
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-04 - 43,50334/tops05.exe
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-------         ------[N]H
Command         Effect[N]H=======[N]HSummary[N]H$      manuscripts etc. Can only be used on certain display terminals.[N]H"      facilities for editing natural language texts like letters,[N]H#      Cursor control keys on display terminals can be used. Special[N]H "      The screen always shows a segment of the text being edited.[N]H(#VIDED Immediate feed-back of the results after each edit operation.[N]H0%      numbered source files. Also possible to write series of commands.[N]H8#      languages and on-line debugging systems work better with line-[N]HA!      your files by mistake. Uses line-numbered files, and some[N]HI#SOS   Easier to learn and use for the beginner. Less easy to destroy[N]HQ      also handle line-numbered files.[N]HW%      lines, since there are normally no line numbers. TECO can however[N]H_#      programs directly in TECO. No problem with renumbering of the[N]Hg!TECO  Allows the advanced programmer to write small text editing[N]HoHere are the main advantages with the three editors:[N]Hvinstead.[N]Hx"lessons in this course on VIDED, you will have to read the manual[N]H"on whether you want to learn TECO or SOS. There are at present no[N]H#VIDED. The next four lessons in this course are different depending[N]H!You must now decide whether you are going to learn TECO, SOS or[N]HSOS ABC . SIM[N]HThe right answer is: SOS ABC.SIM[N]H A hint: use the "SOS" monitor command.[N]H%After SOS just write the filename, a dot and the extension.[N]H-The command "MAKE" causes TECO to create a new file.[N]H3YH5SOABCH6You must have a space between SOS and ABC.[N]H<SOSABCH>
file called "ABC.SIM"?[N]HA What do you type if you want to enter SOS and work with an old[N]HINO[N]HJAnswer either "YES" or "NO".[N]HOIf you type CONTROL-C, then no new file will be created.[N]HVYESHWNHYNOHZCONTROL-C, will the new file be created then?[N]H`If you start creating a new file with TECO, and then type[N]Hgthe old file by immediately typing CONTROL-C.[N]HmWhen you get that error message, you can avoid destroying[N]Ht"SUPERSEDING EXISTING FILE".[N]Hywhat you intended. Therefore, you will get the error message[N]H!old one, then the old file would be destroyed. This might not be[N]H$If you try to make a new file in TECO with the same name and extension[N]Hteco abc . sim[N]HTime for some repetition.[N]HA hint: use the "TECO" monitor command.[N]Hnot edit an old one.[N]H!The command "MAKE" causes TECO to create a new file,[N]H'MAKH)The command "SOS" calls SOS, but not TECO.[N]H.just like when you created a file by typing "MAKE PROG.ALG".[N]H6!After "TECO" just write the filename, a dot, and the extension,[N]H>SIMH?an old file called "ABC.SIM"?[N]HDWhat do you type if you want to enter TECO to work on[N]HKTECO ABC . ALG[N]HNNow, it is time for some repetition.[N]HSA hint: use the "TECO" command.[N]HW After TECO just write the filename, a dot, and the extension.[N]H_No, "SOS" calls SOS, not TECO.[N]Hc$The "MAKE" command is used to create new files, not to edit old ones.[N]HlTEHmTECHoTEABCHpTECABCHrYou must have a space between TECO and ABC.[N]HxTECOABCHzABCH|$What do you type to use TECO to look at an old file called "ABC.ALG"?[N]H called "XYZ.LSP", then you type "SOS XYZ.LSP" to the monitor.[N]H
!name of the file. If you thus want to use SOS to look at a file[N]Hcalls TECO. After the word "SOS" or "TECO" you must give the[N]HThe "SOS" command calls SOS, the "TECO" command[N]H!creating new text files and for editing old text files.)[N]H(""SOS" or "TECO" commands. (The SOS command "SOS" is used both for[N]H0file which you have stored away, then you would  use the[N]H7"If you want to look at or make changes or additions to an existing[N]H?The "SOS" and "MAKE" commands were used to create new files.[N]HG
======================[N]HJNSOS PROG . ALG[N]HQNow it is time to repeat part of this lesson.[N]HWcalls TECO.[N]HZ!Remember that the "SOS" command calls SOS and the "MAKE" command[N]HbYou should not write the questionmarks. Just write %[N]HhWrite "%" if you want to stop.[N]HmYou were asked to use "SOS" and not "LINED".[N]HsLINEDHt
not typed by you.[N]HwThe initial dot(".") before "SOS" is written by the monitor,[N]H$A hint: after "sos" just write the filename, a dot, and the extension.[N]Ha new file.[N]H
 The "EDIT" command is used to edit an old file, not to create[N]HEDITHThe "MAKE" command will call TECO, not SOS.[N]HMAKEHPROG.ALGHSOHYou must have a blank between SOS and PROG.[N]H$SOSPROGH&ALGH'.H)PROGH*
the monitor then?[N]H- program which is to be called "PROG.ALG". What do you write to[N]H5Assume that you want to use SOS to create a new Algol source[N]H<then you would type ".R VIDED-LETTER.TXT".[N]HB!Example 2: IF you want to create a text file called LETTER.TXT,[N]HJprogram called FIE, then you would type "MAKE FIE.LSP".[N]HQ"Example 1: If you want to create a LISP source program file for a[N]HYnew file.[N]H[#After "SOS", "MAKE" or "R VIDED-" you must indicate the name of the[N]Hc!a "." to you to indicate its readiness to accept your commands.[N]Hk"must be given to the monitor, that is typed when the monitor types[N]Hs "SOS", "MAKE" and ".R VIDED-" like all other monitor commands[N]H{"SOS" calls SOS, "MAKE" calls TECO, "R VIDED-" calls VIDED.[N]H!you type one of the monitor commands "SOS", "MAKE" or "R VIDED-"[N]H
"When=you=want=to=createaHnewtextfile usingDoneoftheeditors,[N]His "TECO" and "VIDED".[N]H""Answers with one, two or three of the editors TECO, VIDED and SOS.[N]H*Yes, VIDED is a context editor, but there is one more.[N]H1Yes, TECO is a context editor, but there is one more.[N]H8SOS can handle context editing, but is mainly a line editor.[N]H@text?[N]HB!find the place to act upon by looking for a search string in the[N]HJ"Which of the three editors are mainly context editors, that is you[N]HRstopgap[N]HTAnswer with one of the three editors TECO, SOS or VIDED![N]H[You should not write the quote characters ("). Just write %[N]Hb"%"Hd%VIDED is not primarily a line editor, although it can handle texts with[N]Hl
line!numberstin them.[N]Hp$TECO isinot,primarilytaelineceditor,althoughitcanChandle textsDwith[N]HxWritei"%"tif youdwantPtoTback]inthelesson.[N]H~Writes"%" ifeyouwantto!STOP.[N]HSTOPGAPH#thentext[toactHuponisfoundhbyeitsllinemnumber.oWhich isrthe[one?[N]HVIDED and SOS was right, but there is one more editor.[N]H3TECO and VIDED was right, but there is one more editor.[N]H:TECO and SOS was right, but there is one more editor.[N]HAREPEATHCVIDEDHESOSHFTECOHH Which are the three most wellknown text editors on the DEC 10?[N]HOspeed of at least 120 characters/second.[N]HU!VIDED works best if the line between computer and terminal has a[N]H]"in ordinary language, tables, figures, nicely structured programs.[N]He"after editing. VIDED is especially suited to the editing of texts[N]Hm content is modified after each edit operation to show the text[N]Ht!shows a section of the text being modified, and that the screen[N]H|"of display terminals. The idea with VIDED is that the full screen[N]H "VIDED is a display editor. It can only be used with certain kinds[N]H 
editing.[N]He!only{anneditor,ibut|also aisimpleeprogrammingHlanguage"forytext[N]Ha!intTECO) tooperformmcomplexfeditingnoperations.TECOis=thus=not[N]H!#searchdstring.NTECOalso#allowsOyou,to-write0smallkroutines (written[N]H'#throughwthewtexteuntilBa portionWislfoundawhichcis identicalHto!the[N]H]/!upon in aetext by givingeaisearchestring.oTECOxwill2thensearch[N]H'7#TECOois ancontext editor.eThisnmeanstthat;youHfindtheplace1to'act[N]He?!hassmanyicommands,yyoucaneasilySlearnla usefulxsubsethof them.[N]HGIthecommands. SOSmhaslvery many usufulgcommands.RAlthough.SOS[N]H!O"sequenceTofTcommandsnintoearfiletwhich,swhentcalled,mwill perform[N]HnW!portions"ofaline.ZItisSalsohpossibledto,putdatfrequentlyiused[N]Hty!youhalsonhaveotheNabilitytosearchuforoand(replacersmallhstring[N]HsgSOSfrequiresllineenumbers,andusesTtheseefornreference.uBut[N]Hen$The mostewellknownotexteeditorsdon]the!DEC10.are]SOS,uTECOandVIDED.[N]H wput in new text where you want in the file.[N]H }#selected parts of a text file, change selected parts of the file or[N]H!#need a text editor. The text editor is a program to help you look at[N]H!
No, you missed this one.H"You're mistaken.H"
Incorrect!H"YouranswerwasNwrong.H"g!H"  You've got the hang of it now.H"
  Keep up the good work!H"!  Aren't you glad you kept trying?H"%
  You're making progress.H")  There is hope for you after all!H"-
  I knew you could do it.H"1
  Yo've got the idea now!H"4	  You're improving!H"7
  Now you're catching on!H";  You're doing better!H">OK!H"@Excellent!H"BThat's it!H"DWell done!H"FRight!H"HExactly right!H"JBravo!H"LSure!H"NVery good.H"PGood for you!H"RTOPS05H"T%H"V-->H"WH"Y^H"Z H"\ GNOSIS will simulate an acceptable answer:[2N]-->H"b
Just for the record,H"e]Or...interrupt the lesson by typing the symbol "%".H"k[N](You might want to rethink some of your previous answers.)H"s[N]You have at least eliminated some of the possibilities.H"zPlease try again.H"}%If you want to interrupt the lesson, then type the single character "%".[N]H#??? You gave no answer at all.H#	"Eh?   The computer expected you would just push the RETURN button.[N]H#[N]Push RETURN H#[N]I must admit that last one was a bit tricky!H#, H#H#to the PREVIOUS '-->' or 'RETURN' prompt...[N]H#"Please continue, then, giving your response[N]H#(
Lesson is backing.[N]H#,BACKH#-
Question skipped.[N]H#0SKIPH#2Lesson aborted.H#4STOPH#6or 'CONTINUE'.[N]H#9	, 'SKIP', 'BACK', H#<Answer 'STOP'hINXi?4
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