
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-l014w-bm_tops20_v7_0_atpch_23 - autopatch/readme.023
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This is the twenty-third Autopatch tape.  It supports ALGOL-20-V1-2,
MX-SOURCES-20-V1A, PASCAL-20-V1, PSI-20-V1-1, SORT-20-V5, SORT-REP-V5,
TOPS-20-2060-V7-0, TOPS-20-TCPIP-V7-0, TRAFFIC-20-V4, and
UTILITIES-V7-0.  To install Autopatch for the first time, you must first
restore the second save set and follow the instructions found in the
Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual and the INSTAL.DOC file.
Information specific to each product is recorded in section 5.0 of this


     1.  The following products are no longer Autopatched:  APL-20-V2,
         COBOL-20-V12B, DBMS-20-V6, DECNET-20-V3, DIL-20-V1,
         FORTRAN-20-V6, FORTRAN-20-V7, FORTRAN-20-V10, FORTRAN-REP-V10,
         GALAXY-20-V4, GALAXY-20-V4-2, GALAXY-20-V5, LINK-20-V5-1,
         MS-20-V10, PSIMCB-20-V1-1, PSIUTL-20-V1-1, RMS-20-V1,
         SORT-20-V4C, TOPS-20-2020-V4, TOPS-20-2040-V4, TOPS-20-2060-V4,
         TOPS-20-2060-V5-1, TOPS-20-2060-V6-1, TOPS-20-KL-ARPA-V4,
         TOPS-20-KS-ARPA-V4, TOPS-20-KL-ARPA-V5-1, TOPS-20-TCPIP-V6-1,
         UTILITIES-20-V4, UTILITIES-20-V5-1, UTILITIES-20-V6-1, and


             It is strongly suggested that you DESELECT any of these
             products before proceeding with processing any
             currently supported products.

     2.  The following Autopatched product(s) do not have any new edits
         delivered with this patch set:  ALGOL-20-V1-2, APLSF-20-V2,
         BASIC-PLUS-2-V2A, COBOL-20-V13, COBOL-REP-V13, DBMS-V6-1,
         DECNET-20-V4, FORTRAN-20-REP-V11, FORTRAN-20-V11, FTS-20-V1,
         IBMCOM-20-ET-V2-1, IBMCOM-20-HASP-V1-1, MS-SOURCES-20-V11,
         PASCAL-20-V1, PSI-20-V1-1, SORT-20-V5, SORT-REP-V5, and

     3.  (*new*) Replacement files for linking the TCP/IP monitor have
         been provided in the first saveset.  You must use these files
         or the build of T26A70 will fail.  Depending on the desired
         monitor, rename LNKBIG.CCL, LNKDCN.CCL or LNKMAX.CCL to be
                                                                  Page 2

     4.  (*new*) An update to ACJ is included in the fourth saveset.
         Read section 1.0 of the ACJFUN.MEM file in that saveset for
         more information.  All of the changes are described in section
         1.1 of ACJFUN.MEM.

     5.  (tape 22) An update to ACJ is included in the fourth saveset.
         Read section 1.0 of the ACJFUN.MEM file in that saveset for
         more information.

         All of the changes are in section 1.1 of ACJFUN.MEM.  There is
         one bug that is summarized by the following:

         A bug in the CREATE-DIRECTORY policy was fixed which caused all
         directory deletions (using KILL subcommand of BUILD command) to
         fail.  This was due to a RCDIR% JSYS in the CREATE-DIRECTORY
         policy routine.  The RCDIR% caused the target directory to be
         put in the directory cache;  the kill would then fail with the
         error "Directory file is mapped".  The fix was that if the
         target directory was being killed, do a RCDIR% JSYS on another
         directory, causing the target directory to be removed from the

     6.  (tape 22) The third savset of this Autopatch tape includes the
         TOPS-20 Monitor Table Descriptions manual.  Read the MONTBL.TXT
         file in that saveset for more information.

     7.  (tape 22) An updated PARAMS.MAC file is included in the first
         save-set.  You should make any site-specific changes to this
         file and use it as part of the monitor build.

     8.  (tape 21) A new ACJ product and System Security Enhancements
         are provided in the fourth saveset of this tape.  These
         products are not supported by the Autopatch process at this

     9.  (tape 21) The new MX product is provided in the fifth saveset
         of this tape.  This product is supported by Autopatch.  The
         previous release of MX was supported as a component of MS V11.
         No adjustment to the existing MS Source product is needed.  You
         may want to delete all files except .MAC files from the MS
         Source distribution area.  Do this BEFORE loading the area with
         new MX sources.  Be sure to read the README.MEM file in the MX
         distribution save-set of this tape.

    10.  (tape 21) An updated copy of DNLOAD.EXE is provided in the
         first saveset of this tape.  This component of the IBMCOM
         product set is not supported by Autopatch.

    11.  (tape 21) This tape fixes a problem with BASIC-PLUS-2 where the
         OTS edit word did not agree with the compiler.  This problem
         caused a mismatch warning to be displayed when using the
         Autopatched BASIC from tape 20.
                                                                  Page 3

    12.  (tape 20) Edits to BATCON and QUASAR were not properly
         delivered on tape 19.  The problem is fixed with this tape.

    13.  (tape 20) Edit 15 to CTERM depends on monitor edit 8977.

    14.  (tape 20) A revised SYSDPY.MAC file is provided on this tape.
         SYSDPY is unsupported.  To rebuild this product you will need
         several files from the 'TOOLS' tape.

    15.  (tape 20) Be sure to read the GALV60.B20 file.  This file
         describes changes in the operator interface (OPR) for
         communicating with the systems in a cluster.

    16.  (tape 19) Be sure to delete VERSIO.MAC and PARAMS.MAC from
         PAT:, if present.  These are from previous versions of the
         monitor and would cause the new monitor build to fail.

    17.  (tape 19) We no longer need to provide 'empty' .MKL files or
         null .SUP files for products with no edits.  Use of the new
         PEP.EXE and PEPB.EXE in the second save-set as well as modified
         Patch & Build control files from the same save-set will prevent
         use of old patch command files.

    18.  (tape 19) The RTLDYN.UNV file is missing from the TOPS-20 V7.0
         distribution set.  This file has been included in the second
         save-set of the CURRENT Autopatch tape.  You should restore
         this file to SYS:  and delete the RTLDYN.REL file.

    19.  (tape 19) The TOPS-20-TCPIP product uses two modes of
         Autopatching.  If there are no edits of the UPDATE style you
         will see a message about a missing T26A70.PCF file.  This
         should be ignored.

    20.  (tape 19) There is an 'updated' release of MS on the TOPS-20 V7
         release tape.  We have provided updates to the MS-SOURCES
         product to bring it up to the level of that on the V7 system
         tape.  The new executables are part of the new V7 UTILITIES

    21.  (tape 19) The use of the Monitor/EXEC DDC file to perform
         initial distribution directory loading will also load required
         files for GALAXY and the UTILITY set into the common directory.
         Be sure to specify this directory name when SELECTing the
         products with PEP.  The use of the GALV60.DDC or UTLV70.DDC
         file is ONLY required if you do NOT use the T26V70-???.DDC or
         T26A70-???.DDC file.

    22.  (tape 19) The SELECTion of TOPS-20 Utilities requires that
         CHECKD.EXE, 7-SETSPD.EXE, and 7-SYSJOB.EXE exist in the
         installation directory specified.  This means you either have
         to copy these files to INS:, or DEFINE INS:  to include the
         SYSTEM:  logical.  Additionally, after each autopatch update of
         these utilities, they must be copied from the autopatch
         installation directory to a SYSTEM:  directory.
                                                                  Page 4

    23.  (tape 19) There is a name conflict on the TBL.BLI file between
         the FORTRAN-20-V11 and MS-SOURCES-20-V11 product sets.  The
         workaround is to completely Autopatch one product (MS-SOURCES)
         including INSTALLATION before Autopatching the other product.

    24.  (tape 19) The SENDER.EXE and UETP.EXE files that were delivered
         in the UETP save-set of the TOPS-20 V7.0 Installation tape are
         bad.  A corrected SENDER.EXE and UETP.EXE file is included in
         the first save-set of the Current Autopatch tape.

    25.  (tape 19) The DBMS control file will re-build the COBOL OTS in
         PAT:.  You should not INSTALL COBOL until after the DBMS build
         has finished.  Otherwise, you will have to manually copy the
         COBOL files built by DBMS to INS:.

         A similar circumstance exists with FORTRAN.  If you will be
         Autopatching DBMS for use with FORTRAN you may want to remove
         the leading semi-colons associated with DBMSF from the
         FTN211.PDF and/or FTN2X1.PDF file before SELECTing FORTRAN for
         Autopatching.  Then you should not INSTALL FORTRAN until after
         the DBMS build has finished.  Otherwise, you will have to
         manually copy the DBMSF.EXE file built by DBMS to INS:.

         The DBMS control file will create the following language
         support files:

         For COBOL-74 V12C support (KS only)
                C74LIB.REL see notes 1 and 2

         For COBOL V13 support (KL only)
                COBLIB.REL see note 2

         For FORTRAN V11 support
                FORLIB.REL see note 3

                Note 1: created when the DBMS-20 V6.1 stub is not detected
                         in the existing link-time library.
                Note 2: created when DBMS-20 V6 support had previously been
                         added into the link-time library.
                Note 3: created when the supplied FORLIB.REL does not contain
                         FORTRAN edit 3354.

    26.  (tape 18) We have eliminated the product-specific DUMPER cmd
         files.  There are now two files.  The ALL.Pnn file will restore
         files for all desired products from the CURRENT patch tape.
         The ALL.Ann file will restore files for all desired products
         from the HISTORICAL patch tape.  The loading process depends on
         the definition of product-specific logicals.  Each file will
         use the definitions in the LAP.DEF file.  A default LAP.DEF
         file is supplied in the first save-set.  This LAP.DEF defines
         logicals for all products.  It is intended that you only have
         logicals defined in LAP.DEF for those products that are being
                                                                  Page 5

         Autopatched at your site.  The recommended procedure for
         Autopatching a product for the first time is to create a
         temporary version of LAP.DEF that defines the logical for only
         that product.  Use of ALL.Pnn and ALL.Ann will then restore all
         files for that product.

    27.  (tape 18) Most of the patch files for DECNET components on this
         tape have already been delivered on previous tapes.  They are
         here for the PSI product which should have had these updates
         applied.  The only new items for the DECNET product are NFT and

    28.  (tape 17) A recent change to PEP causes a justifiable failure
         during SELECT or BUILD if a BLD type file, described in the PDF
         file, is missing.  However, up to now, the DB2V61.PDF file
         referenced a non-existent DBMS.CMD file.  This has been
         changed.  Users who select DBMS with the PDF file from the
         second save-set on this tape will not have the problem.  Users
         who currently are Autopatching DBMS will need a dummy DBMS.CMD
         file.  Such a file has been included on the first save-set of
         this tape.  This file should be restored to any area (PAT:,
         DIS:  or INS:) for DBMS.

    29.  (tape 17) Users of FORTRAN with DBMS are advised to use the
         DBCS2F.CMD file which was delivered on the DBMS distribution
         tape and NOT the newer version on the FORTRAN V11 distribution
         tape.  The FORTRAN version references a file (DBSFG.REL) which
         was never released.

    30.  (tape 16) There is a new version of PEP in the second save-set.
         PEP has been modified to retain the correct size and byte size
         for copy operations.  This is important for the .EXB files of
         BOOT.  The new PEP and PEPB will be restored if using the
         ALL.Pnn file.

    31.  (tape 16) The third save-set of the CURRENT Autopatch tape
         contains a software documentation file that reflects the
         software on the tape.  DIGITAL authorizes you to make up to two
         copies of the documentation for use at your site, as long as
         you maintain DIGITAL's copyright page.  We request that you
         print the file and use one of the reply forms to send your
         opinions to us.

         On the Autopatch Tape, you will find the following
         documentation files:

         1.  DDT44C.MEM contains the DDT Manual;  it uses approximately
             118 pages of disk space.  This version of the manual
             contains changes that we have made since the manual was
             printed for TOPS-20 DDT Version 43, in May 1985.

         2.  DDTINFO.MEM is a duplicate of this customer letter and the
             reply form.

         DDT44C.MEM is about 155 line-printer pages long and contains
                                                                  Page 6

         change bars to indicate the pages that have changed and bullets
         to indicate data deletions.  The file contains non-printing
         control characters for paging and bolding effect, making it
         unsuitable for terminal display.  We recommend that you print
         the file on any supported line printer.

    32.  (tape 15) This time the Autopatch updates are delivered on two
         tapes.  The first tape (BB-L014x-BM) contains the current patch
         save-set and the installation save-set.  If you are at current
         tape level and are not Autopatching any 'old' products for the
         first time, this first tape is the only one you need to use.
         Procedures for using this tape are identical to those for use
         of the previous Autopatch tape.

         The second tape (BB-KL11x-BM) contains historical patch
         save-sets.  This tape is needed if you are not up to current
         tape level or you are Autopatching, for the first time, a
         product which was supported previously.

         In essence, the old tape format has been split with the first
         two save-sets of the old format now being written to a separate
         tape.  All of the DUMPER cmd files are still found in the
         current patch save-set (first save-set of the first tape).  The
         ALL.Pnn file restores files from the current (first) tape and
         the ALL.Ann file restores files from the historical (second)

         If you are Autopatching ALGOL, for example, for the first time
         and want to use the DUMPER cmd files, create a LAP.DEF file
         with the LAPALG:  logical defined and use the ALL.Pnn file on
         the CURRENT tape and the ALL.Ann file on the HISTORICAL tape.

    33.  (tape 15) We have included the DCRYPT program in the second
         save-set.  This tool is not a supported part of Autopatch.
         DCRYPT may be used to decrypt the replacement EXE/REL files for
         COBOL-REP-V13, FORTRAN-20-REP-V11, and SORT-REP-V5 without
         using Autopatch procedures.  The README file details the
         relationship between Patch files and End-user files.  The KEY
         files from the distribution tapes are required.  A help file
         for DCRYPT is also provided.

    34.  (tape 14) This tape contains important edits for COBOL V13.
         The edits fix the way LIBOL does BLTs.  COBOL without these
         edits may have errors when used with the new micro-code
         2.1(442).  Both the source-patched and the Decrypted EXE
         replacement updates contain these edits.

    35.  (tape 13) The COBOL V13 Autopatch Patch & Build control file
         (CBL13.CTL) has been changed to NOT put DBMS support into
         COBLIB.REL.  The supported method of DBMS implementation is to
         LINK DBMS.REL into the OTS (COBOTS-V13.EXE).  This procedure is
         accomplished by the DBMS 6.1 build file (DB2V61.CTL).  The
         DB2V61 product should have been 'tracking' the DBMS.REL file,
         but has not.
                                                                  Page 7

         If you use Autopatch for DBMS/COBOL then you must take one of
         two actions to correct the problem with DBMS.REL.  You may
         restore the revised DB2V61.PDF file from the second save-set of
         the Autopatch tape, DESELECT the DBMS product with the PEP
         tool, SELECT DBMS with PEP, and Autopatch DBMS.  An updated
         DBMS.REL will now be tracked and installed as with other

         Alternatively, you may insert a copy command into DB2V61.CTL
         after a successful build is signalled to move the new DBMS.REL
         file from PAT:  to INS:.  However, a later RESTORE with PEP
         will not do the right thing with this file.

         Users who install DBMS for Autopatching for the first time with
         this tape do not need to be concerned with this problem.  The
         CBL13.CTL file will no longer implement DBMS support in the OTS
         - you must Autopatch DBMS to accomplish this.

    36.  (tape 13) It is possible to use DECNET without the MCB
         front-end code.  At this time, the Autopatch process for DECNET
         requires you to build the MCB.  If you do not intend to use the
         MCB then you may SELECT DECNET for Autopatching after 1)
         creating a null FOO.SYS file in the directory you intend to use
         as INS:  and 2) copying the CETAB.MAC, NETPAR.MAC and
         NMLACC.MAC files from the second save-set of the Autopatch tape
         into the area you intend to use as DIS:.

         When SELECTing DECNET answer the node name with FOO.SYS.

    37.  (tape 13) PEP reports a strange EDIT/VERSION for the rebuilt
         COBOTS-V13.EXE file.  An INFORMATION VERSION on the component
         reports no edit at all!  This is due to a flaw/bug in the COBOL
         product and may be ignored.  Using DDT to display the contents
         of location 137 will show the correct EDIT/VERSION.

    38.  (tape 12) The FTS-20 product build requires some DIL V1
         modules.  Since DIL V2 has replaced DIL V1 these V1 modules are
         no longer Autopatched.  The modules (DAP2V1 and XPN2V1) have
         been provided on the second save-set of the Autopatch tape.
         The use of the ALL.Pnn file will restore these files to the
         patching directory.  FTS-20 may now be Autopatched at any time
         without regard to the Autopatching of DIL V2 which is now part
         of the UTILITIES-20 product set.

    39.  (tape 12) A normal customized installation of DECNET-20-V4 or
         PSI-20-V1-1 MUST occur before the product can be Autopatched.

    40.  (tape 11) The DBMS-V6-1 Autopatch build control file
         (DB2V61.CTL) clears ALL logical definitions.  If there are user
         logical definitions which must be in effect, these definitions
         can be placed in a take command file named SETUP.CMD in the
         connected directory.
                                                                  Page 8

    41.  (tape 11) COBOL-20-V13 users should be sure that a revised
         OTSDEL.CMD file from the second (installation) save-set on this
         tape is used.  The old version deleted C8XSHR.REL which caused
         errors when the build process then tried to copy that file for
         later use by the DBMS process.  The revised file will be
         restored from the Autopatch tape if the ALL.Pnn file is used.

    42.  (tape 11) Several products use external command files in their
         build procedure.  When a new version is provided, be sure that
         the newest versions of these command files are used.  In
         particular, use the F20LIB.CCL and F20OTS.CCL files from the
         version 11 tape and not from previous releases.  Use of normal
         Autopatch procedures will put the new files in the common
         patching directory where they will be used.  If, however, you
         are using a customized directory/logical setup, you must be
         sure that the correct files are being used.

    43.  (tape 10) Revised copies of DBCS24.CMD, DBCS28.CMD and
         DBCS2F.CMD for the DBMS-V6 product have been delivered on
         previous Autopatch tapes.  Be sure that these files are NOT in
         the common patching directory (PAT:).

    44.  (tape 10) If you are building either COBOL or FORTRAN with DBMS
         V6-1, do not INSTALL COBOL or FORTRAN before building DBMS.
         Unlike the V6 product, the V6.1 Autopatch procedure requires
         that COBOL and/or FORTRAN be built BEFORE the DBMS V6.1
         Autopatch build is submitted.  The DBMS V6.1 Autopatch
         procedure will implement DBMS within COBOL and FORTRAN.

    45.  (tape 9) The COBOL-V13 product may now be updated with REL/EXE
         replacement.  If you want to use this method the KEY files must
         be restored from the COBOL distribution tape, support files for
         CBL13R restored from the Autopatch tape, and the COBOL-REP-V13
         product selected with PEP.  See the INSTAL.DOC file for more
         information.  The COBOL-20-V13 product will continue to receive
         source-level patches and you may continue to use this method of
         Autopatching.  The SORT-V5 product may also be Autopatched with
         either source-level or EXE replacement.


             The REL/EXE replacement files have been encrypted and
             must be processed via Autopatch before they can be

    46.  (tape 9) There are two new features of PEP and PEPB which are
         worthy of note.  First, the new PEP will automatically delete
         copies of files in PAT:  which have been successfully installed
         with the INSTALL command.  You may also want to use the
         PATCLN.CMD file in the first save set to delete other temporary
         files AFTER successful installation.  Second, the definition of
         ASL:  has been changed to be PAT:,DIS:,INS:.  The old
                                                                  Page 9

         definition of ASL:  was PAT:,DIS:,SYS:.  This change was made
         to obtain better control over all files used in the build
         process.  We have delivered what we believe to be a complete
         set of base building software on the Autopatch tape.  If your
         procedure has problems you may have to copy certain files into
         PAT:, DIS:, or INS:.  The following files are required for
         Autopatch use, not put in place by Autopatch, and may have been
         previously found in SYS:.


                SDDT.EXE        UDDT.EXE


                NMLACC.MAC      CETAB.MAC       NETPAR.MAC


                B362LB.REL      XPORT.REL
         If these files are currently found in SYS:  they must be copied
         or moved to PAT:, DIS:, or INS:.

    47.  (tape 9) The ALGOL, COBOL, IBMCOM, and PASCAL Autopatch control
         files redefine the local definition of SYS:  to ensure the use
         of provided Base Building Software items.

    48.  (tape 8) A required file for the IBMCOM products, PROD.P11, is
         provided on the Autopatch tape.  Use of any of the IBMCOM
         DUMPER control files to process the Autopatch tape will attempt
         to load this file into the default distribution areas.

    49.  (tape 8) Be sure to read the IETV21.B08, IHSV11.B08, and
         PAS2V1.B08 beware files.

    50.  (tape 7) Changes have been made to the PEP utility.  It is
         MANDATORY that PEP.EXE and PEPB.EXE be restored to SYS:  from
         the installation (second) save-set.  Due to a limited amount of
         space in some of PEP's internal tables, we are now declaring
         some products to be "obsolete".  These products will be removed
         from PEP's internal tables.  For the most part this process is
         transparent to you, unless the obsolete product has previously
         been SELECTed.  Suppose TOPS-20-2060-V4 is one of your SELECTed
         products.  In that case, the following message would be
         displayed the first time you run the new PEP:

             [TOPS-20-2060-V4 is now obsolete.
              Edits are no longer being delivered.
              You should DESELECT this product.]

         This message will only appear ONCE PER SELECTED OBSOLETE
         PRODUCT.  Use the DESELECT command to purge the obsolete
         product from your database.
                                                                 Page 10


             The PEP201.PDF file is NOT compatible with earlier
             versions of PEP.

         There is now a short version of the INFORMATION command called
         STATUS.  It displays the status information and logical name
         definitions, but does not list any files or their checksums.

    51.  (tape 7) PA1050.EXE, unlike other Base-building Software, is
         invoked indirectly from SYS:.  In order to avoid checksum
         warnings from PEP, the PA1050.EXE program which is supplied on
         this tape and restored to PAT:  must be copied to SYS:  before
         invoking PEP.

    52.  (tape 7) The Autopatch process is designed to be used without
         privileges enabled.  If you experience protection failures
         check that all parameters of the directory have been set up
         properly - especially PROTECTION, DEFAULT PROTECTION, USER
         GROUP, and DIRECTORY GROUP.  Also, be sure that appropriate
         ACCESS commands have been given for the structures in use.

    53.  (tape 7) The working and permanent quotas for the distribution
         directory for TOPS-20 were given as 3000 pages in the manual.
         If you are using the TOPS-20 distribution directory as common
         to GALAXY and UTILITIES this figure should be doubled to 6000

    54.  (tape 6) The patch directory files (.DPD) have been
         re-formatted;  the same number of edits, but less 'patches',
         are described.  Also, intermediate checkpointing has been
         suppressed during the execution of the PEP 'AUTOPATCH' command.
         Checkpoint processing time has been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced.
         These changes will improve PEP performance, but will cause
         minor variations from the examples provided on pages 2-7, 2-17
         and 3-8 of the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.

    55.  (tape 6) The PA1050 program will automatically expunge deleted
         files if the MAKLIB program causes an over quota situation.  Be
         aware that PA1050 will NOT expunge if the situation detected is
         that the disk is physically full.  The build process will
         explicitly EXPUNGE the PAT:  area when the MAKLIB operation is
         complete.  You are advised not to use infinite quota if the
         disk used may run out of space.

    56.  (tape 6) The GALAXY and TOPS-20 DDC files may take longer than
         the default five minute BATCH time limit and should be
         submitted with a ten minute limit to be safe.

    57.  (tape 6) BATCH time limits for COBOL should be high to ensure
         that the product build BATCH jobs do not abort due to CPU time
         overrun.  Use a figure of 5 hours to cover all possibilities.
                                                                 Page 11

    58.  (tape 6) Some products can optionally use other products.  This
         means that one product may have to be patched and rebuilt
         before another product.  For example, COBOL can optionally use
         the DBMS product.  The DBMS Autopatch process requires that
         COBOL and/or FORTRAN be updated before DBMS.

    59.  (tape 6) Sites which Autopatch BASIC-PLUS-2 for the first time
         may notice that the LINKing of BASOTS generates some warning
         messages.  These messages are given because the new LINK is
         detecting a questionable but harmless situation and may be

    60.  (tape 5) Before SELECTing the ALGOL product for Autopatching be
         sure to read the note in the INSTAL.DOC file regarding a
         required rename of the OTS.

    61.  (tape 5) The Autopatch build process for ALGOL, COBOL, DBMS and
         SORT redefines DSK:.  It is MANDATORY that a structure be
         specified when providing the directory specifications during
         the initial SELECTion process.

    62.  (tape 4) When PEP is run, the connected directory must be PAT:.

    63.  (tape 4) It is advised that all desired products be SELECTed
         for Autopatching before entering the AUTOPATCH or RETRIEVE
         command for the first time.  The patch retrieval process is NOT
         product specific.  This process can be invoked with the
         RETRIEVE command or the AUTOPATCH command.  PEP will then read
         the entire patch directory file (.DPD) and update the patch
         database file (.PDB) for all SELECTed products.  If the
         AUTOPATCH command is entered for a product which was SELECTed
         at the time of a prior retrieval process, a statement will be
         made indicating that all patches have already been retrieved.

    64.  (tape 3) Be sure to read the APL2B2.B03 beware file.


TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual (AA-H729A-TK)
INSTAL.DOC      (in Installation Save Set on this tape)

                                                                 Page 12

Patch Set 023

File            Description

README.023      Patch Set 023 Master Documentation File
TAP023.DIR      Directory with Checksums of Patch Set 023
PAT223.DPD      Patch Directory File for Patch Set 023
APEDIT.RPT      Autopatch Edit Report
APEDIT.023      Autopatch Edit Report for tape 023
LAP.DEF         Logical Definition File
ALL.P23         Load control file for tape 23
ALL.A23         Load control file for all updates
PATCLN.CMD      Take file to delete temporary files from PAT:
UTILTY.UPD      Utility checksum and version update file
ANAUNV.UNV      Replacement Files

Patch File      GALAXY-V6


Patch File      MX-SOURCES-20-V1A

MX.X23          MX    .REL
MXERR.X23       MXERR .B36
MXLCL.X23       MXLCL .B36
                                                                 Page 13

Patch File      TOPS-20-2060-V7-0

LN2070.X23      LN2070.REL
T20EX7.X23      T20EX7.REL
STG.X23         STG   .MAC

Patch File      TOPS-20-TCPIP-V7-0

T20AN.X23       T20AN .REL
T20EX7.X23      T20EX7.REL
STG.X23         STG   .MAC

Patch File      UTILITIES-V7-0

DDT.X23         DDT   .MAC
DIU.X23         DIU   .EXE
MX.Y23          MX    .EXE
PAT.X23         PAT   .MAC
SCAN.X23        SCAN  .MAC

Base Building Software

                                                                 Page 14


Information on which edits are provided on the CURRENT tape can be found
in the APEDIT.0nn file in the first save-set.  You may use the ALL.Pnn
file to restore files from the CURRENT tape, and the ALL.Ann file to
restore files from the HISTORICAL tape.

If you are patching a product for the first time, you must define a
distribution area and obtain some files from the dustribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save-set
on the CURRENT tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.
The Dist.  DDC file found in the Installation save-set may be used for
this purpose.

Below is a list which identifies the Dist.  DDC file and the
Distribution tape for each product.

Product         Dist. tape      Dist. DDC

ALGOL-20-V1-2   BB-5471C-BM     ALGV12.DDC

APLSF-20-V2     BB-5137E-BM     APL2S2.DDC

                BB-5543F-BM     B20V2A.DDC

COBOL-20-V13    BB-Z795A-SM     CBL13.DDC


DBMS-V6-1       BB-4148F-BM     DB2V61-CBL.DDC

DECNET-20-V4    BB-H240E-BM     DEC2V4.DDC

FORTRAN-20-V11  BB-4157J-SM     FTN211.DDC

                BB-4157J-SM     FTN2X1.DDC

FTS-20-V1       BB-M251A-BM     FTS201.DDC

GALAXY-V6       BB-H138F-BM)    GALV60.DDC
                BB-LW55A-BM)    T26A70-BIG.DDC

                BB-D351C-SM     IETV21.DDC

                BB-J724B-SM     IHSV11.DDC

                                                                 Page 15

                BB-H138F-BM     MS211S.DDC

                BB-L014x-BM     MX21AS.DDC

PASCAL-20-V1    BB-P557A-BM     PAS2V1.DDC

PSI-20-V1-1     BB-W661B-BM     PSIV11.DDC

SORT-20-V5      BB-Z795A-SM     CBL13.DDC
                BB-Z761A-SM     SRTV5.DDC

SORT-REP-V5     BB-Z795A-SM     CBL13R.DDC
                BB-Z761A-SM     SRTV5R.DDC

                BB-H138F-BM)    T26A70-BIG.DDC
                BB-LW55A-BM)    T26A70-DCN.DDC
                BB-EV83B-BM)    T26A70-MAX.DDC

                BB-H138F-BM)    T26V70-BIG.DDC
                BB-LW55A-BM)    T26V70-MAX.DDC

TRAFFIC-20-V4   BB-5372E-SM     TFR2V4.DDC

                BB-LW55A-BM)    T26A70-DCN.DDC
* The SORT product may also be setup for Autopatching with the use of
the SRTV5.DDC file or the SRTV5R.DDC file against the BB-Z761A-SM Sort
Distribution tape.

* The DBMS product may also be setup for Autopatching without updates to
the COBOL interface with the use of the DB2V61.DDC file.

* The GALAXY product may also be setup for Autopatching with the use of
the GALV60.DDC file and the UTILITIES product with UTLV70.DDC.  These
files are only needed if you do not use one of the monitor DDC files.