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Summary of EDITS V13(15) commands: 27-Oct-71 RB
I Insert [Line number,Increment]
P Print [Range]
. Move Pointer [Line number]
D Delete [Range]
K Kill page mark [Page number]
R Replace [Range,Increment]
E End (Exit)
G Go (Exit and do LOAD, DEBUG, etc.)
B Basic (Exit and strip line numbers)
Q Qualm (Save all Edits)
M Mark [Line number]
N Number [Inc,Range,New line,M]
L List (on device LPT) [Range]
= Give information [Following data]
INC Present increment
. Present location
BIG Size of file
CASE TTY state
ERROR Last error message
STRING Last strings used
DSK Check DSK blocks left
CHECK Status of DSK error flag
COMNDS Number of unsaved commands
SUBS Number of unsaved substitutes
_ SET [Following data]
UPPER Upper case
LOWER Lower case
C128 Full 128 characters
C64 64 characters (default)
M37 Model 37 TTY
M33 Model 33 TTY (default)
DPY Display
EXPERT Brief error typeouts
NOVICE Regular typeouts (Default)
CHECK Disk check on (default)
NOCHEC Disk check off
RUN Set run name and device (used by G)
INC Set the increment
J Join [Line number]
F Find [String-ALT-Range,N,A or X,E,Times]
S Substitute [Old string-ALT-New string-ALT-Range,N or D,E,Times]
C Copy [Destination line,Source range]
or [Destination line_Source file,Source range or /S]
T Transfer [Destination line,Source range] (Deletes old lines)
A Alter [Range]
space Type one character
rubout Go back one character
tab Skip to end of line
C Substitute one character
D Delete character
Q Quit - Abort
I Insert string - Altmode terminates
X eXpand - same as <tab>I
R Replace character(s) with
S Search for character
K Searce and Kill up to character
L List rest of line and reset pointer to the
beginning of line
P Print rest of line but leave pointer alone
J Insert a CR-LF and append next line to remainder of line
F Same as CR except no echo
CR or Terminate Alter mode on this line
E Sets EXPERT mode
N Sets NOVICE mode
X Expand [Text-ALT-Range]
,D Confirm substitution
,E Exact quote of characters
,M Monotonic Renumbering across pages
,N No Type
,A Alter Mode
,X eXpand Mode
,Times Number of times to be performed
/S Search mode of source file
-ALT- Altmode
. Present Line or Page
* Last Line or Page
^ First Line of the page
': Matches any Separator (in C128 Mode)
'/ Wild Character
'% Matches NOT the following character
'7 Next character is taken literally
') Matches any number of the following character
R:NEWNAM.EXT Used in conjunction with E, B, or G to rename file.
FROM : TO ;Do operation between line FROM and line TO (300/3:700/4)
FROM ! # ;Do operation # times starting at line FROM (300/3!5)
Line number, TO, or FROM = LINE # / PAGE # or / Page # (Whole page)
Line Feed types next line
Altmode in command mode types previous line
Altmode in Insert or Expand mode aborts
EDIT is entered by typing: "EDIT FILE.EXT" or "CREATE FILE.EXT"