
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib10-11 - 43,50544/scnblk.req
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! ... Require file "SCNBLK.REQ" ...
!	This file is used to define the scanner status blocks
!	which are used to switch the input context for the scanner.
!	SCANNR has three possible contexts:
!		1) The normal input file (file 0)
!		2) An alternate input (require) file (file 2)
!		3) A character stream imbedded in a SYNONYM definition
!		control comment, which can appear in either input file.

    in_field =
	chr = [0, 0, %BPVAL, 0],		! Current character
	cp  = [1, 0, %BPVAL, 0],		! Current character pointer
	len = [2, 0, %BPVAL, 0],		! Length of current input line
	col = [3, 0, %BPVAL, 0],		! Current visual column position
	rem = [4, 0, %BPVAL, 0],		! No. of chars remaining in line
	base = [5, 0, %BPVAL, 0],		! Base of macro- or plit-body
	buf = [6, 0, %BPVAL, 0]			! Input line buffer follows this address

    buf_len = 132;

    scn_blk_size = 				!
	6 + CH$ALLOCATION (buf_len);

! ... End of Require file SCNBLK.REQ ...