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                    Z     A     P     !


                        USER'S GUIDE

                                 DANIEL KOHANSKI
                               CCIS Systems Group
                               RUTGERS UNIVERSITY
                               NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J.

                                  JANUARY 1975
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 2

                I. Basic Properties of ZAP!

The purpose of ZAP!  is to  permit  minor  modifications  of
disk files on the PDP-10.  It is not intended as an addition
to or replacement for any of the  various  text  editors  or
DDT.   It  was  originally  conceived  of  as  an  emergency
surgical tool to be used on  large  binary  data  sets,  and
subsequent developments have kept this idea in mind.

     As such, ZAP!  will not expand or  contract  the  file;
it  will  only  replace  one string with another of the same
size.  Furthermore, no backup files are  created.   Updating
in  place  is  used,  which is faster, but does require some
user responsibility.  While certain defensive  measures  are
taken  (the  RIB,  for  example,  cannot  be  ZAPped), it is
assumed that the user knows what he is doing.  That  is,  he
should  know exactly what his data looks like in binary form
and what effects will result from his changing it.

     ZAP!  operates on one file at a time,  and  within  the
file,  on  one  block  (128  decimal  words) at a time.  Any
number of operations may be performed on the same block, and
any block may be selected at random.

     (For the uninitiated, ZOFTIG is Yiddish for "strong".)


     While ZAP!  has been extensively tested and performs as
     described  herein, no guarantee is expressed or implied
     by the author or Rutgers University,  which  assume  no
     responsibility  or  liability  for  any actions of this

     Users discovering bugs are requested to report them  to
     the author.
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 3

                     II. File Commands

        (In the command prototypes,  parameters  in  <>  are
optional;   names  in  lower  case are to be replaced by the
appropriate  value.   All  commands  are  one  letter.   All
numbers are octal.)


     Open file "file.ext" to be worked on.  This fails if  a
file  is  already  open,  or if no file exists by that name.
(The user will receive the appropriate error message in each
case.)  If  the  user  has  read but not write access to the
file, the file will be opened in PROTECTED mode  (see  below
section VII).

     An alternative command is:


     Close the current file, if one is open,  and  open  the
new  one.   Read  in  the first block, set the mode to octal
(see  below  section  III),   and   display   all   relevant
information (see the I command section VII).  This will fail
if a zapped block is still in core.  (A "zapped" block is  a
block in which at least one word has been changed - zapped -
but the block has not yet been written back onto the disk.)

     At the start of a ZAP!  session,  one  may  peform  the
equivalent of the A command by typing:

     R ZAP-file.ext<[p,pn]>

     After the file is opened, the  desired  block  must  be

     Rn or R+<n> or R-<n>

     where "n" is the block number, in octal, or the  number
of  blocks  to  move  forward  (+)  or backward (-) from the
current one.  The size of the file in  blocks  is  given  as
part  of the I command.  If a zapped block is still in core,
the user is given the  option  of  rereading  the  block  by
typing "R",thereby wiping out all zaps on that block.

     After a block has been zapped  (altered),  it  must  be
written back onto the disk by the command:

ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 4

     This ensures that the user determines that the block is
in the desired condition.  If no changes have been made, the
block will not be written.   After  this  command  has  been
executed,  the  block  is no longer considered "zapped", and
the R, C, E and A commands have their usual effect.

     After all work is done, the file must be closed:

     C or E or ^C^C (ctrl-C)

     Any of these will close the file;  E and ^C^C will exit
after  closing.  (There is one special case where ^C^C has a
different effect;  see below, section  VI.)  These  commands
will  not  work if a zapped block is still in core.  In this
case, the user will be allowed to  close  the  file  without
writing  this block (command "C") or reread the block ("R").
Use of any other command at  this  point  will  cancel  this
special use of the C and R commands.
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 5

                      III. Data Modes

     The data mode (also  referred  to  as  the  display/zap
mode)  governs most of the remaining commands.  It specifies
the way the block is displayed, what kind of string to  look
for, and what to zap it with.

     The mode is set by the command:


     where k is:

 O -   octal
 S -    sixbit
 K -    ascii character
 A -   ascii (7-bit)
 I -   instruction

     The original mode when a file is opened is octal.   The
current  mode  remains  in  effect  until the next M, F or A
command.  R and W do not change the mode.

     The  following  mode  definitions  are  given  for  the
display  command.   With  slight  variations, they are to be
followed when inputting values.  Differences between  output
and input forms will be noted as appropriate.

OCTAL - Each word is displayed as  two  half  words  of  six
       digits each.

SIXBIT - Each word is displayed as six characters in  sixbit

ASCII CHARACTER - Each word is displayed as 5 characters  in
       7-bit  ascii.   Control characters are printed as "\"
       (backslash).  The low order bit (bit 35)  is  ignored
       and is not accessible.

ASCII (7-bit) - Each word is displayed  as  5  groups  of  3
       digits each, where the first digit is 0 or 1, and the
       remaining digits are 0-7.  The low order bit (bit 35)
       is  displayed  as  0 or 1.  The character equivalents
       are also shown.

INSTRUCTION - Each word is displayed as an instruction, with
       the  op, a/f, y, x and indirect fields arranged as in
       MACRO-10.  The CALLI mnemonics are  included  through
       SUSET.  (CALLI 146).
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 6

                  IV. DISPLAY/ZAP Commands

     Once a block is in core,  any  portion  of  it  can  be
displayed  in current mode:  (all references are relative to
the start of the block)


     If "loc" but not ",n" is given, only location "loc"  is
displayed.   If  ",n"  but  not  "loc" is given, the first n
locations are shown.   If  "loc,n"  is  given,  n  locations
starting  at  "loc"  are  displayed.   Saying just "D" means
display the entire block.  All values are in octal.

     To change a single word in a block, the command is:


     Only one location at a time can be zapped.  The word to
be  zapped  is  first  displayed, then the user types in his
changes.   When  he  is  done,  the  entire  word  is  again
displayed, and the block is flagged as being zapped.  The R,
C, E and A commands will not have their usual effect.

               IVa. ZAP! Editing Conventions

Only those characters which are legal in  the  current  mode
may  be typed in;  illegal characters are echoed as "?", and
the cursor is not moved.  Where a word consists of more than
one  group (ascii, octal), the group separation character is
provided by the program.

     When entering a  new  value,  certain  characters  have
special meanings:

ctrl-L - forward space;  that is, retain the original  value
         of the current character.
ctrl-H - backspace  one  character.   Backspacing  past  the
         start of the word is equivalent to rubout.
rubout - retain the original value.  Do not flag  the  block
         zapped, unless it has been zapped already.
escape - finish out the word with the old value.  Equivalent
         to a series of ctrl-L's.

          1.  In ascii character mode, any control character
              can   be   typed   by   preceding  it  with  !
              (exclamation mark).   The  next  character  is
              made  into  a  contol  character (thus, for ^C
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 7

              (003), type !C.  Rubout (177)  is  entered  by
              !rubout.)   The  exclamation  mark  itself  is
              entered as "!!".
          2.  In ascii mode, the first  bit  of  each  group
              (byte) must be 0 or 1, as must be bit 35.
          3.  In instruction mode, type a space after the op
              code  or  its  mnemonic if it is less than six
              characters;   the  program  will  supply   the
              remaining  spaces.   Backspacing  is permitted
              only to the start of the current field.  It is
              not  necessary  to indicate those fields which
              are not included.
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 8

                 V. Search Command - Basics

This is the most powerful command in the  ZAP!   repertoire.
It  will  search an entire file looking for a single pattern
and replace it automatically.  Because  of  its  complexity,
its explanation has been broken into two sections.

     The basic search command is:


     The search routine will type out the current  mode  and
ask  the user for the string (value) to be looked for.  This
string may be up to one word  (36  bits)  in  size,  and  is
entered according to the ZAP!  editing conventions.

          1.   When  entering  the  search   value,   ctrl-L
              (forward space) is not recognized.
          2.  In instruction mode, "X" for the op code means
              ignore  the  op code part.  Other fields which
              are omitted entirely will not be  included  in
              the search.
          3.  Zero is a search value identical  in  behavior
              to any other digit.
          4.  Escape (altmode) defines the end of the search
              string,  if  it  is  less  than a full word in
          5.  The search is confined to the  current  block;
              each  new  search  returns to the start of the

     When the string is  found,  the  user  is  offered  the
opportunity  of  zapping  it.  The cursor or type element is
placed under the first  character  of  the  matching  string
(backspacing  is  allowed).   If the string is split between
two  words,  the  user  is  guided  in  zapping  each   part
separately.  (Instruction mode is always a single word.)

     The ZAP!  editing conventions apply when typing in  the
new  value.  If RUBOUT is typed, the word is unchanged;  the
second part (if any) will not be shown.

     Additional Search Commands

SC  - continue search.  The search continues from  the  last
      successful  match  (possibly even in the middle of the
      word).  A search cannot be continued past the  end  of
      the block.
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                  Page 9

SM  - same as S, only for the  entire  file,  not  just  the
      current  block.   Unlike S, which returns to the start
      of the block, SM begins at the start  of  the  current
      block and continues from there to the end of the file;
      it does not go back to the start of the file.

SCM - continue multiple block search.  Same as SC, only  for
      SCM.   Use  of the R command (in any direction) before
      SCM is permissible.
              If  the  block  has  been  zapped,  SCM   will
              automatically  write  it  out in the course of
              the search.  This feature is a variation  from
              the  philosophy  embodied in the W command and
              should be carefully noted.
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                 Page 10

               VI. Search Command - Continued

By the use of switches following the  S  (SM)  command,  the
user  can  avail himself of additional facilities.  Switches
may be specified in any order and in any combination.

S/F - initiate fullword search.  The  right-jusified  search
      string must match the entire word for the search to be
              In ascii (7-bit) mode, if bit 35  is  included
              in   the  search  string,  this  automatically
              requests a fullword  search.   In  instruction
              mode,  S/F  requires  an  exact  match  of the
              instruction as typed in.  In all other  modes,
              looking  for 36 (35) bits is not equivalent to
S/R - search and  replace  automatically.   The  replacement
      value  is typed in after the search value (the routine
      will ask for each in turn).   Except  for  a  fullword
      search, the search and replacement strings must be the
      same length.  ZAP!  editing conventions  (with  search
      exceptions) apply.
S/C - automatically continue search after the value has been
      zapped  or  replaced.   During  the  search, typing ^C
      (ctrl-C) will halt the search  eventually  (especially
      in the case of S/R/C).  Use this switch with caution.
S/W - requires that the matching string  be  found  entirely
      within  one  word,  not  spread across two words as is
      normally allowed.  If a fullword search is  requested,
      this switch is ignored.
ZAP! - THE ZOFTIG ALTERATION PROGRAM                 Page 11

                VII. Miscellaneous Commands

Pn - Set Write Protection

     If n = 0, all commands operate normally  (the  file  is
unprotected).   If  n = 1, the file will be write protected.
Z will not work, and the various  S  commands  will  display
only  (in particular, S/R will cause an error).  If the file
is write-protected by the system, P0 has no effect.

     I - Information

     Print the name  and  size  of  the  current  file,  the
current  block  and  mode, the protection and zapped status,
and the search conditions.

     Tk - Set Terminal Status

     ZAP!  was written on  and  for  a  CRT  type  terminal.
Hardcopy  users  will  find editing easier by defining their
terminal as hardcopy - "TH".  Line-feeds  will  be  inserted
after  backspaces  for  greater legibility.  "TC" returns to
CRT type.

     H - Type the "HELP" message.

     Hk - type the help message for command "k".