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                DX-10 BOOTSTRAP FROM PDP-10

                    Date:  16-Nov-76
                    File:  BOOTDX.RNO
                    Edition:  3 

This document reflects the software as of version 2(15).

Copyright (C) 1975,1976,1977
Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.

This software is furnished under a license for use only  on  a  single
computer system and may be copied only with the inclusion of the above
copyright notice.  This software, or any other copies thereof, may not
be provided or otherwise made available to any other person except for
use on such system and to one  who  agrees  to  these  license  terms.
Title  to  and  ownership of the software shall at all times remain in

The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice
and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment

DEC assumes no responsibility  for  the  use  or  reliability  of  its
software on equipment which is not supplied by DEC.
BOOTDX                                                          Page 2


BOOTDX is a bootstrap program designed to load or dump  programs  from
the  PDP-10  into  the PDP-8A in the DX-10.  The two main functions of

     1.  Loading a program into PDP-8 memory from a PDP-10  disk  file
         or the PDP-10 paper tape reader.

         Warning:  BOOTDX reads ONLY image mode PDP-8 files.

     2.  Dumping PDP-8 memory into a PDP-10  disk  file,  creating  an
         ASCII  listing  of  the  contents  of  the PDP-8 suitable for
         listing on a line printer.

BOOTDX runs in USER mode under a DECsystem-10 timesharing system.   It
requires a minimum of 2K of memory but expands for IO buffers.  BOOTDX
does IO instructions direct to the DX10 hardware.  For this  to  work,
the  BOOTDX  job  must  have privileges for the TRPSET function of the
timesharing system.


The program BOOTDX should normally reside in the  system  SYS:   area.
"R BOOTDX" starts the program which responds by typing


and waiting for some typed input, terminated  by  a  carriage  return.
The  expected  input  is  a  standard  DECsystem-10  file  descriptor,
followed by switches telling BOOTDX what to do:

2.1  Loading the DX-10

    /LOAD:S         Load the DX-10 from the specified PDP-10 file  and
                    set the starting address to the octal value S.

    /START:S        Load the DX-10 from the specified PDP-10 file  and
                    start  the  -8  at octal location S.  If :S is not
                    present, the default :S is 200 octal.

    /CLEAR:C        Set PDP-8  memory  from  0  to  C-1  to  all  HALT
                    instructions.  /CLEAR should be used with /LOAD or
                    /START to preset -8 memory before loading.

    /UNIT:U         Do the specified  operation  for  unit  number  U.
                    (DX-10  0 is device code 220,  1 is 224.)

/CLEAR AND /UNIT may be used with /LOAD or /START.  /LOAD  and  /START
may not be used together.
BOOTDX                                                          Page 3

2.2  Dumping the PDP-8

    /DUMP:M         Dump PDP-8 memory starting  at  octal  location  M
                    into the specified PDP-10 file.

    /END:N          N-1 is the last address of the dump.

    /UNIT:U         Do the specified operation  for  DX-10  number  U.
                    (DX-10  0 is device code 220,  1 is 224.)

These three switches may be used  together.   /DUMP  is  required  for

2.3  Getting Help

    /HELP           Read  and   type   the   help   text   from   file
                    HLP:BOOTDX.HLP or SYS:BOOTDX.HLP

2.4  Defaults

Standard default  values  are  assumed  for  any  parts  of  the  file
descriptor or switch values not explicitly specified:

          Item           Default value

          DEVICE:        DSK:
          FILENAME       DXMPA
          EXTENSION      .BIN for loading ,or
                         .LSD for dumping
                         (A  blank  extension  may  be   specifed   by
                         explicitly  typing  a  dot  with no extension
                         following it.)

          [PROJ,PROG]    [self], allows SFD's
          :C             10000 octal
          :M             0
          :N             10000 octal
          :S             200 octal
          :U             0

If no switches are specified,  BOOTDX  defaults  to  /START.   If  the
entire  input  command is omitted and only a carriage return is typed,
the default action is:


The simplest dump command is /D.  The defaults expand to:


The switches may all be abbreviated to their first letter or
BOOTDX                                                          Page 4





    " DX-10 loading
               The PDP-8 is being loaded with the image mode
               input file data

    " DX-10 loaded
    " DX-10 started
               The loading is complete and the PDP-8 is  now
               executing code in its own memory.

    " DX-10 dumping
               The PDP-8  memory  is  being  dumped  into  a
               PDP-10 file.

    " DX-10 dumped
    " Clearing DX-10
               The  -11  memory  is  being   set   to   HALT

5.1  Command String Error Messages

    ? Can't /CLEAR and /DUMP at the same time
    ? Can't /LOAD and /DUMP at the same time
    ? Can't do both /LOAD and /START
    ? Illegal DX10 channel number
    ? Ambiguous switch--type /H for help
    ? Unknown switch--type /H for help
    ? Command error--type /H for help

5.2  Image Mode File Input Error Messages

    ? Can't OPEN the input device
               The input device does not exist or is in use.
               (Also refer to the DECsystem-10 MONITOR CALLS
BOOTDX                                                          Page 5

    ? LOOKUP failed
               The  input  file  is  not  found,   is   read
               protected,  or  the  input  device doesn't do
               input.   (Also  refer  to  the   DECsystem-10
               MONITOR CALLS Manual.)

    ? Input file read error

    ? Checksum does not match
               The data check in the image file is wrong for
               some unknown reason.

5.3  Dump File Output Error Messages

    ? Can't OPEN the output device
               The output device does not  exist  or  is  in
               use.  (Also refer to the DECsystem-10 MONITOR
               CALLS Manual.)

    ? ENTER failed
               The output file is being modified or the file
               or  the UFD is write protected.  Also see the
               DECsystem-10 MONITOR CALLS manual.

    ? Output device error
               Insufficient room exists on the output device
               for   the   dump   file.    (Refer   to   the
               DECsystem-10 MONITOR CALLS Manual.)

5.4  Miscellaneous Failure Messages

    ? TRPSET failed
               The job does  not  have  the  privileges  for
               TRPSET,  or  TRPSET  is  not  built into this
               version of the Monitor.  (See  your  friendly
               system manager.)