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IOLIB v:5 Release
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Rob Cook
LaTrobe University Computer Centre
IOLIB version 5 is a maintenance release that fixes all
outstanding bugs, and provides compatibility with C.MAC version 7 and
MACRO-10 version 50. IOLIB version 5 contains a few new features and
changes in specifications, detailed below.
1. IOLIB requires C.MAC version 7 and MACRO-10 version 50. The files
C.UNV and IO.UNV should be installed on ersatz device UNV:. If
the monitor in pre-5.07 and does not recognise device UNV:, C.UNV
and IO.UNV should go onto SYS:.
2. the instructions for compiling and loading a program with IOLIB
are very much simpler due to the transparent way that MACRO v:50
handles UNIVERSAL files. If the user program contains a 'SEARCH
C,IO' instruction he can say 'EXECUTE MYPROG,@MAC:IOLO' and all
good things happen.
Users are not advised to use the .REQUEST pseudo-op to force a
library search of IOLIB at load time because the IOLIB library
needs to be searched twice, and this is not easy with .REQUEST
3. the VERSN$ macro types the version numbers of C and IO used during
4. there are new macros and routines to open a file for appending
called $APEND and $APDWT. These routines are similar to $UPDAT
and $UPDWT.
5. there are new macros and routines to write a number as a number od
blocks, 34B, ($WBWRD), a number of words ,42045W, ($WWWRD) and as
a quantity of core in pages/kwords if an exact number of units and
in words if not ($WCWRD).
6. the XTUUO$, XTCAL$ and XTDCL$ macros have had their definitions
7. MAKFD$ is changed slightly to remove the case whereby an FDB
address of less than 20 was assumed to be an ac that points to an
IOLIB v:5 Release Page 2
8. add new fields to the FDB. It now contains a path block, an extra
word for the buffer headers to allow MPX channel use, and words
for the results of /ABEFORE and /ASINCE switches. MAKFD$ and
$CLRFD setup $FDPPN to point to $FDPTH, but $FDPPN may be
overwritten by a PPN. The buffer headers are shared by a 6 word
path mask block and the name mask word. $FDDIM, the old directory
mask has been removed.
9. two new fields have been added to the IDB, and both are
initialised by BEGIN$ They are $IDPTH, the job's default path
spec., and $IDCPU which defines the CPU we are running on (0=KA10,
10. the feature test switch FT$KIX has dissappeared. IOLIB runs on
both cpus without modification.
11. a new macro ADVIS$ to print advisory messages enclosed in []. The
definition is the same as for FATAL$.
12. any severity flag character can be set when calling $ERROR.
13. new macros and routines, $MTxxx and MTxxx$ to execute MTAPE UUOs
for the current file
14. a $BEGIN routine to do most of the work of BEGIN$. BEGIN$ is
reduced to 5 words of code. The first user word has the internal
label $$BEG.
1. $ROCT? and $RDEC? have been restructured to use a digit reader,
thus sortening both of them and the combination.
2. $$XUUO and $$XCAL have been made INTERNAL to aid debugging
3. $WWORD now continues writing characters until the SIXBIT word is
empty. It does not stop on the first blank.
4. many bug fixes and speed improvements
IO IOLIB Changes
-- ----- -------
143 fix $MKBUF where .BFADR was wrongly addresses as
134 144 add symbols $BFSTS, $BFHDR and $BFCNT to IO
IOLIB v:5 Release Page 3
equivalent to the C v:6 symbols of the same name.
Use these symbols in IOLIB.
145 correct insignificant typo in $RWORD
146 write a digit reader $$RUDO and make $ROCT? and
$RDEC? use it.
147 change $RCASH to use $$RUDO. A user can now type
150 fix bug in $CLRFD with bad stack handling on error
151 fix similar problems in $INPUT and $OUTPU
152 fix another in $CRGET
153 fix bug in $TBUUO which prevents name of RUN UUO
from being output
154 fix stack handling bug in $RDATE
155 make $$XUUO and $$XCAL into INTERNals
156 alter $WWORD so that it outputs all characters in
the SIXBIT word until the word is nul
136 157 add $WBWRD, $WCWRD and $WWWRD and associated
137 change FW$$S definition to remove possibility of
spurious V errors through MACRO 50 bug
140 alter MAKFD$ definition to remove same. Also if
the address field of the argument list is 0-17
assume real address instead of indirect through
160 make $WDATE more efficient
161 rewrite $CNVUI ala SCAN v:6
162 rewrite $SAVE? ala SPR 10-13836
163 fix bug in $ERRIO whereby filenames sometimes came
out in the wrong format
164 fix bug in $INPUT/$OUTPU which made all errors
into 'UNK' errors
165 change $BATCH to use a GETTAB instead of GETLCH
141 166 add $APEND and $APDWT and macros
142 167 fix bug in $UPDWT so that it can handle a T1 arg.
IOLIB v:5 Release Page 4
143 170 add new fields to FDB for path spec., longer
buffer headers etc. Fix routines which use these
fields to do it correctly.
144 fix MAKFD$ and FDESC$ to do same
145 171 add new fields to IDB for default path and cpu.
Fix heap routines to use cpu info.
146 add PRINTX C and IO version numbers to VERSN$
172 cure $WPATH problem with edit #170
147 get rid of FT$KIX
173 use VERSN$ macro to define IOLIB version number
150 174 implement $ADVIS and ADVIS$
175 change verbosity handling to use bits in monitor
watch table
176 fix bug whereby $TBMTH got loaded into the LOSEG
177 fix bug in $ERROR caused by edit #175
200 fix bug in $RFILE caused by edit #172
151 201 add $MTxxx routines and MTxxx$ macros to execute
MTAPE UUOs for the current file.
152 202 change BEGIN$ so that it fixes up PORTALs and CCL
entry and then calls a $BEGIN routine to
initialise everything. BEGIN$ always generates 5
words of code now and labels the first user
location $$BEG.
203 use GETTABs to find the program name and PPN
instead of the values passed in te acs on entry.
Trouble is $IDPEX and $IDPDV are not filled now.
204 fix bug introduced by edit #202
153 205 fix bug introduced by edit #203
1. place IOLIB.REL on MAC:
2. place C.UNV and IO.UNV on UNV: (C version 7, remember)
3. place IOLO.CMD and IOHI.CMD on MAC:
IOLIB v:5 Release Page 5
None apart from those mentioned as being Unimplemented Ideas
1. a prompt and reply package whereby a caller can specify a question
and the form of a reply, call a subroutine and wait till a good
reply is typed.
2. interface to a WILD package
3. interface to a QUEUER package
4. all SCAN v:7 features