
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - cuspjul86upd_bb-jf24a-bb - 10,7/galaxy/charty.dat
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The following characteristics are defined for control of the
LN01 printer.  They select a set of print attributes (primarily
font and orientation) and are mutually exclusive.  Author unknown.
%	NORMAL		0		the normal line printer
%	SLIDE		1
%	GOUDY		3
%	FIXED		5
%	TITAN10		6

The following characteristics were added 8-Nov_83 by
Paul Kyzivat in support of the xerox 8700 printer.
They select the layout (font and orientation) and an
overlay (electronic form) to be printed with the data.
One layout and one overlay may be selected.
(Added 29-Dec-83 by PHK: P80 and P65.)
(Added 09-Feb-84 by PHK: SCRIBE - for debugging.)
(Added 02-Apr-84 by PHK: TR(10 14 18)P_BOLD.)
(Added 03-Apr-84 by PHK: IMAGE - for debugging.)
(Added 06-Apr-84 by PHK: MR_CC_REPORT - private overlay.)

%	L132		0	(layout) landscape 132 wide (normal printer)
%	LANDSCAPE	0	(layout) L132 is the default landscape
%	L100		50	(layout) landscape 100 wide
%	P100		51	(layout) portrait 100 wide
%	P90		52	(layout) portrait 90 wide
%	PORTRAIT	52	(layout) P90 is the default portrait
%	P75		53	(layout) portrait 75 wide
%	P132D		54	(layout) like 2 reduced L132s stacked on portrait page
%	UN11P_BOLD	55	(layout) portrait, 11pt bold proportional text
					 lacks [\]^{|}~
%	UN14P_BOLD	56	(layout) portrait, 14pt bold proportional text
					 upper case only, few special chars
%	UN18P_BOLD	57	(layout) portrait, 18pt bold, proportional text
					 lacks [\]^{|}~
%	P80		58	(layout) portrait 80 wide
%	P65		59	(layout) portrait 65 wide
%	SCRIBE		60	(layout) just for Scribe output
%	TR10P_BOLD	61	(layout) portrait, 10pt bold proportional text
%	TR14P_BOLD	62	(layout) portrait, 14pt bold proportional text
%	TR18P_BOLD	63	(layout) portrait, 18pt bold proportional text
%	IMAGE		64	(layout) just for testing EPIC image files

%	CONDENSED	100	(overlay) boxes for P132D.  Implies P132D.
%	OVERHEAD	101	(overlay) box and reduced margin for overhead
					  transparencies. Implies UN11P_BOLD.
%	MR_CC_REPORT	102	(overlay) special for cost center report.
					  Implies L132.