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OUTLIB Common output routines needed by MACRO programs
Written by Ernie Petrides, Wesleyan University, January, 1979
OUTLIB is a support library of typical output routines commonly
needed by MACRO programs. It includes standard integer typing, file
specification output, SIXBIT type-out, ASCIZ string output, character
output, and the like. Since all output ultimately goes through one
routine, multiple output devices can be initialized to automatically
receive all output. The default option is to force out all buffers on
standard break characters including device TTY, which is by default
internally buffered and then sent via OUTSTR. There is also an action
character handler which substitutes special output functions in place
of key characters. As with most libraries, the user should use a /SEARCH
switch in the .LOAD or .EXECUTE command string so that only the necessary
output modules will be loaded into core. (Note that using the ACTOUT
routine requests almost all of the OUTLIB modules to be loaded.)
Using the output library
To use OUTLIB, the user must make a universal file named "AC"
which defines the accumulator usage in the program to be using the
library. In other words, OUTLIB must be recompiled for each specific
use unless the user has adopted a standard set of AC conventions from
program to program. Besides the AC definitions (which, of course, must
be unique), any non-default assembly parameters must also be defined in
the universal file. All of the user's accumulators are preserved, except
for "C" which is set to the last character output (or zero if a string was
processed) and "M" which is used as an ILDB pointer for strings. Following
is a list of the AC's and their usage:
T1 -- three consecutive scratch accumulators for work
T2 -- must be equal to T1 + 1 for divisions and shifts
T3 -- a third scratch accumulator for counting
C -- provides (and set to) character to be output
M -- message pointer to ASCIZ string to be output
N -- number register for normal integer type-out and plural checks
P -- push down stack pointer (minimum of 20 free levels recommended)
Calls to the output library are of the form PUSHJ P,XXXOUT where
XXX is the three-letter abbreviation of the name of the routine. The
user must declare all the needed entries with an "EXTERN" psuedo-op.
The default length of the output device list is three. To direct
output, the user's program must enter the devices to receive output into
the output list. The global symbol "OUTLST" is provided for this purpose.
To specify device TTY, the user must set an OUTLST entry to -1 (SETOM OUTLST);
to specify a normal, buffered I/O device, the user must put the address of
the buffer ring header in the right half of the entry and the channel number
in the left half of the entry (bits 14-17). The whole output list is scanned
for each character, and null (zero) entries are ignored.
By default, if the error return on an "OUT" UUO is taken, a simple
error message is OUTSTR'ed, the "GETSTS" bits are put in AC 0, and the job
is returned to monitor mode. Defining the assembly parameter ".FTIOE" to
be non-zero will inhibit output checking ("OUTPUT" UUO done instead).
By default, a break output is forced every time a LF, FF, or VT is
output. Defining the assembly parameter ".FTLMD" to be zero will override
this action.
If the user wants output done only to TTY, the assembly parameter
".FTMOD" may be defined as zero in the universal file "AC". This causes
the usual buffered I/O routines and the OUTLST to be omitted, and directs
all output directly to the internal TTY buffer, thus considerably reducing
run-time overhead. To avoid the internal TTY buffering, the assembly
parameter ".FTTBL" (which is the terminal buffer length in characters)
must be defined as zero in the universal file. This causes all TTY
output to be done by OUTCHR's each time a character is sent.
Summary of the OUTLIB routines and their actions
ACTOUT -- Output ASCIZ string with special action characters (see next page).
FTLOUT,WRNOUT,ERROUT -- All three put an error marker on a new line followed
by the SIXBIT error prefix in "ERR"; FTLOUT uses a "?", outputs out a
string, and exits to monitor; WRNOUT uses a "%", outputs out a string,
and returns; ERROUT uses the character in C and outputs no string.
APCOUT -- Outputs the string "at user PC " followed by octal number in N.
DATOUT -- Outputs the current date in DD-MMM-YY format.
TIMOUT -- Outputs the current time in HH:MM:SS format.
LINOUT -- Outputs the ASCIZ string followed by a CRLF
STROUT -- Outputs a plain old ASCIZ string
FILOUT -- Outputs a full file specification from "DEV","FIL","EXT","PPN"; do
DEV and PPN as below, FIL as SIXBIT, and EXT as left-justified SIXBIT.
DEVOUT -- Outputs the left-justified SIXBIT device name in "DEV"
SIXOUT,SXSOUT -- Both do SIXBIT printing of the characters in "SIX"; SIXOUT
always outputs six characters; SXSOUT suppresses trailing spaces.
PPNOUT -- Outputs the "[<proj>,<prog>]" pair in "PPN"
DECOUT,OCTOUT,NUMOUT,DIGOUT -- DECOUT sets "RAD" to decimal radix and does
NUMOUT; OCTOUT sets "RAD" to octal radix and does NUMOUT; NUMOUT out-
puts the unformatted integer in N in the radix in "RAD"; DIGOUT adds
octal 60 to C and outputs the created digit (hopefully).
DMPOUT,RHFOUT,LHFOUT -- DMPOUT outputs N in octal dump format with one space
between the two halves; RHFOUT outputs the right half of N in octal
dump format (leading zeroes); LHFOUT outputs the left half of N in
octal dump format (leading zeroes).
CLFOUT does only one; DSPOUT outputs two spaces; SPCOUT does only one;
BRKOUT forces out all the buffers; TABOUT outputs a tab character;
PLUOUT outputs an "s" only if N is not equal to 1.
CHROUT,FUCOUT,FLCOUT,FNCOUT -- CHROUT is the actual routine that sends out
each and every character; FUCOUT causes lower case characters to be
forced to upper case (140-177); FLCOUT causes upper case characters
to be forced to lower case (100-137); FNCOUT clears the case force.
TSAV1,TSAV2,TSAV3,TRES3,TRES2,TRES1 -- PDL manipulation routines for saving
and restoring the temp. AC's upon subroutine exits; skip returns
are handled correctly.
CPOPJ0,CPOPJ1,CPOPJ2 -- PDL manipulation "routines" for doing skip returns.
Using the action character handler
A call to ACTOUT does string output of the ASCIZ string pointed to
by M just like STROUT, except that certain key characters initiate special
output actions as long as the action feature is on (they are all on by de-
fault). To prevent certain actions from taking place (and possibly eliminate
the need of the corresponding routine in core), the corresponding feature
test switch must be defined as zero in the universal file "AC". Note that
some of the actions require that data be previously loaded into specific
memory locations.
List of action character features
"_" .FTCLF output a carriage return/line feed (CLFOUT)
"*" .FTBRK cause a break output (force buffers) (BRKOUT)
"<" .FTFUC force upper case (FUCOUT)
">" .FTFLC force lower case (FLCOUT)
"=" .FTFNC turn off the case force (FNCOUT)
"#" .FTNUM output the decimal integer in N**
"$" .FTPLU output an "s" only if N <> 0 (PLUOUT)
"(" .FTSPC enter a singular/plural conditional -- outputs text
only if N is singular; "\" reverses the conditional; ")" closes the cond.
":" .FTDEV output DEVICE: in "DEV" (DEVOUT)
"[" .FTPPN output [P,PN] in "PPN" (PPNOUT)
"^" .FTFIL do full file spec in "DEV","FIL","EXT","PPN" (FILOUT)
"%" .FTWRN simulate WRNOUT but still do action chars
"?" .FTFTL simulate FTLOUT but still do act chrs, then exit
"@" .FTAPC output "at user PC NNNNNN" (APCOUT)
"+" .FTTIM output the current time (TIMOUT)
"&" .FTDAT output the current date (DATOUT)
** Unless the feature "substitute no for zero" (.FTSNZ) is turned off, the
characters "no" will be typed if N is zero.