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This  document  is  an  introduction  to DECSYSTEM-20 and DECsystem-10
Pascal. This Pascal system is the result of cooperation among a number
of different people.  It was originally written at the  University  of
Hamburg  by  a  group  of  people  under  the supervision of Prof. H.-
H. Nagel.  This version was developed from Prof.  Nagel's  by  Charles
Hedrick,  and  is  maintained by him.  Lee Cooprider and others at the
University of Southern California have been  particularly  helpful  in
supplying improvements, largely to the debugger.  A number of compiler
bug   fixes   were   supplied  by  Andrew  Hisgen  at  Carnegie-Mellon

This system is intended to be a complete implementation of the  Pascal
language,  as  defined  in the Revised Report (Jensen and Wirth).  The
following are the only serious limitations.  A complete list  will  be
found in an appendix.

   - A  procedure  can  be  passed  as  a  parameter  to  another
     procedure.  When you call a procedure that has  been  passed
     in this way, you can supply no more than 5 parameters.

   - Sets  of  character  are  not  fully  implemented.   This is
     because sets can have only 72 elements, and  there  are  128
     ASCII  characters.   As a compromise, lower case letters are
     treated as equivalent to the corresponding upper case letter
     when in a set.    All  control  characters  except  tab  are
     treated as equivalent in a set.

This  implementation includes a number of extra facilities, giving you
access to the full power of the  operating  system.    Only  the  most
important  of these additions will be described in this manual.  There
is a complete reference manual, which you should consult if  you  need
information not given here.

             1. How to compile and execute your program.

1.1 How to use the normal compiler

This  section  describes how to use Pascal on the DECsystem-10, and on
those DECSYSTEM-20 systems where the EXEC has been  modified  to  know
about Pascal.  If you are using a DECSYSTEM-20 whose EXEC has not been
modified,  there  is  a  special  version  of  PASCAL that you can use
instead of the EXECUTE command.

Suppose you have a  Pascal  program  called  TEST  that  you  want  to
execute.    You must first put the program into the computer as a text
file.  You will do this using a text editor, several of  which  exist.
Generally  you  should  choose a file name ending with .PAS, since the
extension PAS tells the system that it is a PASCAL program.    Let  us
assume that your source program is stored in a file TEST.PAS

To  execute  a program, use the EXECUTE command. You give this command
the name of the file in which the  source  program  is  stored.    For
example,  to  compile  and execute a Pascal program stored in the file
TEST.PAS, you would issue the command

            EXECUTE TEST.PAS

You can use the usual COMPIL switches,  such  as  /NOBIN,  /LIST,  and
/CREF.    See  the Command Reference Manual for a description of these
switches, as well as of the COMPIL, DEBUG, and LOAD commands.

Here is what happens when you issue an EXECUTE  command.    The  first
step is for the Pascal compiler to compile your program.  The compiler
reads  your  source  file  and  produces  a relocatable binary file as
output.  For example, if your source  file  is  called  TEST.PAS,  the
compiler  would  produce  a binary file called TEST.REL.  The compiler
always uses the name of your source file, with the extension  .REL  in
place  of the original extension .PAS.  You do not need to worry about
what is in this binary file.  It contains a form of your program  that
the system can execute more easily.

The  second  step in the EXECUTE command is loading your program.  The
linking loader (LINK) reads the binary form of your program (the  .REL
file), and loads it into memory.

The  final step in the EXECUTE command is the actual execution of your
program.  Before it begins the main body of your program,  the  Pascal
runtime  system  will  ask you what files you want to use as input and
output. It will ask you about each each Pascal file variable listed in
your PROGRAM statement.  For example, if your PROGRAM statement  looks
like this


here is the resulting dialog.  In the following, the computer's output
is in upper case, and your input is in lower case.

            INPUT   :
            OUTPUT  : data.out

This  example  assumes  that  you  want input to be from a file called
DATA.IN, and output to be to a file called DATA.OUT.   Of  course  you
can type any file name.

In  the  most  common case, you want to use the terminal for input and
output.  You could specify  this  by  typing  TTY:  as  a  file  name.
Because  it  is  so common to use the terminal for the files INPUT and
OUTPUT, TTY: is the default for these files. That is,  if  you  simply
type  a  carriage return in place of a file name for INPUT and OUTPUT,
the terminal will be used.

            INPUT   :
            OUTPUT  :
            [INPUT, end with ^Z: ]

The message "[INPUT, end with ^Z]" is printed by the Pascal I/O system
to tell you that the program is ready for its first line of input.   A
more detailed discussion of the timing of input is given below.

Note that INPUT and OUTPUT are just examples of Pascal file variables.
If  your  PROGRAM  statement  lists a different set of file variables,
then Pascal will ask about them instead of INPUT and OUTPUT.  If  your
program  does not read any input, you should not put any input file in
the PROGRAM statement.  If you do not want  Pascal  to  ask  the  user
about  file  names  at  all,  you  should  just  leave out the PROGRAM
statement completely.  However in this case you will need to build the
file names into the program, as described below.

Here is an example of the way things will look on your  terminal  when
you  execute a Pascal program on a DECSYSTEM-20.  The at sign shown is
the system's prompt.  You do not type it.  You type only  what  is  in
lower case.  Things after the ! are explanatory comments.

        @execute test.pas
        PASCAL: TEST        ! Pascal compiler produces TEST.REL
        LINK:   LOADING     ! LINK loads TEST.REL
        [LNKXCT TEST EXECUTION]     ! Your program is now started
        INPUT   : in.file   ! You tell it what files to use
        OUTPUT  : out.file
        @                  ! Your program is finished.

On a DECsystem-10, the prompt will be a dot instead of an at sign, and
you will see "EXIT" when your program is finished.

1.2 Compiler switches

This  section  discusses  some  of  the  more  useful  options  in the
compiler.  You can specify these options when you compile the program,
or you can build the specifications into  the  program  itself.    For
example,  to  turn  off  checking  for arithmetic exceptions you could
specify /NOARITHCHECK  when  you  compile  the  program,  or  put  the
specification {$A-} into the program.

To  include  an  option  in  the program, you simply include a comment
containing the specification in your program.  The comment must  begin
with  $ and then contain a list of specification, separated by commas.
+ turns on an option and - turns it off.  E.g. consider the following


This will turn off the A option and turn on the Z  option.    In  most
cases  this should be done before the program statement, although many
of the specifiers can be put anywhere in the program.

Here is an example of how  you  specify  options  when  compiling  the

            one option, /NOARITH
                 EXEC TEST.PAS/LANG:"/NOARITH"
            more than one option, /NOARITH and /ZERO
            one option, /NOARITH
                 EXEC TEST.PAS(NOARITH)
            more than one option, /NOARITH and /ZERO
                 EXEC TEST.PAS(NOARITH/ZERO)

Note  that  these  options  will  only  take  effect if the program is
compiled.  If you do not see a message like

            PASCAL: TEST

it  means  that  your program did not need to be recompiled.  A binary
file left from a previous compilation was used instead, so you end  up
with  whatever options were in effect during that earlier compilation.
To force a new compilation, specify /COMPILE, e.g.


Here is a list of the most useful of the  options.    For  a  complete
list,  see the full reference manual.  Some of these options are noted
as being the "default".  This means that they are in effect unless you
specifically turn them off.  Note that the form with the slash can  be
abbreviated by using any unique abbreviation.

     /ARITHCHECK {$A+} [DEFAULT] This causes your program to check for
               arithmetic  exceptions.  An arithmetic exception is any
               case where an  arithmetic  operation  gives  the  wrong
               results.      These   include  division  by  zero,  and
               production of values too large (overflow) or too  small
               (underflow)  for  the  computer  to store.  When one of
               these problems occurs, your program will print an error
               message.  If you are  using  a  debugger,  it  will  be
               activated  after  the error message is printed.  If you
               are not, your  program  will  simply  stop.    You  can
               continue  execution of your program by typing CONTINUE,
               although you should not place too  much  faith  in  any
               answer produced once an error has happened.

     /NOARITHCHECK  {$A-} Turn off checking for arithmetic exceptions,
               as described above.

     /CHECK {$C+} [DEFAULT] This causes  your  program  to  check  for
               various  conditions  that  would  make its execution be
               invalid.  It turns on the same checks that  are  turned
               on  by  /ARITHCHECK.    In  addition, your program will
               check all array subscripts to see that they are  within
               the  size  declared  for  the  array.    It  will check
               assignments to subrange variables to see that  the  new
               value  is  within  the limits defined for the subrange.
               And it will check use of pointer variables to see to it
               that you do not attempt to follow a pointer that is NIL
               or zero. (Usually a zero pointer is the result of using
               a pointer variable that has not been initialized.)   If
               the  program  detects  an  error,  it acts as described
               under /ARITHCHECK above.

     /NOCHECK {$C-} Turn off checking for errors, as described above.

     /DEBUG {$D+} [DEFAULT]  This  causes  the  binary  form  of  your
               program  (.REL  file) to contain information about your
               program that is needed by the debugger.  You must  have

               this  option  turned  on  in order to use the debugger.
               This information takes up space in your  program.    So
               large  programs  that  are  going to be used many times
               will sometimes be compiled without this information, to
               save space.

     /NODEBUG {$D-} Do not include  debugging  information  with  your

     /ZERO  {$Z+}  This  causes  your  program to initialize all local
               variables to 0.  Also, NEW will initialize all  records
               it  generates  to 0.  This is very helpful when you are
               trying to debug a program that deals with pointers.  It
               guarantees that any pointer  variables  you  forget  to
               initialize  in  your  program  will be zero.  This will
               allow any attempt to use  them  to  be  caught  by  the
               error-handling  code  compiled  by  the  /CHECK option.
               This option affects only variables that  are  local  to
               procedures.    Global  variables (variables declared at
               the outer level of your program) are always initialized
               to zero when your program is first loaded.  However  if
               you  restart  your  program  once it has been run once,
               global variables will not be reinitialized.

     /NOZERO {$Z-} [DEFAULT] Do not initialize local variables to 0.

              2. How to Write a Program (Lexical Issues)

This  chapter  will  describe the character set used by this compiler.
This section may be summarized very simply: You can type your  program
just as it appears in most Pascal textbooks and manuals.

You  can  write  a  PASCAL  program  using  any of the printable ASCII
characters, including lower case.  Control characters are not legal in
a source program under normal  circumstances.    You  can  write  your
program  in  either  upper  case  or lower case - they are consider as
equivalent.  Thus the variables ABC, abc, and AbC are the  same.    Of
course  in  quoted  strings  (string  constants),  the compiler leaves
characters as you type them.

In standard Pascal, comments are enclosed in { and }.    Because  some
textbooks  use  (*  and  *)  or  /*  and  */, these are also accepted.
However the pairs must match.  I.e. don't try {comment*).  For example

            {This is an official comment}
            (*This is a comment*)
            (*This comment would end here } under the new ISO
              standard, but in the current version it ends here *)

The pair % and \ are also present in the compiler.  However  they  are
now considered out of date, so you should not use them.

You  may  write  identifiers  using the underline character to improve
readability, e.g.:


Strings are character sequences enclosed in single quotes, e.g.:

            'This is a string'

If you want to put a quote in a string, use two quotes, e.g.:

            'Isn''t PASCAL fun?'

Note that lower case and upper case are kept separate in strings.

You can write an integer in octal form by putting a B after it.    You
can  write  it in hexadecimal form by putting a " in front of it.  For
example, the following all represent the same number:

            63      77B     "3F

Several  PASCAL  operators  have  an  alternate  representation.   The
alternate form is provided for compatibility with  older  versions  of
PASCAL.    In  new  programs,  you should use the form of the operator
shown in the left column.

       operator    alternate form         explanation

         >=              "                greater or equal
         <=              @                less or equal
         AND             &                logical and
         OR              !                logical or
         NOT             $                logical negation
         <>              #                not equal
         +               OR,!             set union
         *               AND,&            set intersection

                           3. Input/Output

This  section  is provided for two reasons.  First, existing textbooks
and manuals are often somewhat ambiguous about Input/Output.   Second,
this  version  of Pascal has some special features that will make your
life a bit easier.

3.1 Standard Files

The files INPUT and OUTPUT are called "standard files",  because  they
are  built  into  the  language.  If you use any other files, you must
declare the file variables in the VAR section of your program.   INPUT
and  OUTPUT  should not be declared in the VAR section, since they are
already builtin ("predeclared").  In addition  to  being  predeclared,
INPUT and OUTPUT have the following special properties:

   - INPUT and OUTPUT are default files for READ and WRITE.  E.g.
     READ(X,Y) really means READ(INPUT,X,Y) and WRITE(X,Y) really
     means  WRITE(OUTPUT,X,Y).    If  you wanted to use any other
     file, you would have to mention it by name in every READ and
     WRITE statement referring to it.

   - INPUT and  OUTPUT  are  automatically  opened  if  they  are
     mentioned  in the PROGRAM statement.  If you want to use any
     other file, you have to open it by RESET  (for  reading)  or
     REWRITE (for writing).

The  net  effect  of  this  is  that  you can just say READ(X) in your
program.  You do not have to do any declarations or file openning,  as
long as you mention INPUT in the PROGRAM statement.

In  addition  to the standard files INPUT and OUTPUT the standard file
TTY is available in this implementation.  You may  use  this  file  to
communicate  with  the terminal.  Most users will not need to use TTY,
since INPUT and OUTPUT will also default to  the  terminal.    TTY  is
provided mostly for compatibility with older versions of the compiler,
where terminal I/O via INPUT and OUTPUT was somewhat inconvenient.

As  with  INPUT  and OUTPUT, you do not need to declare TTY in the VAR
section of your program.  Because it always  describes  the  terminal,
you  also  do  not  need to (indeed you should not) mention TTY in the
PROGRAM statement.  The purpose of the program statement is to specify
which files the system should ask you about when your program  starts.
Since TTY is always associated with your terminal, it obviously serves
no purpose to ask about it.

PASCAL automatically opens TTY with a builtin RESET and REWRITE before
starting  your  program.    So  as  with INPUT and OUTPUT you need not
(indeed should not) include RESET and REWRITE statements for TTY.

When  you  want to READ or WRITE from TTY, you must explicitly mention
it as the first argument to READ or WRITE.  Otherwise INPUT or  OUTPUT
will be used by default.

WARNING:    TTY  is automatically opened in interactive mode.  See the
section "The first line of input from INPUT or TTY" for an explanation
of what this means.

To summarize, here is a table of special  properties  of  the  various

                            INPUT&OUTPUT    TTY     others

    Must be listed in
    PROGRAM statement            Y           N          Y
    if used.

    Must be declared in          N           N          Y
    the VAR section.

    Must be RESET or             N           N          Y
    REWRITE'n before use

    Must be mentioned as         N           Y          Y
    first arg to READ or

3.2 Other ways of specifying a file name

Most  of the time, you will list all of the files you are going to use
in the PROGRAM statement.  The effect  of  including  a  file  in  the
PROGRAM statement is

   - to  specify  that Pascal should ask the user for a file name
     for that file when your programs starts.

   - for INPUT and OUTPUT only, to specify that the system should
     automatically open the file when your program  starts.  (TTY
     is always opened, and other files must be opened by RESET or

Sometimes  it  is  not desirable to have your program ask the user for
file names in that way.   In  such  cases,  the  file  should  not  be
mentioned  in  the PROGRAM statement.  If you do not specify a file in
the PROGRAM statement, there are two  ways  of  determining  its  file
name.    The most common is to specify the file name as the (optional)
second argument to RESET or REWRITE.  E.g. if you always want INPUT to
refer to the file BASIC.DAT, you might omit  INPUT  from  the  PROGRAM
statement and then start your program with


You  can  also  use  a variable as the second argument.  This variable
should be a PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR, of any size.  It  will  contain  the
file name.

If  you  do  not  list a file in the PROGRAM statement, and you do not
specify a file name for  the  RESET  or  REWRITE,  the  file  will  be
classified  as an "internal" file.  Such files are intended for use as
working storage within your program.  They are  automatically  deleted
when  the  program  exits  from  the  block  in  which the Pascal file
variable was declared.

3.3 Details about terminal I/O

By far the most confusing thing about Pascal I/O is the way it  treats
terminals.  There are two problems: the fact that the language insists
on  reading  the first line before the program starts, and the strange
effects of READLN.  Let us consider these separately.

3.3.1 The first line of input from INPUT and TTY

Let us start with a simple case, where you just want to  read  several
numbers  and  then  print a result based on them.  This is easy to do.
You can simply issue a READ statement for  each  number,  and  then  a
WRITE statement for the result.  The program will do more or less what
you would expect:

            @execute test.pas
            PASCAL:  TEST
            LINK:    LOADING
            INPUT   :
            OUTPUT  :
            [INPUT, end with ^Z: ]
            The sum is 6

The problem comes when you want to type out something before doing the
first read, e.g.

            PLEASE TYPE X: 12.3
            PLEASE TYPE Y: 548

If  you  attempt to write a program that does this, you will soon find
out that Pascal will ask for the first line of input from the terminal
before it gives you a chance to write out the prompt "PLEASE TYPE  X".
This  is  because  of  a  problem  with  the  definition of the Pascal
language.  It is not a "bug" in the system.  The  easiest  way  for  a
beginner  to  "solve"  this problem is this:  Have your program ignore
the first line of input.  You can then instruct your user  to  type  a
carriage return (i.e. a blank line) as soon as the I/O system requests
input  by  saying  "[INPUT,  end  with  ^Z:  ]".    Once your user has
satisfied the initial input request, your program  can  type  out  its
request,  and the user can then proceed to type the first real line of
input.  The only problem this introduces is that you  must  make  sure
that your program discards that dummy blank line.  But that is usually

   - If  the  first  READ  statement  is reading into a numerical
     variable, there is no problem,  since  READ  skips  carriage
     returns and spaces until it finds something.

   - If  you  are  reading  in some other way, just use READLN to
     throw away the dummy blank line and get the first real line.

                 write('Please type a magic character: ');
                 readln; read(magic_char);

     The definition of READLN is: throw  away  the  rest  of  the
     current  line  and  read in the next line.  So this discards
     the dummy line and gets the line  that  the  user  typed  in
     response  to the message.  Of course the READLN must be done
     AFTER the WRITE.  Since READLN actually reads  a  new  line,
     you  should do it after you have told the user what you want
     him to type.

If you don't like the idea of telling your users to  begin  all  their
programs by typing a carriage return, it is possible to ask the system
to  supply  an  end  of  line  automatically  at  the beginning of the
program.  To do this put :/ after  INPUT  in  the  PROGRAM  statement.


This  completely  solves  the problem of the startup. You can think of
INPUT:/ as simulating  an  initial  carriage  return  from  the  user.
(Actually  a  null is put in INPUT^, but EOLN is set, so it is treated
as an end of line.)  The only disadvantage of  INPUT:/  is  that  your
program  is no longer standard Pascal.  This feature is only available
on the DECSYSTEM-10/20 and CDC Cyber implementations of  Pascal.    If
you  have  to  write  interactive  programs  which will run on several
versions  of  Pascal,  we  recommend  that  you   use   :/   on   this
implementation,  and  instruct your users to type an initial carriage-
return on implementations not having this feature or  some  equivalent
feature.  Several other implementations have completely different, but
equally  valid,  ways  of solving the problems of interactive terminal


Note  that :/ only has an effect for the file INPUT.  However INPUT is
the only file for which the problem arises, because INPUT and TTY  are
the  only input files that are opened before your program starts.  TTY
is always opened in a mode corresponding to INPUT:/.

3.3.2 Odd effects for READLN

The other thing you must beware of  with  terminal  input  is  READLN.
READLN(X) is defined as reading X and then going to a new line.  Going
to  a  new  line means throwing away any data on the current line that
may not have been read yet and  then  getting  a  new  line  from  the

Suppose  you want to write a program to read 4 numbers, one to a line,
and print  their  sum.    Most  textbooks  will  suggest  to  use  the

            {Wrong code}

This would work on cards.  The problem on a terminal is with that last
READLN(W).    It  would read a number and then ask for a new line.  So
your user would be forced to type one extra line after the one with  W
on  it.    If  you  must use READLN (often there is no reason to), you
should do it at the beginning of each line, e.g.

            {right code}
            readln; read(x);
            readln; read(y);
            readln; read(z);
            readln; read(w);

Each READLN throws away any junk left over from a  previous  line  and
gets  a  new one, which will be used by the following READ.  Note that
this style is compatible with the suggestion we made in  the  previous
section.   We suggested above that you specify INPUT:/ or instruct the
user to type a dummy carriage return at the start of the program.  The
style shown above has an extra READLN at the beginning of the program,
which will throw away that dummy end of line.

Here is another example, this time of a dialog with the  user.    Note
that the same style works for this program:

            write('Please type X: ');
            readln; read(x);
            write('Please type Y and Z: ');
            readln; read(y,z);
            write('Please type A');
            readln; read(a);

Again,  READLN  gets  you  to  a  new line, so you want to do it after
writing the prompt for the line and before actually reading  the  data
on  it.    If you made a mistake and used READLN(X) instead of READLN;
READ(X), your program would try to read the line with Y and  Z  on  it
before  typing  out the prompt asking for Y and Z. Again, this example
assumes that the user is instructed to type a carriage return  at  the
beginning  of  the  program,  or  that  INPUT:/ is used in the PROGRAM
statement.  The first READLN  then  throws  away  the  dummy  carriage
return or end of line and gets the first real line.

3.3.3 Summary of how to do it right

If  all  of  this  has  managed  to  confuse  you, try looking at this
summary.  Here is all you have to do to make terminal I/O work right:

   - Use INPUT:/ in the PROGRAM statement,  to  avoid  having  to
     type  the  first line of input before the system starts your

   - Use READLN at the beginning of each line, not at the end.

Here is a complete example:

            program demo(input:/,output);
            var x,y,z:real;
            write('Please type x');
            readln; read(x);
            write('Please type y and z');
            readln; read(y,z);
            writeln('The sum of the numbers is ',x+y+z)

3.4 Formatted Output

In this section we will discuss  formatted  output.    Most  textbooks
describe  this  correctly.    We are discussing it because some of the
details are left up to the implementor, so we need to  tell  you  what
has  been  done in this implementation.  Also, we have added octal and
hexadecimal output.

When  you  write out a value using a WRITE (or WRITELN) statement, you
can either let Pascal choose an output format, or you can specify  the
format  yourself.    You  specify  the  format yourself by putting the
format definition after the value that you are writing.  For example


In this example, I, X, and (I*X)/3 are values being written  out,  and
:4, :8:2, and :I+1:J specify the output format.

Here are examples of all the legal output formats:

            X : 4
            X : 8  : 2
            X : 4  : O
            X : 5  : H

X is an example of a value that is being written out.

The  number  after  the first colon is called the "field width".  This
lets you specify how much space will be used to write out  the  value.
If  the  value  would normally take fewer characters than this, blanks
will be put in front of it.  For example,  23:4  will  be  written  as
"  23".    Notice that two blanks are put in front of the 23, in order
to take up 4 characters, as specified.  The field  width  can  be  any
expression that results in a positive integer.

If  you  do  not specify a format, the following default fields widths
will be used:

            INTEGER         12
            BOOLEAN          6
            CHAR             1
            REAL            16
            STRING          length of string

Sometimes  a  value  will  turn  out  to  take  more  space  than  you
anticipated.    If a value takes more space than is allowed for by the
field width, here is what happens:

            INTEGER(normal) field width increased to fit
            INTEGER(octal)  least significant digits
            INTEGER(hex)    least significant digits
            REAL            field width increased to fit
            BOOLEAN         field width increased to fit
            STRING          leftmost characters

"field width increased to fit" means that the  entire  value  will  be

printed  out,  even if it takes more space than you specified.  "least
significant digits" means that characters  will  be  chopped  off  the
beginning  of  the  number  until it fits into the amount of space you
specified.   "leftmost  characters"  means  that  characters  will  be
chopped  off  the  end  of the string until it fits into the amount of
space you specified.

Many people like to use a field width of 1 when printing integers.  If
you do this, Pascal will use exactly as many characters as it needs to
for each number.

For real numbers, the field width you  give  controls  the  number  of
digits  after  the decimal point.  The smallest field width that makes
sense for a real number is 9.  If you specify 9, you will get a number
that looks like " -1.1E-23".  As you increase  the  field  width,  you
will  get  more digits after the decimal point.  E.g. a field width of
11 might give " -1.123E-23".  This keeps up until there are  6  digits
after the decimal point, for a total of 7 digits.  Since this computer
only  has  7  digits of precision, any additional space you ask for is
taken up by extra blanks in front of the number.  E.g a field width of
16 might give "    -1.123456E-23".  If a number has  more  significant
digits  than  you  have  asked  for,  it  is rounded at the last digit

    Example:   WRITELN('STR':4, 'STR', 'STR':2, -12.0:10);
               WRITELN(15:9, TRUE, FALSE:4, 'X':3);

The following character sequence will  be  printed  (colons  represent

            :STRSTRST -1.20E+01

(Note that the field width for FALSE has been expanded in order to fit
in the output.)

Many  people  prefer  to  print  real  numbers  in the form " 123.45",
instead of the usual " 1.2345E+02".    This  format  requires  you  to
specify  two  things:  the total field width, and the number of digits
after the decimal point.  Thus you use two colons to specify a  format
of  this  kind, e.g. "X:6:2".  The number after the first colon is the
field width, as usual.  The number  after  the  second  colon  is  the
number  of  digits  to  use  after  the  decimal point.  It can be any
expression that results in a positive integer.  You  will  always  get
exactly  that  many  digits  after  the  decimal point.  If you do not
specify enough digits after the decimal point, some numbers  may  show
up  as  zero.   Pascal will use as many digits in front of the decimal
point as are required for the number you are writing  out.    It  will
also  put one blank before the number.  Additional blanks will be used
before the number as needed, to fill up the space  requested  by  your
field  width  specification.    (If  you do not want any fill, you can

specify a field width of 1.)  If a number has more significant figures
than  you  have  asked  for,  it is rounded at the last digit printed.
Since this computer only keeps 7 significant digits, numbers  will  be
rounded to 7 digits even if more digits than that are printed.

    Example:      WRITELN(1.23:5:2, 1.23:4:1, 1.23:6:0);
                  WRITELN(1.23:4:3, 123456123456:0:0);

The  following  character  sequence  will be printed (colons represent


The :1.230 is a  result  of  automatic  format  expansion,  since  the
specified  4  spaces  was  not  enough.    The 123456100000 shows that
numbers will be rounded after 7 significant digits.

You can ask for an integer to be printed in octal or hexadecimal form.
To do this, specify O or H after a second colon.  If the  field  width
is  big  enough to allow it, numbers are always printed using 12 octal
digits, or 9 hexadecimal digits.  If you specify a field width smaller
than this, the rightmost digits are used.   If  you  specify  a  field
width  larger  than  this,  an  appropriate  number of blanks are used
before the number.

    Example:   WRITE(12345B:2:O, 12345B:6:O, 12345B:15:O);
               WRITE(12345B:2:H, 12345B:6:H, 12345B:15:H);

The following character sequence will  be  printed  (colons  represent


3.5 Reading characters

3.5.1 Turning end of lines into blanks

A  Pascal program can read any character except null (0).  However the
Pascal language definition requires the system to "censor" end of line
characters by showing them as blanks.  That is, when  Pascal  reads  a
carriage  return  from  the  file  INPUT,  what shows up in the buffer
variable, INPUT^, is a blank.  There obviously needs to  be  some  way
for  you  to  know that what appears to be a blank is really an end of
line.  This is the purpose of the special function EOLN.  If  EOLN  is
true,  it  tells  you that what looks like a blank in the input buffer
variable is really an end of line (probably a carriage return).

The Pascal language considers an end of line to be a single character.
So when EOLN is true, a single GET will read the  first  character  on
the  next line.  This is true even though most lines on a DECsystem-10
or DECSYSTEM-20 end with a carriage-return followed by  a  line  feed.
That  is,  when  the file is positioned at a carriage return, the next
GET skips the following line feed, and reads the  first  character  on
the  next  line.  (Of course when the file is positioned at a carriage
return, what you see in the buffer is a blank.)

There are five different characters that can end  a  line:    carriage
return,   line  feed,  escape,  form  feed  (^L),  and  control-Z(^Z).
Sometimes you need to know which  particular  end  of  line  character
actually  appeared.  In this case, you can RESET the file in a special
mode.  This mode turns off Pascal's "end of line censor",  and  causes
the  actual  end  of  line  character  to  appear in the input buffer,
instead of the usual blank.  When this mode  is  in  effect,  you  can
still  check  whether  the buffer contains an end of line character by
using EOLN.  Indeed this is the recommended practice.  However in this
mode carriage return is treated as a single character,  separate  from
the  line  feed.    So if a line ends with carriage-return followed by
line feed, you would need two GET's to advance to the beginning of the
next line.  For this reason READLN is recommended as the safest way to
get to the beginning of the next line.  READLN will always get to  the
first  character  of  the  next line, no matter how the line ends.  To
open a file in the mode where you  see  the  end  of  line  character,
specify /E in the options string used in the RESET.  For example


Normally  Pascal  opens the file INPUT for you automatically.  To make
Pascal's automatic open use '/E', you should specify  INPUT:#  in  the
PROGRAM  statement.   The # can be combined with a / if you want INPUT
opened interactively.  E.g.


You may also request the special file TTY to be opened  with  '/E'  by

listing  TTY:# in your PROGRAM statement.  This is the only reason for
listing TTY in a PROGRAM statment.  TTY is always opened, even if  you
don't  list  it.   So the only reason for listing it is if you want to
specify a special option.

'/E' and :# are  extensions.    That  is,  they  are  not  present  in
implementations of Pascal on other computers.  So do not use either of
them if you want your program to be transportable to other systems.

3.5.2 Reading strings

This  implementation allows you to read a whole sequence of characters
at once with a single READ or READLN.  In the simplest case, you might
ask to read an entire line into a single PACKED ARRAY of CHAR.    More
complex  capabilities  are  also available, modelled after SAIL's very
fine string input routines.  An example of the full syntax is

            read(input,array1:howmany:[' ',':'])

This will read characters into the array ARRAY1  until  one  of  three
things happens:

   - One  of the characters mentioned in the "break set" (in this
     case blank or colon) is read.  This  character  (the  "break
     character")  is  not put into the array.  You can find it by
     looking at INPUT^,  since  this  always  contains  the  next
     character  that will be read by READ.  HOWMANY is set to the
     number of characters actually  put  into  the  array.    Any
     integer variable could be used in place of HOWMANY.

   - End  of line is reached in the input.  Again, HOWMANY is set
     to the number of characters put into the  array.    You  can
     tell  that this is what happened because EOLN(INPUT) will be

   - The array is filled.  In this case, INPUT^ is the  character
     that  would  have  overflowed  the array.  You can tell that
     this is what happened because HOWMANY is  set  to  one  more
     than the size of the array in this case.

If the read operation stopped before the end of the array, the rest of
the array is cleared to blanks.

If  you  don't  need a break set, you can leave it out.  You would use
this simpler form of READ if you just wanted to read  into  the  array
until it fills or you get to the end of a line.  Here is an example of
this form of READ:  READ(S:I).

If  you don't want to know how many characters were actually read, you
can also leave out the integer variable.  This would leave you with  a

statement that looked like READ(S).  The READ operation works the same
way  whether  you put in an integer variable or not.  If you don't put
it in, you just don't know how many characters were read.

WARNING:  The integer variable used with READ looks  a  lot  like  the
field  width  specification  used  with  WRITE.  Please do not confuse
these two things.   READ(X:I)  does  not  specify  a  field  width  of
I. Rather  it  asks  for I to be set by the read operation to show how
many characters were actually read.

3.5.3 Turning lower case into upper case

You can ask Pascal to turn all lower case letters it  reads  into  the
equivalent  upper  case  letter.  You do this on a file by file basis,
when you open the file.  Here are two examples:


The /U specifies conversion to upper case.   The  second  argument  to
RESET  is  optional.   It lets you specify the file name to be used in
the RESET.  The second example above  shows  how  to  leave  out  this

                          4. Core Allocation

Except on a KA-10 running Tops-10, PASCAL has dynamic core allocation.
This  means that memory will automatically expand if you do NEW a lot,
or use a large stack.  Thus if you get a message  informing  you  that
you  have  run out of core, it means that you used all of your virtual
memory space.  In such a case, you will probably  want  to  reconsider
your  data  structures  or  algorithms.    Even if you do not get this
message, large-scale use of NEW can turn your program  into  a  memory
hog,  slowing  it down and causing unfriendly scowls in your direction
from the system staff.

If your program uses NEW, you can probably reduce its memory usage  by
using  DISPOSE.    DISPOSE  is  applicable only to pointers to objects
gotten by NEW.  It frees the space used  by  an  object  that  you  no
longer  need.  DISPOSE(P) assumes that P is a pointer, and will return
the object to which P points.  P is set to NIL.

                       5. Extensions to PASCAL

This  version  of  Pascal  has a number of useful extensions.  However
many of them are of interest primarily to system programmers.  In  the
interests of reducing the complexity of this manual, only a few of the
more  important extensions are described here.  You should consult the
complete reference manual if you are interested in a full list.    You
should  feel  free  to skip any or all of this chapter, if it does not
seem to be relevant to you.

5.1 Extended CASE Statement

In standard Pascal, you must list every case that can happen in a CASE
statement.  If a case comes up that you have not listed, the effect is
undefined.  This implementation allows you to define what will  happen
when  cases  come  up  that  you have not listed.  To do this, use the
special case OTHERS.  This  case  will  be  executed  if  the  control
expression  does  not match any of the other cases. If you use OTHERS,
it must be the last case listed.

Here is an example of how you might use OTHERS.  X is assumed to be  a
variables of type CHAR.

       CASE X OF
            'A' : WRITELN('VALUE IS A');
            'B' : WRITELN('VALUE IS B');

5.2 LOOP Statement

Standard  Pascal  provides  only  two  rather  limited kinds of loops.
WHILE makes its test at the beginning.  REPEAT makes its test  at  the
end.    This implementation provides LOOP, a statement that allows you
to put the test anywhere within the loop.

The LOOP statement has the following syntax:

       <loop statement> ::= LOOP
                              <statement> [; <statement> ]
                            EXIT IF <expression> ;
                              <statement> [; <statement> ]

The  expression  must result in a Boolean value.  Note that there must
be exactly one EXIT IF in each LOOP.  It must  not  occur  inside  any
other statement.

5.3 Extra control over file I/O

This  implementation  supplies  you with a number of optional features
that you can use when  you  do  I/O.    Most  of  these  features  are
controlled  by  two extra arguments to RESET and REWRITE.  In standard
Pascal, RESET and REWRITE take only  one  argument,  the  Pascal  file
identifier.    Here  is  an  example  of  a  RESET that uses the extra
arguments in order to take advantage of features present only in  this


     INFILE  This is the Pascal file variable.  It represents the file
               throughout the rest of your program.    You  must  have
               declared it in the VAR section as FILE OF something.

     'TEST.DAT'  This  is  the file name.  You should specify the file
               name in this way if you want the program  to  determine
               the  name of the file.  If you want to ask the user for
               the name of the file, it is better to list the file  in
               the  PROGRAM  statement.    Pascal  will  ask  the user
               automatically about every file listed  in  the  PROGRAM
               statement.    Usually  it does not make sense to list a
               file in the PROGRAM statement and to supply a file name
               in RESET and REWRITE.  This argument is either  a  name
               in  quotes or a variable (of type PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR)
               containing a file name.  You can  use  ''  to  indicate
               that  you are not supplying a file name.  This would be
               useful if you want to specify the  third  argument  but
               not the second.

     '/I/U/E'  This  is  the  option string.  It allows you to specify
               various details about how the file will  be  processed.
               It consists of a number of letters.  Each of them is an
               abbreviation  for  an  option  that you want to select.
               Each letter must be preceeded by a  slash.    The  most
               common options will be described below.

Here are the options that you can specify in the option string:

     /B:nn  Byte  size  specification.    Input  and output is done in
               bytes.  In a text file, Pascal uses  one  byte  in  the
               file for each character read or written.  If you do not
               specify the byte size, Pascal will use a byte size of 7
               for  text  files.    This is what other system software
               uses.  In any file other than a text file, Pascal  uses

               one  byte  in  the  file  for  each  word  in  the file
               component.  If you do specify  the  byte  size,  Pascal
               will  use a byte size of 36 bits for these files.  This
               will allow your data to be stored exactly as it appears
               in memory.  If you specify a byte size, Pascal will use
               it.  You should do this only if you have a  clear  idea
               of  how  items of data are going to appear in the file.
               8 bit bytes are  sometimes  useful  when  dealing  with
               industry-compatible magtape.

     /D Data transmission errors will be handled by the user.  See the
               section  below  on error handling.  A data transmission
               error is usually a physical problem of some  sort.  See
               /F  if  you want to be able to handle problems with the
               format of the data.

     /E End of  line  characters  will  be  visible  to  the  program.
               Normally  Pascal  programs  put  a  blank  in the input
               buffer  at  the  end  of  line.    If  this  option  is
               specified, the actual end of line character will appear
               in  the  buffer.   Normally a single GET will read past
               both a carriage return and a line feed, since they form
               a single line terminator.  If /E is set,  the  carriage
               return  and  the  line feed will be treated as separate
               characters.  However, READLN will still skip them both.

     /F Format errors in the data will be handled by the  user.    See
               the  section  below  on error handling.  A format error
               occurs when the data is readable, but is not what  READ
               wants. E.g. such an error will occur if you try to read
               a  number,  but  the  next  character  in the file is a

     /I Interactive file.  The meaning  of  this  has  been  discussed
               above.   When you do a RESET, Pascal will normally read
               the first component in the file.  This initial read  is
               done  as part of the RESET operation, before it returns
               control to your program.    This  option  will  prevent
               RESET from doing such an initial read.

     /M:nn  Mode  specification.    Currently  you  can  only use this
               specification on Tops-20.  It allows you to specify the
               internal software mode that Pascal will use to  process
               a file.  This option will probably not be much use to a
               normal  user.    It  is  discussed  in  detail  in  the
               reference manual.

     /O Open errors will be handled by the  user.    See  the  section
               below  on  error  handling.   An open error is an error
               that occurs during the RESET  or  REWRITE.    The  most
               common  kinds  of open error are for the specified file
               to be missing or for it to be protected such  that  you
               are not allowed to access it.

     /U  Upper  case  the file.  All lower case letters will be turned

               into  the  equivalent  upper  case.    Only letters are

5.3.1 Labelled tapes

Tops-20  Pascal  has  fairly  powerful  facilities  for  dealing  with
labelled  tapes.  These facilities use Tops-20's special labelled tape
support, so they are not  yet  available  for  Tops-10.    To  read  a
labelled  tape,  you  normally  do  not  need  to do anything special.
However when you write a  labelled  tape,  you  may  want  to  specify
exactly  how  the  file  is  to  be  written.  To do this, you include
"attributes" as part of the file name.  Here is a  typical  file  name
that uses attributes to control the format of a file on tape:


This  entire  string  is considered to be the file name.  You can type
such a string when you are  asked  about  the  files  in  the  program
statement.   Or you can supply such a string as the second argument to
a REWRITE statement.  This particular string asks for  a  file  called
DATA to be written in fixed format, with records of length 80, blocked
100  per  block.    Pascal  will  fill  lines that are shorter than 80
characters with blanks.

The record format is described by  ;FORMAT:x,  where  x  is  a  single
letter.  The following formats are supported by Pascal:

     U  (undefined)  This is the default for output files.  If this is
               what you want, you do not need to use any attributes at
               all.  "MT0:" alone would be sufficient. Pascal  assumes
               that  a  file  in  format U has the same structure as a
               disk file.  That  is,  end  of  lines  are  denoted  by
               carriage  returns,  etc.    Pascal will ignore physical
               record boundaries on the  tape.    If  you  do  not  do
               anything  special,  such  files  can be copied back and
               forth between disk and tape using a simple COPY command
               in the EXEC.  You might want to specify a block size in
               order to make more efficient use of  the  tape.    E.g.
               "MT0:;BLOCK:5120".    Tapes  written  in  format U will
               probably not be readable  on  computers  other  than  a
               DECsystem-10 or DECSYSTEM-20.

     D  (variable)  This format is useful for text files that you want
               to be able to move to other  computers.    This  format
               uses  special  record headers to show where lines begin
               and end.  Carriage returns are not used in this format.
               When dealing with  such  a  file,  WRITELN  causes  the
               current  line to written out, with the proper header at
               the beginning.  It does not  cause  a  carriage  return
               line  feed  to  be written.  EOLN is turned on when you
               come to the end of a line, as defined by the header  at
               the  beginning  of it.  Most other computers understand

               this  format, but do not know about the use of carriage
               returns to define lines.  Unless you really  know  what
               you  are  doing,  you will only be able to use D format
               for text files (files declared TEXT or FILE  OF  CHAR).
               To  use  this  mode,  you should specify something like
               "MT0:;FORMAT:D;BLOCK:5000".  The block size  should  be
               chosen large enough to make reasonably efficient use of
               tape, but not to waste memory.

     F (fixed) This format is also useful when you need to communicate
               with  other  computers.   In it there is nothing on the
               tape to show where lines end.  There  are  no  carriage
               returns  and no headers.  In order to make it work, you
               must declare a fixed line length.  When writing a tape,
               each line will be filled with blanks to be  the  length
               you  specify.    When reading, the system knows where a
               line ends by counting characters.   The  example  above
               showed how to specify format F. You should specify both
               a block size and a record size.  The record size is the
               length  to which you want all lines filled.  The system
               will put as many records of this size as  it  can  into
               one physical tape block. The block size must be an even
               multiple  of  the  record  size.  Again, the block size
               should be big enough not to waste tape.  Unless you are
               an expert you will only be able to use  this  mode  for
               text files.

     S  (spanned) This is a somewhat unusual mode.  It is very similar
               to mode D. However the record headers  are  written  in
               such  a  way  that  records can cross block boundaries.
               This mode makes somewhat more efficient  use  of  tape,
               but  is  more complex to process.  Many other computers
               do not support it.

You do not need to worry about decoding record headers, filling  lines
to be the right length, or counting characters to determine the end of
a  line.    Pascal does all of these things for you.  You only need to
specify what format you want  by  using  the  appropriate  attributes.
WRITELN and EOLN still work as they always do for disk files.  However
instead of dealing with carriage returns they deal with record headers
or character counts.

When you are reading a labelled tape, Pascal can tell the structure of
the  tape  from  the  label.   Thus you should not have to specify any
attributes for an input file.

5.3.2 I/O Error processing

Errors may occur at three different times.  You may decide  separately
how Pascal should handle each of these three error types.

   - Data  transmission  errors:  errors occuring during physical

     I/O operations (GET and PUT).  These would normally indicate
     some problem with the device or medium.

   - Format  errors:  errors  occuring  during  number conversion
     (READ and WRITE).  These would be errors such  as  having  a
     letter appear where you requested that a number be read.

   - Opening  errors:  errors  during  file  opening  (RESET  and
     REWRITE).  These would be errors having something to do with
     the file system, e.g. that the file  you  requested  is  not

When  an  error occurs, the system checks to see whether you specified
that you want to handle this error.  You would have specified this  by
giving the corresponding switch in the option list when you opened the
file.   If you didn't ask to handle this kind of error, the I/O system
will take a default action.  The default actions are as follows:

   - Data transmission  errors:    Print  an  error  message  and
     terminate the program.

   - Format  errors:    If  the  file  involved  is assigned to a
     terminal, ask the user is given to  retype  his  input,  and
     then  continue  with  the  program.  If the file is not on a
     terminal, print an error message and terminate the program.

   - Opening errors:  Ask the user for a new file name.

If you did specify that you want to handle  the  appropriate  kind  of
error, the I/O system will not attempt to do any error recovery of its
own.    The  I/O  procedure  that  your  program was executing will be
aborted, and your program  will  continue.    As  an  indication  that
something  odd  has  happened,  EOF (and EOLN) will be set.  Normally,
future I/O operations will do nothing until  you  recover  the  error.
The  runtimes  are  constructed  so  that the high-level read routines
(READ and READLN) return immediately with no effect when EOF  is  set.
Other  routines  proceed  as  usual, but usually the system sees to it
that they have no effect.  The moral is, if you set one of  the  magic
bits,  you had better check EOF (or ERSTAT, to be explained below) now
and then, or your program may be trying to process non-existent data.

One would hope that you will ask to handle errors yourself only if you
intend to do something about them. To do so  you  need  two  tools:  a
function  to tell you what kind of error has happened, and a procedure
to  clear  out  error  conditions.    These  are  ERSTAT  and  CLREOF,
respectively.   To use these, you must declare them near the beginning
of your  program.    Put  the  following  declarations  anywhere  that
procedure  declarations  would  be legal, at the top (global) level of
your program:

            function erstat(var f:file):integer; extern;
            procedure clreof(var f:file); extern;

They  both  take  one argument, the name of a file.  ERSTAT returns an
internal code for the  most  recent  error,  or  0  if  no  error  has
happened.  Trying to read past the end of file is considered an error.
(Its  code  is  600220B  on  Tops-20,  and 20000B on Tops-10.)  CLREOF
clears an error condition.  It restores EOF and EOLN to  their  normal
states,  and  clears  the error condition in the operating system.  If
you wish to continue with (or  retry)  I/O,  you  should  call  CLREOF
before continuing.

Note  that the error "Quota exceeded or disk full" cannot currently be
processed by your program.  The Pascal I/O system  (Tops-20),  or  the
monitor  (Tops-10)  will print an error message and advise the user to
type CONTINUE after having freed up some disk space.


Pascal automatically closes all files when  a  program  ends.  However
there  are cases where you may want to close a file in the middle of a
program.  You may want to do this to make the file available to  other
programs,   or   simply  to  prevent  the  program  from  changing  it
accidentally later on.  Thus the procedure CLOSE is  available.    The
normal call is


This  closes  the file, but does not release Pascal's internal pointer
to it (the "jfn" on Tops-20, a data block containing the name  of  the
file  on Tops-10).  Thus any future RESET or REWRITE of this file will
use the same file name, unless it includes an explict file name.


You may use RENAME(file,newname) to rename  an  existing  file.    The
newname  argument  is  treated  the  same way as the name argument for
RESET and REWRITE.  It specifies the new name for the file.    If  the
operation works, EOF is set to false, otherwise to true.  (On Tops-10,
there  may  be some problem here at the moment.)  The system must know
which existing file you are referring to.  On Tops-10, the  file  must
be  open.   This means that you must have done a RESET or REWRITE, and
not closed it since.  On Tops-20 you only need to have a jfn  for  the
file.   Specifying the file in the PROGRAM statement will cause Pascal
to get a jfn for it.  Opening the file with RESET or REWRITE will also
get a jfn.  CLOSE will not lose the jfn unless  you  specifically  ask
for  the  jfn  to be returned.  (We have not told you how to do that.)
Once the RENAME is finished, the file will be closed.


DELETE(file) will delete the mentioned file.  As with RENAME, on Tops-
10  the  file must be open.  On Tops-20 Pascal must have a jfn for the
file. (This will be the case  if  it  was  mentioned  in  the  PROGRAM
statement or if RESET, REWRITE, etc., were done on it.)


In  standard  Pascal, the only way you can change a file is by reading
it and writing a new copy.  In this  implementation,  you  can  change
files  without recopying them, as long as they are stored on a random-
access device (probably disk).  If you intend to change a file in this
way, you must open it by using the procedure UPDATE instead  of  RESET
or  REWRITE. When you have opened a file with UPDATE, you may use both
GET and PUT (or READ and WRITE) with it.  There is a  single  "current
position" within the file, which is advanced by both GET and PUT.

UPDATE  has  the  same  arguments  as  RESET.  At a few places in this
manual, we say that a file must have been opened by RESET or  REWRITE.
If a file was opened by UPDATE, that is OK too.

Note  that  EOF is normally false for a file opened by UPDATE.  Pascal
will turn on EOF if you try to read beyond the end of file  or  if  an
error  occurs.  Of course you will never see EOF after an error unless
you requested user error handling in your UPDATE.  (See  5.3.)    Note
that  it  is  perfectly  legitimate  to  write beyond the end of file.
Pascal simply moves the end of file to be after the new data.

5.8 Random access

It is possible to move around a file randomly when it is on a  direct-
access  device  (i.e.  disk or some equivalent).  In order to use this
facility, you must know what a  "byte"  is.    Unless  you  are  doing
something  wierd, a byte is one character for normal text files, and a
word for other (binary) files.  The procedures that  implement  random
access  use  a  byte serial number to keep track of their position.  I
will henceforth call this the "position".  This number refers  to  the
number  of bytes between the beginning of the file and the position in
question.  Thus the beginning of the file is position 0.

CURPOS(FILE) returns the current position of the  file.  This  is  the
position  at  which  the next thing to be read or written would begin.
When a file has just been opened, the position is, of course, 0.  Note
that CURPOS may give an error if used with a file not on disk.

SETPOS(FILE,POSITION)  sets  the  file  buffer  so  it  points  to the
position indicated.

     If  the  file  is  open  for  input  (it was opened with RESET or
               UPDATE), SETPOS goes to the position indicated and gets
               the record there into the Pascal buffer.  This involves
               reading  a  record   (effectively   doing   GET(file)).
               Because   of   this   reading,   the  current  position
               immediately after a SETPOS is the position you gave  it
               + the record size of the file.  Because of this, SETPOS
               followed by a GET or PUT may not do what you expected.

     If  the  file  is  open  for write (it was opened with REWRITE or
               APPEND), SETPOS goes  to  the  position  indicated  and
               clears the buffer.

     SETPOS(file,position,true)   is  a  special  form  that  prevents
               reading the record, in case the file is open for input.
               The file buffer is  cleared.    After  this  call,  the
               current  position  is  the  position  requested  in the
               SETPOS call.

This convention of setting the buffer  to  the  record  specified  has
caused some confusion.  The following code sequences will probably not
do what you had in mind.

    f^ := <stuff>;

The  problem  here  is  that  SETPOS  reads  the record at location 3,
leaving the current position somewhere later.  Thus the PUT  writes  a
record   at   a   later   location.    The  writer  should  have  used
SETPOS(f,3,true) to prevent reading the record at location 3.

    f^.use := f^.use + 1;

Here the user wanted the SETPOS to read the record at position 3.   He
then  changed  it  and wrote it out again.  Unfortunately the PUT does
not put the changed record back at position 3.    Because  the  SETPOS
read  a  record,  it  leaves  the  file  pointer positioned after that
record.  The PUT then writes over the next record in the  file.    The
writer  should  have used PUTX instead of PUT.  This rewrites the most
recently  read  record.    In  this  case,   it   is   equivalent   to
SETPOS(f,3,true); PUT(f).

    f^.name := 'hedrick';
    f^.num := 45892;

Here the user thought he was writing a record containing 'Hedrick' and
45892  at  position 123.  However SETPOS clears the file buffer in the

cases  where  it doesn't read a record.  So a blank record was written
at position 123.

On Tops-10, SETPOS is only legal with files  opened  for  input  (i.e.
with  RESET  or  UPDATE).   On Tops-20, it is sometimes possible to do
SETPOS on files opened for output only (i.e. with REWRITE or APPEND).

If you SETPOS to a position beyond the end of file, the next read will
set EOF.  If you really wanted to read, you should SETPOS  to  a  more
reasonable  position.   This will reset EOF.  It is perfectly legal to
write beyond the end of file, however.  Doing so extends the length of
the file.  If you SETPOS to a position beyond the end of the  file  on
Tops-20,  it  is  possible to leave non-existent pages between the old
end of file and the newly written part.  These should cause no trouble
to PASCAL (such pages are treated as full of binary zeroes),  but  may
for programs written in other languages.

5.9 I/O to strings

It is often convenient to be able to use the number-scanning abilities
of  READ  to  process  a  string  of  characters  in an array of CHAR.
Similarly, it may be useful to  use  the  formatting  capabilities  of
WRITE  to  make up a string of characters.  To allow these operations,
this implementation provides a facility to treat  a  packed  array  of
CHAR  as  if  it  were  a file, allowing READ from it and WRITE to it.
This facility is  equivalent  to  the  REREAD  and  REWRITE  functions
present in many implementations of FORTRAN.

To  make  use of this, you must use a file that has been declared FILE
OF CHAR.  Rather than using RESET or REWRITE to  initialize  I/O,  you
use  STRSET  or  STRWRITE  instead.  These associate a string with the
file and set the internal file pointer to the beginning of the  string
(in    the    simplest    case).       A   typical   call   would   be
STRSET(FILE1,MYARRAY).  After that call is issued FILE1  can  be  used
with  READ, etc., and will take successive characters out of the array
MYARRAY.  Similarly, one might do STRWRITE(FILE2,YOURARRAY), and  then
use  WRITE(FILE2,...)  to  write  things into YOURARRAY.  Note that as
with a RESET, an implicit GET is done as part of  the  STRSET.    Thus
immediately  after the STRSET, the first character of the string is in
the file buffer.

It is possible to start I/O at a location other than the beginning  of
the  array.  To do so, use a third argument, which is the index of the
first element to be transferred.  E.g.  STRSET(FILE1,MYARRAY,5)  means
that  the  GET  will  retrieve  element  5  from  MYARRAY.    (This is
MYARRAY[5].  It is not necessarily the fifth element, since the  index
might be -20..6 or something.)

There is a procedure to see where you currently are in the string.  It
is GETINDEX(file,variable).  Variable is set to the current index into
the  array.    This is the index of the thing that will be read by the
next GET (or written by the next PUT).

Note  that no runtime error messages will ever result from string I/O.
Should you run over the end of the string, PASCAL will simply set  EOF
(or  clear  it  if you are doing output).  It will also set EOF if you
read  an  illegal  format  number.    (GETINDEX  will  allow  you   to
discriminate these two cases, if you care.)

There is also a fourth optional argument to STRSET and STRWRITE.  This
sets a limit on how much of the array will be used.  It thus gives you
the   effect  of  the  substring  operator  in  PL/I.    For  example,
STRWRITE(F1,AR1,3,6) will make it possible to change characters 3 to 6
inclusive.  If absent,  the  fourth  argument  defaults  to  the  last
location in the array.

Beware  that  it  is possible to set a file to an array, and then exit
the block in which the array is defined.  The file  is  then  pointing
out into nowhere.  This is not currently detected.

                   6. PASCAL Debug System (PASDDT)

A  PASCAL program may be run with the PASCAL Debug System by using the
monitor command DEBUG instead of EXECUTE.  (Successful debugging  also
requires  that the program be assembled with /DEBUG, but this is on by
default.)  For example, the following command will cause  the  program
GAUSS to be run under the control of PASDDT:

            DEBUG GAUSS.PAS

PASDDT  is an extra command interpreter that allows you to control how
your program is executed.  It lets you stop  your  program  at  places
that  you  have  specified  in advance, or trace its execution line by
line.  When PASDDT is control, you can look at the  current  value  of
the  variables in your program (using normal PASCAL notation), and you
can even assign new values to them.

6.1 How PASDDT works

PASDDT commands can only be given when PASDDT is in control.  When you
start out debugging a program, PASDDT is initially in control.  PASDDT
continues accepting commands from you until you tell it to start  your
program.    Once  you have done that, your program is in control until
something happens to return control to PASDDT.  Here are the ways that
PASDDT can regain control:

   - You can set a "breakpoint".  This is a specific line in your
     program where you would like to have the opportunity to look
     at variables or do other PASDDT commands.  When the  program
     reaches  such  a line during its execution, it is suspended,
     and control returns to PASDDT.  You  insert  breakpoints  by
     using the STOP command, described below.

   - You  can  request "single stepping".  In this case, one line
     of the program is executed at a time, with PASDDT  regaining
     control  after each line is executed.  You enter single step
     mode by using the STEP command.

   - When an error occurs, control goes to PASDDT, to  allow  you
     to examine the program context when the error happened.

   - If  you  need to get into the debugger while your program is
     running,  the  procedure  differs  somewhat  depending  upon
     whether  you are running under Tops-10 or Tops-20.  On Tops-
     20, you simply type ^D (control-D).  When you type  ^D,  you
     program  will  immediately  be suspended and PASDDT will get
     control.  This will work no matter what the program  happens
     to  be  doing  at  the  time.    On  Tops-10, such interrupt

     characters  are  not  available.  So there you would ^C your
     program, and type the command DDT to the monitor.  This will
     cause you to enter PASDDT.

Once  PASDDT  has  regained  control,  you  can  look  at  and  change
variables,  and do other PASDDT commands.  Then you can request PASDDT
to continue your program.  When you do,  your  program  will  continue
from exactly where it was when it was stopped.

Many  PASDDT  commands  use  line  numbers  to refer to a line in your
program.  If your file contains SOS line numbers, these  line  numbers
are  used.    Otherwise,  1 refers to the first line, 2 to the second,

Many files are organized into pages.  In  SOS  and  TVEDIT  there  are
special  commands  to produce page marks.  In other editors, pages are
delimited by form feed characters (^L, control-L).  In PASDDT you  can
specify line 75 on page 3 by the syntax "75/3".  If you do not specify
a  page  number,  it  is assumed that you are referring to the current
page (the page on which  the  most  recent  typeout  of  program  text
began).   Line numbers start over again with 1 on each page (except in
SOS file, where the SOS line numbers are used).

Here are some examples of legal line number specifications.

     1864 line 1864 on the current page

     1200/5 line 1200 on page 5

     * the current line (where the most recent typeout of program text

You can find out what the current line and  page  are  by  typing  the
command "*="

6.2 Commands for controlling your program

The  section  will describe commands that start and stop your program,
thus determining when PASDDT will get control.

After you issue the DEBUG command, your program will  go  through  the
normal  startup  dialog.    It  will  ask for file names for all files
listed in the PROGRAM statement, just as it usually would.   If  INPUT
is assigned to the terminal (and is not declared interactive), it will
ask  for  the  first  line  of  input from the terminal.  Once this is
finished, PASDDT will get control.  You will see  something  like  the

            @debug merge.pas
            LINK:   Loading
            [LNKXCT MERGE Execution]
            OUTPUT    : tty:
            > Stop at main BEGIN - module MERGE open at 270/1
            270     for i := 1 to 36 do
            271       for j := 1 to 104 do
            272         for k := 1 to 11 do

The  >>  prompt  shows  that  PASDDT is waiting for a command.  PASDDT
always shows you the line of your program that will be  executed  next
if you continue the program.  In this case it is line 270 on page 1 of
your  program.    A  message like this will be printed whenever PASDDT
gets control from your program.

The following commands can be used to control when  Pascal  will  next
get control:

                           STOP line-number

This  puts  a  breakpoint at the specified line.  If you continue your
program's execution, and it ever reaches this line, the  program  will
be  suspended  and PASDDT put in control.  You will then see a message
similar to the one shown above.  The >>  prompt  will  tell  you  that
PASDDT is again waiting for commands.

                              STOP LIST

Lists the line numbers of all the breakpoints.

                         STOP NOT line-number

Removes the breakpoint at the specified line.

                             STOP NOT ALL

Removes all breakpoints.


This  ends  the  control by PASDDT.  It causes your program to proceed
from the point where it was most recently stopped.  The  program  will
continue until something happens to give control back to PASDDT.  Most
commonly  it  will continue until it reaches a line where a breakpoint
has been set.  If you have been single-stepping, END  cancels  single-
step mode.

6.3 Single step mode

Single  step  mode is a convenient way of executing your program while
maintaining a maximum  of  control  under  PASDDT.    In  contrast  to
breakpoints, which are used when you know what part of the program you
are  interested in looking at, single step mode is used when you don't
know exactly what you are looking for.  It causes  only  one  line  of
your program to be executed.  PASDDT regains control at every line.

Here  is  what  you  will see at each line when you are in single step

    > Stop in MERGE:270/1
    270     for i := 1 to 36 do
    271       for j := 1 to 104 do
    272         for k := 1 to 11 do

This indicates that the next line to be executed is line 270  on  page
1.    The  prompt of S> instead of >> indicates that you are in single
step mode.

Here are the commands that are used  to  start  and  stop  single-step
mode, and to control your program when you are in it:


Start  single-stepping.    This  will  cause  your  program  to regain
control, but will return control to PASDDT at the  next  line.    This
command  is  valid  whether  you  are  in single-step mode or not.  It
leaves you in single-step mode.

                           carriage return

When you  are  in  single-step  mode,  a  simple  carriage  return  is
equivalent to the command STEP.  This is simply a convenience to allow
you  to move through your program without having to type the word S-T-
E-P for each line to be done.  In fact  the  only  difference  between
single  step  mode  and  normal PASDDT is the fact that in single-step
mode,  carriage  return  and  escape  are  available   as   convenient
abbreviations.    All  normal  PASDDT  commands are still available in
single-step mode.


When  you  are  in  single-step  mode,  you  sometimes  find  yourself
steppping  through procedures in which you are not interested.  If you
hit the escape key, execution of your program will continue until  the
program  exits from the procedure it is currently executing.  When the
program reaches the next line after the call to that procedure, PASDDT
will regain control.  You will probably have  to  try  single-stepping
before you see why this is a useful feature.


You  get  out  of  single-step  mode by continuing your program in the
normal way, i.e. by the END command.

6.4 Commands for looking at and changing variables

The main reason for using PASDDT is that it lets you look at  what  is
going on inside your program.  The commands listed in this section are
those  that  allow  you  to  look  at variables, and even change their

                              variable =

This command shows you the value of  a  variable  from  your  program.
There  is some problem because of Pascal's block structure.  There can
be 25 different variables in your program all called "I".  Each one is
defined in a different procedure.   PASDDT  uses  the  same  rule  for
figuring  out  which one you mean that Pascal itself uses.  The search
starts at the location that was shown when PASDDT gained control  (the
next  line  to be executed).  Any variable defined in the procedure of
which that line is a part is used first.  Then  procedures  containing
that  one  are  searched, until the search ends with global variables.
Procedures that do not contain the next line to be  executed  are  not

Note  that  variable  is  any  legal  Pascal  variable.    You can use
subscripts, dots, and pointer arrows, and even complex combinations of
these.  If you ask for an array or structure, all of its elements will
be printed.  (For an array, several identical elements are printed  in
a abbreviated form.)

Integer variables can be printed in hexadecimal or octal by using "=h"
or "=o" respectively after the variable name.

                          variable := value

This allows you to change the value of a variable.  Whatever value you
set  it  to  will  be  used  by the program if you continue it.  Value
should be a Pascal constant of a type  compatible  with  the  variable


Trace gives you a "backtrace", a list of what procedures are currently
active,  and  where  they were called from.  If you do not want to see
the whole backtrace, you can use the following form:

                               TRACE n

which prints only the first N procedure calls from the full trace.


Stackdump  prints  the value of all local variables.  Needless to say,
this output can get a bit voluminous.  Thus it is possible  to  direct
the output of this command to a file:

                         STACKDUMP 'filename'

It  is  also  possible  to  specify  that  you  only want to see local
variables from the N innermost procedures currently active.  (You  can
see what these are from the output of TRACE.)

                             STACKDUMP n

6.5 Looking around in the source file

Sometimes  you  will  want  to  place  a breakpoint somewhere, but not
remember the exact line number.  Or for some other reason you may need
to look around in the source file.  For this purpose, PASDDT  has  two
commands useful for looking around.

6.6 FIND 'string'

This  command  searches forward in the source file, beginning from the
current location (denoted by a dot).  It looks for the first occurence
of the string specified.  In doing the search, upper  and  lower  case
letters  are considered equivalent.  So if you say FIND 'MYPROC', this
will match an appearance of MyProc in the source file.  The first line
found will be displayed, and will become the new current line.

                       TYPE start-line end-line

This allows you to type out any  part  of  the  source  file  on  your
terminal.    If  you  specify only one line number, just that one line
will be typed.  The ending line number can be  something  ridiculously
big if you want to see everything to the end of the file.

6.7 A warning about confusing PASDDT

It is possible for PASDDT to become confused about where it is in your
program.    This  will  generally  happen if you transfer to PASDDT by
typing ^D (control-D) in the middle of your program. (Or  on  Tops-10,
typing  ^C  and then the monitor command DDT.)  As long as the part of
your program that is written is Pascal is being executed, things  will
be fine.  But if you happen to be in one of the library routines (e.g.
I/O  routines, NEW, or routines written in another language and loaded

with  your  Pascal program), PASDDT will be unable to figure out where
you are.  In this case, it will usually claim that you are  at  either
line 0/0, or at the last line in your program.

The  only  serious  problem raised by this case is that you can't tell
exactly where you are in the program.  The usual functions  of  PASDDT
should still work.  Note that the TRACE command will at least tell you
what  procedure  you  are  in.   And END and STEP can still be used to
continue your program.  (In fact STEP is a convenient way to find  out
where  you are, as it will cause a stop at the next line in the source

The problem happens most often when you stop the program while  it  is
waiting for input from the terminal.

                 7. Standard Procedures and Functions

The  following  standard  procedures  and  functions (described in the
Revised PASCAL Report(ref)) are implemented.

      Standard Functions   Standard Procedures

            ABS             GET
            SQR             PUT
            ODD             RESET (See 5.3)
            SUCC            REWRITE (See 5.3)
            PRED            NEW
            ORD             READ
            CHR             READLN (See 3.5)
            TRUNC           WRITE (See 3.4)
            ROUND           WRITELN (See 3.4)
            EOLN            PAGE
            EOF             PACK
            SIN             UNPACK

Additional mathematical functions are available:

            ARCSIN          SIND
            ARCCOS          COSD
            SINH            LOG

The following functions  may  be  used  to  simulate  the  missing  **
operator.  They must be declared EXTERN.




Additional  standard  functions.    Those  prefixed  by a star are not
described in this document.  See the full manual.

     CURPOS(file) returns the current position in a file.  See section

               5.8.    Only  valid  for files on random access device.
               (type integer)

     DATE result is a PACKED ARRAY  [1..9]  OF  CHAR.    The  date  is
               returned in the form 'DD-Mmm-YY'.

     *NEXTFILE(file).  Advances to the next spec for a wildcard file.

     RANDOM(dummy) result is a real number in the interval 0.0 .. 1.0.
               Ignores its argument, but an argument is required.

     *RECSIZE(file) returns the record size of the file.

     RUNTIME elapsed CPU time in msec (type integer)

     TIME current time in msec (type integer)

Additional standard procedures:

     *APPEND(file,name,...).    Like  REWRITE, but extends an existing

     *BREAK(file). Forces out the output buffer of a file.

     *BREAKIN(file,noget). Clears the input buffer count.

     *CALLI(calli number ...). Arbitrary monitor call.  Tops-10 only.

     CLOSE(file,bits). Close file and release its channel. See section

     DELETE(file). Delete file.  See 5.6.

     *DISMISS(file). Abort creation of a file.

     GETINDEX(file,index). If file is open  on  a  string  (STRSET  or
               STRWRITE), sets index to current index into the string.
               (See section 5.9.)

     *GETLINENR(file,lineno).   Lineno must be a packed array of char.
               It is set to the last line number seen in the file.  If
               no line numbers have been seen '-----' is returned.   '
               '  is  returned  for  a page mark.  If file is omitted,
               INPUT is assumed.

     *JSYS(jsysnumber, ...). Arbitrary monitor call.  Tops-20 only.

     *MARK(index). Save state of the heap.

     *PUTX(file). Rewrite record in update mode.

     *RCLOSE(file).  Close, releasing jfn.

     *RELEASE(index).  Restore saved state of the heap.

     RENAME(file,name,...). Rename an open file.  See 5.5.

     SETPOS(file,position).  Move in random access file.  See 5.8.

     STRSET(file,array,...).  Open input file on array.  See 5.9.

     STRWRITE(file,array,...).  Open output file on array.  See 5.9.

     UPDATE(file,name,...).  Open  random  access file for revising in
               place.  See section 5.7.

Although it is not exactly a procedure or function,  some  explanation
should  be  given of the MOD operator.  X MOD Y is the remainder after
dividing X by Y, using integer division.  The sign of  the  result  is
the  same  as  the  sign  of X (unless the result is zero, of course).
Note that this  is  a  different  definition  than  the  one  used  by
mathematicians.    For them X MOD Y is always between 0 and Y-1.  Here
it may be between -(Y-1)  and  +(Y-1),  depending  upon  the  sign  of
X. This   implementation  is  used  for  consistency  with  the  Cyber
implementation, which is the semi-official standard.  Note  that  SAIL
(and  some  other  widely  used  languages)  also  use  this perverted
definition of MOD.

                    8. Implementation Restrictions

a) A maximum of 20 labels is permitted in any one procedure.  (This is
an  assembly  parameter.  The whole restriction may be removed easily,
at the cost of some extra local  fixups  in  the  .REL  file.)    This
includes  both  labels  declared in the LABEL section and those not so
declared.  (Labels need be declared only if they will be the object of
a non-local goto.)

b) Printer control characters are  not  available.    A  new  page  is
started by a call to the standard procedure PAGE.

c)  Procedures and functions may be passed as parameters to procedures
and functions, as described in the Revised  Report(ref)  We  have  not
modified  the  syntax  to  allow  declaration of the arguments to such
parametric procedures/functions.  (Prof.    Nagel's  version  contains
such   a   modification.)      Also,   note  that  when  a  parametric
procedure/function is called, all of the arguments passed to  it  must
fit  in  the accumulators.  Normally this allows 5 arguments, although
certain arrays count as 2 arguments, and  functions  allow  one  extra
argument.  An appropriate error message is given if this constraint is

d) A maximum of 40000 words of code may be generated for any procedure
or  function.  Since /DEBUG and /CHECK produce more code, it is normal
to run into this limit when /DEBUG  is  turned  on  in  programs  that
compile  correctly for /NODEBUG.  The error message "Too many cases in
CASE statement" is usually caused by a procedure or function  that  is
too  long, rather than by too many cases.  (There is no separate limit
to the number of cases in a CASE statement.)  The  maximum  number  of
words  is  an assembly parameter, so it may be expanded easily, if the
compiler is recompiled.

e) Only comparisons described in the PASCAL manual can be done.  There
were serious problems with the earlier attempt to allow comparison  of
arbitrary records and arrays.

f)  Sets  may only be defined on types or subranges of types having 72
or fewer members.  With subranges of integers the set may only include
0 to 71.  With enumerated types it  may  include  only  the  first  72
members of the enumeration.  Special provisions are made to allow sets
of CHAR.  The problem is that there are 128 possible ASCII characters.
This problem is "solved" by treating certain characters as equivalent.
In  particular,  lower  case  letters are treated as equivalent to the
corresponding upper case letter.  And all  control  characters  except
for the tab are treated as equivalent.  Thus ['a'] is exactly the same
set  as ['A'].  (One of those is lower case and the other upper case.)
Similarly 'a' in ['A'] will succeed.  And ['^X'] is the  same  set  as

g) WRITE(TTY,X,Y) actually writes to the file TTYOUTPUT.  This mapping
of TTY into TTYOUTPUT occurs at compile time.  So if you pass the file
TTY  to  a  procedure  as parameter F, WRITE(F,X,Y) is not transformed

into WRITE(TTY,X,Y).  It is not clear whether this is a bug or not.

h)  This  compiler  attempts  to  check  that  assignments to subrange
variables are within the subrange.  It is possible to fool  this  test
by  using  VAR  parameters.   These problems cannot be overcome unless
there is some way for the compiler to tell which  VAR  parameters  are
intended as inputs to the procedure and which as outputs.

i)  The  contents  of  unused  bits  in  packed  arrays and records is
undefined.  This should not cause trouble, except in programs the play
fast and loose with variant records, or programs that pass  arrays  of
type  PACKED  ARRAY  OF  CHAR  to  Fortran  programs.    Many  Fortran
programmers will use  integer  comparisons  on  character  data,  thus
requiring the low order bit in the word to be zero.  The code compiled
in  Pascal  to  compare PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR variables ignores the low
order bit, so this does not cause a problem in Pascal.  If you require
unused fields to be zero in all cases, you can set /ZERO or (*$Z+*).

j) Only the first 10 characters of identifiers are  examined,  so  all
identifiers  must  be  unique to their first 10 characters.  Note that
the Revised Report(ref) only requires the implementation  to  look  at
the first 8.

k)  All  of  the  entry  points in the runtime library are effectively
reserved external names.  That is, if  you  use  one  of  these  names
either  as your program name (in the PROGRAM statement) or as the name
of a procedure in a file of external procedures, disaster may  result.
Any  name whose first six characters is the same as one of these names
will cause the problem.  You can sometimes  get  away  with  violating
this  rule  if your program does not use any of the features of Pascal
which cause the particular runtime routine involved to be invoked.  As
of the time when this document was prepared, the  following  were  the
entry  point  names.    For  an  up  to  date  list,  use  the command

l)  The compiler does not enforce the restriction that a FOR loop body
may not change the controlled variable.  The  following  statement  is
illegal,  but  will compile under this compiler:  FOR I := 1 TO N DO I
:= I+1 It will do every other value of I. 

                          Table of Contents

1. How to compile and execute your program.                          1

1.1 How to use the normal compiler                                   1
1.2 Compiler switches                                                3

2. How to Write a Program (Lexical Issues)                           6

3. Input/Output                                                      8

3.1 Standard Files                                                   8
3.2 Other ways of specifying a file name                             9
3.3 Details about terminal I/O                                      10
     3.3.1 The first line of input from INPUT and TTY               10
     3.3.2 Odd effects for READLN                                   12
     3.3.3 Summary of how to do it right                            13
3.4 Formatted Output                                                13
3.5 Reading characters                                              16
     3.5.1 Turning end of lines into blanks                         17
     3.5.2 Reading strings                                          18
     3.5.3 Turning lower case into upper case                       19

4. Core Allocation                                                  20

5. Extensions to PASCAL                                             21

5.1 Extended CASE Statement                                         21
5.2 LOOP Statement                                                  21
5.3 Extra control over file I/O                                     22
     5.3.1 Labelled tapes                                           24
     5.3.2 I/O Error processing                                     25
5.4 CLOSE                                                           27
5.5 RENAME                                                          27
5.6 DELETE                                                          28
5.7 UPDATE                                                          28
5.8 Random access                                                   28
5.9 I/O to strings                                                  30

6. PASCAL Debug System (PASDDT)                                     32

6.1 How PASDDT works                                                32
6.2 Commands for controlling your program                           33
6.3 Single step mode                                                35
6.4 Commands for looking at and changing variables                  36
6.5 Looking around in the source file                               37
6.6 FIND 'string'                                                   37
6.7 A warning about confusing PASDDT                                37

7. Standard Procedures and Functions                                39

8. Implementation Restrictions                                      42