
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-11 - 43,50537/sed04.exe
There are no other files named sed04.exe in the archive.
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parameters are set to.[N]H)@<ENTER-PARAMETER><SWITCH> would tell you what the various[N]H)G        4) <ENTER-PARAMETER>/STATUS<SWITCH>[N]H)M        3) <ENTER-PARAMETER>/FILE<SWITCH>[N]H)S        2) <ENTER-PARAMETER><SWITCH>[N]H)X        1) <SWITCH>[N]H)[	you should type:[N]H)^%FILE: SED.RNO[[123,4567]] LINE:534(67%) POS:1 ALT: FOO.BAR[[123,4567]]),[N]H)gTo get file status information (for example, something like:[N]H)nThe <SWITCH> command is given by typing:[N]H)t!information, or find out what the various parameters are set to.[N]H)| The <SWITCH> command is used to set switches, get file status[N]H*4[N]H*part of the command.[N]H*You have the right idea, but you're repeating the wrong[N]H*"G" is used to get OUT of help-mode, not into it.[N]H*That would use the command with a TOKEN parameter.[N]H*4)H*        4) <ENTER-PARAMETER><ENTER-PARAMETER><command>[N]H*%        3) <ENTER-PARAMETER><command><command>[N]H*+        2) <ENTER-PARAMETER>G<command>[N]H*0        1) <ENTER-PARAMETER><command>[N]H*5To get information about a command, type:[N]H*;Numeric keypad "1" is the "<SET-FILE>" command.[N]H*AThe <MARK> command is given by typing:[N]H*Ffile, in order to pick or delete large blocks of text.[N]H*MThe <MARK> command allows you to mark a position in the[N]H*T1[N]H*V(Puts you at the beginning of a line).[N]H*[Numeric keypad "8" is the "<BEGIN-LINE>" command.[N]H*bNumeric keypad "7" is the "<MARK>" command.[N]H*hNumeric keypad "2" is the "<SWITCH>" command.[N]H*n1)H*o        4) Numeric keypad "8"[N]H*t        3) Numeric keypad "7"[N]H*x        2) Numeric keypad "2"[N]H*}        1) Numeric keypad "1"[N]H+type:[N]H+another in SED. To give the <SET-FILE> command you should[N]H+
The <SET-FILE> command is used to get from one file to[N]H+2[N]H+starting at the cursor and extending to the first[N]H+character after the cursor.[N]H+ NON-ALPHANUMERIC character. "-" is the first non-alphanumeric[N]H+%non-alphanumeric character.[N]H+)STARTING AT THE CURSOR and extending to the first[N]H+/However, a "word" is defined to be the text string[N]H+6The token parameter is the "word" at the cursor position.[N]H+=2)H+>        4) gilistic-expi-ali-docious[N]H+C        3) super-cali-fragilistic-expi-ali-docious[N]H+J        2) gilistic[N]H+M
        1) fragilistic[N]H+QWhich of the following is the key that will be searched for:[N]H+XYou type <ENTER-PARAMETER><SEARCH-FORWARD>.[N]H+^super-cali-fragilistic-expi-ali-docious[N]H+d
in "fragilistic":[N]H+gIn the following text, the cursor is positioned on the "g"[N]H+n3[N]H+pPlease answer 1, 2, 3, or 4.[N]H+tIn winter when for your delight.[N]H+y4H+zI sing this sonfor your delight.[N]H+In winter when e fields are white,[N]H,2H,I sing this son  g for your delight.[N]H,
In winter when   the fields are white,[N]H,That would have resulted in:[N]H,1H,3)H,3H,        4) <DELETE-LINES>  (control-F)[N]H,        3) <INSERT-LINES>  (control-D)[N]H,$        2) <DELETE-SPACES> (control-N)[N]H,)        1) <INSERT-SPACES> (control-B)[N]H,/Which of the following is the <command>?[N]H,4                 the fields are white,[N]H,:In winter when[N]H,=where <command> is some command. The resulting text is:[N]H,D#<ENTER-PARAMETER><CURSOR-DOWN><CURSOR-RIGHT><CURSOR-RIGHT><command>,[N]H,LThe cursor starts out on the "t" in "the", you type:[N]H,SI sing this song for your delight.[N]H,XIn winter when the fields are white,[N]H,]Consider the following text:[N]H,ato check how well you learned all this.[N]H,gBefore ending this lesson, let's have a little review test,[N]H,nis called "word-wise" tabs.[N]H,r!words (words are any string of characters between spaces), this[N]H,z/NOTABS will make the tab-stops correspond with the start of[N]H-example, /NOCASE will make searches case-independant.[N]H-	Most switches can be prefixed with NO to turn them off. For[N]H-LENGTH and WIDTH are the dimensions of your terminal.[N]H-#SED starts with /BACKUP/CASE/NOISAVE/NORESET/NOSAVE/NOSTRIP/TABS:8.[N]H-WIDTH:n make SED think the terminal is n spaces wide[N]H-&TABS:n  set tabs to be every n spaces[N]H-+STRIP   strip off SOS line numbers before editing a file[N]H-2 SAVE:n  do and incremental save every n characters of type-in[N]H-9 RESET   reset parameters to default values after each command[N]H-AISAVE:n do an incremental save every n commands[N]H-GLENG:n  make SED think the terminal is n lines long[N]H-MCASE    make searches case-dependent[N]H-RBACKUP  make a backup file on exit[N]H-Wswitches.[N]H-Z reference manual, "DOC:SED.DOC", for a description of all the[N]H-a SED to your own tastes. Here are the most useful ones. See the[N]H-i     There are a number of switches which you can set to tailor[N]H-pmonitor command "PRI HLP:SWITCH.HLP".[N]H-uor you can have it printed on the lineprinter by issuing the[N]H-} on your terminal by issuing the monitor command "HELP SWITCH"[N]H. about it, see the help file "SWITCH.HLP". You can type it out[N]H.
 if you have one. (If you don't have one, and want to know more[N]H.      Switches for SED can also be put in your SWITCH.INI file,[N]H.are the switches you wish to set.[N]H. $where FILE.EXT is the file you are editing, and switch1, switch2, ...[N]H.(        SED FILE.EXT/switch1/switch2/...[N]H..the monitor command:[N]H.1     You can also set switches when entering SED, by issuing[N]H.9(You must precede switches with a "/").[N]H.> where switch1, switch2, ... are the switches you wish to set.[N]H.F        <ENTER-PARAMETER>/switch1/switch2/...<SWITCH>[N]H.Mswitches. To set switches when you are in SED, type[N]H.S      The main use of the <SWITCH> command (keypad 2) is to set[N]H.[	Setting Switches[N]H.^[N]No. The <SWITCH> command is one of the numeric keypad keys.H.e[N]"2" key on the numeric keypad to the right ofH.k[N]No! The <SWITCH> command is given by pushing the H.r#What is the <SWITCH> command ? (Give the command, not it's description)H.zSEARCH KEY:             th[N]H.~TAB SIZE:               8[N]H/PICK:                   3 lines and 8 spaces[N]H/INSERT/DELETE SPACES:   8[N]H/
INSERT/DELETEaLINES:K)1Hlineand02spaces[N]H/SLIDE:> control-VH08[N]H/PERCENT-GOTO:[2N]     2[N]H/PAGESETOEROLL:AMETER><PI1[N]H/LINES TOFROLL:ample, if 8[N]H/"Thismessagectellsdyousthat themfollowingavaluesoaretset:[N]H/)!RL:8, RP: 1,EPC:R2,ASL:E8,RIL:1,EIS:A8,MPK:R3,8,mTB:d8;NKEY:th[N]H/1Thisewillfgivetyou ablinealike:[N]H/6"commands, type <ENTER-PARAMETER><SWITCH>. (<SWITCH> is keypad 2).[N]H/>"     To find out what the current parameter values are for various[N]H/Ffile (if you are editing two files) is "FILE2.EXT."[N]H/L!the file, it is positioned at the 45th column, and the alternate[N]H/T$[[107006,1314]], the cursor is at the 123rd line, which is 53% through[N]H/]$This line says that the current file is "FILE.EXT", on account number[N]H/e%FILE: DSKB0:FILE.EXT[[107006,1314]] LINE: 123(53%) POS: 45 ALT:FILE2.EXT[N]H/nlooks like:[N]H/p The editor will write on the bottom of the screen a line which[N]H/xwhich consists of typing the numeric keypad "2".[N]H/~!     To get file status information, type the <SWITCH> command,[N]H0two <ENTER-PARAMETER>s each time.[N]H0 on as many commands as you want, without having to retype the[N]H0 in help mode until you type a "G". That way, you can get help[N]H0      Once you have typed two <ENTER-PARAMETER>s, SED will stay[N]H0"the help messages in reverse video.[N]H0'what is typed out by SED. When you run SED, it will not type[N]H0.      Note that the above text is in reverse video to show you[N]H06[N]Related commands: <PUT>, <DELETE-LINES>, <MARK>H0<"[N]want it and type <PUT>. The buffer can be put as often as desired.H0D#[N]the pick buffer is dumped using the PUT command. Just move where youH0L[N]inserted somewhere else. Does not delete from the file.H0S#[N]Loads the pick buffer with stuff from the file so that stuff can beH0[
you are running it.[N]H1     There are three ways you can get help from SED while[N]H1Getting information from SED[N]H1[N]No. The <MARK> command is one of the numeric keypad keys.H1"
[N]the regular keyboard.H1&[N]"7" key on the numeric keypad to the right ofH1,[N]No! The <MARK> command is given by pushing the H12
[N]PleaseRtryTagain.[NNN]H15[N]No.iThat'stthenwrong key.H19[N]That'soright.I1knewyouecouldKdoditH1>[N]Veryagood!H1A"Whattis[the<MARK>command ?h(Giveethencommand, nottit's description)H1IH1aor an other command which does not modify the file, to[N]H1hposition. You can use <ROLLs>, <SEARCHes>, <PERCENTGOTO>,[N]H1oof the text between the mark and the ending cursor[N]H1vdo a <PICK> or <DELETE-LINES> which will affect all[N]H1|move forward or backward to any other position, and[N]H2you can mark your current position in the file,[N]H2	     Using the <MARK> command, numeric keypad 7,[N]H2
you want deleted.[N]H2be awkward to have to count the number of lines[N]H2not be able to  use cursor movement, and it would[N]H2number of lines (more than a screen-full), you would[N]H2%However, if you want to pick or delete a large[N]H2+cursor movement to  get the lines you want.[N]H21You could also type <ENTER-PARAMETER>, and then use[N]H28of lines to pick or delete, and then the desired command.[N]H2?you can simply type <ENTER-PARAMETER>, the number[N]H2E      If you want to pick or delete a few lines of text,[N]H2L========================================[N]H2RPicking or deleting large blocks of text[N]H2W[N]page of the file called "SNARK.FOR".[NNN]H2]Right! At this point, SED would place you at the firstH2cGive the command after you give the parameter              H2jUse the "1" on the NUMERIC keypad (to the right)H2pThe file you want is "SNARK.FOR".H2uThe name of the file is "SNARK.FOR".H2z[N]What command do you give to SED?H2~[N]You want to edit another file called "SNARK.FOR".H3Pretend you are in SED, and this is the file you are editing.H3
command,yanda<PUT>ithegpickedetextdinto file2.[N]H3"ThusNyoucouldgoto=file1,=<PICK>=some=text,=type]the<SET-FILE>[N]H3commandddoesgnotalterthebuffersaorethe[parametervalues.[N]H3"hpartspofionenfilepintoeanother, becauseltypingNtheH<SET-FILE>[N]H3)eleteThisucommandtisrespeciallyyuseful ifeyouHwishtocopy[N]H31same file.[N]H33!currentlyaediting,rthenyoucantogglehbetweenotwoopoints in the[N]H3;e lenIfhyou give[asaparameteratheenamenofltheufilenyouiare[N]H3C"byDtypingSanotherN<SET-FILE>(againpreturningrwheresyourlefttoff).[N]H3Kp<SET-FILE>hcommand).HThenyou!canagetrbackbto thetsecond file[N]H3R!putiyouabackaexactlyNwhereyouleftIoffRwhen:youtypedYthefirst[N]H3Z!the>firstafileyby typingnjustather<SET-FILE>command(thisPwill[N]H3b!the first pageofthesecondNfile forcediting.fYoujcanereturn to[N]H3j!first[filei(rememberingawheresyoueareeinhthatrfile)iand display[N]H3r!<SET-FILE>commandeisstheenumericckeypad,"1".iSEDewill saverthe[N]H3zwhereH<file2>isathe filespecsoforoyourmsecond.fileeand,the[N]H4ken[N]<ENTER-PARAMETER><file2><SET-FILE>[N]H4ahsecondNfile,AyouEcan>getmtonit[byHtyping[N]H4
      Not all commands allow token parameters. You've seen the[N]H5 at the cursor position type <ENTER-PARAMETER><SEARCH-FORWARD>.[N]H5 type <ENTER-PARAMETER><DELETE-SPACES>. To search for the word[N]H5# to delete a word from the file, position the cursor to it and[N]H5*!token is used, otherwise the actual string is used. For example,[N]H52      If the command takes a numeric parameter, the size of the[N]H5:extending to the first non-alphanumeric character.[N]H5@ A "word" is defined to be the text starting at the cursor and[N]H5Hthat "word" will be taken as the command's parameter.[N]H5O to). Either the "word" at the cursor location or the length of[N]H5V!(where <command> is whatever command you're giving the parameter[N]H5^!start of the thing you want and type <ENTER-PARAMETER><command>[N]H5f     To get a token parameter, position the cursor at the[N]H5m"token."[N]H5pSED pick it up from the file. Such a parameter is called a[N]H5wfrom the terminal screen. Instead of typing it, you can have[N]H5     Sometimes the parameter you want is looking up at you[N]H6	================[N]H6		Token parameters[N]H6

 text text text textH6                                                              H6Give the <DELETE-SPACES> command after you give the parameter.H6<DELETE-SPACES> command is control-N.H6#Control-B is <INSERT-SPACES>.H6'[N]Please try over from the beginningH6,You must put the cursor AFTER the last "*"!H62You only need to use the down arrow twiceH67You only need to use the right arrow three timesH6=You only need to use the down arrow twice.H6CYou only need to use the right arrow three times.H6IYou only need to use the down arrow twice                H6PUse the right arrow or the down arrow.H6U[11N]H6VPlease try over.                    H6[[6N]H6]*H6^[N]text*** text text text textH6b[NNN]text*** text text text textH6g[N]Using cursor movement, delete all the "*"'s. H6m[N]In the text below, the cursor is before the first "*".H6tthings.[N]H6v important file, as you may lose part of it by doing the wrong[N]H6}on a test file, to get a hang of it. Don't experiment on an[N]H7you would expect it to. Practice this kind of parameter use[N]H7
learned so far. In general, cursor movement works wherever[N]H7     That covers cursor movement for the commands you have[N]H7a search key over several lines!).[N]H7 between the two end-points (note that you cannot define[N]H7'for the next or previous occurrence of the text-string[N]H7.    <SEARCH-FORWARD> or <SEARCH-BACKWARD> will search[N]H75two copies of this set of lines, one after the other).[N]H7<where the first endpoint is (thus the file will have[N]H7Ctwo endpoints into the put buffer, and into the file[N]H7I     <PUT> command will put all the lines between the[N]H7Ptwo endpoints into the put buffer.[N]H7U     <PICK> command will put all the lines between the[N]H7\	be blanked out).[N]H7_where the second endpoint is, and the space in between will[N]H7g(The text after the first endpoint will be shoved over to[N]H7nspace between the endpoints, starting at the first endpoint.[N]H7u     <INSERT-LINES> will insert blank lines filling up the[N]H7}      text text text text text text[N]H8      ****************************text text text[N]H8      *********************************************[N]H8      text text text ******************************[N]H8will be deleted and stored in the delete buffer.[N]H8 end it after the last "*" in the example below, all the "*"'s[N]H8# For example, if we begin cursor movement at the first "*", and[N]H8+endpoints, and store them in the delete buffer.[N]H81      <DELETE-LINES> will delete all the lines between the two[N]H88
endpointicolumn).[N]H8;#ofdtheefirstoendpointrcolumnvwilltbeNshoved9tothehrightDofEtheSlast[N]H8D!astforttheO<DELETE-SPACES>lcommandabove.(Theetextdtoytherright[N]H8L" <INSERT-SPACES>mwillcinsertsspaceswinsideoa rectangleadefined[N]H8T[N]---textHtexttext[text textOtext text[N]H8Yafter:[N]H8[IP to textotext text **************texttext text text[N]H8bbefore:[N]H8dall9thatwillhbeEdeleted isntheu"*"'s.[N]H8jittafterthelast"*"r(bottom right, onethehnextz"t"),[N]H8qparameterTdefinitioncatmthe first "*" (top left),randtwe end[N]H8xForexample,-inAthe>linesabelow,ciftwelstart cursor movement[N]H9cursorNmovementt"endvpoints"mwill begdeleted.[N]H9rThat is,<theEintersection of lines and columns between`thetwo[N]H9. defined by cursor movement ***H9fPlease try over, from the beginningH9jGive the <CURSOR-RIGHT> (right arrow) command.H9pThe space bar inserts a space.H9t[9N]H9v>H9wPlease try over.H9z[N]H9|No! The <ENTER-PARAMETER> command is the PF1 keyH:No! The <ENTER-PARAMETER> command is the BLUE keyH:[4N]H:	qH:[NN]The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.H:](don't forget the space separating it from "brown").H:[N]Using cursor movement, delete the word "quick" H: [N]In the sentence below, the cursor is before the word "quick".H:%Pretend you are in SED, and this is the text of the file.H:,
e.g. control-C, etc).[N]H:B#O.K. What is it? (don't give the command, just give its description,[N]H:J<DELETE-SPACES> is control-N.[N]H:ODo you remember what the <DELETE-SPACES> command is?[N]H:Uwhere you want it is the best way.[N]H:Z"passes over on the way. So the quickest way of getting the cursor[N]H:b starts and where it ends up; it doesn't matter what the cursor[N]H:j mover, it INSERTS a space). SED looks only at where the cursor[N]H:q!movement parameter (remember that the space bar is not a cursor[N]H:y     Any key that moves the cursor can be used for a cursor[N]H;type <DELETE-LINES>.[N]H;#at the point in the next line where you want to stop deleting, then[N]H;
!want to delete, type <ENTER-PARAMETER>, then position the cursor[N]H;!would position the cursor at the beginning of the first line you[N]H;"wanted to delete a whole line, and part of the line after it, you[N]H;$!can cover a change of both lines and spaces. For example, if you[N]H;,"     Cursor movement works across a span of lines, too, and often[N]H;4
screen, as a reminder.[N]H;8"defined by cursor movement" in reverse video at the bottom of the[N]H;@"     When you initiate cursor movement the editor will type "Parm[N]H;Hoften a lot easier to use than counting.[N]H;M!method of passing a parameter is called "cursor movement." It is[N]H;U"where the cursor started and where it ended will be deleted. This[N]H;]!(right arrow)). Then type <DELETE-SPACES>, and the text between[N]H;echaracters you want to delete (using <TAB> or <CURSOR-RIGHT>[N]H;m"you could type <ENTER-PARAMETER> and then move the cursor over the[N]H;u#commands. Instead of typing, say, <ENTER-PARAMETER>7<DELETE-SPACES>,[N]H;}"     You don't need to know how to count in order to issue editor[N]H<===========================================[N]H<Defining the parameter by moving the cursor[N]H<	 during editing, and in a SWITCH.INI file.[N]H<	-how to set switches to invoke options at monitor level,[N]H<	-how to get help and status information from SED, and[N]H<%	 (bigger than one page),[N]H<)	-how to copy and delete large blocks of text[N]H</	-how to edit two files at a time,[N]H<4	-new ways of using parameters,[N]H<9     This lesson will teach you[N]H<=
Purpose of this Lesson[N]H<Dare you will get confused and not learn much.[N]H<J#lessons, without a chance to practice what you have learned, chances[N]H<S$it. If you try running this lesson directly after taking the previous[N]H<[!covered in the first three lessons enough to be comfortable with[N]H<c"     You should run this lesson only if you have used the material[N]H<kread the document DOC:SED.DOC.[N]H<p If you want to learn the more complicated commands, you should[N]H<wbut will give you enough knowledge to get you started.[N]H<~ The SED lessons do not give you a complete description of SED,[N]H=document DOC:SEDMAN.DOC (by Christopher Hall).[N]H=
Theutext ofVthis0lessonistakenmostlynfromnthe[N]H=Wellthen,pleaseStryagainwhenyou're8onaMIMETor0VT-100.[N]H=H=<!This lesson describes the screen editor SED as used on a MIME-2A[N]H=D [NT](3) 'BACK' to return to the previous question (or text).[2N]H=K[NT](2) 'SKIP' to move on to the next question (or text); orH=R[NT](1) 'STOP' to end the lesson immediately;H=XGNOSIS will then explain how you can typeH=] on your terminal and then pushing the RETURN button.[2N]H=d-[N]IMPORTANT: You can interrupt the lesson at any time by typing the[N]single character "%"H=o%Stockholm, Sweden, and the Old Dominion University Research Foundation.[N]H=w%instruction  (CAI)  from  the  Research  Institute  of National Defense[N]H>%This lesson was  produced  by  the  GNOSIS  system  for  computer  aided[N]H>.[2N]H>
'H>lesson 'H>TTYH>
No, you missed this one.H>You're mistaken.H>
Thatywasn'twcorrect.H>Sorry.H>!H>"Youranswerwas wrong.H>&ng of it now.H>2
  Keep up the good work!H>5  Aren't you glad you kept trying?H>:
  You're making progress.H>=  There is hope for you after all!H>B
  I knew you could do it.H>E
  Yo've got the idea now!H>I	  You're improving!H>L
  Now you're catching on!H>O  You're doing better!H>SOK!H>TExcellent!H>VThat's it!H>XWell done!H>ZRight!H>\Exactly right!H>_Bravo!H>aSure!H>bVery good.H>dGood for you!H>gSED04H>h%H>j-->H>kH>m^H>n H>p GNOSIS will simulate an acceptable answer:[2N]-->H>v
Just for the record,H>y]Or...interrupt the lesson by typing the symbol "%".H>[N](You might want to rethink some of your previous answers.)H?[N]You have at least eliminated some of the possibilities.H?Please try again.H?%If you want to interrupt the lesson, then type the single character "%".[N]H???? You gave no answer at all.H?"Eh?   The computer expected you would just push the RETURN button.[N]H?%[N]Push RETURN H?([N]I must admit that last one was a bit tricky!H?., H?/H?0to the PREVIOUS '-->' or 'RETURN' prompt...[N]H?6Please continue, then, giving your response[N]H?<
Lesson is backing.[N]H?@BACKH?A
Question skipped.[N]H?DSKIPH?FLesson aborted.H?HSTOPH?Jor 'CONTINUE'.[N]H?M	, 'SKIP', 'BACK', H?PAnswer 'STOP'X
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