
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-11 - 43,50526/xref.doc
There are no other files named xref.doc in the archive.
158 - |sar|                   "Auto Return" on line feed
199 - \sem,dev\               "Echoplex" Mode inactive
170 - |xc,x1,x2,...,x|        "X" to Character
172 - |xd,x|                  "X" to Decimal
182 - |zd,r,v-,v0,v+|         "Z" reg. Decrement and branch
183 - |zi,r,v-,v0,v+|         "Z" reg. Increment and branch
184 - |zq,r|                  "Z" reg. Query
185 - |zs,r,n|                "Z" reg. Set
128 - |ad,n1,n2,n3,...,n|     Add
159 - |ab,s1,s2,vt,vf|        Alphabetic Branch
160 - |ai,s0,s1,s2,...,s|     Alphabetic Insertion
161 - |as,s0,s1,s2,...,s|     Alphabetic Sort
187 - |and,x1,x2|             And the bits
220 - |bf,f,vz|               Bring File
200 - |cxb,d|                 Change "X" Base (active)
200 - \cxb,d\                 Change "X" Base (initial)
113 - |ca,s|                  Change Activator (current)
113 - \ca,s\                  Change Activator (initial)
195 - |cfc,d1,s|              Change Fill  Character schema
195 - \cfc,d1,s\              Change Fill Char. (initial)
193 - |cin,t1,d1,...,t,d|     Change Id Number
191 - |cll,d|                 Change Line Length (active)
191 - \cll,d\                 Change Line Length (initial)
133 - |cnb,d|                 Change Number Base (active)
133 - \cnb,d\                 Change Number Base (initial)
266 - |cpc,x1,t1,|       Change Protection Class
203 - \cro,s1\                Change Rub Out (initial)
203 - |cro,s1|                Change Rub Out char. schema
250 - \cwc, ... \             Change Warn. Char. (initial)
250 - |cwc,s1|                Change Warning Character
261 - |cws,d|                 Change Work Space
261 - \cws,x\                 Change Work Space (Binary)
240 - |@cn,current,new|       Change function Name
171 - |cx,s0,s|               Character to "X"
148 - |cld,t|                 Characters Left of Divider
147 - |crd,t|                 Characters Right of Divider
132 - \ct,t1,t2,t3,...,t\     Combine Texts (save current)
132 - |ct,t1,t2,t3,...,t|     Combine Texts (superseding)
259 - |da,s0|                 Date
173 - |dx,d,x|                Decimal to "X"
208 - |dq,s|                  Define Quote
103 - \dt,t,s,d1,d2\          Define Text (save current)
103 - |dt,t,s,d1,d2|          Define Text (superseding)
233 - |dif,filename|          Designate Input File
234 - |dof,filename|          Designate Output File
131 - |di,n1,n2,vz|           Divide
164 - |ds,d,s|                Duplicate String
206 - |ea,t1,t2,...,t|        Erase All excepting
224 - |ef,f1,f2,...,f|        Erase Files
151 - |ep,t,p1,p2,...,p|      Erase Partitions
104 - |et,t1,t2,...,t|        Erase Text
249 - |etb,s|                 Erase Trailing Blanks
104 - \et,t1,t2,...,t\        Erase all occurences of Text
112 - |ex,f|                  Exit
207 - |ed,t,d1,d2,vz|         Extract "D" characters
138 - |fdc,t,d,vz|            Fetch "D" Characters
139 - |fde,t,d,vz|            Fetch "D" Elements
140 - |fdm,t,d,s,vz|          Fetch "D" Matches
137 - |fc,t,vz|               Fetch Character
141 - |fe,t,vz|               Fetch Element
142 - |ff,t,d,vz|             Fetch Field
143 - |fl,t,s,vz|             Fetch Left match
145 - |fp,t,x1,...,x|         Fetch Partition
144 - |fr,t,s,vz|             Fetch Right match
106 - |ft,t,s1,s2,...,s|      Fetch Text
210 - |ftb,t,s,vz|            Fetch To Break character
211 - |fts,t,s,vz|            Fetch To Span character
226 - |fb,f,vt,vf|            File Branch
114 - |ht,t|                  Hide Text
114 - \ht\                    Hide all Texts
212 - |hc,s|                  How many Characters
150 - |hm,t,s|                How many Matches
149 - |hp,t,d|                How many Partitions
136 - |ig,d1,d2,vt,vf|        If Greater
135 - |ii,s1,s2,vt,vf|        If Identical
153 - |idt,d|                 Input "D" Texts
116 - |id,d|                  Input "D" characters
115 - |ic|                    Input Character
102 - |is,dev|                Input String
152 - |it|                    Input Text
213 - |iw,n|                  Input Wait
117 - |im,s1,s2,...,s|        Input to Match
228 - |lff,s0|                List File Functions
216 - |lf,s0,d1,...,d|        List Files
241 - |lic,s0|                List Input Channels
242 - |loc,s0|                List Output Channels
105 - |lt,s0,d1,d2,...,d|     List Texts
214 - |lw,s0,s1,s2,...,sn|    List Where
146 - \md,t,d\                Move Divider "d" increments
146 - |md,t,d|                Move Divider to pos. "d"
109 - |mt,t,s1,s2,...,s|      Multi-part Text all matches
109 - \mt,t,s1,s2,...,s\      Multi-part Text next match
110 - |mc,d|                  Multi-partition Character
130 - |mu,n1,n2,vz|           Multiply
111 - |ni,vt,vf|              Neutral Implied
188 - |not,x|                 Not (complement) the bits
209 - |nu,s1,s2,...,s|        Null
268 - |nud,func,arguments|    Null Display mode
186 - |or,x1,x2|              Or the bits
101 - |os,s|                  Output String
154 - |ot,t1,t2,...,t|        Output Texts
154 - \ot,ldr,gap,t1,t2,...,t\Output Texts with leader,gap
162 - |ps,d,s1,s2|            Pad String
108 - |pc,d|                  Partition Character
107 - |pt,t,s1,s2,...,s|      Partition Text all matches
107 - \pt,t,s1,s2,...,s\      Partition Text next match
174 - |pl,sub,s1,...,s|       Plot
201 - |qxb|                   Query "X" Base
227 - |qcs|                   Query Command String
225 - |qdu|                   Query Directory Unit
219 - |qfe|                   Query File Extension
217 - |qfs,filename|          Query File Size
196 - |qfc,s0|                Query Fill Character schema
194 - |qin,s0,t1,t2,...,t|    Query Id Number
197 - |qld,t|                 Query Left of Divider
192 - |qll|                   Query Line Length
134 - |qnb|                   Query Number Base
202 - |qof|                   Query Over Flow conditions
167 - |qp,t|                  Query Partition
267 - |qpc,s0,t1,t2,...,t|    Query Protection Class
198 - |qrd,t|                 Query Right of Divider
204 - |qro|                   Query Rub Out char. schema
205 - |qta|                   Query Text Area used
251 - |qwc,a2,a1,...,a|       Query Warning Characters
262 - |qws|                   Query Work Space
262 - \qws\                   Query Work Space (Binary)
264 - |qio|                   Query current IO assignments
252 - |rn,n|                  Random Number
243 - |rf,filname|            Read File
235 - |rfr|                   Read File Record
166 - |ri|                    Restart Initialized
215 - |ra,d,s1,s2,s3,...,s|   Return Argument
263 - |rcp,d1,d2,s|           Return Character Picture
247 - |rj,s,s1,d,s2|          Return Justified lines
248 - |rp,s,s1,d,s2|          Return Paddded lines
165 - |rr,s1|                 Return to Restart
163 - |rs,s|                  Reverse String
189 - |rot,d,x|               Rotate the bits
253 - |srn,n|                 Seed Random Number
223 - |sdu,dir|               Select Directory Unit
245 - |sic,sym|               Select Input Channel
246 - |soc,sym|               Select Output Channel
199 - |sem,dev|               Set "Echoplex" Mode active
260 - |sda,da,mo,yr|          Set Date
221 - |sfe,extension|         Set File Extension
265 - |sio,iobyte|            Set IObyte
258 - |sti,t1,t2,t3|          Set Time
190 - |sh,d,x|                Shift the bits
157 - |sfd,fun,dev|           Specify Function Device
222 - |sf,f,t1,t2,...,t|      Store File
129 - |su,n1,n2,...,n|        Subtract
231 - |sw,s1,s2,s3,...,s|     Switches
232 - |sy,s1,s2,...,s|        System functions
274 - |trs,sub,arguments|     TRS-80 Computer Functions
127 - |tb,t,vt,vf|            Text Branch
257 - |ti,s1,s2|              Time
124 - |tma|                   Trace Mode All activated
124 - \tma\                   Trace Mode All deactivated
125 - |tm,d|                  Trace Mode activated
125 - \tm\                    Trace Mode deactivated
168 - |tr,t,s|                Trim
218 - |uf,f,t1,t2,...,t|      Update File
169 - |ut,cc|                 User Trap active
169 - \ut\                    User Trap inactive
118 - |vt,t1,t2,...,t|        View Texts
179 - |wl|                    Width Left
178 - |wr|                    Width Right
176 - |wx|                    Write "X" displacement
177 - |wy|                    Write "Y" displacement
181 - |wc,s1,s|               Write Characters
244 - |wf,filname,s|          Write File
236 - |wfr,s|                 Write File Record
175 - |wi,xn1,yn1|            Write Initialize
180 - |ws,xn1,yn1,...,xn,yn|  Write Straight Lines
254 - |xqs,s0|                X Query work Space
229 - |xrs,unit,trk,sec,s0|   X Read Sector
269 - |xrs,unit,trk,sec,s0|   X Read Sector
230 - |xws,unit,trk,sec,X|    X Write Sector
270 - |xws,unit,trk,sec,X|    X Write Sector
156 - |xal,label,offset|      Xamine Address of Label
155 - |xll,s0|                Xamine Label List
271 - |xu,sub,arguments|      Xperimental User
126 - |yt,t,s,vt,vf|          Ys There
119 - |xr,x|                  eXamine Register
121 - |xrp,x|                 eXamine Register Pair
273 - |xcf,s,x|               eXperimental Change Function
255 - |xi,port|               eXperimental Input
123 - |xj,x|                  eXperimental Jump
256 - |xo,x,port|             eXperimental Output
272 - |xqf,s|                 eXperimental Query Function
120 - |xw,x1,x2|              eXperimental Write in reg.
122 - |xwp,x1,x2|             eXperimental Write reg. Pair
158 - \sar\                   no Auto Return on line feed
238 - |@f,s0|                 wh@ are Functions
237 - |@t|                    wh@ is processor Title
239 - |@n|                    wh@ is processor ser. Number