
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/eval.clisp
There are no other files named eval.clisp in the archive.
;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.

(in-package 'lisp)

(export '(*evalhook* *applyhook* proclaim unproclaim prog prog* *prompt*
	  ++ +++ ** *** // /// ))
;;+, *, and / are exported already (as functions).

;Selected functions from Spice Lisp EVAL.SLISP.  The rest of the functions
;from that file are BOOT.MID in assembly language.  Two functions are
;commented out because they invoke DEFMACRO.

;;; The lexical environment is represented by four a-lists, stored in four
;;; internal special variables.  (The user should never mess with these.)

;;; %VENV% is the current lexical environment for variables.  An entry
;;; of the form (var . value) indicates a lexical variable and its value.
;;; An entry whose value is %INTERNAL-SPECIAL-MARKER% says to use the
;;; symbol's special value instead.

(defvar %venv% nil
  "The interpreter's lexical environment for variables -- hands off!")

;;; %FENV% is the current lexical environment for functions and macros.
;;; The format of each entry is (name type . fn), where type is either
;;; FUNCTION or MACRO and fn is the actual definition to be used.
;;; Entries of type function are created by FLET and LABELS.  Entries of
;;; type macro are created by MACROLET.

(defvar %fenv% nil
  "The interpreter's lexical environment for functions -- hands off!")

;;; %BENV% is the current lexical environment for block names.  Each entry
;;; is (name).  The cons cell is used as a catch tag by return-from.  If
;;; the entry has been clobbered to look like (NAME . INVALID), then the
;;; block has been exited and a return from that block is in error.

(defvar %benv% nil
  "The interpreter's lexical environment for block names -- hands off!")

;;; %GENV% is the current lexical environment for Go-tags.  Each entry 
;;; looks like (tag marker . body) where tag is the Go tag, marker is a
;;; unique cons cell used as a catch tag, and body is the statement sequence
;;; that follows the GO tag.

(defvar %genv% nil
  "The interpreter's lexical environment for go tags -- hands off!")

(defvar *evalhook* nil
  "Used to substitute another function for EVAL, for use by STEP, etc.
  If *EVALHOOK* is not NIL, its value must be a function of the same
  form as *EVAL.  This function does the evaluation instead of EVAL.")

(defvar *applyhook* nil
  "Used to substitute another function for the implicit APPLY normally done
  within EVAL.  If *APPLYHOOK* is not NIL, its value must be a function 
  which takes as arguments the function to be applied, the list of arguments
  it is to be applied to, and additional environment arguments suitable for
  passing to *EVAL.  This function does the application instead of EVAL.")

(defvar *skip-evalhook* nil
  "Used with non-null *EVALHOOK* to suppress the use of the hook-function
  for one level of eval.")

(defvar *skip-applyhook* nil
  "Used with non-null *APPLYHOOK* to suppress the use of the hook function
  for one level of eval.")
;;;; TOP-LEVEL loop.

(defvar / nil
  "Holds a list of all the values returned by the most recent top-level EVAL.")
(defvar // nil "Gets the previous value of / when a new value is computed.")
(defvar /// nil "Gets the previous value of // when a new value is computed.")
(defvar * nil "Holds the value of the most recent top-level EVAL.")
(defvar ** nil "Gets the previous value of * when a new value is computed.")
(defvar *** nil "Gets the previous value of ** when a new value is computed.")
(defvar + nil "Holds the value of the most recent top-level READ.")
(defvar ++ nil "Gets the previous value of + when a new value is read.")
(defvar +++ nil "Gets the previous value of ++ when a new value is read.")
(defvar - nil "Holds the form curently being evaluated.")
(defvar *prompt* "CL>" "The top-level prompt string.")
(defvar %temp% nil "Random temporary, clobbered by top level loop.")

(defun %top-level ()
  "Top-level READ-EVAL-PRINT loop.  Do not call this."
  (let  ((this-eval nil) (* nil) (** nil) (*** nil)
	 (- nil) (+ nil) (++ nil) (+++ nil)
	 (/// nil) (// nil) (/ nil) (%temp% nil))
    (prog ()
      (catch 'top-level-catcher
       (catch 'break-loop-catcher
	 ;; Prevent the user from irrevocably wedging the hooks.
	 (setq *evalhook* nil)
	 (setq *applyhook* nil)
	   (prog ()
	    (let ((*print-circle* nil)
		  (*print-pretty* nil))
	      (declare (special *print-circle* *print-pretty*))
	      (princ *prompt*))
	    (setq +++ ++ ++ + + - - (read))
	    (setq this-eval (multiple-value-list (eval -)))
	    (setq /// // // / / this-eval)
	    (setq %temp% (car this-eval))
	    ;; Make sure nobody passes back an unbound marker.
	    (unless (boundp '%temp%)
		    (setq %temp% nil)
		    (cerror "Go on, but set * to NIL."
			    "Eval returned an unbound marker."))
	    (setq *** ** ** * * %temp%)
	    (dolist (x this-eval)
	      (prin1 x))
	    (go inner-loop)))))
      (go outer-loop))))
;;;; Random special forms.

;;; Assorted functions open-coded by the compiler but needed by the
;;; interpreter. 

(defun proclaim (proclamation)
  "PROCLAIM is a top-level form used to pass assorted information to the
  compiler.  This interpreter ignores proclamations except for those
  declaring variables to be SPECIAL."
  (if (and (listp proclamation) (eq (car proclamation) 'special))
      (do ((vars (cdr proclamation) (cdr vars)))
	  ((atom vars))
	  (and (symbolp (car vars))
	       (%put (car vars) 'globally-special t)))))

(defun unproclaim (proclamation)
  "Undoes the effect of certain proclamations."
  (if (and (listp proclamation) (eq (car proclamation) 'special))
      (do ((vars (cdr proclamation) (cdr vars)))
	  ((atom vars))
	  (and (symbolp (car vars))
	       (remprop (car vars) 'globally-special)))))
;;;  PROG and friends

(defun parse-bodye (body)
  (do ((b body (cdr b))
       (decls nil)
       (temp nil))
      ((null b) (list (nreverse decls) nil))
    (cond ((not (listp (setq temp (car b))))
	   (return (list (nreverse decls) b)))
	  ((eq (car temp) 'declare)
	   (dolist (x (cdr temp)) (push x decls)))
	  (t (return (list (nreverse decls) b))))))

(macro prog* (l)
  (let* ((pb (parse-bodye (cddr l)))
	 (decls (car pb))
	 (body (cadr pb)))
    `(let* ,(cadr l)
       (declare ,@decls)
       (block nil (tagbody ,@body)))))

(macro prog (l)
  (let* ((pb (parse-bodye (cddr l)))
	 (decls (car pb))
	 (body (cadr pb)))
    `(let ,(cadr l)
       (declare ,@decls)
       (block nil (tagbody ,@body)))))