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                   4.  Control-E: This does an (ERR NIL), which return
                   NIL to the last ERRSET.  (See section on changes to
                   ERR and ERRSET).

                   5.    Control-Z:  This  returns  the  user  to  the
                   top-level    of    LISP,    (i.e.     either    the
                   READ-EVAL-PRINT loop or the current INITFN).

                   6.   Control-R:  This  restores  the  normal system
                   OBLIST.   Another  of the  above control characters
                   must be typed after this character is  typed.  This
                   will often recover after a GARBAGED OBLIST message.

                                    1 . 5 . 1


           Project-Programmer Numbers for Disk I/O

           In all I/O functions (including INPUT and OUTPUT),  the use
           of a two element list (not a dotted  pair)  in  place  of a
           device will cause the function to assume  DSK:  and use the
           list as the project-programmer number.

           Saving Function Definitions, etc. on Disk Files

           (DSKOUT "FILE" "EXPRSLIST")

                   DSKOUT  is an FEXPR and is used to create an entire
                   output  file on disk file  DSK: "FILE". It sets the
                   linelength to LPTLENGTH,  and  evaluates all of the
                   expressions  in "EXPRSLIST".   If  an expression on
                   "EXPRSLIST"  is atomic,  then that atom is given to
                   GRINL instead of being evaluated directly.   If the
                   value  of FILBAK  is  non-NIL and the  file already
                   exists, DSKOUT will attempt to rename the file with
                   an extension of  the  value  of  FILBAK.   An error
                   message will be  printed on  the TTY:  if  the file
                   cannot  be  backed  up.  FILBAK is initially set to


                   If FNLIST is a list of your functions,  they can be
                   saved on a disk file, FUNCS.LSP by:

                   (DSKOUT    (FUNCS.LSP)    FNLIST    (PRINT   (QUOTE

                   and the file FUNCS.LSP will be renamed to FUNCS.LBK
                   if it already exists.

                                      4 . 1

           Reading Files Back In


                   READ-EVAL-PRINTs the  contents  of the given files.
                   This is the function to  use to read  files created
                   by DSKOUT.


                   (DSKIN (FUNCS.LSP) DTA0: (DATA.LSP))

                   Reads FUNCS.LSP from DSK: and DATA.LSP from DTA0:.

                   (DSKIN (667 2) (DSKLOG.LSP))

                   Reads DSKLOG.LSP from the disk area of [667,2].

                                    4 . 1 . 1

           Reading Directories

           The  following  functions   are  for  reading  directories.
           UFDINP is  analogous to the function INPUT in that it opens
           a  file  on  a  specified  channel.   The  channel  must be
           selected via INC in order  to be read.   The file is opened
           in  binary image  mode and should not be read by the normal
           LISP  read functions.   All  functions are  SUBRS  and thus
           evaluate their arguments.


                   UFDINP  opens the  directory of PPN on CHANNEL.  It
                   returns the value of CHANNEL as its result.  PPN is
                   either of the form (PROJ PROG)  where PROJ and PROG
                   are both  INUMs  or NIL.   If PPN is NIL the user's
                   directory is assumed.


                   *(UFDINP T (QUOTE (2206,1)))



                   RDFILE returns the next file in the  directory that
                   is open  on the current input channel.  It return a
                   file  which is either an atom or  an  atomic dotted
                   pair.   It does an (ERR $EOF$)  when it reaches the
                   end of file.


                   *(PROG (X) (INC (UFDINP T NIL) NIL)
                              (SETQ X (ERRSET (RDFILE)))
                              (INC NIL NIL)
                              (COND ((CONSP X)(RETURN (CAR X)))

                   (INIT . LSP)

                                    4 . 1 . 2

           (DIR PPN)

                   DIR  returns a  list of files from the directory of
                   PPN.   If  PPN  is  NIL,  the  user's  directory is

                   (DIR (QUOTE (2206 4)))

                   ((INIT . LSP) (FOO .LSP) MYFILE))

                                    4 . 1 . 3

           File Manipulation

           The following functions enable the user to manipulate files
           in those  directories to  which  he has  legitimate access.
           The  definition  of  access privileges is system dependent.
           These functions use the RENAME UUO  to  effect  the desired
           manipulations.  A FILESPEC is defined as follows:

           (DEV FILNAM)

           A DEV is either an atom whose last character is a colon, I.E.
           DSK: or a a list of the form:

           (PROJ PROG)

           where PROJ and PROG are both numbers.  DEV is optional and
           if ommitted the user's disk area is assumed.

           A FILNAM is either an atom or an atomic dotted pair.


                   (FILE . EXT)


                   *RENAME  is  a  SUBR  that  renames   FILESPEC1  to
                   FILESPEC2.    It   returns   T  if  the  rename  is
                   successful  and NIL  if  it fails.   If a device is
                   specified in FILESPEC1  and no device  is specified
                   in FILESPEC2 the device  specified in  FILESPEC1 is
                   carried over to FILESPEC2.  Thus:

                   (*RENAME (QUOTE ((2206 4)(FOO . LSP)))
                            (QUOTE ((FOO . BAK))))

                   is equivalent to:
                   (*RENAME (QUOTE ((2206 4)(FOO . LSP)))
                            (QUOTE ((2206 4)(FOO . BAK))))

                   If  no  device is specified in either FILESPEC, the
                   user's disk area is assumed.

                                    4 . 1 . 4


                   RENAME is an FSUBR that renames FILNAM1 to FILNAM2.
                   The DEV's are optional.   If DEV2 is not specified,
                   DEV1 is assumed.   If both DEV's are not specified,
                   the  default  is  the  user's  disk  area.   RENAME
                   returns  T if the renaming is successful and NIL if
                   it fails


                   *(RENAME DSK: (FOO . LSP)(FOO . BAK))

                   *(RENAME FOO FIE)

                   *(RENAME (2206 4)(FOO . LSP)(2206 3)(FOO . LSP))


           (DELETE DEV1 FILNAM1 DEV2 FILNAM2 ...)

                   DELETE is an FSUBR that deletes  the  files  in the
                   list.   The  DEV's  are  optional,  and  a  DEV  is
                   effective over the  following FILNAM's  until a new
                   DEV is  encountered.   DELETE  always  returns NIL.
                   The user's disk area is assumed if no DEV  has been


                   *(DELETE FOO (FOO1 . LSP) (2206 4) (OLDFIL . COM))


                                    4 . 1 . 5


                   FILBAK is  a SUBR that attempts to rename FILE with
                   the  extension  of NEWEXT.   FILE  can  be either a
                   FILNAM  or  a  FILSPEC.   FILBAK  returns T  if the
                   renaming was successful and NIL if it fails.


                   (FILBAK (QUOTE FOO)(QUOTE BAK))

                   will rename the file FOO to FOO.BAK.

                   (FILBAK (QUOTE (FOO . LSP))(QUOTE BAK))

                   will rename the file FOO.LSP to FOO.BAK

                   (FILBAK (QUOTE ((2206 4) (FOO . LSP)))
                           (QUOTE BAK))

                   will rename the file FOO.LSP[2206,4] to FOO.BAK[2206,4].


                   MYPPN returns the user's  project programmer number
                   in a form suitable for use by the directory and I/O



                   (2206 4)

           (LOOKUP DEV FILNAM)

                   LOOKUP is a  SUBR  that determines whether the file
                   DEV FILNAM exists or not.  LOOKUP returns NIL if it
                   can't find the file and (LIST  DEV  FILNAM)  if the
                   file does exist.   If  DEV is NIL,  DSK: is assumed
                   and (LIST FILNAM) is returned.

                                    4 . 1 . 6

           Queueing Files


                   QUEUE  is   an  FSUBR  that  queues  files  to  the
                   specified device or  queue.   It is essentially the
                   same as  the monitor command  QUEUE, both in syntax
                   and effect.   The main  use of this  function is to
                   get output  to  line  printer,  paper tape punches,
                   etc.    However,   the  input  queue  can  also  be
                   specified in order to batch a job.

                   A  queue  name QNAM:  is  an  atom  of three to six
                   letters whose  last letter is a  colon.   The first
                   three  letters  indicate  the  general  queue  (see
                   below)  and  the  following  letters  indicate  the
                   specific queue.

                   LPT     =LINE PRINTER QUEUE
                   PTP     =PAPER TAPE PUNCH QUEUE
                   PLT     =PLOTTER QUEUE
                   CDP     =CARD PUNCH QUEUE
                   INP     =JOB BATCH QUEUE

                   Thus  (QUEUE LPT:  ...)  would  queue  to  the line
                   printer without specifying a  specific line printer
                   queue.   (QUEUE  LPT0:  ...)  would  queue  to line
                   printer 0.  As in the monitor command, if the queue
                   name QNAM:  is not  specified,  the  default  is to

                   If an  INPUT  queue is specified,  a maximum of two
                   files is permitted.   The second file  is  taken as
                   the  name of the log file.  If it is not specified,
                   the filename of the first file with an extension of
                   .LOG is assumed.

                                    4 . 1 . 7

                   Switches  consist of two element  lists,  the first
                   element being the switch and the second  the value.
                   In the case of a required non-numeric value  (as in
                   DISP)  only the first three letters of the argument
                   are looked at i.e. PRESERVE and PRE are equivalent.


                                       TO BE OUTPUT
                   LIMIT  NUMERIC      OUTPUT LIMIT        LPT,PTP,CDP,PLT
                   DISP   'PRE'        PRESERVE FILE       ALL
                          'REN'        RENAME FILE OUT OF
                                       DIRECTORY AND DELETE
                                       AFTER SPOOLING      ALL
                          'DEL'        DELETE AFTER SPOOLING ALL

                   Defaults  are system defined except  for DISP which
                   defaults to PRE so that all files are preserved.

                   As in the monitor command,  switches are  in effect
                   until superseded by another instance of the switch.
                   Switches may precede the first file or device.

                   DEV's are either an atom whose last character  is a
                   colon or a  ppn  specification.   A  device affects
                   only the  files following it.   It is superseded by
                   another device.  If no device is specified, DSK: is

                                    4 . 1 . 8


                   *(QUEUE LPT: DSK: FOO (FOO .  LSP))

                   Prints  the  files  FOO  and  FOO.LSP  on  the line

                   *(QUEUE LPT: (FOO .  LSP)(COPIES 2))

                   Prints two copies of FOO.LSP on the line printer.

                   *(QUEUE INP: (FOO .  CTL))

                   Queues  a  job using FOO.CTL as  its  command file,
                   leaving a LOG file in FOO.LOG.

                   *(QUEUE INP: (FOO .  CTL)(FOO .  LOG))

                   Same as above.

                                    4 . 1 . 9

           Recovery From QMANGR Errors

           The QUEUE function must swap the LISP high segment  for the
           QMANGR  high segment.   It then  transfers  control  to the
           QMANGR high segment.   In most  cases,  if  QMANGR finds an
           error,  it simply prints an error message.  In a few cases,
           however,  it  returns  control  to  the  monitor.   The REE
           command  will  restore  the  appropriate  high  segment and
           processing will continue.   Note that in this instance, the
           system does not wait for control characters.

           A  .START  command to  the  monitor  will  also restore the
           user's high segment.   However,  this is not recommended as
           the reallocation procedure will be entered.

                                    4 . 1 . 10


                   READP returns T if a character can be input and NIL
                   otherwise.  READP does not input a character.


                   UNTYI  "unreads"  a  character (such as a character
                   input by a TYI  or a READCH), so that the next call
                   to  READ,  TYI,  etc.,  will  pick  up the UNTYI'ed
                   character as  the  next character  to  be read, and
                   returns  the ASCII code for that  character.  Note:
                   In the LISP READ routine, an atom may be terminated
                   either by a break character (a character which must
                   be  interpreted  by  READ  as  well  as  serving to
                   terminate the atom, such as "(", ")", "[", and ".")
                   or  a separator character (a character used only to
                   separate atoms, etc., but not in itself meaningful,
                   such  as carriage  return  or blank).   In order to
                   save a  break character  for  later interpretation,
                   the LISP READ routines use a one-charaacter buffer.
                   UNTYI simply stores its  argument  in  this buffer;
                   thus there are two problems in using UNTYI.  First,
                   if UNTYI is used  several  times in succession with
                   no  intervening  READ's,  TYI's, etc.,then only the
                   most  recent  character  is  actually "unread"--all
                   others are  lost.   Second,  if  there  is  a break
                   character in the one-character buffer when an UNTYI
                   is performed, the break character will be lost.


                   The  following  example  illustrates  how  the next
                   character may  be  examined  without  affecting the
                   read routines:
                   *(DE PEEKC () (UNTYI (TYI)))

                   *(PROG () (CLRBFI) (PEEKC) (RETURN (TYI))



           (ERRCH N)

                   ERRCH  changes the  bell  character  that causes an
                   (ERR   (QUOTE   ERRORX)).     N   is    the   ASCII
                   representation of the character.  ERRCH returns the

                                    4 . 5 . 1

                   ASCII  representation  of  the old character.  Note
                   that if the  new character is not a break character
                   to the monitor,  it will not be  processed until it
                   is read in the normal course of reading.

                                    4 . 5 . 2

           Reading without Interning


                   RDNAM functions in the same manner  as  READ except
                   that it  does not intern the atoms  that  it reads.
                   Thus an atom read by RDNAM and an atom read by READ
                   are **NOT** EQ.


                   *(PROG () (CLRBFI) (RETURN (EQ (RDNAM) (READ))))


                                      4 . 9

                                 NEW PREDICATES

           Data Type Predicates

           (CONSP X)

                   The value of CONSP is X iff X is not an atom.
                   CONSP is equivalent to:

                             (LAMBDA (X) (COND ((NOT (ATOM X)) X)))

           Examples:       (CONSP T)       = NIL
                           (CONSP 1.23)    = NIL
                           (CONSP (QUOTE (X Y Z))) = (X Y Z)
                           (CONSP (CDR (QUOTE (X))))       = NIL

           (STRINGP X)

                   The value of STRINGP is T iff X is a string.

           (PATOM X)

                   The value of PATOM is  T iff X is an atom or X is a
                   pointer outside of free storage.

           (LITATOM X)

                   The value of LITATOM is T iff X is a  literal atom,
                   i.e., an atom but not a number.

                                      6 . 1

           Predicates that Return Useful Non-NIL Values

           (MEMBER X Y)

                   MEMBER is the same as the old MEMBER except that it
                   returns  the  tail of  Y  starting at  the position
                   where X is found.


                   (MEMBER (QUOTE (C D)) (QUOTE ((A B)(C D)E)))
                                                   = ((C D) E)
                   (MEMBER (QUOTE C) (QUOTE C)))   = NIL

           (MEMB X Y)
           (MEMQ X Y)

                   MEMQ is the same  as the old  MEMQ  except  that it
                   returns the tail  of  Y  starting  at  the position
                   where X is found.


                   (MEMQ (QUOTE (C D)) (QUOTE ((A B)(C D)E)))      = NIL
                   (MEMB (QUOTE A) (QUOTE (Q A B)))                   = (A B)

           (TAILP X Y)

                   The value of TAILP is X iff X is a list and  a tail
                   of Y,  i.e.,  X is EQ to some number of CDRs & 0 of

           (AND X1 X2 ... Xn)      = Xn if all Xi are non-NIL
                                   = NIL otherwise

           (OR X1 X2 ... Xn)       = The first non-NIL argument
                                   = NIL if all Xi are NIL

                   As  with the old AND and  OR  these  functions only
                   evaluate as many of their arguments as necessary to
                   determine  the  answer  (e.g.  AND stops evaluation
                   after the first NIL argument).

                                      6 . 3

                              NEW NUMERIC FUNCTIONS

           Minimum and Maximum

           (*MIN X Y)  = Minimum of X and Y

           (MIN X1 X2 ...  Xn) = Minimum of X1, X2, ...  ,  Xn

           (*MAX X Y)  = Maximum of X and Y

           (MAX X1 X2 ...  Xn) = Maximum of X1, X2, ...  ,  Xn

           (INUMP X)

                   INUMP returns X iff X is an INUM.  It returns NIL

           (NUMTYPE X)

                   NUMTYPE  returns  FIXNUM if the number X is a fixed
                   point number and FLONUM  if  it is a floating point

                                      7 . 1

           Miscellaneous Useful Functions


                   UNBOUND returns the un-interned atom  UNBOUND which
                   the system places  in  the CDR of an atom's SPECIAL
                   (VALUE)  cell to  indicate that the  atom currently
                   has  no assigned value even though it has a SPECIAL
                   (VALUE) cell on its property list.


                   Re-initializes LISP  to  read  the  user's INIT.LSP
                   file when  it returns  to  the top level, e.g. by a
                   Control-G or a START,  or a  REENTER.   SYSCLR also
                   resets the garbage collection time  indicator  to 0
                   and the CONSes performed indicator to  0.   It also
                   performs an EXCISE.

           (INITFL "FILELST")

                   INITFL is an FSUBR that sets up the  file  list for
                   the  user's INIT file.  FILELST may consist of more
                   than one file.   However, if there is more than one
                   file in the list, the files following the first one
                   must be found or an  error will be  generated.  The
                   first file in the list is optional.   The INIT file
                   is initially INIT.LSP.  INITFL returns the old file
                   list as its result.


                   *(INITFL (INIT1 . LSP) (MYFILE . LSP) FOO)

                   ((INIT . LSP))

                                      8 . 2


           The  following  two  functions can catastrophically destroy
           the garbage collector by creating a circle in the free list
           if they are used to return to the free list any words which
           are  still in  use.   Do not use these functions unless you
           are certain what you are doing.   (They are only  useful in
           rare  cases where a  small  amount  of  working  storage is
           needed by a routine which is called quite often.)

           (FREE X)

                   FREE returns the word  X  to  the free storage list
                   and returns NIL.

           (FREELIST X)

                   FREELIST returns all of the words  on the top level
                   of  the list X to the free storage list and returns
                   NIL.  FREELIST terminates on a NULL check.

                                    8 . 3 . 1

           New Symbol Table Functions

           The functions in  this section are similar to the currently
           existing  symbol table  functions  except  that they either
           strip off  (for  storing)  or  add on the  atom relocation.
           This  allows MACRO code to use the atom relocation register
           S to refer  to free storage  and  thus  allow  expansion of
           binary program space without  destroying LOADed code.  They
           operate   in  exactly  the  same  manner  as   their  older
           counterparts.   An error  is  generated if the arguments or
           returning value is not a true cons cell.

           (*RPUTSYM SYM VAL)

                   *RPUTSYM puts (VAL - atom relocation) in the symbol
                   table under SYM.

           (RPUTSYM X1 X2 ...)

                   RPUTSYM  functions in the  same  manner  as PUTSYM,
                   i.e.  if Xn  is an  atom,  then Xn is placed in the
                   symbol table  with Xn less  the  relocation  as its
                   value.  Otherwise (EVAL (CADR XN)) is placed in the
                   symbol table as the value of (CAR XN).

           (*GETSYM X)

                   *GETSYM gets the value of the symbol X, adds on the
                   relocation and  returns the  cell pointed to as its

           (GETSYM P S1 S2 ...)

                   GETSYM searches  the symbol table for the symbol Sn
                   and places the relocated value on the property list
                   of Sn under property P.

                                    8 . 3 . 2

                          CONTIGUOUS BLOCKS OF STORAGE

           A new data type,  BLOCK, has been added to UCILSP.  A BLOCK
           consist  of  a  block of  contiguous  storage  locations in
           Binary Program Space.  BLOCKs are similar to arrays in that
           they may  contain pointers  that are protected from garbage
           collection, or their contents may be ignored by the garbage
           collector.   They differ,  however, in the means of access.
           BLOCKs are accessed by a pointer into Binary  Program Space
           and all of the functions which will act on a cons cell will
           work  equally  well  on  an element of  a block (except for
           printing).   BLOCKs  can  be used for setting up lists that
           are also tables,  as in setting up multiple  OBLISTs.  NOTE
           BENE:  the value returned by  the BLOCK functions is a true
           address, not a LISP number.

           (GTBLK LENGTH GC)

                   GTBLK  is a SUBR that  returns  a  zeroed  BLOCK of
                   LENGTH words.   If GC is NIL,  then the contents of
                   the BLOCK are ignored by the garbage collector.  If
                   GC  is  non-NIL then  the contents  are  treated as
                   pointers  and  the  cells pointed  to  will  not be


                   BLKLST  is a SUBR that returns a pointer type BLOCK
                   of  LENGTH words.  It chains the words in the BLOCK
                   such that the CDR of each  word  is  the succeeding
                   word.   The  top level of  LIST is then mapped into
                   the CAR's of the block.  If LENGTH is NIL, then the
                   length of the list  is used.   If  (LENGTH LIST) is
                   less than  LENGTH,  then the CAR's of the remaindef
                   of the BLOCK are  set to NIL.   If (LENGTH LIST) is
                   greater than LENGTH, the list is truncated.

                                     11 . 1