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		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 1
	Produced by LINK version 4A(1220) on  7-May-81 at 13:48:47

	Low  segment starts at	     0 ends at	  1635 length	  1636 = 2P
	High segment starts at	400000 ends at	456754 length	 56755 = 47P
	98 words free in Low segment, 19 words free in high segment
	1235 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 1373
	Start address is 400010


	Zero length module


RPGIIA	from DSK:RPGIIA.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:37:00
	High segment starts at	400010 ends at	402205 length	  2176 (octal),  1150. (decimal)

	BIS	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	CD.DAT	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	CD.EXT	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	CD.FIL	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	CD.ICH	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	CD.IND	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	CD.LIT	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	CD.OCH	          11	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	CD.OTF	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	CD.PRO	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	CD.VAL	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEBUG	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	FTSCAN	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	ONESEG	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	RPGIIA	      400010	Global	Relocatable 		SWSET%	240000632000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.ARR	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.CPY	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.DAT	          16	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.DEV	          32	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.EXT	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.FIL	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.FTB	          42	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.HLD	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.ICH	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.IND	      777777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.LIT	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.OCH	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.OTF	          11	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	SZ.PRO	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	SZ.VAL	      777777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	%CPU	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed


RPGIIB	from DSK:RPGIIB.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:37:00
	High segment starts at	402206 ends at	404506 length	  2301 (octal),  1217. (decimal)

	RPGIIB	      402206	Entry	Relocatable 	


RPGIIC	from DSK:RPGIIC.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:37:00
	High segment starts at	404507 ends at	410107 length	  3401 (octal),  1793. (decimal)

	RPGIIC	      404507	Entry	Relocatable 	


RPGIID	from DSK:RPGIID.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:38:00
	High segment starts at	410110 ends at	414045 length	  3736 (octal),  2014. (decimal)

	RPGIID	      410110	Entry	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 2


RPGIIE	from DSK:RPGIIE.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:39:00
	High segment starts at	414046 ends at	422164 length	  6117 (octal),  3151. (decimal)

	RPGIIE	      414046	Entry	Relocatable 	


RPGIIF	from DSK:RPGIIF.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:39:00
	High segment starts at	422165 ends at	423351 length	  1165 (octal),   629. (decimal)

	CLENTX	      423251	Global	Relocatable 		RPGIIF	      422165	Global	Relocatable 	
	WARNW	      423254	Global	Relocatable 	


RPGIIG	from DSK:RPGIIG.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:40:00
	High segment starts at	423352 ends at	430067 length	  4516 (octal),  2382. (decimal)

	CLRDAT	      424340	Global	Relocatable 		GET	104000000200	Global	Absolute    	
	GETSGC	          16	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	PDATI	      424327	Global	Relocatable 	
	PUTDAT	      424310	Global	Relocatable 		RPGIIG	      423352	Global	Relocatable 	
	STRTS	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed


RPGIIK	from DSK:RPGIIK.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:40:00
	High segment starts at	430070 ends at	431330 length	  1241 (octal),   673. (decimal)

	REGO	      430070	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	RPGIIK	      430070	Global	Relocatable 	


PURAB	from DSK:PURAB.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:34:00
	High segment starts at	431331 ends at	432064 length	   534 (octal),   348. (decimal)

	AC.ABS	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.CNB	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.CNS	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.DAT	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.DOT	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.EXT	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.FTB	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.ICB	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.ICH	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.LIT	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.MSC	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.OCB	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.OCH	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.OTB	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AC.PRO	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AC.TMP	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	ADRTYP	      432064	Global	Relocatable 		ALLSPC	      431370	Global	Relocatable 	
	AR.ALT	      432020	Global	Relocatable 		AR.ASZ	      432017	Global	Relocatable 	
	AR.EPR	      432013	Global	Relocatable 		AR.FIL	      432016	Global	Relocatable 	
	AR.LAS	      432015	Global	Relocatable 		AR.LDM	      432014	Global	Relocatable 	
	AR.OCC	      432012	Global	Relocatable 		AR.PNT	      432010	Global	Relocatable 	
	AR.SIZ	      432011	Global	Relocatable 		AS.%X	      720000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.ABS	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.ASC	      640000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.BYT	      400000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.CNB	      600000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 3
	AS.CNS	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.D1	      610000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.D2	      604000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.DAT	      700000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.DOT	      500000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.ENT	      704000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.EXT	      300000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.FLT	      602000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.FTB	      400000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.ICB	      400000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.ICH	      100000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.LIT	      300000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.MSC	      700000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.OCB	      200000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.OCH	      500000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.OCT	      601000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.OTB	      100000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.PN	      740000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.PRO	      200000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.REL	      710000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.SIX	      620000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	AS.TMP	      600000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	AS.XWD	      500000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	ASOP	      432062	Global	Relocatable 	
	CPMAXN	         150	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DA.ADD	      431506	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.ALL	      431502	Global	Relocatable 		DA.ALT	      431477	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.ARC	      431462	Global	Relocatable 		DA.ARE	      431505	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.ARP	      431527	Global	Relocatable 		DA.BLA	      431467	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.BRO	      431434	Global	Relocatable 		DA.CLI	      431456	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.COR	      431437	Global	Relocatable 		DA.DEC	      431447	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.DMP	      431475	Global	Relocatable 		DA.DPP	      431511	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.DUN	      431523	Global	Relocatable 		DA.EDT	      431466	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.END	      431471	Global	Relocatable 		DA.EPR	      431503	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.FBZ	      431520	Global	Relocatable 		DA.FLD	      431445	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.FLS	      431525	Global	Relocatable 		DA.FMN	      431517	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.FMT	      431507	Global	Relocatable 		DA.FOV	      431463	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.FPL	      431457	Global	Relocatable 		DA.FRP	      431513	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.FRR	      431522	Global	Relocatable 		DA.ICH	      431526	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.IMD	      431454	Global	Relocatable 		DA.IND	      431435	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.INF	      431500	Global	Relocatable 		DA.INP	      431530	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.ISZ	      431534	Global	Relocatable 		DA.LDC	      431472	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.LDE	      431474	Global	Relocatable 		DA.LDP	      431510	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.LDR	      431473	Global	Relocatable 		DA.LHI	      431443	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.LIN	      431531	Global	Relocatable 		DA.LTF	      431532	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.MAJ	      431433	Global	Relocatable 		DA.MAT	      431515	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.NAM	      431432	Global	Relocatable 		DA.NDF	      431524	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.NPS	      431440	Global	Relocatable 		DA.OCC	      431476	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.ORT	      431461	Global	Relocatable 		DA.PRI	      431450	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.PRO	      431451	Global	Relocatable 		DA.RES	      431453	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.RII	      431455	Global	Relocatable 		DA.RND	      431501	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.RSV	      431533	Global	Relocatable 		DA.RTR	      431441	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.SEQ	      431504	Global	Relocatable 		DA.SIZ	      431446	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.SKA	      431465	Global	Relocatable 		DA.SKB	      431521	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.SNM	      431512	Global	Relocatable 		DA.SPA	      431464	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.SPB	      431470	Global	Relocatable 		DA.STP	      431460	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.STR	      431452	Global	Relocatable 		DA.STS	      431444	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.TAB	      431516	Global	Relocatable 		DA.TOP	      431514	Global	Relocatable 	
	DA.TRA	      431442	Global	Relocatable 		DA.VAL	      431436	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENDCL	         110	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	ENTROP	      431341	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERAFAZ	      431334	Global	Relocatable 		ERALN	      431332	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERALNA	      432061	Global	Relocatable 		ERANUM	      431333	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERAPOS	      431331	Global	Relocatable 		EX.CAL	      431542	Global	Relocatable 	
	EX.CNT	      431543	Global	Relocatable 		EX.ENT	      431541	Global	Relocatable 	
	EX.HLD	      431544	Global	Relocatable 		EX.NAM	      431535	Global	Relocatable 	
	EX.NRS	      431536	Global	Relocatable 		EX.PID	      431540	Global	Relocatable 	
	EX.USN	      431537	Global	Relocatable 		EXTPTR	      432060	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 4
	FI.ADD	      431414	Global	Relocatable 		FI.ADF	      431416	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.ADL	      431425	Global	Relocatable 		FI.AST	      431411	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.BKL	      431405	Global	Relocatable 		FI.BUF	      431410	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.COR	      431424	Global	Relocatable 		FI.DAT	      431426	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.DES	      431376	Global	Relocatable 		FI.DEV	      431402	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.EOF	      431403	Global	Relocatable 		FI.EXI	      431423	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.EXT	      431413	Global	Relocatable 		FI.KYL	      431422	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.KYP	      431404	Global	Relocatable 		FI.LIN	      431427	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.LPP	      431417	Global	Relocatable 		FI.NAM	      431374	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.ORG	      431400	Global	Relocatable 		FI.OTF	      431431	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.OVI	      431415	Global	Relocatable 		FI.OVL	      431420	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.PHY	      431430	Global	Relocatable 		FI.PRO	      431377	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.RAF	      431401	Global	Relocatable 		FI.RCL	      431406	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.REW	      431412	Global	Relocatable 		FI.SEQ	      431407	Global	Relocatable 	
	FI.TYP	      431375	Global	Relocatable 		FI.UNT	      431421	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.ABF	      431756	Global	Relocatable 		FT.ABR	      431755	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.ACK	      431746	Global	Relocatable 		FT.AEF	      431762	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.AER	      431761	Global	Relocatable 		FT.BBF	      431754	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.BBR	      431753	Global	Relocatable 		FT.BEF	      431760	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.BER	      431757	Global	Relocatable 		FT.BKF	      431745	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.BLC	      431716	Global	Relocatable 		FT.BRK	      431770	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.BSK	      431767	Global	Relocatable 		FT.CDM	      431740	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.CVR	      431715	Global	Relocatable 		FT.DDM	      431734	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.DNM	      431721	Global	Relocatable 		FT.DNS	      431763	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.EUP	      431752	Global	Relocatable 		FT.FNM	      431714	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.FSD	      431744	Global	Relocatable 		FT.IOF	      431733	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.KLB	      431773	Global	Relocatable 		FT.KSG	      431772	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.KTY	      431771	Global	Relocatable 		FT.LHL	      432007	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.MOD	      431741	Global	Relocatable 		FT.MRS	      431726	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.NAB	      431725	Global	Relocatable 		FT.NFL	      431722	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.NFT	      431724	Global	Relocatable 		FT.NLS	      431743	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.NOD	      431720	Global	Relocatable 		FT.NSL	      431731	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.OPT	      431737	Global	Relocatable 		FT.OTA	      431775	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.OUP	      431765	Global	Relocatable 		FT.OWA	      431774	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.PAC	      432001	Global	Relocatable 		FT.PAR	      431764	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.PBN	      432003	Global	Relocatable 		FT.PEN	      432000	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.PFN	      432005	Global	Relocatable 		FT.PFS	      431777	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.PFT	      432006	Global	Relocatable 		FT.PID	      432002	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.PMT	      431723	Global	Relocatable 		FT.PPN	      431766	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.PRN	      432004	Global	Relocatable 		FT.RCR	      431736	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.REC	      431742	Global	Relocatable 		FT.RRC	      431727	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.RRE	      431735	Global	Relocatable 		FT.RTC	      431776	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.SBA	      431751	Global	Relocatable 		FT.SDF	      431717	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.STL	      431732	Global	Relocatable 		FT.VDW	      431750	Global	Relocatable 	
	FT.VID	      431747	Global	Relocatable 		FT.VLR	      431730	Global	Relocatable 	
	FTAMOD	      432045	Global	Relocatable 		FTBLOK	      432041	Global	Relocatable 	
	FTCMOD	      432043	Global	Relocatable 		FTDBAS	      432051	Global	Relocatable 	
	FTDEVC	      432042	Global	Relocatable 		FTFLAG	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	FTLABL	      432047	Global	Relocatable 		FTRECD	      432050	Global	Relocatable 	
	FTRMOD	      432046	Global	Relocatable 		FTRSIZ	      432044	Global	Relocatable 	
	FUNCT.	      300003	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	I0CHAN	      431365	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.ARP	      431656	Global	Relocatable 		IC.CLI	      431663	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.DES	      431652	Global	Relocatable 		IC.FBZ	      431661	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.FLD	      431665	Global	Relocatable 		IC.FMN	      431660	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 5
	IC.FMT	      431700	Global	Relocatable 		IC.FPL	      431662	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.FRR	      431666	Global	Relocatable 		IC.IMD	      431675	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.INP	      431657	Global	Relocatable 		IC.LHI	      431671	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.MAT	      431667	Global	Relocatable 		IC.NPS	      431664	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.NXF	      431654	Global	Relocatable 		IC.NXR	      431655	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.OCC	      431677	Global	Relocatable 		IC.RII	      431653	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.RTR	      431670	Global	Relocatable 		IC.SEQ	      431674	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.SIZ	      431673	Global	Relocatable 		IC.SRC	      431676	Global	Relocatable 	
	IC.STS	      431672	Global	Relocatable 		ID.END	      431705	Global	Relocatable 	
	ID.IND	      431703	Global	Relocatable 		ID.NOT	      431702	Global	Relocatable 	
	ID.OR	      431701	Global	Relocatable 		ID.POS	      431704	Global	Relocatable 	
	ID.RII	      431706	Global	Relocatable 		ID.SEQ	      431707	Global	Relocatable 	
	ID.SKA	      431713	Global	Relocatable 		ID.SKB	      431711	Global	Relocatable 	
	ID.SPA	      431712	Global	Relocatable 		ID.SPB	      431710	Global	Relocatable 	
	INBOP	      431336	Global	Relocatable 		INCTYP	      432063	Global	Relocatable 	
	KASC	      431372	Global	Relocatable 		KBUF	      431373	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINPAG	          70	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	LMASKB	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	LMASKS	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	LNKCOD	      431340	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOOKOP	      431367	Global	Relocatable 		MAXFSS	        7777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	MAXOCC	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	MAXWSS	      777777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	MEMRY.	      300005	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	MLOAD1	         102	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	NAMCST	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	NAMVAL	      431371	Global	Relocatable 	
	NTSIZE	      431342	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	NUMEXT	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OC.ADD	      431630	Global	Relocatable 		OC.ARP	      431650	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.BLA	      431646	Global	Relocatable 		OC.DEC	      431622	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.EDP	      431651	Global	Relocatable 		OC.EDT	      431642	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.END	      431636	Global	Relocatable 		OC.FLD	      431620	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.FOV	      431631	Global	Relocatable 		OC.IDX	      431613	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.IMD	      431640	Global	Relocatable 		OC.IND	      431616	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.LSZ	      431644	Global	Relocatable 		OC.LTF	      431643	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.NXF	      431615	Global	Relocatable 		OC.NXR	      431614	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.OCC	      431641	Global	Relocatable 		OC.ORT	      431627	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.PRI	      431624	Global	Relocatable 		OC.PRO	      431625	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.RSV	      431645	Global	Relocatable 		OC.SIZ	      431621	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.SKA	      431633	Global	Relocatable 		OC.SKB	      431632	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.SPA	      431635	Global	Relocatable 		OC.SPB	      431634	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.SRC	      431617	Global	Relocatable 		OC.STP	      431623	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.STR	      431626	Global	Relocatable 		OC.STS	      431637	Global	Relocatable 	
	OC.TAB	      431647	Global	Relocatable 		OP.AC	      432034	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP.FIG	      432037	Global	Relocatable 		OP.LIT	      432033	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP.LN	      432030	Global	Relocatable 		OP.LNK	      432035	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP.NUM	      432036	Global	Relocatable 		OP.OP	      432031	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP.OPR	      432032	Global	Relocatable 		OPADD	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPALOK	          34	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPBGSR	          35	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPBITF	          23	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPBITN	          22	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPCAL	          47	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPCHAN	          44	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPCOMP	          20	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPDBUG	          45	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPDET	          46	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPDIV	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPDSPL	          42	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPENOP	      431366	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPENSR	          36	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPEXIT	          31	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPEXSR	          37	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPFORC	          40	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPGOTO	          27	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPMHHZ	          15	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPMHLZ	          17	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPMLHZ	          16	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPMLLZ	          14	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPMOVA	          50	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 6
	OPMOVE	          12	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPMOVL	          13	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPMULT	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPMVR	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPREAD	          43	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPRLAB	          32	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPSETF	          26	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPSETN	          25	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPSQRT	          11	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPSUB	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPTAG	          30	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPTIME	          51	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPTLOK	          33	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPTSTB	          24	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPTSTZ	          21	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPXCPT	          41	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPXFOT	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OPZADD	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPZSUB	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OT.ADD	      431577	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.ADP	      431553	Global	Relocatable 		OT.AST	      431574	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.BFP	      431554	Global	Relocatable 		OT.BLK	      431570	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.BSC	      431610	Global	Relocatable 		OT.BSZ	      431607	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.BUF	      431573	Global	Relocatable 		OT.CHI	      431605	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.CHN	      431604	Global	Relocatable 		OT.COR	      431552	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.CRS	      431606	Global	Relocatable 		OT.DES	      431562	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.DEV	      431566	Global	Relocatable 		OT.EOF	      431567	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.EXI	      431602	Global	Relocatable 		OT.EXT	      431576	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.FTB	      431557	Global	Relocatable 		OT.IPC	      431556	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.KYL	      431600	Global	Relocatable 		OT.KYP	      431571	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.LAS	      431611	Global	Relocatable 		OT.LPP	      431612	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.NAM	      431560	Global	Relocatable 		OT.OPC	      431555	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.ORG	      431564	Global	Relocatable 		OT.OVI	      431601	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.OVL	      431603	Global	Relocatable 		OT.PRO	      431563	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.RAF	      431565	Global	Relocatable 		OT.REW	      431575	Global	Relocatable 	
	OT.SEQ	      431572	Global	Relocatable 		OT.TYP	      431561	Global	Relocatable 	
	OTFSIZ	          11	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OUTBOP	      431335	Global	Relocatable 	
	PPOINT	      431337	Global	Relocatable 		PR.BSR	      431551	Global	Relocatable 	
	PR.ID	      431545	Global	Relocatable 		PR.LNK	      431547	Global	Relocatable 	
	PR.NAM	      431546	Global	Relocatable 		PR.SEG	      431550	Global	Relocatable 	
	PTFLAG	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	PTSEGN	      432052	Global	Relocatable 	
	PUREA	      431331	Entry	Relocatable 		PUREB	      431331	Entry	Relocatable 	
	RESET	      300001	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	RESET.	      300001	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	RPGST.	      300011	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	RPGSTR	      300011	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TABCOD	      432040	Global	Relocatable 		TB.DAT	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TB.EXT	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TB.FIL	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TB.ICH	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TB.IND	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TB.LIT	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TB.PRO	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TB.VAL	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TC.DAT	      100000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TC.EXT	      500000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TC.FIL	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TC.ICH	      600000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TC.IND	      700000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TC.LIT	      200000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TC.PRO	      400000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TC.VAL	      300000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TM.DAT	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TM.EXT	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TM.FIL	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TM.ICH	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TM.IND	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TM.LIT	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TM.PRO	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TM.TAG	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TM.VAL	       77777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TRACED	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TRACEE	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	TRACEI	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	TRACEP	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	WRKSIZ	       24000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	%FUNCT	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.FICDR	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.FIDSK	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.FILP2	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.FILPT	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.FIMF1	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.FIMF2	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.FIMTA	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.FITTY	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 7
	.OTFBS	      300007	Global	Absolute    Suppressed


LOOKUP	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	432065 ends at	433223 length	  1137 (octal),   607. (decimal)

	LKTAG	      432654	Entry	Relocatable 		.LOKUP	      432065	Entry	Relocatable 	


GENCOM	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	433224 ends at	436600 length	  3355 (octal),  1773. (decimal)

	AD	       12000	Global	Absolute    		ADD.12	      155000	Global	Absolute    	
	ADD.21	      156000	Global	Absolute    		ADD.22	      157000	Global	Absolute    	
	ADDB.	       15000	Global	Absolute    		ADDI.	       13000	Global	Absolute    	
	ADDM.	       14000	Global	Absolute    		ANDM.	      120000	Global	Absolute    	
	AOS.	       50000	Global	Absolute    		ARG.	      127000	Global	Absolute    	
	ASCLIT	           3	Global	Absolute    		ASH.	       25000	Global	Absolute    	
	BINC	      435172	Global	Relocatable 		BLDTAG	      435124	Global	Relocatable 	
	BLT.	      114000	Global	Absolute    		BNCGN1	      436040	Global	Relocatable 	
	BNCGN2	      436060	Global	Relocatable 		BNCGN3	      436100	Global	Relocatable 	
	BPTR	      435647	Global	Relocatable 		BPTRSZ	      435504	Global	Relocatable 	
	BYTLIT	           2	Global	Absolute    		CAI.	       53000	Global	Absolute    	
	CAIE.	       55000	Global	Absolute    		CAIG.	       57000	Global	Absolute    	
	CAIGE.	       61000	Global	Absolute    		CAIL.	       63000	Global	Absolute    	
	CAILE.	       65000	Global	Absolute    		CAIN.	       67000	Global	Absolute    	
	CALLI.	      132000	Global	Absolute    		CAM.	       52000	Global	Absolute    	
	CAME.	       54000	Global	Absolute    		CAMG.	       56000	Global	Absolute    	
	CAMGE.	       60000	Global	Absolute    		CAML.	       62000	Global	Absolute    	
	CAMLE.	       64000	Global	Absolute    		CAMN.	       66000	Global	Absolute    	
	CD6D7.	      175040	Global	Absolute    		CD6D9.	      175100	Global	Absolute    	
	CD7D6.	      175140	Global	Absolute    		CD7D9.	      175200	Global	Absolute    	
	CD9D6.	      175240	Global	Absolute    		CD9D7.	      175300	Global	Absolute    	
	CH.12	      434644	Global	Relocatable 		CHAIN.	      176300	Global	Absolute    	
	CHCONV	      434742	Global	Relocatable 		CHK3	      436254	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHKNM2	      435007	Global	Relocatable 		CHKNUM	      434775	Global	Relocatable 	
	CMP%11	      174600	Global	Absolute    		CMP%12	      174640	Global	Absolute    	
	CMP%21	      174700	Global	Absolute    		CMP%22	      174740	Global	Absolute    	
	CMP.11	      174040	Global	Absolute    		CMP.12	      174100	Global	Absolute    	
	CMP.21	      174140	Global	Absolute    		CMP.22	      174200	Global	Absolute    	
	CMP.76	      174240	Global	Absolute    		CMP.96	      174300	Global	Absolute    	
	CMP.97	      174340	Global	Absolute    		COMP%	      174540	Global	Absolute    	
	COMP.	      174000	Global	Absolute    		D1LIT	           5	Global	Absolute    	
	D2LIT	           6	Global	Absolute    		DEBUG.	      175740	Global	Absolute    	
	DIV.	       26000	Global	Absolute    		DIV.11	      166000	Global	Absolute    	
	DIV.12	      167000	Global	Absolute    		DIV.21	      170000	Global	Absolute    	
	DIV.22	      171000	Global	Absolute    		DPB.	       44000	Global	Absolute    	
	DSPLY.	      176340	Global	Absolute    		EXCH.	      131000	Global	Absolute    	
	EXCPT.	      176200	Global	Absolute    		FAD.	       34000	Global	Absolute    	
	FADM.	       35000	Global	Absolute    		FDV.	       42000	Global	Absolute    	
	FDVM.	       43000	Global	Absolute    		FIX.	      142000	Global	Absolute    	
	FLOT1.	      145000	Global	Absolute    		FLOT2.	      146000	Global	Absolute    	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 8
	FLTLIT	           7	Global	Absolute    		FMP.	       40000	Global	Absolute    	
	FMPM.	       41000	Global	Absolute    		FNDFLD	      435150	Global	Relocatable 	
	FNDTAG	      435073	Global	Relocatable 		FORCE.	      176140	Global	Absolute    	
	FSB.	       36000	Global	Absolute    		FSBM.	       37000	Global	Absolute    	
	GD6.	      151000	Global	Absolute    		GD7.	      152000	Global	Absolute    	
	GENCOM	      433224	Entry	Relocatable 		GT1AC1	      433757	Global	Relocatable 	
	GT1AC3	      433775	Global	Relocatable 		GT2AC1	      433777	Global	Relocatable 	
	GT2AC3	      433766	Global	Relocatable 		GTBP15	      435726	Global	Relocatable 	
	GTBP25	      435767	Global	Relocatable 		GTBYTA	      436020	Global	Relocatable 	
	GTFLD	      435021	Global	Relocatable 		HRLOI.	      122000	Global	Absolute    	
	HRLZI.	      124000	Global	Absolute    		HRROI.	      123000	Global	Absolute    	
	HRRZI.	      125000	Global	Absolute    		IBP.	      112000	Global	Absolute    	
	IDIV.	       31000	Global	Absolute    		IDIVI.	       32000	Global	Absolute    	
	IDPB.	       46000	Global	Absolute    		ILDB.	       47000	Global	Absolute    	
	IMUL.	       23000	Global	Absolute    		INDC.	      176100	Global	Absolute    	
	INDCHK	      434605	Global	Relocatable 		JMPGE.	       72000	Global	Absolute    	
	JMPLE.	       74000	Global	Absolute    		JRST.	       76000	Global	Absolute    	
	JUMP.	       67000	Global	Absolute    		JUMPE.	       70000	Global	Absolute    	
	JUMPG.	       71000	Global	Absolute    		JUMPL.	       73000	Global	Absolute    	
	JUMPN.	       75000	Global	Absolute    		LDB.	       45000	Global	Absolute    	
	LITSET	      433322	Global	Relocatable 		MAG.	      154000	Global	Absolute    	
	MAKTAG	      435057	Global	Relocatable 		MOV	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	MOVE.	      175000	Global	Absolute    		MOVEI.	        1000	Global	Absolute    	
	MOVEM.	        2000	Global	Absolute    		MOVM.	        3000	Global	Absolute    	
	MOVMM.	        4000	Global	Absolute    		MOVN.	        5000	Global	Absolute    	
	MOVNI.	        6000	Global	Absolute    		MOVSI.	       11000	Global	Absolute    	
	MUL.	       21000	Global	Absolute    		MUL.12	      163000	Global	Absolute    	
	MUL.21	      164000	Global	Absolute    		MUL.22	      165000	Global	Absolute    	
	MULI.	       22000	Global	Absolute    		MVSGN	      175400	Global	Absolute    	
	MVSGNR	      175340	Global	Absolute    		NEG.	      153000	Global	Absolute    	
	NOTNUM	      435144	Global	Relocatable 		OCTLIT	          10	Global	Absolute    	
	PD6.	      147000	Global	Absolute    		PD7.	      150000	Global	Absolute    	
	POPJ.	      137000	Global	Absolute    		PTRAC1	      434552	Global	Relocatable 	
	PTRAC3	      434324	Global	Relocatable 		PTRAC5	      434546	Global	Relocatable 	
	PUSHJ.	      113000	Global	Absolute    		PUTASN	      433231	Global	Relocatable 	
	PUTASY	      433224	Global	Relocatable 		PUTPT2	      434574	Global	Relocatable 	
	PUTPTR	      434554	Global	Relocatable 		READ.	      176240	Global	Absolute    	
	ROUND	      433706	Global	Relocatable 		RSVWD.	      175600	Global	Absolute    	
	SETCA.	      135000	Global	Absolute    		SETCM.	      136000	Global	Absolute    	
	SETOF.	      176000	Global	Absolute    		SETOM.	      116000	Global	Absolute    	
	SETON.	      176040	Global	Absolute    		SETZB.	      126000	Global	Absolute    	
	SETZM.	      115000	Global	Absolute    		SH11.2	      433515	Global	Relocatable 	
	SH13.1	      433556	Global	Relocatable 		SH1AC1	      433512	Global	Relocatable 	
	SH1AC3	      433553	Global	Relocatable 		SH23.1	      433533	Global	Relocatable 	
	SH2AC1	      433546	Global	Relocatable 		SH2AC3	      433530	Global	Relocatable 	
	SHFTAC	      433560	Global	Relocatable 		SIXLIT	           4	Global	Absolute    	
	SKIP.	       76000	Global	Absolute    		SKIPA.	      105000	Global	Absolute    	
	SKIPE.	       77000	Global	Absolute    		SKIPG.	      100000	Global	Absolute    	
	SKIPL.	      102000	Global	Absolute    		SKIPN.	      104000	Global	Absolute    	
	SKPGE.	      101000	Global	Absolute    		SKPLE.	      103000	Global	Absolute    	
	SOJG.	      130000	Global	Absolute    		SOS.	       51000	Global	Absolute    	
	SOSGE.	       52000	Global	Absolute    		SOSLE.	       53000	Global	Absolute    	
	SPAC.6	      174400	Global	Absolute    		SPAC.7	      174440	Global	Absolute    	
	SPAC.9	      174500	Global	Absolute    		SQRT.	      175700	Global	Absolute    	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 9
	STASHC	      433234	Global	Relocatable 		STASHL	      433240	Global	Relocatable 	
	STBYT1	      435225	Global	Relocatable 		STBYT2	      435400	Global	Relocatable 	
	SUB.	       16000	Global	Absolute    		SUB.12	      160000	Global	Absolute    	
	SUB.21	      161000	Global	Absolute    		SUB.22	      162000	Global	Absolute    	
	SUBI.	       17000	Global	Absolute    		SUBM.	       20000	Global	Absolute    	
	SUBSCR	      140000	Global	Absolute    		SWPIND	      435205	Global	Relocatable 	
	SWPOP	      435175	Global	Relocatable 		TDCA.	      117000	Global	Absolute    	
	TDNN.	      121000	Global	Absolute    		TDO.	       27000	Global	Absolute    	
	TDZ.	       30000	Global	Absolute    		TESTB.	      175640	Global	Absolute    	
	TESTZ	      175440	Global	Absolute    		TIME.	      175500	Global	Absolute    	
	TIMED.	      175540	Global	Absolute    		TLNE.	      110000	Global	Absolute    	
	TLNN.	      111000	Global	Absolute    		TLO.	      134000	Global	Absolute    	
	TLZ.	      133000	Global	Absolute    		TRNE.	      106000	Global	Absolute    	
	TRNN.	      107000	Global	Absolute    		WH.OP1	      436142	Global	Relocatable 	
	WH.OP2	      436167	Global	Relocatable 		WH.OP3	      436212	Global	Relocatable 	
	WHLGN1	      436261	Global	Relocatable 		WHLGN2	      436327	Global	Relocatable 	
	XWDLIT	           1	Global	Absolute    		.BPTRB	      435670	Global	Relocatable 	


CLEANT	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	436601 ends at	436663 length	    63 (octal),    51. (decimal)

	CLEANT	      436601	Entry	Relocatable 	


SRTTAB	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	436664 ends at	436764 length	   101 (octal),    65. (decimal)

	SRTERA	      436664	Entry	Relocatable 		SRTNAM	      436706	Entry	Relocatable 	


GETCPY	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	436765 ends at	437015 length	    31 (octal),    25. (decimal)

	GETCPY	      436765	Entry	Relocatable 		SETCPY	      436776	Entry	Relocatable 	


PREDIT	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437016 ends at	437327 length	   312 (octal),   202. (decimal)

	PREDIT	      437016	Entry	Relocatable 	


PUTAS1	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437330 ends at	437337 length	    10 (octal),     8. (decimal)

	PUTAS1	      437330	Entry	Relocatable 	

		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 10

PUTAS2	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437340 ends at	437347 length	    10 (octal),     8. (decimal)

	PUTAS2	      437340	Entry	Relocatable 	


PUTAS3	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437350 ends at	437357 length	    10 (octal),     8. (decimal)

	PUTAS3	      437350	Entry	Relocatable 	


PUTGEN	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437360 ends at	437370 length	    11 (octal),     9. (decimal)

	PUTGEN	      437360	Entry	Relocatable 	


PUTBIN	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437371 ends at	437431 length	    41 (octal),    33. (decimal)

	PUTBIN	      437371	Entry	Relocatable 	


GETASY	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437432 ends at	437464 length	    33 (octal),    27. (decimal)

	GETASY	      437432	Entry	Relocatable 		SETASY	      437443	Entry	Relocatable 	


GETERA	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437465 ends at	437515 length	    31 (octal),    25. (decimal)

	GETERA	      437465	Entry	Relocatable 		SETERA	      437476	Entry	Relocatable 	


GETGEN	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437516 ends at	437551 length	    34 (octal),    28. (decimal)

	GETGEN	      437516	Entry	Relocatable 		SETGEN	      437527	Entry	Relocatable 	


GETSRC	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	437552 ends at	440040 length	   267 (octal),   183. (decimal)

	CRDSIX	      440012	Entry	Relocatable 		GETCRD	      437715	Entry	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 11
	GETDCB	      437767	Entry	Relocatable 		GETDEC	      437735	Entry	Relocatable 	
	GETSRC	      437552	Entry	Relocatable 		GTCHAR	      437760	Entry	Relocatable 	
	PUTCPY	      437655	Entry	Relocatable 		PUTEOL	      437667	Entry	Relocatable 	


DIAGS	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	440041 ends at	454611 length	 14551 (octal),  6505. (decimal)

	SETDN	      440041	Entry	Relocatable 		SETFAK	      440064	Global	Relocatable 	


TRYNAM	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	454612 ends at	455145 length	   334 (octal),   220. (decimal)

	BLDNAM	      454700	Entry	Relocatable 		TRYNAM	      454612	Entry	Relocatable 	


STINFL	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	455146 ends at	455270 length	   123 (octal),    83. (decimal)

	OPENIT	      455232	Entry	Relocatable 		STINFL	      455146	Entry	Relocatable 	


XPNPPL	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	455271 ends at	455360 length	    70 (octal),    56. (decimal)

	XPNPPL	      455271	Entry	Relocatable 	


IMPURE	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	Low  segment starts at	   140 ends at	  1441 length	  1302 (octal),   706. (decimal)

	ALTEPR	        1223	Global	Relocatable 		ALTOCC	        1224	Global	Relocatable 	
	ARRBAS	         404	Global	Relocatable 		ARRENT	        1227	Global	Relocatable 	
	ARRLIN	         575	Global	Relocatable 		ARRLOC	         647	Global	Relocatable 	
	ARRNXT	         650	Global	Relocatable 		ARRPNT	         457	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS1BHI	        1014	Global	Relocatable 		AS1BHO	        1017	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS1BLK	        1012	Global	Relocatable 		AS1BUF	        1013	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS1DEV	        1007	Global	Relocatable 		AS1HDR	        1010	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS2BHI	        1027	Global	Relocatable 		AS2BHO	        1032	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS2BLK	        1025	Global	Relocatable 		AS2BUF	        1026	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS2DEV	        1022	Global	Relocatable 		AS2HDR	        1023	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS3BHI	        1042	Global	Relocatable 		AS3BHO	        1045	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS3BLK	        1040	Global	Relocatable 		AS3BUF	        1041	Global	Relocatable 	
	AS3DEV	        1035	Global	Relocatable 		AS3HDR	        1036	Global	Relocatable 	
	ASYFIL	        1010	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	BADCNT	         450	Global	Relocatable 	
	BINBH	         715	Global	Relocatable 		BINBLK	         711	Global	Relocatable 	
	BINBUF	         712	Global	Relocatable 		BINDEV	         706	Global	Relocatable 	
	BINHDR	         707	Global	Relocatable 		BINPP	         713	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 12
	BINSWS	         714	Global	Relocatable 		BLKTYP	        1434	Global	Relocatable 	
	CALBHI	         725	Global	Relocatable 		CALBHO	         730	Global	Relocatable 	
	CALBLK	         723	Global	Relocatable 		CALBUF	         724	Global	Relocatable 	
	CALDEV	         720	Global	Relocatable 		CALHDR	         721	Global	Relocatable 	
	CALLIN	        1216	Global	Relocatable 		CANTGO	         171	Global	Relocatable 	
	COMBH	         177	Global	Relocatable 		COMEXT	         314	Global	Relocatable 	
	COMMNT	         574	Global	Relocatable 		CORSIZ	         451	Global	Relocatable 	
	COUNTF	        1255	Global	Relocatable 		COUNTW	        1254	Global	Relocatable 	
	CPYBHI	        1001	Global	Relocatable 		CPYBHO	        1004	Global	Relocatable 	
	CPYBLK	         777	Global	Relocatable 		CPYBUF	        1000	Global	Relocatable 	
	CPYDEV	         774	Global	Relocatable 		CPYHDR	         775	Global	Relocatable 	
	CRDBUF	         553	Global	Relocatable 		CREFSW	         503	Global	Relocatable 	
	CRFBHI	        1070	Global	Relocatable 		CRFBHO	        1073	Global	Relocatable 	
	CRFBLK	        1066	Global	Relocatable 		CRFBUF	        1067	Global	Relocatable 	
	CRFDEV	        1063	Global	Relocatable 		CRFHDR	        1064	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURARP	        1342	Global	Relocatable 		CURARR	         651	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURDAT	         605	Global	Relocatable 		CUREXT	         613	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURFIL	         610	Global	Relocatable 		CURFLD	        1216	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURFTB	         646	Global	Relocatable 		CURICH	         635	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURIND	         627	Global	Relocatable 		CURLIT	         621	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURMAJ	        1220	Global	Relocatable 		CURNAM	         602	Global	Relocatable 	
	CUROCH	         640	Global	Relocatable 		CUROTF	         632	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURPRO	         643	Global	Relocatable 		CURREC	        1217	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURREL	        1322	Global	Relocatable 		CURTEM	         624	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURVAL	         616	Global	Relocatable 		DATBAS	         401	Global	Relocatable 	
	DATGRP	        1274	Global	Relocatable 		DATLNK	        1225	Global	Relocatable 	
	DATLOC	         603	Global	Relocatable 		DATNXT	         604	Global	Relocatable 	
	DDTSTP	         161	Global	Relocatable 		DECSEG	        1273	Global	Relocatable 	
	DEVBH	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEVBHI	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	DEVBHO	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEVBLK	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	DEVBUF	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEVDEV	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	DEVEXT	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEVFIL	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	DEVPP	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEVSW	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	DEVSZ	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	DEVTIM	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	DLNKHL	         445	Global	Relocatable 		DT.PC	        1437	Global	Relocatable 	
	EAC	        1232	Global	Relocatable 		EAS1PC	         431	Global	Relocatable 	
	EAS2PC	         432	Global	Relocatable 		EAS3PC	         433	Global	Relocatable 	
	EDEC	        1233	Global	Relocatable 		EINITL	        1214	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	ELITPC	        1221	Global	Relocatable 		END.PC	        1433	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENDFT	         652	Global	Relocatable 		ERABHI	         753	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERABHO	         756	Global	Relocatable 		ERABLK	         751	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERABUF	         752	Global	Relocatable 		ERADEV	         746	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERAHDR	         747	Global	Relocatable 		ERATAB	        1260	Global	Relocatable 	
	ESAVAC	        1235	Global	Relocatable 		ESIZ	        1234	Global	Relocatable 	
	ETEMAX	        1222	Global	Relocatable 		EXTCNT	        1214	Global	Relocatable 	
	EXTLOC	         611	Global	Relocatable 		EXTNXT	         612	Global	Relocatable 	
	EZEROH	        1363	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	F1INDX	        1230	Global	Relocatable 	
	F1LINK	        1226	Global	Relocatable 		F2INDX	        1231	Global	Relocatable 	
	F2LINK	        1227	Global	Relocatable 		FAKERA	        1261	Global	Relocatable 	
	FILDLK	        1222	Global	Relocatable 		FILLNK	        1221	Global	Relocatable 	
	FILLOC	         606	Global	Relocatable 		FILNXT	         607	Global	Relocatable 	
	FIXEDS	        1256	Global	Relocatable 		FLNKHL	         444	Global	Relocatable 	
	FLTC1	        1320	Global	Relocatable 		FLTC2	        1321	Global	Relocatable 	
	FLTCN.	        1310	Global	Relocatable 		FREESP	         653	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 13
	FRMPRO	        1217	Global	Relocatable 		FRMRCL	        1220	Global	Relocatable 	
	FRMTYP	         573	Global	Relocatable 		FSTCLR	         370	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	FTBBAS	         377	Global	Relocatable 		FTBLOC	         644	Global	Relocatable 	
	FTBNUM	        1304	Global	Relocatable 		FTBNXT	         645	Global	Relocatable 	
	GAERAS	        1351	Global	Relocatable 		GCREFC	        1372	Global	Relocatable 	
	GCREFN	        1373	Global	Relocatable 		GENBHI	         766	Global	Relocatable 	
	GENBHO	         771	Global	Relocatable 		GENBLK	         764	Global	Relocatable 	
	GENBUF	         765	Global	Relocatable 		GENDEV	         761	Global	Relocatable 	
	GENHDR	         762	Global	Relocatable 		GENWRD	         434	Global	Relocatable 	
	GETEND	         176	Global	Relocatable 		GETFNM	         162	Global	Relocatable 	
	GETFST	         170	Global	Relocatable 		GETLOD	         142	Global	Relocatable 	
	GHOLD	        1352	Global	Relocatable 		GMAXCP	        1270	Global	Relocatable 	
	HDRPAG	         502	Global	Relocatable 		HEADER	        1215	Global	Relocatable 	
	HEADR2	        1245	Global	Relocatable 		HIEND	        1233	Global	Relocatable 	
	HILOC	         412	Global	Relocatable 		HISIZ	        1215	Global	Relocatable 	
	HLDLNK	        1234	Global	Relocatable 		HPLOC	         413	Global	Relocatable 	
	ICHBAS	         375	Global	Relocatable 		ICHLOC	         633	Global	Relocatable 	
	ICHNXT	         634	Global	Relocatable 		IMPPAR	         400	Global	Relocatable 	
	IMPURE	         140	Entry	Relocatable 		INDBAS	         376	Global	Relocatable 	
	INDLNK	        1235	Global	Relocatable 		INDLOC	         625	Global	Relocatable 	
	INDNXT	         626	Global	Relocatable 		INOCC	        1231	Global	Relocatable 	
	INSIZ	        1230	Global	Relocatable 		INVPRT	         452	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOSRCS	        1076	Global	Relocatable 		KBHI	         345	Global	Relocatable 	
	KBHO	         342	Global	Relocatable 		KBUFI	         370	Global	Relocatable 	
	KDATA	         776	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	KILLAC	         322	Global	Relocatable 	
	KILLPL	         350	Global	Relocatable 		LASTDV	        1214	Global	Relocatable 	
	LDCIND	        1311	Global	Relocatable 		LDCTAB	        1312	Global	Relocatable 	
	LHLLIT	        1306	Global	Relocatable 		LINE	         446	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITBAS	         403	Global	Relocatable 		LITBHI	        1055	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITBHO	        1060	Global	Relocatable 		LITBLK	        1053	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITBUF	        1054	Global	Relocatable 		LITDEV	        1050	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITHDR	        1051	Global	Relocatable 		LITLOC	         617	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITNXT	         620	Global	Relocatable 		LK%AE	        1267	Global	Relocatable 	
	LK%D	        1270	Global	Relocatable 		LK%E	        1271	Global	Relocatable 	
	LK%I	        1272	Global	Relocatable 		LK%ND	        1275	Global	Relocatable 	
	LK%NI	        1274	Global	Relocatable 		LK%T	        1273	Global	Relocatable 	
	LKOCC	        1266	Global	Relocatable 		LSTBH	         703	Global	Relocatable 	
	LSTBLK	         677	Global	Relocatable 		LSTBUF	         700	Global	Relocatable 	
	LSTDEV	         674	Global	Relocatable 		LSTHDR	         675	Global	Relocatable 	
	LSTPP	         701	Global	Relocatable 		LSTSWS	         702	Global	Relocatable 	
	MAJLNK	        1232	Global	Relocatable 		NAMBAS	        7474	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	NAMBHI	         740	Global	Relocatable 		NAMBHO	         743	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMBLK	         736	Global	Relocatable 		NAMBUF	         737	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMDEV	         733	Global	Relocatable 		NAMHDR	         734	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMIOL	         660	Global	Relocatable 		NAMLOC	         600	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMNSZ	777777776174	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	NAMNXT	         601	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMPSZ	        1604	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	NAMWRD	         530	Global	Relocatable 	
	NM.PC	        1436	Global	Relocatable 		NM12SZ	         656	Global	Relocatable 	
	NM1LOC	         654	Global	Relocatable 		NM1SIZ	        2733	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	NM2LOC	         655	Global	Relocatable 		NONRES	         411	Global	Relocatable 	
	NOPRNT	         453	Global	Relocatable 		NSZPTR	         657	Global	Relocatable 	
	NTNSIZ	777777777755	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OBJSIZ	         415	Global	Relocatable 	
	OCHBAS	         374	Global	Relocatable 		OCHLOC	         636	Global	Relocatable 	
	OCHNXT	         637	Global	Relocatable 		OLDCNM	        1401	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 14
	OLDSEQ	        1226	Global	Relocatable 		OP1BSZ	         546	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP1BYT	         550	Global	Relocatable 		OP1DEC	         542	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP1LIT	        1276	Global	Relocatable 		OP1SIZ	         544	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP2BSZ	         547	Global	Relocatable 		OP2BYT	         551	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP2CNT	        1305	Global	Relocatable 		OP2DEC	         543	Global	Relocatable 	
	OP2LIT	        1277	Global	Relocatable 		OP2SIZ	         545	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPFLDX	         552	Global	Relocatable 		OPHLD	         576	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPRTR	         436	Global	Relocatable 		OTFBAS	         373	Global	Relocatable 	
	OTFLOC	         630	Global	Relocatable 		OTFNXT	         631	Global	Relocatable 	
	OVRWRD	        1371	Global	Relocatable 		PAGCNT	         501	Global	Relocatable 	
	PAGEN	         447	Global	Relocatable 		PCREM	        1214	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHASEN	         305	Global	Relocatable 		PLCBAS	        1235	Global	Relocatable 	
	PPLIST	         211	Global	Relocatable 		PPSIZE	777777777704	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	PR.PC	        1440	Global	Relocatable 		PREPOT	        1223	Global	Relocatable 	
	PRGENT	         435	Global	Relocatable 		PRGID	         455	Global	Relocatable 	
	PRICNT	        1215	Global	Relocatable 		PRODSW	         504	Global	Relocatable 	
	PROGST	         407	Global	Relocatable 		PROLOC	         641	Global	Relocatable 	
	PRONXT	         642	Global	Relocatable 		PWR10	        1251	Global	Relocatable 	
	REINDX	        1233	Global	Relocatable 		RELINK	        1232	Global	Relocatable 	
	REMDEC	        1263	Global	Relocatable 		REMSIZ	        1264	Global	Relocatable 	
	REPCNT	        1363	Global	Relocatable 		RESDEC	        1265	Global	Relocatable 	
	RESDNT	         410	Global	Relocatable 		RETPTR	         416	Global	Relocatable 	
	RPGVER	         414	Global	Relocatable 		RPWR10	        1236	Global	Relocatable 	
	RUNDEV	         316	Global	Relocatable 		RUNPPN	         315	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVAC2	        1343	Global	Relocatable 		SAVBIN	        1435	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVEAC	         460	Global	Relocatable 		SAVELN	         500	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVESZ	        1237	Global	Relocatable 		SAVJFF	         307	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVNAM	         535	Global	Relocatable 		SAVTAG	        1271	Global	Relocatable 	
	SF1BHI	        1422	Global	Relocatable 		SF1BHO	        1411	Global	Relocatable 	
	SF1BUF	        1406	Global	Relocatable 		SF2BHI	        1425	Global	Relocatable 	
	SF2BHO	        1414	Global	Relocatable 		SF2BUF	        1407	Global	Relocatable 	
	SF3BHI	        1430	Global	Relocatable 		SF3BHO	        1417	Global	Relocatable 	
	SF3BUF	        1410	Global	Relocatable 		SHR.IO	         454	Global	Relocatable 	
	SIZTAB	         505	Global	Relocatable 		SRCBH	         671	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCBLK	         665	Global	Relocatable 		SRCBUF	         666	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCDEV	         662	Global	Relocatable 		SRCEND	        1213	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCFIL	         317	Global	Relocatable 		SRCHDR	         663	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCPP	         667	Global	Relocatable 		SRCSWS	         670	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCTOP	         670	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	STDATE	         370	Global	Relocatable 	
	STTIME	         372	Global	Relocatable 		SUBPAG	        1257	Global	Relocatable 	
	SYMGRP	        1325	Global	Relocatable 		SYMLC1	        1323	Global	Relocatable 	
	SYMREL	        1324	Global	Relocatable 		TAGCNT	         406	Global	Relocatable 	
	TAGNUM	        1231	Global	Relocatable 		TAGOUT	        1272	Global	Relocatable 	
	TEMBAS	         402	Global	Relocatable 		TEMBUF	        1336	Global	Relocatable 	
	TEMCNT	        1340	Global	Relocatable 		TEMLOC	         622	Global	Relocatable 	
	TEMNXT	         623	Global	Relocatable 		TM2BUF	        1337	Global	Relocatable 	
	TM2CNT	        1341	Global	Relocatable 		TOPLOC	         306	Global	Relocatable 	
	TTYBHI	         205	Global	Relocatable 		TTYBHO	         202	Global	Relocatable 	
	TTYBUF	         210	Global	Relocatable 		USEBAS	         405	Global	Relocatable 	
	UUOBIT	         417	Global	Relocatable 		VALLNK	        1236	Global	Relocatable 	
	VALLOC	         614	Global	Relocatable 		VALNXT	         615	Global	Relocatable 	
	VERZUN	         310	Global	Relocatable 		VRBNUM	        1234	Global	Relocatable 	
	WEDIED	         140	Global	Relocatable 		WHOLOC	        1303	Global	Relocatable 	
	WHOSIZ	        1302	Global	Relocatable 		WL%AE	        1300	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 15
	WL%L	        1301	Global	Relocatable 		%ES.PC	        1441	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EFLG	         456	Global	Relocatable 		.INSR	        1243	Global	Relocatable 	
	.STEXT	        1362	Global	Relocatable 		.STLST	         577	Global	Relocatable 	


RPGCOM	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	455361 ends at	456353 length	   773 (octal),   507. (decimal)

	BLNKCK	      456035	Entry	Relocatable 		CPOPJ	      456132	Global	Relocatable 	
	CPOPJ1	      456135	Global	Relocatable 		DATCLR	      456026	Entry	Relocatable 	
	DBMESS	      455546	Entry	Relocatable 		DEVDED	      455400	Entry	Relocatable 	
	DEVERA	      455365	Entry	Relocatable 		EOTAPE	      455424	Entry	Relocatable 	
	ERATYP	      455444	Entry	Relocatable 		FILOUT	      455473	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FNDLNK	      456043	Entry	Relocatable 		GETENT	      455701	Entry	Relocatable 	
	GETFAZ	      455615	Entry	Relocatable 		GETFTB	      455764	Entry	Relocatable 	
	GETIND	      455744	Entry	Relocatable 		GETVAL	      455754	Entry	Relocatable 	
	IDNTYP	      455775	Entry	Relocatable 		KILL	      455617	Entry	Relocatable 	
	KILLF	      455625	Entry	Relocatable 		LNKSET	      455556	Entry	Relocatable 	
	LSTMES	      455362	Entry	Relocatable 		NMVRFY	      456113	Entry	Relocatable 	
	OCTOUT	      455524	Entry	Relocatable 		REDO	      455607	Entry	Relocatable 	
	RESTRT	      455610	Entry	Relocatable 		SIXOUT	      455536	Entry	Relocatable 	
	TABSCN	      455671	Entry	Relocatable 		UUOCAL	      455641	Entry	Relocatable 	


PUTLST	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	456354 ends at	456502 length	   127 (octal),    87. (decimal)

	HDROUT	      456422	Entry	Relocatable 		LCRLF	      456414	Entry	Relocatable 	
	PUTDEC	      456467	Entry	Relocatable 		PUTLST	      456354	Entry	Relocatable 	


PUTERA	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	456503 ends at	456512 length	    10 (octal),     8. (decimal)

	PUTERA	      456503	Entry	Relocatable 	


XPAND	from DSK:LIBA.REX[4,174]	created by MACRO on  7-May-81 at 13:48:00
	High segment starts at	456513 ends at	456754 length	   242 (octal),   162. (decimal)

	ADDCOR	      456715	Entry	Relocatable 		BLTUP	      456664	Entry	Relocatable 	
	SETCOR	      456707	Entry	Relocatable 		XPAND	      456513	Global	Relocatable 	
	XPNARR	      456573	Entry	Relocatable 		XPNDAT	      456513	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPNEXT	      456523	Entry	Relocatable 		XPNFIL	      456517	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPNFTB	      456567	Entry	Relocatable 		XPNICH	      456553	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPNIND	      456543	Entry	Relocatable 		XPNLIT	      456533	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPNOCH	      456557	Entry	Relocatable 		XPNOTF	      456547	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPNPRO	      456563	Entry	Relocatable 		XPNTEM	      456537	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPNVAL	      456527	Entry	Relocatable 	

		LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 16


.HELPR	from DSK:HELPER.REL[4,174]	created by MACRO on  1-Jul-80 at 18:32:00
	Low  segment starts at	  1442 ends at	  1635 length	   174 (octal),   124. (decimal)

	CLOSF%	104000000022	Global	Absolute    		ERJMP	320700000000	Global	Absolute    	
	GJ%OLD	100000000000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	GJ%PHY	    10000000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	GTJFN%	104000000020	Global	Absolute    		HELPER	        1442	Entry	Relocatable 	
	OF%BSZ	770000000000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	OF%RD	      200000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	OPENF%	104000000021	Global	Absolute    		PSOUT%	104000000076	Global	Absolute    	
	SIN%	104000000052	Global	Absolute    		%HELPR	   600000046	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.HELPR	        1443	Entry	Relocatable 		.NULIO	      377777	Global	Absolute    Suppressed


	Index to LINK symbol map of	RPGII	version 3(374)		page 17

	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page


	[End of LINK map of	RPGII]