
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-06 - 43,50400/d2d.rel
There is 1 other file named d2d.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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?Cannot OPEN structure 
LOOKUP failure (	 F) 
?OPEN failure for structure ?ENTER failure (	 O) 
?Output error, status ; file closed
?Input err	 Wor, status ; file closed
@?OPEN	 ` failure for structure ?Cannot create UFD for [,]; ENTER failur	 he, code ()
?ENTER failure for SFD, code () file 
	 q:[,].UFD.[,,	 y]::Input disk:Output disk:PPN to tra	 nsfer:Transferred  blocks in  files;  UFDS, 	 
Elapsed time 
?Something wrong--pseudo super USETI fai	 led on read
?Something wrong--pseudo super USETO failed on write
Do yo	 u want to change a file structure name?File structure (whose name is to be chan	 $ged):No drives in that structure?!
[ is on drive(s) 	 ,,]
Should I remove ?I failed.
Using OMOUNT, "	 5REMOVE ". Do not physically remove it.
When done, type <CR>New name o	 =f file structure:Consistancy failure reading firstsecond F home block.
OPEN failure for drive M
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