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                               SECTION 4


In INTERLISP, each function may independently have:

    a.   its arguments evaluated or not evaluated;
    b.   a  fixed  number  of  arguments  or  an  indefinite  number  of
    c.   be  defined by  an  INTERLISP expression,  by  built-in machine
         code, or by compiled machine code.

Hence there are twelve function types (2 x 2 x 3).

4.1 Exprs

Functions defined by INTERLISP expressions are called exprs.  Exprs must
begin with either LAMBDA  or NLAMBDA,  indicating whether  the arguments
to  the function  are to  be evaluated  or not  evaluated, respectively.
Following the  LAMBDA or  NLAMBDA in  the expr  is the  "argument list",
which is either

    (1)  a list of literal atoms or NIL (fixed number of arguments); or
    (2)  any  literal  atom  other  than  NIL,  (indefinite   number  of

Case (1)  corresponds to a  function with a  fixed number  of arguments.
Each  atom in  the list  is the  name of  an argument  for  the function
defined by this expression.  When the function is called,  its arguments
will  be  evaluated  or  not  evaluated,  as  dictated  by  whether  the
definition begins  with LAMBDA  or NLAMBDA, and  then paired  with these

    Where unambiguous,  the term  expr is  used to  refer to  either the
    function, or its definition.


argument names.  This process  is called "spreading" the  arguments, and
the function is called a spread-LAMBDA or a spread-NLAMBDA.

Case  (2)  corresponds  to  a  function  with  an  indefinite  number of
arguments.  Such  a function  is  called a  nospread  function.   If its
definition begins with NLAMBDA, the atom which constitutes  its argument
list is bound  to the list of  arguments to the  function (unevaluated).
For   example,   if    FOO   is   defined   by    (NLAMBDA X --),   when
(FOO THIS IS A TEST) is evaluated, X will be bound to (THIS IS A TEST).

If a nospread  function begins with  a LAMBDA, indicating  its arguments
are to  be evaluated, each  of its n  arguments are evaluated  and their
values stored  on the pushdown  list. The atom  following the  LAMBDA is
then bound to  the number of arguments  which have been  evaluated.  For
example,  if  FOO  is  defined  by  (LAMBDA X --)  when  (FOO A B C)  is
evaluated, A, B, and C  are evaluated and X  is bound to 3.   A built-in
function, arg[atm;m], is  available for computing  the value of  the mth
argument for the lambda-atom variable atm.  arg is described  in section

4.2 Compiled Functions

Functions  defined  by  expressions can  be  compiled  by  the INTERLISP
compiler, as described in section 18, "The Compiler and  Assembler".  In
INTERLISP-10, functions  may also  be written  directly in  machine code
using the ASSEMBLE directive of the compiler.  Functions created  by the
compiler,  whether  from  S-expressions  or  ASSEMBLE   directives,  are
referred to as compiled functions.  In INTERLISP-10,  compiled functions
may be resident or swappable, as described in section 3.

4.3 Function Type

The function fntyp returns the function type of its argument.  The value
of fntyp is one of the following 12 types:

              EXPR           CEXPR          SUBR
              FEXPR          CFEXPR         FSUBR
              EXPR*          CEXPR*         SUBR*
              FEXPR*         CFEXPR*        FSUBR*

    Note that  the function  itself can  evaluate selected  arguments by
    calling eval. In fact, since the function type can specify only that
    all arguments are to be evaluated or none are to be evaluated, if it
    is desirable to  write a function which  only evaluates some  of its
    arguments, e.g. setq, the function is defined as an nlambda, i.e. no
    arguments are evaluated in the process of calling the  function, and
    then included in the definition itself are the appropriate  calls to
    eval. In this case, the user should also put on the property list of
    the function under the property  INFO  the value EVAL to  inform the
    various system packages  such as DWIM, CLISP,  PRINTSTRUCTURE, etc.,
    that this function in fact does evaluate its arguments,  even though
    it is an nlambda.


The types in the first column are all defined by expressions.  The types
in the  second column are  compiled versions of  the types in  the first
column,  as indicated  by the  prefix C.   In the  third column  are the
parallel  types for  built-in subroutines.   Functions of  types  in the
first  two rows  have  a fixed  number  of arguments,  i.e.,  are spread
functions.  Functions in  the third and  fourth rows have  an indefinite
number  of  arguments,  as  indicated by  the  suffix *.   The  prefix F
indicates no evaluation of arguments.  Thus, for example, a CFEXPR* is a
compiled form of a nospread-NLAMBDA.

A standard feature of the INTERLISP system is that no error occurs  if a
spread  function is  called with  too many  or too  few arguments.  If a
function  is called  with too  many arguments,  the extra  arguments are
evaluated but ignored.  If a function is called with too  few arguments,
the unsupplied  ones will be  delivered as NIL.   In fact,  the function
itself cannot distinguish  between being given  NIL as an  argument, and
not being given that argument, e.g., (FOO) and (FOO NIL) are exactly the
same for spread functions.

4.4 Progn

progn  is  a  function  of  an  arbitrary  number  of  arguments.  progn
evaluates the  arguments in  order and  returns the  value of  the last,
i.e., it is an extension of  the function prog2 of LISP 1.5.   Both cond
and lambda/nlambda expressions have been generalized to permit "implicit
progns" as described below.

4.5 Implicit Progn

The conditional expression has been generalized so that each  clause may
contain n forms (n >= 1) which are interpreted as follows:

            (P1 E11 E12 E13)
            (P2 E21 E22)                    [1]
            (P4 E41))

will be taken as equivalent to (in LISP 1.5):

            (P1 (PROGN E11 E12 E13))
            (P2 (PROGN E21 E22))
            (P3 P3)                         [2]
            (P4 E41)
            (T NIL))

Note  however  that  P3 is  evaluated  only  once in  [1],  while  it is
evaluated a second time if the expression is written as in [2].   Thus a
clause  in a  cond with  only a  predicate and  no  following expression
causes the value  of the predicate itself,  if non-NIL, to  be returned.
Note also  that NIL is  returned if all  the predicates have  value NIL,
i.e., the cond "falls off the end".  No error is generated.


LAMBDA and  NLAMBDA expressions  also allow  implicit progn's;  thus for

         (LAMBDA (V1 V2) (F1 V1) (F2 V2) NIL)

is interpreted as:

         (LAMBDA (V1 V2) (PROGN (F1 V1) (F2 V2) NIL))

The  value  of the  last  expression following  LAMBDA  (or  NLAMBDA) is
returned as the  value of the entire  expression.  In this  example, the
function would always return NIL.
