
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-08 - 43,50511/
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                Permuted DECSystem-10 Index

Following is a permuted index  of  commands,  programs,  and
utilities  available  on the DECSystem-10.  Each line of the
index contains a citation describing the function performed.
Read  down  the  left  column for the index term you desire.
The line on  which  each  term  appears  has  been  permuted
(shifted) around all non-trivial words.  The original end of
the line is indicated by ||.  The symbol || is  followed  by
the name of the command, utility, or document.

The keys at the right end of the  line  enclosed  in  square
brackets  identify  where  further information may be found.
These keys are abbreviations for the following sources:

   H HELP.  Type .HELP <command name>

   D Documentation  (on-line).   Type  .DIRECT  DOC:<command
     name> to determine what file(s) are available.

   O Operating System Command Manual.  

   M Manual.  A separate manual exists for this topic.

To type a DOC file on your terminal, type
          .TYPE DOC:<file.extension>

To print a HLP file on the line printer, type
          .PRINT HLP:<name.HLP>

To print a DOC file on the line printer, type
          .PRINT DOC:<file.ext>

To obtain a manual, see the operator.

Note to the sophisticated:  If you wish to keep any printout
in  a  notebook,  you  may wish to process the Runoff source
through RUNOFF right shifted  away  from  the  perforations.
Many of the Runoff source files may be found in RNO:  .

80 - reduces line length to 80 columns[H]


access  || PRTCON - port contender data transmission ECF[H,D]
access  || TIE - NBS Net                                [H]
access protection codes  || PROTECT - alters            [O,H]
access to patch panel  || PATCH -                       [H]
adds/deletes spooled devices  || SPOOL -                [O]
ADVENT - adventure program  ||                          [H]
ALGDDT - Algol dynamic debugging system  ||             [H]
ALGOL - Programmer's Reference Manual  ||               [M]
ALGOL7 - Algol version 7 supporting ALGDDT  ||          [H]
                                                            Page 2

allocates I/O device to job  || ASSIGN -                [O]
allowes user to set priority for jobs disk  || DSKPRI - [O]
alphabetized key-word-in-context index  || KWIC -       [H,D]
alters access protection codes  || PROTECT -            [O,H]
AML - author-maintained program & utility library  ||   [H]
analysis program  || OMNITAB - statistical              [H]
ANALYZE - Fortran statement frequency statistics  ||    [H,D]
ANSI-66 FORTRAN  || PFORT - portable subset of          [H,D]
appointment calendar  || BIGCAL - produces              [H,D]
ARCHIVE - backup files to tape for retrieval  ||        [H]
area  || NSAVE - writes core image of core              [O]
area  || NSSAVE - writes core image of core             [O]
area  || OSAVE - writes core image of core              [O]
Arpanet communications  || IMP -                        [H,D]
Arpanet file transfer  || FTP -                         [H,D]
ARPANET mail  || NETMAIL -                              [H]
Assembler Programmer's Reference  || MACRO-10 -         [M,D]
assembly language debugger  || DDT -                    [M,O]
ASSIGN - allocates I/O device to job  ||                [O]
assignment of device via operator(na)  || MOUNT -       [O]
assigns standard protection to files  || PRESERVE -     [O]
ATTACH - connects terminal to detached job  ||          [O]
author-maintained program & utility library  || AML -   [H]
available structures & physical devi || RESOURCES - typ[O]


backgammon program  || BKGM -                           [H,D]
BACKSPACE - spaces magnetic tape backward  ||           [O]
BACKUP - saves disk files on magnetic tape  ||          [O,D,H]
backup files to tape for retrieval  || ARCHIVE -        [H]
BASIC - Basic language subsystem  ||                    [H,M]
Basic language  || NBASIC - a version of the            [H]
Basic language subsystem  || BASIC -                    [H,M]
BATCH Multiprograming Beginner's Guide  ||              [M]
batch queue  || SUBMIT - places enter files into        [O]
begins execution of program  || START -                 [O]
BIGCAL - produces appointment calendar  ||              [H,D]
BKGM - backgammon program  ||                           [H,D]
BLIS10 - BLISS-10 language  ||                          [H]
BLISS  || BLISS - Carnegie-Mellon                       [H]
BLISS - Carnegie-Mellon BLISS  ||                       [H]
BLOCKSIZE - sets default blocksize for magnetic tape  ||[O]
BOXCHG - switchbox change  ||                           [H]
boxes  || SWBOX - tables concerning switch              [H]
BREAK - debugging command  || SET                       [O]


calendar  || BIGCAL - produces appointment              [H,D]
Carnegie-Mellon BLISS  || BLISS -                       [H]
CCONTINUE - identical to start and continue  ||         [O]
change  || BOXCHG - switchbox                           [H]
CHANGE - converts foreign magnetic tapes  ||            [H,D]
change Runoff bar character  || NURUNF -                [H]
                                                            Page 3

changes name of file  || RENAME -                       [O]
changing your password  || PASSWORD -                   [H]
character  || NURUNF - change Runoff bar                [H]
CHESS - chess program  ||                               [H,D]
clears directory of output device  || ZERO -            [O]
COBDDT - Cobol debugging program  ||                    [H]
COBOL Programmer's Reference Manual  ||                 [H,M]
COBOL Utilities Manual  ||                              [M]
code for files  || SET DEFAULT - default protection     [O]
codes  || PROTECT - alters access protection            [O,H]
combines binary programs into library  || MAKLIB -      [H,D]
command  || SET BREAK - debugging                       [O]
command files  || MIC - user created                    [H,D]
commands  || MSGH - mail message manipulation           [H,D]
commands  || RUNINP - summary of runoff                 [H]
Commands, Getting Started With  || TOPS-10              [M]
communication  || SEND - provides one-way interconsole  [O]
communications  || IMP - Arpanet                        [H,D]
compares two versions of a file  || FILCOM -            [O,H]
compatible tapes  || TAPE - industry                    [H]
COMPILE - compiles programs into relocateable files  || [O,D]
compiles programs & prepares for debugging  || DEBUG - [O]
compiles, loads, executes source program  || EXECUTE -  [O]
connects terminal to detached job  || ATTACH -          [O]
contender data transmission ECF access  || PRTCON - port[H,D]
contender problems  || PCPROB - port                    [H]
contents  || INDXR - produces table of                  [H,D]
continuation of specified job  || JCONTINUE - forces    [O]
continue  || CCONTINUE - identical to start and         [O]
continue  || CSTART and CCONTINUE - identical to start a[O]
CONTINUE - continues program execution  ||              [O]
controls job when attempting output  || DSKFUL -        [O]
controls multiple jobs from single terminal  || OPSER - [O,H]
conventions  || MONITR - monitor naming                 [H]
converting files to sos from teco  || TOSOS -           [H]
converts foreign magnetic tapes  || CHANGE -            [H,D]
copies magnetic tapes  || MTCOPY -                      [O]
COPY - transfers files  ||                              [O]
copy utility  || DTCOPY - dectape                       [O]
core  || D - deposits information in                    [O]
CORE - types or modifies core assigned  ||              [O]
core area  || NSAVE - writes core image of              [O]
core area  || NSSAVE - writes core image of             [O]
core area  || OSAVE - writes core image of              [O]
core image  || LOAD - runs link-editor to create        [O]
core image file  || DCORE - daemon program to write     [O]
core image to disk file  || SAVE - writes user          [O]
core image from storage device  || GET - loads          [O]
core image from system device  || R - loads             [O]
core location  || E - examines                          [O]
core assigned  || CORE - types or modifies              [O]
counter  || HALT - stops job and stores program         [O]
CREATE - opens new file on disk and runs lined  ||      [O]
create core image  || LOAD - runs link-editor to        [O]
created command files  || MIC - user                    [H,D]
                                                            Page 4

creates directories and sub-directories  || CREDIR -    [O,H]
creates library relocateable file  || FUDGE -           [O]
creates new files with teco  || MAKE -                  [O]
CREDIR - creates directories and sub-directories  ||    [O,H]
CREF - cross-references files  ||                       [O,D,H]
cross references  || CROSS - Pascal                     [H]
cross-referenced global symbols  || GLOB - produces     [O,H]
cross-references files  || CREF -                       [O,D,H]
CSTART and CCONTINUE - identical to start and continue  [O]
current virtual page max  || LIMIT - specifies          [O]


D - deposits information in core  ||                    [O]
DA28 - transfers files to PDP-11  ||                    [H]
daemon program to write core image file  || DCORE -     [O]
data files || DUMP - provides printable dumps of arbitra[O]
data flow information  || DAVE - gathers Fortran        [H,D]
data transmission ECF access  || PRTCON - port contender[H,D]
database  || RDBGEN - generates empty Pascal/R          [H]
date followed by time-of-day  || DAYTIME- types         [O]
DAVE - gathers Fortran data flow information  ||        [H,D]
DAYTIME- types date followed by time-of-day  ||         [O]
DCORE - daemon program to write core image file  ||     [O]
DDT - assembly language debugger  ||                    [M,O]
DEASSIGN - releases & returns device to monitor  ||     [O]
DEBUG - compiles programs & prepares for debugging  || [O]
debugger  || DDT - assembly language                    [M,O]
debugger  || FORDDT - Fortran                           [H]
debugging  || BREAK - used during                       [O]
debugging  || DEBUG - compiles programs & prepares for [O]
debugging command  || SET BREAK -                       [O]
debugging program  || COBDDT - Cobol                    [H]
debugging system  || ALGDDT - Algol dynamic             [H]
declares properties of terminal  || SET TTY -           [O]
DECSystem-10, Getting Started with  ||                  [M]
dectape  || LABEL - writes identifier onto              [O]
dectape copy utility  || DTCOPY -                       [O]
dectape file transfer utility  || FILEX -               [O,D,H]
dectape utility  || FILE -                              [O]
DECUS - DEC User Society related documents  ||          [H]
DEFAULT - default protection code for files  || SET     [O]
default blocksize for magnetic tape  || BLOCKSIZE - sets[O]
default density for magnetic tapes  || SET DENSITY -    [O]
default magnetic tape blocksize  || SET BLOCKSIZE -     [O]
default protection code for files  || SET DEFAULT -     [O]
defaults  || SWITCH - supplies switch                   [H,D]
DELETE - deletes files  ||                              [O]
deletes file  || IDEL -                                 [H]
deletes files  || DELETE -                              [O]
deleting temporary files  || TMPDEL -                   [H]
density for magnetic tapes  || SET DENSITY - default    [O]
deposits information in core  || D -                    [O]
DETACH - disconnects terminal from job  ||              [O]
detached job  || ATTACH - connects terminal to          [O]
                                                            Page 5

determine status  || STATUS - to                        [H]
devi || RESOURCES - types available structures & physic[O]
device  || GET - loads core image from storage          [O]
device  || R - loads core image from system             [O]
device to job  || ASSIGN - allocates I/O                [O]
device to monitor  || DEASSIGN - releases & returns     [O]
device via operator(na)  || MOUNT - assignment of       [O]
devices  || SPOOL - adds/deletes spooled                [O]
devices between jobs  || REASSIGN - transfers           [O]
DIALOG - Interpreter for Pascal/R  ||                   [H,D]
DIRECT - lists files in directory  ||                   [O,D,H]
directories and sub-directories  || CREDIR - creates    [O,H]
directory  || DIRECT - lists files in                   [O,D,H]
directory of output device  || ZERO - clears            [O]
disconnects terminal from job  || DETACH -              [O]
disk  || DSKPRI - allowes user to set priority for jobs [O]
disk and runs lined  || CREATE - opens new file on      [O]
disk file  || SAVE - writes user core image to          [O]
disk file octal editor  || ZAP -                        [H,D]
disk files on magnetic tape  || BACKUP - saves          [O,D,H]
disk files on magnetic tape(na)  || FAILSAFE - saves    [O]
disk space  || QUOLST - types used & unused             [O]
disk structure usage of job  || DSK - prints            [O]
DISMOUNT - removes file structure from system  ||       [O]
Document Format program   || RUNOFF - Text &            [H,D,M]
documents  || DECUS - DEC User Society related          [H]
DOSTAP - reads  writes PDP-11 DOS magnetic tapes  ||    [H]
DSK - prints disk structure usage of job  ||            [O]
DSKFUL - controls job when attempting output  ||        [O]
DSKPRI - allowes user to set priority for jobs disk  || [O]
DTCOPY - dectape copy utility  ||                       [O]
DUMP - provides printable dumps of arbitrary data files [O]
dumps of arbitrary data files || DUMP - provides printab[O]
dynamic debugging system  || ALGDDT - Algol             [H]


E - examines core location  ||                          [O]
editor  || TECO - text                                  [O,D,M]
editor  || ZAP - disk file octal                        [H,D]
Editor User's Guide  || SOS - Text                      [H,D,M]
empty Pascal/R database  || RDBGEN - generates          [H]
ENCRYPT - to encrypt files  ||                          [H]
encrypt files  || ENCRYPT - to                          [H]
enter files into batch queue  || SUBMIT - places        [O]
entries into printer output queue  || PRINT - places    [O,H]
EOF - writes end-of-file mark on magnetic tape  ||      [O]
errors for TOPS10  || SYSERR - lists system             [H]
examines core location  || E -                          [O]
exchange hints among users  || HINT -                   [H]
EXECUTE - compiles, loads, executes source program  ||  [O]
execution of program  || START - begins                 [O]
experimental version of TECO  || XTEC-                  [H,D]
extended PASCAL  || PASR -                              [H,D]
                                                            Page 6


facilities  || PLOT - plotting                          [O,D,H]
FAILSAFE - saves disk files on magnetic tape(na)  ||    [O]
features  || HELP - obtains information on various syste[O,H]
FILCOM - compares two versions of a file  ||            [O,H]
file  || DCORE - daemon program to write core image     [O]
file  || FILCOM - compares two versions of a            [O,H]
file  || FUDGE - creates library relocateable           [O]
file  || IDEL - deletes                                 [H]
file  || RENAME - changes name of                       [O]
file  || SAVE - writes user core image to disk          [O]
FILE - dectape utility  ||                              [O]
file maintenance  || ISAM - indexed sequential          [H]
file octal editor  || ZAP - disk                        [H,D]
file on disk and runs lined  || CREATE - opens new      [O]
file on terminal  || TYPE - types source                [O]
file structure from system  || DISMOUNT - removes       [O]
file transfer  || FTP - Arpanet                         [H,D]
file transfer utility  || FILEX - dectape               [O,D,H]
file utility routine  || FUR -                          [H,D]
files   || PRINTER - printing long                      [H]
files  || COMPILE - compiles programs into relocateable [O,D]
files  || COPY - transfers                              [O]
files  || CREF - cross-references                       [O,D,H]
files  || DELETE - deletes                              [O]
files  || ENCRYPT - to encrypt                          [H]
files  || LOST - to restore lost                        [H]
files  || PRESERVE - assigns standard protection to     [O]
files  || PRINTR - printing long                        [H]
files  || SET DEFAULT - default protection code for     [O]
files  || TMP - temporary                               [H]
files  || TMPDEL - deleting temporary                   [H]
files in directory  || DIRECT - lists                   [O,D,H]
files on magnetic tape  || BACKUP - saves disk          [O,D,H]
files on magnetic tape(na)  || FAILSAFE - saves disk    [O]
files to PDP-11  || DA28 - transfers                    [H]
files to sos from teco  || TOSOS - converting           [H]
files to tape for retrieval  || ARCHIVE - backup        [H]
files || DUMP - provides printable dumps of arbitrary da[O]
files into batch queue  || SUBMIT - places enter        [O]
files with teco  || MAKE - creates new                  [O]
FILEX - dectape file transfer utility  ||               [O,D,H]
FIND - types names & PPNs of users  ||          [H]
FINISH - terminates any input or output in progress  || [O]
flow information  || DAVE - gathers Fortran data        [H,D]
forces continuation of specified job  || JCONTINUE -    [O]
FORDDT - Fortran debugger  ||                           [H]
foreign magnetic tapes  || CHANGE - converts            [H,D]
Format program   || RUNOFF - Text & Document            [H,D,M]
FORTH - language processor  ||                          [H]
FORTRAN  || PFORT - portable subset of ANSI-66          [H,D]
Fortran (F4)  || FORTRAN-IV - Old version of            [M]
Fortran data flow information  || DAVE - gathers        [H,D]
Fortran debugger  || FORDDT -                           [H]
                                                            Page 7

FORTRAN PFORT - portable subset of  || ANSI-66          [H,D]
Fortran statement frequency statistics  || ANALYZE -    [H,D]
Fortran statement numberss  || RENBR - renumbers        [N,D]
FORTRAN-10 - Programmer's Reference Manual (FOR)  ||    [H,M]
FORTRAN-IV - Old version of Fortran (F4)  ||            [M]
frequency statistics  || ANALYZE - Fortran statement    [H,D]
from single terminal  || OPSER - controls multiple jobs [O,H]
from teco  || TOSOS - converting files to sos           [H]
FTP - Arpanet file transfer  ||                         [H,D]
FUDGE - creates library relocateable file  ||           [O]
FUR - file utility routine  ||                          [H,D]


gathers Fortran data flow information  || DAVE -        [H,D]
generates empty Pascal/R database  || RDBGEN -          [H]
GET - loads core image from storage device  ||          [O]
Getting Started with  || DECSystem-10,                  [M]
Getting Started With  || TOPS-10 Commands,              [M]
GLOB - produces cross-referenced global symbols  ||     [O,H]
global symbols  || GLOB - produces cross-referenced     [O,H]
Guide  || BATCH Multiprograming Beginner's              [M]
Guide  || SOS - Text Editor User's                      [H,D,M]


HALT - stops job and stores program counter  ||         [O]
HELP - obtains information on various system features  |[O,H]
high segment is shareable || OSSAVE - same as osave exce[O]
HINT - exchange hints among users  ||                   [H]


IDEL - deletes file  ||                                 [H]
identical to start and continue  || CSTART and CCONTINUE[O]
identifier onto dectape  || LABEL - writes              [O]
identifies dec-net nodes  || NODE -                     [O]
identifies job  || PJOB -                               [O]
image  || LOAD - runs link-editor to create core        [O]
image file  || DCORE - daemon program to write core     [O]
image of core area  || NSAVE - writes core              [O]
image of core area  || OSAVE - writes core              [O]
image to disk file  || SAVE - writes user core          [O]
image from storage device  || GET - loads core          [O]
image from system device  || R - loads core             [O]
IMP - Arpanet communications  ||                        [H,D]
incremental job statistics  || SET WATCH - prints       [O]
index  || KWIC - alphabetized key-word-in-context       [H,D]
index  || PERMUTE - produces permutted                  [H]
index produced  || KEYWORD - permuted                   [H]
indexed sequential file maintenance  || ISAM -          [H]
industry compatible tapes  || TAPE -                    [H]
INDXR - produces table of contents  ||                  [H,D]
information  || DAVE - gathers Fortran data flow        [H,D]
information  || SYSTAT - prints system status           [O,H]
                                                            Page 8

information in core  || D - deposits                    [O]
information on various system features  || HELP - obtain[O,H]
information pertinent to job  || USESTAT - returns statu[O]
INITIA - performs system initialization  ||             [O,H,D]
initialization  || INITIA - performs system             [O,H,D]
input or output in progress  || FINISH - terminates any [O]
interconsole communication  || SEND - provides one-way  [O]
Interpreter for Pascal/R  || DIALOG -                   [H,D]
into library  || MAKLIB - combines binary programs      [H,D]
into relocateable files  || COMPILE - compiles programs [O,D]
ISAM - indexed sequential file maintenance  ||          [H]


JCONTINUE - forces continuation of specified job  ||    [O]
jobs  || REASSIGN - transfers devices between           [O]
jobs disk  || DSKPRI - allowes user to set priority for [O]
jobs from single terminal  || OPSER - controls multiple [O,H]
jobs search list  || SETSRC - manipulates               [O,D]


KEYWORD - permuted index produced  ||                   [H]
kills job - logout - logoff  || KJOB -                  [H,O]
KJOB - kills job - logout - logoff  ||                  [H,O]
KWIC - alphabetized key-word-in-context index  ||       [H,D]


LABEL - writes identifier onto dectape  ||              [O]
language  || BLIS10 - BLISS-10                          [H]
language  || NBASIC - a version of the Basic            [H]
language BLIS10 -  || BLISS-10                          [H]
language debugger  || DDT - assembly                    [M,O]
language processor  || FORTH -                          [H]
Language processor  || PASCAL -                         [H,D]
language subsystem  || BASIC - Basic                    [H,M]
library  || AML - author-maintained program & utility   [H]
library  || MAKLIB - combines binary programs into      [H,D]
library relocateable file  || FUDGE - creates           [O]
limit  || PHYSICAL - specifies maximum page             [O]
limit  || SET PHYSICAL - specifies maximum page         [O]
limit  || SET VIRTUAL LIMIT - specifies virtual page    [O]
LIMIT - specifies current virtual page max  ||          [O]
limits  || LPT - lineprinter size                       [H]
line printer  || UNIX1 - printing on UNIX1              [H]
lined  || CREATE - opens new file on disk and runs      [O]
lineprinter size limits  || LPT -                       [H]
LINK-10 - linking loader Programmer's Reference Manual  [M]
link-editor to create core image  || LOAD - runs        [O]
linking loader Programmer's Reference Manual  || LINK-10[M]
list  || SETSRC - manipulates jobs search               [O,D]
lists files in directory  || DIRECT -                   [O,D,H]
lists system errors for TOPS10  || SYSERR -             [H]
LOAD - runs link-editor to create core image  ||        [O]
                                                            Page 9

loader Programmer's Reference Manual  || LINK-10 - linki[M]
loads core image from storage device  || GET -          [O]
loads core image from system device  || R -             [O]
loads, executes source program  || EXECUTE - compiles,  [O]
LOCATE - sets I/O devices on DEC-10  ||                 [O]
location  || E - examines core                          [O]
location prespecified  || REENTER - restarts at         [O]
logoff  || KJOB - kills job - logout -                  [H,O]
logout - logoff  || KJOB - kills job -                  [H,O]
long files   || PRINTER - printing                      [H]
LOST - to restore lost files  ||                        [H]
lost files  || LOST - to restore                        [H]
LPT - lineprinter size limits  ||                       [H]


MACRO-10 - Assembler Programmer's Reference  ||         [M,D]
magnetic tape  || BACKUP - saves disk files on          [O,D,H]
magnetic tape  || BLOCKSIZE - sets default blocksize for[O]
magnetic tape  || EOF - writes end-of-file mark on      [O]
magnetic tape  || SKIP - moves                          [O]
magnetic tape backward  || BACKSPACE - spaces           [O]
magnetic tape blocksize  || SET BLOCKSIZE - default     [O]
magnetic tape blocksize SET  || BLOCKSIZE - default     [O]
magnetic tape(na)  || FAILSAFE - saves disk files on    [O]
magnetic tapes  || CHANGE - converts foreign            [H,D]
magnetic tapes  || DOSTAP - reads  writes PDP-11 DOS    [H]
magnetic tapes  || MAGTAPE - using                      [H]
magnetic tapes  || MTCOPY - copies                      [O]
magnetic tapes  || SET DENSITY - default density for    [O]
MAGTAPE - using magnetic tapes  ||                      [H]
mail  || MAIL - send & receive                  [H]
mail  || NETMAIL - ARPANET                              [H]
MAIL - send & receive mail  ||                  [H]
mail message manipulation commands  || MSGH -           [H,D]
maintenance  || ISAM - indexed sequential file          [H]
MAKE - creates new files with teco  ||                  [O]
MAKLIB - combines binary programs into library  ||      [H,D]
manipulates jobs search list  || SETSRC -               [O,D]
manipulation commands  || MSGH - mail message           [H,D]
Manual  || ALGOL - Programmer's Reference               [M]
Manual  || COBOL Programmer's Reference                 [H,M]
Manual  || COBOL Utilities                              [M]
Manual  || LINK-10 - linking loader Programmer's Referen[M]
Manual (FOR)  || FORTRAN-10 - Programmer's Reference    [H,M]
maximum page limit  || PHYSICAL - specifies             [O]
maximum page limit  || SET PHYSICAL - specifies         [O]
message manipulation commands  || MSGH - mail           [H,D]
MIC - user created command files  ||                    [H,D]
modifies core assigned  || CORE - types or              [O]
monitor  || DEASSIGN - releases & returns device to     [O]
monitor naming conventions  || MONITR -                 [H]
MONITR - monitor naming conventions  ||                 [H]
MOUNT - assignment of device via operator(na)  ||       [O]
moves magnetic tape  || SKIP -                          [O]
                                                           Page 10

MSGH - mail message manipulation commands  ||           [H,D]
MTCOPY - copies magnetic tapes  ||                      [O]
multiple jobs from single terminal  || OPSER - controls [O,H]
Multiprograming Beginner's Guide  || BATCH              [M]


name of file  || RENAME - changes                       [O]
names & PPNs of users   || FIND - types                 [H]
naming conventions  || MONITR - monitor                 [H]
NBASIC - a version of the Basic language  ||            [H]
NETMAIL - ARPANET mail  ||                              [H]
NODE - identifies dec-net nodes  ||                     [O]
nodes  || NODE - identifies dec-net                     [O]
NSAVE - writes core image of core area  ||              [O]
NSSAVE - writes core image of core area  ||             [O]
numberss  || RENBR - renumbers Fortran statement        [N,D]
NURUNF - change Runoff bar character  ||                [H]


obtains information on various system features  || HELP [O,H]
octal editor  || ZAP - disk file                        [H,D]
OMNITAB - statistical analysis program  ||              [H]
opens new file on disk and runs lined  || CREATE -      [O]
operator  || SCHED - types schedule as set by           [O]
operator(na)  || MOUNT - assignment of device via       [O]
OPSER - controls multiple jobs from single terminal  || [O,H]
OSAVE - writes core image of core area  ||              [O]
osave except high segment is shareable || OSSAVE - same [O]
OSSAVE - same as osave except high segment is shareable [O]
output  || DSKFUL - controls job when attempting        [O]
output in progress  || FINISH - terminates any input or [O]
output queue  || PRINT - places entries into printer    [O,H]
output device  || ZERO - clears directory of            [O]


page limit  || PHYSICAL - specifies maximum             [O]
page limit  || SET VIRTUAL LIMIT - specifies virtual    [O]
page max  || LIMIT - specifies current virtual          [O]
panel  || PATCH - access to patch                       [H]
PASCAL  || PASR - extended                              [H,D]
PASCAL - Language processor  ||                         [H,D]
Pascal cross references  || CROSS -                     [H]
Pascal/R  || DIALOG - Interpreter for                   [H,D]
Pascal/R database  || RDBGEN - generates empty          [H]
PASR - extended PASCAL  ||                              [H,D]
password  || PASSWORD - changing your                   [H]
PATCH - access to patch panel  ||                       [H]
patch panel  || PATCH - access to                       [H]
PCPROB - port contender problems  ||                    [H]
performs system initialization  || INITIA -             [O,H,D]
PERMUTE - produces permutted index  ||                  [H]
permuted index produced  || KEYWORD -                   [H]
                                                           Page 11

permutted index  || PERMUTE - produces                  [H]
PFORT - portable subset of  || ANSI-66 FORTRAN          [H,D]
photocompisition typesetting  || TYPSET -               [H,D]
PHYSICAL - specifies maximum page limit  ||             [O]
physical devi || RESOURCES - types available structures [O]
PJOB - identifies job  ||                               [O]
places enter files into batch queue  || SUBMIT -        [O]
places entries into printer output queue  || PRINT -    [O,H]
PLOT - plotting facilities  ||                          [O,D,H]
plotting facilities  || PLOT -                          [O,D,H]
port contender data transmission ECF access  || PRTCON -[H,D]
port contender problems  || PCPROB -                    [H]
portable subset of  || ANSI-66 FORTRAN PFORT -          [H,D]
PPNs of users  || FIND - types names &          [H]
prepares for debugging  || DEBUG - compiles programs & [O]
PRESERVE - assigns standard protection to files  ||     [O]
prespecified  || REENTER - restarts at location         [O]
PRINT - places entries into printer output queue  ||    [O,H]
print incremental job statistics || WATCH - sets system [O]
printable dumps of arbitrary data files || DUMP - provid[O]
printer  || UNIX1 - printing on UNIX1 line              [H]
PRINTER - printing long files   ||                      [H]
printer output queue  || PRINT - places entries into    [O,H]
printing long files   || PRINTER -                      [H]
printing on UNIX1 line printer  || UNIX1 -              [H]
prints disk structure usage of job  || DSK -            [O]
prints incremental job statistics SET  || WATCH -       [O]
prints system status information  || SYSTAT -           [O,H]
prints version number of program  || VERSION -          [O]
priority for jobs disk  || DSKPRI - allowes user to set [O]
problems  || PCPROB - port contender                    [H]
processor  || FORTH - language                          [H]
processor  || PASCAL - Language                         [H,D]
produces appointment calendar  || BIGCAL -              [H,D]
produces cross-referenced global symbols  || GLOB -     [O,H]
produces permutted index  || PERMUTE -                  [H]
produces table of contents  || INDXR -                  [H,D]
program  || ADVENT - adventure                          [H]
program  || BKGM - backgammon                           [H,D]
program  || CHESS - chess                               [H,D]
program  || COBDDT - Cobol debugging                    [H]
program  || EXECUTE - compiles, loads, executes source  [O]
program  || OMNITAB - statistical analysis              [H]
program  || START - begins execution of                 [O]
program  || VERSION - prints version number of          [O]
program counter  || HALT - stops job and stores         [O]
program execution  || CONTINUE - continues              [O]
program to write core image file  || DCORE - daemon     [O]
program & utility library  || AML - author-maintained   [H]
Programmer's Reference  || MACRO-10 - Assembler         [M,D]
Programmer's Reference Manual  || ALGOL -               [M]
Programmer's Reference Manual  || COBOL                 [H,M]
Programmer's Reference Manual  || LINK-10 - linking load[M]
Programmer's Reference Manual (FOR)  || FORTRAN-10 -    [H,M]
programs into library  || MAKLIB - combines binary      [H,D]
                                                           Page 12

programs into relocateable files  || COMPILE - compiles [O,D]
programs & prepares for debugging  || DEBUG - compiles [O]
properties of terminal  || SET TTY - declares           [O]
PROTECT - alters access protection codes  ||            [O,H]
protection code for files  || SET DEFAULT - default     [O]
protection to files  || PRESERVE - assigns standard     [O]
provides one-way interconsole communication  || SEND -  [O]
provides printable dumps of arbitrary data files || DUMP[O]
PRTCON - port contender data transmission ECF access  ||[H,D]


queue  || PRINT - places entries into printer output    [O,H]
queue  || SUBMIT - places enter files into batch        [O]
QUEUE - types queue entries  ||                         [O,D,H]
queue entries  || QUEUE - types                         [O,D,H]
QUOLST - types used & unused disk space  ||             [O]


R - loads core image from system device  ||             [O]
RDBGEN - generates empty Pascal/R database  ||          [H]
read/write tapes for UNIX  || TP - to                   [H]
reads  writes PDP-11 DOS magnetic tapes  || DOSTAP -    [H]
REASSIGN - transfers devices between jobs  ||           [O]
receive mail  || MAIL - send &                  [H]
REENTER - restarts at location prespecified  ||         [O]
Reference  || MACRO-10 - Assembler Programmer's         [M,D]
Reference Manual  || ALGOL - Programmer's               [M]
Reference Manual  || COBOL Programmer's                 [H,M]
Reference Manual  || LINK-10 - linking loader Programmer[M]
Reference Manual (FOR)  || FORTRAN-10 - Programmer's    [H,M]
related documents  || DECUS - DEC User Society          [H]
releases & returns device to monitor  || DEASSIGN -     [O]
relocateable file  || FUDGE - creates library           [O]
relocateable files  || COMPILE - compiles programs into [O,D]
removes file structure from system  || DISMOUNT -       [O]
RENAME - changes name of file  ||                       [O]
RENBR - renumbers Fortran statement numberss  ||        [N,D]
renumbers Fortran statement numberss  || RENBR -        [N,D]
RESOURCES - types available structures & physical devi [O]
restarts at location prespecified  || REENTER -         [O]
restore lost files  || LOST - to                        [H]
retrieval  || ARCHIVE - backup files to tape for        [H]
returns device to monitor  || DEASSIGN - releases &     [O]
returns status information pertinent to job  || USESTAT [O]
REWIND - rewinds tapes  ||                              [O]
rewinds and unloads tapes  || UNLOAD -                  [O]
RFP - to create an rfp  ||                              [D,H]
routine  || FUR - file utility                          [H,D]
RUN - loads & executes user program                     [O]
RUNINP - summary of runoff commands  ||                 [H]
RUNOFF - Text & Document Format program   ||            [H,D,M]
Runoff bar character  || NURUNF - change                [H]
runoff commands  || RUNINP - summary of                 [H]
                                                           Page 13

runs lined  || CREATE - opens new file on disk and      [O]
runs link-editor to create core image  || LOAD -        [O]


same as osave except high segment is shareable || OSSAVE[O]
SAVE - writes user core image to disk file  ||          [O]
saves disk files on magnetic tape  || BACKUP -          [O,D,H]
saves disk files on magnetic tape(na)  || FAILSAFE -    [O]
SCHED - types schedule as set by operator  ||           [O]
schedule as set by operator  || SCHED - types           [O]
search list  || SETSRC - manipulates jobs               [O,D]
segment is shareable || OSSAVE - same as osave except hi[O]
SEND - provides one-way interconsole communication  ||  [O]
send & receive mail  || MAIL -                  [H]
sequential file maintenance  || ISAM - indexed          [H]
SET BLOCKSIZE - default magnetic tape blocksize  ||     [O]
SET BREAK - debugging command  ||                       [O]
SET DEFAULT - default protection code for files  ||     [O]
SET DENSITY - default density for magnetic tapes  ||    [O]
SET PHYSICAL - specifies maximum page limit  ||         [O]
SET TTY - declares properties of terminal  ||           [O]
SET VIRTUAL LIMIT - specifies virtual page limit  ||    [O]
SET WATCH - prints incremental job statistics  ||       [O]
sets default blocksize for magnetic tape  || BLOCKSIZE -[O]
sets I/O devices on DEC-10  || LOCATE -                 [O]
sets system to print incremental job statistics || WATCH[O]
SETSRC - manipulates jobs search list  ||               [O,D]
shareable || OSSAVE - same as osave except high segment [O]
single terminal  || OPSER - controls multiple jobs from [O,H]
size limits  || LPT - lineprinter                       [H]
SKIP - moves magnetic tape  ||                          [O]
Society related documents  || DECUS - DEC User          [H]
software updates  || UPDATE - system                    [H]
SOS - Text Editor User's Guide  ||                      [H,D,M]
source file on terminal  || TYPE - types                [O]
source program  || EXECUTE - compiles, loads, executes  [O]
space  || QUOLST - types used & unused disk             [O]
spaces magnetic tape backward  || BACKSPACE -           [O]
specifies current virtual page max  || LIMIT -          [O]
specifies maximum page limit  || PHYSICAL -             [O]
specifies virtual page limit  || SET VIRTUAL LIMIT -    [O]
SPOOL - adds/deletes spooled devices  ||                [O]
spooled devices  || SPOOL - adds/deletes                [O]
standard protection to files  || PRESERVE - assigns     [O]
START - begins execution of program  ||                 [O]
start and continue  || CSTART and CCONTINUE - identical [O]
Started with  || DECSystem-10, Getting                  [M]
Started With  || TOPS-10 Commands, Getting              [M]
statement frequency statistics  || ANALYZE - Fortran    [H,D]
statement numberss  || RENBR - renumbers Fortran        [N,D]
statistical analysis program  || OMNITAB -              [H]
statistics  || ANALYZE - Fortran statement frequency    [H,D]
statistics || WATCH - sets system to print incremental j[O]
status  || STATUS - to determine                        [H]
                                                           Page 14

STATUS - to determine status  ||                        [H]
status information  || SYSTAT - prints system           [O,H]
status information pertinent to job  || USESTAT - return[O]
stops job and stores program counter  || HALT -         [O]
storage device  || GET - loads core image from          [O]
stores program counter  || HALT - stops job and         [O]
structure usage of job  || DSK - prints disk            [O]
structure from system  || DISMOUNT - removes file       [O]
structures & physical devi || RESOURCES - types availab[O]
SUBMIT - places enter files into batch queue  ||        [O]
subset of  || ANSI-66 FORTRAN PFORT - portable          [H,D]
subset of ANSI-66 FORTRAN  || PFORT - portable          [H,D]
subsystem  || BASIC - Basic language                    [H,M]
summary of runoff commands  || RUNINP -                 [H]
supplies switch defaults  || SWITCH -                   [H,D]
supporting ALGDDT  || ALGOL7 - Algol version 7          [H]
SWBOX - tables concerning switch boxes  ||              [H]
SWITCH - supplies switch defaults  ||                   [H,D]
switch boxes  || SWBOX - tables concerning              [H]
switch defaults  || SWITCH - supplies                   [H,D]
switchbox change  || BOXCHG -                           [H]
symbols  || GLOB - produces cross-referenced global     [O,H]
SYSERR - lists system errors for TOPS10  ||             [H]
SYSTAT - prints system status information  ||           [O,H]
system  || ALGDDT - Algol dynamic debugging             [H]
system  || DISMOUNT - removes file structure from       [O]
system device  || R - loads core image from             [O]
system errors for TOPS10  || SYSERR - lists             [H]
system features  || HELP - obtains information on variou[O,H]
system initialization  || INITIA - performs             [O,H,D]
system software updates  || UPDATE -                    [H]
system status information  || SYSTAT - prints           [O,H]
system to print incremental job statistics || WATCH - se[O]


table of contents  || INDXR - produces                  [H,D]
tables concerning switch boxes  || SWBOX -              [H]
tape  || BACKUP - saves disk files on magnetic          [O,D,H]
tape  || BLOCKSIZE - sets default blocksize for magnetic[O]
tape  || EOF - writes end-of-file mark on magnetic      [O]
tape  || SKIP - moves magnetic                          [O]
TAPE - industry compatible tapes  ||                    [H]
tape backward  || BACKSPACE - spaces magnetic           [O]
tape blocksize  || SET BLOCKSIZE - default magnetic     [O]
tape for retrieval  || ARCHIVE - backup files to        [H]
tape(na)  || FAILSAFE - saves disk files on magnetic    [O]
tapes  || CHANGE - converts foreign magnetic            [H,D]
tapes  || DOSTAP - reads  writes PDP-11 DOS magnetic    [H]
tapes  || MAGTAPE - using magnetic                      [H]
tapes  || MTCOPY - copies magnetic                      [O]
tapes  || REWIND - rewinds                              [O]
tapes  || SET DENSITY - default density for magnetic    [O]
tapes  || TAPE - industry compatible                    [H]
tapes  || UNLOAD - rewinds and unloads                  [O]
                                                           Page 15

tapes for UNIX  || TP - to read/write                   [H]
teco  || MAKE - creates new files with                  [O]
teco  || TOSOS - converting files to sos from           [H]
TECO  || XTEC- experimental version of                  [H,D]
TECO - text editor  ||                                  [O,D,M]
temporary files  || TMP -                               [H]
temporary files  || TMPDEL - deleting                   [H]
terminal  || OPSER - controls multiple jobs from single [O,H]
terminal  || SET TTY - declares properties of           [O]
terminal  || TYPE - types source file on                [O]
terminal to detached job  || ATTACH - connects          [O]
terminal from job  || DETACH - disconnects              [O]
terminates any input or output in progress  || FINISH - [O]
text editor  || TECO -                                  [O,D,M]
Text Editor User's Guide  || SOS -                      [H,D,M]
Text & Document Format program   || RUNOFF -            [H,D,M]
TIE - NBS Net access  ||                                [H]
TIME - types execution time                             [O]
time-of-day  || DAYTIME- types date followed by         [O]
TMP - temporary files  ||                               [H]
TMPDEL - deleting temporary files  ||                   [H]
TOPS-10 Commands, Getting Started With  ||              [M]
TOPS10  || SYSERR - lists system errors for             [H]
TOSOS - converting files to sos from teco  ||           [H]
TP - to read/write tapes for UNIX  ||                   [H]
transfer  || FTP - Arpanet file                         [H,D]
transfer utility  || FILEX - dectape file               [O,D,H]
transfers devices between jobs  || REASSIGN -           [O]
transfers files  || COPY -                              [O]
transfers files to PDP-11  || DA28 -                    [H]
transmission ECF access  || PRTCON - port contender data[H,D]
TYPE - types source file on terminal  ||                [O]
types available structures & physical devi || RESOURCES[O]
types date followed by time-of-day  || DAYTIME-         [O]
types names & PPNs of users  || FIND -          [H]
types or modifies core assigned  || CORE -              [O]
types queue entries  || QUEUE -                         [O,D,H]
types schedule as set by operator  || SCHED -           [O]
types source file on terminal  || TYPE -                [O]
types used & unused disk space  || QUOLST -             [O]
typesetting  || TYPSET - photocompisition               [H,D]
TYPSET - photocompisition typesetting  ||               [H,D]


UNIX  || TP - to read/write tapes for                   [H]
UNIX1 - printing on UNIX1 line printer  ||              [H]
UNIX1 line printer  || UNIX1 - printing on              [H]
UNLOAD - rewinds and unloads tapes  ||                  [O]
unloads tapes  || UNLOAD - rewinds and                  [O]
unused disk space  || QUOLST - types used &             [O]
UPDATE - system software updates  ||                    [H]
updates  || UPDATE - system software                    [H]
usage of job  || DSK - prints disk structure            [O]
used & unused disk space  || QUOLST - types             [O]
                                                           Page 16

used during debugging  || BREAK -                       [O]
user core image to disk file  || SAVE - writes          [O]
user created command files  || MIC -                    [H,D]
User Society related documents  || DECUS - DEC          [H]
user to set priority for jobs disk  || DSKPRI - allowes [O]
User's Guide  || SOS - Text Editor                      [H,D,M]
users  || FIND - types names & PPNs of          [H]
users  || HINT - exchange hints among                   [H]
USESTAT - returns status information pertinent to job  |[O]
using magnetic tapes  || MAGTAPE -                      [H]
Utilities Manual  || COBOL                              [M]
utility  || DTCOPY - dectape copy                       [O]
utility  || FILE - dectape                              [O]
utility  || FILEX - dectape file transfer               [O,D,H]
utility library  || AML - author-maintained program &   [H]
utility routine  || FUR - file                          [H,D]


various system features  || HELP - obtains information o[O,H]
VERSION - prints version number of program  ||          [O]
version 7 supporting ALGDDT  || ALGOL7 - Algol          [H]
version of Fortran (F4)  || FORTRAN-IV - Old            [M]
version of TECO  || XTEC- experimental                  [H,D]
version of the Basic language  || NBASIC - a            [H]
version number of program  || VERSION - prints          [O]
versions of a file  || FILCOM - compares two            [O,H]
VIRTUAL LIMIT - specifies virtual page limit  || SET    [O]
virtual page limit  || SET VIRTUAL LIMIT - specifies    [O]
virtual page max  || LIMIT - specifies current          [O]


WATCH - prints incremental job statistics  || SET       [O]
WATCH - sets system to print incremental job statistics [O]
with  || DECSystem-10, Getting Started                  [M]
With  || TOPS-10 Commands, Getting Started              [M]
write core image file  || DCORE - daemon program to     [O]
writes core image of core area  || NSAVE -              [O]
writes end-of-file mark on magnetic tape  || EOF -      [O]
writes identifier onto dectape  || LABEL -              [O]
writes PDP-11 DOS magnetic tapes  || DOSTAP - reads     [H]
writes user core image to disk file  || SAVE -          [O]


XTEC- experimental version of TECO  ||                  [H,D]


ZAP - disk file octal editor  ||                        [H,D]
ZERO - clears directory of output device  ||            [O]