
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-l014t-bm_tops20_v7_0_atpch20 - autopatch/server.c20
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 INS 1/1	;20C1
	; Edit= 15 to SERVER.MAC on 4-Oct-88 by JROSSELL, for SPR #21689
	;When simulating binary mode, call MTOPR%/.MOANU to not flush NULs from the
	;terminal input buffer. 
	; Edit= 14 to SERVER.MAC on 30-Aug-88 by JROSSELL, for SPR #21876
	;Correct the way INPUT-COUNT messages are processed so as not to lose the
	;first character of the input buffer. Also, ensure that 1 character reads echo
	;the character if necessary. 
 REP 3/4	;20C2
 INS 18/11	;20C3
	;**;[15]At TM.TRM:+2L add 5 lines  JCR  9/28/88
	;[15]Disable control characters definitions in START-READ message
	DC.NOT==0			;[15]Parameter not present
	DC.UAR==1			;[15]Disable ^U and ^R only
	DC.AED==2			;[15]Disable all editing control characters
	DC.ACT==3			;[15]Disable all control characters except
					;[15]XON and XOFF

 INS 38/17	;20C4
	;**;[14]At ESCCHR:+1L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
	TYACHR: BLOCK 1			;[14]Type ahead character
 INS 8/21	;20C5
	;**;[15]At INPCTL:+1L add one line  JCR  9/28/88
	INPDAM: BLOCK 1			;[15]"Restore ASCII mode on completion" flag
 INS 51/34	;20C6
	;**;[14]At EXCSRT:-4L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		SETOM TYACHR		;[14]No type ahead character yet
 INS 37/48	;20C7
	;**;[14]At CTMCLI:+2L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Clear any type ahead character
 REP 44/48	;20C8
	CTMUNR:	SKIPN RDACTV		;Is there a READ active ?
	;**;[14]At CTMUNR:+0L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
	CTMUNR:	SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Clear any type ahead word
		SKIPN RDACTV		;Is there a READ active ?
 REP 18/65	;20C9
		  TXZE T2,TT%ECO	;Yes. Force echo off - was it on ?
	 	  SETOM INPECH		;Yes. Must restore it after the read completes.
		  EXCH T2,T3		;Save JFN mode word for use later
		  BIN%			;Get the first character &
	;	  BKJFN%		;backup the pointer
		  EXCH T3,T2		;Restore JFN mode word
		  SKIPE INPECH		;Is ECHO to be restored ?
		  TXO T2,TT%ECO		;Yes.
		  SFMOD%		;Restore mode.
	;**;[14]At CTMCKI:+13L replace 12 lines with 17 lines  JCR  8/29/88
		  RFMOD%		;[14]Pick up the JFN mode word
		   ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  TXZE T2,TT%ECO	;[14]Force echo off - was it on ?
		  SETOM INPECH	 	;[14]Yes, indicate echo forced off
		  SFMOD%		;[14]Turn echoing off
		   ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  EXCH T2,T3		;[14]Save JFN mode word for use later
		  BIN%			;[14]Pick up the first character
		   ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  BKJFN%		;[14]Back up the pointer
		    ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  MOVEM T2,TYACHR	;[14]Save the character for later echoing
		  EXCH T2,T3		;[14]Place character in expected place
		  SKIPE INPECH		;[14]Was echoing forced off?
		  TXO T2,TT%ECO		;[14]Yes, indicate turn echoing back on
		  SFMOD%		;[14]Turn echoing back on
		   ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		ENDIF.			;
 REP 20/68	;20C10
		CAIE T1,INPORX		;Is it the TEXTI% ?
	;**;[14]At PREOB1:+2L change 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		CAIE T1,INPOR2		;[14]Is it the TEXTI% ?
 INS 25/68	;20C11
	;**;[14]At PREOB1:+6L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		  SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Clear any type ahead character
 INS 45/68	;20C12
	;**;[14]At PREOB1:+26L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		  SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Clear any type ahead character
 INS 15/70	;20C13
	;**;[14]At PRECTX:+2L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Clear any type ahead character
 INS 29/89	;20C14
	;**;[15]At INPDEC:+20L add 19 lines  JCR  9/28/88
		SETZM INPDAM		;[15]Indicate don't restore ASCII NUL passthrough
		LOAD T3,RDDCD,+INPFLG	;[15]Pick up disable control character definition
		CAIG T3,DC.AED		;[15]Disabling control characters?
		IFSKP.			;[15]
		  MOVE T3,INPFLG	;[15]Yes, pick up the START-READ flag word
		  TXC T3,RDNEC		;[15]Complement the no-echo bit
		  TXNE T3,RDNEC!RDTEC	;[15]Echoing any control or termination characters?
		  IFSKP.		;[15]
		    SETOM INPDAM	;[15]No, indicate ASCII NUL passthrough
		    MOVEM T1,JFN	;[15]Save the JFN
		    MOVEM T2,MODWRD	;[15]Save the JFN mode word
		    MOVEI T2,.MOANU	;[15]Pick up function code
		    MOVEI T3,.MOANY	;[15]Pick up function value
		    MTOPR%		;[15]Allow NULs to passthrough in ASCII mode
		     ERJMP .+1		;[15]Ignore any errors
		    MOVE T1,JFN		;[15]Restore the JFN
		    MOVE T2,MODWRD	;[15]Restore the JFN mode word
		  ENDIF.		;[15]
		ENDIF.			;[15]
 INS 20/94	;20C15
	;**;[14]At INPEN1:+4L add 1 line  JCR  8/29/88	
		  SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Clear any type ahead character
 REP 7/96	;20C16
	INPORD:	MOVEI T1,.FHSLF		;Turn on interrupts
	;**;[14]At INPORD:+0L replace 2 lines with 23 lines  JCR  8/29/88
	INPORD:	SKIPGE T3,TYACHR	;[14]Is there a type ahead character?
		IFSKP.			;[14]
		  MOVEI T1,.PRIIN	;[14]Yes, prepare to pick up the JFN mode word
		  RFMOD%		;[14]Pick up the JFN mode word
		   ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  TXNN T2,TT%ECO	;[14]Is echoing enabled?
		  IFSKP.		;[14]
		    IDIVI T3,^D32	;[14]Yes, get word offset and bit offset
		    MOVE T4,BITS(T4)	;[14]Change bit offset to mask
		    TDNN T4,INPXBM(T3)  ;[14]Is character in the TEXTI% break mask?
		    IFSKP.		;[14]
		      OPSTR <SKIPN>,RDTEC,+INPFLG ;[14]Yes, Is terminator to be echoed?
		      JRST INPOR1	;[14]No, go reset type ahead word
		    ENDIF.		;[14]
		    MOVE T1,TYACHR	;[14]Yes, pick up the type ahead character
		    PBOUT%		;[14]Simulate an echo
		       ERJMP ERR	;[14]Quit on an error
		  ENDIF.		;[14]
	INPOR1:	  SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Reset type ahead word
		ENDIF.			;[14]

		MOVEI T1,.FHSLF		;[14]Pick up the fork handle
		EIR%			;[14]Turn on the interrupts
 REP 12/96	;20C17
	;**;[14]At INPORX:+0L change 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
	INPOR2:	 ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
 REP 18/96	;20C18
	INPOR1: SKIPG INPBLK+.RDDBC	;Input buffer full ?
	;**;[14]At INPOR1:+0L change 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
	INPOR3: SKIPG INPBLK+.RDDBC	;[14]Input buffer full ?
 REP 9/97	;20C19
	 	JRST INPOR1         	;No. Finish up.
		OPSTR <SKIPE>,RDTEC,+INPFLG ;Is terminator to be echoed ?
		  TXZE T2,TT%ECO	;Yes. Force echo off - was it on ?
	 	  SETOM INPECH		;Yes. Must restore it after the read completes.
		MOVEI T1,.FHSLF		;Yes. Turn on interrupts
		PBIN%			;Get character
	;Label is for out of band process detecting restart necessary
	INPBIX:	MOVE T3,T1		;Save it.
		MOVEI T1,.FHSLF		;Turn off interrupts
		IDPB T3,INPBLK+.RDDBP	;Put character into buffer.
		SOS INPBLK+.RDDBC	;Account for it.
	        IDIVI T3,^D32		;Get word offset and bit offset
	        MOVE T4,BITS(T4)	;Change bit offset to mask
	        TDNN T4,INPXBM(T3)	;Is this character in the TEXTI% break mask ?
	        JRST INPOR1		;No. Must be buffer full.
	        MOVX T1,RD%BTM		;Yes. Terminate the read just like
	;**;[14]At INPBIN:+3L replace 23 lines with 59 lines  JCR  8/29/88
	 	JRST INPOR3         	;[14]No, finish up
		RFMOD%			;[14]Pick up the JFN mode word
		 ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		MOVE T4,T2		;[14]Save for later

		OPSTR <SKIPE>,RDTEC,+INPFLG ;[14]Is terminator to be echoed ?
		IFSKP.			;[14]
		  TXZE T2,TT%ECO	;[14]No, force echo off - was it on ?
	 	  SETOM INPECH		;[14]Yes, restore it after the read completes.
		  SFMOD%		;[14]Update the JFN mode word
		ENDIF.			;[14]
		MOVEI T1,.FHSLF		;[14]Pick up the fork handle
		EIR%			;[14]Enable interrupts
		PBIN%			;[14]Get character
	;[14]Label INPBIX is for the out of band interrupt handler (PREOOB) detecting 
	;[14]that a terminal input restart is necessary. Note: PREOOB resets the new
	;[14]PC to INPREC. INPREC assumes that the top of the stack contains the
	;[14]address after the input state dispatch call in routine INPENT.
	;[14]Consequently, the SAVEAC must be placed after location INPBIX.
	INPBIX:	 ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error

		SAVEAC <Q1,Q2>		;[14]Need space for the break mask offsets
		MOVE Q1,T1		;[14]Save the character here
		MOVE T3,T1		;[14]and here
		MOVEI T1,.FHSLF		;[14]Pick up handle
		DIR%			;[14]Disable interrupts
		IDPB T3,INPBLK+.RDDBP	;[14]Put character into buffer.
		SOS INPBLK+.RDDBC	;[14]Account for it.
	        IDIVI Q1,^D32		;[14]Get word offset and bit offset
	        MOVE Q2,BITS(Q2)	;[14]Change bit offset to mask
		SKIPL TYACHR		;[14]Is there a type ahead character?
		IFSKP.			;[14]
	          TDNE Q2,INPXBM(Q1)	;[14]No, is character in the TEXTI% break mask?
		  JRST INPBI1		;[14]Yes, terminate the read as INPORD does
		  TXNE T4,TT%ECO	;[14]Was echoing originally on?
		  SKIPN INPECH		;[14]Yes, has it been forced off by this routine?
		  JRST INPOR3		;[14]No, check if the input buffer is full
		  MOVE T1,T3		;[14]Place character where expected
		  PBOUT%		;[14]Echo the character
		   ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  JRST INPOR3		;[14]Check if the input buffer is full
		ELSE.			;[14]Character is a type ahead character
		  SETOM TYACHR		;[14]Reset the type ahead word
		  TXNN T4,TT%ECO	;[14]Was echoing originally on?	
		  IFSKP.		;[14]
		    TDNN Q2,INPXBM(Q1)	;[14]Yes, is this a termination character?
		    IFSKP.		;[14]
		      SKIPE INPECH	;[14]Yes, was echoing forced off?
		      JRST INPBI1	;[14]Yes, go terminate read as INPORD does
		    ENDIF.		;[14]
	   	    MOVE T1,T3		;[14]Pick up the character
		    PBOUT%		;[14]Echo the character
		     ERJMP ERR		;[14]Quit on an error
		  ENDIF.		;[14]
		ENDIF.			;[14]
	        TDNN Q2,INPXBM(Q1)	;[14]Is this character in the TEXTI% break mask?
	        JRST INPOR3		;[14]No. Must be buffer full.
	INPBI1: MOVX T1,RD%BTM		;[14]Yes. Terminate the read just like
		JRST INPOFL		;[14] INPORD does.
 REP 34/98	;20C20
		    JRST INPOR1		;Keep trying
	;**;[14]At INPOFL:+29L change 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		    JRST INPOR3		;[14]Keep trying
 REP 40/98	;20C21
		  JRST INPOR1		;No. Keep trying
	;**;[14]At INPOFL:+35L change 1 line  JCR  8/29/88
		  JRST INPOR3 		;[14]No. Keep trying
 INS 17/110	;20C22
	;**;[15]At INPTTY:+10L add 7 lines  JCR  9/28/88
		SKIPN INPDAM		;[15]Is ASCII NUL passthrough enabled?
		IFSKP.			;[15]
		  MOVEI T2,.MOANU	;[15]Pick up function code
		  MOVEI T3,.MOANN	;[15]Pick up function value
		  MTOPR%		;[15]Don't allow NULs to passthrough in ASCII mode
		   ERJMP .+1		;[15]Ignore any errors
		ENDIF.			;[15] 
 SUM 63739