
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - cuspbinsrc_1of2_bb-x128c-sb - 10,7/galaxy/queue/queue.rnh
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Help for QUEUE %105
To enter a queue request, type:
queue-name:jobname = file1, file2, _._._.
The default job name is the same as the first file name.
To list the queues, type:
output-filespec/LIST = queue-name:jobname[ppn]
Default queue is LPT:.
To create a batch request, type
INP:jobname = control-filespec, log-filespec
Default jobname is the filename of the log file.
Default control file extension is _.CTL.
Default log file extension is _.LOG.
When listing the queues, the default listing filespec is TTY:_.LSQ[-].
Queue-name defaults to all queues.  If queue-name is ALL:, all queues
are listed. Queues at a specific station can be listed by referring to
queue xxxSnn: for station nn (e.g. LPTS3: or ALLS17:).  Queues for a
specific device can be refered to by giving the device name (e.g. LPT2:).
Wild card "*" matches any name, entension, project, programmer, or SFD.
Wild card "?" is wild for one character only.
On batch creates, if no device is specified and the desired file is
not found on disk, then QUEUE will look for the file on device CTL.
If /NEW is specified, CTL will never be searched.
/ABEFORE:date-time	Include only files accessed before date-time.
/ACCOUNT:qqq	Specify account string qqq.
/AFTER:date-time	Process request after the specified date/time.
/ALLFILES:yes-no	Require all files to exist in order for the queue
request to be created.
/ASINCE:date-time	Include only files accessed since date-time.
/ASSISTANCE:yes-no	Specify batch job operator intervention requirements.
/*BATLOG:keyword-list	Specify creation of batch log files.  Keyword
may be one of the following: APPEND - append to the end of an existing
log file (default); SPOOL - create a temporary log file, print it and
delete it; SUPERSEDE - supersede any existing log file.
/BATOPT:option-name	Force logging in batch jobs to use
/BEFORE:date-time	Include only files created before date-time.
/BEGIN:ddd	Begin processing file on the ddd-th line for batch
jobs and on the ddd-th page for line printer jobs.
/CARDS:ddd	Batch job punched card limit is ddd.
/*CHECK:yes-no	List the queues for only your job.
/COPIES:ddd	Make ddd copies of this file.
/CORE:ccc	Set batch job core limit to ccc.
/CREATE	Create a new request.
/DEFERRED	Process all deferred spooled requests now.  You must
include either /CREATE or /KILL with  this switch, to create or cancel
the queue requests.
/DENSITY:keyword	Set listing file tape density.  Keywords
specify the density (200, 800, 1600, 6250 and INSTALLATION (default)).
/DEPENDANCY:ddd	Set batch job dependancy to ddd.  On /MODIFY requests,
if a '+' or '-' precedes ddd, add or subtract ddd from the current value.
/DESTINATION:nnn	Specify the node to which all output will be sent.
/DISPOSE:keyword	Specify file disposition.  Keywords are:
DELETE - delete the file after processing; PRESERVE - don't delete the file
(default); RENAME - rename the file into the spooled area when the request
is created, then delete it after processing.
/DISTRIBUTION:qqq	Set spooled output distribution location to qqq.
/ERBINARY	Generate an error message if user attempts to queue a
binary file.
/ERNONE	Generate an error message if a file is not found.
/ERPROTECT	Generate an error message if a protection failure occurs.
/ERSUPERSEDE	Generate an error if the listing file already exists.
/ESTIMATE:ddd	Reserve the specified number of blocks on the listing file.
/EXIT	Exit from QUEUE.
/*FAST	Same as /LIST:FAST.
/FEET:ddd	Set batch job paper tape limit to ddd feet.
/FILE:keyword	Specify file format.  Keywords are: ASCII - ASCII file
(default); COBOL - sixbit COBOL file; ELEVEN - PDP11 file; FORTRAN - FORTRAN
data file.
/FORMS:sss	Specify type of forms to be sss.
/GENERIC	Process request on any device of the appropriate type.
/[NO]HEADER:yes-no	Include banner for a file.
/*HELP:keyword	Prints help on the terminal.  Keywords are: ARGUMENTS - print
switch names and their argument types; SWITCHES - print only switches;
TEXT - print this text (default).
/JOBNAME:sss	Specify a job name.
/KILL	Kill (delete) this request.
/LENGTH:min:max	Include files whose blocksize is within the range of
min to max.
/LIMIT:ddd	Output request limit is ddd (feet, pages, etc.).
/LOWERCASE	Print this job on a lower case printer.
/LIST:keyword	List jobs in queues.  Keywords are: ALL - detailed listing;
FAST - fast queue listing; JOBS - list jobs (default); SUMMARY - summarized
queue listing.
/METERS:ddd	Set batch job paper tape limit to ddd meters.
/MESSAGE:keyword	Set the verbosity level of messages output. Keywords
are: ADDRESS - type out address where message occurs; CONTINUATION - type out
continuation text if any exists; FIRST - type out first line of message;
PREFIX - type out six character message prefix.
/*MODIFY	Modify an existing queue request.
/[NO]NEW:yes-no	Include this file in a request even if it doesn't yet exist.
/NOTES:qqq	Annotate output message with qqq in header.
/[NO]NOTIFY:yes-no	Request notification when job completes.
/[NO]NULL:yes-no	Don't generate a fatal error message if no files in
queue request.
/OKBINARY	Allow binary files in queue request.
/OKSUPERSEDE	Don't generate an error if the listing file already exists.
/[NO]OPTION:option-name	Scan DSK:SWITCH.INI[,]/PHYSICAL for lines with
QUEUE:option-name for switches.
/OUTPUT:keyword	Specify batch job log file processing.  Keywords are:
ERROR - print file if job ends in error; LOG - print log file (default);
NOLOG - never print a log file.
/PAGES:ddd	Set batch job printer page limit to ddd pages.
/PARITY:keyword	Set listing file tape parity.  Keywords are: EVEN - set
even parity; ODD - set odd parity (default).
/PATH:[directory]	Run batch job from [directory].
/PLOT:keyword	Specify plotter processing:  Keywords are: ASCII, BINARY
(sixbit), and IMAGE (default).
/[NO]PHYSICAL:yes-no	Ignore logical device names on LOOKUPs and ENTERs.
/PRINT:keyword	Specify printer processing:  Keywords are: ARROW, ASCII
(default), OCTAL, and SUPPRESSED.
/PRIORITY:ddd	Set request priority to ddd.
/PROCESSING:nnn	Specify the node where a batch request will be processed.
/PROTECTION:ooo	When listing queues to a file, set the file protection to
ooo.  When creating queue requests, set the protection level of the request
to ooo.
/PUNCH:keyword	Specify card punch processing:  Keywords are: 026, ASCII,
/READER	Submit a card deck on disk to SPRINT for processing.
/REPORT:code	Print COBOL report file by outputting every line that starts
with "code."
/REQUESTID:n	Specify the request-id number of the request to with /MODIFY
or /KILL.
/[NO]RESTART:yes-no	Specify whether the batch job may be restarted after
a system failure.  Default is /NORESTART.
/RUN:filespec	Run the specified program after the request is processed.
/RUNCORE:ccc	Run the specified program with ccc core.
/RUNOFFSET:ooo	Run the specified program with an offset of ooo.
/SEQUENCE:ddd	Specify a sequence number ddd.
/SINCE:date-time	Include only files created since date-time.
/SITGO	Submit a card deck on disk to SITGO for processing.
/*SPACING:keyword	Specify spacing on a print request.  Keywords
are: DOUBLE, SINGLE (default), and TRIPLE.
/STREAM:n	Specify the stream to be displayed in listing queue entries.
/[NO]STRS:yes-no	Scan each structure for duplicate files.
/TAG:sss	Start batch processing at tag sss.
/TAPE:keyword	Specify paper tape punch processing.  Keywords
are: ASCII (default), BINARY, IBINARY, and IMAGE.
/TIME:ttt	Set batch job time limit to ttt.
/TMPFIL:sss:qqq	Create a temporary file sss (either TMP:sss or
DSK:_#_#_#sss.TMP[-]) containing text qqq.
/TPLOT:ddd	Set batch job plotter time to ddd minutes.
/*UNIQUE:yes-no	Allow only one batch job to run under this PPN at a time.
/UNIT:xxx	Process request on unit number xxx (e.g. LPTxxx if a print
request) or on unit type xxx.
/UPPERCASE	Print this job on a upper case printer.
/USERNAME:qqq	Set spooled output user name to qqq.
/VERSION:vvv	Set the version number of listing files.
Switches of the form /*xxxxxx are unique to one character.  The asterisk
is NOT part of the switch name.
Argument formats:
ccc	Core argument: decimal followed by optional K or P.
ddd	Decimal number followed by optional K, M, or G.
nnn	Sixbit node name or octal node number.
ooo	Octal number followed by optional K, M, or G.
qqq	Possibly quoted string: either alphanumerics or 'sixbit' for any
64-character set graphics with quoting character doubled to represent itself.
sss	Sixbit string of alpha-numerics.
ttt	Time in seconds, hhmmss, or hh:mm:ss.
vvv	Version number in standard DECsystem-10 version format.
xxx	Octal number or sixbit quantity.
yes-no	Switch arguments may either be NO, YES, 0 (no), or 1 (yes).
In addition, the switch name may be preceded by NO to negate its action
(e.g. /NOxxxxxx instead of /xxxxxx:NO).
date-time	A specific or relative date-time combination with the date
components separated by a dash and the time components set off by and
separated by a colon. The date can include the year.  The time can include
seconds and minutes. The format can be either date:time, date, or time.
date:time can be a mnemonic
mnemonic is LOGIN, MIDNIGHT, or NOON
date can be dd-mmm-yyyy or mmm-dd-yyyy
yyyy is either 1, 2, or 4 digits
mmm is mnemonic for month
date can be +-nnnD or +-weekday
nnn is any decimal number
weekday is mnemonic day of week
time can be hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss