PDP-10 Archives
There are 8 other files named tools.doc in the archive. Click here to see a list.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice
and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment
Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use
or reliability of its software on equipment that is not supplied by
The TOOLs tape being distributed with TOPS20 contains software tools
which are in constant use during the development, documentation, and
testing of DECSYSTEM20 software. There have been many customer requests
for access to these tools. Because they are merely tools used for
creating software products and not software products themselves, they
have neither funded development nor funded support. However, because
they are important for the development of products, these tools are
normally kept up to date.
The tools tape has been created to provide customer access to these
software tools. The software on this tape is customer installed and
customer supported. There is no direct nor implied commitment on the
part of Digital to support these software tools. Nor is there any
commitment that the documentation enclosed accurately reflects the
software functionality.
The software described in this document is furnished under the TOPS20
license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of
such license.
There are twenty-nine software tools on the tape, each contained in a
separate DUMPER save set.
1. ALU -- Automated Library Utility
ALU is a program which helps keep track of modifications
to a set of program sources in one or more libraries. It
is intended to handle multiple developers working on the
same sources, keeping track of which developer is editing
which source, and preventing inadvertent confusion from
simultaneous edits.
2. BLIS10 -- BLISS-10 Compiler
This is a copy of the BLISS-10 compiler which runs under
the compatibility package with TOPS-20.
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3. CHANS -- Channel Statistics Tool
CHANS types out information about any of the following
items: CDB's, KDB's, UDB's, disks, or tapes. Including
such things as Address, channel, controller, unit, device,
device type, and device status. CHANS assumes a printer
type terminal, but has a command for videos.
4. CISTS -- Computer Interconnect (CI) Status Utility
CISTS types out status information about the Computer
Interconnect (CI). The information includes the KLIPA
microcode version as well as status information on each
remote node known to other monitor. There is no command
scanner, simply run it and a snapshot of some of the
monitors CI data is typed out on your terminal... Other
information provided includes the port statistics
currently available, and the packet statistics to date.
5. DOBOPR -- Dump-On-BUGCHK Control Program
The DOBOPR program is used to set certain BUGCHKs and
BUGINFs dumpable. It can also be used to set structures
on your system dumpable. DOBOPR can also take an
immediate dump of your system (it will produce the FORCED
BUGINF and then dump it) if you have hung jobs/forks.
6. ENQTST -- ENQ%/DEQ%/ENQC% Testing Program
ENQTST can be used to verify the use of the ENQ% facility.
It is a COMND% oriented program.
7. EXEC MODS -- MIC, PCL, and Command Editor modifications to
the EXEC
This save-set contains files to modify the Executive
Processor to add MIC, PCL (Programmable Command Language)
and Command Editor functionality.
8. FORMAT -- Disk Formatting Tool
This tool formats RP04 and RP06 packs to be used with
TOPS-20 file systems.
9. KRYPTN -- Encrypted Password Converter
This program is used to easily convert all the directory
passwords on an existing file structure to the encrypted
form when a structure is first changed to use encrypted
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10. MAIL/MAILER/RDMAIL -- The Old Mailers
The MAIL/MAILER/RDMAIL programs are no longer the
supported mailers for TOPS-20. MS/MX are the supported
mailers. However, these programs are still provided as
tools in case your site depends on these programs.
11. MONRD -- Program to Read Words from the Running Monitor
MONRD is used to type out locations in the monitor. If
the locations are in the JSB area or PSB area, the program
is able to find the proper data for any desired fork and
job number. MONRD requires the existence of a "MONRD"
JSYS, which is inserted by the SYSDPY program.
12. QUETST -- QUEUE% JSYS Test Program
QUETST is a program to demonstrate the capabilities of the
QUEUE% JSYS and also is an example of how the QUEUE% JSYS
may be used in a user program.
13. REDIT -- Source Update Utility
REDIT is used to duplicate changes which have been made in
source files. It is typically used to maintain multiple
sets of sources for different versions of the same
program, and can conveniently allow changes made in one
set to be distributed and selectively incorporated into
other sets without the use of common "grandfather" files.
14. REV -- Program to Modify File Attributes
REV allows the user to modify the various file attributes
of a particular file, or a group of files. It enables the
user to modify the bits in the FDB easily, without having
to write a program to perform this function.
15. RMTCON -- Remote Console Diagnostic Services
RMTCON provides a simple user interface to perform the
Ethernet MOP Read-Identity, Read-Counters, and ASCII
Console Carrier functions to remote dependent nodes.
16. SCM -- File Compare Program
SCM is a native mode file compare program similar to
FILCOM. SCM runs faster than FILCOM but is lacking some
of the features.
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17. SED -- Screen Editor
SED is a full-screen editor for TOPS-20 and TOPS-10, which
was developed by an engineer at DEC. It has many
sophisticated features which allow easy editing of files
on display terminals, yet its performance is quite good
for an editor of its power. SED can easily be made to run
on almost any display terminal. Full documentation, for
both the installer and the user, is included.
18. SSU -- Session Support Utility Allows you to have multiple
sessions on the same serial line for VT300 series
19. SYSDPY -- System Display Utility
This program displays a variety of system oriented
information on a CRT. The display is kept up to date at
periodic intervals. It is a useful tool for the system's
programmer when evaluating system load and/or per-job
resource usage.
20. TSTATS -- TCP/IP Status Utility
This tool prints a line containing information about
certain TCP/IP links.
21. TTYINI -- Teletype Initialization Tool
This program displays and sets the terminal type running
terminal. TTYINI lets the user change default terminal
settings and default terminal type for a specified series
of terminals.
TYPVFU is a program that can be used to dump information
from a VFU file. When examined with the DUMP command, the
user is told the line stops for all channels as indicated
by the VFU file.
23. UNITS -- Disk Units Listing Tool
UNITS is a program to print statistics on all the disk
structures that the system has physical or logical access
to. Some of the information included are: Status, type,
channel, drive, controller, name and the drive serial
number for each drive seen.
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24. USAG20 -- Program to Process USAGE Files (COBOL)
USAG20 is a program to read and process the USAGE entries
and to summarize them in a report. This program is
intended to serve as an example of how this type of
application can be done. It is NOT intended to be
applicable to all installations.
25. USAH20 -- Program to Process USAGE Files (FORTRAN)
USAH20 is identical in function to USAG20, except that it
is written in FORTRAN.
26. VNP36 -- Virtual Network Program
VNP36 is a rebuilt version of the Virtual Network Program
to work with the version of KL microcode shipped with this
package. This is only useful if you are a DECnet