
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-y390o-bm_tops20_v41_atpch_20 - autopatch/sprint.c07
There are no other files named sprint.c07 in the archive.
 REP 37/1	;07C1
		SPTEDT==4303		;Edit Level
		SPTEDT==4304		;Edit Level
 INS 645/3	;07C2
	;	4304	11-May-83	Release two pages at eof. GCO 4.2.1548
 REP 46/35	;07C3
		  JRST	EOF.1			;  Yes, release input file
		SKIPE	FNDJOB			; Did we find any $JOB cards?
		  JRST	EOF.1			;  Yes, release input file
	;**;[4304]AT MLTJ.1:+4L CHANGE 1 LINE...JYCW...5/11/83
		  JRST	EOF.3			; [4304] yes, release input file
		SKIPE	FNDJOB			; Did we find any $JOB cards?
		  JRST	EOF.1			; yes, release input file
 REP 53/35	;07C4
	EOF.1:	PUSHJ	P,RELREQ		; Send "release" to QUASAR
	;**;[4304]AT MLTJ.1:+10L INSERT 8 LINES...JYCW...5/11/83
		JRST	EOF.3			;[4304] and release input file
	EOF.1:	MOVE	S2,LOGPAG		;[4304] get the page address
		JUMPE	S2,EOF.3		;[4304] no page, lets skip page release
		MOVE	S1,Q			;[4304] get the page address in s1
		$CALL	M%RPAG			;[4304] and release the page
	EOF.2:	MOVE	S1,LOGPAG		;[4304] get the page address in s1
		$CALL	M%RPAG			;[4304] and release it
	EOF.3:	PUSHJ	P,RELREQ		;[4304] Send "release" to QUASAR
 SUM 197215