
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - cuspbinsrc_2of2_bb-fp63b-sb - 10,7/nft/nft.rnh
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.PAGE SIZE 58,70
.TITLE NFT - Help file for NFT %2(20)
The NFT program is used to access files on remote systems over DECnet or
The remote files can be listed (on your terminal), deleted, copied from
system to system, renamed, queued to a line printer, or submitted to the batch
processor.  NFT can perform the same functions on the 
local system as well as the remote system.
The NFT program can be run by using the following monitor command:
* is the command prompt.  To the prompt you can type a command 
string in the following format:
*command file-spec=file-spec
This construct varies with the command that you are using.  
The file-spec is a file specification which includes any or all of the
Where "node" is the network node name (or blank for the local host),
"dev" is the device or file structure name, "dir" is the file directory
containing the file, "file" is the file name, "ext" is the file extension
or file type, "gen" is the file generation number, and "swt" is/are any
file switches desired. The usual TOPS-10 file spec wildcarding rules
apply (although the various remote file systems may be more
/USERID specifies access information for the file, and can optionally 
take the three arguments (userid:account:password).  See below for more 
information about /USERID.
Some commands (e.g., DELETE) require no output
specification, and for these commands
the equal sign should also be omitted.  Other commands (e.g., EXIT)
take no arguments.
The NFT commands are:
COPY	copy files from one system to another or one file structure to 
DDT	enter DDT (if DDT is present).
DELETE	delete the specified file(s).
DIRECT	list the file(s) on your terminal.
EXIT	exit from NFT to monitor level.
HELP	display information about the commands that are available.
NETWORK	display information about network nodes.
PRINT	print a file (queue to system line printer spooler).
RENAME	rename a file (an output file must be specified on the left-hand
side of the equal sign).
RESET	clear all SET#DEFAULT and SET#NAME definitions.
SET#DEFAULT	define NFT file-specification defaults.
SET#NAME	define device-logical-name for NFT.
SUBMIT	submit a batch control file to the batch job processor.
TYPE	display the contents of a file on your terminal.
DDELETE	delete a single file quickly.
DDIRECT	list a single file quickly.
DRENAME	rename a single file quickly.
DSUBMIT	submit a single batch control file quickly.
.;FAL	enter FAL mode.
You may include the /USERID switch for each file specification.  The /USERID 
switch can be included in your SWITCH.INI file after the NFT command.  The
/USERID switch requires up to three arguments in the following format:
Each argument corresponds to account information for the specific system.
If you do not include some of the arguments, NFT will prompt you for them.  The
userid may be your PPN or user name, optionally enclosed in <> or [].
The account can be omitted if defaulted by the system, but you must include
the colon (:) if you specify the password.
Other general switches that can be specified for any NFT command are:
/[NO]MOAN	see warning messages about problems.
/[NO]OKERROR	prevent NFT from aborting the command on an error
/TOTALS:arg	control the information in the totals summary.
The COPY and TYPE commands  accept certain switches that apply only to these
operations.  Those switches are:
/[NO]ARROW	convert control characters to up-arrow format.
/[NO]BAUD	show the baud rate of the transfer in the summary.
/[NO]CONCAT	concatenate (combine) the input files into one output file.
/CRLF:nn	specify the column at which to place
carriage-return/line-feed characters into the file.
/[NO]CSN	place card sequence numbers on each line in the file.
/CSNCOL:nn	specify starting column for card sequence numbers.
/CSNINC:nn	specify the incremental value for card sequence numbers.
/CSNWID:nn	specify the number of digits in the card sequence numbers.
/DIAL:number	dial the phone number that you specify.
/EBCDIC	read data in EBCDIC format.
/FLAG:arg	specify the type of characters to flag.  The arguments are
UPPER and LOWER.  NFT will place a single-quote character (') before each
uppercase or lowercase character.
/[NO]LSN	generate line sequence numbers for each line (record).
/[NO]LSNCON	continue line sequence numbers over page boundaries.
/LSNINC:nn	specify the incremental value for line sequence numbers.
/[NO]NULLS	preserve ASCII null characters in the file.
/[NO]SPACES	convert ASCII tab characters into ASCII space characters.
/[NO]TABS	convert multiple spaces into  tab characters.
/[NO]TRUNCA	suppress trailing ASCII blanks (spaces, tabs).
/WRAP:nn	insert a carriage-return/line-feed for the first space
or tab after the specified number of characters on each line.
For more on-line information about the NFT program, refer to the 
NFT.MAN file distributed with DECnet-10.  Use of the NFT program is
documented in the DECnet-10 User's Guide.
.B.C;Accessing Files On Different Types of Systems
.c;File Generation Numbers
Although TOPS-10 does not support  file  generation  numbers,  NFT  does
accept  them.   The  generation  number  is  always  preceded  by  a "."
character (yes, even if a VAX or a RSX or other  system  which  normally
uses  ";").   Naturally,  this  requires that the generation number must
follow the file extension (which is also preceded by a "." character!).
.b.c;TOPS-10 systems
In general, you need do nothing special  in  order  to  talk  to  remote
TOPS-10  nodes  with  NFT-10.  Files will automatically be copied in all
the right modes, protections, and so on.
FAL-10 (NFT-10 in drag) will default the userid to a  generic  "network"
userid  if  the remote accessor doesn't supply one explicitly.  As such,
if you access the -10 from a remote node, you may not  need  to  give  a
userid  if the file you are accessing is sufficiently unprotected (e.g.,
to read a file on a -10 generally doesn't require a userid, to  write  a
file on a -10 generally does).
.b.c;TOPS-20 systems
In general, you need do nothing special  in  order  to  talk  to  remote
TOPS-20 nodes with NFT-10.  Files will automatically be copied in a fair
semblance of the original file (7-bit files  will  be  copied  as  ASCII
files,  all  others  will  be copied as 36-bit binary (or IMAGE)) files.
Non-contiguous files cannot be copied.
.b.c;RSX systems
In general, ASCII files copy correctly from  the  RSX  with  no  special
action required on behalf of the user. Sometimes however you will have to
explicitly specify /ASCII (clue: if you get the error message "Illegal
ASCII record attributes for IMAGE/BINARY data" you must specify /ASCII).
To read or write binary files however is a pain.  To read a  RSX  binary
file,  you must specify that the file is binary (/BINARY), and what size
bytes it has (/BYTESIZE:8). In general, you do not need to supply any
record formatting information.
To store a RSX binary file on the -10 in such a way that you can give it
back  to the RSX and have the RSX be able to understand it, you must use
MACY11 format.  Simply put /MACY11 on the -10 file spec and  all  (well,
the binary file anyway) will work well.
To write a RSX binary file, you must specify that  the  file  is  binary
(/BINARY),  what  size  bytes  it  has  (/BYTESIZE:8),  and what type of
records the file should contain (/RECFORMAT:   FIXED  or  VARIABLE).
If FIXED length records are specified, then you must also specify
the record  size  explicity  (/RECSIZE:size).   Additionally,  some  RSX
binary  files require that they be contiguous on the disk (/CONTIGUOUS).
RSX task images (.TSK files) are of this sort.
If contiguous allocation is required then the file allocation must be
prespecified - either explicitly via /ALLOCATE (or /ESTIMATE) or implicitly
via the "input" file allocation. In the later case the /BLOCKSIZE switch
must be used to enable NFT to convert the input file size into the
corresponding output file size (measured in "blocks").
For example:
.b.c;VAX systems
Overall, VAX systems are pretty much indistinguishable from RSX
systems (as described above).