
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - de-10-omona-v-mc9 - mongen.exe
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+C R  HB+C+M!$>9 DL@b
+I R@hB+I+M@@L-$L%Can't find FGEN.HLP@,=-$_Which GEN(HDW,TTY,NET,F)[
HDW to define hardware configuration
TTY to define terminal configuration
NET to define network configuration
F to define software features]: ,
``	`HB%!$LuRDm%xRB&RB+!$X1D+@@,@@,+-$iOutput(DSK:*.MAC):,C$(4Rm,0R+mPHm,"INXF7+tHm-$s?Device-*bnot7available@,=+a,>( $3 D(
? Enter error *@,<+a l  %,z  +-$@END OF *,3R+-$.*@,3 2,`d 
b@7+ +-$? File * error,=
Bd"-$*@,<+"-$ File ,=7Bm+#-$"*:,= +-$$*,=R+-$&.*,=7B-+-,> .[`-$*[*,,<Z--$,*],<,^ %Rx-$2 Closed [*GEN finished]@@,=+2-$:UNIVERSAL	F - SOFTWARE FEATURE TEST FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN DIALOG@@@,3 "-$>INTERN	[email protected]==*@XLIST@,3-$iFeature set(TINY,KALUG,KILUG,KAFULL,KIFULL,KLFULL)[
TINY   Is minimum subset of features for KA10 timesharing
KALUG  Is medium size KA10 monitor with enough features for  batch
KILUG  Same as KALUG but for KI10 cpu
KAFULL Includes all features of DECsystem10 monitor such
	as real-time and extended file system for KA10 cpu
KIFULL Same as KAFUL but for KI10 cpu
KLFULL	Same as KIFULL but for KL10 cpu]: ,
,>( B,> (Q$ D9Z(.$
3d+s	d7+s-$sInsufficient user core@,* ,9+ @,H4R}1R+}02 0r-+z+{020r+/2`dpR+v I(,3Hx+0R+~+!(GI(+ I(:(+l (Q$ D:@@Z(Q*(
 D(Z9/ H:,^x-$Standard setting(YES,NO,LIST,EXPLAIN)[
Standard values for all feature test switches for your configuration]: ,
4B-$"@Only standard settings have been tested by DEC
all other settings may produce incorrect operation. @@,=<B$,+
-$>Type "switch,value"(or LIST or EXPLAIN)[
For any feature test switch to define,
type "switch,value", value=0 for off or -1 for on, or
type LIST or EXPLAIN to list or explain switches.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through.]@@,:,[+$4Ri,>,,^[d1Bm+G 
 $, ,G+$,+$0R+dd(`4Hd,D,>,>,4RM0R+d,5Rd,^,^5$Q!&BG96@GG9+>!$"#(Dn6@m$d$` l"m,>-$]%New switch *(Y,N)[if Y, keep switch, else ignore it]: ,~,^4B$!"s6A:*b_5"a E:+$-$cXP *@,V+$-$h? Not "switch,value" or keyword@,=9$ -$sSet each switch(Y,N)[List each switch with its current value and ask for new value]: ,~4B	S:7C9+(B,>,>  x6!9+~-$}FT*,-1(ON,OFF,LIST,EXPLAIN,END): ,
!&BG90BGG9,^,^*dt+	,^,^+,+w-$
@LIST@,3d @ ,9+,7+-$% Can't find file header in help file@,=S:7C9+3,>d"`l"m,> 3B1f+'-$$Do you want the virtual memory facility(YES,NO)[VMSER must
be on your distribution tape]: ,
 !&BG95B'GG9 x-$)XP *,,3 6!9+--$,-1,3+/-$.0,3,^,9+1,7-$2@,3,^*d-$4	END,3,^(,~-$>SUBTTL HDWCNF - HARDWARE CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN@@@,3-$BDEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,3 "-$EXP M.MON,*@,3,G E-$HXP M.KA10,*@,3 F-$KXP M.KI10,*@,3 F-$NXP M.KL10,*@,3 ;-$QXP M.1040,*@,3 ;-$TXP M.1050,*@,3 <-$WXP M.1055,*@,3 <-$ZXP M.1070,*@,3 =-$]XP M.1077,*@,3 =-$`XP M.1080,*@,3 >-$cXP M.1088,*@,3 >-$fXP M.1091,*@,3 "-$iXP MD.P6,*@,3:E6@>:E7@<6@=:E E-$oXP M.CPU,*@,3-$tSystem name[24 characters or less]: ,C0b
7+{-$z% More than 24 characters@,=+{ "b-$DEFINE	SYSNAM
<	ASCIZ	&*&>@,V	d&$:.$ ,> &$,> "-$DEFINE	SYSDAT,3,\-$ASCIZ &*,1 BJ,^ "-$-*,1 BJ,^-$-*&,1 BK,] J-$XP M.MON,*@,3 J-$XP M.DAY,*@,3 K-$XP M.YEAR,*@,3@p& -$CPU* serial #(1-10000): ,o B@G<0%3B@G7+$ -$#? Cannot be same as CPU*@,=+=0 &@6@F+- &-$,# DK10's on CPU*(1,0-2)[Real time clock]: ,o B@?7@O@'.BB:&30E+ G-$3XP M.C0SN,*@,3 G-$6XP M.C1SN,*@,3 H-$9XP M.C2SN,*@,3 H-$<XP M.C3SN,*@,3 I-$?XP M.C4SN,*@,3 I-$BXP M.C5SN,*@,3 ?-$EXP M.RT0,*@,3 ?-$HXP M.RT1,*@,3 @-$KXP M.RT2,*@,3 @-$NXP M.RT3,*@,3 A-$QXP M.RT4,*@,3 A-$TXP M.RT5,*@,3 B-$WXP M.RTX,*@,3-$}Exclude Monitor overhead from user run time(Y,N)[
Overhead is CPU time spent clock queue processing, command
decoding, core shuffling, swapping, and scheduling.
User run time always includes UUO execution and
unless EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected
(KL10 systems only) includes IO interrupt service time.
On KA or KI systems, each CPU must have a DK10]: ,~-$XP M.RTCO,*@,37@F+4-$EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting?(y,n)[
If EBOX/MBOX runtime accounting is selected in a KL10
based system, user runtime is computed using the KL10
internal accounting clocks]: ,~ BD D-$XP M.EMRT,*@,37@D+7-$0Exclude PI time from user runtime?(y,n)[
An answer of "yes" to this question will cause the monitor
to set up the KL10 accounting meters in such a manner that
users will not be charged for cpu time used during interrupts]: ,~ BD D-$3XP M.XPI,*@,3+9-$6XP M.EMRT,0@,3-$9XP M.XPI,0@,36@B6@F+O6@'+G-$FHigh precision time accounting(Y,N)[Use DK10 clock for 
10 micro-second time accounting]: ,~ BB5BO-$NDK10 software(Y,N)[Include real time clock service routine]: ,~ BC B-$RXP M.RTCA,*@,3 C-$UXP M.RTC,*@,3 "-$^# Data Channels(2,1-*)[DF10s, DF10Cs, DX10s OR RH20'S  for disk and tape]: ,o-$aXP M.CHN,*@,3 BKO@) (-$gChannel * Type (DF10,DF10C,DX10,RH20): ,
 B' (-$kXP M.CH*T,,3 '-$m*@,3 ( (-$qOn channel # *:@,: '1B+ 81B 8.XN (-$wXP M.C*TX,0@,36B= (-$  # RC10s(0-2)[Controllers for RD10 Burroughs disks and
RM10B Bryant drums on channel *]: ,o  (-$XP M.C*FH,,3 -$	*@,34P:L."("}-$  # Units on FH*(1-4): ,o,> L."("}-$XP M.FH*,,3,^-$*@,3=p
6B=  (-$  # RH10S for RS04'S(0-3)[Controllers for RS04 swapping
disks on channel *]: ,o  (-$#XP M.C*FS,,3 -$%*@,34P1:L."("}-$*  # Units on FS*(1-8): ,o,> L."("}-$.XP M.FS*,,3,^-$0*@,3=p&5X= (-$<  # RH10S for RP04'S, RP06'S(0-3)[Controllers for RP04, RP06 disk pack
units on channel *]: ,o+H (-$H  # RH20S for RP04'S, RP06'S(0-1)[Controllers for RP04, RP06 disk pack
units on channel *]: ,o  (-$KXP M.C*RP,,3 -$M*@,34P_:`M:N."("},>-$T  # Units on RP*(1-8): ,o*x-$VXP M.RP*,,3,^-$X*@,3 N/"-$\XP M.RP*T,,36B N-$^*@,3=pN6B=k (-$k  # RP10s(0-3)[Controllers for Memorex and ISS RP02 and RP03 
disk pack units on channel *]: ,o  (-$nXP M.C*DP,,3 -$p*@,34P}:O."("}-$v  # Units on DP*(1-8): ,o,> O."("}-$zXP M.DP*,,3,^-$|*@,3=pq6B= (-$  # TM10Bs(0-2)[Tape Controller for NRZI only drives
on channel  *]: ,o  (-$
XP M.C*TB,,3 -$
*@,34P:P:)-$XP M.MT*T,1@,3,
=p= (-$  # TC10Cs(0-1)[Special Systems Tape Controller for
TU42's and TU43's on channel *]: ,o  (-$ XP M.C*TC,,3 -$"*@,34P':O:)-$&XP M.MT*T,2@,3,
=p#5X3 (-$2  # RH10's for TM02'S (0-2)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU16's and TU45's on channel *]: ,o+> (-$>  # RH20's for TM02'S (0-1)[Mass-Bus tape controller for
TU16's and TU45's on channel *]: ,o  (-$AXP M.C*T2,,3 -$C*@,34PB "G.B) )."-$HXP M.T2*T,,36B N-$K*@,3:Q:)-$NXP M.MT*T,4@,3 )-$QXP M.MT*C,,3 (-$S*@,3 )-$VXP M.MT*N,,3 -$X*@,3 Q/"5Xe-$d  How many TM02's on RH10 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
UP TO 8 SUB-UNITS = TAPE DRIVES]: ,o+p-$o  How many TM02's on RH20 # * (1-8)[EACH UNIT CAN CONTROL
UP TO 8 SUB-UNITS = TAPE DRIVES]: ,o  )-$sXP M.MT*U,,3 -$u*@,3,>@p -${How many drives on TM02 * (1-8): ,o.,> )-$~XP M.MT*,3 -$*,3,^-$,*@,3.0=tv,^ )-$XP M.MT*,,3 -$*@,3=pK+B )-$
XP M.MT*C,,3 (-$*@,3 ).)."("}-$  # Units on MT*(1-8): ,o,> )-$XP M.MT*,,3,^-$*@,3,~ (-$"  # Controllers(0-1)[TX01's or TX02's for TU70 Tape Drives on channel *]: ,o  (-$&XP M.C*FH,0@,3 (-$)XP M.C*DP,0@,3 (-$,XP M.C*RP,0@,3 (-$/XP M.C*FS,0@,3 (-$2XP M.C*TB,0@,3 (-$5XP M.C*TC,0@,3 (-$8XP M.C*T2,0@,3 (-$;XP M.C*TX,,3 -$=*@,34PB:P:)-$AXP M.MT*T,3@,3,
=p>:(3"K+b L-$FXP M.RC10,*@,3 L-$IXP M.RH1S,*@,3 M-$LXP M.RH1P,*@,3 M-$OXP M.RH2P,*@,3 N-$RXP M.RH20,*@,3 N-$UXP M.RHP4,*@,3 O-$XXP M.RP10,*@,3 O-$[XP M.TC10,*@,3 P-$^XP M.TX01,*@,3 Q-$aXP M.TM02,*@,3-$i # TM10As(0,0-2)[I/O Bus type Controller for NRZI only drives]: ,o 4Po:P:)-$mXP M.MT*T,0@,3,=pj P-$qXP M.TM10,*@,3 )40	+-$	Specify which drives (M-N) are 7 track drives.
[Type one number (M) or one range(M-N) or ALL on separate lines.
Type an extra carriage return when through.]@,: )/,>-$	DEFINE	MACKN* (X),3,^."("}-$	
For controller MT*@,a=0	-$	 Specify which tape drives (M-N) are capable of 6250 BPI densities.
[Type one number (M) or one range (M-N) or ALL on separate lines.
Type an extra carriage return when through.]@,: ) )/,>-$	%DEFINE MACK6* (X),3,^."("}-$	*For controller MT*@,a=0	!7@F+	;-$	6# DTEs on CPU0(2,1-4)[BYTE TRANSFER DEVICE USED FOR KL10 to PDP-11 front end communications]: ,o-$	8XP M.0DTE,*@,3-$	;XP M.1DTE,0@,3 "-$	D# Jobs(1-*)[Maximum number attached and detached, not
counting null job]: ,o-$	GXP M.JOB,*@,3 "-$	JXP MD.2RR,*@,3 "-$	MXP MD.SEG,*@,3 "-$	PXP MD.DDT,*@,3!"07@E -$	TMax. * of core,: "7@E "-$	[ For each job(0,0-*)[0 means all of core]: ,o-$	]XP M.CORE,*@,3 "7@E "-$	g# K total system core(32-*)[ONCE-only reports if
less core at startup]: ,o-$	jXP M.NKC,*@,3-$	pClock ticks per second(60,50)[Power line frequency]: ,
7@m "-$	tXP M.TPS,*@,3 "&-$	~# Real-time devices(0,0-*)[Max. # which can be put
on PI channels simultaneously]: ,o-$
XP M.RTD,*@,35B
Allow jobs to be locked in core(Y,N): ,~-$
	XP M.LOK,*@,34B
# PAGES min guaranteed among jobs not locked in core(0,0-*)[
minimum free core pool for unlocked jobs, 0 assumes all of core]: ,o+
( "-$
'# K min guaranteed among jobs not locked in core(0,0-*)[
minimum free core pool for unlocked jobs, 0 assumes all of core]: ,o-$
*XP M.MGC,*@,3 "-$
/# High priority queues(0,0-*): ,o-$
1XP M.HPQ,*@,3-$
>CCL commands to stay in core(Y,N)[System programs pass
commands to each other via core(TMPCOR UUO) rather than disk]: ,~-$
AXP M.TMP,*@,34B
H "-$
DXP MD.TWJ,*@,3 "-$
GXP MD.TLJ,*@,3-$
NMeter(Y,N)[Performance analysis metering(METER UUO)]: ,~-$
PXP M.METR,*@,3-$
XSYSCHK(Y,N)[Initial Hardware integrity check at ONCE-only time]: ,~-$
[XP M.SYSC,*@,3-$
iMSGSER(Y,N)[Support for device MPX. (more than one device
on an I/O channel). This feature is required for TYPSET-10
and MCS-10]: ,~-$
lXP M.MSG,*@,3-$PSISER(Y,N)[Advanced programmed software interrupt service -
Support for the PISYS. UUO. This provides an easy
and powerful interrupt method for program to trap asynchronous
events. Required by MCS-10]: ,~-$XP M.PSI,*@,3-$
IPCF(Y,N)[Inter,processcommunitionNfacility]:z,~-$ives To-allow
simultaneous file update by multiple co-operating processes]: ,~-$XP M.EQDQ,*@,3 "-$!# I/O Bus CDRs(1,0-*)[Card reader]: ,o-$$XP M.CDR,*@,36@ "-$'XP MD.C10,*@,3-$+CDP(Y,N)[Card punch]: ,~-$-XP M.CDP,*@,34B7-$4CP10D(Y,N)[Special Systems unbuffered Card Punch]: ,~-$7XP M.CP1D,*@,3-$ADIS(Y,N)[Display device(VP10,340,30,VB10C) as distinguished from
display terminals]: ,~4BH-$GType(VP10,340,VB10C)[Answer VP10 for Type 30]: ,
:S S-$KXP M.VP10,*@,3 T-$NXP M.340,*@,3 T-$QXP M.VBXC,*@,3@7@S6@T "-$UXP M.DIS,*@,3 "-$Z# TD10s(1,0-*)[DECtape controls]: ,o-$]XP M.TD10,*@,3 6@ "-$aXP MD.DTC,*@,34Pm:(."("}-$f  # Units on DT*(1-8): ,o,> (."("}-$jXP M.DT*,,3,^-$l*@,3=pb "-$rI/O Bus LPTs(1,0-*)[Line printers]: ,o-$uXP M.LPT,*@,3,>6@ "-$yXP MD.MOV,*@,3,^@@*4B
LPT* Lower case(Y,N)[Does LPT* have lower case capability]: ,~,> *."("}-$
XP M.LP*L,,3,^-$
# line printers on the master front end on CPU0(0,0-2): ,o.BR-$
XP M.LP01,*@,3-$
XP M.LP02,0@,3-$
XP M.LP03,0@,3-$
XP M.LP04,0@,3-$
XP M.LP11,0@,34B
0  *-$
(LPT* Lower case(Y,N)[Does LPT* have lower case capability]: ,~,> *."("}-$
-XP M.LP*L,,3,^-$
8# card readers on the master front end on CPU0(0,0-1): ,o.BS-$
;XP M.CR01,*@,3-$
=XP M.CR02,0@,3-$
@XP M.CR03,0@,3-$
BXP M.CR04,0@,3-$
EXP M.CR11,0@,3 R-$
HXP M.DLPT,*@,3 S-$
KXP M.DCDR,*@,3 "-$
OPLTS(0,0-*)[Plotters]: ,o-$
QXP M.PLT,*@,3-$
UPTP(Y,N)[Paper tape punch]: ,~-$
XXP M.PTP,*@,3-$
\PTR(Y,N)[Paper tape reader]: ,~-$
^XP M.PTR,*@,3 "-$
i# PTYs(20,0-*)[Pseudo-terminals - each operator
service program and Batch stream needs one]: ,o-$
The DC44 is a TYPESET-10 front end which supports
the following devices:
PA611R	High speed paper tape reader
PA611P	High speed paper tape punch
LPC11	Onlineuphotocomposition0machine]:,~4B
Highfspeed1paper0tape[readers]: ,o B@g-$
Highfspeed1paper-tape punches for driving "hot metal" machines]: ,o B@k-$
OnlineYphotocomposition machines]: ,o B@o-$
Paperctapecreader/punchon-thePDP-11]:,,~B@sB@w@pc@b.P|0T9 q-$XP LPC4N,*@,3 u-$XP PCR4N,*@,3 y-$XP PCP4N,*@,3 f-$XP TYPNU5N,*@,3 j-$XP PAR5N,*@,3 n-$XP PAP5N,*@,3 r-$XP LPC5N,*@,3 v-$XP PCR5N,*@,3 z-$ XP PCP5N,*@,3 f-$#XP TYPNU6N,*@,3 j-$&XP PAR6N,*@,3 n-$)XP PAP6N,*@,3 r-$,XP LPC6N,*@,3 v-$/XP PCR6N,*@,3 z-$2XP PCP6N,*@,3 g-$5XP TYPNU7N,*@,3 k-$8XP PAR7N,*@,3 o-$;XP PAP7N,*@,3 s-$>XP LPC7N,*@,3 w-$AXP PCR7N,*@,3 {-$DXP PCP7N,*@,3 "-$K# of DA28s(0,0-*)[Interprocessor channels for PDP8/11/15]: ,o-$NXP M.XTC,*@,34BX-$W# of lines for TTY pool(8,0-512)[Lines reserved for use on DA28 channels]: ,o-$ZXP M.XTL,*@,3 "-$a# DAS78'S(0,0-*)[IBM 360, 370, and/or 2780 support]: ,o BU U-$dXP M.DAS78,*@,37@U+i,>,
:x>@U+f,^x,V-$kXPiM.0D78,*@,3hV-$nXPnM.1D78,*@,3 W-$qXP M.2D78,*@,3 W-$tXP M.3D78,*@,3 X-$wXP M.4D78,*@,3 X-$zXP M.5D78,*@,3 Y-$}XP M.6D78,*@,3 Y-$XP M.7D78,*@,3 U-$XP M.D78L,*@,3 U-$XP M.XXI,*@,3 U-$	XP M.XXO,*@,3+' -$
Each DAS78 PDP11 is connected to a DL10 port]: ,o,>-$$Decimal lines on the DAS78 (1-16)[
Each DAS78 can support up to 16 IBM 360s, 370s, and or 2780s]: ,o.BU x BV,^x,~-$)@RADIX	10@,3-$5Decimal "symbol,value"[
For any symbols to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,:,[+'4R@,0R+<,5R<-$;XP *@,V+6-$?? Not symbol,value@,=9'-$ARADIX	8@,3 -$N@Octal "symbol,value"[
For any symbol to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,:,[+B4RY,0R+U,	5RU-$TXP *@,V+O-$X? Not symbol,value@,=9B -$f@SIXBIT "symbol,value"[
For any sixbit symbol to be defined.
Type one per line, extra carriage return when through]@,:,[+Y4Rv,>,0R+r,5Rr,^, -$mXP *,3, -$q,<SIXBIT/*/>@,3+f,^-$u? Not symbol,value@,=9Y -$x@DEFINE	SPCINT,3,\-$Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel" for special devices[
With neither channel AC save routine nor device data block,
the "device-mnemonic" must be 3 characters or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,:,9y4H7@+-$? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel@,=9y-$SPASGINT *@,V+,] -$@DEFINE	SPCDDB,3,\-$2Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,no.-of-devices"[
For special devices with device data blocks.
the "device-mnemonic" must be 3 characters or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,:,94H@0R+9,5R9-$8SPASGDDB *@,V+3-$?? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel, no.-of-devices@,=9,] -$C@DEFINE	SPCSAV,3,\-$[Type "device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save"[
For special devices with channel save routines to save acs up to
the "highest-ac-to-save".  "Device" must be 3 char or less.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@,:,9D4Hp0R+i,	5Ri0b7+f "-$e? Highest-ac-to-save must be * or less@,<9D-$hSPASGSAV *@,V+[-$o? Not device-mnemonic,PI-channel,highest-ac-to-save@,=9D,],~-$zSUBTTL	NETCNF - NETWORK CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN DIALOG@@@,3-$~DEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,3 "-$XP M.NET,*@,3-$XP M.RSS,0@,3-$XP M.DS10,0@,3-$	XP M.DP01,0@,3-$Network software(Y,N)[
Software to support remote computers: DECsystem-10's,
PDP-11's, PDP-8's (requires FTNET to be -1)]: ,~-$XP M.NET,*@,34B "-$!How many nodes do you wish to support(3,0-*)[Maximum]: ,o-$$XP M.NODE,*@,34B^@@| :-$0How many DC75NP's or DN87's on the system(1,0-8)[Network
front-ends connected to DL10's.]: ,o B{-$3XP M.DC75,*@,37@{+7@,^.:>@{+5 |-$9XP M.0D85,*@,3 }-$<XP M.1D85,*@,3 }-$?XP M.2D85,*@,3 ~-$BXP M.3D85,*@,3 ~-$EXP M.4D85,*@,3 -$HXP M.5D85,*@,3 -$KXP M.6D85,*@,3 -$NXP M.7D85,*@,3@@| *$-$YHow many DN87S's on the system(1,0-3)[Network
front-ends connected to DTE-20's]: ,o B{-$\XP M.D87S,*@,37@{+` <,^.:>@{+^ |-$cXP M.0D8S,*@,3 }-$fXP M.1D8S,*@,3 }-$iXP M.2D8S,*@,3 ~-$lXP M.3D8S,*@,3 " -$wNode number of central site(1-*)[
Unique number identifying DECsystem-10 to network.]: ,q-$yXP OURNNM,*@,3-$Name of central site[Six characters or less.]: ,C0b7+-$%More than 6 characters.@,=+z-$
	<SIXBIT	&*&>@,V "-$# of remote TTY's(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of teletypes on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,o B-$XP M.RTTY,*@,3 "-$&# of remote CDR's(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of card readers on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,o.B-$)XP M.RCDR,*@,3 "-$6# of remote LPT's(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of line printers on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,o.B-$9XP M.RLPT,*@,3 "-$G# of remote PTR's(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of paper tape readers on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,o.B-$JXP M.RPTR,*@,3 "-$W# of remote PTP's(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of paper tape punches on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,o.B-$ZXP M.RPTP,*@,3 "-$h# of remote MTA's(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of magnetic tape drives on network nodes to be
handled at any given time.]: ,o.B-$kXP M.RMTA,*@,3 "@-$z# of remote processes(0,0-*)[
Maximum number of remote processes that can be connected to at
any given time (requires FTTSK to be -1).]: ,o.B-$}XP M.RJOB,*@,3-$
Remote data entry software(Y,N)[
Software to support remote data entry terminals for MCS-10 applications
(requires FTRDX to be -1)]: ,~-$XP M.RDX,*@,3 0b "-$# of connects(*,1-512)[
Maximum number of simultaneous connections.]: ,o-$XP M.CONN,*@,3+^-$XP M.NODE,0@,3-$!XP M.DC75,0@,3-$#XP M.0D85,0@,3-$&XP M.1D85,0@,3-$(XP M.2D85,0@,3-$+XP M.3D85,0@,3-$-XP M.4D85,0@,3-$0XP M.5D85,0@,3-$2XP M.6D85,0@,3-$5XP M.7D85,0@,3-$7XP M.D87S,0@,3-$:XP M.0D8S,0@,3-$<XP M.1D8S,0@,3-$?XP M.2D8S,0@,3-$AXP M.3D8S,0@,3-$DXP OURNNM,0@,3-$G@DEFINE SYSNDE<>@,V-$IXP M.CONN,0@,3-$LXP M.RTTY,0@,3-$NXP M.RCDR,0@,3-$QXP M.RLPT,0@,3-$SXP M.RPTR,0@,3-$VXP M.RPTP,0@,3-$XXP M.RMTA,0@,3-$[XP M.RJOB,0@,3-$]XP M.RDX,0@,3,~ -$bFor front end number *:@,<5\k-$jTo which DL10 port is the DC75 or DN87 connected (0,0-7)[]: ,o+q-$pTo which DTE20 is the DN87S connected (1,1-3)[]: ,o  " B|,~-${SUBTTL	TTYCNF - TERMINAL CONFIGURATION DEFINITION FILE OUTPUT BY MONGEN@@@,3-$DEFINE XP(A,B),<A==:B>@@@,3 "-$XP M.TTY,*@,3,G-$	How many DC10s(1,0-2)[
The DC10 is a data line scanner]: ,o BZ-$How many DC68s(1,0-2)[
The DC68 is a PDP-8 680 or 680I communications system]: ,o BZ-$How many DC76s(1,0-8)[
The DC76 is a PDP-11 communications system]: ,o B[ Z-$XP M.DC10,*@,3 Z-$"XP M.DC68,*@,3 [-$%XP M.DC76,*@,3 "-$(XP MD.DCS,*@,37@Z+.7@Z+.,>,:x Z2Bx,,^x7@Z+2,>,M:x>@Z,M,^x7@[+6,>,Y:x>@[+4,^x ^-$9XP M.D70N,*@,3 _-$<XP M.D71N,*@,3 _-$?XP M.D72N,*@,3 `-$BXP M.D73N,*@,3 `-$EXP M.D74N,*@,3 a-$HXP M.D75N,*@,3 a-$KXP M.D76N,*@,3 b-$NXP M.D77N,*@,3 [-$QXP M.TTG0,*@,3 \-$TXP M.TTG1,*@,3 \-$WXP M.DSG0,*@,3 ]-$ZXP M.DSG1,*@,3 ]-$]XP M.68L0,*@,3 ^-$`XP M.68L1,*@,37BF+o7B>+o-$n# terminals on the master front end on CPU0(1,1-132)[
include only timesharing (DH11) lines, not CTY or KLINIK]: ,o.".BR-$rXP M.AT01,*@,3-$tXP M.AT11,0@,3 R-$wXP M.TTDN,*@,3 [.\(B.^._._.`.`.a.a.b.R.].^-$XP M.TLTL,* ;TOTAL LOCAL TTY LINES@@,3<-$OPR octal line #(CTY,0-*)[OPR is privileged operator terminal]: ,p-$DEFINE	OPRLIN,3,\-$@	OPRL	*@,3,]-$@,3-$%Answer the following questions about your TTY lines(M-N).
[Type one octal line #(M) or one range(M-N) or CTY on separate
lines.  Type extra carriage return when through.]@,:-$'DEFINE	MACDSD,3-$3Data set lines[Class of terminal for LOGIN, LOGIN resets line
to computer echoing and no hardware tabs]@,F-$6DEFINE	MACTAB,3-$=Lines with hardware tabs[Monitor simulates rest with spaces]@,F-$@DEFINE	MACRMT,3-$IRemote lines[Class of terminal for LOGIN, do not confuse
with remote station TTYs]@,F-$LDEFINE	MACLCP,3-$XLocal copy lines[Echoing provided by terminal rather than
by computer.  Often (incorrectly) called half duplex]@,F-$[DEFINE	MACHLF,3-$bHalf duplex lines[TWX or half duplex wired scanner(DC10C)]@,F-$dDEFINE	MACSLV,3-$iSlaves[No commands may be typed]@,F-$kDEFINE	MACFRM,3-$xLines with hardware form feed[Leave out if users
would rather not get form feeds until they do TTY FORM commands]@,F-${DEFINE	MACINI,3-$Lines which run INITIA at startup@,F-$DEFINE	MACFLC,3-$Filler class codes(M-N,P)[
Type M,P for one line M with filler class code P or
M-N,P for a range of lines with filler class code P]@,S6@Z+-$DEFINE MACDIS<>,3+-$DEFINE MACDIS,3-$2741 lines on DC-10 interfaces[]@,F,~ -$@For DC10 *:@@,< "-$*# DC10B[ or 632] 8 line data groups(1-*)[
1 is TTY0-7, 2 is TTY0 - 17, ... 8 is TTY0 - 77]: ,o  B[-$0# DC10E Data set control groups(0-*): ,o  B\ -$4DEFINE	MACCR*,3 7@\+L-$KCorrespondence of DC10E lines to the DC10B lines(M-N,P)[
Type M,P for one pair and M-N,P for a range of pairs
where M is octal DC10E line, M-N is octal range of DC10E
lines, and P is octal DC10B line]@,S,~,\+] -$P@FOR DC68 *:@@,< "2-$W# Octal lines on DC68, including its console TTY(1-*): ,q  B],~ -$\@For DC76 *:@@,<-$tWhich DL10 port is the DC76 connected to(0,1-7)[Each PDP-11
is connected to a DL10 port. If there is only one -11 it
is always connected to port 0. If there are 2 -11's one is
connected to port 0 and the other to port 1]: ,o,>-$Decimal lines on DC76(1-129)[
Each DC76F is 16 lines and the console teletype is
one line. A DC76 with 2 DC76Fs has 33 lines]: ,o x B^,^x,~0Bm d -$Switch(switch to list or explain)[
Type name of switch to be listed or explained or ALL or /HELP.
Type extra carriage return when through.]@@,=,[+4R,7@+ -$? Unknown switch *@,=+3H+ ,&++ ,~S:,>7I9+$d(`l(m,&+ ,^*d!,~[d0Bm7+, -$+? Unknown switch *@,=,~d(`6@+1-$0? Unknown switch@,=,~,D l"m7 +7-$6? Unknown switch *@,=,~,>6!9+;-$:*,-1,=+<-$<*,0,=,^:x``+@-$?@,=,~,9+B,5-$C@,=,~S:U"A92B*dD,~-$pDECsystem10(1040,1050,1055,1070,1077,1080,1088,1091)[
1040 is small disk system with KA10 cpu
1050 is large disk system with KA10 cpu
1055 is disk system with 2 KA10 cpu's
1070 is disk system with KI10 cpu
1077 is disk system with 2 KI10 cpu's
1080 is disk system with KL10 cpu
1088 is disk system with 2 KL10 cpu's
1091 is disk system with KL10 cpu, internal memory, and
devices on the front end]: ,
0b7+w "--$v? Not available in * monitor@,=+G B#:;1b;E:F0B1B+|0B,~:F@@E@@F,~,!0D+!7@0D`7+-$ASKYN called without (Y,N) in above message,*4B	g ",~,!0D1D`+!0D1D`7+-$ASKLST called with (Y,N) in above question
- Edit MONGEN to call ASKYN instead of ASKLST@,*,~ ,,t xZ,=Z, ,[+,G9+wQ$A`,>,>6@+*-$)? No (ANS0,ASN1,...) in above question - Edit MONGEN,*0R+" " 
,0R+.5HA x H0b7+6-$6Too many prompts in above question - Edit MONGEN@,*1R9,@@,^,^1R,~-$ASpecial character inside () above
Edit MONGEN and remove it.,*-$FError in above question - Edit MONGEN@,*,+O,7@+O-$N? Type one answer followed by carriage return@,=,~d @b#4Hh $($G$cH+Q(D} 3F+if2F+_ B#l`7+_-$^? Type enough to uniquely distinguish answer@,=,~6F9Ta`7+h-$g? Answer with one of the choices inside parens@,=,~ #7@7+n-$m? No default allowed@,=,~+Q ,+r ,l @+r ,d @,t xZ,=O@%@@$!$p D$Z
0R+}5Bmx,3+z1R+1R1h0R!+5B, "<@2Ha`@+2H+ "=7 % B%1R+1R+y-$
1R+0R+7x!"p,30R+ B$,[+s4R/,
4R9a`@7+-$? Type single number followed by carriage return@,=9s1R1h0R!+#5B#,3H+-3B	+.7+--$,? Type octal line number or CTY or CTY1 followed by carriage return@,<9s!"=+B 	+B!%3B	+B2B
+B!`6 +9-$8? No default allowed, type a number@,=9s3B%+B2"$2b$7+B $-$?? Must be in range *,= $-$A-*@,=9s+w,t xZ,=,[+C+w ,,\,t xZ,=,[+H4Rwd ,}7@+Q-$P? Type octal M-N or M@,<9H-$RL *@,V+I ,,\,t xZ,=,[+T4Rwl ,}0R+Z,	4R_-$^? Type octal M-N,P or M,P@,=9T-$`L *@,V+V ,,\,t xZ,=,[+b4Rw,m7@+k-$j? Type octal M-N or M@,<9b-$lKN X,*@,V+d,	1R +q0R,~ 2r+	,!"2H 2 ,~*x,>,>,^Z+3,] ,^,^+8,	5BR1R1h0R!,~+,	1R1h1R!+0R,~ 2r+	,!"=3H+ 	3H	+ 2!,~a` 2r,~ ,+
 , ",34RR02020+3$."Oh+,>+,>
, ( 
4Ra`+1R+020r++020h02 0r-+/2`dpR+@x+,3,^x,~+@0R1R+,~,[,~ (4RQ,4H$0R,~`H7++-$*? Device-mnemonic must be 3 char or less@,=,~,0b7+2 "-$1? PI-channel must be * or less@,=,~+Q0R1R+3,~,>!" +>l ,>!" +5e l d  ,J42B5R: 
adp+E4BE,J42B4R<020/20BOp+:+<``l` ,~d @+:a`+Q,J4r;0R+F+Q,J52R@,~``@+R$gg2+Z  RD+Zl `,>( 26 R(
R4Rc,1"(d 9]-$b? Line too long@,=98d  
d +Q,> $, ,F9p4Ro0R9p $, ,G9p4Bo/"d +d 9e ,> "--$MONGEN for * monitors
All # are decimal unless stated otherwise
Unique abbrivation allowed everywhere to all questions
/HELP reasks a question in next longer mode
/HELP:xxx sets mode permanently.  Modes are:
SHORT is short
PROMPT has choices in ()
LONG has choices in () and explanation in []]: ,
1BO@1B " B ,^,~,,~0R,~,,~+?`.7+@+
&-$/@? Internal MONGEN error - ,3,^,3	`l  ,+4m  ,Q$A`,>+@x4R81R,G,`+5,^xd ,~7
,,>,3,^S,+=,Q$A`,>+@x4Rw1R-l``4nF1Rl``4.E1R,G,p1Rd1R.d+>,>abp+M4RQ.2+A`hp+I+Q	1ba`+P2,,R,^:x,~&$0QFx4DT,R[x.2+Q$A`4RR1R+Y,`+V,>$,3,^+V2,`+^2,`2,`2a`,~1R+^6@l`+e,>2,u,^d`a`+k,>2,l2,l2,l,^1Rl6@,u?`1,R1,~2,p21R+o6@e`+u,>2,u,^?`0~@HMP0(,LIST,EXPLAIN)Q
? Internal MONGEN error - Hb,~+