
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - cuspmar86binsrc_2of2_bb-fp63a-sb - 10,7/runoff/runinp.hlp
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Summary of RUNOFF input file commands.  All start with "." in column 1.

AX,APPENDIX           start next appendix with rest of line as name
AP,AUTOPARAGRAPH      treat leading spaces as new paragraph
AT,AUTOTABLE          treat lines without leading space as new paragraph
BB,BEGIN BAR          start a change bar
B,BLANK n             skip n lines
BR,BREAK              start new output line
C,CENTER,CENTRE n     center the next line around column n/2
CH,CHAPTER            start new chapter with rest of line as name
COMMENT               ignore this command
CC,CONTROL CHARACTERS allow control characters
DBB,DISABLE BAR       set to ignore change bars
DX,DO INDEX           output index with rest of line as title
ELSE name             change sense of IF/IFNOT
EBB,ENABLE BAR        set to allow change bars
EI,ENDIF name         ends conditional input
EB,END BAR            end change bar
END FOOTNOTE          terminate a footnote definition
ELS,END LIST          end a list
EL,END LITERAL        terminate a literal block of text
EN,END NOTE           terminate a NOTE command
ESL,END SELECTION     stop selection until single line prefix
ES,END SUBPAGE        stop subpage numbering (resumes page)
FG,FIGURE n           make space for n line figure
FIGURE DEFERRED n     same except maybe on next page
F,FILL                resume filling and justifying each line
FT,FIRST TITLE        include title on first page
FLAGS ALL             enable existing flag characters
FL,FLAGS type ch      change flag character to ch
FN,FOOTNOTE n         start n line footnote (input until ! in col.1)
HD,HEADER x           issue "page" in x (UPPER,LOWER,MIXED) case
HL,HEADER LEVEL n     start section at level n(1-5); rest is name
IF name               start conditional input if VARIANT name
IN,IFNOT name         start conditional input if not VARIANT name
I,INDENT n            indent next line
INDEX                 insert rest of this line in index
J,JUSTIFY             resume justifying text
L,LEFT n              start next line n cols from left margin
LM,LEFT MARGIN n      set left margin
LS,LIST n             start list of items with spacing n
LE,LIST ELEMENT       start of item in a list
LT,LITERAL n          start a literal block of text n lines long
LC,LOWER CASE         start footnotes and text in lower case (\\)
NAP,NO AUTOPARAGRAPH  stop autoparagraph mode
NAT,NO AUTOTABLE      stop autotable mode
NCC,NO CONTROL CHARACTERS don't allow control characters
NF,NO FILL            stop fill and justify
NO FLAGS ALL          disable existing flag characters except  .!
NFL,NO FLAGS type     don't use flag character type
NHD,NO HEADER         suppress page headers
NJ,NO JUSTIFY         stop justifying
NNM,NO NUMBER         stop page numbering
NPA,NO PAGING         stop spliting into pages
NPR,NO PERIOD         stop double spacing after period,excl.,ques.,etc.
NSL,NO SELECTION      accept all text as input
NSP,NO SPACE          suppress space on this end of line
NST,NO SUBTITLE       suppress subtitles
NT,NOTE text          start indented note with heading "text" centered
NM,NUMBER n           resume page numbering at page n
NUMBER APPENDIX n     set chapter to appendix n
NUMBER CHAPTER n      set chapter number to n
NUMBER INDEX          set chapter number to "INDEX"
NUMBER LEVEL a,b,c... set next HEADER LEVEL to a.b.c...
NUMBER LIST d,c       set list counter depth d to c
NUMBER PAGE n         resume page numbering at page n
NUMBER SUBPAGE ch     set subpage number to ch (A-Z)
PG,PAGE               start new page
PS,PAGE SIZE n,m      paper is n lines by m columns
PAPER SIZE n,m          "    " "   "   "  "    "
PA,PAGING             resume breaking into pages
P,PARAGRAPH n,v,t     start new paragraph (.I n, .S v, .TP t)
PR,PERIOD             double space after .!?:;
PX,PRINT INDEX        start printing index
R,RIGHT n             right adjust next line n cols left of margin
RM,RIGHT MARGIN n     set right margin
SL,SELECTION string   set selection string
S,SKIP n              skip n*spacing lines
SP,SPACING n          set spacing (default=1)
SD,STANDARD n         standard setup of width n
X,SUBINDEX            index with ">" used to delimit sub-indices
SPG,SUBPAGE           start sub-page numbering
ST,SUBTITLE           use rest of line as subtitle
SUBTTL                 "   "   "   "   "     "
TS,TAB STOPS n,n,...  set tab stops
TP,TEST PAGE n        skip to new page if fewer than n lines left
T,TITLE               use rest of line as title
TY,TYPESET text       send quoted text to TYPESET-10
UC,UPPER CASE         start footnotes and text in upper case (^^)
VR,VARIABLE name ch ch declare variable with on/off flags ch, ch

They can be abbreviated if unique.  Numeric arguments can  be  preceeded
by  +  or  -.  ch is any character.  Flag types are CAPITALIZE, CONTROL,
UPPERCASE.   The  selection  string  is  four  characters  in the order:
comment, single, start, stop (;&+-).

Special text characters (except in literal blocks):
_    take next character as text (quote)
^    upper case next character (uppercase)
^^   upper case lock
\    lower case next character (lowercase)
\\   lower case lock
#    unexpandable space (space)
&    underline next character (underline)
^&   underline lock on
\&   underline unlock (off)
>    (initially off) index following word (index)
<    (initially off) capitalize all of following word (capitalize)

!    (col. 1) end footnote (endfootnote)
.    (col. 1) command line (control)

Special command characters (except TITLE, SUBTITLE, INDEX):
;    start another command (needs another . also) or text
.    start another command
!    start comment (runs to end of line or ;)
to include !  or .  or ;  in .SELECT or .FLAG or .VARIABLE, it  must  be
quoted by _.