PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named 0.phi in the archive.
0.This is the PHI documentation system~
1.Information on the PHI documentation system~
2.Notes on the content of information available^
The purposes of the system are to enable information which is within the
existing HELP system to be more speedily and easily accessed, and
to make it possible to store and access documentation which is too
long to be typed out in the usual way at a terminal.
These purposes are achieved in two ways:
(i) All the subjects are arranged in an overall tree structure,
enabling the subject of interest to be more easily found.
(ii) Some of the subjects have been divided up into sections to
make it easier to examine them (these are the .PHI files).
Many of the subjects however are still in the original form
(these are the HLP:*.HLP files), and will appear just as a single
section. It is intended to convert many of these in the future.
Note also that some of the files are just summaries of the command line
required to run a particular program, and the available switches etc.,
they are not intended as general introductions to the subjects.~
2.How to run the system - details of the PHI program^
1.Programs of general use, and monitor commands~
2.ARCHIVER - program to archive disc files on tape^
2.ATTACH - attaching to a job^
2.DIRECT - Print directory^
2.FILCOM - Compare files^
2.GRIPE - for making complaints, suggestions etc.^
2.INITIA - print/set terminal characteristics^
2.Logging out~
3.KJOB - LOGOUT a job^
3.Logging out when over disk quota^
2.LOCATE - direct lineprinter output to a site^
2.MIC - Macro Interpreted Commands~
3.Introduction to MIC^
3.Notes on the new version of MIC (September 82)^
3.Useful MIC files~
4.DO SEARCH - for adding DSKC and DSKB to search list^
2.Packing and unpacking of files~
3.PACK10 program^
3.Changing over from PACK to PACK10^
3.PACK program (now obsolete)^
2.PROTECT - file protection^
2.QUOLST - says how much disk space quota you have left^
2.System status information~
3.SYSTAT - System status information program^
3.LOOK - Command requesting version of SYSTAT^
1.Editors and text processors~
2.PHI - Program for Heirarchical Information^
2.RUNOFF - Program for preparing documents^
2.OCP - Oxford Concordance Program^
2.SOUP - Source Update Package^
2.LOGTDY - tidy up a batch job log file^
1.Languages, Compilers and Debuggers~
2.General utilities~
3.CREF - Print a cross-reference listing^
3.GLOB - produce listing of globals in binary program files^
3.LINK - Link .REL files^
3.MAKLIB - Create and change binary program libraries^
3.ALGOL68 documentation - what is available^
3.Differences between ALGOL68R and ALGOL68C^
3.Commands to BASIC^
3.New version of BASIC (October 82)^
3.Differences in new version of BASIC (October 82)^
3.PBASIC - a verifier for standard BASIC^
2.BMX - Beginners MACRO 10^
2.CESIL - A simple assembler language^
2.CGKOD - City and Guilds programming language^
3.Running COBOL^
3.COBDDT - for debugging COBOL programs^
Information on DBMS is also available in a different section~
3.LIBARY - for COBOL library files^
3.ISAM - Indexed Sequential file maintenance^
3.FORDDT - Debug Fortran programs^
3.PFORT - Program for checking Portable Fortran^
3.RENBR - Fortran Renumbering program~
4.Instructions for use^
3.FORDML - part of interface between Fortran and DBMS^
3.FORWMU - Additional Fortran subroutine library^
3.SFT - Structured Fortran Translator^
3.Differences between Versions 5 and 6^
2.GLISH - Simple language for beginners^
2.GLOUT - sample GLISH programs and output^
2.GNOSIS - a language for CAI/CAL^
3.Version 3^
3.How to use the PASCAL compiler directly^
3.COPAS - COnversational PAScal^
2.PILOT - Compiler for PILOT-73 language used in CAI^
3.General Information^
3.Command strings and switches^
3.LIBSIM - Library procedures^
3.SIMDDT - debugging SIMULA programs^
3.SIMDIR - for information on which modules require which^
3.SIMED - Editing and indentaion program for SIMULA^
3.Loading SIMULA programs in the high segment^
3.SIMRTS - Object time system^
2.WPOP - a Wonderful version of POP2^
2.FUZZY - An artificial intelligence language based on LISP.^
See the 34 line-printer page reference manual on DOC:FUZZY.MAN~
2.PLNR - An artificial intelligence language based on LISP.^
2.CNVR - An(other) artificial intelligence language based on LISP.^
1.Program packages~
3.Plotters available^
3.Bounds Green Calcomp 960^
3.Enfield Calcomp 81^
3.Tektronix terminal control system^
3.CURVE - Fitting a polynomial to a set of data points^
3.LOGSPR - Logarithmic spirals^
3.BMDP - Biomedical Program suite, P-series^
3.CLUSTAN - Cluster Analysis program package^
4.SPSS version 7.02 (standard version)^
4.Running SPSS 7.02 as an overnight job^
4.SPSS version 9.1^
3.STATPACK - Statistical package^
3.MCOR - Multiple correlation analysis^
3.MREG - Multiple regression analysis^
3.MARC (data file manipulation) and DARC (data preparation program)^
These are used in conjunction with MCOR and MREG~
3.ANALOG - Analogue computer simulation^
3.CSMP - Continuous System Modelling Program^
3.GLIM - Generalised Linear Interactive Modelling program^
3.PAFEC - Program for Automatic Finite Element Calculations^
3.SPICE,SLIC,SINC - Electronic circuit analysis^
2.General mathematical~
3.ABACUS - Arithmetic calculator program^
3.CHEB2P - Chebyshev to power series conversion program^
3.NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group)~
4.NAG Fortran Mk 8 library, consise summary^
4.Note about new NAG ALGOL60 Mk8 library^
4.NAG ALGOL60 Mk 8 library, consise summary^
4.Plotting with the NAG library^
3.CHESS - Computers in education software scheme^
1.General CAMPUS administrative notes, News items, etc.~
2.Program advisory service^
2.New monitor - 701^
2.Notice of the day^
2.Logging out when over file quota^
1.Other miscellaneous programs~
2.AVAIL - System availability program^
2.CREDIR - Create subfile directory^
3.CSORT - Sort a file^
2.DBMS - Database Management System~
3.DAEMDB - Background MTA-Journal processor^
3.DBINFO - Utility for examining .DBS and .SCH files^
3.DBMEND - Utility for processing journal files^
3.FORDML - Language translator part of Fortran interface^
3.SCHEMA - translator for DDL programs^
2.Educational programs~
3.Schools council programs (Chelsea College)^
2.FILEX - Program for converting binary files^
2.FUDGE2 - File update generator^
2.LOGTDY - tidy a batch job log file^
2.PCS - Project Control System (Critical path analysis)^
2.PIP - Peripheral Interchange Program (used by COPY, RENAME etc)^
2.Path and Search list utilities~
3.SETSRC - set a search list^
3.PATH - to allow path manipulations and operations.^
2.Tape utilities~
3.CHANGE - Program to convert magnetic tape data from one format to another^
3.FAILSA -an old program now replaced by 'BACKUP'^