
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-11 - 43,50531/pasio.mac
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;Edit history - begins suddenly with edit 2 - no version number is
;  used, since it can't go in a library file anyway (it would override
;  the version number of the main program).

;2 - make it run under tenex and tops-20, so we can bootstrap and test the
;	system on Tops-20 using the emulator.  the problem is the page. UUO
;3 - fix computation of number of buffers in updat1.  This is probably
;	the mysterious CSL patch that didn't get in the master source.
;	code was total garbage before
;4 - make the default Tops-10 in case of an old .rel file that doesn't
;	call pasim. Make internal so other routines can check
;5 - =2 in tops20 pasnum.mac - implement break set in string read
;6 - =3 in tops20 pasnum.mac - make real numbers read in have same
;	representation as compiled
;7 - prevent finding arithmetic errors in runtimes
;10 - fix bug in counting destination in readps
;11 - detect wraparound in corerr
;12 - use tops-20 table-driven strategy for GETCH
;13 - fix readps for version 106 compiler PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR
;14 - do clrbfi on fatal errors
;15 - =7 in tops20 pasnum.mac - make real number reader read exact fractions exactly
;16 - allow user to enable for end of tape
;17 - retrofit to KA
;20 - add DELETE
;21 - fix to real number reader, =12 in tops-20 pasnum.mac

;Version 2 - reorganize to be table-driven along the lines of the Tops-20
; implementation.
;22 - fix chkmta to clear LH bit
;23 - changed error handling around to keep from clearing the rest of the
;     record when get EOF in the middle of a record.  This required changing
;     most of the error routines, to have skip/no-skip returns instead of
;     aborting the caller (which was a bad idea anyway)
;24 - moved LSTREC to XIO
;25 - move fndchn and loschn to separate module, for Fortran interface
;26 - add support for DISPOSE
;27 - fixes to random access
;30 - typo in PUTU
;31 - set page-modified flag after IDPB, not before (be sure on right page!)
;32 - at putcu, fix skip that skiped into error code
;33 - block number off by one on files being written
;34 - clean up defn of breakin
;35 - fix NEWCL.  Roles of AC 1 and 2 had been reversed
;36 - fix to allow programs to go virtual
	TWOSEG 400000
	if1, <printx TOPS-10 version>


	entry initb.,init.b,gotoc.,dispc.,ilfil.
	entry getchn	
	entry relchn	
	entry curchn	
	entry analys,upcase
	entry endl,runer.
	entry rename,resdev,update
repeat 0,<
	entry dumpin,dumpou,usetin,usetou	
	entry delf.
	entry append
	entry curpos,setpos

	intern brkdn.,
	intern geter.
	intern in.ddt,erend,in.crt
	intern norcht,illfn,norchx
	intern in.use

	EXTERN PARSE,fn.chn,lo.chn,enterc,leavec

	;registers and file block

	search pasunv,uuosym

ifn ka10sw,<
> ;ifn ka10sw



	%close==close	;These are because of MACRO10 bugs
	%wait==<calli 10>

	subttl memory allocation routines

;memory structure:
; I/O buffers are at .JBFF, maintained by monitor
; NEW area is just below 400000, maintained by NEW routine.
;  LSTNEW is address of last location used by NEW
;  NEWBND is lowest address NEW can use without getting core
; stack and heap is above hiseg code, maintained by CORERR
;  ac 15 points to highest address available to stack without new core
;    (Note that ac 15 used to be LSTNEW, in effect, and so is called NEWREG)
;about reentrancy:
; We intend to implement PSI interrupts eventually, so some care has
;  gone into making sure this code can all be interrupted.  If NEW
;  or CORERR are interrupted at the wrong time, certain things can
;  be needlessly redone, but it should work.  Note that if the
;  interrupting process expands core during an interrupt in NEW or
;  CORERR, there can be more core than we thought, and the PAGE. UUO
;  will fail (as the page requested already exists.  This should be
;  OK.)  Also note that if the interrupter does NEW or CORERR,
;  stkexp+1 can be different after the PAGE. than we set it.  However,
;  that should cause no trouble.  There is also a problem with I/O.
;  An interrupt process may not use the same file used by the main prog,
;  as there would be conflict in accessing the file block.  The state of
;  the TTY file should be saved and restored to allow this to be relaxed.
;assumptions about interrupt process:
; ac 17, the PDL pointer, it returned to where it was before
; ac 15, the highest avail hiseg address, may be increased if more
;    core is gotten during the interrupt
; newbnd and lstnew may be decreased if NEW is done during the
;    interrupt.  Note that NEW is coded so this should cause no
;    trouble.
; if I/O is done, all channels are closed, so that INUSE is restored.
;    This is necessary in case we are interrupted at a bad time during
;    GETCHN.  We should make GETCHN more clever, to relax this.
; AC's other than 15 and 17 must be saved and restored by the
;    interrupt

	w==14		;[11] be careful - AC not usually free in runtimes - just at block entry time

ife ka10sw,< ;[17]
dcorer:	move w,ac0	;[11] desired location
	caige w,(basis)	;[11] wraparound ?
	jrst cordon	;[11] yes - done for
	jrst corerl	;[11] enter main corget loop
corerr:	hrrz w,-2(ac1)	;[11] addr field of CAIG before call
	addi w,(p)	;[11] i.e. add rh(p) - addr field is offset from stack
corerl:	camge w,newreg	;[11] do we have it?
	jrst (ac1)	;yes - return
	move ac0,newreg	;highest we have
	lsh ac0,-11	;get page number
	addi ac0,1	;get a new page
	caile ac0,776	;see if about to overwrite PFH
	jrst cordon	;we're done for
	hrrm ac0,stkexp+1	;and save for page. UUO
;[2] ready for page. see if need to simulate for tops-20 or tenex
	move ac0,	;[2] get monitor type

repeat 0,<  ;this code uses a simulation of the page. UUO.  It works, but
	    ;at the moment we prefer to have initialization do a CORE UUO
	    ;that allocates all of memory
	cain ac0,4	;[2] tops-20
	jrst cor20	;[2] requires real simulation
  > ;repeat 0

	caie ac0,1	;[2] tops-10 will continue for page.
	jrst corsuc	;[2] others (tenex?) create on reference
;[2] code to do page. for tops-10
	hrli ac0,1	;create a page
	hrri ac0,stkexp	;address spec
	page. ac0,	
	 jrst corfai	;page may already exist, if restarted, or interrupted
			;between the camge and here
corsuc:	hrrz ac0,stkexp+1	;[36] may be larger than what we put there
			;if we were interrupted
	lsh ac0,11	;make an address
	tro ac0,777	;highest in page is OK
	move newreg,ac0	;and make it highest legal
	jrst corerl	;[11] now see if need still more

corfai:	cain ac0,3	;page already exists
	jrst corsuc	;pretend we succeeded
	caie ac0,12	;over cormax
	jrst cordon	;some other problem
	move ac0,stkexp+1	;the page being created
	tloe ac0,200000	;specify on disk?
	jrst cordon	;then we can't do anything
	movem ac0,stkexp+1	;try again on disk
	jrst corerl	;[11] bypass success code
> ;ife ka10sw
ifn ka10sw,< ;[17]
> ;ifn ka10sw

cordon:	outstr [asciz /
?	No memory for stack/]
	jrst erend

ife ka10sw,<
repeat 0,<
   ;At the moment we don't need this routine, because we do an initial
   ;CORE UUO to assign all of memory
;[2] routine to simulate page. UUO for tops-20.  Just have to access a word
;[2]   on the new page to get the monitor to create it.  But the emulator
;[2]   has set up a trap for such cases to allow it to catch ill mem ref's.
;[2]   this trap must be turned off before we create and then back on.
cor20:	hrl 16,1	;[2] save ac 1 (lh 16 is redundant)
	move 0,2	;[2] save ac 2
	movei 1,400000	;[2] current process
	movei 2,1b22	;[2] nxm interrupt
	104000,,133	;[2] dic - disable interrupt
	hrrz 2,stkexp+1	;[2] get page to be created
	lsh 2,11	;[2] turn into address
	move 2,(2)	;[2] access it
	movei 2,1b22	;[2] now enable interrupt again
	104000,,131	;[2] aic - enable interrupt
	hlrz 1,16	;[2] restore ac's
	hrl 16,16	;[2] 
	move 2,0	;[2] 
	jrst corsuc	;[2] finished with simulation
>  ;repeat 0


getnew:	movn ac1,reg	;must change lstnew and read it in same
			;instruction if we are to be interrupted
	addb ac1,lstnew	;subtract length asked for from lstnew
	caml ac1,.jbff	;see if there is room
	JRST   . +3
	ADDI ac1,(REG)		
	JRST NEWERR 			;   MOVEI REG,^O377777
newlop:	caml ac1,newbnd		;is memory there?
	move ac0,newbnd		;get lowest we have
	lsh ac0,-11		;make page number
	subi ac0,1		;and get next
	hrrm ac0,heaexp+1	;page request
;[2] ready for page. UUO.  call emulations if not tops-10
	move ac0,		;[2] get monitor type code

repeat 0,<  ;At the moment we don't need this code, because we do an
	    ;initial CORE UUO to allocate all of memory
	cain ac0,4		;[2] if tops-20, need real simulation
	jrst new20		;[2] 
  > ;repeat 0

	caie ac0,1		;[2] if tops-10, continue into page.
	jrst newsuc		;[2] else (tenex) assume reference creates
;[2] do page. UUO
	hrli ac0,1		;create a page
	hrri ac0,heaexp		
	page. ac0,		
	 jrst newfai
newsuc:	hrrz ac0,heaexp+1	;[36] page we created (usually)
	lsh ac0,11		;turn into address
	movem ac0,newbnd	;lowest legal
	jrst newlop		;see if we need more
> ;ife ka10sw

newnil:	caig reg,0		;here if would return NIL
	movei reg,1		;if size=0, use 1, or get a loop
	jrst getnew		;and throw away this block

ifn ka10sw,< ;[17]
getnew:	movn ac1,reg		;crazy code to prevent race
	addb ac1,newreg		;so can set both in one operation
	caige ac1,(p)		;complain if overlapped stack
	jrst newerr
	jrst newxit
> ;ifn ka10sw

;[35] reverse roles of A and B after call to NEW, and remove the
;call to newxit, which had been used to put the data back into B
	pop p,a
	jumple a,cpopj		;set new place to zero - ignore if none
	setzm (b)		;set first loc to zero
	sojle a,cpopj		;if no more, stop
	add a,b			;a _ last loc in block
	hrli ac0,(b)
	hrri ac0,1(b)
	blt ac0,(a)		;clear block
	popj p,

newxit:	MOVE REG,ac1		

ife ka10sw,<
newfai:	cain ac0,3	;page already existed
	jrst newsuc	;pretend we succeeded
	caie ac0,12	;no room in core
	jrst newerr	;something else wrong
	move ac0,heaexp+1	;get page to be created
	tloe ac0,200000	;on disk?
	jrst newerr	;yes - can't help him
	movem ac0,heaexp+1	;try again on disk
	jrst newlop	;skip success code and try again
> ;ife ka10sw

?	No memory for heap/]	;Need new message
	move ac0,(p)		;PC to print
	pushj p,runer.		;print PC and go to debugger
	movei reg,377777	;return nil if continues
	popj p,

;various file cleanup stuff:

;gotoc. - cleanup for goto
;  b - new o
;  c - new p
;  d - where to go
;any files above the new p and below the current p are to be released
gotoc.:	push p,c		;new P
	push p,b		;new O
	hrrz e,p		;release if leq e
	hrrz f,c		;and gt f
	movei g,blktab		;loop over blktab
;loop on blktab
gotol:	move b,(g)		;get the fcb addr there
	camle b,f		;if leq f
	camle b,e		;or g e
	 jrst gotocn		; don't do anything with it
;here if the FCB is in area to be released
	pushj p,clofxx
	setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	setzm (g)		;clear table entry
	setom blklck-blktab(g)	;and release lock on it
;end of loop on blktab
gotocn:	camge g,lstblk
	aoja g,gotol		;if any more to look at, do so
;now we have killed all the files that we should have. Do the goto
	pop p,o			;new O
	pop p,t			;new P
	move p,t
	jrst (d)		;go to place where we should

;dispc. - dispose of a record containing a file.  Search our
;database for one that might be it
;  b - addr of record
;  c - length of record
dispc.:	push p,b		;save b and c
	push p,c
	move f,b		;f - lower limit
	move e,b
	add e,c			;e - upper limit
	movei g,blktab		;loop over blktab
;loop on blktab
dispfl:	move b,(g)		;get the fcb addr there
	caml b,f		;if lt f
	caml b,e		;or ge e
	 jrst dispfn		; don't do anything with it
;here if the FCB is in area to be released
	pushj p,clofxx
	setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	setzm (g)		;clear table entry
	setom blklck-blktab(g)	;and release lock on it
;end of loop on blktab
dispfn:	camge g,lstblk
	aoja g,dispfl		;if any more to look at, do so
	pop p,c
	pop p,b
	popj p,

;[14] Special exit for fatal errors
endl:			;tops-20 name for this
erend:	clrbfi		;[14] Unexpected event - clear typeahead
end:	movei g,blktab		;loop through all files
endcl:	skipn b,(g)		;get the fcb addr there
	jrst endcn		;nothing there, try next
	pushj p,clofxx		;close it
	setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	setzm (g)		;clear table entry
	setom blklck-blktab(g)	;and release lock on it
endcn:	camge g,lstblk		;go to next, if any
	aoja g,endcl

ife ka10sw,<
repeat 0,<
      ;At the moment we don't need this code, because we do an initial CORE
      ;UUO to allocate all of memory
;[2] The following is an emulation of the page UUO for tops-20.  It is just
;[2]   like cor20, except that the pdl can be used for saving ac's and that
;[2]   the argument comes from heaexp instead of corexp.
new20:	push p,1	;[2] save ac's used by jsys
	push p,2	;[2] 
	movei 1,400000	;[2] this process
	movei 2,1b22	;[2] nxm interrupt
	104000,,133	;[2] dic
	hrrz 2,heaexp+1	;[2] page needed
	lsh 2,11	;[2] word on page
	move 2,(2)	;[2] access it
	movei 2,1b22	;[2] nxm interrupt
	104000,,131	;[2] aic
	pop p,2		;[2] restore ac's
	pop p,1		;[2] 
	jrst newsuc	;[2] successful simulation
  > ;repeat 0
> ;ife ka10sw

	subttl character tables for lower-upper conversion
;[12] this whole page is part of edit 12

define letter,<exp .-beg>	;real letter
define lc,<exp .-beg-40>	;upper case equiv. of lower case letter
define linech(x),<xwd x,.-beg>	;end of line char

repeat 12,<letter>	;0 - 11
	linech 1	;12
	letter		;13
	linech 1	;14
	linech -1	;15
repeat 14,<letter>	;16 - 31
	linech 1	;32
	linech 1	;33
repeat 166,<letter>	;everything else is a letter

repeat 12,<letter>
	linech 1
	linech 1
	linech -1
repeat 14,<letter>
	linech 1
	linech 1	;33
repeat 105,<letter>	;34 - 140
repeat 32,<lc>		;141 - 172
repeat 5,<letter>	;173 - 177

;Here are the tables that don't show you end of line
define linech(x),<xwd x," ">	;end of line char

repeat 12,<letter>	;0 - 11
	linech 1	;12
	letter		;13
	linech 1	;14
	linech -1	;15
repeat 14,<letter>	;16 - 31
	linech 1	;32
	linech 1	;33
repeat 166,<letter>	;everything else is a letter

repeat 12,<letter>
	linech 1
	linech 1
	linech -1
repeat 14,<letter>
	linech 1
	linech 1	;33
repeat 105,<letter>	;34 - 140
repeat 32,<lc>		;141 - 172
repeat 5,<letter>	;173 - 177

;[12] end of edit 12

	subttl mode-dependent dispatch tables

;	get,put,.+1
;	getx,putx,closer,breakin,break,curpos,setpos
;	showln,fixln

nortxt:	exp getcn,putcn,.+1
	exp illfn,illfn,0,brkin,brkn,curpn,setpn
	exp showln,fixln

norrec:	exp getn,putn,.+1
	exp getxn,putxx,0,brkin,brkn,curpn,setpn
	exp noshow,notry

blkrec:	exp getb,putb,.+1
	exp getxn,putxx,0,brkin,brkn,curpn,setpn
	exp noshow,notry

updtxt:	exp getcu,putcu,.+1
	exp illfn,illfn,brku,brkiu,brku,curpn,setpup
	exp noshow,notry

updrec:	exp getu,putu,.+1
	exp getxu,putxx,brku,brkiu,brku,curpn,setpup
	exp noshow,notry

notopn:	exp unopn,unopn,.+1
notopx:	exp unopn,unopn,0,unopn,unopn,unopn,unopn
	exp unopn,unopn

ttytxt:	exp tgetch,tputch,.+1
	exp illfn,illfn,0,brktty,cpopj,retzer,cpopj
	exp ttyshl,ttyfxl

trmtxt:	exp getct,putct,.+1
	exp illfn,illfn,0,brkt,cpopj,retzer,cpopj
	exp tdvshl,tdvfxl

retzer:	setzm 1(p)
cpopj:	popj p,

illfn:	outstr [asciz /
? Illegal function for this mode on file /]
	pushj p,wrtfnm	
	jrst erend

unopn:	OUTSTR	[ASCIZ /
? File /]
	pushj p,wrtfnm	
	outstr	[asciz /not open/]
	jrst erend

getch:	jrst @filget(reg)

putch:	movem ac0,filcmp(reg)
put:	jrst @filput(reg)

getx.:	move ac1,filr99(reg)
	jrst @filgtx(ac1)

putx:	move ac1,filr99(reg)
	jrst @filptx(ac1)

putxx:	pushj p,curpos
	move c,2(p)		;current postion
	sub c,filrcs(b)		;go back to begin. of current record
	seto d,			;suppress get
	pushj p,setpos		;move to that position
	move c,filrcs(b)
	jrst put

	pushj p,@filget(reg)		;GETS NEXT CHARACTER IN LINE
getln:	skipg fileol(reg)		;IS EOLN = TRUE (CR DOESN'T COUNT)
	jrst getln-1			;NO - CHARAKTER'S IN LINE
	jrst @filget(reg)

breakin:move ac1,filr99(reg)
	jrst @filbki(ac1)

break:	move ac1,filr99(reg)
	jrst @filbrk(ac1)

curpos: move ac1,filr99(reg)
	jrst @filcrp(ac1)

setpos:	move ac1,filr99(reg)
	jrst @filstp(ac1)

	subttl device-independent routines for error recovery

showln:	move a,filst1(b)	;get flags
	tlne a,filctm		;is it controlling terminal?
	jrst ttyshl		;yes, use special guy		
;noshow - this is the default showln for devices where we can't
;  really show the current line.
noshow:	push p,t
	push p,a
	push p,c
	outstr [asciz /[Error at character number /]
	pushj p,curpos		;get current position
	move t,2(p)		;returned value
	pushj p,decprt		;print it
	outstr [asciz /]
	pop p,c
	pop p,a
	pop p,t
	popj p,	

;arg in t, uses t,a,c
;prints arg in decimal on tty
decprt:	setz c,			;c is num of digits
decprl:	idivi t,12		;a _ next digit
	push p,a		;push on stack
	aoj c,
	jumpn t,decprl		;next digit if anything left
decpr:	pop p,a			;a _ next digit
	addi a,"0"		;turn to char
	outchr a		;put it out
	sojg c,decpr		;back for more if there are any
	popj p,

fixln:	move a,filst1(b)	;get flags
	tlne a,filctm		;is it controlling terminal?
	jrst ttyfxl		;yes, use special guy		
;notry - use this routine for FIXLIN with devices where you don't
; implement retrying.
notry:	outstr [asciz /Call to READ/]
	pushj p,runer.
	outstr [asciz /
[Skipping bad character]
	jrst @filget(b)

;tryagn - ask him to try again.  If there is a debugger, offer to
; go to it.
;t - PC to print if error; A - FCB for printing; B - FCB
tryagn:	push p,t
	push p,a
	push p,b
	push p,c
;Now, if DDT is there, do a bit differently
	skipn .jbddt			;.jbddt?
	jrst trynod			;no - no option
;Here if DDT - give him an option
	move b,-2(p)
	movei c,[asciz /
[Try again, from the beginning of the bad number.]
[Or type D to enter the debugger.]
	pushj p,wrtstr
	move b,-1(p)		;get back FCB
	move a,filr99(b)
	movei reg1,0		;do the get
	pushj p,@filbki(a)	;clear input buffer again
	move a,filcmp(b)	;See if he typed a D
	caie a,"D"
	cain a,"d"
	jrst tryOK		;no a D - use what he gave us
;Here if he wants DDT - let runer. do it
	move t,-3(p)		;PC passed to us in T
	outstr [asciz /Call to READ /]
	pushj p,runer.
	jrst tryag1

;Here for no DDT cases
trynod:	move b,-2(p)
	movei c,[asciz /
[Try again, from the beginning of the bad number.]

	pushj p,wrtstr
	move b,-1(p)
	move a,filr99(b)
	movei reg1,0		;do the get
	pushj p,@filbki(a)	;clear input buffer again
tryOK:	pop p,c
	pop p,b			;return it to the user
	pop p,a
	pop p,t
	popj p,

;wrtstr - write string
;b - FCB
;c - addr of asciz string
wrtstr:	push p,filcmp(b)
	hrli c,440700		;make byte pointer
wrtstl:	ildb a,c		;get next char
	jumpe a,wrtstx		;stop at zero, since asciz
	movem a,filcmp(b)
	pushj p,put
	jrst wrtstl
wrtstx:	pop p,filcmp(b)
	popj p,

	subttl byte input routines

;getcn - normal read in buffered mode
	pushj p,advclr			;advance, or return via eofclr
	ildb a,filbtp(b)		;[12] get next byte
	ldb t,[point 6,filbtp(b),11]	;[12] get byte size
	caie t,7			;[12] if not 7
	jrst getnln			;loworder bit not line no.
	movei t,1			;[12] test for linenr or pagemark
	tdne t,@filbtp(b)		;[12] last bit on?
	jrst getcln			;yes - line number
getnln:	andi a,177		; no - be sure legal ascii
	jumpe a,getcn		;ignore nulls
	move a,@filcht(b)	;get eoln flag and mapped char
	hlrem a,fileol(b)	;put down eoln flag
	hrrzm a,filcmp(b)	;put down mapped char
	came a,[xwd -1," "]	;carriage return in official mode
	popj p,
geteol:	pushj p,@filget(b)	;we have a CR, look for real EOL
	skipe fileof(b)		;stop after errors
	popj p,
	skipg fileol(b)		;real EOL?
	jrst geteol		;no, next char
	popj p,			;yes, done

;Handle line numbers
	TRZ AC1,1			;BIT 35 TO ZERO
	pushj p,@filadv(reg)		;get next buffer
	jrst eofclr			;error - set eof and clear buffer
	jrst getcn
	JRST GETCN			;now go back and get real char

;advclr - advance, and call eofclr if error.  This routine is needed
;  when there is a sosge, to avoid the sequence
;	sosge count
;	pushj p,advance
;	jrst error
;  which would obviously activate error at the wrong time!

advclr:	pushj p,@filadv(reg)		;advance
	jrst .+2			;error
	popj p,				;OK
	pop p,(p)			;abort the caller
	jrst eofclr

;noradv - filadv routine for normal buffered I/O
;  non-skip - error
;  skip - OK
noradv:	aos filphb(reg)			;we are now one block further
	move ac0,filchn(reg)		;make the IN UUO
	tlo ac0,(in)
	xct ac0
	jrst norok
	pushj p,geter.			;error - analyze it
	jrst norok			;there was data - use it
	popj p,

norok:	sosge filbtc(reg)		;caller expectes this decremented
	jrst noradv			;nothing there - try again
	aos (p)				;normal return
	popj p,

;getcu - special version of GETCH for update mode.  Differs from the
; above only in maintaining the read count in FILPPN.
	pushj p,advclr			;advance or return via eofclr
	sosge filppn(reg)		;end of existing part?
	jrst sefclr			;yes - end of file
	ildb a,filbtp(b)		;[12] get next byte
	ldb t,[point 6,filbtp(b),11]	;[12] get byte size
	caie t,7			;[12] if not 7
	jrst getnlu			;loworder bit not line no.
	movei t,1			;[12] test for linenr or pagemark
	tdne t,@filbtp(b)		;[12] last bit on?
	jrst getclu			;yes - line number
getnlu:	andi a,177		; no - be sure legal ascii
	jumpe a,getcu		;ignore nulls
	move a,@filcht(b)	;get eoln flag and mapped char
	hlrem a,fileol(b)	;put down eoln flag
	hrrzm a,filcmp(b)	;put down mapped char
	came a,[xwd -1," "]	;carriage return in official mode
	popj p,
getelu:	pushj p,@filget(b)	;we have a CR, look for real EOL
	skipe fileof(b)		;stop after errors
	popj p,
	skipg fileol(b)		;real EOL?
	jrst getelu		;no, next char
	popj p,			;yes, done

;Handle line numbers
	TRZ AC1,1			;BIT 35 TO ZERO
	pushj p,@filadv(reg)		;get next buffer
	jrst eofclr			;error - set eof and clear buffer
	sosge filppn(reg)		;end of file?
	jrst sefclr			;yes - do it
	jrst getcu
	movni ac0,5			;subtract read count also
	addb ac0,filppn(reg)
	jumpl ac0,sefclr		;and if nothing there, do eof
	JRST GETCU			;now go back and get real char

geter.:	;here after IN or OUT UUO fails. Analyze error and user's bits
	; pushj p,geter.
	;   there was data
	;   there was no data
	;geter. will return to
	; +1 (ignore ret) if user says that error is OK
	;   and data was there (i.e. neither EOF nor non-blocking)
	; +2 (abort return) having set EOF if EOF
	;  or non-blocking I/O failure
	; print error msg and abort if non-enabled error
;;Be sure the phys. block count is incremented before calling
;;this, as we will decrement it for non-blocking failure and EOF.
;;You need not worry about this is you can show that non-blocking
;;failure is not possible.  (EOF doesnt really matter.)
;;(e.g. dump-mode I/O, or initial buffer creation).
	push p,ac0	;we will use these ac's
	push p,ac1
	push p,reg1
	movei reg1,740000	;default error bits
	move ac0,filst1(reg)
	tlne ac0,filmta		;if magtape
	tro reg1,2000		;this is also error (end of tape)
	move ac0,filchn(reg)	;make a GETSTS
	tlo ac0,(getsts)
	xct ac0
	move ac1,ac0		;save error status for user
	and ac1,reg1		;only error bits
	trne ac0,20000		;or EOF
	tro ac1,20000
	hrlz ac1,ac1		;to LH
	iorm ac1,filerr(reg)	;accumulate in error place
	hrrz ac1,filerr(reg)	;get errors user enabled
	and ac1,reg1		;throw away non-error bits
	tdc ac1,reg1		;now we have non-enabled errors
	trne ac0,(ac1)		;any non-enabled errors?
	 jrst getems		;yes (note EOF always skips)
	tdzn ac0,reg1		;end of file or non-blocking failure?
	 jrst getend		;yes - EOF return
;	tdz ac0,740000		;continuable error - first clear error status
	hll ac0,filchn(reg)	;make setsts
	tlc ac0,(setsts)
	xct ac0
gterrt:	pop p,reg1		;now take normal return
	pop p,ac1		;restore ac's
	pop p,ac0
	popj p,

getend:	sos filphb(reg)		;This is in case of non-blocking failure.
	trne ac0,20000		;but if EOF
	setom filphb(reg)	;invalidate the block for SETPOS
	aos -3(p)		;skip return (abort)
	pop p,reg1
	pop p,ac1
	pop p,ac0
	popj p,			;return via seteof

getems:	pushj p,analys		;print error message if fatal
	jrst erend

;getu - normal read in update mode
getu:	movn	reg2,reg1		;compute AOBJN word - negative count
	hrl	ac1,reg2		;to LH
	hrr	ac1,filcnt(reg)		;addr of first destination word
	hrrm	reg1,filrcs(reg)	;and save size
	pushj	p,recadv		;advance or adjust count and set eof
	sosge	filppn(reg)		;beyond eof?
	jrst 	recsef			;yes

;special version of receof that simulates end of file
recsef:	hlre ac1,ac1			;ac1 _ - number bytes left
	addm ac1,filrcs(reg)		;adjust count of bytes done
	jrst setsef

;recadv - call advance and return via receof if failure
recadv:	pushj p,@filadv(reg)		;next block
	jrst .+2			;error
	popj p,
	pop p,(p)			;abort caller
	;jrst receof			;fall into receof

;receof - adjust FILRCS and do eof
receof:	hlre ac1,ac1			;ac1 _ - number bytes left
	addm ac1,filrcs(reg)		;adjust count of bytes done
	jrst seteof			;set eof and return

getb1:	setzm filrcs(reg)		;nothing transferred
	jrst eofclr			;set eof and clear buffer

;getb - read in buffered mode for blocked tapes
getb:	pushj	p,@filadv(reg)		;force moving to new block
	jrst	getb1			;clear buffer and set error
	camle	reg1,filbtc(reg)	;take min of actual size and request
	move	reg1,filbtc(reg)
	;jrst	regn			;fall into normal routine

;getn - normal read in buffered mode
GETN:	movn	reg2,reg1		;compute AOBJN word - negative count
	hrl	ac1,reg2		;to LH
	hrr	ac1,filcnt(reg)		;addr of first destination word
	hrrm	reg1,filrcs(reg)	;and save size
	pushj	p,recadv		;advance or adjust count, eof, return

repeat 0,<
getdmp:	skipa	reg3,filin(reg)		;get in dump mode - input instruction
putdmp:	move	reg3,filout(reg)	;put in dump mode - output instruction
	hrrm	reg1,filrcs(reg)	;save current record length
	subi	reg1,1
	hlrz	ac0,filrcs(reg)		;length of phys block - bytes
	idiv	reg1,ac0		;no. phys. blocks this operation
	addi	reg1,1			;rounded up to nearest phys block
	addm	reg1,filphb(reg)	;update phys. block number
	hrri reg3,reg1
	move reg1,ac1			;word 1 of pgm is transfer word
	subi reg1,1			; but must adjust addr
	setz reg2,			;word 2 is 0
	xct reg3			;input or output
	popj p,				;normal
	pushj p,geter.			;error - abort or return to .-1

getxn:	;Extend existing record to longer variant
	hrr ac0,filrcs(reg)	;ac0 _ length of record so far
	camg reg1,ac0
	popj p,			;done if new isn't larger
	movn ac1,reg1		;ac1 _ - new total length requested
	add ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ - additional bytes this req.
	hrl ac1,ac1		;make ac1 aobjn pointer
	add ac0,filcnt(reg)	;starting addr of new portion
	hrr ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ aobjn pointer for transfer
	jrst getest		;now join regular get

getxu:	;Extend existing record to longer variant
	hrr ac0,filrcs(reg)	;ac0 _ length of record so far
	camg reg1,ac0
	popj p,			;done if new isn't larger
	movn ac1,reg1		;ac1 _ - new total length requested
	add ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ - additional bytes this req.
	hrl ac1,ac1		;make ac1 aobjn pointer
	add ac0,filcnt(reg)	;starting addr of new portion
	hrr ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ aobjn pointer for transfer
	jrst getstu		;now join regular get

	subttl dump-mode I/O routines
repeat 0,<
dumpou:	skipa ac1,filout(reg)
dumpin:	move ac1,filin(reg)
	;reg - file
	;reg1 - object address
	;reg2 - object size
	caie reg,tty##
	cain reg,ttyout##
	jrst badmod
	skipge (reg)
	jrst badmod
	skipe fileof(reg)	;test for error
	jrst getef.		
	hrrm reg2,filrcs(reg)	;length of last record
	hrri ac1,reg1		;command list will be in reg1&2
	subi reg1,1		;iowd in reg1
	move reg3,reg2		;bytes inputted
	subi reg3,1
	hlrz reg4,filrcs(reg)	;bytes per physical block
	idiv reg3,reg4		;phys. blocks this operation
	addi reg3,1		;rounded up to nearest phys block
	addm reg3,filphb(reg)	;adjust physical block no.
	movn reg2,reg2		;neg count
	hrl reg1,reg2		
	setz reg2,		;terminate command list
	xct ac1
	popj P,		;OK
	pushj p,geter.	;bad - returns to .-1 or abort

;NB: SETPOS depends upon USETIN and USETOU not using any AC above
usetin:	caie reg,tty##
	cain reg,ttyout##
	popj p,
	skipge (reg)
	popj p,			;no op if string I/O
	move reg3,reg2		;arg to suppress get
	pushj p,setin		;do the useti - common code
	move reg1,reg3		;get suppression for breakin
	jrst brkin2

;NB: SETPOS depends upon USETIN and USETOU not using any AC above
usetou:	caie reg,tty##
	cain reg,ttyout##
	popj p,
	skipge (reg)		;if string I/O
	popj p,			;noop
	move ac0,filsta(reg)	;see if buffered
	andi ac0,17
	caige ac0,15
	xct filout(reg)		;yes - force out old buffer
	jrst .+2		;OK return
	 pushj p,geter.		;error return
	pushj p,setou		;common code
	popj p,

setin:	;reg - file
	;reg1 - block number
	skipa ac1,[useti (reg1)]
setou:	move ac1,[useto (reg1)]	
	move reg2,reg1
	subi reg2,1		;new phys block no.
	movem reg2,filphb(reg)	;save in data area
	move ac0,filchn(reg)	;get chan
	ior ac1,ac0		
	xct ac1			;never fails
	hllzs filrcs(reg)	;clear out remnants of old records
	setzm filrcp(reg)	;  "
;set up filblc for blocked file in case in middle of block
	skipn ac1,filbll(reg)	;logical block size
	popj p,			;if not blocked, forget it
	hrrz ac0,ac1
	subi ac0,1
	hlrz reg2,filrcs(reg)	;reg2 _ physical block size
	idiv ac0,reg2
	addi ac0,1
	imul ac0,reg2		;ac0 _ log block size rounded up to phys block
	subi reg1,1
	imul reg1,reg2		;reg1 _ bytes from beginning of file
	idiv reg1,ac0		;reg2 _ bytes into logical block
	hrrz ac0,filbll(reg)	;logical block size
	sub ac0,reg2		;ac0 _ bytes left in this log block
	movem ac0,filblc(reg)	;save
	popj p,

> ;end repeat 0

	subttl byte output routines

;putcu is special entry for update mode to note that write has happened
putcu:	sosl filbtc(reg)		;[32] space left in buffer?
	jrst putcu1			;[32] yes
	pushj p,@filadv(reg)		;[32] no, get the next
	jrst seteof			;[32] set eof and exit
putcu1:	sos filppn(reg)			;count down read ctr., too
	move ac0,filcmp(reg)		;get thing to output
	idpb ac0,filbtp(reg)		;deposit character in output buffer
	hllos filst1(reg)		;[31] note that write has happened
	popj p,				;return

;adveof - advance or return via seteof
adveof:	pushj p,@filadv(reg)
	jrst .+2
	popj p,				;OK
	pop p,(p)			;abort caller
	jrst seteof			;set eof and exit

;putcn - normal character write routine
putcn:	sosge filbtc(reg)		;space left in buffer?
	pushj p,adveof			;advance or set eof and exit
	move ac0,filcmp(reg)		;get thing to output
	idpb ac0,filbtp(reg)		;deposit character in output buffer
	popj p,				;return

;nowadv - filadv routine for normal buffered I/O
; error return
; normal return
nowadv:	aos filphb(reg)			;we are now one block further
	move ac0,filchn(reg)		;make the IN UUO
	tlo ac0,(out)
	xct ac0
	jrst nowok
	pushj p,geter.			;error - analyze it
	jrst nowok			;there was data - use it
	popj p,				;no data there - error

nowok:	sosge filbtc(reg)		;caller expectes this decremented
	jrst nowadv			;nothing there - try again
	aos (p)				;normal (skip) return
	popj p,

;putb - write routine for blocked records
putb:	pushj	p,@filadv(reg)		;force new record
	jrst	putb1			;no data trans
	jrst	putn			;now treat normallly

putb1:	setzm	filrcs(reg)		;so zero the count
	jrst	seteof			;and set eof

;putu is special entry for update mode to flag that a write has happened
putu:	movn	reg2,reg1		;compute transfer word
	hrl	ac1,reg2		;neg. count
	hrr	ac1,filcnt(reg)		;first source addr.
	hrrm	reg1,filrcs(reg)	;save length of record
	pushj	p,recadv		;[30] advance or update cnt, eof, exit
	sos	filppn(reg)		;account for in read count, too
	hllos	filst1(reg)		;[31] note that a write has happened
	POPJ	P,			;NO

;putn - normal write routine for record I/O
PUTN:	movn	reg2,reg1		;compute transfer word
	hrl	ac1,reg2		;neg. count
	hrr	ac1,filcnt(reg)		;first source addr.
	hrrm	reg1,filrcs(reg)	;save length of record
	pushj	p,recadv		;advance or adjust cnt, eof, exit
	POPJ	P,			;NO

	subttl minor device-independent routines

	MOVEI  AC0,12			;LF

PUTPG:	MOVEI AC0 ,15		       ;<CR>
	PUSHJ P,PUTCH	       
	MOVEI AC0 ,14		       ;<FF>

wrtfnm:	move	reg1,fildev(reg)	;dev name
	jumpe	reg1,wrtfn1		;nothing there to do
	camn	reg1,[sixbit /DSK/]	;see if DSK:
	jrst	wrtfn1			;forget it
	hrri	reg1,fildev(reg)	;now print dev
	hrli	reg1,440600		
	movei	reg2,6			
	ildb	reg3,reg1		
	addi	reg3,40			
	caie	reg3,40			
	outchr	reg3			
	sojg	reg2,.-4		
	movei	reg3,":"		;and trailing colon
	outchr	reg3			
	caie	reg3,40		;skip blanks
	hlrz	reg2,filext(reg)	;see if extension
	skipe	reg2			;if not no period
	ADDI  REG3, 40
	caie	reg3,40		;skip blanks

	jrst erend

	subttl file openning routines

blkerr:	outstr [asciz /
?	Bad user lookup block for file /]
	pushj p,wrtfnm
	jrst erend

preblk:	cain reg4,0	;prepare user lookup block - is there one?
	popj p,		;no - forget it
	move ac0,(reg4)	;be sure the count is plausible
	andi ac0,377777	;[jmh] allow the non-superceding bit
	cail ac0,4	;too small
	caile ac0,100	;too big
	jrst blkerr
	move ac0,filnam+3(reg)	;ppn or ptr to path
	movem ac0,1(reg4)
	move ac0,filnam(reg)	;file name
	movem ac0,2(reg4)
	move ac0,filext(reg)	;extension
	hllm ac0,3(reg4)
	ldb ac0,[point 9,filpro(reg),8]	;protection
	caie ac0,0			;if zero, leave block alone
	dpb ac0,[point 9,4(reg4),8]
	popj P,

rename:	skipn filbfp(reg)	;was the thing opened?
	jrst unopn		;no
	move ac1,filr99(reg)	;if there is a closer, do it
	move ac1,filclo(ac1)
	skipe ac1
	pushj p,(ac1)
	jumpe reg2,renam1	;is there a new name?
	push P,reg
	push P,reg3
	push P,reg4
	push P,ac0		;dummy
	pushj P,parse.
	pop P,ac0
	pop P,reg4
	pop P,reg3
	pop P,reg
	skipe fileof(reg)	;error in parse?
	jrst badnam		;yes
renam1:	lsh reg3,^d27		;handle protection
	movem reg3,filpro(reg)
	movei ac0,filppn-2(reg)	;path ptr - now set up PPN
	skipn filppn(reg)	;is ppn=0?
	setz ac0,		;use zero
	movem ac0,filnam+3(reg)
	movei ac0,1		;normalize filbad
	movem ac0,filbad(reg)
	movsi ac1,(%rename)
	pushj p,lkent		;do the rename
	setz reg1,		;normal close
	jrst doclos		;file got closed, so account for it

delf.:	skipn filbfp(reg)	;[20] was the thing opened?
	jrst unopn		;[20] no
	hll reg2,filchn(reg)	;[20] make a rename
	tlo reg2,(%rename)	;[20] make it rename
	hrri reg2,reg3		;[20] make it refer to reg3 for block
	setzb reg3,reg4		;[20] and make the block null
	movei ac0,1		;normalize filbad
	movem ac0,filbad(reg)
	xct reg2		;[20] delete it
	pushj p,lkerr
	setz reg1,		;normal close
	jrst doclos		;file is now closed, so account for it

append:	pushj p,option
	movei ac0,0		;eof normally on
	movem ac0,filbad(reg)
	caie reg,ttyout##	;ignore for TTY
	cain reg,tty##
	jrst ttout
	pushj p,setnam
	 jrst opener
	hrrz ac0,filst1(reg)	;device type
	 jumpn ac0,rewrt2	;if not disk - append is just rewrite
	hrlzi ac0,filbfh(reg)
	pushj p,reopen
	 jrst opener
	push p,reg4
	push p,[exp 5]		;make up extended block on stack
	add p,[xwd 5,5]
;stack: saved reg4, exp 5, junk, junk, junk, junk, junk
	movei reg4,-5(p)	;here is addr of ext. block
	movsi ac1,(lookup)
	pushj p,lkent
	 jrst updx
	move reg4,-6(p)		;recover the user's block
	movsi ac1,(enter)
	pushj p,lkent
	 jrst updx
	pop p,reg4		;reg4 _ file size
	sub p,[xwd 6,6]
	movsi ac0,(outbuf)
	pushj p,modini
;allocate the buffer so we can play below
	move ac0,filchn(reg)
	tlo ac0,(OUT)
	xct ac0
	jrst .+4
	pushj p,geter.
	jrst .+2		;there was data - use it
	jrst [pushj p,eofclr	;no data - set eof and exit
	      jrst opener]
;now go to last block
	move reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ size of file in words
	idivi reg3,^D128	;reg3 _ last block; reg4 _ no. bytes
	addi reg3,1
	cain reg4,0		;if empty last block, skip this
	jrst appemp
	move reg6,filchn(reg)	;now set up to get old last block
	or reg6,[useti (reg3)]	
	xct reg6		;useti to it
	hllz reg6,filchn(reg)	;now set mode 17 for input
	or reg6,[setsts 17]
	xct reg6
	movsi reg1,-^D128	;set up dump control word
	hrr reg1,filbfh(reg)	;pointing to output buffer!
	addi reg1,1
	setz reg2,		;control word terminator
	move ac1,filchn(reg)	;and make up IN uuo
	ior ac1,[in reg1]
	xct ac1			;now do the input
	jrst .+3
	pushj p,geter.
	hrr reg6,filsta(reg)	;and restore initial status
	xct reg6
appemp:	hllz reg6,filchn(reg)	;get channel
	or reg6,[useto (reg3)]	;make useto
	xct reg6
	move ac0,reg3
;[33] remove subi ac0,1
	movem ac0,filphb(reg)	;store as cur phys block
;Now we figure out how far we are into a logical block, if any
appem1:	cain reg4,0		;any bytes into that block?
	jrst appem2		;no - forget it
	hlrz ac0,filst2(reg)	;ac0 _ bytes per word
	imul ac0,reg4		;ac0 _ no. bytes in last block
	movn ac0,ac0
	addm ac0,filbtc(reg)	;subtract from count in buffer
	addm reg4,filbtp(reg)	;and add words from byte ptr
appem2:	sub p,[openoff]
	popj p,

repeat 0,<

badmod:	outstr [asciz %
?	DUMPIN/OUT may not be used with TTY or a string%]
	jrst erend

> ;repeat 0

resdev:	;NB: we skip any mode-dependent close routine
	move ac1,filtst(b)	;is this a legal block?
	caie ac1,314157
	pushj p,initb.		;no - make it one
	hrli ac1,notopn		;mark the channel as closed
	hrri ac1,filr11(reg)
	blt ac1,filr99(reg)
	skipn filbfp(reg)	;if no device openned
	jrst clofl1		;release buffer if any
	movei ac1,0		;assume it works (eof false)
	ldb ac0,[point 4,filchn(reg),12]	;channel
	resdv. ac0,		;release the chan
	movei ac1,1		;failed
	movem ac1,fileof(reg)
	ldb ac1,[point 4,filchn(reg),12] ;get channel number
	pushj p,lo.chn		;[25] mark channel (ac1) free
	jrst clofl1		;release buffer if any
;lkent - do lookup or enter.  opcode in AC1
lkent:	pushj p,preblk		;prepare user lookup block (if any)
	cain reg4,0			;is there?
	hrri reg4,filnam(reg)		;no - use theirs
	hll reg4,filchn(reg)		;channel
	ior reg4,ac1			;op code
	xct reg4			
	jrst lkerr			;failed
	aos (p)				;OK return
	popj p,

;modini - mode-dependent initializations
; ac0 has inbuf or outbuf opcode
;Split according to dump or buffered mode
	hrrz	ac1,filsta(reg)		;see if dump mode (LH is bits)
	andi	ac1,17
	cail	ac1,15			
	jrst	dmpini
;Here for buffered modes
; initialize dispatch table
	hrli ac1,norrec			;assume record I/O
	tlze reg5,400000		;if blocked
	hrli ac1,blkrec			;use blocking routines
	skipl filcnt(reg)		;if really text
	hrli ac1,nortxt			;use text dispatch
	hrri ac1,filr11(reg)		;copy it to dispatch table
	blt ac1,filr99(reg)
	movei ac1,noradv		;set up buffer advance routine
	skipn filbad(reg)		;if write
	movei ac1,nowadv		;use other one
	movem ac1,filadv(reg)
; See if there are existing buffers that can be reused
; Start with default for this device
	 move	reg2,[xwd 2,203]	;default if devsiz fails
; But if magtape and user specified a buffer size, use his
	move ac1,filst1(reg)		;get flags
	tlne reg5,377777		;if request
	tlnn ac1,filmta			;and magtape
	jrst nosizr			; not - go on
	hlr reg2,reg5			;then use that size
	trz reg2,400000			;with funny bit cleared
	addi reg2,2			;and incremented by two because
					;of odd way DEVSIZ counts
; And if he specified number of buffers, use that
nosizr:	trne reg5,777777		;non-zero spec?
	hrl reg2,reg5			;yes - use it
; Reg2 is now requested   COUNT,,SIZE
	move a,reg2
	pushj p,getbuf			;try to get from free list
	trne a,777777			;if something there
	hrli a,400000			;mark as unused
	movem a,filbfh(reg)		;save what we got as new buffers
	jumpn a,bnumok			;if we got something, that's it
; if didn't find good ones, get new buffers
	hll 	reg5,filchn(reg)	;get channel
	ior	reg5,ac0		;make into inbuf/outbuf
	xct	reg5			;create buffers
; Now we set up byte pointer in case we skip IN below (since PUTX needs it)
bnumok:	move	reg5,filbtp(reg)	;At least it has the byte size
	tlz	reg5,770077		;Set it to point to first byte
	hrr	reg5,filbfh(reg)	;Nominal loc of 1st buffer
	movei	ac0,^D36		;compute bytes per word
	ldb	ac1,[point 6,reg5,11]	;byte size
	idiv	ac0,ac1			;ac0 _ bytes per word
	hrlm	ac0,filst2(reg)		;save in filst2 LH
	hlrz	ac1,(reg5)		;buffer size in words
	trz	ac1,400000		;clear use bit
	subi	ac1,1			;adjust to size of data only
	imul	ac1,ac0			;ac1 _ bytes per buffer
	hrrm	ac1,filst2(reg)		;save in filst2 RH
	addi	reg5,1			;adjust pointer to data area
	movem	reg5,filbtp(reg)	;and put it back
	popj p,
;dump mode - not yet here
dmpini:	outstr [asciz /
? Dump mode not implemented yet/]
	jrst erend

;Initializations that are applicable to all openning, even funny
;ones such as TTY and TTYOUT.  Two basic things are done:
; 1) make sure the FCB is legal, and init it if not. this includes
;     setting FILCNT from the arg in A
; 2) translate the user's option string, if any, to internal bits
;  Note that any defauting has to be done before translating the
;  user's option string, so that our
;  bits are or'ed into the correct words
;Also note that all ac's except T contain args to this thing.
;WARNING:  Any code in this routine is NOT redone in case the
;open is retried because of error-recovery.

;1 - make the block legal
	move t,filtst(b)	;is this a legal block?
	caie t,314157
	pushj p,initb.		;no - make it one
;   init FILCNT from arg passed by compiler
	movn a,a		;filcnt wants negative count
	hrl a,a			; in left,
	hrri a,filcmp(b)	; with addr of buffer in RH
	movem a,filcnt(b)
;2 - Now do the option string translation
	came	reg6,[exp -1]	;see if he defaulted mode
  ;problem is that zero is a valid mode, so compiler uses -1 for default
  ;The bits I check here are the error bits, which the user should never
  ;want to set for himself.
	jrst	opt1		;no - use his
	movei	reg6,0		;yes - probably 0
	skipge	filcnt(reg)	;if text file
	movei	reg6,14		;not text - use binary
;see if there is a string to parse
opt1:	push p,a		;get some working space
	push p,b
	came e,[exp -1]		;-1 or 0 LH is probably old format
	tlnn e,777777
	jrst optend		;old format
;there is an option string - parse it and set bits
;e - LH - count, RH - addr
	hlrz a,e		;a _ count
	hrrz t,e		;t _ byte ptr
	setz e,			;e is now one of the AC's we are setting up
	hrli t,440700
	jumpe a,optend
optlop:	ildb b,t		;b _ next char
	caie b,"/"		;use / to separate options
	 jrst opterr		;error
	sojle a,opterr		;count /, there had better be letter following
	ildb b,t		;b _ option letter
	soj a,			;count the letter
	caile b,140		;if lower case
	subi b,40		;make it upper
	cail b,optmin		;if below first
	caile b,optmax		;or above last
	jrst opterr		;error
	xct opttab-optmin(b)	;appropriate processing routine
	jumpg a,optlop		;if any more char's, get next

;Now that all options are set up, set up the character table
optend:	pop p,b			;exit
setcas:	movei a,0		;assume no lc map, standard EOL treatment
	trne reg5,200000	;if lc mapping on
	tro a,2			;set bit 2
	trne reg5,040000	;if we want to see EOL char
	tro a,1			;set bit 1
	move t,[exp norchx,norcht,lcchx,lccht](a) ;get the right table
	hrli t,a		;indexed on this ac
	movem t,filcht(b)
	pop p,a
	popj p,

;UPCASE - this is for the user to call to change case
;  B - FCB
;  C - raise it?
;This is in this module instead of XIO because it uses magic that is
;likely to change, and because it references symbols internal to this
upcase:	movsi t,fillcm		;clear any old setting of lower case bit
	andcam t,filst1(b)
	caie c,0		;if user asks for turning it on
	iorm t,filst1(b)	;then do so
	move t,filst1(b)	;now get current flags
	setz a,			;and build up index in A
	tlne t,fillcm		;if lc mapping on
	tro a,2			;set bit 2
	tlne t,filsel		;if we want to see EOL char
	tro a,1			;set bit 1
	move t,[exp norchx,norcht,lcchx,lccht](a) ;get the right table
	hrli t,a		;indexed on this ac
	movem t,filcht(b)
	popj p,

opttab:	pushj p,optbyt		;B - byte size
	jrst opterr		;C - undef
	tro reg6,742000		;D - data trans errors
	tro reg5,040000		;E - show eoln
	tro reg6,010000		;F - data format errors
	jrst opterr		;G - undef
	jrst opterr		;H - undef
	movei e,1		;I - set interactive flag
repeat "O"-"J",< jrst opterr>	;J to N - undef
	tro reg6,004000		;O - open errors
repeat "U"-"P",< jrst opterr>	;P to T - undef
	tro reg5,200000		;U - lower to upper

optbyt:	pushj p,optdec		;parse a decimal number
	lsh b,^D9		;shift it to the byte position
	or reg5,b		;and or into open bits
	popj p,

optdec:	push p,c
	push p,d
	sojle a,opterd		;count colon, better be an extra after that
	ildb b,t
	caie b,":"
	jrst opterr
	setz c,			;accumulate number in c
optdcl:	ildb b,t
	cail b,"0"
	caile b,"9"
	jrst opterd
	subi b,"0"
	imuli c,^D10
	add c,b
	sojle a,optdcx		;count digit, if end of string, done
	move d,t		;peek at next
	ildb b,d
	cain b,"/"		;if /, this is end
	jrst optdcx
	jrst optdcl		;really get char
optdcx:	move b,c		;return value in b
	pop p,d
	pop p,c
	popj p,

opterd:	pop p,d
	pop p,c
	pop p,(p)
opterr:	move b,a		;save a
	outstr [asciz /
? Error in option string/]
	move t,-4(p)		;-2 for saved args, -2 because called 2 deep
	pushj p,runer.
	jrst optend		;return from OPTION

;resetf - this is the main routine to do a Pascal Reset
resetf:	pushj	p,option
	movei	ac0,1			;EOF setting for error is 1
	movem	ac0,filbad(reg)
	caie	reg,tty##		;see if openning TTY
	cain	reg,ttyout
	jrst	ttin			;set up specially
	pushj	p,setnam
	 jrst	opener
	hrrz	ac0,filst1(reg)		;device type
	trze	reg5,100000		;if normal open forced
	jrst	.+3			;skip test
	cain	ac0,3			;tty
	pushj	p,ttopin
	hrrzi	ac0,filbfh(reg)		;BUFFER HEADER ADDRESS
	pushj	p,reopen		;reinitialize and do open
	 jrst	opener
	movsi	ac1,(lookup)
	pushj	p,lkent			;lookup
	 jrst	xopner
;at this point the mode-independent stuff is done.  Now we try various
;  mode-dependent things
	pushj	p,chkmta		;this sets mta blksize if asked
	movsi	ac0,(inbuf)
	pushj	p,modini
	movei	ac0,illfn		;make write be illegal
	movem	ac0,filput(reg)
;Now we get the first item, if appropriate
	sub	p,[openoff]
	skipe	reg3			;user parameter to prevent the get
	jrst	setnul			;don't if user told us no to
	hlre	reg1,filcnt(reg)	;make up arg to GET
	movn	reg1,reg1		;will transfer whole buffer
	jrst	@filget(reg)		;call appropriate routine

chkmta:	;routine to handle blocksize requests for MTA (lh of REG5)
	move ac0,filst1(reg)
	tlnn ac0,filmta			;if not magtape
;;NB: ac0 is used again at mta1 - be sure it is not touched
	popj p,				;forget it
	tlnn reg5,377777		;if no request
	jrst mta1			;see if want industry compat
;Now we do a TAPOP. to set the blocksize
	add reg5,[xwd 1,0]	;tapop. and buffer use size+1
	movei	reg1,2006		;arg block reg1:reg3 - set blocksize
	ldb	reg2,[point 5,filchn(reg),12]	;channel
	push	P,reg3		;need this later
	hlrz	reg3,reg5		;requested block size
	trz	reg3,400000		;[22] clear bit for logical blocking
	move	ac1,[3,,reg1]
	tapop.	ac1,
	 jrst	tapfai
	pop	P,reg3
;Now we do MTAPE to set industry-compat. mode, if requested
	tlnn ac0,filind			;request for indus mode?
	popj p,				;no
	move ac1,filchn(reg)		;get MTAPE
	tlo ac1,(%mtape)
	hrri ac1,101			;code to set indust. mode
	xct ac1				;no error return
	popj	P,

tapfai:	outstr [asciz/
?	TAPOP. to set blocksize failed/]
	jrst erend

;rclose - This is documented as a close followed by a release.  To
;  be consistent with Tops-20, it also deletes temporary files, so
;  clofxx if used instead of clofil
rclose:	move ac1,filtst(b)	;is this a legal block?
	caie ac1,314157
	pushj p,initb.		;no - make it one
	pushj p,clofxx
	move t,filchn(reg)	;get the appropriate close UUO
	tlo t,(release)	;make it release
	xct t
	popj p,

;clofxx - like clofil, but if the file is "temporary" (i.e. internal),
;  deletes it. uses A and C, I think.
clofxx:	move a,filst1(b)	;get flags
	tlnn a,filtmp		;if not temp
	jrst norclo		;this is a normal close
;mode-dependent close
	move a,filr99(b)	;mode-dependent closer
	move a,filclo(a)
	skipe a			;if there is one
	pushj p,(a)		;call it
;change dispatch vector to error
	hrli ac1,notopn		;and mark pascal file not open
	hrri ac1,filr11(reg)
	blt ac1,filr99(reg)
;now instead of a close, we want a delete, but it had better be open!
	skipe filbfp(b)		;is there is channel open?
	jrst rclo1		;yes
;here if not open, do so
	pushj p,fn.chn		;no - get a channel
	dpb a,[point 4,filchn(b),12] ;put it in right field
	move a,filchn(b)	;make up open UUO
	hrri a,filsta(b)
	push p,filbfh(b)	;save buffers (probably none) over open
	tlo a,(open)
	xct a			;OPEN
	 jrst [pop p,filbfh(b)	;can't get rid of temp file, normal close
	       jrst norclo]
	pop p,filbfh(b)
	hrri a,filnam(b)	;make arg for lookup
	hll a,filchn(b)		;channel
	tlo a,(lookup)		;op code
	xct a
	 jrst norclo	
;we now have an open file
rclo1:	hll a,filchn(b)		;make a rename
	tlo a,(%rename)		;make it rename
	push p,d
	hrri a,c		;arg block is in C,D
	setzb c,d		;make it null
	xct a			;delete the file
	 jrst [pop p,d		;can't delete it, proceed with close
	       jrst norclo]
	pop p,d
	ldb a,[point 4,filchn(b),12] ;channel number
	pushj p,lo.chn		;[25] set channel (A) unused
	jrst clofl1		;get rid of buffers

;clofil - implements CLOSE
clofil:	move ac1,filtst(b)	;is this a legal block?
	caie ac1,314157
	pushj p,initb.		;no - make it one
	jrst doclos

norclo:	setz reg1,
;reg1 contains bits
;mode-dependent close
	move ac1,filr99(reg)	;mode-dependent closer
	move ac1,filclo(ac1)
	skipe ac1		;if there is one
	pushj p,(ac1)		;call it
;change dispatch vector to error
	hrli ac1,notopn		;and mark pascal file not open
	hrri ac1,filr11(reg)
	blt ac1,filr99(reg)
;if there is a channel to close, close it and free the channel
	jrst clofl1		;NO - FORGET THIS
	setzm filbfp(reg)	;NOTE THAT IT IS NOW GOING AWAY.
	hll reg1,filchn(reg)	;get close (RH is bits)
	tlo reg1,(close)
	xct reg1
	pushj p,lo.chn		;[25] set channel (ac1) unused
;release the buffer, if any
clofl1:	hrrz a,filbfh(b)	;see if there is a buffer
	jumpe a,cloflx		;no, nothing more
	pushj p,retbuf		;yes, return it to storage
	setzm filbfh(b)		;there isn't now
cloflx:	popj p,

;retbuf - address of buffer ring in A.  Puts it in free list.
;a,c are garbaged, nothing else touched.
;  This code must be very clever in case it is interrupted.  The
;  worst that can happen in that case is some buffer can be lost
;  from the free list, but that is fairly unlikely.
;first we count the number of buffers in the ring
;and clear the use bit in each
	push p,t		;t - bit to clear use bit
				;a - start of ring
	push p,b		;b - current place in ring
	push p,c		;c - count
	hrlzi t,400000	;initialize the above
	move b,a
	movei c,1
retbfl:	andcam t,(b)		;clear use bit
	hrr b,(b)		;get next buffer in ring
	came b,a		;same as first?
	aoja c,retbfl		;no - count and loop
;now we make up the buffer description, count,,size, which is used
;to compare free buffers against what we need
	hrlz c,c		;c _ count,,size
	hlr c,(a)		;  size field from buffer
	addi c,2		;incr size by 2 to get the way DEVSIZ counts
	movem c,-1(a)		;put in -1 entry in first buffer
;Now we have the buffer list ready to put in free list
;Critical section
	pushj p,enterc
	move c,buflst		;old list
	movem c,1(a)		;link old list after us
	movem a,buflst		;and put us as head of list
	pushj p,leavec
;End critical section
	pop p,c
	pop p,b
	pop p,t
	popj p,

;getbuf - get a buffer ring.
;  A - count,,size of buffers in ring.  Returns addr of first
;	buffer found, or 0 if none
;  All but A are saved.
getbuf:	push p,b
	push p,c
;begin critical section
	pushj p,enterc
  ;a - target description
  ;b - predecessor of current thing being considered
  ;c - current buffer being considered
	movei b,buflst-1	;free list header is predecessor
getbfl:	move c,1(b)		;look at next
	jumpe c,getbfn		;end of list - none there
	camn a,-1(c)		;compare desired with this one
	jrst getbff		;match - we have found one
	move b,c		;failed, advance
	jrst getbfl
  ;we found one, b=pred, c=this
getbff:	move a,1(c)		;get next
	movem a,1(b)		;link it as next from pred
	setzm -1(c)		;clear garbage used for list linkage
	setzm 1(c)
  ;here also if none found, c=0 in that case
getbfn:	pushj p,leavec
;end criticial section
	move a,c		;return thing found
	pop p,c
	pop p,b
	popj p,

getchn:	pushj p,fn.chn		;get a channel for user to play with
	movem ac1,1(p)		;place to return ftn. value
	popj p,

relchn:	cail reg,0		;free a channel user is done with
	caile reg,17		;see if legal
	jrst badchn		;no
	move ac1,reg		;[25] now free it
	pushj p,lo.chn		;[25]
	popj p,
badchn:	outstr [asciz /
?	RELCHN: illegal channel/]
	jrst erend

curchn:	ldb	ac0,[point 4,filchn(reg),12]	;get a file's chan
	movem	ac0,1(P)	;and return it
	popj	P,		

lkerr:	move	ac0,(reg4)	;here if lookup fails - get code
	tlnn	ac0,777777	;this is word 0 - was it extended?
	addi	reg4,2		;yes - code is later is block
	hrrz	ac0,1(reg4)	;get error code
	jrst	opnerr

rewrit:	pushj 	p,option
	setz	ac0,		;EOF setting for error is 0
	movem	ac0,filbad(reg)
	caie	reg,ttyout##	;see if openning TTY
	cain	reg,tty##
	jrst	ttout		;set up specially
	pushj	p,setnam
	 jrst	opener
rewrt2:  ;secondary entry for append
	hrrz	ac0,filst1(reg)	;device type
	trze	reg5,100000	;if normal open forced
	jrst	.+3		;skip test for tty
	cain	ac0,3		;tty
	pushj	p,ttopou
	hrlzi	ac0,filbfh(reg)
	pushj	p,reopen
	 jrst	opener
	movsi	ac1,(enter)	;do enter
	pushj	p,lkent
	 jrst	opener
	pushj	p,chkmta	;set mta blocksize if asked
	movsi	ac0,(outbuf)
	pushj	p,modini	;now do mode-dependent init
	movei	ac0,illfn	;make reading illegal
	movem	ac0,filget(reg)
	sub	p,[openoff]
	popj	p,

nochan:	setzm	filbfp(reg)	;no chans-get sure we remember
	movei	ac0,^d103	;and set error code
	jrst	opnerr

badnam:	movei	ac0,^d102	;here if syntax error in file name
	jrst	opnerr

operr:	movei	ac0,^d101	;here if the open UUO failed
	jrst	opnerr

opnerr:	tro ac0,1B24		;general routine for all errors in reset etc.
	hrlm ac0,filerr(reg)	;lookup/enter code, with bit 23 on
	move ac0,filerr(reg)	;see if we are enabled for these errors
	hrli ac0,notopn		;enabled for error - mark file not open
	hrri ac0,filr11(reg)
	blt ac0,filr99(reg)
	jrst eofclr		;set eof and clear variable


;Device-indepedent initializations for open routines
; save parameters in case of error
; close old file
; get file name
; get device type
;Note that this routine saves data on the stack, to allow restarting
;the routine in case of an error.  This means that the caller will
;have to prune the stack before returning.
setnam:	push	p,reg4		;save AC's in case of error retry
	push	p,reg5
	push	p,reg6
	push	p,-3(p)		;our return address
  openoff==<xwd 4,4>		;use this to clean off the stack
;stack is now ret addr; reg4; reg5; reg6; ret addr
;the low ret addr is used for the error retry
	push	p,reg1
	movei	a,norclo	;assume normal close
	tlnn	reg1,400000	;but if getting new name from tty
	skipe	reg2		;or file spec
	movei	a,clofxx	;then kill any old temp file
	pushj	p,(a)		;close one way or the other
	pop	p,reg1
	move	ac0,reg6	;set up enabled errors
	andi	ac0,776000
	movem	ac0,filerr(reg)
	tlnn	reg1,400000	;if getting from tty, length may be 0
	jumpe	reg2,setnm1	;if no name, skip the name parsing
	push	P,reg4		
	push	P,reg5		
	push	p,reg6
	push	P,ac0		;dummy entry- gets garbaged
	pushj	p,parse.	;parse file name
	pop	P,ac0		
	pop	p,reg6
	pop	P,reg5		
	pop	P,reg4		
	skipe	fileof(reg)		;see if parse complained
	jrst	badnam			;yes - bad file name
	jrst setnm2			;now we have a good name
;here if user didn't give a name.  See if we have an old one
setnm1:	skipe fildev(reg)
	jrst setnm2			;yes, we have a name of some sort
;here if no spec and no existing name - this is an internal file, we have
;to gensym a name.  Also, we set filtmp so it gets deleted upon exit of
;the lexical scope in which it was created.
;The name we make is of the form 001234.nnn   where 1234 is
;the address of the FCB in octal (for debugging), and nnn is job number
	movsi t,filtmp		;set temp flag
	iorm t,filst1(b)
	hrlz a,b		;a _ fcb addr left justified
	movei c,6		;c _ digit counter
	setz t,			;t _ place where we build up name (sixbit)
maksp1:	lsh t,3			;make room for next digit
	lshc t,3		;next digit into RH of T
	tro t,20		;turn number into digit
	sojg c,maksp1		;do for all digits
	movem t,filnam(b)
	pjob a,			;a _ job number left just
	lsh a,^D27
	movei c,3		;c _ digit counter
	setz t,			;t _ place where we build up name
maksp2:	lsh t,3
	lshc t,3
	tro t,20
	sojg c,maksp2
	lsh t,^D18		;needs to be left justified
	movem t,filext(b)
  ;rest of params
	movsi t,'DSK'		;always disk
	movem t,fildev(b)
	setzm filpro(b)
	setzm filppn-1(b)
	setzm filppn(b)
	setzm filppn+1(b)
setnm2:	move ac0,fildev(reg)		;see if magtape
	devtyp ac0,
	 setz ac0,
	andi ac0,77			;device code
	hrrm ac0,filst1(reg)		;save it for the world
	aos (p)				;ok return is skip
	popj p,

;XOPNER is a special version of OPENER for RESET.  It checks for
;"temporary" (i.e. internal) files, and if it is failing with
;file not found, allows the error.  this is because a non-existent
;input file is supposed to give immediate EOF, not error.
xopner:	move ac0,filst1(reg)	;magic bits
	tlnn ac0,filtmp		;if not temp file
	jrst opener		;treat as usual
	hlrz ac0,filerr(reg)	;get error code
	caie ac0,1B24+0		;file not found?
	jrst opener		;no - treat as usual
	jrst opene1		;yes - just give EOF return

;OPENER - error processor for the 4 file openning routines.  This
;routine is called from the top level of the openning routine.
;It either aborts that routine or restarts it, depending upon the
;user's request.  It uses the saved data on the stack (from SETNAM)
;to do the restart, if requested.
opener:	move ac0,filerr(reg)	;RH is error bits user specified
	trne ac0,1B24		;did he allow open errors?
	jrst opene1		;yes - do a normal return
	push p,reg3		;analys kills reg3
	pushj p,analys		;no - print error message
	outstr [asciz /Try another file spec: /] ;and let him try again
	pop p,reg3		;restore AC's for restart
	pop p,reg6
	pop p,reg5
	pop p,reg4
	setz reg2,		;length of file spec=0
	movsi reg1,400000	;get spec from TTY
	jrst setnam		;recycle to SETNAM call
;The jrst setnam works because the stack still has the return address
;used when SETNAM was originally called.  So this goes to SETNAM and
;then SETNAM returns near the beginning of the main routine.

opene1:	sub p,[openoff]		;remove garbage left on stack by SETNAM
	popj p,

;reopen performs all initializations that are mode-independent and then
; opens the file
reopen:	setzm	filbtc(reg)	;zero for getindex to get correct error code
	movem	ac0,filbfp(reg)	;set up buffer header
	pushj	p,fn.chn	;get a free channel
	jumpl	ac1,nochan	;if -1, none
	dpb	ac1,[point 4,filchn(reg),12]
;set up the mode
	movem	reg6,filsta(reg);put mode in open block
	andi	reg6,776000	;[16] and the error bits in error place
	movem	reg6,filerr(reg)
	andcam	reg6,filsta(reg);clear these bits in mode word
;set up flags, protection, etc. - all the parameters in the f.c.b.
acset3:	setz reg1,			;assume no flags
	hrrz ac0,filst1(reg)		;get device code
	cain ac0,2			;magtape?
	tlo reg1,filmta			;if so - set bit in filptr
	cain ac0,3			;tty?
	pushj p,chkctm			;if so, see if controlling term
	trze reg5,400000		;request for indust compat?
	caie ac0,2			;and magtape?
	jrst .+2			;no
	tlo reg1,filind			;yes
	trze reg5,200000		;request for lower case mapping?
	tlo reg1,fillcm			;yes - set it
	trze reg5,040000		;request to see end of line?
	tlo reg1,filsel			;yes - set it
	movsi ac0,filtmp		;use old FILTMP flag if any
	and ac0,filst1(reg)		;ac0 now has old tmp flag
	ior reg1,ac0			;or it into flags we're making
	hllm reg1,filst1(reg)		;now put result in flag area
	setzm filrcs(reg)
	setom filphb(reg)
	skipn filbad(reg)		;[33] if writing
	aos filphb(reg)			;[33] starts at block zero
	move ac0,reg3			;move prot code into right place
	lsh ac0,^D27			; in ac0 so we don't change reg3
	movem ac0,filprot(reg)		; which is also interactive flag
	move	ac0,filbad(reg)		;set eof to normal value
	trc	ac0,1
	movem	ac0,fileof(reg)	
;actually do the open
	move	ac0,filchn(reg)		;make up open UUO
	hrri	ac0,filsta(reg)
	tlo	ac0,(open)
	xct	ac0			;OPEN
	jrst	operr			;error on open
	trnn	reg5,077000		;byte size spec?
	jrst	openx			;no - done
	ldb	ac0,[point 6,reg5,26]	;yes - put it in
	dpb	ac0,[point 6,filbtp(reg),11]
	trz	reg5,077000		;and clear field for buffer count
openx:	aos	(p)			;normal exit - skip
	popj	p,

chkctm:	push p,t
	push p,a
	move t,fildev(b)
	devnam t,
	setz t,
	getlin a,
	camn a,t
	tlo reg1,filctm
	pop p,a
	pop p,t
	popj p,	

spcsiz=^D30 ;words
;parse. - file name parser.  just calls PARSE unless bit set asking to
; get file spec from TTY.
parse.:	movsi a,filtmp			;this is now a real file
	andcam a,filst1(b)
	tlnn c,400000			;if no special request
	jrst parse			;just call parse directly
	push p,o			;standard entry sequence
	hrls o,p
	hrri p,spcsiz*5+1(p)
	caig n,40(p)	
	jsp a,corerr
spclp1:	move a,[point 7,1(o)]		;put file spec on stack
	movei d,0			;count in d
spclop:	inchwl t			;get char 
	caie t,33			;stop at eol
	cain t,14
	jrst spcdon
	cain t,12
	jrst spcdon
	cain t,15
	jrst spccr			;special for cr
	idpb t,a			;normal char - put it in
	aoj d,				;count
	caige d,spcsiz*5			;if too many, error
	jrst spclop			;else go back for more
	outstr [asciz /
? File spec too long.  Try again: /]
	jrst spclp1			;try again
spccr:	inchwl t			;read lf
spcdon:	movei c,1(o)			;addr is on stack
	push p,b
	push p,t
	pushj p,parse			;parse the thing
	pop p,t
	pop p,b
	skipn fileof(b)			;was it ok?
	jrst spcxit			;yes - done
	outstr [asciz /
? Illegal file spec.  Try again: /]	;no - try again
	jrst spclp1

spcxit:	hrri p,(o)			;normal exit code
	pop p,o
	popj p,

;EOF handling.  There are 4 routines:
;	SETEOF - just sets Pascal EOF
;	EOFCLR - sets Pascal EOF and also clears the Pascal buffer
;Versions of the above using SEF instead of EOF.  These are used by the
;  pmap I/O routines to simulate EOF.  When doing pmap I/O, we never 
;  really get a physical EOF.  Instead we simulate it when we reach a
;  position that matches the end of file pointer.

setsef:	hrlzi ac0,20000			;eof bit
	iorm ac0,filerr(reg)		;say it happened
	;jrst seteof

seteof:	move ac0,filbad(reg)		;set eof to complement of normal
	movem ac0,fileof(reg)
	popj p,

sefclr:	hrlzi ac0,20000			;eof bit
	iorm ac0,filerr(reg)		;say it happened
	;jrst eofclr
eofclr:	move ac0,filbad(reg)		;set eof to complement of normal
	movem ac0,fileof(reg)
	skipge	filcnt(reg)		;see if ASCII
	jrst	seteob			;no - clear binary element
	MOVEI  AC0, " "
	movei	ac0,1			;be sure it is 1
	movem	ac0,fileol(reg)		;now called in wierd contexts

seteob:	push p,ac1	;can't use 0 as index!
	move ac1,filcnt(reg)
	setzm (ac1)	;clear binary component
	aobjn ac1,.-1
	pop p,ac1
	popj p,

;put null in buffer and set eof - for interactive file openning
setnul:	movei ac0,1
	movem ac0,fileol(reg)
	setzm filcmp(reg)
	popj p,

brkn:	setzm filrcs(reg)	;forget last record
	pushj p,@filadv(reg)	;put out this buffer
	jrst seteof		;set eof and exit
	popj p,

brkin:	setzm filrcs(reg)		;forget last record
	move ac0,filchn(reg)		;make a WAIT
	tdo ac0,[exp %wait]
	xct ac0				;never skips
	movsi ac0,400000		;clear out buffer
	move ac1,filbfh(reg)		;first in ring
	andcam ac0,(ac1)		;clear use bit
	hrr ac1,(ac1)			;get next buffer
	came ac1,filbfh(reg)		;full circle?
	jrst .-3			;no - clear next
	move ac0,filchn(reg)		;make in IN UUO
	tlo ac0,(IN)
	hrr ac0,filbfh(reg)		;in with explicit buffer addr
	aos filphb(reg)			;note that another block has come
	xct ac0
	jrst brkdn.			;normal
	pushj p,geter.			;error - return to .-1 or abort
	jrst brkdn.			;there is data
	jrst eofclr			;there is not - set eof and exit
;entry for a routine that needs to do implicit GET
brkdn.:	skipe reg1			;user asked us not to do get?
	jrst setnul			;[34] yes - done
	hlre reg1,filcnt(reg)		;set up arg to GET
	movn reg1,reg1			;transfer whole buffer
	jrst @filget(reg)		;do the GET

brktty:	clrbfi				;this has same effect as above
	movei ac0,tgetch		;cancel saved LF if any
	movem ac0,filget(reg)
	jrst brkdn.


	subttl random access for normal files

;curpn - curpos for normal buffered files
curpn:	move ac0,filbad(reg)	;see if eof
	camn ac0,fileof(reg)
	jrst cureof		;yes - return -1
	skipge filphb(reg)	;see if at start of file
	jrst retzer		;yes - return 0
curpn1:	hrrz ac0,filst2(reg)	;ac0 _ buffer size in bytes
	imul ac0,filphb(reg)	;ac0 _ bytes before this buffer
	push p,ac0		;0(p) _ bytes before this buffer
	move ac1,filbfh(reg)	;ac1 _ addr of buffer
	move ac1,1(ac1)		;ac1 _ words in this buffer
	hlrz ac0,filst2(reg)	;ac0 _ bytes per word
	imul ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ bytes this buffer
	sub ac1,filbtc(reg)	;ac1 _ bytes in buf. before cur. pos
	add ac1,0(p)		;ac1 _ bytes in file before cur. pos
	pop p,ac0		;restore stack
	movem ac1,1(p)		;return cur. pos
	popj p,

cureof:	setom 1(p)		;return eof indication
	popj p,

;setpn - setpos for normal buffered files
;  reg1 - target
;  reg2 - suppress get
setpn:	skipn filbad(reg)	;must be input file
	jrst illfn
	setzm fileof(reg)	;[27] clear end of file
;	skipe fileof(reg)	;no-op at end of file
;	popj p,
	hrrz reg4,filst2(reg)	;reg4 _ bytes/block
	move reg3,reg1		;reg3 _ target in bytes
	idiv reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ block#; reg4 _ bytes into block
	camn reg3,filphb(reg)	;on right block already?
	jrst setpn3		;yes - skip read
;here if we have to move to a new block
	movem reg3,filphb(reg)	;[27] for breakin
	sos filphb(reg)		;[27] filphb _ block before this one
	addi reg3,1		;adjust reg3 to monitors numbering scheme
	tlo reg3,(useti)	;make useti
	ior reg3,filchn(reg)
	xct reg3		;useti to correct block
	seto reg1,		;suppress get from breakin
	pushj p,brkin		;now let breakin get in the block
	skipe fileof(reg)	;did it work?
	popj p,			;no
;here to get to the right byte within the block after reading it
setpn1:	movn reg3,reg4		;reg3 _  - bytes into the block
	addm reg3,filbtc(reg)	;adjust byte counter
	move reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ bytes into the block
	hlrz reg4,filst2(reg)	;reg4 _ bytes per word
	idiv reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ words, reg4 _ bytes
	addm reg3,filbtp(reg)	;adjust byte pointer by words
	jumpe reg4,setpn2	;and if non-zero bytes
	ibp filbtp(reg)		;then by bytes
	sojg reg4,.-1
;here to get new item unless suppressed
setpn2:	skipe reg2		;suppress get?
	popj p,			;yes - done
	hlre reg1,filcnt(reg)	;no - do get
	movn reg1,reg1
	jrst @filget(reg)

;here if current buffer is right - redo count and pointer
setpn3:	move ac1,filbfh(reg)	;ac1 _ words in this buffer
	move ac1,1(ac1)
	hlrz ac0,filst2(reg)	;ac0 _ bytes per word
	imul ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ bytes in this buffer
	movem ac1,filbtc(reg)	;use for byte count
	move ac1,filbtp(reg)	;ac1 _ byte size field only
	tlz ac1,770077
	hrr ac1,filbfh(reg)	;addr of buffer
	addi ac1,1		;start at data area
	movem ac1,filbtp(reg)	;use for byte pointer
	jrst setpn1		;now adjust for count into buffer
	subttl update mode

;Update mode is done in mode 17 (dump).  However it is originally
; openned normally and buffers are allocated.  We just do I/O into
; them in dump mode.  Note that only one of the buffers is used.
; In additional to the usual information, the length of the file
; in words is kept at -1 in the buffer header.  This is because we
; have to simulate end of file ourselves in order to get things
; accurate to the word, instead of just the block as the easiest
; implementation would do. Also, RH(filst1) is a flag indicating
; whether the current buffer has been written into, so we don't
; rewrite it unless we have to.  This is set up so that sequential
; reading in update mode doesn't have any extra overhead (except
; that there is a block size of 1)

update:	pushj p,option
	caie reg,tty##		;illegal except for disk
	cain reg,ttyout##
	jrst upbdev
	movei ac0,1		;set up for input
	movem ac0,filbad(reg)
	pushj p,setnam
	 jrst opener
	hrrz ac0,filst1(reg)
	jumpn ac0,upbdev
	hrrzi ac0,filbfh(reg)	;open file and init status
	pushj p,reopen
	 jrst opener
	push p,reg4
	push p,[exp 5]		;make up extended block on stack
	add p,[xwd 5,5]
;stack: saved reg4, exp 5, junk, junk, junk, junk, junk
	movei reg4,-5(p)	;here is addr of ext. block
	movsi ac1,(lookup)
	pushj p,lkent
	 jrst updx
	move reg4,-6(p)		;recover the user's block
	movsi ac1,(enter)
	pushj p,lkent
	 jrst updx
	pop p,reg4		;reg4 _ file size
	sub p,[xwd 6,6]
	movsi ac0,(inbuf)	;allocate buffers and other init's
	pushj p,modini
	move ac1,filbfh(reg)	;ac1 _ addr of buffer
	move ac0,reg4		;ac0 _ size of file in words
	movem ac0,-1(ac1)	;save in buffer header
	movei ac0,200		;always treat buffer as full
	movem ac0,1(ac1)	; (this is word count in header)
	move ac0,filchn(reg)	;go into dump mode
	tlc ac0,(setsts)	;make a setsts
	hrr ac0,filsta(reg)	;original file status
	tro ac0,17		;same except dump mode
	hrrm ac0,filsta(reg)	;save it for future setsts's
	xct ac0			;do the setsts
	hrli ac0,updtxt		;now set up special dispatch table
	skipge filcnt(reg)	;if record
	hrli ac0,updrec		;use that one
	hrri ac0,filr11(reg)
	blt filr99(reg)
	movei ac0,updadv	;special advance routine
	movem ac0,filadv(reg)
	setzm filppn(reg)	;special count for read
	sub p,[openoff]
	jrst setnul		;interactive open

updx:	sub p,[xwd 7,7]
	jrst opener

brkiu:	setzm filcnt(reg)
	jrst brkdn.

brku:	setzm filrcs(reg)	;forget last record
	push p,fileof(reg)	;save old eof
	setzm fileof(reg)	;clear eof to make op always happen
	pushj p,updadv		;next buffer
	 pushj p,seteof		;if error, set eof
	pop p,ac0		;get old eof
	iorm ac0,fileof(reg)	;reset it if it was on
	popj p,

;special buffer advance
;  error
;  OK
updadv:	push p,ac1
	push p,reg1
	push p,reg2
	move reg1,filphb(reg)	;current block
	addi reg1,1		;next block
	hrrz reg2,filst2(reg)	;bytes per block
	imul reg1,reg2		;reg1 _ first byte next block
	seto reg2,		;suppress get
	pushj p,setpup		;not go there random access
	sos filbtc(reg)		;caller expects it to be decremented
	pop p,reg2
	pop p,reg1
	pop p,ac1
	skipn fileof(reg)	;if no failure
	aos(p)			;success return
	popj p,

;setpup - setpos for update mode
; reg1 - target
; reg2 - suppress get flag
setpup:	setzm fileof(reg)	;[27] clear eof
;	skipe fileof(reg)	;forget it if eof
;	popj p,
;ac1 is addr of buffer throughout this routine
	move ac1,filbfh(reg)	;ac1 _ addr of buffer
	push p,reg3
	push p,reg4
	push p,reg5	
	move ac0,filst1(reg)	;see if write needed
	trne ac0,-1		;if no write or
	skipge reg3,filphb(reg)	;if still at start of file
	jrst setpu2		;then no write needed
				;reg3 _ current block
;here if the current block has changed.  may have to write it
	ldb ac0,[point 29,-1(ac1),28] ;ac0 _ block # of end of file
	camge reg3,ac0		;if at last block or later
	jrst setpu1		;not
;here if we are at last block of the file or later - update eof
	lsh reg3,7		;reg3 _ words before this block
	hrrz ac0,filbtp(reg)	;ac0 _ words this block
	subi ac0,1(ac1)
	add ac0,reg3		;ac0 _ new words in file
	camle ac0,-1(ac1)	;word cnt, ac0 _ max (old,new)
	movem ac0,-1(ac1)
	move ac0,-1(ac1)
	sub ac0,reg3		;ac0 _ words this block
	caile ac0,200		;if more than 200, just use 200
setpu1:	movei ac0,200
;at this point, the eof count is updated, and ac0 has # words in this buf.
;we now find out whether we have to write the block
	move reg4,reg1		;reg4 _ target byte
	hrrz reg5,filst2(reg)	;reg5 _ bytes/block
	idiv reg4,reg5		;reg4 _ target block
	camn reg4,filphb(reg)	;same as now?
	jrst setpu4		;yes - no I/O needed
;here when we have to write the block and read new one
	movn reg3,ac0		;reg3 will be IOWD
	hrl reg3,reg3
	hrri reg3,1(ac1)
	setz reg4,		;reg4 will be command end
	move ac0,filphb(reg)	;ac0 will be USETO to current block
	add ac0,[useto 1]
	ior ac0,filchn(reg)
	xct ac0			;do useto
	move ac0,filchn(reg)	;ac0 will be OUT uuo
	ior ac0,[out reg3]
	xct ac0			;do OUT
	jrst setpu3		;OK
	pushj p,geter.
	jrst setpu3
	jrst setpuy
;here when the block has not changed.  See if we need new one.
setpu2:	move reg4,reg1		;reg4 _ target byte
	hrrz reg5,filst2(reg)	;reg5 _ bytes/block
	idiv reg4,reg5		;reg4 _ target block
	camn reg4,filphb(reg)	;same as now?
	jrst setpu4		;yes - no I/O needed
;here to read a new block
setpu3:	hllzs filst1(reg)	;clear change indicator of old block
	move reg3,reg1		;reg3 _ target byte
	hrrz reg4,filst2(reg)	;reg4 _ bytes/block
	idiv reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ target block; reg4 _ bytes into it
	move reg4,filphb(reg)	;reg4 _ old block
	movem reg3,filphb(reg)	;say we are there
	move ac0,-1(ac1)	;ac0 _ last block in file
	subi ac0,1
	ash ac0,-7
	camle reg3,ac0		;is the desired block there?
	jrst setp3b		;no - don't try to read it
	addi reg4,1		;see if next block
	camn reg4,reg3		;is what we want
	jrst setp3a		;yes - no need for useti
	add reg3,[useti 1]	;make useti for block
	ior reg3,filchn(reg)
	xct reg3		;do useti
setp3a:	hrli reg3,-200		;make IOWD
	hrri reg3,1(ac1)
	setz reg4,
	move ac0,filchn(reg)	;make IN
	ior ac0,[in reg3]
	xct ac0			;do IN
	jrst setpu4		;OK
	pushj p,geter.
	jrst setpu4
	jrst setpux
;here when asked to read a non-existent block
setp3b:	setzm 2(ac1)		;zero first word
	hrli ac0,2(ac1)		;now rest of block
	hrri ac0,3(ac1)
	blt ac0,201(ac1)
;all paths join here - we are at the right block
setpu4:	move reg3,reg1		;reg3 _ target
	hrrz reg4,filst2(reg)	;reg4 _ bytes / block
	idiv reg3,reg4		;reg4 _ bytes into block
;reinit buffer
	move ac0,filbtp(reg)	;reinit buffer
	tlz ac0,770077
	hrri ac0,1(ac1)
	movem ac0,filbtp(reg)	;new pointer
	hlrz ac0,filst2(reg)
	lsh ac0,7
	movem ac0,filbtc(reg)	;new count (full 200 words)
	movem ac0,filppn(reg)	;special count for read
;set special count for read if at end
	ldb ac0,[point 29,-1(ac1),28] ;ac0 _ block # of eof
	camge reg3,ac0		;might the block be only part full?
	jrst setpu5		;no - go adjust count and pointer
	move ac0,reg3		;ac0 _ block number
	lsh ac0,7		;ac0 _ words before this block
	move ac1,-1(ac1)	;ac1 _ end of file in words
	sub ac1,ac0		;ac1 _ end of file relative to start of buf
	caige ac1,0		;if less than 0, normal to zero
	movei ac1,0
	caile ac1,200		;if greater than 200, normal to 200
	movei ac1,200
	hlrz ac0,filst2(reg)	;ac0 _ bytes per word
	imul ac0,ac1		;ac0 _ count in bytes
	movem ac0,filppn(reg)	;use as special read count
setpu5:	movn reg3,reg4		;reg3 _  - bytes into the block
	addm reg3,filbtc(reg)	;adjust byte counter
	addm reg3,filppn(reg)	;and one for read
	move reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ bytes into the block
	hlrz reg4,filst2(reg)	;reg4 _ bytes per word
	idiv reg3,reg4		;reg3 _ words, reg4 _ bytes
	addm reg3,filbtp(reg)	;adjust byte pointer by words
	jumpe reg4,setpux	;and if non-zero bytes
	ibp filbtp(reg)		;then by bytes
	sojg reg4,.-1
setpux:	pop p,reg5
	pop p,reg4
	pop p,reg3
	skipe reg2		;get to be done?
	popj p,			;no - done
	hlre reg1,filcnt(reg)	;yes, do it
	movn reg1,reg1
	jrst @filget(reg)

setpuy:	pushj p,eofclr		;error - set eof and exit
	jrst setpux

upbdev:	outstr [asciz /
?	/]
	pushj p,wrtfnm
	outstr [asciz / UPDATE may only be used with disks
	jrst erend
	subttl error analysis routines

;runer. - general-purpose routine for processing runtime errors.
;  if t matters to a continuation, we assume it has been saved at erracs
;  t - addr of PC to print out
;  pushj p,runer.
;  here if user continues (after correcting error, one hopes)
;This routine prints a PC, then either goes to a debugger (if there
;is any) or warns the user that continuation is at his own risk.
;If there is any reason to believe that P is blown, you had better
;supply a good one before calling this guy.

	reloc 0

ddtgo:	block 1
erracs:	block 20


runer.:	movem 0,erracs			;save the AC's
	move 0,[xwd 1,erracs+1]
	blt 0,erracs+17
	move 0,erracs
	OUTSTR	 [ASCIZ/ at user PC /]
	MOVE	 REG3,[POINT 3,AC0,17]
	ADDI	 AC1, 60
	SOJG	 REG2,.-3
	JUMPE	AC1,hlterr		;no debugger, just halt him
	move	ac1,.jbddt		;want left half, too
	tlze	ac1,777777		;if zero, it is PASDDT
	jrst	decddt			;if not, real DDT
	pushj	p,-1(AC1)		;GOTO 'ERRDB.'
	jrst	errest			;continue if he continues

decddt:	movem ac0,.jbopc##		;save PC so he can continue
	hrrzm ac1,ddtgo
	outstr [asciz /
[Type POPJ 17,$X to continue if possible, but don't trust any results] 
	move 0,[xwd erracs+1,1]		;restore ac's to pgm context
	blt 0,16
	move 0,erracs
	pushj p,@ddtgo			;[3] avoid -1 entry point!
	jrst errest			;continue if he exits

;no debugger, just halt and let him go on if he dares
hlterr:	outstr [asciz /
[Type CONTINUE to proceed if possible, but don't trust any results]
	exit 1,				;continuable halt
;	jrst errest

;here to continue if the user really wants to
errest:	move 0,[xwd erracs+1,1]
	blt 0,17
	move 0,erracs
	popj p,

ilfil.:	outstr [asciz /
? Uninitialized file/]
	move t,(p)
	pushj p,runer.
	movei b,tty##		;use tty instead
	popj p,

blktbe:	push p,t
	setz t,			;we don't know the location
	outstr [asciz /
? Too many files open at once/]
	pushj p,runer.
	pop p,t
	popj p,

?	array index out of bounds/]
	PUSHJ	P	,runer.
	jrst @0

?	uninitialzed or NIL pointer/]
	PUSHJ P,runer.
	JRST @0

?	scalar out of range/]
	PUSHJ	P,runer.
	JRST @0

analys:	hlrz	ac1,filerr(reg)	;get error bits
	jumpe	ac1,analx	;if none, no-op
	trnn	ac1,1B24	;open error?
	jrst	anioer		;no - analyze bits
	andi	ac1,177		;yes - get code
	caile	ac1,30		;codes between 31 and ^d99 are unknown
	cail	ac1,^d101	
	jrst	.+2		
	movei	ac1,36		;unknown error
	cain	ac1,^d101	;special codes get mapped down
	movei	ac1,33		
	cain	ac1,^d102	
	movei	ac1,34		
	cain	ac1,^d103	
	movei	ac1,35		
	cail	ac1,0		;otherwise we don't know it
	caile	ac1,36		
	movei	ac1,36		;unknown error code
	outstr	[asciz /
?  /]			
	pushj	P,wrtfnm	
	outstr	[asciz / /]	
	outstr	@msg(ac1)	
	outstr	[asciz /
analx:	popj	P,

 [asciz /(0) file not found/]
 [asciz /(1) no such UFD/]
 [asciz /(2) protection failure/]
 [asciz /(3) file being modified/]
 [asciz /(4) already existing file name/]
 [asciz /(5) illegal sequence of UUOs/]
 [asciz /(6) UFD or RIB error/]
 [asciz /(7) not a save file/]
 [asciz /(10) not enough core/]
 [asciz /(11) device not available/]
 [asciz /(12) no such device/]
 [asciz /(13) illegal UUO/]
 [asciz /(14) no room/]
 [asciz /(15) write-locked/]
 [asciz /(16) not enought monitor table space/]
 [asciz /(17) partial allocation only/]
 [asciz /(20) block not free/]
 [asciz /(21) can't supercede a directory/]
 [asciz /(22) can't delete non-empty directory/]
 [asciz /(23) SFD not found/]
 [asciz /(24) search list empty/]
 [asciz /(25) SFD nest level too deep/]
 [asciz /(26) no-create for all structures/]
 [asciz /(27) high segment not on swap space/]
 [asciz /(30) can't update file/]
 [asciz /(31)/]
 [asciz /file connected to a string/]
 [asciz /OPEN failed/]
 [asciz /illegal file spec/]
 [asciz /no channel free/]
 [asciz /unknown error code/]

anioer:	outstr [asciz /
?	/]
	trne ac1,1b18
	outstr [asciz /Improper mode/]
	trne ac1,1b19
	outstr [asciz /Hard device error/]
	trne ac1,1b20
	outstr [asciz /Hard data error/]
	trne ac1,1b21
	outstr [asciz /Quota exceeded or block too large/]
	trne ac1,1b23
	outstr [asciz /Data format error/]
	trne ac1,1B25
	outstr [asciz /Physical end of tape/]
	outstr [asciz / for file /]
	pushj p,wrtfnm
	outstr [asciz /
	popj p,
	subttl routines to simulate I/O using TTCALL's
tgetch:	inchwl ac1			;[12] get char
tgetc3:	andi ac1,177			;[12] in case of pim-ignore parity
	jumpe ac1,tgetch		;[12] skip nulls!
	move a,@filcht(b)	;get eoln flag and mapped char
	hlrem a,fileol(b)	;put down eoln flag
	hrrzm a,filcmp(b)	;put down mapped char
	camn a,[xwd -1,15]	;cr if user wants to see it
	jrst tgetc1		;must be handled oddly
	came a,[xwd -1," "]	;carriage return in official mode
	popj p,
	jrst geteol		;is handled as for other devices

TGETC1:	inchwl ac1		;get the LF
	movem ac1,filst2(reg)	;save it
	movei ac0,tgetc2	;now set up so next get gets saved char
	movem ac0,filget(reg)

tgetc2:	move ac1,filst2(reg)	;get saved char
	movei ac0,tgetch	;restore normal read routine
	movem ac0,filget(reg)
	jrst tgetc3		;join normal routine

tputch:	move ac0,filcmp(reg)	;get thing to output
	outchr ac0		;put it out
	popj P,

ttin:	setzm filbfp(reg)	;tell the world these are not open
	hrli ac0,ttytxt		;init dispatch
	hrri ac0,filr11(reg)
	blt ac0,filr99(reg)
	setzm fileof(reg)	;initialize state variables
	movei ac0,1
	setzm filcmp(reg)	;start with end of file and null buffer
	movem ac0,fileol(reg)
	andi reg6,776000	;error bits only
	movem reg6,filerr(reg)		;for data error enabling
	movei ac0,0
	trne reg5,200000	;lower case to upper mapping?
	tlo ac0,fillcm		;yes - set it
	movem ac0,filst1(reg)
	popj p,

ttout:	setzm filbfp(reg)
	hrli ac0,ttytxt
	hrri ac0,filr11(reg)
	blt ac0,filr99(reg)
	movei ac0,1
	movem fileof(reg)
	setzm fileol(reg)
	andi reg6,776000		;error bits only
	movem reg6,filerr(reg)		;for data error enabling
	popj p,

;TTYSHL - Show the error char and the rest of the line
;  current position.  No sideeffects.
;Note that this routine is intended to be called for I/O using the
;user's terminal, but possibly when it is open as a normal device.
;GETCH is used for input, so as to synchronize with pascal I/O.
;direct outchr is used for output, since we can't assume in general
;that he has the output side open.
ttyshl:	outstr [asciz /[Error was detected here:]
ttysh1:	skipe fileol(b)		;copy the rest of the line
	jrst ttysh2
	outchr filcmp(b)
	pushj p,getch
	jrst ttysh1	
	outstr [asciz /
ttysh2:	popj p,

;TTYFXL - clear rest of line and ask user for more.
;expects b to be set up
;t - PC to print if error msg
ttyfxl:	movei a,ttyout##		;FCB for printing
	jrst tryagn

	subttl routines for using TRMOP. on terminals

getct:	push p,[exp .toinc]		;inchwl
	push p,filbtp(reg)		;iondx
	push p,ac1			;dummy
getct1:	movei ac1,-2(p)
	hrli ac1,2
	trmop. ac1,			;get a char
	 jrst trmer
getct2:	andi ac1,177			;[12] in case of pim-ignore parity
	jumpe ac1,getct1		;[12] skip nulls!
	cain ac1,32			;control-Z?
	jrst getct5
	move ac1,@filcht(reg)		;map lower case and eoln
	hlrem ac1,fileol(reg)		;[12] put down eoln flag
	hrrzm ac1,filcmp(reg)		;[12] put down mapped char
	camn ac1,[xwd -1,15]		;CR if user wants to see it
	jrst getct3			;is handled oddly
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
	came ac1,[xwd -1," "]		;CR in official mode
	popj P,
	jrst geteol			;is handled as for other devices

GETCT3:	movei ac1,-2(p)
	hrli ac1,2
	trmop. ac1,		;get the LF	
	 jrst trmer
	movem ac1,filst2(reg)	;save it
	movei ac0,getct4	;now set up so next get gets saved char
	movem ac0,filget(reg)
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]

getct4:	move ac1,filst2(reg)	;get saved char
	movei ac0,getct		;restore normal read routine
	movem ac0,filget(reg)
	push p,[exp .toinc]
	push p,filbtp(reg)
	push p,ac0		;dummy
	jrst getct2		;join normal routine

getct5:	sub p,[xwd 3,3]		;here to set eof
	jrst sefclr		;simulate eof, set eof, and clear buf

trmer:	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
	hrlzi ac0,1B18		;consider this as improper mode error
	iorm ac0,filerr(reg)	;say it happened
	hrrzi ac0,1B18		;see if it is OK
	tdnn ac0,filerr(reg)
	jrst getems		;no - fatal
	jrst eofclr		;yes - set EOF

putct:	push p,[exp .toouc]	;outchr
	push p,filbtp(reg)	;iondx
	push p,filcmp(reg)	;the thing to output
	movei ac0,-2(p)
	hrli ac0,3
	trmop. ac0,
	 jrst trmer
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
	popj P,

ttopin:	move ac0,fildev(reg)	;get iondx
	iondx. ac0,
	 popj p,		;failed - old monitor or tops-20
				;use normal open
	movem ac0,filbtp(reg)	;save iondx
	hrli ac0,trmtxt		;init dispatch
	hrri ac0,filr11(reg)
	blt ac0,filr99(reg)
	setzm fileof(reg)	;initialize state variables
	movei ac0,1
	setzm filcmp(reg)	;start with end of file and null buffer
	movem ac0,fileol(reg)
	movem reg6,filerr(reg)		;for data error enabling
	movei ac0,0
	trne reg5,200000	;lower case to upper mapping?
	tlo ac0,fillcm		;yes - set it
	movem ac0,filst1(reg)
	sub p,[openoff]
	pop p,(p)		;we were pushj'ed to - abort caller
	popj p,

ttopou:	move ac0,fildev(reg)	;get iondx
	iondx. ac0,
	 popj p,		;failed - old monitor or Tops-20
				;use normal open
	movem ac0,filbtp(reg)	;save iondx
	hrli ac0,trmtxt
	hrri ac0,filr11(reg)
	blt ac0,filr99(reg)
	movei ac0,1
	movem fileof(reg)
	setzm fileol(reg)
	movem reg6,filerr(reg)		;for data error enabling
	sub p,[openoff]
	pop p,(p)
	popj p,

brkt:	push p,[exp .tocib]	;clear the buffer
	push p,filbtp(reg)	;the udx
	push p,ac0		;dummy
	movei ac0,-2(p)
	hrli ac0,2
	trmop. ac0,
	 jrst trmer
	movei ac0,getct		;kill saved LF if any
	movem ac0,filget(reg)
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
	jrst brkdn.

;TDVSHL - Show the error char and the rest of the line
;  current position.  No sideeffects.
;Note that this routine is intended to be called for I/O using the
;user's terminal, but possibly when it is open as a normal device.
;GETCH is used for input, so as to synchronize with pascal I/O.
;direct trmop. is used for output, since we can't assume in general
;that he has the output side open.
;outstr [error was detected here:]
	push p,[exp .toous]	;outstr
	push p,filbtp(reg)	;iondx
	push p,[[asciz /[Error was detected here:]
/]]				;the thing to output
	movei ac0,-2(p)
	hrli ac0,3
	trmop. ac0,
	 jrst trmer
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
;now put out the rest of the line
tdvsh1:	skipe fileol(b)		;copy the rest of the line
	jrst tdvsh2
	push p,[exp .toouc]	;outchr
	push p,filbtp(reg)	;iondx
	push p,filcmp(b)	;the thing to output
	movei ac0,-2(p)
	hrli ac0,3
	trmop. ac0,
	 jrst trmer
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
	pushj p,getch
	jrst tdvsh1	
;outstr crlf
tdvsh2:	push p,[exp .toous]	;outstr
	push p,filbtp(reg)	;iondx
	push p,[[asciz /
/]]				;the thing to output
	movei ac0,-2(p)
	hrli ac0,3
	trmop. ac0,
	 jrst trmer
	sub p,[xwd 3,3]
	popj p,

;TDVFXL - clear rest of line and ask user for more.
;expects b to be set up
;t - PC to print if error msg
tdvfxl:	move a,b			;FCB for printing
	jrst tryagn

	subttl	APR trapper
;here is the routine we go to when trap happens

	fxu==1b11		;floating exponent underflow
	fov==1b3		;floating overflow
	ndv==1b12		;no divide

aprerr:			;This routine is taken from FOROTS
	move ac0,.jbtpc##	;get the error PC
	hrrz ac1,ac0		;see if it is OK (in runtime)
	cail ac1,safbeg##	;[7] see if it is in runtime
	caile ac1,safend##	;[7]
	jrst .+2		;[7] no
	jrst ignore		;[7] it's OK
	skipe in.ddt		;[17] in debugger?
	jrst ignore		;yes - ignore it
	hlrz ac1,ac0		;store flags in RH(1)
	tlz ac0,(ndv!fov!fxu)	;clear error bits
	andi ac1,(fxu!fov!ndv)	;clear all except these flags
	lsh ac1,-5		;right justify ndv flag(if set)
	trze ac1,(1b8)		;fov set?
	iori ac1,1b33		;yes--copy to another place
	outstr [asciz /
?	/]
	outstr @aprtab(ac1)	;put out appropriate message
	pushj p,runer.		;now go to PASCAL PC printer
	;jrst ignore		;and continue if it returns

ignore:	movei ac1,110		;reenable APR trapper
	aprenb ac1,
	jrstf @.jbtpc##		;return to pgm, error flags still set

aprtab:	[asciz /Integer overflow/]
	[asciz /Integer divide check/]
	[asciz /Floating overflow/]
	[asciz /Floating divide check/]
	[asciz /Floating underflow/]

	subttl FCB allocation

;initb. - make file control block be fresh and clean
;  b - addr of fcb
;saves all ac's

initb.:	push p,a
;We must enter this into the table of known blocks before setting
; filtst, in order to prevent a race condition if the user ^C's
; and restarts during this routine.  We must make sure that the
; code as pasin1 knows to clear filtst.

;enter it into the table of known blocks
	hrli a,-blklen		;aobjn word for searching block table
	hrri a,blklck		;we are actually searching table of locks
	aose (a)		;take it if free.  Skip if it worked
				;This code is designed to be reentrant, so
				;a single instruction must test and take it
	aobjn a,.-1		;failed, try again
	jumpge a,initbf		;failed to find an index location
	movem b,blktab-blklck(a) ;found it, save block addr
	movei a,blktab-blklck(a) ;and update high-water mark
	camle a,lstblk
	movem a,lstblk
;init the block
initbc:	hrli a,protob		;blt prototype block to it
	hrr a,b
	blt a,filcmp(b)
	movei a,filcmp(b)	;now initializations that depend upon address
	movem a,filptr(b)
	movem a,filcnt(b)	;don't have info to set up LH yet
	pop p,a
	popj p,

initbf:	pushj p,blktbe		;print error message
	jrst initbc		;init the block anyway if he says to

;init.b - special entry to reinit an exisiting block
init.b:	push p,a
	jrst initbc

;prototype block

exp 0	;FILPTR= 0	;pointer to filcmp
exp 0	;FILEOF= 1	;input: 0 = normal state
			;	1 = eof or error - no more data in file (some
			;	    errors will allow reading to continue, and
			;	    thus will NOT set FILEOF)
			;output:1 = normal state
			;	0 = error (but program will abort so this will
			;	     never show up)
exp 0	;FILEOL= 2
	;filr11= 3
exp unopn;filget= 3
exp unopn;filput= 4
exp notopx;filr99= 5
exp 0	;filadv= 6
exp 1	;filbad= 7
exp 0	;filchn=10
exp 0	;FILSTA=11	; .+0  FOR FILESTATUS
exp 0	;FILDEV=12	; .+1  FOR DEVICE
exp 0	;FILNAM=14
exp 0	;FILEXT=15
exp 0	;FILPRO=16
exp 0
exp 0	;FILPPN=20
exp 0,0,0,0,0
exp 0	;FILCNT=32	;LH= if non-text file: neg. number of words in comp.
			;    if text file: zero
			;test sign bit of this loc to see if an ASCII file
exp 0	;filphb=33	;last physical block input or output
exp 0	;filrcs=34	;LH=physical block size, bytes
			;RH=size of last record input or output, bytes
exp 0	;filerr=35	;LH= errors that have happened; RH=errors allowed
exp 0	;filst1=36	;mode-dependent - usally bits in LH:
exp 0	;filst2=37	;mode-dependent
exp 314157 ;filtst=40	;314157 if the file block is legal
exp 0			;free
exp norchx ;filcht=42	;character mapping table

	subttl file initialization
pasin.:	jsp ac1,pasif.			;entry for old programs
	popj p,

pasif.:	move reg2,ac1			;save ret addr

;if any files are left open, we clear filtst, to indicate that they
;need reinitialization

	movei a,blktab		;loop through all files
pasin1:	skipe b,(a)		;get the fcb addr there
	setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	setzm (a)		;clear table entry
	camge a,lstblk		;go to next, if any
	aoja a,pasin1
	setzm lstblk		;now nothing in use
	setom blklck		;restore all to unlocked
	move a,[xwd blklck,blklck+1]
	blt a,blklck+blklen-1

	setom in.use			;free all channels
	move ac0,[xwd in.use,in.use+1]
	blt ac0,in.use+17
	setzm buflst			;and note no buffer free list
	jrst (reg2)

pasim.:	move ac0,[xwd 112,11]		;[2] set up so we know what
	gettab ac0,			;[2]  operating sys. we are on
	movei ac0,10000			;[2] assume tops-10 if fails
	ldb ac0,[point 6,ac0,23]	;[2] monitor type field
	movem ac0,		;[2] 
	cain ac0,1			;if not tops-10
	jrst pasim1			;is tops-10, forget this
	move reg,.jbhrl			;the following will change .jbhrl
	move ac0,[xwd 677777,377777]	;allocate all of memory
	core ac0,			;so we can put arg's to UUO's on stack
	movem reg,.jbhrl		;we don't want it changed
pasim1:	setzm in.ddt			;[17]
	setzm in.crt
	setzm avail##
	setzm avail+1
	setzm begmem##
	setzm endmem##
ife ka10sw,<
	jrst (ac1)			;[2] 
> ;ife ka10sw

;[17] begin new init code for KA

ifn ka10sw,<
	move newreg,lstnew	;value of /HEAP
	cain newreg,0		;if defaulted
	movei newreg,4000	;use 4 pages
	skipe		;if he specified size in reenter
	move newreg,	;use it instead
	add newreg,.jbff	;15 _ new .jbff
	move ac0,.jbff		;ac0 _ old .jbff, start of stack
	movem newreg,.jbff	;put in new .jbff
	move b,		;what monitor are we on?
	caie b,1		;if on tops-10
	jrst pasim2		;  tops-20 or tenex, we already have it
	core newreg,		;get the core
	 jrst nocore
pasim2:	move newreg,.jbff	;core UUO garbaged newreg
	hrrz basis,basis	;find offset between 17 and 16
	hrrz p,p
	sub p,basis		;17 _ offset
	move basis,ac0		;16 _ first loc in stack
	hrl basis,basis
	add p,ac0		;17 _ that + offset
	hrl p,p
	movem basis,%rndev##+3	;save 16 and 17 in globbasis and globtopp
	movem p,%rndev##+2
	jrst (ac1)

nocore:	outstr [asciz /
?  Can't allocate initial core request

corall:	outstr [asciz /
Number of words to assign to stack+heap: /]
	setzb ac1,ac0
coralp:	inchwl ac0
	cail ac0,60		;better be a digit
	caile ac0,71
	jrst coralx
	subi ac0,60
	imuli ac1,^D10		;add into number being built up
	add ac1,ac0
	jrst coralp		;and try for another digit
coralx:	caie ac0,15		;should end in cr
	jrst corale
	inchwl ac0		;read lf
	movem ac1,	;store final value
	outstr [asciz /[Size set - START or SAVE the program]

corale:	outstr [asciz /
?  Type a decimal number, end with CRLF
	jrst corall
> ;ifn ka10sw

	subttl misc. data



updblk:	exp 5
	block 4
updlen:	block 1

blklen==40			;There are only 20(8) channels
blklck: block blklen
blktab: block blklen
lstblk:	block 1

in.use:	repeat 20,<
	exp -1>
buflst:	block 1	;header of list of free buffers
		;What is actually on this list is a list of whole
		;buffer rings.  The addresses refer to word 0 of
		;the first buffer in the ring.  Word +1 is the
		;address of the next entry in the list.  Word -1
		;is the buffer count as size as returned by BUFSIZ
lstnew:	0	;last location used by NEW
newbnd:	0	;lowest legal location for NEW
stkexp: exp 1	;page. block for expanding stack
	exp 0	; place for page to create
heaexp:	exp 1	;ditto for expanding heap
	exp 0	exp 1	;[2] type of system (1=tops10,3=tenex,4=tops20)
in.ddt:	0	;[17] 1 if in pasddt
in.crt:	0	;negative if in critical section
ifn ka10sw,<	0	;[17] size of work area (heap+stack) specified by reenter
> ;ifn ka10sw
	subttl	magic locations

;set up the APR trap

	loc .jbapr
	exp aprerr

ifn ka10sw,<

;set up the REENTER address

	loc .jbren
	exp corall

> ;ifn ka10sw


	RELOC	400000
	title PASCHN - allocate/deallocate channels
;This is done as a separate module to allow for the fortran interface.
;The interface will include its own version of these which call the
;fortran channel allocator/deallocator.

	twoseg 400000

	search pasunv

	entry fn.chn,lo.chn
	external in.use

fn.chn:	hrlzi ac1,-17		;find free channel - search 1 to 17 first
	hrri ac1,in.use+1	;inuse(ch)=-1 if free, .ge. 0 if used
	aose (ac1)		;take it if free.  Skip if it worked
	 	;This may seem obscure, but the idea is to test if free and
	 	;allocate the channel in the same instruction, 
		;so we are interruptible
	aobjn ac1,.-1		;failed, try again
	jumpl ac1,chnfnd	;loop not exhausted - found it
	aose in.use		;1-17 used, try 0
	jrst chnnfd		;nope - none found
	setz ac1,		;yes - return 0
	popj p,
chnfnd:	hrrz ac1,ac1		;get channel found
	subi ac1,in.use
	popj p,
chnnfd:	seto ac1,		;-1 means none found
	popj p,

lo.chn:	setom in.use(ac1)	;lose channel
	popj p,

	title DUMCRI - dummy critical section, if no PSI

	entry leavec,enterc


	reloc 400000

enterc:	popj 17,


	title DANGER - routine for dummy label when pasnum not loaded

	entry safbeg,safend

safbeg:	block 0
safend:	block 0