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UCI LISP is a compatible extension of the Stanford LISP
1.6 programming system for the DEC PDP-10. The extensions
make UCI LISP a powerful and convenient interactive
programming environment for research and teaching in
artificial intelligence and advanced list processing
applications. All Stanford LISP programs, (except those
using the BIGNUM package) can be run directly in UCI LISP.
In addition, the extended features of UCI LISP make it much
easier to transfer interpreted LISP programs from BBN LISP
and MIT AI LISP (we have already converted several large
programs, including a version of the Woods' Augmented
Transition Network Parser from BBN LISP, and a version of
Micro-Planner from MIT AI LISP.)
This manual describes the extensions to the Stanford
LISP 1.6 system, and should thus be read in conjunction with
the latest Stanford LISP 1.6 manual, currently SAILON 28.6
(Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Operating Note
28.6). As can be seen from the relative sizes of the two
documents UCI LISP represents a substantial extension to
Stanford LISP, and from our own experience presents a major
improvement in the habitability of the system for both naive
and experienced users. (A majority of the extensions were
suggested by the features of BBN LISP, probably the best
interactive LISP system in existence, but unfortunately
available at the time UCI LISP was implemented only on
TENEX, a paged virtual memory system for the PDP-10,
produced by Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.; this LISP system
is now or soon will be available on the BURROUGHS B6700 and
the IBM S/360 and S/370 series machines, and is now called
The major extensions to Stanford LISP can be briefly
described as follows:
1) Improvements in storage utilization:
a) UCI LISP is reentrant and compiled code may be
placed in the sharable high segment
b) The allocator allows reallocation of all
spaces (including Binary Program Space) at any
time, and new versions of GETSYM and PUTSYM
are now available to permit relocation of
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MACRO-10 and FORTRAN coded routines
c) A new data type, the BLOCK, which allow users
freer access to Binary Program Space and
permits the construction of data items such as
the system OBLIST, which is both a list and a
contiguous block of storage (to provide
efficient use as a sequential hash table)
2) Powerful interactive debugging facilities,
a) Sophisticated conditional breakpoint and
function tracing facilities
b) A powerful list structure editor for editing
function definitions and data
c) Facilities for examining, correcting and
continuing to run in the context of a program
which has been interrupted by an error or by a
user initiated temporary interrupt
3) Extensions to the I/O facilities available in the
basic system, including:
a) Convenient I/O to disk files, including use of
project/programmer designations and ways to
save and restore functions and data
b) Read Macros (patterned after MIT AI LISP) for
extending the LISP READ routine
c) A routine for printing circular or deeply
nested expressions
d) Routines to modify the control table of the
LISP READ routine
e) The ability to change the OBLIST used by
INTERN (and, hence, READ) at any time by
changing the value of the atom OBLIST to a
properly structured BLOCK list (see 1c above
and Chapter 11)
f) The ability to RENAME and DELETE files from
within LISP
g) The ability to read file directories for any
accessible project-programmer number, to see
if a file exists in a directory
h) Several useful functions for carriage
positioning, teletype echo and prompt
character control, reading input a line at a
time, reading list structures without
interning their atoms, etc.
4) Functions for examining and modifying the special
pushdown stack which holds the context of ongoing
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5) Error protection facilities:
a) NIL, T and other atoms cannot be easily
damaged by RPLACA, RPLACD, SETQ and SET
b) The system will no longer go into an infinite
loop when searching for the function
definition of the CAR of a form
c) Changes to the disk output routine DSKOUT so
that it uses the RENAME facility to provide a
backup for user files (minimizing the risk of
unintentionally clobbering files)
6) Extended basic functions including:
a) New predicates for data types, and most
predicates now return useful non-NIL values,
rather than T
b) New list construction and modification
c) Multiple sequential form evaluation in LAMBDA
d) An efficient n-way switch
e) Availability of the FORTRAN mathematical
f) Mapping functions with several arguments, and
ones which build new lists using NCONC to join
7) The ability to use many of the system Queue
Manager's facilities without leaving LISP,
a) Listing of files on the line printer
b) Initiation of batch jobs
As mentioned, we have made UCI LISP a reentrant system
which may be used by several users simultaneously. Thus,
while the new features of UCI LISP require a larger system
than the original Stanford LISP, this impact is minimized in
any environment with more than one LISP user. In addition,
since the basic LISP system contains many features
previously available only in the various extension files
(such as SMILE, ALVINE, TRACE, etc.) or which had to be
written by the user, it is possible to write and debug
meaningful jobs in the basic system, without getting extra
core. The UCI LISP system has a sharable high segment of
14K and a user specific low segment of 8K. Thus, if there
are two users the virtual core load is 30K, while getting
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the same capabilities in Stanford LISP would require a load
of 32K for the two users, and of course the improvement is
even more noticeable with more users sharing UCI LISP (about
8K is saved for each additional user).
The ability to put compiled code in the sharable
segment and to reallocate Binary Program Space makes it
possible to build systems in which much of the systems code
is compiled LISP expressions. All of the advantages of
higher level coding are obtained, and the LISP compiler
(borrowed from Stanford with some small modifications)
produces better results than most assembly language coders.
Such partially compiled systems can now be used without
closing off the possibility of the user extending Binary
Program Space to store his own compiled code. In general,
it is now possible to compile a system incrementally. The
user can save the low segment which contains the partially
compiled system, then test out new material in interpreted
form before extending the Binary Program Space in the
segment to load the new compiled material.
The debugging facilities form the bulk of the
extensions to Stanford LISP, and are identical with the
equivalent facilities available in BBN LISP in the summer of
1971. (BBN LISP has been extended in the intervening
period.) They make it possible for the user to track down
bugs in complicated recursive programs by making it easier
for him to investigate the context in which the bug occurred
(e.g. to see at what point erroneous data was passed as an
argument, or at what point the flow of control went awry,
etc.) The user does not have to plan in advance or set
breakpoints to get access to the context of the error. The
system holds the context of any error automatically,
allowing the user to perform whatever investigations he
wishes, and make any corrections which may be useful. This
also makes it possible to patch up a small error, like an
unbound atom or simple undefined function, in the middle of
a large computation and to continue the computation without
having to start from scratch. Similarly, the user can try
out ideas for correcting the error, without leaving the
context of the error, and go on only when he has pinned down
the error and its possible solution. If the information
available at the time the LISP system discovers the error is
insufficient to pin down the cause of the error, the user
can have the system repeat the computation, with a special
trace feature that prints out whatever the user wishes to
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know at various points in the computation. (The user can
specify both what data is to be printed and under what
conditions he wishes it printed.) The user can also force
the system to establish a breakpoint anywhere in his
computation, so he can investigate the context before the
error has covered its tracks.
The UCI LISP editor (borrowed with some modifications
from the BBN LISP system) is actually a language for
incremental modification of list structures. It can be used
by a user at a terminal to modify function definitions (even
during the middle of a break while the function is still on
the context stack) or to change complicated data structures.
It can also be used as a subroutine by other functions,
making it convenient for one function to modify another
function. This is actually done by the BREAK package, to
implement the function BREAKIN which inserts a breakpoint at
any arbitrary point in a user function.
The editor can move around in a structure by small
local motions, or by searching for a portion of the
structure which matches some given pattern. It can insert
new items, delete old ones, interchange items, change
structure, embed old items in new structure or extract them
from old structure, etc. In order to be able to edit a
function which is still on the context stack and to have all
of the portions on the context stack be changed at once, the
modifications performed by the editor are physical changes
of the existing structure. Although all the modifications
are "destructive", using RPLACA and RPLACD to make changes
in the given structure, all of the modifications can be
selectively reversed by means of the UNDO feature. Thus the
user can make modifications without worrying about
completely destroying his function definitions by accident.
The editor is a very large, complicated function, and its
documentation indicates that fact. However, the first part
of the editor documentation gives a convenient rundown on
how to use the editor as a novice, and with that the
beginning user can get quite a bit done. By skimming the
remainder of the editor chapter the user can get some idea
of the many extra useful features available, and can slowly
extend his capabilities with the editor. It has been a
common observation that in the process of writing and
debugging a large system, or even a small program, the
average user spends most of his time in editing his
functions. By becoming familiar with all the features of
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the list structure editor the user can cut his editing time
considerably, and make large or subtle changes easily. The
user should also bear in mind that the editor is available
as a function which can be used by other functions. This
can make many jobs substantially easier.
NOTE: ALVINE is no longer available in the standard
version of UCI LISP because we believe that the new editor
and I/O facilities are substantially better than those
provided by ALVINE. (There is an assembly switch which
makes it possible to run ALVINE in UCI LISP if necessary.)
Some of the extended I/O facilities of UCI LISP were
available in SMILE, etc., but putting them in the shared
system saves core. The Read Macro facility is a great
convenience and makes using Micro-Planner much simpler. The
user-modified READ control table is more general than that
available in the Stanford SCAN package (which is still
useful and available), and the new SPRINT is faster than the
original. The other functions are quite convenient, and
will make many tasks simpler.
The special pushdown list has been extended to provide
the equivalent of the BBN LISP context stack. This is the
backbone of the ERROR and BREAK packages, since it enables
running programs to examine their context, and to change it
if necessary. The stack functions, particularly RETFROM and
OUTVAL make it possible to experiment with various control
regimes, where subordinate functions can abort and return
from higher level functions on the basis of local
information. Indiscriminate fooling around with the stack
is likely to produce peculiar and unwanted results, but the
stack functions can be extremely helpful at times.
The error protection facilities are an attempt to catch
some of the common errors of novices (and experienced users
too) which can clobber the system. There are few things
more confusing than what happens to the system when the
value of NIL is no longer NIL, or if the value of T becomes
NIL. In Stanford LISP this could easily happen if SETQ or
SET received a list as a first argument. This can no longer
happen in UCI LISP. Similarly, Stanford LISP occasionally
went into infinite loops because a form had a CAR which was
NIL or had no function definition and evaluated to NIL.
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This has been corrected.
The extended basic functions are ones which were of
great use in writing the editor, BREAK package, etc., and in
bringing up translated versions of BBN LISP and MIT AI LISP
programs. The multiple form LAMBDA expression and the n-way
switch SELECTQ should make many programming jobs much more
convenient, as should the availability of mapping functions
with several arguments. The user will almost certainly
profit from skimming through the chapters on these extended
features, just to know what is available.
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Credits and Acknowledgements
The design and overall direction of the implementation
of this system are the responsibility of Robert Bobrow, who
also made the first modifications to Stanford LISP,
including the original error package, accessible context
stack and storage reallocator. In large part the existence
of the final system and its extensive documentation is due
to the Herculean efforts of Daryle Lewis, who did the bulk
of the modifications to the assembly language code
(including making Stanford LISP reentrant) and corrected the
compiler and LAP systems. He singlehandedly transferred the
entire BBN LISP editor and its documentation to our system,
and in general performed vital and arduous design,
programming and documentation tasks too numerous to mention.
Richard Burton did yeoman's labor by transferring (and
extending) the BBN LISP ERROR and BREAK packages, and
providing their documentation. Jeff Jacobs maintained the
system for many months, correcting may old Stanford compiler
and garbage collector bugs; he also implemented many
extensions, such as the interface to the Queue Manager, disk
file directory functions, the user-switchable OBLIST, and
the BLOCK data type. Bill Earl has also provided great
service in maintaining the system and its documentation.
Whitfield Diffie of Stanford has helped us out of several
sticky problems with the LISP system and its compiler. The
original implementation of the editor and several I/O
functions is due to Rodger Knaus, as well as many helpful
suggestions. Finally, but of vital importance, is Alan
Bell, whose great knowledge of the PDP-10 operating system
helped us through many rough times, and who has done much of
the transferring of BBN LISP and MIT AI LISP programs.
We are triply indebted to the designers, implementers
and documenters of BBN LISP, particularly Daniel Bobrow and
Warren Teitelman. Most of the debugging and interactive
facilities as well as the general design philosophy of UCI
LISP were inspired by the BBN LISP system. Secondly, we
were able to use much of their code directly, since it was
written in LISP, making it possible to obtain a large,
well-written and debugged system in a fraction of the time
and effort it would have taken to write it from scratch.
Finally, we have made extensive use of the BBN LISP TENEX
REFERENCE MANUAL as a source of raw material for our
documentation. In particular, much of the material in the
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chapters on the BREAK and ERROR packages and the editor is a
revised version of the material in the BBN LISP MANUAL. We
take full responsibility for the errors and deficiencies
produced by such an arrangement, while greatfully
acknowledging BBN's aid in providing much of the basic
documentation. We are also in debt to several people at BBN
for their aid in obtaining and explaining this material,
particularly Jim Goodwin, Alice Hartley and the director of
the Artificial Intelligence Group, Jaime Carbonell.
This manual is the work of many people as well as the
listed authors - in particular Warren Teitelman, formerly of
BBN and now at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, who produced
the original BBN LISP documentation and the lions share of
the original code. We are also in debt to Marion Kaufman
and Phyllis Siegel who did daily battle with the PDP-10 to
produce the RUNOFF files from which this documentation is
Last, but most assuredly not least in the roster of
those who have made this system possible are Kathy Burton
and Connie Lewis who lived through the many discussions, all
night programming sessions and battle-fatigue of the year
during which this system was implemented.
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