
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/misc.clisp
There are no other files named misc.clisp in the archive.
;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.

;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************

;;; Assorted miscellaneous functions for Spice Lisp.

;;; Written and maintained by Scott Fahlman.
;;; Contributions made by Dan Aronson, Skef Wholey and Rob MacLachlan.

;;; *******************************************************************

(in-package 'lisp)

(export '(documentation common perq spice cmu variable describe
	  featurep encode-universal-time sleep edit ed kill-editor time
	  lisp-implementation-type lisp-implementation-version machine-type
	  machine-version machine-instance software-type software-version
	  short-site-name long-site-name dribble inspect disassemble))

(defun documentation (symbol doc-type)
  "Returns the documentation string of Doc-Type for the Symbol, or NIL if
  none exists.  System doc-types are VARIABLE, FUNCTION, STRUCTURE, TYPE,
  ARGS, and SETF."
  (case doc-type
    (variable (get symbol '%var-documentation))
    (function (get symbol '%fun-documentation))
    (structure (get symbol '%struct-documentation))
    (type (get symbol '%type-documentation))
    (setf (get symbol '%setf-documentation))
    (args (get symbol '%args-documentation))
    (source (get symbol '%source-documentation))
    (t (cdr (assoc doc-type (get symbol '%documentation))))))

(defun %set-documentation (symbol doc-type string)
  (case doc-type
    (variable (%put symbol '%var-documentation string))
    (function (%put symbol '%fun-documentation string))
    (structure (%put symbol '%struct-documentation string))
    (type (%put symbol '%type-documentation string))
    (setf (%put symbol '%setf-documentation string))
    (args (%put symbol '%args-documentation string))
    (source (%put symbol '%source-documentation string))
    (t (let ((pair (assoc doc-type (get symbol '%documentation))))
	 (if pair (%rplacd pair string)
	     (push (cons doc-type string) (get symbol '%documentation)))))))

(proclaim '(special *features*))

(defun featurep (x)
  "If X is an atom, see if it is present in *FEATURES*.  Also
  handle arbitrary combinations of atoms using NOT, AND, OR."
  (cond ((atom x) (memq x *features*))
	((eq (car x) 'not) (not (featurep (cadr x))))
	((eq (car x) 'and)
	 (every #'featurep (cdr x)))
	((eq (car x) 'or)
	 (some #'featurep (cdr x)))
	(t nil)))
;;; Describe:

;;; This is a list of things that are to be suppress from the property
;;; list that the user probably doesn't want to see.

(defvar *implementation-properties*
  '(;; Documentation properties:
    %var-documentation %fun-documentation %struct-documentation
    %type-documentation %setf-documentation %args-documentation
    ;; Evaluator properties:
    globally-special globally-special-type %constant defstruct-description
    structure-print constant-value
    ;; Setf:
    setf-inverse setf-method-expander setf-expander
    ;; Pprint:
    simple-read-macro specially-grind
    ;; Things used by clc:
    ;; Rest of things added in by LCLC.CLISP after compiler package is defined
    globally-special-in-compiler sym))
;;; Desc-Doc prints the specified kind of documentation about the given Symbol.

(defun desc-doc (symbol name string)
  (let ((doc (documentation symbol name)))
    (when doc
      (format t "~%~A~%  ~A" string doc))))

(defun desc-arglist (symbol)
  (let ((function (symbol-function symbol)))
    (cond ((and (listp function)
		(eq (car function) 'macro))
	   '(&rest **macroarg**))
	  ((and (listp function)
		(eq (car function) 'lambda))
	   (cadr function))
	  ((compiledp function)
	   (let ((args (get symbol '%args-documentation '**noargs**)))
	     (if (eql args '**noargs**)

(defun describe (x)
  "Prints a description of the object X."
  (format t "~%~S is a ~S." x (type-of x))
  (typecase x
    (if (boundp X)
	(format t "~%Its value is ~S." (symbol-value x)))
    (desc-doc x 'variable "Documentation on the variable:")
    (if (fboundp x)
	(let ((function (symbol-function x))
	      (*package* (symbol-package x)))
	  (format t
		  "~%It can be called as a ~a in the following way:~%  ~S"
		  (cond ((and (listp function) (eq (car function) 'macro))
			((special-form-p x)
			 "special form")
			(t "function"))
		  (cons x (desc-arglist x)))))
    (desc-doc x 'function "Documentation on the function:")
    (desc-doc x 'structure "Documentation on the structure:")
    (desc-doc x 'type "Documentation on the type:")
    (desc-doc x 'setf "Documentation on the SETF form:")
    (when (compiledp x)
      (let ((doc (documentation x 'source)))
	(when doc				; Hair, nowadays
	  (if (or (not (listp doc))
		  (and (= 1 (length doc)) (setq doc (first doc))))
	      (format t "~&It was defined in the file:~%  ~a" doc)
	    (format t "~&It was defined in the files:~%  ~{~a~^, ~}" doc)))))
    (do ((plist (symbol-plist x) (cddr plist)))
	((null plist) ())
      (unless (member (car plist) *implementation-properties*)
	(format t "~%Its ~S property is ~S." (car plist) (cadr plist)))))
    (format t "~%It currently has ~S entries and ~S buckets."
	    (hash-table-count x) (hash-table-size x))))

(defun inspect (x)
  "An interactive version of Describe."
  (describe x))

(defun remove-arg-docs ()
  "Removes %args-documentation property from internal symbols (in lisp
  package).  This is called in CBOOT.MIC before saving core image."
   #'(lambda (key symbol)
       (if (not (gethash key (package-external-symbols *lisp-package*)))
	   (remprop symbol '%args-documentation)))
   (package-internal-symbols *lisp-package*)))

(defun encode-universal-time (sec min hour date month year &optional zone)
  "Returns the time in Universal Time format given the components of Decoded
  Time format."
	(%sp-encode-universal-time (+ (* hour 3600) (* min 60) sec)
				   date month year zone))

(defun sleep (n)
  "This function causes execution to be suspended for N seconds.  N may
  be any non-negative, non-complex number."
  ;;%sp-sleep can't sleep more than about 12 hours, which is 43200 sec.
  ;;BIG is the number of these periods.  LITTLE is the remainder in sec.
  (multiple-value-bind (big little) (floor n 43200)
    ;;Now do the correct number of 12 hour periods
    (dotimes (i big) (%sp-sleep 43200))
    ;;Now do the remainder.  Convert to millisec first
    (%sp-sleep (round (* little 1000)))))
;;; Other Environment Inquiries.

(defun lisp-implementation-type ()
  "DECSYSTEM-20 Common Lisp")

(defvar *lisp-implementation-version*
   (multiple-value-bind (ign1 ign2 ign3 date month year) (get-decoded-time)
	(setq month (case month
			(1 "Jan")
			(2 "Feb")
			(3 "Mar")
			(4 "Apr")
			(5 "May")
			(6 "Jun")
			(7 "Jul")
			(8 "Aug")
			(9 "Sep")
			(10 "Oct")
			(11 "Nov")
			(12 "Dec")))
	(format nil "Version of ~D-~A-~D" date month year)))

(defun lisp-implementation-version ()

(defun machine-type ()

(defun machine-version ()
  "KL-10 Model B or C")

(defun machine-instance ()

(defun software-type ()

(defun software-version ()
  (let ((sysver (lisp::%sp-sysver)))
    (concatenate 'string
		 "Version "
		 (subseq sysver (1+ (position #\space sysver :from-end t))))))

(defun short-site-name ()
  (with-open-file (x "system:short-site-name.txt")
    (values (read-line x))))

(defun long-site-name ()
  (with-open-file (x "system:long-site-name.txt")
    (values (read-line x))))
;the editor interface

(defmacro edit (&optional thing)
  "Edits something.  Just like ED except that is does not evaluate its
  `(ed ',thing))

(defun ed (&optional thing)
  "Edits something.  With no argument or NIL, just continues EMACS.
  With a symbol name, it edits the incore definition.
  With a pathname or string, it edits a file."
  (cond ((null thing)
	 (editor-create-fork)   ;make sure there is a valid buffer
	 (editor-run-fork 0)	;restart EMACS
	((symbolp thing)
	 (if (not (fboundp thing))
	     (error "No definition for ~S to edit." thing))
	 (editor-clear-buffer)	;we are going to be the definition in
	 (let ((*standard-output* (editor-write-channel))
	       (stuff (symbol-function thing)))
           (if (and (listp stuff) (listp (cdr stuff)))
	       (case (car stuff)
	         (lambda (pprint (pretty-lambda-to-defun thing stuff)))
	         (macro (pprint (cons 'macro (cdr (pretty-lambda-to-defun
						   thing (cdr stuff))))))
	         (t (pprint `(setf (symbol-function ,thing) ',stuff))))
	       (pprint `(setf (symbol-function ,thing) ',stuff)))
	 (editor-run-fork 0)
	 (let ((c (editor-read-channel)))
	   (eval (read c)))
;the following is to eliminate a problem caused by editing a function and
;then editing a file.  editing a file uses visit file.  That notices
;that the buffer had been modifed (by editing the function) and then
;offers to write the buffer to some totally bogus file.  It seems right
;that after reading the function back into memory we should clear the
;modified bit anyway, since EMACS does this after writing to a file.
	 (editor-set-modified nil))
	(t  ;not symbol - this should be a file name
	 (editor-set-jcl (string-concatenate "clisp " (namestring thing)))
	 (editor-call-fork -1)  ;tells EMACS to take a file name
	 (editor-run-fork 0)    ;now go edit it

(defun kill-editor nil
  "Kills the EMACS subfork."

(defvar *dribble-file* nil)
(defvar *old-stdin* nil)
(defvar *old-stdout* nil)

(defun dribble (&optional file)
  "Creates a readable record of the interactive session in the given file.
  (DRIBBLE) closes the session."
    (if file
	(if *dribble-file*
	    (error "Dribble file is already open")
		(setq *old-stdin* *standard-input*)
		(setq *old-stdout* *standard-output*)
		(setq *dribble-file* (open file :direction :output))
		(setq *standard-input* (make-echo-stream
		(setq *standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream 
		(format t "~&;Starting dribble session.  End with (DRIBBLE)~%")))
	(if (not *dribble-file*)
	    (error "Dribble file is not open")
	        (format t "~&;Closing dribble file ~a.~%"
			(namestring (truename *dribble-file*)))
		(close *dribble-file*)
		(setq *standard-input* *old-stdin*)
		(setq *standard-output* *old-stdout*)
		(setq *dribble-file* nil)))))

;;; Time macro times the evaluation of a form

(defmacro time (form)
  "Evaluates the Form and outputs timing statistics on *Trace-Output*."
  `(let ((gtime (lisp::get-gc-time))
	 (ncons (lisp::speak-nwds))
	 (wtime (get-internal-real-time))
	 (rtime (get-internal-run-time)))
     (multiple-value-prog1 ,form
       (setq rtime (- (get-internal-run-time) rtime)
	     wtime (- (get-internal-real-time) wtime)
	     gtime (- (lisp::get-gc-time) gtime)
	     ncons (- (lisp::speak-nwds) ncons))
       (format *trace-output*
	       "~%;In TIME: run ~D ms; real ~D ms; GC ~D ms; ~D words used.~%"
	       rtime wtime gtime ncons))))

;;; Disassemble stub for anyone trying to use it.

(defun disassemble (form)
  "Should print out the reverse-assembled version of the function given.
  This is not implemented in our version.  Use DDT."
  (declare (ignore form))
  (error "Disassemble is not implemented.  Use DDT."))