PDP-10 Archives
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Installation Guide for PASCAL version 2
Take the following files and place on the ersatz devices:
(Note PAS: {DSKE:[5,63]} will probably need to be created-use CREDIR)
-1. SYS:PASCAL.SAV The dispatcher to the compiler-eliminate if the
compiler is to reside on SYS:
0. SYS:CROSS.SAV The dispatcher to the cross reference program
eliminate if the cross-ref. program is to reside
on SYS:
1. PUB:PASCAL.EXE The compiler
2. PUB:CROSS.EXE The cross reference program
3. SYS:PASLIB.REL The Pascal library
4. HLP:PASCAL.HLP Help file for the compiler
5. DOC:PASCAL.MAN Pascal User's Manual for the 10
6. DOC:PASCAL.DOC History of DEC-10 Implementation
7. PAS:ACK3.PAS Sample Pascal program
8. PAS:CROSS.PAS Source for the cross reference program
9. PAS:PASCAL.PAS Source for the compiler
10. PAS:LIBPAS.PAS Pascal portion of the library
11. PAS:LIBMAC.MAC Macro portion of the library
Note: for the COMPILE, LOAD, AND EXECUTE commands to work, COMPIL
version 22B(70236)-6 must be installed on SYS: (NEW: initally)
Any version later than COMPIL 22B with the PASCAL patches
installed from the COM22B.SCM file will also work. (Note that
some of the patches in COM22B.SCM are for SIMULA-67.)
Note also that PASCAL is a compiler distributed by DECUS and
as such the correct operation of the compiler is not
guaranteed. The compiler is placed on our systems in the hope
that by offering the user community a superior language in
which to express their programs, the art of programming may
be furthered.
19-May-77 Paul W. Perkins
Digital Equipment Corporation
PK1/E33 x3642
Maynard, Ma. 01754