
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-10 - 43,50516/baserr.rel
There are no other files named baserr.rel in the archive.
 0,dH 	*U*U*vy}
 #%-	*U*U*4<CGHJMRUXZbgkouw	*U*U*z{}	
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? Disk write error

? Not enough core

&f	((f+u
? Cannot access disk

? File saved but not preserved
R`	 Pn@@@@BB+eRd66 avGq VR`"o+i",~ on more t	 whan one channel
? String record length < 1 or > 132
? IF END asked for unre	 adable file
? SET argument
? ON evaluated out of range
? Too many FN's, G	 OSUBs or error traps
? Data file line too long
? I	 llegal character in string
? Mixed random & seq. access
? Output item too 	 long for line
? Bad DATA
?  File never established - referenced
? Failur	 !e on lookup
? Failure on enter
? Attempt to WRITE# or PRINT# to a file whi	 *ch is in READ# or INPUT# mode
? Attempt to WRITE# or PRINT# to a file which has not	 2 been SCRATCH#ed
? Attempt to READ# or INPUT# from a file which is in WRITE# or 	 ;PRINT# mode
? Attempt to READ# or INPUT# from a file which does not exist
? F	 Cile not found by RESTORE command
? Line number
? Mixed strings an	 Ld numbers
? Output string length greater than record length
? File not in corr	 Tect form
? Illegal filename
? Attempt to output a n	 ]umber to a string field or a string to a numeric field
? Output line more than 132 	 echaracters
? More than 132 characters in image
? Exponent requested for * o	 nr $ field
? Attempt to output a negative number to a * or $ field
? MARGIN too 	 vsmall
? Mixed READ#/INPUT# out of bounds
? PAGE length
? Channel num	 ber is <1 or >9
? Attempt to write a line number greater than 99999
? Imposs	 ible vector length
? Illegal char seen
? No room for string
? DIMENSION e	 rror
? CHR$ argument
? INSTR argument
? LEFT$ argument
? String formula m	 ore than 132 characters
? MID$ argument
? RIGHT$ argument
? SPACE$ argument	 !
? VAL argument not in correct form
? Subroutine or function calls itself
? O	 )ut of DATA
? Cannot erase file on channel 
? No fields in image
? No cha	 2racters in image
? No such device 
? Quota exceeded or block no	 :. too large on output device
? Device is write locked
? Out of room
? F	 Cile  is not random access  record length or type does not match 
? Cannot look	 Kup file 
? Cannot enter file  in line 
? File 
? File opened TO PLOT
? I	 Tnput line too long
? System error
? Out of static list space

Time:  \ secs.
	@GfmEZ	BH	BI	BI	D"	BJ	BJ 	BK#	BK%	BL-	BL4	BM<:%y	B\C	D"	B]G	B]H	B^J	B^M	BR	BU	B`X	B`Z	Bab	D":&}	Bpg	Bqk	Bqo	Bru	Brw	Bsz	Bs{	Bt}	D"	Bt	Bu:&	B		B
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	D"	B@V	BAX:(#^9&b^U;&	D"b^UP'
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