; NSP - Inactivity timer value
	NS.buf = 256.		; NSP - Minimum SC receive buffer size
	NS.dly = 2.		; NSP - NSP delay factor
	NS.ret = 5.		; NSP - Retransmission threshold
	NS.slf = 123.		; NSP - Local node address
	NS.tpt = 8.		; NSP - Total number of ports supported
	.if le,<NS.tpt-XP.nn>
	NS.nod =     NS.tpt	; NSP - Total number of nodes supported
	NS.nod =     XP.nn	; NSP - Total number of nodes supported
	NS.trs = 3.		; NSP - Total number of reserved ports
	NS.wgt = 3.		; NSP - Delay Weight

	;Session Control Parameters
	SC.nln	= XP.nln	; SC - Number of lines
	SC.nn	= XP.nn		; SC - Number of nodes
	SC.tpt	= NS.tpt	; SC - Number of logical links
	SC.itm = 10.		; SC - Incoming connect timer default
	SC.otm = 30.		; SC - Outgoing connect timer default
	SC.opn = 2.		; SC - Number of OPEN ports to keep

;mapping from node number to node name
	.macro	SC$NMT	MACRO
	.endm	SC$NMT

;mapping for NSP obj name to RSX task name
	.macro	SC$OBJ MACRO
	'macro'	2,<NURD..>
	'macro'	7,<NRM...>
	'macro' 19.,<NMLMCB>
	'macro' 25.,<NMLMCB>
	'macro' 65.,<TOP...>
	'macro' 63.,<DTR...>
	'macro'	0,<SCX...>
	.endm	SC$OBJ

;mapping for RSX task name to MCB process name
	.macro	SC$PRO macro
	'macro'	<DNDDT.>,<NDT>
	'macro'	<TOP...>,<TOP>
	'macro'	<NRM...>,<NRM>
	'macro'	<NURD..>,<NRD>
	'macro' <DTR...>,<DTR>
	.endm	SC$PRO

	NM.nck = 4.		; NMX - Number of NMX Circuits
	NM.nln = 2.		; NMX - Number of NMX Lines
	NM.nmo = 2.		; NMX - Number of NMX Modules
	NM.nev = 6.		; NMX - Maximum event queue length

	.macro	NM$flt macro	; NMX - filter data base
	'macro'	0.,<<0.,3.>,<6.,9.>>
	'macro'	2.,<<0.,1.>>
	'macro'	3.,<<0.,2.>>
	'macro'	4.,<<0.,10.>,<12.,13.>>
	'macro'	5.,<<6.,12.>>
	'macro'	6.,<<3.,4.>>
	.endm	NM$flt

; [End of NETPAR]