
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - cuspbinsrc_1of2_bb-x128c-sb - 10,7/help/help.exe
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HELP is available for the following:
DOCumentation is available for the following:
The monitor has the following commands:
The monitor has the following site-specific commands:
The monitor has the following job-specific commands:
The monitor has the following SET commands:
The monitor has the following SET DEFAULT commands:
The monitor has the following SET TTY commands:
The monitor supports the following terminal types:
The monitor has the following SET WATCH commands:	d+@+l	d+@+r(F1D+p3D,~+B
.Illegal char: "^
&.* +'", for HELP type HELPHorrible bug somewhere....No information is currently available on ""
Input error Output error Illegal device specification in commandCan't OPEN output deviceCan't OPEN input deviceCan't LOOKUP directoryCore limit exceeded
Can't read DECLARE commands