
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - cuspjul86upd_bb-jf24a-bb - 10,7/galaxy/qsrcv4.mac
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	TITLE	QSRCV4 - Convert master queues
	SUBTTL	Universals

IF1,<PRINTX [Requires version 4 QSRMAC.UNV file called QSRMV4.UNV] > 

	SEARCH	QSRMV4			; Get version 4 QSRMAC

	PROLOG	QSRCV4			; Generate GLXLIB info

	%%.QV4==:%%.QSR			; Define version 4 QSRMAC version

	EXTERN	EQBUFF			; Make the buffer accessible
	SUBTTL	REDQV4 - Read a version 4 EQ block

; This routine will read a version 4 EQ block into the low segment
;data storage.

REDQV4::MOVE	S1,EQBUFF+.EQITN	; Get the internal task name
	MOVEM	S1,EQITN##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.ROBTY+.EQROB+EQBUFF ; Get the object type
	MOVE	S2,OBJTAB(S1)		; Convert to device name
	JUMPE	S2,.RETF		; If no device, punt
	LOAD	S1,.ROBAT+.EQROB+EQBUFF,RO.ATR ; Get the attributes
	CAXN	S1,%SITGO		; SITGO stream?
	 MOVX	S1,<SIXBIT |FFS|>	; Yes, get the other name
	CAXN	S1,%LOWER		; Lower case?
	 MOVX	S1,<SIXBIT |LL|>	; Get the correct name
	CAXN	S1,%UPPER		; Upper case?
	 MOVX	S1,<SIXBIT |LU|>	; Yes, get the name
	STORE	S2,EQRDV##		; Store the request device
	MOVE	S1,EQBUFF+.EQROB+.ROBTY	; Get the type
	MOVEM	S1,ROBTY##	; Store it
	MOVE	S1,EQBUFF+.EQROB+.ROBAT	; Get the attributes
	MOVEM	S1,ROBAT##	; Store them
	MOVE	S1,EQBUFF+.EQROB+.ROBND	; Get the node name
	MOVEM	S1,ROBND##	; STore it
	MOVE	S1,EQBUFF+.EQROB+.ROBUA	; Get the user attributes
	MOVEM	S1,ROBUA##	; STore it
	MOVE	S1,EQBUFF+.EQJOB	; Get the job name
	MOVEM	S1,EQJOB##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.EQSEQ+EQBUFF,EQ.SEQ	; Get the sequence
	MOVEM	S1,EQSEQ##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.EQSEQ+EQBUFF,EQ.PRV	; Get the 'creator priv'ed' bit
	MOVEM	S1,EQPRV##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.EQSEQ+EQBUFF,EQ.SPL	; Get the spooled bit
	MOVEM	S1,EQSPL##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.EQSEQ+EQBUFF,EQ.PRI	; Get the priority
	MOVEM	S1,EQPRI##		; Store it
	LOAD	S1,.EQSPC+EQBUFF,EQ.PRO	; Get the request protection
	MOVEM	S1,EQPRO##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.EQSPC+EQBUFF,EQ.NUM	; Get the number of files
	MOVEM	S1,EQNUM##		; Store it
	LOAD	S1,.EQAFT+EQBUFF	; Get the after time
	MOVEM	S1,EQAFT##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,DEPN	; Get the dependency count
	MOVEM	S1,EQDEP##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,UNIQ	; Get the uniqueness
	MOVEM	S1,EQUNI##		; Save it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,REST	; Get the non-restart
	MOVEM	S1,EQNRS##		; Save it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,OUTP	; Get the output type
	MOVEM	S1,EQOUT##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,FORM	; Get the forms type (maybe)
	MOVEM	S1,EQFRM##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,NBLK	; Get the number of blocks
	MOVEM	S1,EQNBL##		; STore it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,OLIM	; Get the page limit
	MOVEM	S1,EQPGS##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,CORE	; Get the core limit
	MOVEM	S1,EQCOR##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,TIME	; Get the time limit
	MOVEM	S1,EQTIM##		; Save it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,SLPT	; Get the printer limit (input)
	MOVEM	S1,EQLPT##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,SCDP	; Get the card punch limit (input)
	MOVEM	S1,EQCDP##		; store it
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,SPTP	; Get the paper tape limit (input)
	MOVEM	S1,EQPTP##		; Stuff
	GETLIM	S1,+.EQLIM+EQBUFF,SPLT	; Get the plotter limit
	MOVEM	S1,EQPLT##		; Store it
	MOVEM	S1,EQNOT##		; Store it
	GETLIM	S1,.EQLIM+EQBUFF,NOT2	; Get the second half
	MOVEM	S1,EQNOT##+1		; Save it

	MOVE	S1,[XWD .EQACT+EQBUFF,EQACT##] ; Get the BLT pointer
	BLT	S1,EQACT+7		; Move the account string
	DMOVE	S1,.EQOWN+EQBUFF	; Get the SIXBIT user name
	DMOVEM	S1,EQOWN##		; Save it
	$TEXT	(<-1,,EQUSR##>,<^W6 /EQOWN##/^W/EQOWN##+1/^0>)
	MOVE	S1,.EQOID+EQBUFF	; Get the owner's PPN
	MOVEM	S1,EQOID##		; Stuff it
	MOVE	S1,[XWD .EQBOX+EQBUFF,EQBOX##] ; Get the BLT pointer
	BLT	S1,EQBOX+7		; Store it
	MOVE	S1,[XWD .EQCST+EQBUFF,EQCST##] ; Point to the customer words
	BLT	S1,EQCST+^D10-1		; MOve it
	LOAD	S1,.EQLEN+EQBUFF,EQ.LOH	; Get the length of the header
	CAXGE	S1,.EQPAT+1		; Path there?
	 JRST	REQ.1			; No, all done
	MOVE	S2,[XWD .EQPAT+EQBUFF,EQPAT##] ; Get the pointer
	BLT	S2,EQPAT##+.EQPSZ-.EQPAT ; Move the path
REQ.1:	ADDI	S1,EQBUFF		; Plus the base address
	HRL	S1,EQNUM##		; Get the number of files
	POPJ	P,			; And return

	EXP	0,0,0,<SIXBIT |IBM|>
	EXP	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	SUBTTL	WRTQV4 - Write a version 4 EQ block

; This routine will write a version 4 EQ block.

WRTQV4::$SAVE	<P1,P2>			; Save P1
	MOVE	S1,CURPAG##		; Get the page address
	$CALL	.ZPAGA			; And clear it
	MOVE	P1,CURPAG##		; Get the address
	MOVX	S1,<<XWD %%.QSR,.EQPSZ>> ; Get the size of the block and the version
	MOVEM	S1,.EQLEN(P1)		; Store it
	HLLZ	S1,EQRDV##		; Get the device
	MOVSI	S2,-RDVTLN		; Get the table length
	CAME	S1,RDVTAB(S2)		; Is this the correct device name?
	 AOBJN	S2,.-1			; No, loop through the table
	JUMPGE	S2,.RETF		; If we can't find it punt
	HRRZ	S1,RDVTB1(S2)		; Get the attributes
	STORE	S1,.ROBAT+.EQROB(P1),RO.ATR ; Stuff the attribute in
	HLRZ	P2,RDVTB1(S2)		; Get the object type
	STORE	P2,.ROBTY+.EQROB(P1)	; Store it
	SKIPN	ROBTY		; Have a type?
	  JRST	WRTQ.1			; No, skip this
	LOAD	S1,FROM			; From
	STORE	S1,TO			; To
>; End of $MOVE
	$MOVE	ROBTY,.ROBTY+.EQROB(P1)	; Store the type
	$MOVE	ROBAT,.ROBAT+.EQROB(P1)	; Attributes
	$MOVE	ROBUA,.ROBUA+.EQROB(P1)	; User attributes
WRTQ.1:	LOAD	S1,EQITN##		; Get the internal task name
	STORE	S1,.EQITN(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQJOB##		; Get the job name
	STORE	S1,.EQJOB(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQSEQ##		; Get the sequence
	STORE	S1,.EQSEQ(P1),EQ.SEQ	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQPRV##		; Get the 'creator priv'ed' bit
	STORE	S1,.EQSEQ(P1),EQ.PRV	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQSPL##		; Get the spooled bit
	STORE	S1,.EQSEQ(P1),EQ.SPL	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQPRI##		; Get the priority
	STORE	S1,.EQSEQ(P1),EQ.PRI	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQPRO##		; Get the request protection
	STORE	S1,.EQSPC(P1),EQ.PRO	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQNUM##		; Get the number of files
	STORE	S1,.EQSPC(P1),EQ.NUM	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQAFT##		; Get the after time
	STORE	S1,.EQAFT(P1)		; Store it
	CAXE	P2,.OTBAT		; Input request?
	 JRST	WRTQ.2			; No, output
	LOAD	S1,EQDEP##		; Get the dependency count
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),DEPN	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQUNI##		; Get the unit number
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),UNIQ	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQNRS##		; Get the non-restart
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),REST	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQOUT##		; Get the output type
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),OUTP	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQCOR##		; Get the core limit
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),CORE	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQTIM##		; Get the time limit
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),TIME	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,EQLPT##		; Get the printer limit (input)
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),SLPT	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQCDP##		; Get the card punch limit (input)
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),SCDP	; store it
	LOAD	S1,EQPTP##		; Get the paper tape limit (input)
	LOAD	S1,EQPLT##		; Get the plotter limit
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),SPLT	; Store it
	JRST	WRTQ.3			; Skip output items

WRTQ.2:	LOAD	S1,EQNBL##		; Get the number of blocks
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),NBLK	; STore it
	LOAD	S1,EQPGS##		; Get the page limit
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),OLIM	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,EQFRM##		; Get the forms type (maybe)
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),FORM	; Store it
	DMOVE	S1,EQNOT##		; Get the /NOTE value
	STOLIM	S1,+.EQLIM(P1),NOT1	; Store first half
	STOLIM	S2,+.EQLIM(P1),NOT2	; And second

WRTQ.3:	MOVEI	S1,.EQACT(P1)		; Get the address to move to
	HRLI	S1,EQACT##		; And from
	BLT	S1,.EQACT+7(P1)		; Move the account string
	DMOVE	S1,EQOWN##		; Get the user name
	DMOVEM	S1,.EQOWN(P1)		; Store it
	MOVEI	S1,.EQUSR(P1)		; Get destination of user name
	HRLI	S1,EQUSR##		; And the source
	BLT	S1,.EQUSR+4(P1)		; Move the name
	MOVEI	S1,.EQBOX(P1)		; Point to the box
	HRLI	S1,EQBOX##		; From
	BLT	S1,.EQBOX+7(P1)		; Move it
	MOVEI	S1,.EQCST(P1)		; Move customer args
	HRLI	S1,EQCST##		; . . .
	BLT	S1,.EQCST+^D10-1(P1)	; . . .
	MOVE	S1,EQOID##		; Get the owner's PPN
	MOVEM	S1,.EQOID(P1)		; Stuff it
	MOVEI	S2,.EQPAT(P1)		; Point to the path
	HRLI	S2,EQPAT##		; And set up the from address
	BLT	S2,.EQPSZ-1(P1)		; Move the path
	MOVEI	S1,.EQPSZ(P1)		; Get the end of the header
	HRL	S1,EQNUM##		; Get the number of files
	$RETT				; All done

> ; End of OBJATR macro


	SUBTTL	RFDQV4 - Read a version 4 FP/FD combination

; This routine will read an FP/FD combination into the low segment

RFDQV4::$SAVE	<P1,P2>			; Save P1
	TXNN	S1,LHMASK		; Any FP/FD's left
	 PJRST	[SETZ	S1,			; Clear S1
		$RETT]				; And return
	MOVE	P1,S1			; Copy the pointer to the FD/FP

	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FFF	; Get the file format
	STORE	S1,FPFFF##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FPF	; Get the paper format
	STORE	S1,FPFPF##		; Save in interface loc
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FSP	; Get the spacing
	STORE	S1,FPFSP##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.DEL	; Get the delete flag
	STORE	S1,FPDEL##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FLG	; Get the log file flag
	STORE	S1,FPFLG##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.NFH	; Get the no-file header bit
	STORE	S1,FPNFH##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.SPL	; Get the spool bit
	STORE	S1,FPSPL##		; Save(it
	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FCY	; Get the copy count
	STORE	S1,FPFCY##		; Store it
	LOAD	S1,.FPFST(P1)		; Get the starting loc
	STORE	S1,FPFST##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPFR1(P1)		; Get the first report word
	STORE	S1,FPFR1##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FPFR2(P1)		; Get the second word
	STORE	S1,FPFR2##		; Save it

	LOAD	S1,.FPLEN(P1),FP.LEN	; Get the FP size
	ADDI	P1,(S1)			; Bump the pointer
	LOAD	P2,.FDLEN(P1),FD.LEN	; Get the FD size
	LOAD	S1,.FDSTR(P1)		; Get the structure name
	STORE	S1,FDSTR##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FDNAM(P1)		; Get the name
	STORE	S1,FDNAM##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FDEXT(P1)		; Get the extension
	STORE	S1,FDEXT##		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,.FDPPN(P1)		; Get the PPN
	STORE	S1,FDPPN##		; Save it
	MOVX	S2,.FDPAT		; Get the offset to first word of path
	SUBI	S2,(P2)			; Get the number of words of path (negative)
	MOVSI	S2,(S2)			; Put in left half
	JUMPGE	S2,RDFD.1		; Any at all?

RDFD.2:	MOVEI	S1,.FDPAT(P1)		; Yes, get the address
	ADDI	S1,(S2)			;  .  .  .
	MOVE	S1,(S1)			; Get the word
	MOVEM	S1,FDPAT(S2)		; Save it
	AOBJN	S2,RDFD.2		; Loop

RDFD.1:	SUB	P1,[XWD 1,0]		; Count the FD
	ADDI	P1,(P2)			; Point to next FP (if any)
	MOVE	S1,P1			; Get the updated pointer
	$RETT				; And return
	SUBTTL	WFDQV4 - Write a version 4 FP/FD combination

; This routine will write a version 4 FD into the current part of
;an EQ block

WFDQV4::$SAVE	<P1>			; Save an ac
	MOVE	P1,S1			; Get the pointer
	MOVX	S1,FPXSIZ		; Get the size
	STORE	S1,.FPLEN(P1),FP.LEN	; Store it

	LOAD	S1,FPFFF##		; Get the file format
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FFF	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPFPF##		; Get the paper format
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FPF	; Save in interface loc
	LOAD	S1,FPFSP##		; Get the spacing
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FSP	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPDEL##		; Get the delete flag
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.DEL	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPFLG##		; Get the log file flag
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FLG	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPNFH##		; Get the no-file header bit
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.NFH	; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPSPL##		; Get the spool bit
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.SPL	; Save(it
	LOAD	S1,FPFCY##		; Get the copy count
	STORE	S1,.FPINF(P1),FP.FCY	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,FPFST##		; Get the starting loc
	STORE	S1,.FPFST(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPFR1##		; Get the first report word
	STORE	S1,.FPFR1(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FPFR2##		; Get the second word
	STORE	S1,.FPFR2(P1)		; Save it

	MOVX	P2,FDXSIZ		; Get the FD size
	ADDX	P1,FPXSIZ		; Move down to the FD
	STORE	P2,.FDLEN(P1),FD.LEN	; Store it
	LOAD	S1,FDSTR##		; Get the structure name
	STORE	S1,.FDSTR(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FDNAM##		; Get the name
	STORE	S1,.FDNAM(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FDEXT##		; Get the extension
	STORE	S1,.FDEXT(P1)		; Save it
	LOAD	S1,FDPPN##		; Get the PPN
	STORE	S1,.FDPPN(P1)		; Save it
	HRRI	S1,.FDPAT(P1)		; Get the address of the path
	HRLI	S1,FDPAT##		; And where to put it
	BLT	S1,FDXSIZ-1(P1)		; And move the path

	SUB	P1,[XWD 1,0]		; Count down the file
	ADDX	P1,FDXSIZ		; Advance the pointer
	MOVE	S1,P1			; Get the updated pointer
	$RETT				; And return
	SUBTTL	ENDQV4 - End a version 4 EQ block

ENDQV4::$SAVE	<P1>			; Save P1
	MOVE	P1,CURPAG##		; Get the address of the message
	SUBI	S1,(P1)			; Get the length of the packet
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(P1),MS.CNT	; Store it
	MOVX	S1,.QOCRE		; Get the function code
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(P1),MS.TYP	; Store it
	STORE	P1,SAB.MS+QSRSAB##	; Stor the address
	MOVX	S1,PAGSIZ		; Get the size of the message
	STORE	S1,SAB.LN+QSRSAB##	; And store it for the send
	MOVX	S1,SAB.SZ		; Get the size of the SAB
	MOVEI	S2,QSRSAB##		; And the address
	$CALL	C%SEND			; Send the message
	SETZM	CURPAG##		; No page left now
	$RETIT				; All done if it worked
	$FATAL	(<Cannot send message to [SYSTEM]QUASAR - ^E/S1/>)

	END				; End of program