
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-11 - 43,50537/sed05.exe
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-=1@+^,"<L	,"<LB,"<Lb-=	+hHc!Hd	[2N]Haveoamnice:dayHgLeaving'therlessony"SED05"...[N]HlmquestionstyourNanswerwasrightnonPyoureveryefirstitry.[N]Hsptimes.[N]OnHuquestions,[N]andlyouogaveethebright,answerH{Duringthe lesson "SED05"CyouaansweredHfrom:thisDpoint.C"ItoisNgoingaallthe way back to the start.[N]H!NOTE:  The backing procedure is unable to go back just ONE step [N]HV52 for VT52 or H19.[N]Hwhere ??? is M2A for MIME2A, V10 for VT100 or VT132,[N]H        PRI TED:SED???.KYS[N]H        TYPE TED:SED???.KYS[N]H!To type or print them, type the monitor commands:[N]H( keyboard layouts for the various terminals which support SED.[N]H/     On the "TED:" area there are a few files which contain[N]H7
helpyouewith SED.[N]H or sRemember,sthereaareNseveraldocumentationdfiles to[N]Hletsthe staffdhere.atftheucomputercenteroknow.[N]Hittle quiz at the end to test you on your[N]H"     Since this lesson was meant to be informational, there[N]H)The reference manual, DOC:SED.DOC, contains all the details.[N]H1and that you can write and run "programs" in that language.[N]H8"several constructs such as DO WHILE and IF CHARACTER or POSITION,[N]H@that SED has a language which includes all the commands plus[N]HH There are too many details to describe here. Suffice it to say[N]HO"     The command which does these things is <EXECUTE>, control-X.[N]HWsaved and read from disk or set up in SWITCH.INI.[N]H^ commands and attach them to terminal keys. The buffers can be[N]He     You can also use these buffers to define new editor[N]Hleditor, and then execute it as many times as you like.[N]Hsof the file) you can store that sequence in a buffer in the[N]H{example, or removing the first 16 characters of every line[N]Hrepeat many times (like doing a search and substitute, for[N]H
     If you have a sequence of commands which you want to[N]Hthoroughly.[N]Hto use it, make sure you read the documentation[N]Hand very complicated command, so if you do decide[N]H can look it up in "SED.DOC". This is a very powerful,[N]H'exists. If you are interested in this command, you[N]H-so that you are aware that the <EXECUTE> command[N]H4    This section is included for your information,[N]H:========================================[N]H@Repeating commands or inventing your own[N]HE[N]No. The <WINDOW> command is one of the numeric keypad keys.HM[N]"3" key on the numeric keypad to the right ofHS[N]No! The <WINDOW> command is given by pushing the HY#What is the <WINDOW> command ? (Give the command, not it's description)Hbthe file you were currently editing.[N]Hgtype the <WINDOW> command again, and the screen will display[N]Hn      To bring the screen back to the normal single-file mode,[N]Hvthe window.[N]Hxbetween two windows or to change the file which appears in[N]Hthe bottom window. You can then use <SET-FILE>s to toggle[N]Hwindow will remain unchanged and the new file will appear in[N]Hbottom half will be blank. If you do a <SET-FILE>, the top[N]Hediting will appear in the top half of the screen and the[N]H     After <WINDOW> is typed the file you are currently[N]H$(and edit) a file in each half.[N]H(the terminal screen into upper and lower halves and display[N]H0     The <WINDOW> command, keypad "3", allows you to divide[N]H7to have both files on the screen simultaneously.[N]H>two files, to edit the two at the same time. There is a way[N]HE     You already know (from lesson 4) how to toggle between[N]HM===========================================[N]HSSetting or clearing the split-screen window[N]HY2[N]HZPlease answer 1, 2, 3, or 4.[N]H_characters remain untouched.[N]Hclower case, but if the /NOINVERT switch is set, lower case[N]Hk4Hl3Hnlower case.[N]Hp When the /NORAISE switch is set, upper case characters become[N]Hx1Hy2)H{2H|        4) The QuIck brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.[N]H        3) The qUiCK brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.[N]H
        2) The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.[N]H        1) The QUICK brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.[N]HIf you type <ENTER-PARAMETER>5<CASE>, the result will be:[N]H        The qUiCK brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.[N]H&is on the "q" in "qUiCK" in the sentence below:[N]H, The /NOINVERT and the /NORAISE switches are set and the cursor[N]H4[NN]H5[N]No. The <CASE> command is one of the numeric keypad keys.H<[N]"9" key on the numeric keypad to the right ofHB[N]No! The <CASE> command is given by pushing the HH"What is the <CASE> command ? (Give the command, not it's description)HPthan one line.[N]HSmovement (covered in lesson 4) to make <CASE> work for more[N]H[look at and maybe change the case of. You can use cursor[N]Hb     The parameter to <CASE> is the number of characters to[N]Hiwill be changed to lower case.[N]Hn"Likewise, if /NORAISE is set, upper case characters at the cursor[N]Hvupper case and non-alphabetic characters will be unaffected[N]H}"lower case characters at the cursor will be changed to upper case;[N]Hone-way changes. If /RAISE is set (this is the default),[N]H
     If the /NOINVERT switch is set, then it will only make[N]Hwhen the /INVERT switch is set (which is the default).[N]H!from lower case to upper case, or from upper case to lower case,[N]H#     The <CASE> command, keypad "9", will change characters[N]H*===============================[N]H/Changing the case of characters[N]H3 [N]No. The <REAL-TAB> command is one of the numeric keypad keys.H;
[N]the regular keyboard.H>[N]"0" key on the numeric keypad to the right ofHD]No! The <REAL-TAB> command is given by pushing the HK$What is the <REAL-TAB> command ? (Give the command, not it's description)HS[N]No! <ENTER-CONTROL-CHARACTER> is control-O. HYWhat is the <ENTER-CONTROL-CHARACTER> command ?H_but does not actually modify the file.[N]He the file, whereas the <TAB> command causes the cursor to move[N]Hl "0". Note that the <REAL-TAB> command puts a tab character in[N]Ht The <REAL-TAB> command is given by typing the numerical keypad[N]H{other is to use the <REAL-TAB> command, which inserts a tab.[N]Husing <ENTER-CONTROL-CHARACTER>I, to insert a control-I. The[N]H
     There are two ways of inserting a tab character. One is[N]H        <ENTER-CONTROL-CHARACTER>L[N]H     For example, if you want to insert a control-L, type:[N]Hcharacter. This command can be used within a parameter, too.[N]H&!control-O, followed by the character you want to make a control[N]H."in a file. To do this type the <ENTER-CONTROL-CHARACTER> command,[N]H6!     Every once in a while, you want to put a control-character[N]H>======================================[N]HCPutting control-characters in the file[N]HI"[N]To scan forward, you should type <ENTER-PARAMTER><ROLL-BACK-LINES>HQ[N]No! The <ROLL-BACK-LINES> command is control-W. HW[N]No. I'm sorry, but control-T is <ROLL-FORWARD-LINES>.H^What command do you give to scan backward ?Hd$[N]To scan forward, you should type <ENTER-PARAMTER><ROLL-FORWARD-LINES>Hl]No! The <ROLL-FORWARD-LINES> command is control-T. Hs[N]No. That's the wrong command.Hw[N]No. I'm sorry, but control-W is <ROLL-BACK-LINES>.H~[N]No! <ENTER-PARAMETER> is the PF1 key.H[N]No! <ENTER-PARAMETER> is the BLUE key.HWhat command do you give to scan forward ?Hof the screen.[N]Hwill stop, and the cursor will position itself in the middle[N]HTo stop, type any character, or the DELETE key. The scanning[N]H         <ENTER-PARAMETER><ROLL-BACKWARD-LINES>.[N]H&or[N]H'        <ENTER-PARAMETER><ROLL-FORWARD-LINES>[N]H-     To start scanning type[N]H1will keep rolling and waiting until you tell it to stop.[N]H8<ROLL-BACKWARD-LINES>, wait a little, then roll again. It[N]H?     Scanning is where SED will do a <ROLL-FORWARD-LINES> or[N]HG========[N]HIScanning[N]HL[N]No! The <SLIDE-RIGHT> command is control-L. [N]HR[N]No. I'm sorry, but control-K is <SLIDE-LEFT>.HX[2N]What is the <SLIDE-RIGHT> command ? H][N]     STOP to end this lessonHa[N]     SKIP to go to the next sectionHfType BACK to try this question overHk[N]No! The <SLIDE-LEFT> command is control-K. [N]Hq
[N]Please try again.[NNN]Ht[N]No. That's the wrong key.Hx[N]Please try again.[N]H|[N]No. I'm sorry, but control-L is <SLIDE-RIGHT>.H[N]That's right. I knew you could do it[N]H[N]Very good![N]H
[N](Give-thetcommand,fnoteit'sedescription)HWhat is the <SLIDE-LEFT> command ? Hcolumns.[N]H to slide. If you never give it a parameter, SED will assume 8[N]H #     The parameter to the <SLIDE> commands is the number of columns[N]H(<SLIDE-LEFT> will put you back.[N]H-"so that <SLIDE-RIGHT> will show you the columns to the right, and[N]H5"to remember that what you are moving is the window, not the file,[N]H=!commands move the viewing window left and right. It is important[N]HE!     The <SLIDE-LEFT> (control-K), and <SLIDE-RIGHT> (control-L)[N]HMoff the right side of the screen, but is still in the file.[N]HT&80 characters. If this happens, the text past the 80 characters disappears[N]H]$    Sometimes the file you are editing has lines that are longer than[N]Hf===================================[N]HkWhat to do if the file is very wide[N]Hp        -repeating commands or inventing your own[N]Hv        -setting or clearing the split screen window[N]H}        -changing the case of characters[N]H        -how to put control characters in the file[N]H	        -scanning the file[N]H
Purposeaofithiselesson[N]Hnotbecoveredninrgreatdetail.[N]H"theseYarecommandsyou will rarely, if ever, use, they will[N]H*know what to look for if ever you need these commands. Since[N]H1lesson. It will tell you about what there is in SED, so you[N]H9cases. This is more an informational lesson than a teaching[N]H@This lesson will cover a few useful commands for special[N]HGread the document DOC:SED.DOC.[N]HL If you want to learn the more complicated commands, you should[N]HSbut will give you enough knowledge to get you started.[N]HZ The SED lessons do not give you a complete description of SED,[N]Hbdocument DOC:SEDMAN.DOC (by Christopher Hall).[N]HhThe text of this lesson is taken mostly from the[N]HnWell then, please try again when you're on a MIME or VT-100.[N]Hv
Youoshouldn't besrunningthisklessonTonanyother terminal.[N]Hor a VT-100 in VT-52 mode.[N]H"This lesson describes the screen editor SED as used on a MIME-2A,[N]H  [NT](3) 'BACK' to return to the previous question (or text).[2N]H'[NT](2) 'SKIP' to move on to the next question (or text); orH.[NT](1) 'STOP' to end the lesson immediately;H4GNOSIS will then explain how you can typeH9 on your terminal and then pushing the RETURN button.[2N]H@-[N]IMPORTANT: You can interrupt the lesson at any time by typing the[N]single character "%"HK%Stockholm, Sweden, and the Old Dominion University Research Foundation.[N]HS%instruction  (CAI)  from  the  Research  Institute  of National Defense[N]H\%This lesson was  produced  by  the  GNOSIS  system  for  computer  aided[N]Hd.[2N]Hf'Hg
No, you missed this one.HpYou're mistaken.Hs
Thatywasn'twcorrect.HvSorry.Hx!H~Youranswerwas wrong.Hng of it now.H
  Keep up the good work!H  Aren't you glad you kept trying?H
  You're making progress.H  There is hope for you after all!H
  I knew you could do it.H!
  Yo've got the idea now!H%	  You're improving!H(
  Now you're catching on!H+  You're doing better!H/OK!H0Excellent!H2That's it!H4Well done!H6Right!H8Exactly right!H;Bravo!H=Sure!H>Very good.H@Good for you!HCSED05HD%HF-->HGHI^HJ HL GNOSIS will simulate an acceptable answer:[2N]-->HR
Just for the record,HU]Or...interrupt the lesson by typing the symbol "%".H[[N](You might want to rethink some of your previous answers.)Hc[N]You have at least eliminated some of the possibilities.HjPlease try again.Hm%If you want to interrupt the lesson, then type the single character "%".[N]Hu??? You gave no answer at all.Hy"Eh?   The computer expected you would just push the RETURN button.[N]H[N]Push RETURN H[N]I must admit that last one was a bit tricky!H
, HH
to the PREVIOUS '-->' or 'RETURN' prompt...[N]HPlease continue, then, giving your response[N]H
Lesson is backing.[N]HBACKH
Question skipped.[N]H SKIPH"Lesson aborted.H$STOPH&or 'CONTINUE'.[N]H)	, 'SKIP', 'BACK', H,Answer 'STOP'
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