
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-01 - decus/20-0003/pasio.lst
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Tops-20 version
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

						title PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal

					;edit history - begins with edit 2

					;2 - keep disk open from blowing up when file has byte size of 0
					;3 - improve recovery from arithmetic errors
					;4 - set up to process pushdown overflow
					;5 - Tenex
					;6 - replace pasin. by pasif., which doesn't use pushj, in case
					;	emulator is active (as it is for tenex)
					;7 - more Tenex, convert some more erjmp's to erjrst, gnjfx1
					;	end of line for tty I/O
					;	tty openned as file should still use pstin
					;10 - add multiple page buffers.  This involves major edits to the
					;	whole map I/O section, getpag/relpag, and the callers thereof
					;	I have not put edit numbers on this edit.
					;11 - remove DMOVE, for KA Tenex
					;12 - mark file as unopened after closing it
					;13 - fix open of TTY and TTYOUTPUT, since edit 12 broke it
					;14 - general Tenex TTY I/O, supposedly the INTERLISP-style line
					;	Few TENEX sites support the PSTIN JSYS.
					;15 - fix up what we do on errors a bit
					;16 - use GET. instead of GET;  don't look for line numbers unless
					;	first word of file is line numbered  (undone in edit 23, except SRI)
					;17 - don't do line number test for size=0.  For version 1 monitors.  We
					;	would get ill mem read, since ERJMP didn't always work in version 1.
					;20 - replace newpage,retpage with getpages,relpages.  Move old ones to PASOLD
					;21 - Add code for Tenex with PA2040
					;22 - fix f%ltst routine so it doesn't need to use BKJFN, since that won't
					;	work for tapes [monitor bug].  NB:  Originally, we tested every word
					;	in the file to see if it was a line number.  I still prefer that code.
					;	The business of testing the first word and turning off the test if it
					;	is not a line number is done strictly for SRI.  The code is ugly, in
					;	in case of errors in reading the first word, who knows what to do?
					;	The reason SRI needs it is because their version of EMACS randomly
					;	sets the low order bit in files it creates.
					;23 - put funny line number testing under SRI conditional
					;24 - add code for dynamic heap management (DDyer@USC-ISIB)
					;25 (DFloodPage@BBNE) use non-binary mode in RDSTR on Tenex
					;       Don't set bit zero in chfdb on Tenex
					;26 - missing PSOUT of prompt in error handling
					;27 - all continuation after quota exceeded.  This is a "temporary" fix.
					;	A more general redesign to allow continuation in all cases
					;	is in PASIO.NEW.  However it is going to be a bear to debug, so
					;	this patch is being used as a safe one that does the job.
					;30 - replace WRTPC with RUNERR, that allows continuation
					;31 - new routines - SHOWLN and FIXLN
					;32 - add TTYPR. - prompt for INPUT open on TTY:
					;33 - retry opens when something goes wrong
					;34 - new intelligible form for funny open options
					;35 - minor fix to maperr, for holes in file
					;36 - removed setting EOLN in CLREOF
					;37 - typo: had move instead of movei at HAVSPC
					;40 - handle zero counts for SOUT, SOUTR, and SINR
					;41 - fix bad stack offset
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 1-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

					;42 - fix CLREOF - AC 2 was being garbaged

						sall	;no macro bodies or repeats
						search monsym,pasunv

					ife tenex,<printx  Tops-20 version>
					ifn tenex,<
					 ifn sumex,<printx  Sumex version>
					 ife sumex,<
					  ifn pa2040,<printx Tenex PA2040 version>
					  ife pa2040,<printx Tenex non-PA2040 version>
					 >;ife sumex
					>;ifn tenex
					ifn srisw,<printx  SRI line number kludge included>  ;[23]

			601054			gnjfx1=601054	;[7] T20 calls this gnjfx1, Tenex gnjfx2.  In
								;[7]    Tenex gnjfx1 is something else.  So this
								;[7]    definition should let us transport the code.
					ifn sumex,<
					opdef	pstin	[jsys 611] ;[14] SUMEX has PSTIN, so does IMSSS, but nowheres
								   ;[14]    else is it guaranteed!  Thus, where the
								   ;[14]    SUMEX switch is not, we simulate the 
								   ;[14]    INTERLISP string reading stuff

			000004		mapbfs==4	;default number of pages in buffer for mapped I/O
					ifn tenex,<mapbfs==1> ;except for Tenex, no advantage to more than 1
							;[the code should work for .gt. 1 even in tenex, though]
			000001		oldcom==1	;kludges needed to run this with .rel files made
							;by the tops-10 compiler (alas, I have never removed
							;the last vestiges of this program structure.  So this
							;switch is mostly a comment showing what should be
							;cleaned up.)

						entry initb.,init.b
						entry endl,runer.,gotoc.,dispc.,ilfil.
						entry resetf,rewrit,getch,get.,putch,put,clofil,getchr
						entry getfn.,getln,putln,putpg,getlnx,putlnx,putpgx
						entry putx,getx.,break,breaki
						entry setpos,curpos
						entry pasin.,pasif.,end,quit,clreof,getpg.
						entry newbnd,corerr,lstnew,illfn,norcht,norchx
						entry inxerr,ptrer.,srerr
						entry getnew,newcl.
						entry rename,delf.,append,update,resdev,relf.,nextfi
						entry erstat,analys,lstrec
						entry ttypr.

	400000'					twoseg

	000000'					reloc 0

	000000'				frepag:	block 17	;array of bits to indicate free pages
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 1-2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

	000017'				lstnew:	block 1		;last location used by new
					ifn oldcom,<
	000020'				newbnd:	block 1		;dummy for tops-10 code
					> ;ifn oldcom

	400000'					reloc 400000

					ife tenex,< ;[27]
					;CHKQUO should be used after any JSYS that might get a disk quota overflow.
					;  Note that it can be followed by an ERCAL or ERJMP, which will activate
					;  if any other error condition is present.
					;CHKQUO should not be used after ILDB or IDPB.  ERCAL MAPERR is the
					;  canonical error handler for that.  MAPERR handles quota errors itself.
					define chkquo,<	ercal quochk>
					> ;ife tenex

					ifn tenex,<
					define chkquo,<> ;[27]
					 ife sumex,<		; TENEX GETER loads 4-10 with PSB
					define geter,<   pushj p,.geter >
					.geter:	push p,4
						push p,5
						push p,6
						push p,7
						push p,10
						jsys 12		; geter
						pop p,10
						pop p,7
						pop p,6
						pop p,5
						pop p,4
						popj p,
					ifn oldcom,<
					;This routine will be called once in initialization to create core
					;for the beginning of the stack.  After that core will be created
					;automatically, as the nxm interrupt will be off.
	400000'	200 04 0 00 000001 	corerr:	move d,a	;save return address
	400001'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000	;current process
	400002'	201 02 0 00 020000 		movei 2,1b22	;nxm interrupt
	400003'	104 00 0 00 000133 		dic		;disable interrupt
	400004'	200 01 0 17 000000 		move a,(p)	;reference the location
	400005'	201 15 0 00 777777 		movei n,777777	;set so we are never called again
	400006'	254 00 0 04 000000 		jrst (d)	;return
					> ;ifn oldcom

	400007'	210 01 0 00 000002 	GETNEW:	movn a,b	;must be interruptible
	400010'	273 01 0 00 000017'		addb a,lstnew	;get new addr and update lstnew at once
	400011'	306 01 0 00 377777 		cain a,377777	;if result is nil
	400012'	254 00 0 00 400017'		jrst newnil	; get another one!
	400013'	315 01 0 00 000000*		camge a,.jbff##	;overlap low?
	400014'	254 00 0 00 400035'		jrst nonew	;yes, nothing there
	400015'	200 02 0 00 000001 	newxit:	move b,a
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 1-3
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

	400016'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	400017'	307 02 0 00 000000 	newnil:	caig b,0	;if size 0, adjust to 1 so we go somewhere
	400020'	201 02 0 00 000001 		movei b,1
	400021'	254 00 0 00 400007'		jrst getnew	;and try again

	400022'	261 17 0 00 000002 	newcl.:	push p,b	;here to clear result
	400023'	260 17 0 00 000000*		pushj p,new##
	400024'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	400025'	323 02 0 00 400015'		jumple b,newxit	;if 0, nothing to clear
	400026'	402 00 0 01 000000 		setzm (a)	;clear first
	400027'	363 02 0 00 400015'		sojle b,newxit	;anything else to clear?
	400030'	270 02 0 00 000001 		add b,a		;last address
	400031'	505 00 0 01 000000 		hrli t,(a)	;first address
	400032'	541 00 0 01 000001 		hrri t,1(1)	;make blt for clear
	400033'	251 00 0 02 000000 		blt t,(b)
	400034'	254 00 0 00 400015'		jrst newxit

					;Here if nothing more available
	400035'	200 00 0 17 000000 	nonew:	move t,(p)	;this is addr for error printer
	400036'	260 17 0 00 400131'		pushj p,newerr
	400037'	201 02 0 00 377777 		movei b,377777	;return NIL if he tries to continue
	400040'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					define outstr(x),<
						hrroi a,x
						psout >
					define eoutstr(x),<
						hrroi a,x
						esout >

					;runer. - general-purpose routine for processing runtime errors.
					;  if t matters to a continuation, we assume it has been saved at erracs
					;  t - addr of PC to print out
					;  pushj p,runer.
					;  here if user continues (after correcting error, one hopes)
					;This routine prints a PC, then either goes to a debugger (if there
					;is any) or warns the user that continuation is at his own risk.
					;If there is any reason to believe that P is blown, you had better
					;supply a good one before calling this guy.

	000021'					reloc

	000021'				ddtgo:	block 1
	000022'				erracs:	block 20

	400041'					reloc

	400041'	202 00 0 00 000022'	runer.:	movem 0,erracs			;save the AC's
	400042'	200 00 0 00 406502'		move 0,[xwd 1,erracs+1]
	400043'	251 00 0 00 000041'		blt 0,erracs+17
	400044'	200 00 0 00 000022'		move 0,erracs
	400045'	561 01 0 00 406503'		outstr [asciz / at user PC /]
	400046'	104 00 0 00 000076 
	400047'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
					;print PC in octal
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 1-4
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

	400050'	551 04 0 00 000006 		HRRZI d, 6
	400051'	200 05 0 00 406506'		MOVE e,[POINT 3,t,17]
	400052'	134 01 0 00 000005 		ILDB a, e
	400053'	271 01 0 00 000060 		ADDI a, 60
	400054'	104 00 0 00 000074 		pbout
	400055'	367 04 0 00 400052'		SOJG d,.-3
					;go to debugger if there is any
	400056'	550 03 0 00 000000*		HRRZ c,.JBDDT##			;[3] LOAD PASDDT-ADDR
	400057'	322 03 0 00 400065'		JUMPE c,noddt	       		;[3] no .jbddt, maybe vmddt
	400060'	200 03 0 00 400056*		move c,.jbddt##			;[3] want left half, too
	400061'	623 03 0 00 777777 		tlze c,777777			;[3] if zero, it is PASDDT
	400062'	254 00 0 00 400074'		jrst decddt			;[3] if not, real DDT
	400063'	260 17 0 03 777777 		pushj p,-1(c)			;[3] go to pasddt special entrance
	400064'	254 00 0 00 400113'		jrst errest			;continue if he continues

					;nothing obvious - check for VM DDT or just halt
	400065'	200 01 0 00 406507'	noddt:	move a,[xwd 400000,770]		;[3] no .jbddt, see if 770000
	400066'	104 00 0 00 000057 		rpacs				;[3] page exist?
	400067'	607 02 0 00 010000 		tlnn b,(pa%pex)			;[3]
	400070'	254 00 0 00 400105'		jrst hlterr			;[3] no - continue
	400071'	607 02 0 00 020000 		tlnn b,(pa%ex)			;[3] allowed to execute?
	400072'	254 00 0 00 400105'		jrst hlterr			;[3] no - continue
	400073'	201 03 0 00 770000 		movei c,770000			;[3] seems to be ddt - get its addr
	400074'	202 00 0 00 000000*	decddt:	movem t,.jbopc##		;save PC so he can continue
	400075'	552 03 0 00 000021'		hrrzm c,ddtgo
						outstr [asciz /
					[Type POPJ 17,$X to continue if possible
					      QUIT$G to close files and exit]
	400076'	561 01 0 00 406510'	/]
	400077'	104 00 0 00 000076 
	400100'	200 00 0 00 406531'		move 0,[xwd erracs+1,1]		;restore ac's to pgm context
	400101'	251 00 0 00 000016 		blt 0,16
	400102'	200 00 0 00 000022'		move 0,erracs
	400103'	260 17 1 00 000021'		pushj p,@ddtgo			;[3] avoid -1 entry point!
	400104'	254 00 0 00 400113'		jrst errest			;continue if he exits

					;no debugger, just halt and let him go on if he dares
					hlterr:	outstr [asciz /
					[Type CONTINUE to proceed if possible,
					      REENTER to close all files and exit]
	400105'	561 01 0 00 406532'	/]
	400106'	104 00 0 00 000076 
	400107'	201 01 0 00 405203'		movei a,quit
	400110'	250 01 0 00 000000*		exch a,.jbren##
	400111'	104 00 0 00 000170 		haltf
	400112'	202 01 0 00 400110*		movem a,.jbren
					;	jrst errest

					;here to continue if the user really wants to
	400113'	200 00 0 00 406531'	errest:	move 0,[xwd erracs+1,1]
	400114'	251 00 0 00 000017 		blt 0,17
	400115'	200 00 0 00 000022'		move 0,erracs
	400116'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 1-5
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

	400117'	561 01 0 00 406554'	ilfil.:	eoutstr [ASCIZ /Uninitialized file/]
	400120'	104 00 0 00 000313 
	400121'	200 00 0 17 000000 		move t,(p)	
	400122'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400123'	201 02 0 00 000000*		movei b,tty##		;use tty instead
	400124'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400125'	561 01 0 00 406560'	INXERR: eoutstr	[ASCIZ /Array index out of bounds/]
	400126'	104 00 0 00 000313 
	400127'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400130'	254 00 1 00 000000 		jrst @t

	400131'	561 01 0 00 406566'	newerr:	eoutstr [asciz /No memory for heap/]
	400132'	104 00 0 00 000313 
	400133'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400134'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400135'	561 01 0 00 406572'	PTRER.:	eoutstr [ASCIZ /Uninitialzed or NIL pointer/]
	400136'	104 00 0 00 000313 
	400137'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400140'	254 00 1 00 000000 		jrst @t

	400141'	561 01 0 00 406600'	SRERR:	eoutstr[ASCIZ/Scalar out of range/]
	400142'	104 00 0 00 000313 
	400143'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400144'	254 00 1 00 000000 		jrst @t

	400145'	261 17 0 00 000000 	blktbe:	push p,t
	400146'	400 00 0 00 000000 		setz t,			;we don't know the location
	400147'	561 01 0 00 406604'		eoutstr[ASCIZ/Too many files open at once/]
	400150'	104 00 0 00 000313 
	400151'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400152'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
	400153'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		file openning - top level routines

						subttl file openning - top level routines

					;ac usage for the file openning routines:
					;	t,a - temporary
					;	b - fcb
					;	c - string (file spec)
					;	d - length of string
					;	e - protection/interactive
					;	f - gtjfn word or 0
					;	g - openf word or 0
					;	h - bits:
					;	fl%lc	(1)	map lower case
					;	fl%ioe	(2)	handle i/o errors
					;	fl%fme	(4)	handle data format errors
					;	fl%ope	(10)	handle open errors
					;	fl%eol	(20)	show end of line char
					;	fl%buf  (7700)	number of buffers or pages
					;	fl%mod  (770000) I/O type
					;	  fm%byt(1)	bin/bout
					;	  fm%map(2)	pmap
					;	  fm%tty(3)	texti/bout
					;	  fm%nul(4)	popj
					;	  fm%wrd(5)	buffered 36 bit
					;	  fm%chr(6)	buffered logical byte size
					;	  fm%lst	last legal mode

					;places to save f and g for retry
			000037		filsvf==filst5
			000030		filsvg==fils21

					;The following define flags we can't let the user play with.  We set
					; flags first by zeroing these and then doing tlc with those we want
					; to set.  This results in the settings needed for the bits listed
					; here, but lets the user clear others that we set by specifying
					; them in his argument.
		000665	000000		gj%reg==gj%flg!gj%sht!gj%jfn!gj%ofg!gj%xtn
			360000		of%reg==of%rd!of%wr!of%ex!of%app

	400154'	201 00 0 00 000000 	resetf:	movei t,0		;eof setting for correct operation
	400155'	260 17 0 00 400325'		pushj p,setprm		;initialize fcb
	400156'	621 06 0 00 000665 		tlz f,(gj%reg)
	400157'	641 06 0 00 100021 		tlc f,(gj%old!gj%flg!gj%sht) ;extra bits for gtjfn
	400160'	620 07 0 00 360000 		trz g,of%reg
	400161'	640 07 0 00 200000 		trc g,of%rd		;extra bits for openf
	400162'	260 17 0 00 401357'		pushj p,getjfn
	400163'	260 17 0 00 400555'		pushj p,devprm		;device-dependent parameter setting
	400164'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%open
	400165'	260 17 1 01 000006 
	400166'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%ltst
	400167'	260 17 1 01 000010 
	400170'	260 17 0 00 401332'		pushj p,errchk		;if open errors
	400171'	254 00 0 00 400154'		jrst resetf		;then try again
	400172'	574 03 0 02 000032 		hlre c,filcnt(b)	;get count in case record I/O
	400173'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c	;is negative
	400174'	322 05 1 02 000016 		jumpe e,@filget(b)	;if not interactive, get 1st thing
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 2-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		file openning - top level routines

	400175'	336 00 0 02 000003 		skipn filerr(b)		;any errors in openning?
	400176'	350 00 0 02 000002 		aos fileol(b)		;no - set dummy eoln for interactive begin
	400177'	263 17 0 00 000000 	cpopj:	popj p,

	400200'	201 00 0 00 000000 	update:	movei t,0		;eof setting for correct operation
	400201'	260 17 0 00 400325'		pushj p,setprm		;initialize fcb
	400202'	621 06 0 00 000665 		tlz f,(gj%reg)
	400203'	641 06 0 00 100021 		tlc f,(gj%old!gj%flg!gj%sht) ;extra bits for gtjfn
	400204'	620 07 0 00 360000 		trz g,of%reg
	400205'	640 07 0 00 300000 		trc g,of%rd!of%wr	;extra bits for openf
	400206'	260 17 0 00 401357'		pushj p,getjfn
	400207'	260 17 0 00 400555'		pushj p,devprm		;device-dependent parameter setting
	400210'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%open
	400211'	260 17 1 01 000006 
	400212'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%ltst
	400213'	260 17 1 01 000010 
	400214'	260 17 0 00 401332'		pushj p,errchk		;errors?
	400215'	254 00 0 00 400200'		jrst update		; yes - try again
	400216'	336 00 0 02 000003 		skipn filerr(b)		;any errors in openning?
	400217'	350 00 0 02 000002 		aos fileol(b)		;no - set dummy eoln for interactive begin
	400220'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400221'	201 00 0 00 000001 	rewrit:	movei t,1		;eof setting for correct operation
	400222'	260 17 0 00 400325'		pushj p,setprm		;initialize fcb
	400223'	621 06 0 00 000665 		tlz f,(gj%reg)
	400224'	641 06 0 00 400021 		tlc f,(gj%fou!gj%flg!gj%sht) ;extra bits for gtjfn
	400225'	620 07 0 00 360000 		trz g,of%reg
	400226'	640 07 0 00 100000 		trc g,of%wr
	400227'	260 17 0 00 401357'		pushj p,getjfn
	400230'	260 17 0 00 400555'		pushj p,devprm		;device-dependent parameter setting
	400231'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%open
	400232'	260 17 1 01 000006 
	400233'	260 17 0 00 401332'		pushj p,errchk		;errors
	400234'	254 00 0 00 400221'		jrst rewrit		;yes - try again
	400235'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400236'	201 00 0 00 000001 	append:	movei t,1		;eof setting for correct operation
	400237'	260 17 0 00 400325'		pushj p,setprm		;initialize fcb
	400240'	621 06 0 00 000665 		tlz f,(gj%reg)
	400241'	641 06 0 00 100021 		tlc f,(gj%old!gj%flg!gj%sht) ;extra bits for gtjfn
	400242'	620 07 0 00 360000 		trz g,of%reg
	400243'	640 07 0 00 020000 		trc g,of%app
	400244'	260 17 0 00 401357'		pushj p,getjfn
	400245'	260 17 0 00 400555'		pushj p,devprm		;device-dependent parameter setting
	400246'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%open
	400247'	260 17 1 01 000006 
	400250'	260 17 0 00 401332'		pushj p,errchk		;errors?
	400251'	254 00 0 00 400236'		jrst append		;yes - try again
	400252'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 3
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		rename and delete

						subttl rename and delete

	400253'	261 17 0 02 000004 	rename:	push p,filjfn(b)	;save old jfn
	400254'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	400255'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	400256'	205 03 0 00 400000 		movsi c,(co%nrj)	;close but leave jfn
	400257'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos
	400260'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	400261'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	400262'	402 00 0 02 000001 		setzm fileof(b)		;assume it is OK
	400263'	402 00 0 02 000003 		setzm filerr(b)		;so getjfn works
	400264'	621 06 0 00 000665 		tlz f,(gj%reg)
	400265'	641 06 0 00 400021 		tlc f,(gj%fou!gj%flg!gj%sht)
	400266'	260 17 0 00 401357'		pushj p,getjfn		;get new jfn
	400267'	332 00 0 02 000003 		skipe filerr(b)		;if error, stop now
	400270'	254 00 0 00 400303'		jrst rener1
	400271'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b		;protect fcb and put where doope wants
	400272'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a			;old jfn
	400273'	621 01 0 00 777777 		tlz a,-1
	400274'	550 02 0 10 000004 		hrrz b,filjfn(h)	;new jfn
	400275'	104 00 0 00 000035 		rnamf
	400276'	320 16 0 00 400300'		 erjrst rener		;[7]
	400277'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400300'	552 01 0 10 000003 	rener:	hrrzm a,filerr(h)	;this is error code
	400301'	350 00 0 10 000001 		aos fileof(h)		;set eof
	400302'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400303'	201 01 0 00 000001 	rener1:	movei a,1
	400304'	202 01 0 10 000001 		movem a,fileof(h)	;set eof
	400305'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400306'	261 17 0 02 000004 	delf.:	push p,filjfn(b)
	400307'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	400310'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	400311'	205 03 0 00 400000 		movsi c,(co%nrj)
	400312'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos
	400313'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	400314'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	400315'	402 00 0 02 000001 		setzm fileof(b)
	400316'	402 00 0 02 000003 		setzm filerr(b)
	400317'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	400320'	505 01 0 00 400000 		hrli a,(df%nrj)		;keep the jfn
	400321'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b		;where rener needs it
	400322'	104 00 0 00 000026 		delf
	400323'	320 16 0 00 400300'		 erjrst rener		;[7]
	400324'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
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						subttl low level routines for file openning

					;AC usage for setprm:
					;	t - at entry, this is normal setting of eof
					;	a - length of file component, 0 if text
					;	b - fcb pointer
					;	c - lh=flags, rh=addr of file spec
					;	d - length of file spec
					;	e - 0 or 1 - interactive flag; more commonly - new funny option string
					;	h - flags
					;	t,a garbaged

					;setprm handles all device-independent file-openning stuff,
					;including initializing the fcb so all entries are valid for I/O.
					;In case of error, filerr is set, so the caller had better check
					;this.  Byte size and I/O routines are left for devprm, as they
					;are device-dependent.

	400325'				setprm:
					;First we make sure we have a valid FCB
	400325'	261 17 0 00 000000 		push p,t
	400326'	200 00 0 02 000040 		move t,filtst(b)
	400327'	302 00 0 00 314157 		caie t,314157		;magic word will be there if it is legal
	400330'	260 17 0 00 405414'		pushj p,initb.		;not - init it
	400331'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
					;We do any format conversions before saving away the values
					ifn oldcom,<
	400332'	316 10 0 00 406612'		camn h,[-1]		;old compiler uses -1 as default
	400333'	400 10 0 00 000000 		setz h,			;should be 0
					> ;ifn oldcom
	400334'	312 05 0 00 406612'		came e,[exp -1]		;-1 or 0 LH is probably old format
	400335'	607 05 0 00 777777 		tlnn e,777777
	400336'	254 00 0 00 400340'		jrst setpr1		;old format
	400337'	260 17 0 00 400412'		pushj p,option		;new format  parse options
					;now save values in case of restart. Note that format conversions won't be
					;redone in case of restart since LH(e) is now 0, and h is not longer -1
	400340'	202 06 0 02 000037 	setpr1:	movem f,filsvf(b)	;save args for error recovery
	400341'	202 07 0 02 000030 		movem g,filsvg(b)	;  h is also saved, below - e is not touched
	400342'	202 00 0 02 000001 		movem t,fileof(b)	;put in a few args
	400343'	640 00 0 00 000001 		trc t,1			;this is the eof to set if errors
	400344'	202 00 0 02 000007 		movem t,filbad(b)
	400345'	210 01 0 00 000001 		movn a,a		;filcnt wants negative count
	400346'	504 01 0 00 000001 		hrl a,a			; in left,
	400347'	541 01 0 02 000043 		hrri a,filcmp(b)	; with addr of buffer in RH
	400350'	202 01 0 02 000032 		movem a,filcnt(b)
					;the following code is intended to set both H and FILFLG to
					; H*(-20) + FILFLG*20.
	400351'	620 10 0 00 000040 		trz h,fl%tmp		;H * (-20)
	400352'	250 10 0 02 000006 		exch h,filflg(b)	;reverse them so we can play with FILFLG
	400353'	405 10 0 00 000040 		andi h,fl%tmp		;FILFLG * 20
	400354'	437 10 0 02 000006 		iorb h,filflg(b)	;both _ H * (-20) + FILFLG * 20
					;here we figure out which character table to use
	400355'	201 01 0 00 000000 		movei a,0		;assume no lc map, standard EOL treatment
	400356'	602 10 0 00 000001 		trne h,fl%lc		;if lc mapping on
	400357'	660 01 0 00 000002 		tro a,2			;set bit 2
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	400360'	602 10 0 00 000020 		trne h,fl%eol		;if we want to see EOL char
	400361'	660 01 0 00 000001 		tro a,1			;set bit 1
	400362'	200 00 0 01 406613'		move t,[exp norchx,norcht,lcchx,lccht](a) ;get the right table
	400363'	505 00 0 00 000001 		hrli t,a		;indexed on this ac
	400364'	202 00 0 02 000010 		movem t,filcht(b)
					;now random initialization
	400365'	201 01 0 02 000043 		movei a,filcmp(b)
	400366'	202 01 0 02 000000 		movem a,filptr(b)
	400367'	200 01 0 00 406617'		move a,[ascii /-----/]	;initial line number
	400370'	202 01 0 02 000031 		movem a,fillnr(b)
	400371'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	400372'	205 03 0 00 400000 		movsi c,(co%nrj)	;assume we use existing jfn
	400373'	336 00 0 00 000004 		skipn d			;unless new file spec
	400374'	335 00 0 17 000000 		skipge (p)		;or request to get spec from tty
	400375'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			; then full close
	400376'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos		;close file if one already open
							;becaue of code above, this also releases the jfn
							;and zeros filjfn if the user gave us a new file spec
	400377'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	400400'	402 00 0 02 000003 		setzm filerr(b)		;now zero things
	400401'	402 00 0 02 000002 		setzm fileol(b)
	400402'	402 00 0 02 000014 		setzm fillts(b)
	400403'	200 01 0 02 000032 		move a,filcnt(b)	;zero the component
	400404'	402 00 0 01 000000 		setzm (a)
	400405'	253 01 0 00 400404'		aobjn a,.-1
					ifn oldcom,<
	400406'	302 02 0 00 400123*		caie b,tty##		;special for tops-10 tty open, since
	400407'	306 02 0 00 000000*		cain b,ttyout##		;args are garbage
	400410'	254 00 0 00 400547'		jrst opntty
					> ;ifn oldcom
	400411'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;no - done

					;e - LH - count, RH - addr
	400412'	261 17 0 00 000000 	option:	push p,t
	400413'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a		;get some working space
	400414'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	400415'	554 01 0 00 000005 		hlrz a,e		;a _ count
	400416'	550 00 0 00 000005 		hrrz t,e		;t _ byte ptr
	400417'	400 05 0 00 000000 		setz e,			;e is now one of the AC's we are setting up
	400420'	505 00 0 00 440700 		hrli t,440700
	400421'	322 01 0 00 400437'		jumpe a,optend
	400422'	134 02 0 00 000000 	optlop:	ildb b,t		;b _ next char
	400423'	302 02 0 00 000057 		caie b,"/"		;use / to separate options
	400424'	254 00 0 00 400541'		 jrst opterr		;error
	400425'	363 01 0 00 400541'		sojle a,opterr		;count /, there had better be letter following
	400426'	134 02 0 00 000000 		ildb b,t		;b _ option letter
	400427'	360 01 0 00 000000 		soj a,			;count the letter
	400430'	303 02 0 00 000140 		caile b,140		;if lower case
	400431'	275 02 0 00 000040 		subi b,40		;make it upper
	400432'	301 02 0 00 000102 		cail b,optmin		;if below first
	400433'	303 02 0 00 000125 		caile b,optmax		;or above last
	400434'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr		;error
	400435'	256 00 0 02 400341'		xct opttab-optmin(b)	;appropriate processing routine
	400436'	327 01 0 00 400422'		jumpg a,optlop		;if any more char's, get next
	400437'	262 17 0 00 000002 	optend:	pop p,b			;exit
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		low level routines for file openning

	400440'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	400441'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
	400442'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

			000102		optmin="B"
	400443'	260 17 0 00 400502'	opttab:	pushj p,optbyt		;B - byte size
	400444'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr		;C - undef
	400445'	660 10 0 00 000002 		tro h,fl%ioe		;D - data trans errors
	400446'	660 10 0 00 000020 		tro h,fl%eol		;E - show eoln
	400447'	660 10 0 00 000004 		tro h,fl%fme		;F - data format errors
	400450'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr		;G - undef
	400451'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr		;H - undef
	400452'	201 05 0 00 000001 		movei e,1		;I - set interactive flag
					repeat "M"-"J",< jrst opterr>	;J to L - undef
	400453'	254 00 0 00 400541'
	400454'	254 00 0 00 400541'
	400455'	254 00 0 00 400541'
	400456'	260 17 0 00 400467'		pushj p,optmod		;M - mode
	400457'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr		;N - undef
	400460'	660 10 0 00 000010 		tro h,fl%ope		;O - open errors
					repeat "S"-"P",< jrst opterr>	;P to R - undef
	400461'	254 00 0 00 400541'
	400462'	254 00 0 00 400541'
	400463'	254 00 0 00 400541'
	400464'	260 17 0 00 400473'		pushj p,numbuf		;S - buffer size
	400465'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr		;T - undef
	400466'	660 10 0 00 000001 		tro h,fl%lc		;U - lower to upper
			000125		optmax=="U"

	400467'	260 17 0 00 400506'	optmod:	pushj p,optdec		;parse a decimal number
	400470'	242 02 0 00 000014 		lsh b,^D12		;shift it to mode position
	400471'	434 10 0 00 000002 		or h,b			;and or into flags
	400472'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400473'	260 17 0 00 400506'	numbuf:	pushj p,optdec		;parse decimal
	400474'	602 02 0 00 000777 		trne b,777		;any odd words?
	400475'	271 02 0 00 001000 		addi b,1000		;yes - round up pages
	400476'	242 02 0 00 777767 		lsh b,^D-9		;pages
	400477'	242 02 0 00 000006 		lsh b,6			;shift into page count
	400500'	434 10 0 00 000002 		or h,b
	400501'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400502'	260 17 0 00 400506'	optbyt:	pushj p,optdec		;parse a decimal number
	400503'	242 02 0 00 000036 		lsh b,^D30		;shift it to the byte position
	400504'	434 07 0 00 000002 		or g,b			;and or into open bits
	400505'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400506'	261 17 0 00 000003 	optdec:	push p,c
	400507'	261 17 0 00 000004 		push p,d
	400510'	363 01 0 00 400536'		sojle a,opterd		;count colon, better be an extra after that
	400511'	134 02 0 00 000000 		ildb b,t
	400512'	302 02 0 00 000072 		caie b,":"
	400513'	254 00 0 00 400541'		jrst opterr
	400514'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;accumulate number in c
	400515'	134 02 0 00 000000 	optdcl:	ildb b,t
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		low level routines for file openning

	400516'	301 02 0 00 000060 		cail b,"0"
	400517'	303 02 0 00 000071 		caile b,"9"
	400520'	254 00 0 00 400536'		jrst opterd
	400521'	275 02 0 00 000060 		subi b,"0"
	400522'	221 03 0 00 000012 		imuli c,^D10
	400523'	270 03 0 00 000002 		add c,b
	400524'	363 01 0 00 400532'		sojle a,optdcx		;count digit, if end of string, done
	400525'	200 04 0 00 000000 		move d,t		;peek at next
	400526'	134 02 0 00 000004 		ildb b,d
	400527'	306 02 0 00 000057 		cain b,"/"		;if /, this is end
	400530'	254 00 0 00 400532'		jrst optdcx
	400531'	254 00 0 00 400515'		jrst optdcl		;really get char
	400532'	200 02 0 00 000003 	optdcx:	move b,c		;return value in b
	400533'	262 17 0 00 000004 		pop p,d
	400534'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	400535'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	400536'	262 17 0 00 000004 	opterd:	pop p,d
	400537'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	400540'	262 17 0 17 000000 		pop p,(p)
	400541'	200 02 0 00 000001 	opterr:	move b,a		;save a
	400542'	561 01 0 00 406620'		hrroi a,[asciz / Error in option string/]
	400543'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	400544'	200 00 0 17 777774 		move t,-4(p)		;-2 for saved args, -2 because called 2 deep
	400545'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	400546'	254 00 0 00 400437'		jrst optend		;return from OPTION

					ifn oldcom,<
	400547'	350 00 0 02 000002 	opntty:	aos fileol(b)		;always interactive
	400550'	505 00 0 00 401220'		hrli t,ttynt		;[13] copy special tty dispatch table
	400551'	541 00 0 02 000016 		hrri t,filr11(b)	;[13]   since rest of open won't be done
	400552'	251 00 0 02 000023 		blt t,filr99(b)		;[13]
	400553'	262 17 0 17 000000 		pop p,(p)		;exit from caller
	400554'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
					> ;ifn oldcom
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 5
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		low level routines for file openning

					;AC usage for devprm
					;	b - fcb
					;	g - openf word
					;	h - used internally for dvchr flags
					;	t,a,c,h garbaged, g updated

					;devprm sets up device-dependent parameters in the fcb, mainly
					;byte size and I/O routines.

	400555'	332 00 0 02 000003 	devprm:	skipe filerr(b)		;no-op if error already
	400556'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	400557'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b		;save fcb over dvchr call
	400560'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	400561'	104 00 0 00 000117 		dvchr
	400562'	320 16 0 00 401315'		 erjmp doope
					ifn tenex,<push p,a>		;[7] save designator in case of tty
	400563'	250 10 0 00 000002 		exch h,b		;result of dvchr to h, fcb to b
					;now we set up proper device/function dependent table
	400564'	135 01 0 00 406625'		ldb a,[fl%mod!filflg(b)];get user specified mode
	400565'	307 01 0 00 000007 		caig a,fm%lst		;unimplemented gets default
	400566'	326 01 0 00 400605'		jumpn a,devfnd		;if he gave one, use it
	400567'	201 01 0 00 000001 		movei a,fm%byt		;else, byte I/O is default
	400570'	554 10 0 00 000010 		hlrz h,h		;get dv%typ field
	400571'	405 10 0 00 000777 		andi h,(dv%typ)		;code from here to devfnd sets
	400572'	306 10 0 00 000000 		cain h,.dvdsk		;   a to Pascal mode
	400573'	201 01 0 00 000002 		movei a,fm%map
	400574'	306 10 0 00 000012 		cain h,.dvtty
	400575'	201 01 0 00 000003 		movei a,fm%tty
	400576'	306 10 0 00 000015 		cain h,.dvnul
	400577'	201 01 0 00 000004 		movei a,fm%nul
	400600'	306 10 0 00 000002 		cain h,.dvmta
	400601'	201 01 0 00 000000 	ife tenex,<movei a,fm%mta>
					ifn tenex,<movei a,fm%wrd>
	400602'	302 10 0 00 000010 		caie h,.dvcdr
	400603'	306 10 0 00 000007 		cain h,.dvlpt
	400604'	201 01 0 00 000006 		movei a,fm%chr
	400605'				devfnd:	

					ifn tenex,<			;[7] if tty, see if ours
						cain a,fm%tty		;[7] tty mode?
						pushj p,devtty		;[7] yes, turn to fm%chr if not ctrl term
						adjstk p,-1		;[7] a was saved
					> ;ifn tenex

	400605'	205 00 0 00 070000 		movsi t,070000		;default byte size
	400606'	335 00 0 02 000032 		skipge filcnt(b)	;except for record I/O
	400607'	205 00 0 00 440000 		movsi t,440000		;default is 36
	400610'	607 07 0 00 770000 		tlnn g,(of%bsz)		;if user defaulted it
	400611'	434 07 0 00 000000 		ior g,t			;then use our default
					;special entry for mtaopn
	400612'	275 01 0 00 000001 	setdsp:	subi a,1		;now set dispatch vector per a
	400613'	242 01 0 00 000001 		lsh a,1			;a _ (a - 1) * 2
	400614'	335 00 0 02 000032 		skipge filcnt(b)	;if record I/O,
	400615'	271 01 0 00 000001 		addi a,1		;use second column in table
	400616'	504 00 0 01 400624'		hrl t,devtab(a)		;get address of disp. vec. from table
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	400617'	541 00 0 02 000016 		hrri t,filr11(b)	;whre to copy vector
	400620'	251 00 0 02 000023 		blt t,filr99(b)
	400621'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					ifn tenex,<	;[7] 
					;this code is to see whether a tty is the controlling terminal.
					;  If so, we use pstin.  Otherwise, you get the losing BBN type mode.
					devtty:	push p,b
						hrroi a,[asciz /TTY/]	;get designator for own tty
						 jrst [adjstk p,-3
						       jrst doope]
						movei a,fm%tty		;assume ours
						came b,-2(p)		;compare with dev designator saved
						movei a,fm%byt		;not ours, use bin/bout
						pop p,b
						popj p,
					> ;ifn tenex [7] ^^

					;here is the table of dispatch vectors

						;text,	record

			000000		fm%mta==0   ;pseudo-mode that sets defaults after looking at label type
	400622'	000000	401177'			exp mtatxt, mtarec
	400623'	000000	401177'
	400624'	000000	400642'		devtab:	exp byttxt, bytrec
	400625'	000000	400663'
	400626'	000000	400704'			exp maptxt, maprec
	400627'	000000	400725'
	400630'	000000	400746'			exp ttytxt, ttyrec
	400631'	000000	400663'
	400632'	000000	400767'			exp nultxt, nulrec
	400633'	000000	401010'
	400634'	000000	401031'			exp wrdtxt, wrdrec
	400635'	000000	401052'
	400636'	000000	401073'			exp chrtxt, chrrec
	400637'	000000	401114'
	400640'	000000	401135'			exp rectxt, recrec
	400641'	000000	401156'

					;here are the tables referred to in the matrix

					;	byte-size,getch,putch,getln,putln,close,dispatch
					;	getx,putx,putpage,setpos,curpos,init,open,break,lintst
					;	showln,fixln

	400642'	000000	403746'		byttxt:	exp getchx,putchx,getlnx,putlnx,0,.+1
	400643'	000000	403765'
	400644'	000000	404301'
	400645'	000000	404306'
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	400646'	000000	000000
	400647'	000000	400650'
	400650'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,setpbx,curpbx,cpopj,openfi,cpopj,cpopj
	400651'	000000	405002'
	400652'	000000	404314'
	400653'	000000	404406'
	400654'	000000	404400'
	400655'	000000	400177'
	400656'	000000	401303'
	400657'	000000	400177'
	400660'	000000	400177'
	400661'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	400662'	000000	401743'
	400663'	000000	404322'		bytrec:	exp getbx,putbx,illfn,illfn,0,.+1
	400664'	000000	404353'
	400665'	000000	405002'
	400666'	000000	405002'
	400667'	000000	000000
	400670'	000000	400671'
	400671'	000000	404334'			exp getxbx,putxbx,illfn,setpbx,curpbx,bxini,bxopn,cpopj,cpopj
	400672'	000000	404367'
	400673'	000000	405002'
	400674'	000000	404406'
	400675'	000000	404400'
	400676'	000000	404417'
	400677'	000000	404416'
	400700'	000000	400177'
	400701'	000000	400177'
	400702'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	400703'	000000	401743'
	400704'	000000	402131'		maptxt:	exp getchd,putchd,getlnx,putlnx,dskclo,.+1
	400705'	000000	402023'
	400706'	000000	404301'
	400707'	000000	404306'
	400710'	000000	403616'
	400711'	000000	400712'
	400712'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,dskspo,dskcpo,dskbri,dskopn,dskbrk,dsklts
	400713'	000000	405002'
	400714'	000000	404314'
	400715'	000000	403674'
	400716'	000000	403743'
	400717'	000000	403607'
	400720'	000000	403417'
	400721'	000000	403566'
	400722'	000000	403561'
	400723'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	400724'	000000	401743'
	400725'	000000	403333'		maprec:	exp getd,putd,illfn,illfn,dskclo,.+1
	400726'	000000	403343'
	400727'	000000	405002'
	400730'	000000	405002'
	400731'	000000	403616'
	400732'	000000	400733'
	400733'	000000	403353'			exp getxd,putxd,illfn,dskspo,dskcpo,dskbri,dskopn,dskbrk,cpopj
	400734'	000000	403365'
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	400735'	000000	405002'
	400736'	000000	403674'
	400737'	000000	403743'
	400740'	000000	403607'
	400741'	000000	403417'
	400742'	000000	403566'
	400743'	000000	400177'
	400744'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	400745'	000000	401743'
	400746'	000000	404126'		ttytxt:	exp getcht,putchx,getlnx,putlnx,0,.+1
	400747'	000000	403765'
	400750'	000000	404301'
	400751'	000000	404306'
	400752'	000000	000000
	400753'	000000	400754'
	400754'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,setpt,curpbx,ttyini,tdvopn,cpopj,cpopj
	400755'	000000	405002'
	400756'	000000	404314'
	400757'	000000	404172'
	400760'	000000	404400'
	400761'	000000	404124'
	400762'	000000	404135'
	400763'	000000	400177'
	400764'	000000	400177'
	400765'	000000	404236'			exp tdvshl,tdvfxl
	400766'	000000	404275'
			400663'		ttyrec==bytrec	;not sure this is right.  What is record I/O on tty?
	400767'	000000	402135'		nultxt:	exp simeof,cpopj,simeof,cpopj,0,.+1
	400770'	000000	400177'
	400771'	000000	402135'
	400772'	000000	400177'
	400773'	000000	000000
	400774'	000000	400775'
	400775'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,cpopj,nulspo,retzer,cpopj,openfi,cpopj,cpopj
	400776'	000000	405002'
	400777'	000000	400177'
	401000'	000000	401550'
	401001'	000000	401546'
	401002'	000000	400177'
	401003'	000000	401303'
	401004'	000000	400177'
	401005'	000000	400177'
	401006'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401007'	000000	401743'
	401010'	000000	402135'		nulrec:	exp simeof,cpopj,illfn,illfn,0,.+1
	401011'	000000	400177'
	401012'	000000	405002'
	401013'	000000	405002'
	401014'	000000	000000
	401015'	000000	401016'
	401016'	000000	402135'			exp simeof,cpopj,illfn,nulspo,retzer,cpopj,openfi,cpopj,cpopj
	401017'	000000	400177'
	401020'	000000	405002'
	401021'	000000	401550'
	401022'	000000	401546'
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	401023'	000000	400177'
	401024'	000000	401303'
	401025'	000000	400177'
	401026'	000000	400177'
	401027'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401030'	000000	401743'
	401031'	000000	405526'		wrdtxt:	exp getchb,putchb,getlnx,putlnx,logclo,.+1
	401032'	000000	405521'
	401033'	000000	404301'
	401034'	000000	404306'
	401035'	000000	405740'
	401036'	000000	401037'
	401037'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,illfn,illfn,logini,wrdopn,logclo,wrdlts
	401040'	000000	405002'
	401041'	000000	404314'
	401042'	000000	405002'
	401043'	000000	405002'
	401044'	000000	406005'
	401045'	000000	405727'
	401046'	000000	405740'
	401047'	000000	403561'
	401050'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401051'	000000	401743'
	401052'	000000	406014'		wrdrec:	exp getb,putb,illfn,illfn,logclo,.+1
	401053'	000000	406024'
	401054'	000000	405002'
	401055'	000000	405002'
	401056'	000000	405740'
	401057'	000000	401060'
	401060'	000000	406034'			exp getxb,illfn,illfn,illfn,illfn,logini,wrdopn,logclo,cpopj
	401061'	000000	405002'
	401062'	000000	405002'
	401063'	000000	405002'
	401064'	000000	405002'
	401065'	000000	406005'
	401066'	000000	405727'
	401067'	000000	405740'
	401070'	000000	400177'
	401071'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401072'	000000	401743'
	401073'	000000	405526'		chrtxt:	exp getchb,putchb,getlnx,putlnx,logclo,.+1
	401074'	000000	405521'
	401075'	000000	404301'
	401076'	000000	404306'
	401077'	000000	405740'
	401100'	000000	401101'
	401101'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,setpb,curpbx,logini,chropn,logclo,cpopj
	401102'	000000	405002'
	401103'	000000	404314'
	401104'	000000	406002'
	401105'	000000	404400'
	401106'	000000	406005'
	401107'	000000	405716'
	401110'	000000	405740'
	401111'	000000	400177'
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	401112'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401113'	000000	401743'
	401114'	000000	406014'		chrrec:	exp getb,putb,illfn,illfn,logclo,.+1
	401115'	000000	406024'
	401116'	000000	405002'
	401117'	000000	405002'
	401120'	000000	405740'
	401121'	000000	401122'
	401122'	000000	406034'			exp getxb,illfn,illfn,setpb,curpbx,logini,chropn,logclo,cpopj
	401123'	000000	405002'
	401124'	000000	405002'
	401125'	000000	406002'
	401126'	000000	404400'
	401127'	000000	406005'
	401130'	000000	405716'
	401131'	000000	405740'
	401132'	000000	400177'
	401133'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401134'	000000	401743'
	401135'	000000	404466'		rectxt:	exp getcx,putcx,getlx,putlx,logclx,.+1
	401136'	000000	404456'
	401137'	000000	404537'
	401140'	000000	404506'
	401141'	000000	404666'
	401142'	000000	401143'
	401143'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,illfn,illfn,loginx,chropx,logclx,cpopj
	401144'	000000	405002'
	401145'	000000	404314'
	401146'	000000	405002'
	401147'	000000	405002'
	401150'	000000	404674'
	401151'	000000	404557'
	401152'	000000	404666'
	401153'	000000	400177'
	401154'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401155'	000000	401743'
	401156'	000000	404421'		recrec:	exp getbxr,putbxr,illfn,illfn,0,.+1
	401157'	000000	404436'
	401160'	000000	405002'
	401161'	000000	405002'
	401162'	000000	000000
	401163'	000000	401164'
	401164'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,illfn,setpbx,curpbx,bxini,bxopn,cpopj,cpopj
	401165'	000000	405002'
	401166'	000000	405002'
	401167'	000000	404406'
	401170'	000000	404400'
	401171'	000000	404417'
	401172'	000000	404416'
	401173'	000000	400177'
	401174'	000000	400177'
	401175'	000000	401720'			exp showln,notry
	401176'	000000	401743'
	401177'				mtarec:
	401177'	000000	405252'		mtatxt:	exp notop,notop,notop,notop,0,.+1
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	401200'	000000	405252'
	401201'	000000	405252'
	401202'	000000	405252'
	401203'	000000	000000
	401204'	000000	401205'
	401205'	000000	405252'			exp notop,notop,notop,notop,notop,cpopj,mtaopn,cpopj,cpopj
	401206'	000000	405252'
	401207'	000000	405252'
	401210'	000000	405252'
	401211'	000000	405252'
	401212'	000000	400177'
	401213'	000000	404703'
	401214'	000000	400177'
	401215'	000000	400177'
	401216'	000000	405252'			exp notop,notop
	401217'	000000	405252'

					;The following table is used for tty and ttyout.  It is set up by pasin.

	401220'	000000	404000'		ttynt:	exp gettty,puttty,getlnx,putlnx,0,.+1
	401221'	000000	404117'
	401222'	000000	404301'
	401223'	000000	404306'
	401224'	000000	000000
	401225'	000000	401226'
	401226'	000000	405002'			exp illfn,illfn,putpgx,illfn,illfn,ttyini,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj
	401227'	000000	405002'
	401230'	000000	404314'
	401231'	000000	405002'
	401232'	000000	405002'
	401233'	000000	404124'
	401234'	000000	400177'
	401235'	000000	400177'
	401236'	000000	400177'
	401237'	000000	404055'			exp ttyshl,ttyfxl
	401240'	000000	404110'

					;The following table is used after an error
	401241'	000000	400177'		erropt:	exp cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,0,.+1
	401242'	000000	400177'
	401243'	000000	400177'
	401244'	000000	400177'
	401245'	000000	000000
	401246'	000000	401247'
	401247'	000000	400177'			exp cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj
	401250'	000000	400177'
	401251'	000000	400177'
	401252'	000000	400177'
	401253'	000000	400177'
	401254'	000000	400177'
	401255'	000000	400177'
	401256'	000000	400177'
	401257'	000000	400177'
	401260'	000000	400177'			exp cpopj,notry
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	401261'	000000	401743'

					;The following is used for unopened files:

	401262'				unop.:
	401262'	000000	405252'		unop:	exp notop,notop,notop,notop,0,.+1
	401263'	000000	405252'
	401264'	000000	405252'
	401265'	000000	405252'
	401266'	000000	000000
	401267'	000000	401270'
	401270'	000000	405252'			exp notop,notop,notop,notop,notop,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj,cpopj
	401271'	000000	405252'
	401272'	000000	405252'
	401273'	000000	405252'
	401274'	000000	405252'
	401275'	000000	400177'
	401276'	000000	400177'
	401277'	000000	400177'
	401300'	000000	400177'
	401301'	000000	405252'			exp notop,notop
	401302'	000000	405252'
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					; Openfi is called by the device-dependent openner, f%open.
					;   For simple devices, f%open can simply point to openfi.

					;openfi just does an openf - pretty straight-forward
					;	b - fcb, must be saved and restored
					;	g - openf word
					;	garbages a,h

	401303'	332 00 0 02 000003 	openfi:	skipe filerr(b)		;no-op if error already seen
	401304'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	401305'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b		;save fcb pointer
	401306'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)	;set up args for openf - jfn
	401307'	200 02 0 00 000007 		move b,g		;openf word
	401310'	104 00 0 00 000021 		openf
	401311'	320 16 0 00 401315'		 erjrst doope		;[5]
	401312'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h		;restore fcb
	401313'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	401314'	200 10 0 00 000002 	oper:	move h,b		;error in openfi
	401315'	201 01 0 00 400000 	doope:	movei a,400000		;current process
	401316'	104 00 0 00 000012 		geter
	401317'	550 01 0 00 000002 		hrrz a,b		;error in RH only
	401320'	200 02 0 00 000010 	smoper:	move b,h		;restore fcb - entry if error is known
	401321'	202 01 0 02 000003 		movem a,filerr(b)	;save error for user
	401322'	200 01 0 02 000007 		move a,filbad(b)	;set bad fileof
	401323'	202 01 0 02 000001 		movem a,fileof(b)
	401324'	202 01 0 02 000002 		movem a,fileol(b)
	401325'	505 00 0 00 401241'		hrli t,erropt		;and set up to get error if we try more I/O
	401326'	541 00 0 02 000016 		hrri t,filr11(b)
	401327'	251 00 0 02 000023 		blt t,filr99(b)
	401330'	200 00 0 02 000006 		move t,filflg(b)
	401331'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;caller will process error later

	401332'	336 00 0 02 000003 	errchk:	skipn filerr(b)		;error?
	401333'	254 00 0 00 401355'		jrst erchOK		;no
	401334'	200 00 0 02 000006 		move t,filflg(b)	;yes - is he enabled?
	401335'	602 00 0 00 000010 		trne t,fl%ope
	401336'	254 00 0 00 401355'		jrst erchOK		;yes - then that's OK, too
					;here if an error we are supposed to handle
	401337'	200 04 0 00 000002 		move d,b		;
	401340'	260 17 0 00 405107'		pushj p,erp		;print error message
	401341'	200 02 0 00 000004 		move b,d
	401342'	561 01 0 00 406626'		hrroi a,[asciz /Try another file spec: /]
	401343'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401344'	574 01 0 02 000032 		hlre a,filcnt(b)	;restore state, without filespec
	401345'	210 01 0 00 000001 		movn a,a		;a has size of component, 0 if text
	401346'	402 03 0 00 000004 		setzm c,d		;no filespec
	401347'	661 03 0 00 400000 		tlo c,(op%tty)		;but ask for it from tty
	401350'	200 06 0 02 000037 		move f,filsvf(b)
	401351'	661 06 0 00 020000 		tlo f,(gj%cfm)		;confirm it from tty
	401352'	200 07 0 02 000030 		move g,filsvg(b)
	401353'	200 10 0 02 000006 		move h,filflg(b)
	401354'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;error return
					;here for no error or one we don't care about
	401355'	350 00 0 17 000000 	erchOK:	aos (p)
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	401356'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;OK - skip return
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 7
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					;getjfn - AC usage
					;	b - fcb pointer - must be saved and restored
					;	c - string
					;	d - string length
					;	f - gtjfn word
					;	h - used to save p or h
					;	klobbers t,a,c,d,h

					;getjfn gets a jfn if necessary.    In case of
					; error, it sets of filerr, so the user better check!

	401357'	332 00 0 02 000003 	getjfn:	skipe filerr(b)		;should be a no-op if previous error
	401360'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	401361'	603 03 0 00 200000 		tlne c,(op%wld)		;set up for wild cards if requested
	401362'	661 06 0 00 000100 		tlo f,(gj%ifg)
	401363'	603 03 0 00 400000 		tlne c,(op%tty)		;if user asked for spec from tty, get it
	401364'	254 00 0 00 401502'		jrst ttyspc
	401365'	326 04 0 00 401431'		jumpn d,havspc		;if ascii spec, use it
	401366'	332 00 0 02 000004 		skipe filjfn(b)		;otherwise, if jfn already exists, use it
	401367'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
					;here if no spec and no existing jfn - this is an internal file, we have
					;to gensym a name.  Also, we set fl%tmp so it gets deleted upon exit of
					;the lexical scope in which it was created.
					;The name we make is of the form PAS-INTERNAL.001234;T   where 1234 is
					;the address of the FCB in octal (for debugging)
	401370'	201 00 0 00 000040 		movei t,fl%tmp		;set temp flag
	401371'	436 00 0 02 000006 		iorm t,filflg(b)
	401372'	200 10 0 00 000017 		move h,p		;h _ saved copy of p
	401373'	541 17 0 17 000006 		hrri p,6(p)		;advance stack to get space for new name
	401374'	541 04 0 10 000001 		hrri d,1(h)		;place for new spec
	401375'	505 04 0 00 406633'		hrli d,[ascii /PAS-INTERNAL./]
	401376'	251 04 0 10 000003 		blt d,3(h)		;put it there
	401377'	200 04 0 00 406636'		move d,[point 7,3(h),20] ;place to put the rest
	401400'	514 01 0 00 000002 		hrlz a,b		;use addr of FCB, in octal
	401401'	201 03 0 00 000006 		movei c,6		;6 digits
	401402'	400 00 0 00 000000 		setz t,
	401403'	246 00 0 00 000003 	makspl:	lshc t,3		;shift t and a - bytes in t
	401404'	271 00 0 00 000060 		addi t,"0"		;convert to char
	401405'	136 00 0 00 000004 		idpb t,d		;and put in destin
	401406'	400 00 0 00 000000 		setz t,
	401407'	367 03 0 00 401403'		sojg c,makspl		;loop for 6 char's
	401410'	201 00 0 00 000073 		movei t,";"		;now put ;T
	401411'	136 00 0 00 000004 		idpb t,d
	401412'	201 00 0 00 000124 		movei t,"T"
	401413'	136 00 0 00 000004 		idpb t,d
	401414'	400 00 0 00 000000 		setz t,
	401415'	136 00 0 00 000004 		idpb t,d
	401416'	200 00 0 00 000002 		move t,b		;where makspx expects B to be saved
	401417'	200 01 0 00 000006 	makspr:	move a,f		;a _ flags
	401420'	561 02 0 10 000001 		hrroi b,1(h)		;b _ ptr to stack copy
	401421'	104 00 0 00 000020 		gtjfn
	401422'	320 16 0 00 401424'		 erjrst makspe		;[5]
	401423'	254 00 0 00 401451'		jrst makspx		;finished making spec
					;If this is an internal file, we want to be able to read or update it
					;even if it doesn't exist.  So, if the OLD bit is on, we will clear it
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		low level routines for file openning

					;(and set the WRITE bit for openf), and try again.  If that doesn't
					;help, there is something more serious wrong.
	401424'	607 06 0 00 100000 	makspe:	tlnn f,(gj%old)		;did he ask for old file?
	401425'	254 00 0 00 401455'		jrst specer		;no - nothing we can do
	401426'	621 06 0 00 100000 		tlz f,(gj%old)		;yes - enable for writing
	401427'	660 07 0 00 100000 		tro g,of%wr		;also openf bits
	401430'	254 00 0 00 401417'		jrst makspr		;retry this way

					;here if the user gave us a spec.
	401431'	201 00 0 00 000040 	havspc:	movei t,fl%tmp		;[37] a new file spec - clear temp from old one
	401432'	412 00 0 02 000006 		andcam t,filflg(b)
	401433'	200 00 0 00 000002 		move t,b		;t _ saved copy of b
					ifn klcpu,< ;[5] 
	401434'	505 01 0 00 440700 		hrli a,440700		;a _ ptr to start of copy in stack
	401435'	541 01 0 17 000001 		hrri a,1(p)
	401436'	133 04 0 00 000001 		adjbp d,a		;d _ ptr to last byte stack copy
					> ;[5] ifn klcpu
					ife klcpu,< ;[5] start
						hrri a,1(p)		;RH(a) _ point to start on stack
						push p,e
						idivi d,5		;d _ words, e _ bytes
						addi d,(a)		;RH(d) _ addr of last byte
						hll d,byttab(e)		;LH(d) _ pointer to last byte
						pop p,e
					> ;[5] end ife klcpu
	401437'	200 10 0 00 000017 		move h,p		;h _ saved copy of p
	401440'	541 17 0 04 000001 		hrri p,1(d)		;advance stack to cover whole copy
	401441'	504 01 0 00 000003 		hrl a,c			;a _ blt from original to stack
	401442'	251 01 0 04 000001 		blt a,1(d)
	401443'	400 01 0 00 000000 		setz a,			;make asciz by putting null at end
	401444'	136 01 0 00 000004 		idpb a,d
	401445'	200 01 0 00 000006 		move a,f		;a _ flags
	401446'	561 02 0 10 000001 		hrroi b,1(h)		;b _ ptr to stack copy
	401447'	104 00 0 00 000020 		gtjfn
	401450'	320 16 0 00 401455'		 erjrst specer		;[5]
	401451'	200 02 0 00 000000 	makspx:	move b,t		;restore ac's
	401452'	200 17 0 00 000010 		move p,h
	401453'	202 01 0 02 000004 		movem a,filjfn(b)	;return new jfn
	401454'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					ifn tenex,< ;[5]
					byttab:	point 7,0		;[5]
						point 7,0,6		;[5]
						point 7,0,13		;[5]
						point 7,0,20		;[5]
						point 7,0,27		;[5]
					> ;[5] ifn tenex

	401455'	200 01 0 00 000000 	specer:	move a,t		;get error recovery flag
	401456'	200 01 0 01 000006 		move a,filflg(a)
	401457'	602 01 0 00 000010 		trne a,fl%ope		;if he wants to handle errors,
						jrst [move b,t		;let him - first restore AC's
						      move p,h
	401460'	254 00 0 00 406637'		      jrst oper]
					;special error printer needed for this routine, because main one
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					;uses jfns, but we don't have a file spec yet
					;note that we are still in a funny context, where p and b are odd
	401461'	201 01 0 00 406642'		movei a,[asciz / /]
	401462'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	401463'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	401464'	525 02 0 00 400000 		hrloi b,400000
	401465'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	401466'	104 00 0 00 000011 		erstr
	401467'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
	401470'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
	401471'	561 01 0 00 406643'		hrroi a,[asciz / - /]
	401472'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401473'	561 01 0 10 000001 		hrroi a,1(h)		;file spec the user gave
	401474'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
						hrroi a,[asciz /
	401475'	561 01 0 00 406644'	Try another file spec: /]
	401476'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401477'	200 02 0 00 000000 		move b,t		;restore to standard AC's
	401500'	200 17 0 00 000010 		move p,h
	401501'	661 06 0 00 020000 		tlo f,(gj%cfm)		;confirm spec from tty
						;jrst ttyspc		;and get spec from tty

	401502'	200 10 0 00 000002 	ttyspc:	move h,b		;h _ saved copy of b
	401503'	201 01 0 00 000040 		movei a,fl%tmp		;clear temp flag, as this is new spec
	401504'	412 01 0 02 000006 		andcam a,filflg(b)
	401505'	200 01 0 00 000006 	ttyspl:	move a,f		;a _ flags
	401506'	661 01 0 00 000002 		tlo a,(gj%fns)
	401507'	200 02 0 00 406652'		move b,[xwd .priin,.priou]
	401510'	104 00 0 00 000020 		gtjfn
	401511'	320 16 0 00 401515'		 erjrst ttyspe		;[5]
	401512'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h
	401513'	202 01 0 02 000004 		movem a,filjfn(b)	;return new jfn
	401514'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	401515'	201 01 0 00 406642'	ttyspe:	movei a,[asciz / /]
	401516'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	401517'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	401520'	525 02 0 00 400000 		hrloi b,400000
	401521'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	401522'	104 00 0 00 000011 		erstr
	401523'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
	401524'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
						hrroi a,[asciz /
	401525'	561 01 0 00 406644'	Try another file spec: /]
	401526'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401527'	254 00 0 00 401505'		jrst ttyspl
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		global entries to I/O routines

						subttl global entries to I/O routines

					;In order to use the routines in PASNUM, get and put must obey the
					;following AC usage conventions:
					;	t,a	- temps
					;	b up	- must be preserved

	401530'	254 00 1 02 000016 	get.:	jrst @filget(b)		;get is odd because it is also a jsys
			401530'		getch==get.
	401531'	254 00 1 02 000017 	put:	jrst @filput(b)
			401531'		putch==put
	401532'	254 00 1 02 000020 	getln:	jrst @filgln(b)
	401533'	254 00 1 02 000021 	putln:	jrst @filpln(b)
	401534'	200 01 0 02 000023 	putpg:	vcall f%putp
	401535'	254 00 1 01 000002 

	401536'	200 01 0 02 000023 	setpos:	vcall f%setp
	401537'	254 00 1 01 000003 
	401540'	200 01 0 02 000023 	curpos:	vcall f%curp
	401541'	254 00 1 01 000004 
	401542'	200 01 0 02 000023 	getx.:	vcall f%getx
	401543'	254 00 1 01 000000 
	401544'	200 01 0 02 000023 	putx:	vcall f%putx
	401545'	254 00 1 01 000001 

	401546'	402 00 0 17 000001 	retzer:	setzm 1(p)		;returns zero - used for device nul
	401547'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;setpos for nul:.  no-op, except in read mode if GET not suppressed,
					;it simulates EOF.
	401550'	326 04 0 00 401552'	nulspo:	jumpn d,nulspx		;if get suppression, no-op
	401551'	336 00 0 02 000007 		skprea			;if write mode, no-op
	401552'	263 17 0 00 000000 	nulspx:	popj p,			;no-op
	401553'	254 00 0 00 402135'		jrst simeof		;else simulate GET

	401554'	205 03 0 00 404000 	resdev:	movsi c,(cz%abt!co%nrj)	;this is DISMISS - the tops10 resdv.
	401555'	254 00 0 00 401560'		jrst clochk
	401556'	625 03 0 00 400000 	relf.:	tlza c,(co%nrj)		;this is RCLOSE - release the jfn
	401557'	661 03 0 00 400000 	clofil:	tlo c,(co%nrj)		;this is CLOSE - keep the jfn
	401560'	200 01 0 02 000040 	clochk:	move a,filtst(b)	;if the file isn't init'ed
	401561'	302 01 0 00 314157 		caie a,314157
	401562'	260 17 0 00 405414'		pushj p,initb.		;then do it
	401563'				doclos:		;We now assume that if there is a non-zero jfn, that is a
							;valid jfn.  SETPRM is thus coded to defend against garbage
							;jfn's.  But if a user calls this, he should beware.
						;warning: only a and t are free.  Be sure the filclo routine knows that
							;c - close bits
	401563'	201 01 0 00 000000 		movei a,0		;do mode-dependent clean-up
	401564'	250 01 0 02 000022 		exch a,filclo(b)
	401565'	332 00 0 00 000001 		skipe a			;  if 0, no routine
	401566'	260 17 0 01 000000 		pushj p,(a)
	401567'	200 00 0 02 000004 		move t,filjfn(b)	;close file
	401570'	322 00 0 00 401624'		jumpe t,clofb		;if no jfn, nothing to close
					  ;if we are killing the jfn, special cleanups may be needed
	401571'	603 03 0 00 400000 		tlne c,(co%nrj)		;if asked to kill the jfn, do so
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	401572'	254 00 0 00 401610'		jrst clonk		;don't kill jfn
					  ;beginning of special cleanups for releasing jfn
	401573'	402 00 0 02 000004 		setzm filjfn(b)		;clear all record of it
	401574'	200 01 0 02 000006 		move a,filflg(b)	;get flags
	401575'	606 01 0 00 000040 		trnn a,fl%tmp		;if temp file
	401576'	254 00 0 00 401610'		jrst clonk		;  not temp, done with it
					;Now, all cases go either to the following code for temp files,
					;or to clonk, for closing without killing.
					  ;temp file - releasing implies deleting
	401577'	550 01 0 00 000000 		hrrz a,t		;delete instead of just closing
	401600'	505 01 0 00 400000 		hrli a,(co%nrj)		;first we must close it
	401601'	104 00 0 00 000022 		closf
	401602'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	401603'	320 16 0 00 401621'		 erjrst clorl		;couldn't close it - just release it
	401604'	505 01 0 00 200000 		hrli a,(df%exp)		;now delete, expunge, and release it
	401605'	104 00 0 00 000026 		delf
	401606'	320 16 0 00 401621'		 erjrst clorl		;couldn't - just release it
	401607'	254 00 0 00 401624'		jrst clofb		;done with this jfn

					  ;normal file - close it without killing it, using bits from c
	401610'	550 01 0 00 000000 	clonk:	hrrz a,t
	401611'	500 01 0 00 000003 		hll a,c
	401612'	104 00 0 00 000022 		closf
	401613'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo			;[27]
	401614'	320 16 0 00 401616'		 erjrst .+2		;[7]  close failed, release instead
	401615'	254 00 0 00 401624'		jrst clofb		;  close worked, go on
	401616'	603 03 0 00 400000 		tlne c,(co%nrj)		;don't release if asked not to!
	401617'	254 00 0 00 401624'		jrst clofb
	401620'	550 01 0 00 000000 		hrrz a,t
	401621'	104 00 0 00 000023 	clorl:	rljfn
	401622'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo			;[27]
	401623'	320 16 0 00 401624'		 erjrst clofb		;[7]  release failed too, no hope

					;All cases join here, even after "impossible" combinations of errors
	401624'	201 01 0 00 000000 	clofb:	movei a,0		;clean up buffers if any
	401625'	250 01 0 02 000015 		exch a,filbuf(b)
	401626'	322 01 0 00 401644'		jumpe a,clof2		;  none- done
	401627'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b		;demap the page
	401630'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a		; since may have been doing pmap I/O on it
					ife tenex,<
	401631'	554 03 0 00 000001 		hlrz c,a		;count in rh of c
	401632'	135 02 0 00 406653'		ldb b,[point 9,a,26]	;page no.
	401633'	505 02 0 00 400000 		hrli b,400000		;in this process
	401634'	474 01 0 00 000000 		seto a,			;clear the page
	401635'	505 03 0 00 400000 		hrli c,(pm%cnt)		;do all at once
	401636'	104 00 0 00 000056 		pmap
	401637'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo			;[27]
	401640'	320 16 0 00 401641'		 erjmp .+1		;no errors here, please
					> ;ife tenex
					ifn tenex,<
						hlrz t,a		;count of pages to be released
						ldb b,[point 9,a,26]	;page no.
						hrli b,400000		;in this process
						seto a,			;clear the page
						setz c,
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					clof1l:	pmap
						addi b,1		;next page
						sojg t,clof1l		;if any
					> ;ifn tenex
	401641'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a			;restore target page
	401642'	260 17 0 00 406422'		pushj p,relpg.		;put it in free list
	401643'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	401644'	505 00 0 00 401262'	clof2:	hrli t,unop		;[12] now mark file as no longer open
	401645'	541 00 0 02 000016 		hrri t,filr11(b)	;[12] so future accesses get error
	401646'	251 00 0 02 000023 		blt t,filr99(b)		;[12]
	401647'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	401650'	200 01 0 02 000023 	break:	vcall f%brk		;force out buffers
	401651'	254 00 1 01 000007 

	401652'	261 17 0 00 000003 	breaki:	push p,c
	401653'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	401654'	200 01 0 00 406617'		move a,[ascii /-----/]	;old line no. no longer valid
	401655'	202 01 0 02 000031 		movem a,fillnr(b)
	401656'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%init		;use buffer filler if any
	401657'	260 17 1 01 000005 
	401660'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	401661'	262 17 0 00 000004 		pop p,d
	401662'	574 03 0 02 000032 		hlre c,filcnt(b)	;make up argument for binary get
	401663'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;is negative count in filcnt
	401664'	332 00 0 02 000007 		skpwrt			;don't do get if write-only file!
	401665'	322 04 1 02 000016 		jumpe d,@filget(b)	;and get unless suppressed
	401666'	200 01 0 02 000032 		move a,filcnt(b)	;otherwise clear buffer
	401667'	402 00 0 01 000000 		setzm (a)
	401670'	253 01 0 00 401667'		aobjn a,.-1
	401671'	200 01 0 02 000007 		move a,filbad(b)	;and set eoln, since dummy data in buf
	401672'	202 01 0 02 000002 		movem a,fileol(b)
	401673'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	401674'	205 03 0 00 400000 	nextfi:	movsi c,(co%nrj)	;go to next wildcard file - must be closed
	401675'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos
	401676'	200 01 0 02 000004 		move a,filjfn(b)
	401677'	104 00 0 00 000017 		gnjfn
	401700'	254 00 0 00 401703'		 jrst nonext
	401701'	202 01 0 17 000001 		movem a,1(p)		;if succeed, return flags (always nonzero)
	401702'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	401703'	200 04 0 00 000002 	nonext: move d,b
	401704'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000		;nextfi failed, see why
	401705'	104 00 0 00 000012 		geter
	401706'	405 02 0 00 777777 		andi b,-1		;get error code only
	401707'	302 02 0 00 601054 		caie b,gnjfx1		;if anything except ran out of files
	401710'	254 00 0 00 401715'		jrst nonxt1		;it is a real error
	401711'	200 02 0 00 000004 		move b,d
	401712'	402 00 0 17 000001 		setzm 1(p)		;bad return
	401713'	402 00 0 02 000004 		setzm filjfn(b)		;they released our jfn (naughty folks)
	401714'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	401715'	260 17 0 00 405064'	nonxt1:	pushj p,ioer		;a real error
	401716'	402 00 0 17 000001 		setzm 1(p)		;still give bad return
	401717'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		device-independent routines for error recovery

						subttl device-independent routines for error recovery

					;showln - this is the default showln for devices where we can't
					;  really show the current line.
	401720'	261 17 0 00 000001 	showln:	push p,a
	401721'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	401722'	261 17 0 00 000004 		push p,d
	401723'	561 01 0 00 406654'		hrroi a,[asciz /[Error at character number /]
	401724'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401725'	260 17 0 00 401540'		pushj p,curpos		;get current position
	401726'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	401727'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	401730'	200 02 0 17 000001 		move b,1(p)		;returned value
	401731'	201 03 0 00 000012 		movei c,12		;in decimal
	401732'	104 00 0 00 000224 		nout
	401733'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
						hrroi a,[asciz /]
	401734'	561 01 0 00 406530'	/]
	401735'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401736'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	401737'	262 17 0 00 000004 		pop p,d
	401740'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	401741'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	401742'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,	

					;notry - use this routine for FIXLIN with devices where you don't
					; implement retrying.
	401743'	561 01 0 00 406662'	notry:	hrroi a,[asciz /Call to READ/]
	401744'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401745'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
						hrroi a,[asciz /
					[Skipping bad character]
	401746'	561 01 0 00 406665'	/]
	401747'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	401750'	254 00 1 02 000016 		jrst @filget(b)

					;tryagn - ask him to try again.  If there is a debugger, offer to
					; go to it.
					;t - PC to print if error; A - jfn for printing; B - FCB
	401751'	261 17 0 00 000000 	tryagn:	push p,t
	401752'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
	401753'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	401754'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	401755'				tryag1:	
					;Now, if DDT is there, do a bit differently
	401755'	332 00 0 00 400060*		skipe .jbddt			;.jbddt?
	401756'	254 00 0 00 401766'		jrst tryddt			;yes - that is fine
	401757'	200 01 0 00 406507'		move a,[xwd 400000,770]		;else look for VMDDT
	401760'	104 00 0 00 000057 		rpacs				;page exist?
	401761'	200 01 0 17 777776 		move a,-2(p)
	401762'	607 02 0 00 010000 		tlnn b,(pa%pex)			;
	401763'	254 00 0 00 402010'		jrst trynod			;no - continue
	401764'	607 02 0 00 020000 		tlnn b,(pa%ex)			;allowed to execute?
	401765'	254 00 0 00 402010'		jrst trynod			;no - continue
					;Here if DDT - give him an option
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		device-independent routines for error recovery

	401766'	200 01 0 17 777776 	tryddt:	move a,-2(p)
						hrroi b,[asciz /
					[Try again, from the beginning of the bad number.]
					[Or type D to enter the debugger.]
	401767'	561 02 0 00 406673'	/]
	401770'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	401771'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	401772'	200 02 0 17 777777 		move b,-1(p)		;get back FCB
	401773'	260 17 1 02 000016 		pushj p,@filget(b)
	401774'	200 01 0 02 000043 		move a,filcmp(b)	;See if he typed a D
	401775'	302 01 0 00 000104 		caie a,"D"
	401776'	306 01 0 00 000144 		cain a,"d"
	401777'	304 00 0 00 000000 		 caia
	402000'	254 00 0 00 402016'		jrst tryOK		;no a D - use what he gave us
					;Here if he wants DDT - let runer. do it
	402001'	200 00 0 17 777775 		move t,-3(p)		;PC passed to us in T
	402002'	561 01 0 00 406716'		hrroi a,[asciz /Call to READ /]
	402003'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	402004'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.
	402005'	200 01 0 02 000023 		pcall f%init		;clear input buffer again
	402006'	260 17 1 01 000005 
	402007'	254 00 0 00 401755'		jrst tryag1

					;Here for no DDT cases
	402010'	200 01 0 17 777776 	trynod:	move a,-2(p)
						hrroi b,[asciz /
					[Try again, from the beginning of the bad number.]

	402011'	561 02 0 00 406721'	/]
	402012'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	402013'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	402014'	200 02 0 17 777777 		move b,-1(p)
	402015'	260 17 1 02 000016 		pushj p,@filget(b)	;just get a char
	402016'	262 17 0 00 000003 	tryOK:	pop p,c
	402017'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b			;return it to the user
	402020'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	402021'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
	402022'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
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						subttl pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

			000011		filadv==fils11  ;routine to get to next buffer
			000033		filpag==filst1	;disk page currently working on
			000036		filbgp==filst4	;disk page at beginning of buffer
			000024		filpgb==fils15	;number of pages in buffer
			000034		filbct==filst2	;bytes in current page
			000035		filbpt==filst3	;pointer to next byte in buffer
			000012		fillby==fils12	;last byte in file
			000013		filcby==fils13	;current byte in file
			000025		filbfp==fils16	;ptr to beginning of current page
			000026		filbfs==fils17	;size of page in bytes
			000027		fillct==fils20	;count of last record operation

	402023'	350 01 0 02 000013 	putchd:	aos a,filcby(b)		;advance current byte
	402024'	313 01 0 02 000012 		camle a,fillby(b)	;beyond end seen so far?
	402025'	202 01 0 02 000012 		movem a,fillby(b)	;yes - update it
	402026'	375 00 0 02 000034 		sosge filbct(b)		;room in buffer?
	402027'	260 17 1 02 000011 		pushj p,@filadv(b)	;no - next
	402030'	200 01 0 02 000043 		move a,filcmp(b)	;put it in
	402031'	136 01 0 02 000035 		idpb a,filbpt(b)
	402032'	320 17 0 00 402040'		 ercal maperr
	402033'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	402034'	200 04 0 00 000002 	noput:	move d,b		;error routine if not open for write
	402035'	201 01 0 00 600216 		movei a,iox2		;write priv req
	402036'	202 01 0 04 000003 		movem a,filerr(d)
	402037'	254 00 0 00 405105'		jrst erp.

					;This routine is called when we get an error upon attempting access
					; to a page.  It makes assumes that the caller uses the following
					; sequence:
					;	aos filcby(b)
					;	sos filbct(b)
					;	idpb a,filbpt(b)
					;	 ercal maperr
					; as it will undo the sideeffects of these operations if necessary.
					; When a hole is found, we just have to set a to zero after clearing
					;	the page.
					; But on a real error, we have to back out all the operations shown
					;	and abort the caller.

	402040'				maperr:	
					;for tops-20 the most likely thing here is that we tried to read a
					;  hole in the file. Tops-20 gives an ill mem read in that case. 
					;Also, it may be quota exceeded.
					;So the code comes in these pieces:
					;  diagnose it - hole in the file?
					;  if a hole, then give a zero page
					;  else, print an error message and back out of the I/O operation

					ife tenex,<
	402040'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b		;see if page exists
					;First see if we have a quota problem
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	402041'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
					repeat 1,<  ;This is due to a monitor bug.
	402042'	200 01 0 00 406735'		move a,[point 7,a]	;do an ILDB to clear first part done
	402043'	134 01 0 00 000001 		ildb a,a		;since ERCAL may leave it set
					> ;repeat 1
	402044'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000		;see what error
	402045'	104 00 0 00 000012 		geter
	402046'	621 02 0 00 777777 		tlz b,777777		;b _ error code
	402047'	306 02 0 00 601440 		cain b,iox11		;if quota error
	402050'	254 00 0 00 402076'		jrst mapquo		;special handling
	402051'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
					;here we check to see if the page is perhaps nonexistent in the file
					;if so, we treat it as zeros.  
	402052'	200 02 0 17 000000 		move b,0(p)		;[35] get back FCB
	402053'	550 01 0 02 000035 		hrrz a,filbpt(b)	;addr of core page
	402054'	242 01 0 00 777767 		lsh a,-11		;convert to page
	402055'	505 01 0 00 400000 		hrli a,.fhslf		;in out fork
	402056'	104 00 0 00 000057 		rpacs
	402057'	320 16 0 00 402121'		 erjmp maper3		;treat this as an I/O error
					;The case we are looking for is read-only access and an indirect pointer
	402060'	607 02 0 00 040000 		tlnn b,(pa%wt)		;if have write access, not this problem
	402061'	607 02 0 00 004000 		tlnn b,(pa%ind)		;if indirect too, that is it
	402062'	254 00 0 00 402121'		jrst maper3		;write access or not indirect: normal error
					  ;here if it is a hole.  clear the page
	402063'	200 02 0 00 000001 	maper1: move b,a		;b _ .fhslf,,core page no.
	402064'	474 01 0 00 000000 		seto a,			;clear page
	402065'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	402066'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;no counts
	402067'	104 00 0 00 000056 		pmap
	402070'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo			;[27]
	402071'	320 16 0 00 402120'		 erjmp maper2		;can't clear page
	402072'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	402073'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	402074'	400 01 0 00 000000 		setz a,			;return zero byte
	402075'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;here if is a quota error, to retry
	402076'	261 17 0 00 000003 	mapquo:	push p,c
					;error message
	402077'	561 01 0 00 406736'		hrroi a,[asciz / Quota exceeded or disk full at /]
	402100'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	402101'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	402102'	370 00 0 17 777775 		sos -3(p)		;adjust ret addr to go back to idpb
	402103'	370 00 0 17 777775 		sos -3(p)
	402104'	550 02 0 17 777775 		hrrz b,-3(p)
	402105'	201 03 0 00 000010 		movei c,10		;base 8
	402106'	104 00 0 00 000224 		nout
	402107'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl			;not sure how to handle errors here
						hrroi a,[asciz /
					[Find some space, then type CONTINUE]
	402110'	561 01 0 00 406745'	/]
	402111'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
					; Finally we are ready to restore to the user's context and continue,
					; if user types CONTINUE
	402112'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
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	402113'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	402114'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	402115'	104 00 0 00 000170 		haltf			;let him delete some files
	402116'	105 17 0 00 777777 		adjstk p,-1		;go retry
	402117'	254 02 1 17 000001 		jrstf @1(p)		;must use jrstf to restore first part done

					ife klcpu,<printx Using KL instruction (ADJBP) at QUOBPT+>
					;If you want to use a non-KL DEC-20, you will have to write a routine to
					;simulate adjbp.  It must be able to handle any byte size.

					;here is the beginning of the true error code.
	402120'	262 17 0 00 000003 	maper2:	pop p,c
	402121'	262 17 0 00 000002 	maper3:	pop p,b
					> ;ife tenex
	402122'	370 00 0 02 000013 		sos filcby(b)		;move back
	402123'	350 00 0 02 000034 		aos filbct(b)

					ifn klcpu,< ;[5]
	402124'	211 01 0 00 000001 		movni a,1
	402125'	133 01 0 02 000035 		adjbp a,filbpt(b)
	402126'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)
					> ;[5] ifn klcpu

					ife klcpu,< ;[5] start
					;****** Tenex hackers, note:  this code assume byte size = 7, not always true.
						sos filbpt(b) 
					repeat 4,<ibp filbpt(b)>
					> ;[5] end ife klcpu

	402127'	262 17 0 17 000000 		pop p,(p)		;abort caller
	402130'	254 00 0 00 405065'		jrst ioerp

	402131'	350 01 0 02 000013 	getchd:	aos a,filcby(b)		;advance current byte
	402132'	317 01 0 02 000012 		camg a,fillby(b)	;beyond eof?
	402133'	254 00 0 00 402145'		 jrst getcd1		;no - do normal input
	402134'	370 00 0 02 000013 	dskeof:	sos filcby(b)		;yes - don't do the advance
						;jrst simeof

					;simeof - simulate eof for pmap, texti (etc.?)
	402135'	200 00 0 02 000007 	simeof:	move t,filbad(b)	;yes - set eof
	402136'	202 00 0 02 000001 		movem t,fileof(b)
	402137'	202 00 0 02 000002 		movem t,fileol(b)
	402140'	331 00 0 02 000032 		skipl filcnt(b)		;if ascii
	402141'	402 00 0 02 000043 		setzm filcmp(b)		;clear buffer, for read/ln
	402142'	201 00 0 00 600220 		movei t,iox4		;simulate monitor eof error code
	402143'	202 00 0 02 000003 		movem t,filerr(b)
	402144'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	402145'	375 00 0 02 000034 	getcd1:	sosge filbct(b)		;count bytes left in this buffer
	402146'	260 17 1 02 000011 		pushj p,@filadv(b)	;none - get new buffer
	402147'	134 01 0 02 000035 		ildb a,filbpt(b)	;get character
	402150'	320 17 0 00 402040'		 ercal maperr
	402151'	200 00 0 02 000014 		move t,fillts(b)	;line no. test bit if 7 bit mode
	402152'	612 00 1 02 000035 		tdne t,@filbpt(b)	;was it a line no.?
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	402153'	254 00 0 00 403235'		jrst getcln		; yes
	402154'	405 01 0 00 000177 		andi a,177		; no - be sure legal ascii
	402155'	322 01 0 00 402131'		jumpe a,getchd		;ignore nulls
	402156'	200 01 1 02 000010 		move a,@filcht(b)	;get eoln flag and mapped char
	402157'	576 01 0 02 000002 		hlrem a,fileol(b)	;put down eoln flag
	402160'	552 01 0 02 000043 		hrrzm a,filcmp(b)	;put down mapped char
	402161'	312 01 0 00 406756'		came a,[xwd -1," "]	;carriage return in official mode
	402162'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	402163'	260 17 1 02 000016 	geteol:	pushj p,@filget(b)	;we have a CR, look for real EOL
	402164'	332 00 0 02 000001 		skipe fileof(b)		;stop after errors
	402165'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	402166'	337 00 0 02 000002 		skipg fileol(b)		;real EOL?
	402167'	254 00 0 00 402163'		jrst geteol		;no, next char
	402170'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;yes, done

					define letter,<exp .-beg>	;real letter
					define lc,<exp .-beg-40>	;upper case equiv. of lower case letter
					define linech(x),<xwd x,.-beg>	;end of line char

	402171'				norcht:
			402171'		beg==norcht
					repeat 12,<letter>	;0 - 11
	402171'	000000	000000
	402172'	000000	000001
	402173'	000000	000002
	402174'	000000	000003
	402175'	000000	000004
	402176'	000000	000005
	402177'	000000	000006
	402200'	000000	000007
	402201'	000000	000010
	402202'	000000	000011
	402203'	000001	000012			linech 1	;12
	402204'	000000	000013			letter		;13
	402205'	000001	000014			linech 1	;14
	402206'	777777	000015			linech -1	;15
					repeat 14,<letter>	;16 - 31
	402207'	000000	000016
	402210'	000000	000017
	402211'	000000	000020
	402212'	000000	000021
	402213'	000000	000022
	402214'	000000	000023
	402215'	000000	000024
	402216'	000000	000025
	402217'	000000	000026
	402220'	000000	000027
	402221'	000000	000030
	402222'	000000	000031
	402223'	000001	000032			linech 1	;32
	402224'	000001	000033			linech 1	;33
					repeat 3,<letter>	;34 - 36
	402225'	000000	000034
	402226'	000000	000035
	402227'	000000	000036
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					ifn tenex,<linech 1>	;37
	402230'	000000	000037		ife tenex,<letter>	;37

					repeat 162,<letter>	;everything else is a letter
	402231'	000000	000040
	402232'	000000	000041
	402233'	000000	000042
	402234'	000000	000043
	402235'	000000	000044
	402236'	000000	000045
	402237'	000000	000046
	402240'	000000	000047
	402241'	000000	000050
	402242'	000000	000051
	402243'	000000	000052
	402244'	000000	000053
	402245'	000000	000054
	402246'	000000	000055
	402247'	000000	000056
	402250'	000000	000057
	402251'	000000	000060
	402252'	000000	000061
	402253'	000000	000062
	402254'	000000	000063
	402255'	000000	000064
	402256'	000000	000065
	402257'	000000	000066
	402260'	000000	000067
	402261'	000000	000070
	402262'	000000	000071
	402263'	000000	000072
	402264'	000000	000073
	402265'	000000	000074
	402266'	000000	000075
	402267'	000000	000076
	402270'	000000	000077
	402271'	000000	000100
	402272'	000000	000101
	402273'	000000	000102
	402274'	000000	000103
	402275'	000000	000104
	402276'	000000	000105
	402277'	000000	000106
	402300'	000000	000107
	402301'	000000	000110
	402302'	000000	000111
	402303'	000000	000112
	402304'	000000	000113
	402305'	000000	000114
	402306'	000000	000115
	402307'	000000	000116
	402310'	000000	000117
	402311'	000000	000120
	402312'	000000	000121
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	402313'	000000	000122
	402314'	000000	000123
	402315'	000000	000124
	402316'	000000	000125
	402317'	000000	000126
	402320'	000000	000127
	402321'	000000	000130
	402322'	000000	000131
	402323'	000000	000132
	402324'	000000	000133
	402325'	000000	000134
	402326'	000000	000135
	402327'	000000	000136
	402330'	000000	000137
	402331'	000000	000140
	402332'	000000	000141
	402333'	000000	000142
	402334'	000000	000143
	402335'	000000	000144
	402336'	000000	000145
	402337'	000000	000146
	402340'	000000	000147
	402341'	000000	000150
	402342'	000000	000151
	402343'	000000	000152
	402344'	000000	000153
	402345'	000000	000154
	402346'	000000	000155
	402347'	000000	000156
	402350'	000000	000157
	402351'	000000	000160
	402352'	000000	000161
	402353'	000000	000162
	402354'	000000	000163
	402355'	000000	000164
	402356'	000000	000165
	402357'	000000	000166
	402360'	000000	000167
	402361'	000000	000170
	402362'	000000	000171
	402363'	000000	000172
	402364'	000000	000173
	402365'	000000	000174
	402366'	000000	000175
	402367'	000000	000176
	402370'	000000	000177
	402371'	000000	000200
	402372'	000000	000201
	402373'	000000	000202
	402374'	000000	000203
	402375'	000000	000204
	402376'	000000	000205
	402377'	000000	000206
	402400'	000000	000207
	402401'	000000	000210
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	402402'	000000	000211
	402403'	000000	000212
	402404'	000000	000213
	402405'	000000	000214
	402406'	000000	000215
	402407'	000000	000216
	402410'	000000	000217
	402411'	000000	000220
	402412'	000000	000221

	402413'				lccht:
			402413'		beg==lccht
					repeat 12,<letter>
	402413'	000000	000000
	402414'	000000	000001
	402415'	000000	000002
	402416'	000000	000003
	402417'	000000	000004
	402420'	000000	000005
	402421'	000000	000006
	402422'	000000	000007
	402423'	000000	000010
	402424'	000000	000011
	402425'	000001	000012			linech 1
	402426'	000000	000013			letter
	402427'	000001	000014			linech 1
	402430'	777777	000015			linech -1
					repeat 14,<letter>
	402431'	000000	000016
	402432'	000000	000017
	402433'	000000	000020
	402434'	000000	000021
	402435'	000000	000022
	402436'	000000	000023
	402437'	000000	000024
	402440'	000000	000025
	402441'	000000	000026
	402442'	000000	000027
	402443'	000000	000030
	402444'	000000	000031
	402445'	000001	000032			linech 1
	402446'	000001	000033			linech 1	;33
					repeat 3,<letter>	;34 - 36
	402447'	000000	000034
	402450'	000000	000035
	402451'	000000	000036

					ifn tenex,<linech 1>	;37
	402452'	000000	000037		ife tenex,<letter>	;37

					repeat 101,<letter>	;40 - 140
	402453'	000000	000040
	402454'	000000	000041
	402455'	000000	000042
	402456'	000000	000043
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	402457'	000000	000044
	402460'	000000	000045
	402461'	000000	000046
	402462'	000000	000047
	402463'	000000	000050
	402464'	000000	000051
	402465'	000000	000052
	402466'	000000	000053
	402467'	000000	000054
	402470'	000000	000055
	402471'	000000	000056
	402472'	000000	000057
	402473'	000000	000060
	402474'	000000	000061
	402475'	000000	000062
	402476'	000000	000063
	402477'	000000	000064
	402500'	000000	000065
	402501'	000000	000066
	402502'	000000	000067
	402503'	000000	000070
	402504'	000000	000071
	402505'	000000	000072
	402506'	000000	000073
	402507'	000000	000074
	402510'	000000	000075
	402511'	000000	000076
	402512'	000000	000077
	402513'	000000	000100
	402514'	000000	000101
	402515'	000000	000102
	402516'	000000	000103
	402517'	000000	000104
	402520'	000000	000105
	402521'	000000	000106
	402522'	000000	000107
	402523'	000000	000110
	402524'	000000	000111
	402525'	000000	000112
	402526'	000000	000113
	402527'	000000	000114
	402530'	000000	000115
	402531'	000000	000116
	402532'	000000	000117
	402533'	000000	000120
	402534'	000000	000121
	402535'	000000	000122
	402536'	000000	000123
	402537'	000000	000124
	402540'	000000	000125
	402541'	000000	000126
	402542'	000000	000127
	402543'	000000	000130
	402544'	000000	000131
	402545'	000000	000132
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	402546'	000000	000133
	402547'	000000	000134
	402550'	000000	000135
	402551'	000000	000136
	402552'	000000	000137
	402553'	000000	000140
					repeat 32,<lc>		;141 - 172
	402554'	000000	000101
	402555'	000000	000102
	402556'	000000	000103
	402557'	000000	000104
	402560'	000000	000105
	402561'	000000	000106
	402562'	000000	000107
	402563'	000000	000110
	402564'	000000	000111
	402565'	000000	000112
	402566'	000000	000113
	402567'	000000	000114
	402570'	000000	000115
	402571'	000000	000116
	402572'	000000	000117
	402573'	000000	000120
	402574'	000000	000121
	402575'	000000	000122
	402576'	000000	000123
	402577'	000000	000124
	402600'	000000	000125
	402601'	000000	000126
	402602'	000000	000127
	402603'	000000	000130
	402604'	000000	000131
	402605'	000000	000132
					repeat 5,<letter>	;173 - 177
	402606'	000000	000173
	402607'	000000	000174
	402610'	000000	000175
	402611'	000000	000176
	402612'	000000	000177

					;Now the tables for standard pascal semantics - replace EOLN by space
					define linech(x),<xwd x," ">	;end of line char
					;otherwise the tables are the same
	402613'				norchx:
			402613'		beg==norchx
					repeat 12,<letter>	;0 - 11
	402613'	000000	000000
	402614'	000000	000001
	402615'	000000	000002
	402616'	000000	000003
	402617'	000000	000004
	402620'	000000	000005
	402621'	000000	000006
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 10-9
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

	402622'	000000	000007
	402623'	000000	000010
	402624'	000000	000011
	402625'	000001	000040			linech 1	;12
	402626'	000000	000013			letter		;13
	402627'	000001	000040			linech 1	;14
	402630'	777777	000040			linech -1	;15
					repeat 14,<letter>	;16 - 31
	402631'	000000	000016
	402632'	000000	000017
	402633'	000000	000020
	402634'	000000	000021
	402635'	000000	000022
	402636'	000000	000023
	402637'	000000	000024
	402640'	000000	000025
	402641'	000000	000026
	402642'	000000	000027
	402643'	000000	000030
	402644'	000000	000031
	402645'	000001	000040			linech 1	;32
	402646'	000001	000040			linech 1	;33
					repeat 3,<letter>	;34 - 36
	402647'	000000	000034
	402650'	000000	000035
	402651'	000000	000036

					ifn tenex,<linech 1>	;37
	402652'	000000	000037		ife tenex,<letter>	;37

					repeat 162,<letter>	;everything else is a letter
	402653'	000000	000040
	402654'	000000	000041
	402655'	000000	000042
	402656'	000000	000043
	402657'	000000	000044
	402660'	000000	000045
	402661'	000000	000046
	402662'	000000	000047
	402663'	000000	000050
	402664'	000000	000051
	402665'	000000	000052
	402666'	000000	000053
	402667'	000000	000054
	402670'	000000	000055
	402671'	000000	000056
	402672'	000000	000057
	402673'	000000	000060
	402674'	000000	000061
	402675'	000000	000062
	402676'	000000	000063
	402677'	000000	000064
	402700'	000000	000065
	402701'	000000	000066
	402702'	000000	000067
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 10-10
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

	402703'	000000	000070
	402704'	000000	000071
	402705'	000000	000072
	402706'	000000	000073
	402707'	000000	000074
	402710'	000000	000075
	402711'	000000	000076
	402712'	000000	000077
	402713'	000000	000100
	402714'	000000	000101
	402715'	000000	000102
	402716'	000000	000103
	402717'	000000	000104
	402720'	000000	000105
	402721'	000000	000106
	402722'	000000	000107
	402723'	000000	000110
	402724'	000000	000111
	402725'	000000	000112
	402726'	000000	000113
	402727'	000000	000114
	402730'	000000	000115
	402731'	000000	000116
	402732'	000000	000117
	402733'	000000	000120
	402734'	000000	000121
	402735'	000000	000122
	402736'	000000	000123
	402737'	000000	000124
	402740'	000000	000125
	402741'	000000	000126
	402742'	000000	000127
	402743'	000000	000130
	402744'	000000	000131
	402745'	000000	000132
	402746'	000000	000133
	402747'	000000	000134
	402750'	000000	000135
	402751'	000000	000136
	402752'	000000	000137
	402753'	000000	000140
	402754'	000000	000141
	402755'	000000	000142
	402756'	000000	000143
	402757'	000000	000144
	402760'	000000	000145
	402761'	000000	000146
	402762'	000000	000147
	402763'	000000	000150
	402764'	000000	000151
	402765'	000000	000152
	402766'	000000	000153
	402767'	000000	000154
	402770'	000000	000155
	402771'	000000	000156
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

	402772'	000000	000157
	402773'	000000	000160
	402774'	000000	000161
	402775'	000000	000162
	402776'	000000	000163
	402777'	000000	000164
	403000'	000000	000165
	403001'	000000	000166
	403002'	000000	000167
	403003'	000000	000170
	403004'	000000	000171
	403005'	000000	000172
	403006'	000000	000173
	403007'	000000	000174
	403010'	000000	000175
	403011'	000000	000176
	403012'	000000	000177
	403013'	000000	000200
	403014'	000000	000201
	403015'	000000	000202
	403016'	000000	000203
	403017'	000000	000204
	403020'	000000	000205
	403021'	000000	000206
	403022'	000000	000207
	403023'	000000	000210
	403024'	000000	000211
	403025'	000000	000212
	403026'	000000	000213
	403027'	000000	000214
	403030'	000000	000215
	403031'	000000	000216
	403032'	000000	000217
	403033'	000000	000220
	403034'	000000	000221

	403035'				lcchx:
			403035'		beg==lcchx
					repeat 12,<letter>
	403035'	000000	000000
	403036'	000000	000001
	403037'	000000	000002
	403040'	000000	000003
	403041'	000000	000004
	403042'	000000	000005
	403043'	000000	000006
	403044'	000000	000007
	403045'	000000	000010
	403046'	000000	000011
	403047'	000001	000040			linech 1
	403050'	000000	000013			letter
	403051'	000001	000040			linech 1
	403052'	777777	000040			linech -1
					repeat 14,<letter>
	403053'	000000	000016
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 10-12
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

	403054'	000000	000017
	403055'	000000	000020
	403056'	000000	000021
	403057'	000000	000022
	403060'	000000	000023
	403061'	000000	000024
	403062'	000000	000025
	403063'	000000	000026
	403064'	000000	000027
	403065'	000000	000030
	403066'	000000	000031
	403067'	000001	000040			linech 1
	403070'	000001	000040			linech 1	;33
					repeat 3,<letter>	;34 - 36
	403071'	000000	000034
	403072'	000000	000035
	403073'	000000	000036

					ifn tenex,<linech 1>	;37
	403074'	000000	000037		ife tenex,<letter>	;37

					repeat 101,<letter>	;40 - 140
	403075'	000000	000040
	403076'	000000	000041
	403077'	000000	000042
	403100'	000000	000043
	403101'	000000	000044
	403102'	000000	000045
	403103'	000000	000046
	403104'	000000	000047
	403105'	000000	000050
	403106'	000000	000051
	403107'	000000	000052
	403110'	000000	000053
	403111'	000000	000054
	403112'	000000	000055
	403113'	000000	000056
	403114'	000000	000057
	403115'	000000	000060
	403116'	000000	000061
	403117'	000000	000062
	403120'	000000	000063
	403121'	000000	000064
	403122'	000000	000065
	403123'	000000	000066
	403124'	000000	000067
	403125'	000000	000070
	403126'	000000	000071
	403127'	000000	000072
	403130'	000000	000073
	403131'	000000	000074
	403132'	000000	000075
	403133'	000000	000076
	403134'	000000	000077
	403135'	000000	000100
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

	403136'	000000	000101
	403137'	000000	000102
	403140'	000000	000103
	403141'	000000	000104
	403142'	000000	000105
	403143'	000000	000106
	403144'	000000	000107
	403145'	000000	000110
	403146'	000000	000111
	403147'	000000	000112
	403150'	000000	000113
	403151'	000000	000114
	403152'	000000	000115
	403153'	000000	000116
	403154'	000000	000117
	403155'	000000	000120
	403156'	000000	000121
	403157'	000000	000122
	403160'	000000	000123
	403161'	000000	000124
	403162'	000000	000125
	403163'	000000	000126
	403164'	000000	000127
	403165'	000000	000130
	403166'	000000	000131
	403167'	000000	000132
	403170'	000000	000133
	403171'	000000	000134
	403172'	000000	000135
	403173'	000000	000136
	403174'	000000	000137
	403175'	000000	000140
					repeat 32,<lc>		;141 - 172
	403176'	000000	000101
	403177'	000000	000102
	403200'	000000	000103
	403201'	000000	000104
	403202'	000000	000105
	403203'	000000	000106
	403204'	000000	000107
	403205'	000000	000110
	403206'	000000	000111
	403207'	000000	000112
	403210'	000000	000113
	403211'	000000	000114
	403212'	000000	000115
	403213'	000000	000116
	403214'	000000	000117
	403215'	000000	000120
	403216'	000000	000121
	403217'	000000	000122
	403220'	000000	000123
	403221'	000000	000124
	403222'	000000	000125
	403223'	000000	000126
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - ascii top-level routines

	403224'	000000	000127
	403225'	000000	000130
	403226'	000000	000131
	403227'	000000	000132
					repeat 5,<letter>	;173 - 177
	403230'	000000	000173
	403231'	000000	000174
	403232'	000000	000175
	403233'	000000	000176
	403234'	000000	000177

					;called by get to skip line no.
	403235'	200 00 1 02 000035 	getcln:	move t,@filbpt(b)	;line no. - get it
	403236'	202 00 0 02 000031 		movem t,fillnr(b)	;save it for user
	403237'	350 00 0 02 000035 		aos filbpt(b)		;skip it
	403240'	201 00 0 00 000005 		movei t,5		;update currentposition
	403241'	272 00 0 02 000013 		addm t,filcby(b)
	403242'	211 00 0 00 000005 		movni t,5		;note getchb already skipped one char, so
	403243'	273 00 0 02 000034 		addb t,filbct(b)	; we only skip 5
	403244'	325 00 0 00 402131'		jumpge t,getchd		;now get real character
					;the context in which filadv is valid is where we have just done sosge filbct,
					;and are about to do ildb.  Usually this is right, as in the subtraction of
					;5 above, 1 of the 5 is in the new block.   so that is the sosge.  we will
					;still have to do an ibp afterwards, though.  If we are further into the
					;word than the first char, we now back up, since filadv will leave us at
					;the start of the buffer (and its error handling is predicated on the
					;assumption that we are working on the first char)
	403245'	271 00 0 00 000001 		addi t,1		;if more than one char into new buffer
	403246'	272 00 0 02 000013 		addm t,filcby(b)	;move back (T is negative)
	403247'	260 17 1 02 000011 		pushj p,@filadv(b)	;go to new buffer
	403250'	133 00 0 02 000035 		ibp filbpt(b)		;pass over first char (tab)
	403251'	254 00 0 00 402131'		jrst getchd		;now go back for real char
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 11
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - buffer advance and go to new page

						subttl pmap I/O - buffer advance and go to new page

					;dskadv - get to the next page when reading sequentially.  If
					; the getpage succeeds, this gives new byte ptr, count, etc., for
					; the new page.  Otherwise you are left exactly where you were before,
					; with filcby adjusted, since the caller is assumed to have
					; incremented it.
					;	t,a - temps
					;	b up - preserved
	403252'	200 00 0 02 000033 	dskadv:	move t,filpag(b)	;old page
	403253'	271 00 0 00 000001 		addi t,1		;new page
	403254'	260 17 0 00 403267'		pushj p,getfpg		;get page routine
	403255'	254 00 0 00 403264'		 jrst badadv		;can't get new page
	403256'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)	;bytes in buffer
	403257'	275 00 0 00 000001 		subi t,1		;caller has done sosge
	403260'	202 00 0 02 000034 		movem t,filbct(b)
	403261'	200 00 0 02 000025 		move t,filbfp(b)	;pointer to start of buffer
	403262'	202 00 0 02 000035 		movem t,filbpt(b)
	403263'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403264'	370 00 0 02 000013 	badadv:	sos filcby(b)		;user has done aos on this
	403265'	262 17 0 17 000000 		pop p,(p)		;abort our caller
	403266'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;getfpg - get specified page 
					;	t - desired page - preserved
					;	a - temp
					;	b up - preserved
					;  returns:  t - requested disk page
					;    also resets 
					;	filbfp(RH) to point to the core page where the disk page is mapped
					;	filpag to indicate we are on a new file page
					;	filbgp if we have to remap the buffer, to indicate new beginning
					;    the user is assumed to adjust counts, pointers, etc., as he likes

	403267'	200 01 0 00 000000 	getfpg:	move a,t		;a _ desired page
	403270'	274 01 0 02 000036 		sub a,filbgp(b)		;a _ pages beyond start of buffer
	403271'	301 01 0 00 000000 		cail a,0		;if before buffer start
	403272'	311 01 0 02 000024 		caml a,filpgb(b)	;or after buffer end
	403273'	254 00 0 00 403304'		jrst getfpn		;need new pages
					  ;here when desired page is in buffer
	403274'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	403275'	550 03 0 02 000015 		hrrz c,filbuf(b)	;beginning of core buffer
	403276'	242 01 0 00 000011 		lsh a,11		;convert page offset to word offset
	403277'	270 01 0 00 000003 		add a,c			;a _ core addr where we have file page
	403300'	542 01 0 02 000025 		hrrm a,filbfp(b)	;save as current buffer start
	403301'	202 00 0 02 000033 		movem t,filpag(b)	;also remember we are now where asked
	403302'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	403303'	254 00 0 00 403326'		jrst cpopj1

					  ;here when desired page is not in buffer
	403304'	261 17 0 00 000003 	getfpn:	push p,c		;filadv routine for pmap I/O
	403305'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	403306'	540 01 0 00 000000 		hrr a,t			;desired page
	403307'	504 01 0 02 000004 		hrl a,filjfn(b)		;on this file
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 11-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - buffer advance and go to new page

					ife tenex,<
	403310'	544 03 0 02 000015 		hlr c,filbuf(b)		;c _ page count for buffer
	403311'	505 03 0 00 550000 		hrli c,(pm%cnt!pm%rd!pm%wr!pm%pld) ;say we have a count, preload
	403312'	550 02 0 02 000015 		hrrz b,filbuf(b)	;address of buffer
	403313'	242 02 0 00 777767 		lsh b,-9		;make page no.
	403314'	505 02 0 00 400000 		hrli b,400000		;current process
	403315'	104 00 0 00 000056 		pmap
	403316'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo			;[27]
	403317'	320 16 0 00 403330'		 erjmp badpag
					> ;ife tenex

					ifn tenex,<
						push p,d		;d will be page count
						hlrz d,filbuf(b)
						movsi c,(pm%rd!pm%wr)
						hrrz b,filbuf(b)	;addr of buffer
						lsh b,-9		;convert to page
						hrli b,400000		;this process
					getfpl:	pmap			;one page only
						addi a,1		;go to next page
						addi b,1
						sojg d,getfpl		;and do it if desired
						pop p,d
					> ;ifn tenex

					 ;general success return
	403320'	262 17 0 00 000002 	gotpag:	pop p,b
	403321'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	403322'	202 00 0 02 000033 		movem t,filpag(b)	;only now can we say are on that page
	403323'	202 00 0 02 000036 		movem t,filbgp(b)	;and that page is buffer begin
	403324'	550 01 0 02 000015 		hrrz a,filbuf(b)
	403325'	542 01 0 02 000025 		hrrm a,filbfp(b)	;and current page is first in buffer
	403326'	350 00 0 17 000000 	cpopj1:	aos (p)			;skip return - success
	403327'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;note that badpag is called with b&c saved on stack
	403330'	262 17 0 00 000002 	badpag:	pop p,b			;we don't change filpag, as haven't moved
	403331'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	403332'	254 00 0 00 405065'		jrst ioerp		;gives non-skip (error) return
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 12
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - actual I/O routines for record files

						subttl pmap I/O - actual I/O routines for record files

					;The following routines set up C to indicate the desired
					; transfer, and then call getdlp or putdlp, which simulate
					; sin and sout.  If an I/O error occurs, getdlp or putdlp
					; will return with c as at the point of error.  Thus the
					; caller may have some adjustments to do.

	403333'	202 03 0 02 000027 	getd:	movem c,fillct(b)	;assume no. transferred = no. requested
	403334'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;make up aobjn word
	403335'	504 03 0 00 000003 		hrl c,c			;lh(c) _ no. to transfer
	403336'	541 03 0 02 000043 		hrri c,filcmp(b)	;rh(c) _ starting loc to transfer
	403337'	260 17 0 00 403373'		pushj p,getdlp		;sin
	403340'	574 03 0 00 000003 		hlre c,c		;c _ - no. left untransferred
	403341'	272 03 0 02 000027 		addm c,fillct(b)	;adjust assumption
	403342'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403343'	202 03 0 02 000027 	putd:	movem c,fillct(b)
	403344'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c
	403345'	504 03 0 00 000003 		hrl c,c
	403346'	541 03 0 02 000043 		hrri c,filcmp(b)
	403347'	260 17 0 00 403405'		pushj p,putdlp		;sout
	403350'	574 03 0 00 000003 		hlre c,c
	403351'	272 03 0 02 000027 		addm c,fillct(b)
	403352'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403353'	200 04 0 00 000003 	getxd:	move d,c		;requested upper limit
	403354'	274 03 0 02 000027 		sub c,fillct(b)		;c _ no. needed this time
	403355'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;make aobjn word
	403356'	504 03 0 00 000003 		hrl c,c
	403357'	541 03 0 02 000043 		hrri c,filcmp(b)
	403360'	270 03 0 02 000027 		add c,fillct(b)		;adjust by no. already done
	403361'	260 17 0 00 403373'		pushj p,getdlp		;sin
	403362'	574 03 0 00 000003 		hlre c,c
	403363'	272 03 0 02 000027 		addm c,fillct(b)
	403364'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403365'	200 03 0 02 000013 	putxd:	move c,filcby(b)	;go back to beginning of record
	403366'	274 03 0 02 000027 		sub c,fillct(b)		;c _ byte at beginning
	403367'	260 17 0 00 403722'		pushj p,dskmov		;move to beginning of record
	403370'	263 17 0 00 000000 		 popj p,		;no - I/O error in setpos
	403371'	200 03 0 02 000027 		move c,fillct(b)	;get back no. to transfer
	403372'	254 00 0 00 403343'		jrst putd		;now put out the record

					;Here are the sin/sout simulations.  Note that if there is
					; an I/O error, filadv will sos filcby(b) and abort the routine.
					; In that case c will be left negative, and the caller (above)
					; will do the right thing.

	403373'	350 01 0 02 000013 	getdlp:	aos a,filcby(b)		;assume we are going to a new byte
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 12-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - actual I/O routines for record files

	403374'	313 01 0 02 000012 		camle a,fillby(b)	;beyond eof?
	403375'	254 00 0 00 402134'		 jrst dskeof		;simulate eof
	403376'	375 00 0 02 000034 		sosge filbct(b)		;anything left in buffer?
	403377'	260 17 1 02 000011 		pushj p,@filadv(b)	;no - next buffer - may abort here
	403400'	134 01 0 02 000035 		ildb a,filbpt(b)
	403401'	320 17 0 00 402040'		 ercal maperr
	403402'	202 01 0 03 000000 		movem a,(c)
	403403'	253 03 0 00 403373'		aobjn c,getdlp
	403404'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403405'	350 01 0 02 000013 	putdlp:	aos a,filcby(b)		;assume we are going to a new byte
	403406'	313 01 0 02 000012 		camle a,fillby(b)	;beyond eof?
	403407'	202 01 0 02 000012 		 movem a,fillby(b)	;update eof
	403410'	375 00 0 02 000034 		sosge filbct(b)
	403411'	260 17 1 02 000011 		pushj p,@filadv(b)
	403412'	200 01 0 03 000000 		move a,(c)
	403413'	136 01 0 02 000035 		idpb a,filbpt(b)
	403414'	320 17 0 00 402040'		 ercal maperr
	403415'	253 03 0 00 403405'		aobjn c,putdlp
	403416'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - device dependent openning

						subttl pmap I/O - device dependent openning

					;main entry to do openfi
	403417'	332 00 0 02 000003 	dskopn:	skipe filerr(b)		;must be no-op if error in jfn
	403420'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	403421'	201 00 0 00 403252'		movei t,dskadv		;disk advance routine
	403422'	202 00 0 02 000011 		movem t,filadv(b)
	403423'	135 00 0 00 406757'		ldb t,[point 6,g,5]	;get byte size
	403424'	200 01 0 00 000000 		move a,t		;a _ byte size
	403425'	242 00 0 00 000030 		lsh t,^D24		;put in byte size position
	403426'	202 00 0 02 000035 		movem t,filbpt(b)	;in pointer
	403427'	661 00 0 00 440000 		tlo t,440000		;byte pointer LH
	403430'	502 00 0 02 000025 		hllm t,filbfp(b)	;RH set up later (may be already)
	403431'	201 00 0 00 000044 		movei t,^D36		;compute no. of bytes in a page
	403432'	230 00 0 00 000001 		idiv t,a		;t _ no. of bytes/word
	403433'	242 00 0 00 000011 		lsh t,9			;t _ no. of bytes/page
	403434'	202 00 0 02 000026 		movem t,filbfs(b)	;save as public knowledge
					;here we have to split according to the sort of open being done
	403435'	602 07 0 00 020000 		trne g,of%app		;special code to simulate append
	403436'	254 00 0 00 403503'		jrst dskapp
	403437'	606 07 0 00 200000 		trnn g,of%rd		;special code if write-only
	403440'	254 00 0 00 403454'		jrst dskwrt
					;read or update - must be able to read, so pmap always works
	403441'	602 07 0 00 100000 		trne g,of%wr		;if only read
	403442'	254 00 0 00 403447'		jrst dskop1		; not - ignore this
					  ;read only
	403443'	201 00 0 00 402034'		movei t,noput		;disable writing
	403444'	202 00 0 02 000017 		movem t,filput(b)
	403445'	201 00 0 00 403604'		movei t,dskrcl		;use special close (doesn't change size)
	403446'	202 00 0 02 000022 		movem t,filclo(b)
					  ;read or update again
	403447'	260 17 0 00 401303'	dskop1:	pushj p,openfi
	403450'	332 00 0 02 000003 		skipe filerr(b)		;this may fail
	403451'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	403452'	260 17 0 00 403643'		pushj p,sizefi		;set up end of file stuff
	403453'	254 00 0 00 403527'		jrst dskini
					;write only
	403454'	260 17 0 00 401303'	dskwrt:	pushj p,openfi
	403455'	332 00 0 02 000003 		skipe filerr(b)
	403456'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	403457'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)	;see if we can read, too
	403460'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b
	403461'	104 00 0 00 000024 		gtsts
	403462'	320 16 0 00 401315'		 erjmp doope
	403463'	607 02 0 00 200000 		tlnn b,(gs%rdf)
	403464'	254 00 0 00 403470'		jrst dskbn1		;can't read it, use normal binary mode
	403465'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h
	403466'	402 00 0 02 000012 		setzm fillby(b)		;file is now zero length
	403467'	254 00 0 00 403527'		jrst dskini
					;here to exit to normal binary routines in case can't use pmap.  DEC
					;requires read priv's to do pmap, although tenex doesn't
	403470'	200 02 0 00 000010 	dskbn1:	move b,h
	403471'	540 01 0 02 000004 		hrr a,filjfn(b)		;It's open - close it
	403472'	505 01 0 00 400000 		hrli a,(co%nrj)
	403473'	104 00 0 00 000022 		closf
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - device dependent openning

	403474'	320 16 0 00 401314'		 erjrst oper		;[7]
	403475'	505 00 0 00 401073'	dskbin:	hrli t,chrtxt		;change to normal mode
	403476'	335 00 0 02 000032 		skipge filcnt(b)
	403477'	505 00 0 00 401114'		hrli t,chrrec
	403500'	541 00 0 02 000016 		hrri t,filr11(b)
	403501'	251 00 0 02 000023 		blt t,filr99(b)
	403502'	254 00 0 00 405716'		jrst chropn		;now open in real mode

					;append simulation
	403503'	640 07 0 00 320000 	dskapp:	trc g,of%app!of%rd!of%wr
	403504'	260 17 0 00 403517'		pushj p,dopenf		;try read/write open
	403505'	254 00 0 00 403515'		 jrst appbin		;failed, so try real append
	403506'	260 17 0 00 403643'		pushj p,sizefi		;find end of file
	403507'	332 00 0 02 000003 		skipe filerr(b)		;it can fail
	403510'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	403511'	260 17 0 00 403527'		pushj p,dskini
	403512'	200 03 0 02 000012 		move c,fillby(b)	;go to end
	403513'	400 04 0 00 000000 		setz d,			;suppress get
	403514'	254 00 0 00 403674'		jrst dskspo
					;here to ext to normal binary routines in case can't append using pmap
	403515'	640 07 0 00 320000 	appbin:	trc g,of%app!of%rd!of%wr
	403516'	254 00 0 00 403475'		jrst dskbin
					;here to do openf for dskapp - needs special routine so we don't
					; trigger error processing if it fails.
	403517'	200 10 0 00 000002 	dopenf:	move h,b		;save b
	403520'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)
	403521'	200 02 0 00 000007 		move b,g
	403522'	104 00 0 00 000021 		openf
	403523'	320 16 0 00 403525'		 erjrst cpopjh		;[5]
	403524'	350 00 0 17 000000 		aos (p)			;good return
	403525'	200 02 0 00 000010 	cpopjh:	move b,h		;bad return
	403526'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;These are common initializations that must not be done until
					;we know the open succeeded
	403527'	402 00 0 02 000034 	dskini:	setzm filbct(b)
	403530'	476 00 0 02 000033 		setom filpag(b)
	403531'	211 00 0 00 377777 		movni t,377777		;force us to get new page
	403532'	202 00 0 02 000036 		movem t,filbgp(b)
	403533'	402 00 0 02 000013 		setzm filcby(b)
	403534'	135 01 0 00 406760'		ldb a,[fl%buf!filflg(b)] ;number of buffers user wants
	403535'	307 01 0 00 000000 		caig a,0		;must be between 1 and 36
	403536'	201 01 0 00 000004 		movei a,mapbfs		;if 0, use default
	403537'	303 01 0 00 000044 		caile a,^D36		;if too big, use maximum
	403540'	201 01 0 00 000044 		movei a,^D36
	403541'	202 01 0 02 000024 		movem a,filpgb(b)	;save as buffer size in pages
	403542'	260 17 0 00 403546'		pushj p,alcbuf		;# pages is arg to alcbuf, in A
	403543'	200 00 0 02 000015 		move t,filbuf(b)
	403544'	542 00 0 02 000025 		hrrm t,filbfp(b)	;LH was set up at beginning
	403545'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;alcbuf - allocation a page as a buffer - used elsewhere, too
					;  a - number of pages to allocate
	403546'	554 00 0 02 000015 	alcbuf:	hlrz t,filbuf(b)	;any buffer already?
	403547'	322 00 0 00 403556'		jumpe t,alcbfn		;no, get a new one
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 13-2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - device dependent openning

	403550'	316 00 0 00 000001 		camn t,a		;yes, right size?
	403551'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;yes, nothing to do
	403552'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
	403553'	200 01 0 02 000015 		move a,filbuf(b)	;no, throw it away
	403554'	260 17 0 00 406422'		pushj p,relpg.
	403555'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	403556'	260 17 0 00 406315'	alcbfn:	pushj p,getpg.		;get a new buffer
	403557'	202 01 0 02 000015 		movem a,filbuf(b)	;store size,,addr
	403560'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					ife srisw,<  ;[23]
					;Here is the normal code for turning on the line number test.
					;It turns it on for all text files with byte size 7.  If there
					;are no line numbers in the file, of course everything is fine.

					;This routine is considered device-dependent, since it is called only
					;for devices capable of having line numbers.  For other devices, the
					;test is simply CPOPJ, which leaves the test bit (FILLTS) 0.  This
					;disables the test.  This distinction is just for safety, though
					;presumably such devices wouldn't have line numbers anyway.

	403561'				wrdlts:
	403561'	135 00 0 00 406761'	dsklts:	ldb t,[point 6,filbfp(b),11] ;get byte size
	403562'	302 00 0 00 000007 		caie t,7		;if not 7
	403563'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;can't be line numbered
	403564'	350 00 0 02 000014 		aos fillts(b)		;is line number - set fillts
	403565'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
					>  ;[23] ife srisw

					ifn srisw,< ;[23]
					;This code is because SRI's EMACS puts random low-order bits into
					;files.  Thus we have to test the first word of the file to see if
					;it is a line number, and turn off testing if not.
					;xxxlts - device-dependent routine to see if this is a line-numbered
					;  file.  Only devices that read full words have such a routine.  Others
					;  use CPOPJ, which results in fillts still being zero for them.  Error
					;  processing is a big pain in the neck, since we really want to save
					;  eof and errors for the first real read.  So we generally have to
					;  bypass the normal I/O routines.  These routines depend upon the fact
					;  that a line numbered file must begin with a line number.  We have to
					;  enforce this since EMACS tends to create things that look like line
					;  numbers by setting the low order bit randomly throughout the file.
					dsklts: movei t,0		;get page 0 of file
						skiple fillby(b)	;[17] if file is zero size, not numbered
						pushj p,getfpg
						 popj p,		;if can't get page 0,not numbered
						setom filpag(b)		;pretend we didn't read the page
						move a,filbfp(b)	;get addr of first word
						move t,(a)		;get first word
						 erjmp cpopj		;if error, not linenumbered
					;comlts - entry for testing line number.  first byte of file in t
					comlts:	ldb a,[point 6,filbfp(b),11] ;get byte size
						trze t,1		;if low order bit off or
						caie a,7		;if not 7
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						popj p,			;can't be line numbered
						camn t,[ascii /     /]	;this is a page mark
						jrst isnum		;which is OK to start the file
						movei a,5		;otherwise must be digits
						move c,[point 7,t]	;get from t
					comlt1:	ildb d,c		;next digit
						cail d,"0"		;if not digit
						caile d,"9"
						popj p,			;isn't a line number
						sojg a,comlt1		;go back for next
					isnum:	aos fillts(b)		;is line number - set fillts
						popj p,
					> ;[23] ifn srisw
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - device-dependent routines

						subttl pmap I/O - device-dependent routines

	403566'	335 00 0 02 000036 	dskbrk:	skipge filbgp(b)	;break function - force out buffer
	403567'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	403570'	200 01 0 02 000015 		move a,filbuf(b)	;count,,buf addr
	403571'	200 04 0 00 000002 		move d,b		;save fcb
					ife tenex,<
	403572'	554 03 0 00 000001 		hlrz c,a		;count in rh of c
	403573'	135 02 0 00 406653'		ldb b,[point 9,a,26]	;page no.
	403574'	505 02 0 00 400000 		hrli b,400000		;in this process
	403575'	474 01 0 00 000000 		seto a,			;clear the page
	403576'	505 03 0 00 400000 		hrli c,(pm%cnt)		;do all at once
	403577'	104 00 0 00 000056 		pmap
	403600'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo			;[27]
	403601'	320 16 0 00 405064'		 erjmp ioer		;no errors here, please
					> ;ife tenex
					ifn tenex,<
						hlrz t,a		;count of pages to be released
						ldb b,[point 9,a,26]	;page no.
						hrli b,400000		;in this process
						seto a,			;clear the page
						setz c,
					dskbrl:	pmap
						addi b,1		;next page
						sojg t,dskbrl		;if any
					> ;ifn tenex
	403602'	200 02 0 00 000004 		move b,d
	403603'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;close for read-only modes
	403604'	261 17 0 00 000003 	dskrcl:	push p,c		;special close that doesn't change size
	403605'	261 17 0 00 000004 		push p,d
	403606'	254 00 0 00 403637'		jrst dskcl1

	403607'	402 00 0 02 000034 	dskbri:	setzm filbct(b)		;breakin function - clear buffer
	403610'	476 00 0 02 000033 		setom filpag(b)
	403611'	211 00 0 00 377777 		movni t,377777		;force us to get new page
	403612'	202 00 0 02 000036 		movem t,filbgp(b)
	403613'	402 00 0 02 000013 		setzm filcby(b)
	403614'	402 00 0 02 000027 		setzm fillct(b)
	403615'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;close for read/write modes
	403616'	261 17 0 00 000003 	dskclo:	push p,c
	403617'	261 17 0 00 000004 		push p,d		;filclo allows only t and a free
	403620'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b		;now we will reset the eof pointer
					ifn tenex,<hrli a,.fbbyv>		;the offset - byte size
	403621'	505 01 0 00 400011 	ife tenex,<hrli a,400000!.fbbyv>	;same, suppress updating disk copy
	403622'	540 01 0 02 000004 		hrr a,filjfn(b)
	403623'	200 03 0 02 000035 		move c,filbpt(b)
	403624'	515 02 0 00 007700 		hrlzi b,007700		;mask
	403625'	104 00 0 00 000064 		chfdb
	403626'	320 16 0 00 403627'		 erjmp .+1		;if not open for output, ignore
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	403627'	200 02 0 17 000000 		move b,(p)		;restore b
	403630'	505 01 0 00 000012 		hrli a,.fbsiz		;no. of bytes
	403631'	540 01 0 02 000004 		hrr a,filjfn(b)
	403632'	200 03 0 02 000012 		move c,fillby(b)
	403633'	474 02 0 00 000000 		seto b,			;all bits
	403634'	104 00 0 00 000064 		chfdb
	403635'	320 16 0 00 403636'		 erjmp .+1
	403636'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	403637'	260 17 0 00 403566'	dskcl1:	pushj p,dskbrk		;close - force last buffer
	403640'	262 17 0 00 000004 		pop p,d
	403641'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	403642'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;This doesn't belong here, is called by open
	403643'	200 10 0 00 000002 	sizefi:	move h,b		;compute last byte no.
	403644'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)
	403645'	200 02 0 00 406762'		move b,[xwd 2,.fbbyv]
	403646'	201 03 0 00 000002 		movei c,b		;put b _ byte size, c _ bytes in file
	403647'	104 00 0 00 000063 		gtfdb			;get from fdb
	403650'	320 16 0 00 401315'		 erjmp doope
	403651'	135 00 0 00 406763'		ldb t,[point 6,filbpt(h),11]	;t _ our byte size
	403652'	135 01 0 00 406764'		ldb a,[point 6,b,11]	;a _ file's byte size
	403653'	306 01 0 00 000000 		cain a,0		;[2] if zero
	403654'	201 01 0 00 000044 		movei a,^D36		;[2] use 36 to prevent divide by 0
	403655'	316 01 0 00 000000 		camn a,t
	403656'	254 00 0 00 403671'		jrst sambsz		;if same, use exact calculation
	403657'	275 03 0 00 000001 		subi c,1		;else do in words
	403660'	261 17 0 00 000005 		push p,e		;resetf needs e preserved
	403661'	201 04 0 00 000044 		movei d,^D36
	403662'	230 04 0 00 000001 		idiv d,a		;d _ file bytes/wd
	403663'	230 03 0 00 000004 		idiv c,d		;c _ file words - 1
	403664'	271 03 0 00 000001 		addi c,1
	403665'	201 04 0 00 000044 		movei d,^D36
	403666'	230 04 0 00 000000 		idiv d,t		;d _ our bytes/wd
	403667'	220 03 0 00 000004 		imul c,d		;c _ our no. of bytes
	403670'	262 17 0 00 000005 		pop p,e
	403671'	202 03 0 10 000012 	sambsz:	movem c,fillby(h)
	403672'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h
	403673'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - random access

						subttl pmap I/O - random access

	403674'	200 05 0 00 000004 	dskspo: move e,d		;e _ suppress get flag
	403675'	260 17 0 00 403722'		pushj p,dskmov		;go where asked to
	403676'	263 17 0 00 000000 		 popj p,		;error return
	403677'	402 00 0 02 000027 	posdon:	setzm fillct(b)		;old transfers now irrelevant
	403700'	332 01 0 02 000003 		skipe a,filerr(b)	;clear eof unless due to real error
	403701'	306 01 0 00 600220 		cain a,iox4
	403702'	254 00 0 00 403704'		jrst .+2		;if no error or eof, clear eof
	403703'	254 00 0 00 403710'		jrst posnoc		; other error, don't clear
	403704'	200 00 0 02 000007 		move t,filbad(b)
	403705'	640 00 0 00 000001 		trc t,1
	403706'	202 00 0 02 000001 		movem t,fileof(b)	;clear pascal eof
	403707'	402 00 0 02 000003 		setzm filerr(b)		;and error code
	403710'	574 03 0 02 000032 	posnoc:	hlre c,filcnt(b)	;set up arg for binary get if needed
	403711'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c
	403712'	332 00 0 02 000007 		skpwrt			;don't read if open for write
	403713'	322 05 1 02 000016 		jumpe e,@filget(b)	;get 1st char unless suppressed
	403714'	200 01 0 02 000032 		move a,filcnt(b)	;new at new place
	403715'	402 00 0 01 000000 		setzm (a)
	403716'	253 01 0 00 403715'		aobjn a,.-1
	403717'	200 01 0 02 000007 		move a,filbad(b)	;1 if input, 0 if not
	403720'	202 01 0 02 000002 		movem a,fileol(b)	;dummy eol since nothing there
	403721'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;dskmov - internal routine to move to new place
	403722'	305 03 0 00 000000 	dskmov:	caige c,0		;if less than zero
	403723'	200 03 0 02 000012 		move c,fillby(b)	;use end of file
	403724'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c		;save desired byte
	403725'	230 03 0 02 000026 		idiv c,filbfs(b)	;c _ pages, d _ bytes off in page
	403726'	200 00 0 00 000003 		move t,c		;req. page goes in t
	403727'	260 17 0 00 403267'		pushj p,getfpg		;go to that page
	403730'	254 00 0 00 403741'		 jrst dskspf		;failed - leave things unchanged
	403731'	262 17 0 02 000013 		pop p,filcby(b)		;we are now at requested place
	403732'	200 01 0 02 000026 		move a,filbfs(b)	;compute bytes left in page
	403733'	274 01 0 00 000004 		sub a,d
	403734'	202 01 0 02 000034 		movem a,filbct(b)	;and leave in counter
					ife klcpu,< ;[5] start
						movei t,^D36
						ldb a,[point 6,filbfp(b),11] ;byte size
						idiv t,a		;t _ byte / wd
						move c,d
						idiv c,t		;c _ words, d _ bytes
						add c,filbfp(b)		;c _ pointer adjusted by words
						jumpe d,.+3		;loop to adjust c by bytes
						ibp c
						sojg d,.-1
						movem c,filbpt(b)	;store as current byte
					> ;ife klcpu 
					ifn klcpu,< ;[5] end
	403735'	133 04 0 02 000025 		adjbp d,filbfp(b)	;get pointer to the requested place
	403736'	202 04 0 02 000035 		movem d,filbpt(b)
					> ;ifn klcpu
	403737'	350 00 0 17 000000 		aos (p)			;good (skip) return
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 15-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		pmap I/O - random access

	403740'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403741'	262 17 0 17 000000 	dskspf:	pop p,(p)		;fail return, restore stack
	403742'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403743'	200 01 0 02 000013 	dskcpo:	move a,filcby(b)
	403744'	202 01 0 17 000001 		movem a,1(p)		;just return current byte pt.
	403745'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 16
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		actual I/O routines for text files on ascii devices

						subttl actual I/O routines for text files on ascii devices

					;getchx is the normal ascii input routine
	403746'	402 00 0 02 000002 	getchx:	setzm fileol(b)
	403747'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	403750'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	403751'	104 00 0 00 000050 	getcx1:	bin
	403752'	320 16 0 00 403776'		 erjmp ioerb
	403753'	322 02 0 00 403751'		jumpe b,getcx1		;ignore nulls
	403754'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	403755'	250 02 0 00 000001 		exch b,a		;a _ char, b _ fdb
	403756'	405 01 0 00 000177 	getchr:	andi a,177
	403757'	200 01 1 02 000010 		move a,@filcht(b)
	403760'	576 01 0 02 000002 		hlrem a,fileol(b)
	403761'	552 01 0 02 000043 		hrrzm a,filcmp(b)
	403762'	312 01 0 00 406756'		came a,[xwd -1," "]	;if CR in standard Pascal mode
	403763'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	403764'	254 00 0 00 402163'		jrst geteol		;then search for real EOL

					;putchx is the normal ascii output
	403765'	550 01 0 02 000004 	putchx:	hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	403766'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	403767'	200 02 0 02 000043 		move b,filcmp(b)
	403770'	104 00 0 00 000051 		bout
	403771'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	403772'	320 16 0 00 403776'		 erjmp ioerb
	403773'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	403774'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	403775'	262 17 0 00 000003 	ioerbc:	pop p,c
	403776'	262 17 0 00 000002 	ioerb:	pop p,b
	403777'	254 00 0 00 405065'		jrst ioerp
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

						subttl I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

			000033			filttb==filst1		;buffer for tty input
					;note that this is a variable because it has to be reset during
					; interrupt handling

	404000'	375 00 0 02 000034 	gettty:	sosge filbct(b)		;type ahead left?
	404001'	260 17 0 00 404005'		pushj p,ttyadv		; no - get more
	404002'	134 01 0 02 000035 		ildb a,filbpt(b)	;get next char
	404003'	322 01 0 00 404000'		jumpe a,gettty		;ignore null
	404004'	254 00 0 00 403756'		jrst getchr		;standard ascii processor

	404005'	560 01 0 02 000033 	ttyadv:	hrro a,filttb(b)	;get a new buffer
	404006'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	404007'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
					ifn tenex,< ;[5]
						move b,[exp ttybsz]	;[5] count
					  ifn sumex,<
						movei c,12		;[7] break on LF
						pstin			;[5] pstin; [14] SUMEX/IMSSS only!
						ldb t,a			;[7] get terminator
						caie t,15		;[7] cr?
						jrst ttyadn		;[7] no, normal
						movei t,12		;[7] yes, add lf
						idpb t,a		;[7]
						subi b,1		;[7] count it
					  > ;ifn sumex
					  ife sumex,<
					     ife pa2040,<
						pushj p,rdstr		;[14] non SUMEX/IMSSS - simulate INTERLISP ed.
						printx	assembling non sumex tty i/o routine
					  > ;ife sumex
					ttyadn:				;[7]
					> ;[5] ifn tenex
					ife tenex&<1-pa2040>,< ;[5]
	404010'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	404011'	200 02 0 00 406765'		move b,[exp ttybsz!rd%top] ;break on tops-10 breaks
					   ife pa2040,<
	404012'	104 00 0 00 000523 		rdtty
	404013'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	404014'	320 16 0 00 404113'		 erjmp ioecbp
					   ifn pa2040,<
						pushj p,$$rdtty##
						 jump 16,ioecbp		;erjmp ioecbp
					> ;[5]
	404015'	550 02 0 00 000002 		hrrz b,b		;loc. left in buffer
	404016'	201 00 0 00 000371 		movei t,ttybsz-1	;total number avail (simulate sos)
	404017'	274 00 0 00 000002 		sub t,b			;adjust for locations left
	404020'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	404021'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	404022'	202 00 0 02 000034 		movem t,filbct(b)
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

	404023'	540 00 0 02 000033 		hrr t,filttb(b)
	404024'	505 00 0 00 440700 		hrli t,440700
	404025'	202 00 0 02 000035 		movem t,filbpt(b)
	404026'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;TTOCUR - output portion of TTY buffer before current position
					; uses t,a
					; assumes B is FCB
					; returns column position of prev char in C, ILDB ptr to current char in T
	404027'	540 00 0 02 000033 	ttocur:	hrr t,filttb(b)		;first put out the buffer up to cur pos
	404030'	505 00 0 00 440700 		hrli t,440700		;t is byte ptr
	404031'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;c is column counter
	404032'	200 01 0 00 000000 	ttocr2:	move a,t		;a _ new copy of byte ptr
	404033'	133 00 0 00 000001 		ibp a			;consider new char
	404034'	316 01 0 02 000035 		camn a,filbpt(b)	;if it is cur char, we are done
	404035'	254 00 0 00 404046'		jrst ttocr1
					  ;begin safety - prevent infinite loop in case ptr somehow messed up
	404036'	550 01 0 00 000000 		hrrz a,t		;addr from byte ptr
	404037'	275 01 0 00 000062 		subi a,^D50		;compare to start of buffer + 50
	404040'	313 01 0 02 000033 		camle a,filttb(b)	;still within buffer?
	404041'	254 00 0 00 404046'		jrst ttocr1
					  ;end safety	
	404042'	134 01 0 00 000000 		ildb a,t		;else do a real advance to this char
	404043'	340 03 0 00 000000 		aoj c,			;and count it
	404044'	104 00 0 00 000074 		pbout
	404045'	254 00 0 00 404032'		jrst ttocr2		;yes, loop

	404046'	261 17 0 00 000002 	ttocr1:	push p,b
	404047'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	404050'	104 00 0 00 000111 		rfpos			;RH(b) _ position in line
	404051'	332 00 0 00 000002 		skipe b			;if not terminal, use counted C
	404052'	550 03 0 00 000002 		hrrz c,b		;use position in terminal line
	404053'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	404054'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;TTYSHL - Show the entire current line, with an arrow under the
					;  current position.  No sideeffects.
					;expects b to be set up
	404055'	261 17 0 00 000000 	ttyshl:	push p,t
	404056'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
	404057'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
					  ;put out the line
	404060'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	404061'	260 17 0 00 404027'		pushj p,ttocur		;put out start of line
	404062'	200 01 0 00 000000 		move a,t		;now put out cur and rest of line
	404063'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
					  ;now put out a line with ^ under cur pos
					    ;crlf unless old line ended in one
	404064'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou		;see where we are now on line
	404065'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	404066'	104 00 0 00 000111 		rfpos			;probably retype ended in a CRLF
	404067'	550 02 0 00 000002 		hrrz b,b		;b _ current pos on line
						hrroi a,[asciz /
	404070'	561 01 0 00 406766'	/]
	404071'	303 02 0 00 000001 		caile b,1		;if not at beginning
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17-2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

	404072'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout			; then do CRLF
	404073'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
					    ;spaces up to the right place
	404074'	201 01 0 00 000040 		movei a,40		;now blanks up to cur pos
	404075'	361 03 0 00 404100'	ttshl4:	sojl c,ttshl3		;up to column shown in C
	404076'	104 00 0 00 000074 		pbout
	404077'	254 00 0 00 404075'		jrst ttshl4
					    ;put out the ^
	404100'	201 01 0 00 000136 	ttshl3:	movei a,"^"		;now caret under cur. pos
	404101'	104 00 0 00 000074 		pbout
						hrroi a,[asciz /
	404102'	561 01 0 00 406766'	/]
	404103'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout			;and CRLF
	404104'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	404105'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	404106'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
	404107'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;TTYFXL - clear rest of line and ask user for more.
					;expects b to be set up
					;t - PC to print if error msg
	404110'	260 17 0 00 404124'	ttyfxl:	pushj p,ttyini
	404111'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	404112'	254 00 0 00 401751'		jrst tryagn
					ifn tenex,<
					ife sumex,<
					ife pa2040,<
					 ; non SUMEX/IMSSS tty routine...Similar to Sumex/IMSSS PSTIN, i.e.
					 ; corrections by typing a "[" and reverse-echoing characters deleted
					 ; from the string.  First newly-typed character gets a "]" first:
					 ; "this is a mispe[ep]spelling".  However unlike the Sumex code, it
					 ; does not put you into binary mode, and it uses the same breaks as
					 ; RD%TOP, i.e. ^G, ^L, ^Z, ESC, CR, LF.
					 ;   This code is the result of several iterations.  It was originally
					 ; supplied by Sumex, fixed up by DFloodPage at BBN, and finally edited
					 ; by Hedrick.
					 ; AC1 contains the string pointer
					 ; AC2 contains the maximum number of bytes to input
					 ; AC0 holds line character count, won't delete if count=0
					 ; Note:  The decrement bytepointer routine frequently sets
					 ;	     Arithmetic Overflow.  Thus, channel 6 is shut off
					 ;	     during RDSTR, and reactivated afterwards
					;Uses the following table to tell whether the terminal type is display.
					;The user should make sure it is right for his site.
					if1, <printx Be sure to change TRMTAB as appropriate for your site>
					trmtab:	exp 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
					;uses t,c.  a and b are returned.  Others preserved where used.
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17-3
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

					rdstr:	push	p,b			;save ac2
						push	p,e			;save ac5
						push	p,d			;save ac4
						hlrz	e,a			;get the left half of the pointer
						move	d,a			;move the whole pointer to d to use
						cain	e,777777		;implicit bp?
						 hrli	d,440700		;convert to standard bytepointer
					;args now set up:
					; t - free, will be count of char's seen, initialized below
					; a - free
					; b - count of free chars in buffer
					; c - free, will be flag bits below, 200000 = echo on, 100000 = display
					; d - byte pointer into buffer
					; e - free
					;now set up COC and mode word, saving old on stack
						move	e,b			;save b in e
						movei	a,101			;get old COC word
						push	p,b			;save old COC
						push	p,c
						tlz	b,(3B3)			;clear echo for ^A
						tlz	c,(3B1+3B7+3B9+3B11+3B13);clear echo for ^R, ^U, ^V, ^W, ^X
						sfcoc				;new COC
						rfmod				;get old RFMOD
						push	p,b			;save old mode word
					;We have to set break on punct because rubout is a punctuation char on tenex!
						trz	b,77B23+3B29		;new values for wakeup and mode
						tro	b,16B23+1B29		;all except alphanum, ASCII mode
						sfmod				;new mode
						caile	b,trmmax		;legal terminal type?
						setz	b,			;no - use 0
						setz	c,			;flags to zero
						skipe	trmtab(b)		;except if display terminal
						tro	c,100000		;set display flag
						move	b,e			;restore b
						push	p,d
					;stack is now:
					;   initial d
					;   mode
					;   COC, c on top
					;   saved d
					;   saved e
					;   initial b
					;finish setting up AC's as described above:
						setz	t,			;init count to 0
					rdstr1:	pbin				;get byte
						andi	a,177			;[clh] make 7-bit
						cain	a,"V"-100		;^V to quote
						 jrst	rdqte
						cain	a,177			;delete?
						 jrst	rddel
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17-4
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

						cail	a,40			;characters .ge. 40 are always OK
						 jrst	rdok			;This is just for speed
					;It is a control character.  We now test its special properties.
						cain	a,"A"-100		;^A = delete
						 jrst	rddel
						cain	a,37			;37 is EOL (quote it to get ^_)
						 jrst	rdeol
						caie	a,"U"-100		;^U and
						cain	a,"X"-100		;^X = delete line
						 jrst	rddell
						cain	a,"R"-100		;^R
						 jrst	rdreds			; redisplay line
						cain	a,"W"-100		;^W
						 jrst	rddlwd			; delete word
						movei	e,1			;now check terminators
						lsh	e,(a)
						tdnn	e,[xwd 001400,032200]	;null is right-most bit
						 jrst	rdok			;not a terminator
						jrst	rdtrm			;is a terminator
					rdeol:	movei	a,15			;treat as CRLF
						idpb	a,d			;put down the CR
						soj	b,			;adjust count
						movei	a,12			;and LF
						idpb	a,d
						soj	b,
						tlz	c,400000		;*clear delete bit, or it gets 
										;* integer overflow and crashes if you
										;* hit control-U.
						jrst	rdtrm1
					rdok:	aoj	t,			;increment count
						idpb	a,d			;put the byte into the string
						soje	b,rdtrm1		;if all bytes gone, leave
						jrst	rdstr1
					rdqte:	pbin
						andi	a,177			;[clh]
						jrst	rdok			;get a quoted character
					;delete line
					rddell:	cain	t,0			;at BOLN, nothing to do
						 jrst	  [movei a,7		;beep
							   jrst rdstr1]
						tlz	c,400000		;will start new line clean
						trne	c,100000		;handle display mode
						jrst 	rpdell
						hrroi	a,[asciz / XXX
						psout				;tell him line is cleared
					rxdell:	setz	a,			;null for clearing line
						move	d,0(p)			;reinit pointer
						setz	t,			;  count
						move	b,-6(p)			;  and char's free
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17-5
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

						jrst	rdstr1			;now go for new line
					;display version of delete line
					rpdell:	movei	a,15			;bare cr
						jrst	rxdell
					;retype line
					rdreds:	push	p,t			;put null at the end of string
						setz	t,			;  here's the null
						move	a,d			;  here's the end of string
						idpb	t,a			;  put it there
						pop	p,t			;and restore things
						trne	c,100000		;check display
						jrst	rpreds
						hrroi	a,[asciz /
						psout				;CRLF
					rxreds:	move	a,0(p)			;initial pointer to buffer
						psout				;now put it out
						jrst	rdstr1			;and go back for more
					;display version of retype line
					rpreds:	movei	a,15			;bare CR instead of CRLF
						jrst rxreds
					;delete word
					rddlwd:	cain	t,0			;delete word, error at BOLN
						 jrst	  [movei a,7
							   jrst rdstr1]
						movei	a,"_"			;echoes as backarrow
						trnn	c,100000		;if display, DECBP will delete
						pbout				;do it
					;do first char always
						ldb	a,d			;first char to be deleted
						pushj	p,decbp			;start by deleting a char
						aoj	b,			;and adjust counts
						soje	t,rdstr1		;  if run out of char, done
						pushj	p,isanum		;is thing we deleted alphanum?
						jrst	rdstr1			;no - we are finished
					;do more as long as all alphanum (including first)
					rddlw2:	ldb	a,d			;delete any more?
						pushj	p,isanum		;if alphanum, yes
						jrst	rdstr1			; not, done
						pushj	p,decbp			;delete
						aoj	b,			;adjust counts
						soje	t,rdstr1		;  if run out, done
						jrst	rddlw2			;otherwise, go back for more
					isanum:	caig	a,"z"
						caige	a,"0"
						popj	p,			;null-(0    ;  z)-177
						caige	a,"a"
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

						caig	a,"9"
						jrst yesanm			;0 - 9	   ;   a - z
						caig	a,"Z"
						caige	a,"A"
						popj	p,			;9) - (A   ;   Z) - a(
					yesanm:	aos	(p)			;fall through on A - Z
						popj	p,
					rddel:	cain	t,0
						 jrst	  [movei a,7		;at "BOLN," don't do a delete
							   pbout		;<beep!>
							   jrst	rdstr1]
						trne	c,100000		;display mode?
						jrst	rddel2			;yes, skip this since DECBP deletes
						ldb	a,d			;echo the preceding character
						movei	a,"\"			;and backslash
					rddel2:	pushj	p,decbp			;decrement the bytepointer
						aoj	b,			;take back that character
						soj	t,			;and decrement the line count
						jrst	rdstr1			;get another byte
					rdtrm:	idpb	a,d			;the final byte for character .lt. 37
						tlz	c,400000		;*clear delete bit, or it gets 
										;* integer overflow and crashes if you
										;* hit control-U.
						soj	b,			;read a byte, correct the count
					rdtrm1:	move	t,b			;save b to be returned in t
										;     a to be returned is in d
						setz	a,			;stick a null at the end
						move	b,d
						idpb	a,b
					;stack is now:
					;   initial d
					;   mode
					;   COC, c on top
					;   saved d
					;   saved e
					;   initial b
						movei	a,400000
						movsi	b,(1b6)
					;start restoring things from stack
						pop	p,(p)			;not needed
						movei	a,101
						pop	p,b
						sfmod				;mode
						pop	p,c
						pop	p,b
						sfcoc				;COC
					  ;put in return values before we clobber where they are
						move	b,t
						move	a,d
					  ;resume the restoration
						pop	p,d			;ac's
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

						pop	p,e
						pop	p,(p)			;not needed
						popj	p,			;leave
					decbp:	repeat 4,<ibp d>
						subi d,1
						trnn	c,100000	;in display mode, also remove from screen
						popj	p,
					;here to move back on a screen
						push	p,b
						push	p,c
						push	p,d
						ildb	d,d		;get thing being deleted
						cail	d,40		;if printable, handle easily
						jrst	decprt
					;here for control character
						lsh	d,1		;multiply by 2, since 2 COC bits per word
						movei	a,.priou
						rfcoc			;echo depends upon COC words
						lshc	b,(d)		;shift COC bits to high order end of 2
						tlnn	b,600000	;if zero, nothing to back over
						jrst	decdon		;  so done
						tlnn	b,400000	;if one, ^X
						jrst	decctx		;  so do ^X
						cain	d,11		;if tab
						jrst	redisp		;  I am lazy - redisplay the line
						tlnn	b,200000	;if two, unknown
						jrst	redisp		;  so redisplay
						cain	d,33		;if esc
						jrst	decone		;  one char
						jrst	redisp		;else unknown, so redisplay
					;here for printable char
					decprt:	cain	d,177		;rubout is not printable
						jrst	decdon		;  so do nothing
						caig	d,132		;outside upper case
						caige	d,101
						jrst	decone		;it is just one char
						movei	a,.priou	;upper case - be sure we aren't mapping
						trnn	b,tt%uoc
						jrst	decone		;not mapping - one char only
						jrst	dectwo		;mapping - two char's
					;here for ^X type.  Problem is that upper case when flagging is ^'A, etc.
					decctx:	pushj	p,backsp	;backspace for the ^
						jrst	redisp
						addi	d,100		;give us the upper case thing after the ^
						jrst	decprt		;now the char itself
					;here when completely confused, to redisplay the line
					redisp:	movei	a,15		;start fresh
						setz	b,		;null to put at end of string
						move	a,(p)		;get d (current byte pointer)
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17-8
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

						idpb	b,a		;put null next
						move	a,-4(p)		;start of line
						jrst	decdon
					;now the simple action routines
					dectwo:	pushj	p,backsp
						jrst	redisp
					decone:	pushj	p,backsp
						jrst	redisp
					decdon:	pop	p,d
						pop	p,c
						pop	p,b
						popj	p,
					;here is the backspacer:
					backsp:	movei	a,.priou	;if at start of physical line, redisplay prev
						trnn	b,777777	;if zero, is at start
						popj	p,		;redisplay needed
						movei	a,.priou	;set for literal use of ^H
						push	p,b
						tlz	b,(3B17)
						tlo	b,(2B17)
						hrroi	a,[byte (7)10,40,10]	;bs,sp,bs
						pop	p,b
						movei	a,.priou	;retore coc
						aos (p)
						popj	p,
					> ;ife pa2040
					> ;ife sumex
					> ;ifn tenex

	404113'	262 17 0 00 000003 	ioecbp:	pop p,c
	404114'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	404115'	105 17 0 00 777777 		adjstk p,-1
	404116'	254 00 0 00 405065'		jrst ioerp

	000042'					reloc

			000372		ttybsz==^D250		;no of char's in buffer
	000042'				ttybuf:	block ^D50	;buffer itself

	404117'					reloc

	404117'	200 01 0 02 000043 	puttty:	move a,filcmp(b)
	404120'	104 00 0 00 000074 		pbout
	404121'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	404122'	320 16 0 00 405065'		 erjmp ioerp
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 17-9
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		I/O routines for tty and ttyoutput

	404123'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404124'	402 00 0 02 000034 	ttyini:	setzm filbct(b)			;this is done by breakin
	404125'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 18
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		actual I/O for terminals openned as files

						subttl actual I/O for terminals openned as files

					;on tenex, this routine is only used for the controlling terminal

	404126'	375 00 0 02 000034 	getcht:	sosge filbct(b)
	404127'	260 17 0 00 404143'		pushj p,tdvadv
	404130'	134 01 0 02 000035 		ildb a,filbpt(b)
	404131'	322 01 0 00 404126'		jumpe a,getcht
	404132'	306 01 0 00 000032 		cain a,"Z"-100		;control-Z?
	404133'	254 00 0 00 402135'		jrst simeof		;yes - is really eof
	404134'	254 00 0 00 403756'		jrst getchr

					;device-dependent open routine
	404135'	660 07 0 00 100000 	tdvopn:	tro g,of%wr		;need write priv's to do echo output
	404136'	402 00 0 02 000034 		setzm filbct(b)		;force read on first get
	404137'	402 00 0 02 000024 		setzm filter(b)		;no saved errors
	404140'	201 01 0 00 000001 		movei a,1		;get a one page buffer
	404141'	260 17 0 00 403546'		pushj p,alcbuf
	404142'	254 00 0 00 401303'		jrst openfi

	404143'				tdvadv:	
					ife tenex&<1-pa2040>,< ;[7]
	404143'	332 00 0 02 000024 		skipe filter(b)		;if any stored error
	404144'	254 00 0 00 405644'		jrst simerx		;do it and abort
	404145'	261 17 0 00 406767'		push p,[exp 4]		;construct arg block for texti - size
	404146'	261 17 0 00 406770'		push p,[exp rd%top!rd%jfn]
	404147'	200 00 0 02 000004 		move t,filjfn(b)
	404150'	504 00 0 00 000000 		hrl t,t
	404151'	261 17 0 00 000000 		push p,t
	404152'	560 00 0 02 000015 		hrro t,filbuf(b)	;place to put input
	404153'	261 17 0 00 000000 		push p,t
	404154'	261 17 0 00 406771'		push p,[exp 5000]	;no of char's allowed
	404155'	201 01 0 17 777774 		movei a,-4(p)
					 ifn pa2040,<
						pushj p,$$texti##
						 hrrzm a,filter(b)	;save error for simerr
					  >;ifn pa2040
					 ife pa2040,<
	404156'	104 00 0 00 000524 		texti 
	404157'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	404160'	320 17 0 00 404200'		 ercal txtier
					  >;ife pa2040
	404161'	201 00 0 00 004777 		movei t,4777		;no. of char's remaining
	404162'	274 00 0 17 000000 		sub t,(p)
	404163'	105 17 0 00 777773 		adjstk p,-5
					> ;ife tenex

					ifn tenex&<1-pa2040>,< ;[7] begin
						push p,b
						push p,c
						hrro a,filbuf(b)	;place to put input
						move b,[exp 5000]	;count
					  ifn sumex,< 
						movei c,032012		;break on ^Z, LF
						pstin			;[14] sumex/imsss line read
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 18-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		actual I/O for terminals openned as files

						ldb t,a			;get terminator
						caie t,15		;cr?
						jrst tdvadn		;no, normal
						movei t,12		;yes, add lf
						idpb t,a		;
						subi b,1		;count it
					  ife sumex,<
						pushj	p,rdstr		;[14] non-sumex simulation of line read
					tdvadn:				;
						movei t,4777		;no of char's remaining
						subi t,(b)
						pop p,c
						pop p,b
					> ;ifn tenex [7] ^^

	404164'	321 00 0 00 404143'		jumpl t,tdvadv		;none there - try again or do error now
	404165'	202 00 0 02 000034 		movem t,filbct(b)	;  (caller assumes we got at least 1)
	404166'	540 00 0 02 000015 		hrr t,filbuf(b)		;initial byte ptr
	404167'	505 00 0 00 440700 		hrli t,440700
	404170'	202 00 0 02 000035 		movem t,filbpt(b)
	404171'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404172'	402 00 0 02 000034 	setpt:	setzm filbct(b)		;setpos (curpos is curpbx)
	404173'	332 00 0 02 000024 		skipe filter(b)		;activate stored errors
	404174'	260 17 0 00 405645'		pushj p,simerr
	404175'	254 00 0 00 404406'		jrst setpbx

	404176'	105 17 0 00 777772 	ioerp5:	adjstk p,-6		;note - 5 to restore stk, 1 to abort caller
	404177'	254 00 0 00 405065'		jrst ioerp

	404200'	552 01 0 02 000024 	txtier:	hrrzm a,filter(b)	;save error for simerr
	404201'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;TDOCUR - output portion of TTY buffer before current position
					; uses t,a
					; assumes B is FCB
					; returns column position of prev char in C, ILDB ptr to current char in T
	404202'	261 17 0 00 000002 	tdocur:	push p,b
	404203'	261 17 0 00 000004 		push p,d
	404204'	261 17 0 00 000005 		push p,e
	404205'	540 00 0 02 000015 		hrr t,filbuf(b)		;first put out the buffer up to cur pos
	404206'	505 00 0 00 440700 		hrli t,440700		;t is byte ptr
	404207'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)	;a is jfn
	404210'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;c is column counter
	404211'	550 04 0 02 000015 		hrrz d,filbuf(b)	;d _ end of buffer
	404212'	271 04 0 00 001000 		addi d,1000
	404213'	200 05 0 02 000035 		move e,filbpt(b)	;e _ byte pointer for end
	404214'	200 02 0 00 000000 	tdocr2:	move b,t		;a _ new copy of byte ptr
	404215'	133 00 0 00 000002 		ibp b			;consider new char
	404216'	316 02 0 00 000005 		camn b,e		;if it is cur char, we are done
	404217'	254 00 0 00 404227'		jrst tdocr1
					  ;begin safety - prevent infinite loop in case ptr somehow messed up
	404220'	550 02 0 00 000000 		hrrz b,t		;addr from byte ptr
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 18-2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		actual I/O for terminals openned as files

	404221'	313 02 0 00 000004 		camle b,d		;still within buffer?
	404222'	254 00 0 00 404227'		jrst tdocr1
					  ;end safety	
	404223'	134 02 0 00 000000 		ildb b,t		;else do a real advance to this char
	404224'	340 03 0 00 000000 		aoj c,			;and count it
	404225'	104 00 0 00 000051 		bout
	404226'	254 00 0 00 404214'		jrst tdocr2		;yes, loop

	404227'	104 00 0 00 000111 	tdocr1:	rfpos			;RH(b) _ position in line
	404230'	332 00 0 00 000002 		skipe b			;if not terminal, use counted C
	404231'	550 03 0 00 000002 		hrrz c,b		;use position in terminal line
	404232'	262 17 0 00 000005 		pop p,e
	404233'	262 17 0 00 000004 		pop p,d
	404234'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	404235'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;TDVSHL - Show the entire current line, with an arrow under the
					;  current position.  No sideeffects.
					;expects b to be set up
	404236'	261 17 0 00 000000 	tdvshl:	push p,t
	404237'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
	404240'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	404241'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
					  ;put out the line
	404242'	260 17 0 00 404202'		pushj p,tdocur		;put out start of line
	404243'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	404244'	200 02 0 00 000000 		move b,t		;now put out cur and rest of line
	404245'	200 00 0 00 000003 		move t,c		;t _ position of ^ on line
	404246'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	404247'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
					  ;now put out a line with ^ under cur pos
					    ;crlf unless old line ended in one
	404250'	104 00 0 00 000111 		rfpos			;probably retype ended in a CRLF
	404251'	550 02 0 00 000002 		hrrz b,b		;b _ current pos on line
	404252'	307 02 0 00 000001 		caig b,1		;if not, crlf
	404253'	254 00 0 00 404257'		jrst tdvsh1
						hrroi b,[asciz /
	404254'	561 02 0 00 406766'	/]
	404255'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	404256'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	404257'				tdvsh1:
					    ;spaces up to the right place
	404257'	201 02 0 00 000040 		movei b,40		;now blanks up to cur pos
	404260'	361 00 0 00 404263'	tdvsh4:	sojl t,tdvsh3		;up to column shown in t
	404261'	104 00 0 00 000051 		bout
	404262'	254 00 0 00 404260'		jrst tdvsh4
					    ;put out the ^
	404263'	201 02 0 00 000136 	tdvsh3:	movei b,"^"		;now caret under cur. pos
	404264'	104 00 0 00 000051 		bout
						hrroi b,[asciz /
	404265'	561 02 0 00 406766'	/]
	404266'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	404267'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout			;and CRLF
	404270'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	404271'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 18-3
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		actual I/O for terminals openned as files

	404272'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	404273'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
	404274'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;TDVFXL - clear rest of line and ask user for more.
					;expects b to be set up
					;t - PC to print if error msg
	404275'	260 17 0 00 404124'	tdvfxl:	pushj p,ttyini
	404276'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	404277'	254 00 0 00 401751'		jrst tryagn
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 19
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		line and page routines (all ascii modes)

						subttl line and page routines (all ascii modes)

					;Note that getln is called by readln.  Thus I class it as a high-level
					; function and so abort the operation if eof is set.  The low-level
					; functions (get, put, etc.) will try to go on even if eof is set.

	404300'	260 17 1 02 000016 	getlx1:	pushj p,@filget(b)
	404301'	332 00 0 02 000001 	getlnx:	skipe fileof(b)		;stop after errors
	404302'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	404303'	337 00 0 02 000002 		skipg fileol(b)
	404304'	254 00 0 00 404300'		jrst getlx1
	404305'	254 00 1 02 000016 		jrst @filget(b)

	404306'	201 00 0 00 000015 	putlnx:	movei t,15
	404307'	202 00 0 02 000043 		movem t,filcmp(b)
	404310'	260 17 1 02 000017 		pushj p,@filput(b)
	404311'	201 00 0 00 000012 		movei t,12
	404312'	202 00 0 02 000043 		movem t,filcmp(b)
	404313'	254 00 1 02 000017 		jrst @filput(b)

	404314'	201 00 0 00 000015 	putpgx:	movei t,15
	404315'	202 00 0 02 000043 		movem t,filcmp(b)
	404316'	260 17 1 02 000017 		pushj p,@filput(b)
	404317'	201 00 0 00 000014 		movei t,14
	404320'	202 00 0 02 000043 		movem t,filcmp(b)
	404321'	254 00 1 02 000017 		jrst @filput(b)
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 20
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		i/o routines for record files, sin/sout i/o used

						subttl i/o routines for record files, sin/sout i/o used

					;args to getbx and putbx:
					;	b - fcb
					;	c - count of words to transfer

	404322'	200 05 0 00 000002 	getbx:	move e,b		;record read - save fcb
	404323'	550 01 0 05 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(e)	;source
	404324'	541 02 0 05 000043 		hrri b,filcmp(e)	;destination
	404325'	505 02 0 00 444400 		hrli b,444400		;binary
	404326'	202 03 0 05 000027 		movem c,fillct(e)	;store count for error recov. and putx
	404327'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;count (negative means stop on count)
	404330'	400 04 0 00 000000 		setz d,
	404331'	104 00 0 00 000052 		sin
	404332'	320 16 0 00 404350'		 erjmp ioerbx
	404333'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404334'	200 05 0 00 000002 	getxbx:	move e,b		;similar to getbx, but continue old read
	404335'	550 01 0 05 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(e)
	404336'	541 02 0 05 000043 		hrri b,filcmp(e)
	404337'	505 02 0 00 444400 		hrli b,444400
	404340'	270 02 0 05 000027 		add b,fillct(e)		;start after last record
	404341'	202 03 0 05 000027 		movem c,fillct(e)
	404342'	274 03 0 05 000027 		sub c,fillct(e)		;reduce count that much
	404343'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c
	404344'	400 04 0 00 000000 		setz d,
	404345'	104 00 0 00 000052 		sin
	404346'	320 16 0 00 404350'		 erjmp ioerbx
	404347'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404350'	272 03 0 05 000027 	ioerbx:	addm c,fillct(e)
	404351'	200 04 0 00 000005 		move d,e
	404352'	254 00 0 00 405064'		jrst ioer

	404353'	200 05 0 00 000002 	putbx:	move e,b		;record write - save fcb
	404354'	550 01 0 05 000004 	putby:	hrrz a,filjfn(e)	;source - entry for putx
	404355'	541 02 0 05 000043 		hrri b,filcmp(e)	;destination
	404356'	505 02 0 00 444400 		hrli b,444400
	404357'	202 03 0 05 000027 		movem c,fillct(e)	;count
	404360'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;make count negative
	404361'	400 04 0 00 000000 		setz d,
	404362'	332 00 0 00 000003 		skipe c			;[40] zero is special
	404363'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	404364'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	404365'	320 16 0 00 404350'		 erjmp ioerbx
	404366'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404367'	200 05 0 00 000002 	putxbx:	move e,b		;record rewrite
	404370'	550 01 0 05 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(e)
	404371'	104 00 0 00 000043 		rfptr			;see where we are now
	404372'	320 16 0 00 405063'		 erjrst eioer		;[7]
	404373'	274 02 0 05 000027 		sub b,fillct(e)		;get to beginning of record
	404374'	104 00 0 00 000027 		sfptr
	404375'	320 16 0 00 405063'		 erjrst eioer		;[7]
	404376'	200 03 0 05 000027 		move c,fillct(e)	;size of record
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 20-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		i/o routines for record files, sin/sout i/o used

	404377'	254 00 0 00 404354'		jrst putby		;now put it out

	404400'	200 04 0 00 000002 	curpbx:	move d,b		;get current byte no.
	404401'	550 01 0 04 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(d)
	404402'	104 00 0 00 000043 		rfptr
	404403'	320 16 0 00 405064'		 erjrst ioer		;[7]
	404404'	202 02 0 17 000001 		movem b,1(p)		;return value goes here
	404405'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404406'	200 05 0 00 000004 	setpbx:	move e,d		;suppress get flag
	404407'	200 04 0 00 000002 		move d,b		;save fcb
	404410'	550 01 0 04 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(d)
	404411'	200 02 0 00 000003 		move b,c		;place to go
	404412'	104 00 0 00 000027 		sfptr
	404413'	320 16 0 00 405064'		 erjrst ioer		;[7]
	404414'	200 02 0 00 000004 		move b,d		;restore b for get routine
	404415'	254 00 0 00 403677'		jrst posdon		;common code to clear status and do get

	404416'	260 17 0 00 401303'	bxopn:	pushj p,openfi
	404417'	402 00 0 02 000027 	bxini:	setzm fillct(b)		;initialization for open
	404420'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 21
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		i/o routines for tape - sinr/soutr i/o used

						subttl i/o routines for tape - sinr/soutr i/o used

					;args to getbxr and putbxr:
					;	b - fcb
					;	c - count of words to transfer

	404421'	200 05 0 00 000002 	getbxr:	move e,b		;record read - save fcb
	404422'	550 01 0 05 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(e)	;source
	404423'	541 02 0 05 000043 		hrri b,filcmp(e)	;destination
	404424'	505 02 0 00 444400 		hrli b,444400		;binary
	404425'	202 03 0 05 000027 		movem c,fillct(e)	;store count for error recov. and putx
	404426'	200 00 0 00 000003 		move t,c		;save requested count
	404427'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;count (negative means stop on count)
	404430'	400 04 0 00 000000 		setz d,
	404431'	104 00 0 00 000531 		sinr
	404432'	320 16 0 00 404350'		 erjmp ioerbx
	404433'	270 03 0 00 000000 		add c,t			;get no. words actually read
	404434'	202 03 0 05 000027 		movem c,fillct(e)	;save as real count
	404435'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404436'	200 05 0 00 000002 	putbxr:	move e,b		;record write - save fcb
	404437'	550 01 0 05 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(e)	;source - entry for putx
	404440'	541 02 0 05 000043 		hrri b,filcmp(e)	;destination
	404441'	505 02 0 00 444400 		hrli b,444400
	404442'	202 03 0 05 000027 		movem c,fillct(e)	;count
	404443'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;make count negative
	404444'	400 04 0 00 000000 		setz d,
	404445'	336 00 0 00 000003 		skipn c			;[40] zero is special
	404446'	541 02 0 00 406565'		hrri b,[exp 0]		;[40] stop immediately
	404447'	104 00 0 00 000532 		soutr
	404450'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	404451'	320 16 0 00 404350'		 erjmp ioerbx
	404452'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404453'	200 01 0 02 000027 	lstrec:	move a,fillct(b)	;get size of last record
	404454'	202 01 0 17 000001 		movem a,1(p)
	404455'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;Here are the routines for handling text with SINR and SOUTR

	404456'	375 00 0 02 000034 	putcx:	sosge filbct(b)		;write a character
	404457'	254 00 0 00 404463'		jrst ptcxer		;ran out of space in buffer - line too long
	404460'	200 01 0 02 000043 		move a,filcmp(b)
	404461'	136 01 0 02 000035 		idpb a,filbpt(b)
	404462'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	404463'	201 01 0 00 602234 	ptcxer:	movei a,iox20		;illegal tape record size
	404464'	202 01 0 02 000003 		movem a,filerr(b)
	404465'	254 00 0 00 405061'		jrst ioerpx		;simulate I/O error

	404466'	375 00 0 02 000034 	getcx:	sosge filbct(b)		;read a character
	404467'	254 00 0 00 404477'		jrst getcxl		;end of buffer - this is end of line
	404470'	134 01 0 02 000035 	getcxn:	ildb a,filbpt(b)
	404471'	405 01 0 00 000177 		andi a,177
	404472'	322 01 0 00 404466'		jumpe a,getcx		;ignore nulls
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		i/o routines for tape - sinr/soutr i/o used

	404473'	200 01 1 02 000010 		move a,@filcht(b)
	404474'	402 00 0 02 000002 		setzm fileol(b)		;the only end of line is end of record
	404475'	552 01 0 02 000043 		hrrzm a,filcmp(b)
	404476'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;GETCXL - here from GETCX when run out of chars in record.  We simulate
					;  end of line, and set things so the next character read forces going
					;  to a new record.
	404477'	201 01 0 00 404537'	getcxl:	movei a,getlx		;make the next GETCH get a new line
	404500'	202 01 0 02 000016 		movem a,filget(b)
	404501'	201 01 0 00 000001 		movei a,1		;set EOL
	404502'	202 01 0 02 000002 		movem a,fileol(b)
	404503'	201 01 0 00 000040 		movei a,40		;and call it a blank, as per Pascal std.
	404504'	202 01 0 02 000043 		movem a,filcmp(b)
	404505'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;Here we have the routines to go to a new record.  there is a special
					;version for format F

	404506'	261 17 0 00 000003 	putlx:	push p,c		;write the buffer
	404507'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	404510'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	404511'	210 03 0 02 000026 		movn c,filbfs(b)	;compute number of bytes to dump
	404512'	270 03 0 02 000034 		add c,filbct(b)		;subtract number not actually used
	404513'	200 02 0 02 000012 		move b,filpbp(b)
	404514'	336 00 0 00 000003 		skipn c			;[40] zero is special
	404515'	541 02 0 00 406565'		hrri b,[exp 0]		;[40] stop immediately
	404516'	104 00 0 00 000532 		soutr
	404517'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	404520'	320 16 0 00 403330'		 erjmp badpag
	404521'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	404522'	200 01 0 02 000026 		move a,filbfs(b)	;reinitialize state
	404523'	202 01 0 02 000034 		movem a,filbct(b)
	404524'	200 01 0 02 000025 		move a,filbfp(b)
	404525'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)
	404526'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	404527'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;PUTLXX - special version for format F - writes an exact line
	404530'	201 01 0 00 000040 	putlxx:	movei a,40		;put blanks until the record is full
	404531'	337 03 0 02 000034 		skipg c,filbct(b)	;space left?
	404532'	254 00 0 00 404506'		jrst putlx		;no - do output now
	404533'	136 01 0 02 000035 		idpb a,filbpt(b)	;yes - put in spaces
	404534'	367 03 0 00 404533'		sojg c,.-1		;as long as there is space
	404535'	402 00 0 02 000034 		setzm filbct(b)		;now no space left
	404536'	254 00 0 00 404506'		jrst putlx		;do normal write

	404537'	201 01 0 00 404466'	getlx:	movei a,getcx		;restore normal reader
	404540'	202 01 0 02 000016 		movem a,filget(b)
	404541'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	404542'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	404543'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	404544'	210 03 0 02 000026 		movn c,filbfs(b)
	404545'	200 02 0 02 000012 		move b,filpbp(b)
	404546'	104 00 0 00 000531 		sinr
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	404547'	320 16 0 00 403330'		 erjmp badpag
	404550'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	404551'	270 03 0 02 000026 		add c,filbfs(b)		;compute actual number transferred
					;[40] remove subi c,1 - code must work for empty lines
	404552'	202 03 0 02 000034 		movem c,filbct(b)
	404553'	200 01 0 02 000025 		move a,filbfp(b)
	404554'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)
	404555'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	404556'	254 00 0 00 404466'		jrst getcx		;[40] was jrst getcxn

					;CHROPX - mode-specific open.  This is bascially a version of
					; CHROPN, the byte-mode open, except that it has to test for
					; format F and use a special PUTLN routine.
	404557'	332 00 0 02 000003 	chropx:	skipe filerr(b)		;byte mode I/O open
	404560'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;no-op if error
					;Here is the code that is always done
					;The following is in fact just CHROPN
	404561'	260 17 0 00 401303'		pushj p,openfi		;now open it
	404562'	260 17 0 00 405651'	chrox1:	pushj p,logopn		;compute logical parameters
	404563'	200 00 0 02 000025 		move t,filbfp(b)	;physical param's = logical ones
	404564'	202 00 0 02 000012 		movem t,filpbp(b)
	404565'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)
	404566'	202 00 0 02 000013 		movem t,filpbs(b)
					;This part sets up for special EOL handling because of the nature of this mode
	404567'	550 00 0 02 000010 		hrrz t,filcht(b)	;don't censor EOL char's, since they aren't EOL
	404570'	306 00 0 00 402613'		cain t,norchx		;if a char table that censors, change it
	404571'	201 00 0 00 402171'		movei t,norcht
	404572'	306 00 0 00 403035'		cain t,lcchx
	404573'	201 00 0 00 402413'		movei t,lccht
	404574'	542 00 0 02 000010 		hrrm t,filcht(b)	;put back correct table
					;We have to "prime the pump" for reading.  this mode is different from others
					;  because it will manufacture an EOL char when the buffer empties.  So if
					;  we just start with an empty buffer, we get an initial EOL!
	404575'	332 00 0 02 000007 		skpwrt
	404576'	260 17 0 00 404477'		pushj p,getcxl		;if reading, init so the first GET reads
					;The rest of this code is checking for writing a tape in format F, in which
					;  case we have to set up a special routine for PUTLN.
	404577'	332 00 0 02 000007 		skpwrt			;if reading, no problem 
	404600'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
					;a tape
	404601'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b		;save FCB
	404602'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)	;see if this is a tape
	404603'	104 00 0 00 000117 		dvchr
	404604'	135 02 0 00 406772'		ldb b,[point 9,b,17]	;get device type
	404605'	302 02 0 00 000002 		caie b,.dvmta		;if not tape, nothing to do
	404606'	254 00 0 00 403525'		jrst cpopjh		;exit, restoring B from H
					;in format F
					;  Since we are writing we can't just look at the label.  We have to
					;  predict whether it will be format F.  It turns out that this will
					;  happen only if the tape is labelled and the user has specified
					;  ;FORMAT:F.

	404607'	261 17 0 00 406773'		push p,[exp 3]		;place to put result
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	404610'	261 17 0 00 406565'		push p,[exp 0]
	404611'	261 17 0 00 406565'		push p,[exp 0]
	404612'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)
	404613'	201 02 0 00 000050 		movei b,.morli		;look at label
	404614'	201 03 0 17 777776 		movei c,-2(p)
	404615'	104 00 0 00 000077 		mtopr
	404616'	320 16 0 00 404660'		erjmp chroxx		;not labelled, exit restoring stack and B
	404617'	200 01 0 17 777777 		move a,-1(p)		;label type
	404620'	306 01 0 00 000001 		cain a,.ltunl		;if unlabelled, forget this stuff
	404621'	254 00 0 00 404660'		jrst chroxx		;not labelled, exit restoring stack and B
					;the user has specified format F
	404622'	561 01 0 17 777776 		hrroi a,-2(p)		;put results in stack
	404623'	402 00 0 17 777776 		setzm -2(p)
	404624'	550 02 0 10 000004 		hrrz b,filjfn(h)
	404625'	201 03 0 00 000200 		movei c,js%at1		;return attr
	404626'	561 04 0 00 406774'		hrroi d,[asciz /FORMAT/]
	404627'	104 00 0 00 000030 		jfns
	404630'	320 16 0 00 404660'		erjmp chroxx		;not format F, exit restoring stack and B
	404631'	200 01 0 17 777776 		move a,-2(p)
	404632'	312 01 0 00 406776'		came a,[asciz /F/]
	404633'	254 00 0 00 404660'		jrst chroxx		;not format F, exit restoring stack and B
					;We now know that we will need the special format F PUTLN.  We have to set
					; up the record size, so it knows how much to fill.  This is more complex
					; than it sounds.  Since the tape is being created, we can't just get the
					; record size from the label.  We have to predict what the monitor will
					; decide on.  This turns out to be the user's RECORD attribute if there is
					; one, or the block size if not.
					;the user's RECORD attribute
	404634'	561 01 0 17 777776 		hrroi a,-2(p)		;put rec size in stack
	404635'	561 04 0 00 406777'		hrroi d,[asciz /RECORD/]
	404636'	104 00 0 00 000030 		jfns
	404637'	320 16 0 00 404646'		erjmp chronr		;no record attribute, use default
	404640'	561 01 0 17 777776 		hrroi a,-2(p)
	404641'	201 03 0 00 000012 		movei c,^D10
	404642'	104 00 0 00 000225 		nin
	404643'	320 16 0 00 404646'		erjmp chronr		;odd - use default too
	404644'	200 03 0 00 000002 		move c,b
	404645'	254 00 0 00 404652'		jrst chrofr		;found record size

					;the block size if there is not RECORD attribute
	404646'	550 01 0 10 000004 	chronr:	hrrz a,filjfn(h)	;no record attr - use default
	404647'	201 02 0 00 000015 		movei b,.morrs
	404650'	104 00 0 00 000077 		mtopr
	404651'	320 16 0 00 404660'		erjmp chroxx		;can't find that way either, treat as not F
					;here the above two cases join - we have the record size in C
	404652'	313 03 0 10 000026 	chrofr:	camle c,filbfs(h)	;too big for buffer?
	404653'	254 00 0 00 404663'		jrst rectb		;record too big
	404654'	202 03 0 10 000026 		movem c,filbfs(h)	;use this instead of buffer size
	404655'	202 03 0 10 000034 		movem c,filbct(h)	;we start with a full buffer available
	404656'	201 01 0 00 404530'		movei a,putlxx		;get special PUT for format F
	404657'	202 01 0 10 000021 		movem a,filpln(h)
					;exit, restoring stack and B
	404660'	105 17 0 00 777775 	chroxx:	adjstk p,-3
	404661'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h
	404662'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
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	404663'	105 17 0 00 777775 	rectb:	adjstk p,-3		;record too big
	404664'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h	
	404665'	254 00 0 00 404463'		jrst ptcxer		;give error message

					;LOGCLX - mode-specific closer - force the buffer
	404666'	332 00 0 02 000007 	logclx:	skpwrt			;only if writing
	404667'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	404670'	200 01 0 02 000034 		move a,filbct(b)	;anything in this buffer?
	404671'	312 01 0 02 000026 		came a,filbfs(b)
	404672'	254 00 1 02 000021 		jrst @filpln(b)		;yes - force it
	404673'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;no

	404674'	332 00 0 02 000007 	loginx:	skpwrt			;breakin
	404675'	254 00 0 00 404477'		jrst getcxl
	404676'	200 01 0 02 000026 		move a,filbfs(b)
	404677'	202 01 0 02 000034 		movem a,filbct(b)
	404700'	200 01 0 02 000025 		move a,filbfp(b)
	404701'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)
	404702'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 22
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		magtape initialization

						subttl magtape initialization

					;This is a device-dependent openning routine for magtape.  It is used
					;when the user leaves the I/O mode to us.  Here is what we do
					;  format U, default, and unlabelled:  "stream I/O": out: WRDOPN, in: CHROPN
					;  format F, D, and S:  "record I/O": text:CHROPX, binary:BXOPN
					;Unfortunately, we have to do the OPENF first in order to be able to
					;read labels.

					;In addition, if this is an output file and the user hasn't specified
					;a format, we want to specify format U.  This is somewhat harder than it
					;sounds, since we can't specify the format after a GTJFN.  However
					;since format U will default to stream I/O, we just make it use WRDOPN,
					;which uses 36 bits.  This will get us format U by default.
					;Input has to use CHROPN for format U in case the tape is foreign, in
					;which case DEC is nice to us by forcing 8 bits internally.

					;all three of the possible openning routines begin this way
	404703'	332 00 0 02 000003 	mtaopn:	skipe filerr(b)
	404704'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
					;might as well set up the stack now - everybody needs it
	404705'	261 17 0 00 407001'		push p,[exp 5]
	404706'	261 17 0 00 406565'		push p,[exp 0]
	404707'	261 17 0 00 406565'		push p,[exp 0]
	404710'	261 17 0 00 406565'		push p,[exp 0]
	404711'	261 17 0 00 406565'		push p,[exp 0]
	404712'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b		;save B
	404713'	332 00 0 02 000007 		skpwrt			;if open for write
	404714'	254 00 0 00 404742'		jrst mtard		;not - no need to force 36 bits

					;Part I - Check parameters for output file
					  ;check unlabelled
	404715'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)
	404716'	201 02 0 00 000050 		movei b,.morli		;look at label
	404717'	201 03 0 17 777774 		movei c,-4(p)
	404720'	104 00 0 00 000077 		mtopr
	404721'	320 16 0 00 404775'		erjmp mtawrd		;unlabelled, force word
	404722'	200 01 0 17 777775 		move a,-3(p)		;get label type
	404723'	306 01 0 00 000001 		cain a,.ltunl
	404724'	254 00 0 00 404775'		jrst mtawrd		;unlabelled, force word
					  ;check U or default
	404725'	561 01 0 17 000000 		hrroi a,0(p)		;put results in stack
	404726'	402 00 0 17 000000 		setzm 0(p)
	404727'	550 02 0 10 000004 		hrrz b,filjfn(h)
	404730'	201 03 0 00 000200 		movei c,js%at1		;return attr
	404731'	561 04 0 00 406774'		hrroi d,[asciz /FORMAT/]
	404732'	104 00 0 00 000030 		jfns
	404733'	320 16 0 00 404775'		erjmp mtawrd		;unlabelled, force word
					  ;some real format 
	404734'	200 01 0 17 000000 		move a,(p)
	404735'	316 01 0 00 407002'		camn a,[asciz /U/]
	404736'	254 00 0 00 404775'		jrst mtawrd		;format U, force word

					;here is the code for output files other than U - done separately from
					;input since we don't want to do the MTOPR again
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 22-1
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	404737'	200 02 0 00 000010 	mtalog:	move b,h		;openfi needs b
	404740'	260 17 0 00 401303'		pushj p,openfi		;open with logical byte size
	404741'	254 00 0 00 404756'		jrst mtaans		;now go handle ans type

					;Part II - Check parameters for input file
	404742'	260 17 0 00 401303'	mtard:	pushj p,openfi
	404743'	550 01 0 10 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(h)	;now we can look at the label
	404744'	201 02 0 00 000050 		movei b,.morli
	404745'	201 03 0 17 777774 		movei c,-4(p)
	404746'	104 00 0 00 000077 		mtopr
	404747'	320 16 0 00 404770'		erjmp mtachr		;unlabelled, use CHROPN
	404750'	200 01 0 17 777775 		move a,-3(p)		;get label type
	404751'	306 01 0 00 000001 		cain a,.ltunl
	404752'	254 00 0 00 404770'		jrst mtachr		;unlabelled, use CHROPN
	404753'	200 01 0 17 000000 		move a,0(p)		;format
	404754'	306 01 0 00 000125 		cain a,"U"
	404755'	254 00 0 00 404770'		jrst mtachr		;format U, use CHROPN
						;jrst mtaans

					;Part III:
					;Here are the exit routines.  they set up the dispatch vector, and then
					; go to the openning routine after the OPENF

					;now we know we have format F, D, or S - handle it in some record mode
	404756'	105 17 0 00 777773 	mtaans:	adjstk p,-5		;[41] restore state
	404757'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h
	404760'	335 00 0 02 000032 		skipge filcnt(b)
	404761'	254 00 0 00 404765'		jrst mtabx		;binary - BXOPN
						;jrst .+1

					;text - use CHROPX
	404762'	201 01 0 00 000007 		movei a,fm%rec
	404763'	260 17 0 00 400612'		pushj p,setdsp		;set up dispatch block
	404764'	254 00 0 00 404562'		jrst chrox1		;and go to CHROPX

					;binary - use BXOPN
	404765'	201 01 0 00 000007 	mtabx:	movei a,fm%rec
	404766'	260 17 0 00 400612'		pushj p,setdsp
	404767'	254 00 0 00 404417'		jrst bxini

					;format U input - use CHROPN
	404770'	105 17 0 00 777773 	mtachr:	adjstk p,-5		;[41]
	404771'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h		;restore FCB
	404772'	201 01 0 00 000006 		movei a,fm%chr
	404773'	260 17 0 00 400612'		pushj p,setdsp		;set up dispatch block
	404774'	254 00 0 00 405721'		jrst chrop1

					;format U output - use WRDPON
	404775'	105 17 0 00 777773 	mtawrd:	adjstk p,-5		;[41]
	404776'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h		;restore FCB
					  ;we haven't done OPENF yet, so we can just JRST to normal routine
	404777'	201 01 0 00 000005 		movei a,fm%wrd
	405000'	260 17 0 00 400612'		pushj p,setdsp		;set up dispatch block
	405001'	254 00 0 00 405727'		jrst wrdopn
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 23
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		i/o error routines

						subttl i/o error routines

	405002'	200 04 0 00 000002 	illfn:	move d,b		;here for illegal function
	405003'	201 01 0 00 601210 		movei a,mtox1		;"illegal function" (from mtopr)
	405004'	202 01 0 04 000003 		movem a,filerr(d)
	405005'	254 00 0 00 405105'		jrst erp.		;these errors are fatal
			405002'		unimp==illfn			;here for unimplemented function

					ife tenex,<
					;chkquo - special thing designed to be used with ERCAL after a
					;jsys that may write to disk.  If quota is exceed, gives a
					;message that looks just like the EXEC's, and retries the jsys
					;if continued.
	405006'	261 17 0 00 000001 	quochk:	push p,a
	405007'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	405010'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000
	405011'	104 00 0 00 000012 		geter
	405012'	621 02 0 00 777777 		tlz b,777777		;b _ error code
	405013'	302 02 0 00 601440 		caie b,iox11		;is it quota problem?
	405014'	306 02 0 00 601107 		cain b,pmapx6
	405015'	254 00 0 00 405040'		jrst isquot		;yes
					;not a quota problem, do the next instruction, including erjmp/cal
	405016'	200 01 0 17 777776 		move a,-2(p)		;ret addr
	405017'	554 02 0 01 000000 		hlrz b,(a)		;next inst
	405020'	306 02 0 00 320700 		cain b,(erjmp)		;is erjmp?
	405021'	254 00 0 00 405027'		jrst dojmp
	405022'	306 02 0 00 320740 		cain b,(ercal)		;is ercal?
	405023'	254 00 0 00 405032'		jrst docal
	405024'	262 17 0 00 000002 	retba:	pop p,b			;no, normal return
	405025'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	405026'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
					;here are the erjmp/cal simulations
	405027'	550 02 0 01 000000 	dojmp:	hrrz b,(a)		;address to go to
	405030'	542 02 0 17 777776 		hrrm b,-2(p)		;make us return there
	405031'	254 00 0 00 405024'		jrst retba
	405032'	550 01 0 01 000000 	docal:	hrrz a,(a)		;address to call
	405033'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405034'	250 01 0 17 000000 		exch a,(p)
	405035'	105 17 0 00 777777 		adjstk p,-1		;we now have goto addr 1(p)
	405036'	350 00 0 17 000000 		aos (p)			;return after the next ercal
	405037'	254 00 1 17 000001 		jrst @1(p)		;this is pjrst
					;here if it is a quota problem
					; print a message, and then prepare to retry the instruction
	405040'	561 01 0 00 406736'	isquot:	hrroi a,[asciz / Quota exceeded or disk full at /]
	405041'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	405042'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	405043'	550 02 0 17 777775 		hrrz b,-3(p)		;return addr
	405044'	275 02 0 00 000002 		subi b,2		;the actual jsys addr
	405045'	542 02 0 17 777775 		hrrm b,-3(p)		;reset to return there
	405046'	201 03 0 00 000010 		movei c,10		;base 8
	405047'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	405050'	104 00 0 00 000224 		nout
	405051'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl			;not sure how to handle errors here
						hrroi a,[asciz /
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		i/o error routines

					[Find some space, then type CONTINUE]
	405052'	561 01 0 00 406745'	/]
	405053'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
					; Finally we are ready to restore to the user's context and continue,
					; is user types CONTINUE
	405054'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c			;restore ac's in case user does EXAMINE
	405055'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405056'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	405057'	104 00 0 00 000170 		haltf			;let him delete some files
	405060'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					> ;ife tenex	

	405061'	200 01 0 02 000003 	ioerpx:	move a,filerr(b)	;entry for those who already know the error
	405062'	254 00 0 00 405073'		jrst ioerp2
	405063'	334 02 0 00 000005 	eioer:	skipa b,e	;entry if fcb is in e
	405064'	200 02 0 00 000004 	ioer:	move b,d	;special entry if fcb is in d
					;ioerp is the main error printer.  it preserves b up
	405065'	261 17 0 00 000002 	ioerp:	push p,b
	405066'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000		;use current process
	405067'	104 00 0 00 000012 		geter
	405070'	550 01 0 00 000002 		hrrz a,b		;error is in rh
	405071'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405072'	202 01 0 02 000003 		movem a,filerr(b)	;and save new error
	405073'	200 00 0 02 000007 	ioerp2:	move t,filbad(b)	;now set eof and eoln
	405074'	202 00 0 02 000001 		movem t,fileof(b)
	405075'	202 00 0 02 000002 		movem t,fileol(b)
	405076'	331 00 0 02 000032 		skipl filcnt(b)		;if ascii
	405077'	402 00 0 02 000043 		setzm filcmp(b)		;clear the component (read/ln needs this)
	405100'	200 00 0 02 000006 		move t,filflg(b)
	405101'	302 01 0 00 600220 		caie a,iox4		;end of file always enabled
	405102'	602 00 0 00 000002 		trne t,fl%ioe		;user error handling?
	405103'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;yes - let user handle it
	405104'	200 04 0 00 000002 		move d,b
	405105'	260 17 0 00 405107'	erp.::	pushj p,erp		;now put out message
	405106'	254 00 0 00 405215'		jrst endl		;and stop (fatal)

			000001		spec==1

	405107'				erp..::
	405107'	561 01 0 00 406642'	erp:	hrroi a,[asciz / /]
	405110'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	405111'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou		;now the error message
	405112'	200 02 0 04 000003 		move b,filerr(d)
	405113'	505 02 0 00 400000 		hrli b,400000		;current process
	405114'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	405115'	104 00 0 00 000011 		erstr
	405116'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
	405117'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
	405120'	561 01 0 00 406643'		hrroi a,[asciz / - /]	;now the file name
	405121'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	405122'	336 00 0 04 000004 		skipn filjfn(d)		;[15]
	405123'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;if no JFN, nothing to print
	405124'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
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	405125'	550 02 0 04 000004 		hrrz b,filjfn(d)
	405126'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	405127'	104 00 0 00 000030 		jfns
	405130'				erpdon:	hrroi a,[asciz /
	405130'	561 01 0 00 406766'	/]
	405131'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	405132'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;various file cleanup stuff:

					;gotoc. - cleanup for goto
					;  b - new o
					;  c - new p
					;  d - where to go
					;any files above the new p and below the current p are to be released
	405133'	261 17 0 00 000003 	gotoc.:	push p,c		;new P
	405134'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b		;new O
	405135'	550 05 0 00 000017 		hrrz e,p		;release if leq e
	405136'	550 06 0 00 000003 		hrrz f,c		;and gt f
	405137'	201 07 0 00 000412'		movei g,blktab		;loop over blktab
					;loop on blktab
	405140'	200 02 0 07 000000 	gotol:	move b,(g)		;get the fcb addr there
	405141'	313 02 0 00 000006 		camle b,f		;if leq f
	405142'	313 02 0 00 000005 		camle b,e		;or g e
	405143'	254 00 0 00 405151'		 jrst gotocn		; don't do anything with it
					;here if the FCB is in area to be released
	405144'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;yes - kill it
	405145'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos
	405146'	402 00 0 02 000040 		setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	405147'	402 00 0 07 000000 		setzm (g)		;clear table entry
	405150'	476 00 0 07 777640 		setom blklck-blktab(g)	;and release lock on it
					;end of loop on blktab
	405151'	315 07 0 00 000552'	gotocn:	camge g,lstblk
	405152'	344 07 0 00 405140'		aoja g,gotol		;if any more to look at, do so
					;now we have killed all the files that we should have. Do the goto
	405153'	262 17 0 00 000016 		pop p,o			;new O
	405154'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t			;new P
	405155'	200 17 0 00 000000 		move p,t
	405156'	254 00 0 04 000000 		jrst (d)		;go to place where we should

					;dispc. - dispose of a record containing a file.  Search our
					;database for one that might be it
					;  b - addr of record
					;  c - length of record
	405157'	261 17 0 00 000002 	dispc.:	push p,b		;save b and c
	405160'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	405161'	200 06 0 00 000002 		move f,b		;f - lower limit
	405162'	200 05 0 00 000002 		move e,b
	405163'	270 05 0 00 000003 		add e,c			;e - upper limit
	405164'	201 07 0 00 000412'		movei g,blktab		;loop over blktab
					;loop on blktab
	405165'	200 02 0 07 000000 	dispfl:	move b,(g)		;get the fcb addr there
	405166'	311 02 0 00 000006 		caml b,f		;if lt f
	405167'	311 02 0 00 000005 		caml b,e		;or ge e
	405170'	254 00 0 00 405176'		 jrst dispfn		; don't do anything with it
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					;here if the FCB is in area to be released
	405171'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;yes - kill it
	405172'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos
	405173'	402 00 0 02 000040 		setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	405174'	402 00 0 07 000000 		setzm (g)		;clear table entry
	405175'	476 00 0 07 777640 		setom blklck-blktab(g)	;and release lock on it
					;end of loop on blktab
	405176'	315 07 0 00 000552'	dispfn:	camge g,lstblk
	405177'	344 07 0 00 405165'		aoja g,dispfl		;if any more to look at, do so
	405200'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	405201'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405202'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405203'				quit:
	405203'	201 07 0 00 000412'	end:	movei g,blktab		;loop through all files
	405204'	336 02 0 07 000000 	endcl:	skipn b,(g)		;get the fcb addr there
	405205'	254 00 0 00 405213'		jrst endcn		;nothing there, try next
	405206'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,			;kill it
	405207'	260 17 0 00 401563'		pushj p,doclos		;close it
	405210'	402 00 0 02 000040 		setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	405211'	402 00 0 07 000000 		setzm (g)		;clear table entry
	405212'	476 00 0 07 777640 		setom blklck-blktab(g)	;and release lock on it
	405213'	315 07 0 00 000552'	endcn:	camge g,lstblk		;go to next, if any
	405214'	344 07 0 00 405204'		aoja g,endcl
	405215'	104 00 0 00 000170 	endl::	haltf			;that's all, folks
						hrroi a,[asciz /Can't continue
	405216'	561 01 0 00 407003'	/]
	405217'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	405220'	254 00 0 00 405215'		jrst endl

	405221'	200 00 0 02 000003 	erstat:	move t,filerr(b)	;let user see his error
	405222'	202 00 0 17 000001 		movem t,1(p)
	405223'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405224'	336 00 0 02 000003 	analys:	skipn filerr(b)		;let him see error string
	405225'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	405226'	200 04 0 00 000002 		move d,b
	405227'	260 17 0 00 405107'		pushj p,erp
	405230'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;[43] - save the FCB in D, and change FILxxx(B) to FILxxx(D)
	405231'	200 04 0 00 000002 	clreof:	move d,b		;[43] save FCB
	405232'	336 01 0 04 000004 		skipn a,filjfn(d)	;if no file involved,
	405233'	254 00 0 00 405244'		jrst clrOK		; then this is just bookkeeping
	405234'	550 01 0 00 000001 		hrrz a,a		;otherwise clear monitor's error bits
	405235'	104 00 0 00 000024 		gtsts
	405236'	320 16 0 00 405065'		erjmp ioerp		;if bad jfn, failed
	405237'	325 02 0 00 405244'		jumpge b,clrOK		;if file not open, nothing to do
	405240'	627 02 0 00 001400 		tlzn b,(gs%eof!gs%err)	;now reset with error bits off
	405241'	254 00 0 00 405244'		jrst clrOK		;no errors, nothing to do
	405242'	104 00 0 00 000025 		ststs
	405243'	320 16 0 00 405064'		erjrst ioer		;[7][43]
	405244'	200 00 0 04 000007 	clrOK:	move t,filbad(d)	;set to normal eof
	405245'	640 00 0 00 000001 		trc t,1			;reverse of bad status
	405246'	202 00 0 04 000001 		movem t,fileof(d)
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	405247'	402 00 0 04 000003 		setzm filerr(d)
	405250'	200 02 0 00 000004 		move b,d		;[43]
					;[36] removed setting EOLN
	405251'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405252'	200 04 0 00 000002 	notop:	move d,b		;where erp. wants it
	405253'	201 01 0 00 600154 		movei a,desx5		;not open
	405254'	202 01 0 04 000003 		movem a,filerr(d)
	405255'	254 00 0 00 405105'		jrst erp.
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 24
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

						subttl main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

					;AC usage for getfn.:
					;	b - fcb
					;	c - pointer to name in ascii, length=10 always
					;		lh - flags for gtjfn
					;	h - used to save b
					;	garbarges all ac's except b

					ife tenex,<

					;note - this routine is not reeentrant.  Since it is used in the
					;  startup code, presumably it doesn't have to be.

	405256'	260 17 0 00 405414'	getfn.:	pushj p,initb.		;always safe to init block at startup
	405257'	200 10 0 00 000002 		move h,b
	405260'	200 04 0 03 000000 		move d,(c)		;make up prompt
	405261'	202 04 0 00 000124'		movem d,fnprom
	405262'	200 04 0 03 000001 		move d,1(c)
	405263'	202 04 0 00 000125'		movem d,fnprom+1
					   ;C already has the "substantive" bits - make sure odd ones are off
	405264'	621 03 0 00 000003 		tlz c,(gj%fns!gj%sht)	;long form
	405265'	502 03 0 00 000235'		hllm c,getfna+.gjgen	;use flag bits
	405266'	402 00 0 00 000234'		setzm cmjfn
	405267'	201 01 0 00 000226 		movei a,bufsiz*5	;init cmd block
	405270'	202 01 0 00 000134'		movem a,cmdblk+.cmcnt	;space left
	405271'	402 00 0 00 000135'		setzm cmdblk+.cminc	;char's not yet parsed
	405272'	200 01 0 00 000132'		move a,cmdblk+.cmbfp
	405273'	202 01 0 00 000133'		movem a,cmdblk+.cmptr	;next input
					  ;main loop
U	405274'	332 01 0 00 000000*	getfn1:	skipe a,cmcfn		;if any jfn gotten
	405275'	104 00 0 00 000023 		rljfn			;release it
	405276'	320 16 0 00 405277'		 erjmp .+1
	405277'	402 00 0 00 000234'		setzm cmjfn		;now no jfn
	405300'	201 01 0 00 000127'		movei a,cmdblk
	405301'	201 02 0 00 405326'		movei b,iniblk		;prompt
	405302'	104 00 0 00 000544 		comnd
	405303'	320 16 0 00 405342'		 erjmp getfer
	405304'	603 02 0 00 200000 		tlne b,(cm%nop)		;error?
	405305'	254 00 0 00 405342'		 jrst getfer		;yes - message and try again
					  ;get file name
	405306'	201 01 0 00 000127'		movei a,cmdblk
	405307'	201 02 0 00 405332'		movei b,filblk		;file name
	405310'	104 00 0 00 000544 		comnd
	405311'	320 16 0 00 405342'		 erjmp getfer
	405312'	603 02 0 00 200000 		tlne b,(cm%nop)		;error?
	405313'	254 00 0 00 405342'		 jrst getfer		;yes - message and try again
	405314'	552 02 0 00 000234'		hrrzm b,cmjfn		;remember JFN in case have to close it
	405315'	202 02 0 10 000004 		movem b,filjfn(h)	;and put in FCB

	405316'	201 01 0 00 000127'		movei a,cmdblk
	405317'	201 02 0 00 405336'		movei b,cfmblk		;confirm
	405320'	104 00 0 00 000544 		comnd
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

	405321'	320 16 0 00 405342'		 erjmp getfer
	405322'	603 02 0 00 200000 		tlne b,(cm%nop)		;error?
	405323'	254 00 0 00 405342'		 jrst getfer		;yes - message and try again
	405324'	200 02 0 00 000010 		move b,h
	405325'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	405326'	014000	000000		iniblk:	<.cmini>B8
	405327'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z
	405330'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z
	405331'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z

	405332'	006000	000000		filblk:	<.cmfil>B8
	405333'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z
	405334'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z
	405335'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z

	405336'	010000	000000		cfmblk:	<.cmcfm>B8
	405337'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z
	405340'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z
	405341'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z

	000124'					reloc

	000124'				fnprom:	block 2			;file name
	000126'	040 072 040 000 000 		asciz / : /

	000127'	000000	405274'		cmdblk:	getfn1			;reparse to loop
	000130'	000100	000101			xwd .priin,.priou	;jfn's
	000131'	777777	000124'			xwd -1,fnprom		;^R
	000132'	777777	000140'			xwd -1,cmdbuf		;start of buffer
	000133'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;next to parse
	000134'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;left
	000135'	777777	000176'			xwd -1,atbuf		;atom buf
	000136'	000000	000036			exp bufsiz		;size of atom buf
	000137'	000000	000235'			exp getfna		;addr of gtjfn arg

			000036		bufsiz==^D30
	000140'				cmdbuf:	block bufsiz
	000176'				atbuf:	block bufsiz

	000234'				cmjfn:	block 1			;jfn needs releasing

	000235'	000 00 0 00 000000 	getfna:	z			;gen
	000236'	000100	000101			xwd .priin,.priou	;jfn's
	000237'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;dev
	000240'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;dir
	000241'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;name
	000242'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;ext
	000243'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;pro
	000244'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;acct
	000245'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;jfn to use
	000246'	400000	000003			exp g1%rnd!3		;extra flags,,how many extra args
	000247'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;this will get value of .JBFF
	000250'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z			;infinite size
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

	000251'	000 00 0 00 000000 		z

	405342'					reloc

	405342'	201 01 0 00 406642'	getfer:	movei a,[asciz / /]
	405343'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout		;give ?, etc.
	405344'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou	;now error message
	405345'	525 02 0 00 400000 		hrloi b,400000
	405346'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	405347'	104 00 0 00 000011 		erstr
	405350'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
	405351'	255 00 0 00 000000 		 jfcl
						hrroi a,[asciz /
	405352'	561 01 0 00 406766'	/]
	405353'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	405354'	254 00 0 00 405274'		jrst getfn1

	405355'				getfhl:	hrroi a,[asciz /
					    One of the following:
	405355'	561 01 0 00 407007'		File spec for the PASCAL file /]
	405356'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	405357'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou		;print the file name
	405360'	561 02 0 00 000004 		hrroi b,d
	405361'	211 03 0 00 000012 		movni c,12
	405362'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
						hrroi a,[asciz /
	405363'	561 01 0 00 407024'		Carriage return to use default, /]
	405364'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
					  ;Now give him the right default
	405365'	302 10 0 00 000000*		caie h,input##
	405366'	306 10 0 00 000000*		cain h,output##
	405367'	254 00 0 00 405375'		jrst getfh1
	405370'	201 01 0 00 000101 		movei a,.priou
	405371'	561 02 0 00 000004 		hrroi b,d
	405372'	211 03 0 00 000012 		movni c,12
	405373'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	405374'	254 00 0 00 405377'		jrst getfh2
	405375'	561 01 0 00 407034'	getfh1:	hrroi a,[asciz /your terminal/]
	405376'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	405377'				getfh2:	hrroi a,[asciz /
	405377'	561 01 0 00 406766'	/]
	405400'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	405401'	254 00 0 00 405274'		jrst getfn1

					;here for default (TTY: for INPUT and OUTPUT, else filename)
	405402'	200 01 0 00 000235'	getfdf:	move a,getfna		;flags user specified
	405403'	661 01 0 00 000001 		tlo a,(gj%sht)		;but short form
	405404'	621 01 0 00 000006 		tlz a,(gj%xtn!gj%fns)	;file spec as string
	405405'	561 02 0 00 000004 		hrroi b,d
	405406'	302 10 0 00 405365*		caie h,input##
	405407'	306 10 0 00 405366*		cain h,output##
	405410'	561 02 0 00 407037'		hrroi b,[asciz /TTY:/]
	405411'	104 00 0 00 000020 		gtjfn
U	405412'	254 00 0 00 000000*		 jrst getfe1
U	405413'	254 00 0 00 000000*		jrst getfnx		;done, return jfn and exit
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 24-3
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

					> ;ife tenex

					ifn tenex,<
					getfn.:	pushj p,initb.		;always init block at startup
						move h,b
						setzm filflg(b)		;clear temp bit
						move d,(c)		;d,e,f _ asciz prompt message
						move e,1(c)
						move f,[asciz / : /]
						hllz g,c		;g _ gtjfn flags
					getfn1:	hrroi a,d		;prompt
						move a,g
						move b,[xwd .priin,.priou]
						 jrst getfer
					getfnx:	movem a,filjfn(h)
						move b,h
						popj p,
					getfer:	cain a,gjfx34	;? typed
						jrst getfhl	;print help
						cain a,gjfx33	;no name? - treat as default
						jrst getfdf
					getfe1:	movei a,[asciz / /]
						esout		;give ?, etc.
						movei a,.priou	;now error message
						hrloi b,400000
						setz c,
						hrroi a,[asciz /
						jrst getfn1
					getfhl:	hrroi a,[asciz /
					    One of the following:
						File spec for the PASCAL file /]
						movei a,.priou		;print the file name
						hrroi b,d
						movni c,12
						hrroi a,[asciz /
						Carriage return to use default, /]
					  ;Now give him the right default
						caie h,input##
						cain h,output##
						jrst getfh1
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 24-4
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

						movei a,.priou
						hrroi b,d
						movni c,12
						jrst getfh2
					getfh1:	hrroi a,[asciz /your terminal/]
					getfh2:	hrroi a,[asciz /
						jrst getfn1
					;here for default (TTY: for INPUT and OUTPUT, else filename)
					getfdf:	move a,g		;flags user specified
						tlo a,(gj%sht)		;but short form
						tlz a,(gj%xtn!gj%fns)	;file spec as string
						hrroi b,d
						caie h,input##
						cain h,output##
						hrroi b,[asciz /TTY:/]
						 jrst getfe1
						jrst getfnx		;done, return jfn and exit
					> ;ifn tenex

					;initb. - make file control block be fresh and clean
					;  b - addr of fcb
					;saves all ac's

	405414'	261 17 0 00 000001 	initb.:	push p,a
					;We must enter this into the table of known blocks before setting
					; filtst, in order to prevent a race condition if the user ^C's
					; and restarts during this routine.  We must make sure that the
					; code as pasin1 knows to clear filtst.

					;enter it into the table of known blocks
	405415'	505 01 0 00 777640 		hrli a,-blklen		;aobjn word for searching block table
	405416'	541 01 0 00 000252'		hrri a,blklck		;we are actually searching table of locks
	405417'	352 00 0 01 000000 		aose (a)		;take it if free.  Skip if it worked
									;This code is designed to be reentrant, so
									;a single instruction must test and take it
	405420'	253 01 0 00 405417'		aobjn a,.-1		;failed, try again
	405421'	325 01 0 00 405440'		jumpge a,initbf		;failed to find an index location
	405422'	202 02 0 01 000140 		movem b,blktab-blklck(a) ;found it, save block addr
	405423'	201 01 0 01 000140 		movei a,blktab-blklck(a) ;and update high-water mark
	405424'	313 01 0 00 000552'		camle a,lstblk
	405425'	202 01 0 00 000552'		movem a,lstblk
					;init the block
	405426'	505 01 0 00 405442'	initbc:	hrli a,protob		;blt prototype block to it
	405427'	540 01 0 00 000002 		hrr a,b
	405430'	251 01 0 02 000043 		blt a,filcmp(b)
	405431'	201 01 0 02 000043 		movei a,filcmp(b)	;now initializations that depend upon address
	405432'	202 01 0 02 000000 		movem a,filptr(b)
	405433'	202 01 0 02 000032 		movem a,filcnt(b)	;don't have info to set up LH yet
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 24-5
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

	405434'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	405435'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;init.b is a special entry for the compiler's use
	405436'	261 17 0 00 000001 	init.b:	push p,a
	405437'	254 00 0 00 405426'		jrst initbc

	405440'	260 17 0 00 400145'	initbf:	pushj p,blktbe		;print error message
	405441'	254 00 0 00 405426'		jrst initbc		;init the block anyway if he says to

					;prototype block
	405442'	000000	000000		protob: exp 0		;FILPTR== 0	;pointer to filcmp
	405443'	000000	000000			exp 0		;FILEOF== 1	;input: 0 == normal state
										;	1 == eof or error
										;output:1 == normal state
										;	0 == error
	405444'	000000	000000			exp 0		;FILEOL== 2
	405445'	000000	000000			exp 0		;FILERR== 3	;RH - last error no, LH - enabled
	405446'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filjfn==4	;jfn
	405447'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filspc==5	;pointer to block with file spec in it
	405450'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filflg==6	;flags
	405451'	000000	000001			exp 1		;filbad==7	;contents to set fileof to if error
	405452'	000000	402613'			exp norchx	;filcht==10	;pointer to character mapping table
	405453'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils11==11
	405454'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils12==12
	405455'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils13==13
	405456'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fillts==14
	405457'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filbuf==15	;buffer for paged files:
									;LH == # of pages, RH == addr of first word
								;filr11 through filr99 must be contiguous
								;filr11==16	;first routine
	405460'	000000	405252'			exp notop		;filget==16	;routine for GET
	405461'	000000	405252'			exp notop		;filput==17	;routine for PUT
	405462'	000000	405252'			exp notop		;filgln==20	;routine for GETLN
	405463'	000000	405252'			exp notop		;filpln==21	;routine for PUTLN
	405464'	000000	000000			exp 0			;filclo==22	;device-dependent close
	405465'	000000	401306'			exp unop+filr99+1  	;filr99==23	;pointer to other routines
	405466'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils15==24	;another state variable
	405467'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils16==25
	405470'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils17==26
	405471'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils20==27
	405472'	000000	000000			exp 0		;fils21==30
	405473'	000000	000000			exp 0		;FILLNR==31	;IF ASCII MODE - LINENR
	405474'	000000	000000			exp 0		;FILCNT==32	;LH== neg size of component
										;    if text file: zero
								;test sign bit of this loc to see if an ASCII file
	405475'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filst1==33	;state variables for special I/O modes
	405476'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filst2==34
	405477'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filst3==35
	405500'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filst4==36
	405501'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filst5==37
	405502'	000000	314157			exp 314157	;filtst==40	;should be 314157 if file is open
	405503'	000000	000000			exp 0		;filind==41	;location in index
	405504'	000000	000000			exp 0		;42 - spare
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 24-6
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		main file name getter for PROGRAM statement

	405505'	000000	000000			exp 0		;FILCMP==43	;FIRST WORD OF COMPONENT

					;ttypr. - do initial get for INPUT
	405506'	550 01 0 00 000000#	ttypr.:	hrrz a,input##+filjfn
	405507'	104 00 0 00 000117 		dvchr			;see if a tty
	405510'	135 03 0 00 406772'		ldb c,[point 9,b,17]	;dev type field
	405511'	302 03 0 00 000012 		caie c,.dvtty		;if not tty, forget it
	405512'	254 00 0 00 405517'		jrst ttyprg
	405513'	550 01 0 00 000000#		hrrz a,input+filjfn
						hrroi b,[asciz /[INPUT, end with ^Z: ]
	405514'	561 02 0 00 407040'	/]
	405515'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	405516'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	405517'	201 02 0 00 405406*	ttyprg:	movei b,input##
	405520'	254 00 0 00 401530'		jrst getch
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 25
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - text routines

						subttl buffered I/O - text routines

			000012			filpbp==fils12		;physical buffer byte pointer
			000013			filpbs==fils13		;physical buffer size
			000024			filter==fils15		;place to store defered error

					;These routines do ildb/idpb from a one page buffer, which is filled/
					; emptied by sin/sout.  It is a bit confusing because the I/O is
					; often done in 36 bit mode, for efficiency.  thus physical buffer
					; size is the number of 36 bit bytes in the buffer when you are in
					; this "word mode", and the number of logical bytes when in normal
					; "character mode".  Also, physical buffer byte pointer points to
					; the beginning of the buffer, having a byte size of 36 in word mode,
					; and the logical byte size in charcter mode.  These routines are
					; inefficient for mag tape when the record size is much less than
					; a page, as proper overlapping of I/O and computation requires our
					; buffer to be near the record size or smaller.

	405521'	375 00 0 02 000034 	putchb:	sosge filbct(b)		;write a character
	405522'	260 17 0 00 405555'		pushj p,wrtbuf		;put out the buffer
	405523'	200 01 0 02 000043 		move a,filcmp(b)
	405524'	136 01 0 02 000035 		idpb a,filbpt(b)
	405525'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405526'	375 00 0 02 000034 	getchb:	sosge filbct(b)		;read a character
	405527'	260 17 0 00 405602'		pushj p,reabuf		;fill the buffer
	405530'	134 01 0 02 000035 	getcb1:	ildb a,filbpt(b)        ;;entry for wrdlts
	405531'	200 00 0 02 000014 		move t,fillts(b)	;line number test bit
	405532'	612 00 1 02 000035 		tdne t,@filbpt(b)
	405533'	254 00 0 00 405544'		jrst getbln		;saw a line number
	405534'	405 01 0 00 000177 		andi a,177
	405535'	322 01 0 00 405526'		jumpe a,getchb		;ignore nulls
	405536'	200 01 1 02 000010 		move a,@filcht(b)
	405537'	576 01 0 02 000002 		hlrem a,fileol(b)
	405540'	552 01 0 02 000043 		hrrzm a,filcmp(b)
	405541'	312 01 0 00 406756'		came a,[xwd -1," "]	;CR is standard Pascal mode
	405542'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	405543'	254 00 0 00 402163'		jrst geteol		;get "real" EOLN

	405544'	200 00 1 02 000035 	getbln:	move t,@filbpt(b)
	405545'	202 00 0 02 000031 		movem t,fillnr(b)
	405546'	350 00 0 02 000035 		aos filbpt(b)
	405547'	211 00 0 00 000005 		movni t,5
	405550'	273 00 0 02 000034 		addb t,filbct(b)
	405551'	325 00 0 00 405526'		jumpge t,getchb
	405552'	260 17 0 00 405602'		pushj p,reabuf
	405553'	133 00 0 02 000035 		ibp filbpt(b)
	405554'	254 00 0 00 405526'		jrst getchb
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 26
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - buffer advance routines

						subttl buffered I/O - buffer advance routines

	405555'	261 17 0 00 000003 	wrtbuf:	push p,c		;write the buffer
	405556'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	405557'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	405560'	210 03 0 02 000013 		movn c,filpbs(b)
	405561'	200 02 0 02 000012 		move b,filpbp(b)
	405562'	332 00 0 00 000003 		skipe c			;[40] zero is special
	405563'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	405564'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	405565'	320 16 0 00 405576'		 erjmp ioebcp
	405566'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405567'	200 01 0 02 000026 		move a,filbfs(b)	;reinitialize state
	405570'	275 01 0 00 000001 		subi a,1		;sos already done
	405571'	202 01 0 02 000034 		movem a,filbct(b)
	405572'	200 01 0 02 000025 		move a,filbfp(b)
	405573'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)
	405574'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	405575'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405576'	262 17 0 00 000002 	ioebcp:	pop p,b
	405577'	262 17 0 00 000003 	ioecp:	pop p,c
	405600'	105 17 0 00 777777 		adjstk p,-1		;abort caller
	405601'	254 00 0 00 405065'		jrst ioerp

	405602'	332 00 0 02 000024 	reabuf:	skipe filter(b)		;fill the buffer - delayed error?
	405603'	254 00 0 00 405644'		jrst simerx		;yes - pretend it happened now
	405604'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	405605'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	405606'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	405607'	210 03 0 02 000013 		movn c,filpbs(b)
	405610'	200 02 0 02 000012 		move b,filpbp(b)
	405611'	104 00 0 00 000052 		sin
	405612'	320 16 0 00 405623'		 erjmp saverr		;store error for later
	405613'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405614'	200 01 0 02 000026 		move a,filbfs(b)
	405615'	275 01 0 00 000001 		subi a,1
	405616'	202 01 0 02 000034 		movem a,filbct(b)
	405617'	200 01 0 02 000025 		move a,filbfp(b)
	405620'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)
	405621'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	405622'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;We have to delay errors and activate them after the user has seen any
					; characters that have been returned.  Otherwise EOF would come too
					; soon.  Note that the code assumes (implicitly) that reabuf returns
					; something.  So if no bytes have been gotten at all, we have to do
					; the error now - can't delay it.
	405623'	262 17 0 00 000002 	saverr:	pop p,b			
	405624'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)	;t _ logical bytes per transfer byte
	405625'	230 00 0 02 000013 		idiv t,filpbs(b)
	405626'	220 03 0 00 000000 		imul c,t		;c _ - logical bytes not transferred
	405627'	270 03 0 02 000026 		add c,filbfs(b)		;c _ bytes transferrred
	405630'	322 03 0 00 405577'		jumpe c,ioecp		;[27] none - immediate error
	405631'	275 03 0 00 000001 		subi c,1		;caller has done sos
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 26-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - buffer advance routines

	405632'	202 03 0 02 000034 		movem c,filbct(b)
	405633'	200 01 0 02 000025 		move a,filbfp(b)
	405634'	202 01 0 02 000035 		movem a,filbpt(b)	;otherwise normal init.
	405635'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000		;save error code for simerr
	405636'	200 03 0 00 000002 		move c,b		;save b ever jsys
	405637'	104 00 0 00 000012 		geter
	405640'	250 02 0 00 000003 		exch b,c		;c _ error code, fcb back in b
	405641'	552 03 0 02 000024 		hrrzm c,filter(b)
	405642'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	405643'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405644'	105 17 0 00 777777 	simerx:	adjstk p,-1		;abort caller
	405645'	200 00 0 02 000024 	simerr:	move t,filter(b)	;activate delayed error
	405646'	202 00 0 02 000003 		movem t,filerr(b)	;put in real error place
	405647'	402 00 0 02 000024 		setzm filter(b)		;not delayed anymore
	405650'	254 00 0 00 405061'		jrst ioerpx		;and pretend we just saw it
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 27
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - open and close

						subttl buffered I/O - open and close

	405651'	602 07 0 00 200000 	logopn:	trne g,of%rd		;common openning
	405652'	606 07 0 00 100000 		trnn g,of%wr		;if read and write, can't do it
	405653'	254 00 0 00 405655'		jrst .+2		;only one, OK
	405654'	254 00 0 00 405002'		jrst illfn
	405655'	201 00 0 00 405002'		movei t,illfn		;make wrong direction illegal (or he
	405656'	336 00 0 02 000007 		skprea			;writing? (might not get the error
	405657'	202 00 0 02 000016 		movem t,filget(b)	;read illegal    (until fnished the
	405660'	332 00 0 02 000007 		skpwrt			;reading?   (buffer)
	405661'	202 00 0 02 000017 		movem t,filput(b)
	405662'	135 01 0 00 406760'		ldb a,[fl%buf!filflg(b)] ;number of buffers user wants
	405663'	307 01 0 00 000000 		caig a,0		;must be between 1 and 36
	405664'	201 01 0 00 000001 		movei a,1		;if 0, use default
	405665'	303 01 0 00 000044 		caile a,^D36		;if too big, use maximum
	405666'	201 01 0 00 000044 		movei a,^D36
	405667'	200 00 0 00 000001 		move t,a		;now have pages per buffer - get words
	405670'	242 00 0 00 000011 		lsh t,^D9		;t _ words in buffer
	405671'	202 00 0 02 000013 		movem t,filpbs(b)	;filpbs _ words in buffer
						  ;caller may reset this to bytes in buffer if that is what he wants
	405672'	260 17 0 00 403546'		pushj p,alcbuf		;# pages is arg to alcbuf, in A
	405673'	135 00 0 00 406757'		ldb t,[point 6,g,5]	;logical byte size
	405674'	242 00 0 00 000030 		lsh t,^D24		;make byte pointer
	405675'	661 00 0 00 440000 		tlo t,440000		;to beginning of word
	405676'	540 00 0 02 000015 		hrr t,filbuf(b)		;at buffer
	405677'	202 00 0 02 000025 		movem t,filbfp(b)	;store as logical bufer start
	405700'	402 00 0 02 000035 		setzm filbpt(b)		;assume nothing in buffer
	405701'	336 00 0 02 000007 		skprea			;if writing, give a full buffer
	405702'	202 00 0 02 000035 		movem t,filbpt(b)
	405703'	201 00 0 00 000044 		movei t,^D36
	405704'	135 01 0 00 406757'		ldb a,[point 6,g,5]	;computer buffer size in bytes
	405705'	230 00 0 00 000001 		idiv t,a		;t _ bytes per word
	405706'	220 00 0 02 000013 		imul t,filpbs(b)	;t _ bytes in buffer
	405707'	202 00 0 02 000026 		movem t,filbfs(b)	;store as logical size
	405710'	402 00 0 02 000034 		setzm filbct(b)
	405711'	336 00 0 02 000007 		skprea		;if writing, give a full buffer
	405712'	202 00 0 02 000034 		movem t,filbct(b)
	405713'	402 00 0 02 000024 		setzm filter(b)
	405714'	402 00 0 02 000027 		setzm fillct(b)
	405715'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405716'	332 00 0 02 000003 	chropn:	skipe filerr(b)		;byte mode I/O open
	405717'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;no-op if error
	405720'	260 17 0 00 401303'		pushj p,openfi
	405721'	260 17 0 00 405651'	chrop1:	pushj p,logopn		;compute logical parameters
	405722'	200 00 0 02 000025 		move t,filbfp(b)	;physical param's = logical ones
	405723'	202 00 0 02 000012 		movem t,filpbp(b)
	405724'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)
	405725'	202 00 0 02 000013 		movem t,filpbs(b)
	405726'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	405727'	332 00 0 02 000003 	wrdopn:	skipe filerr(b)		;word mode I/O open
	405730'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
	405731'	260 17 0 00 405651'		pushj p,logopn
	405732'	200 00 0 02 000015 		move t,filbuf(b)	;physical param's use 36 bit bytes
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 27-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - open and close

	405733'	505 00 0 00 444400 		hrli t,444400
	405734'	202 00 0 02 000012 		movem t,filpbp(b)
	405735'	621 07 0 00 770000 		tlz g,770000
	405736'	661 07 0 00 440000 		tlo g,440000		;set 36 bit bytes
							;filpbs is left as set by logopn - words in buffer
	405737'	254 00 0 00 401303'		jrst openfi

					ifn srisw,<  ;[23]
					;This is part of the SRI kludge.  See DSKLTS for an explanation of the
					;  reason for the kludge.
					;device-dependent code to examine the first word to see if line-numbered.
					;  This code is mainly for the use of magtape.  Since it is fairly common
					;  there to open the file, set parameters, and then do the first read, we
					;  have to wait and do the actual test at the first read.  Thus this routine
					;  temporarily changes FILGET to call a routine that tests the first
					;  word, restores FILGET to the right thing, and then calls it.  For the
					;  disk we have to do the actual test at open time, because somebody might
					;  do SETPOS before the first real.  But for disk it is safe because one
					;  can do the test without any sideeffects.  We tried BIN then BKJFN, but
					;  due to a monitor bug that doesn't work for tape.
					wrdlts:	movei t,wrdgtt		;[22] special get that does a test first
						movem t,filget(b)	;[22] booby-trap FILGET
						popj p,
					;[22] Special routine called for the first GETCH on the file, to see if line
					;[22]    numbered. The order in which things are done in this routine is a bit
					;[22]    more critical than it looks, in order to make error handling work.
					wrdgtt:	movei t,getchb		;[22] restore normal reader
						movem t,filget(b)	;[22]
						pushj p,reabuf		;[22] get first buffer in
						move a,filbpt(b)	;[22] pointer to first byte
						ibp a			;[22] but expected to do ILDB
						move t,(a)		;[22] now have first word of buffer
						push p,c		;[22] comlts uses t,a,c,d
						push p,d		;[22]
						pushj p,comlts		;[22]
						pop p,d			;[22]
						pop p,c			;[22]
						jrst getcb1		;[22] now continue with normal code
					>  ;[23] ifn srisw

	405740'	332 00 0 02 000007 	logclo:	skpwrt			;force buffers
	405741'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;reading - none
	405742'	200 00 0 02 000035 		move t,filbpt(b)	;zero rest of last word
					;magic code to clear rest of word.  The offset field in the byte
					; ponter now continas no. of bits from the right to be clered,
					; so we use a new byte ptr with no offset and this as the size.
	405743'	621 00 0 00 007700 		tlz t,007700
	405744'	510 01 0 00 000000 		hllz a,t
	405745'	242 01 0 00 777772 		lsh a,-6
	405746'	500 00 0 00 000001 		hll t,a
	405747'	400 01 0 00 000000 		setz a,			;cler them
	405750'	137 01 0 00 000000 		dpb a,t
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 27-2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - open and close

	405751'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)	;compute no. of bytes to put out
	405752'	230 00 0 02 000013 		idiv t,filpbs(b)	;t _ bytes / transfer byte
	405753'	200 01 0 00 000000 		move a,t		;a _ bytes / transfer byte
	405754'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)	;t _ bytes used
	405755'	274 00 0 02 000034 		sub t,filbct(b)		;t _ bytes remaining
	405756'	322 00 0 00 400177'		jumpe t,cpopj		;if none - done
	405757'	230 00 0 00 000001 		idiv t,a		;t _ transfer bytes remaining
	405760'	332 00 0 00 000001 		skipe a			;round up
	405761'	271 00 0 00 000001 		addi t,1
	405762'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	405763'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	405764'	210 03 0 00 000000 		movn c,t		;make sin arg block
	405765'	550 01 0 02 000004 		hrrz a,filjfn(b)
	405766'	200 02 0 02 000012 		move b,filpbp(b)
	405767'	332 00 0 00 000003 		skipe c			;[40] zero is special
	405770'	104 00 0 00 000053 		sout
	405771'	320 17 0 00 405006'		 chkquo
	405772'	320 16 0 00 405576'		 erjmp ioebcp		;abort caller
	405773'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	405774'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	405775'	200 00 0 02 000025 		move t,filbfp(b)	;set up to make more possible
	405776'	202 00 0 02 000035 		movem t,filbpt(b)
	405777'	200 00 0 02 000026 		move t,filbfs(b)
	406000'	202 00 0 02 000034 		movem t,filbct(b)
	406001'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	406002'	260 17 0 00 405740'	setpb:	pushj p,logclo		;setpos (curpos is curpbx)
	406003'	260 17 0 00 406005'		pushj p,logini
	406004'	254 00 0 00 404406'		jrst setpbx

	406005'	336 00 0 02 000007 	logini:	skprea			;breakin
	406006'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;no-op on write
	406007'	402 00 0 02 000034 		setzm filbct(b)
	406010'	402 00 0 02 000027 		setzm fillct(b)
	406011'	332 00 0 02 000024 		skipe filter(b)		;if saved error
	406012'	260 17 0 00 405645'		pushj p,simerr		;activate it
	406013'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 28
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - routines for record I/O

						subttl buffered I/O - routines for record I/O

					;The following routines set up C to indicate the desired
					; transfer, and then call getblp or putblp, which simulate
					; sin and sout.  If an I/O error occurs, getblp or putblp
					; will return with c as at the point of error.  Thus the
					; caller may have some adjustments to do.

	406014'	202 03 0 02 000027 	getb:	movem c,fillct(b)	;assume no. transferred = no. requested
	406015'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;make up aobjn word
	406016'	504 03 0 00 000003 		hrl c,c			;lh(c) _ no. to transfer
	406017'	541 03 0 02 000043 		hrri c,filcmp(b)	;rh(c) _ starting loc to transfer
	406020'	260 17 0 00 406046'		pushj p,getblp		;sin
	406021'	574 03 0 00 000003 		hlre c,c		;c _ - no. left untransferred
	406022'	272 03 0 02 000027 		addm c,fillct(b)	;adjust assumption
	406023'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	406024'	202 03 0 02 000027 	putb:	movem c,fillct(b)
	406025'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c
	406026'	504 03 0 00 000003 		hrl c,c
	406027'	541 03 0 02 000043 		hrri c,filcmp(b)
	406030'	260 17 0 00 406054'		pushj p,putblp		;sout
	406031'	574 03 0 00 000003 		hlre c,c
	406032'	272 03 0 02 000027 		addm c,fillct(b)
	406033'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	406034'	200 04 0 00 000003 	getxb:	move d,c		;requested upper limit
	406035'	274 03 0 02 000027 		sub c,fillct(b)		;c _ no. needed this time
	406036'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;make aobjn word
	406037'	504 03 0 00 000003 		hrl c,c
	406040'	541 03 0 02 000043 		hrri c,filcmp(b)
	406041'	270 03 0 02 000027 		add c,fillct(b)		;adjust by no. already done
	406042'	260 17 0 00 406046'		pushj p,getblp		;sin
	406043'	574 03 0 00 000003 		hlre c,c
	406044'	272 03 0 02 000027 		addm c,fillct(b)
	406045'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;Here are the sin/sout simulations.  Note that if there is
					; en I/O error, ioebcp will abort the routine.
					; In that case c will be left negative, and the caller (above)
					; will do the right thing.

	406046'	375 00 0 02 000034 	getblp:	sosge filbct(b)		;sin simulation
	406047'	260 17 0 00 405602'		pushj p,reabuf
	406050'	134 01 0 02 000035 		ildb a,filbpt(b)
	406051'	202 01 0 03 000000 		movem a,(c)
	406052'	253 03 0 00 406046'		aobjn c,getblp
	406053'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	406054'	375 00 0 02 000034 	putblp:	sosge filbct(b)		;sout simulation
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 28-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		buffered I/O - routines for record I/O

	406055'	260 17 0 00 405555'		pushj p,wrtbuf
	406056'	200 01 0 03 000000 		move a,(c)
	406057'	136 01 0 02 000035 		idpb a,filbpt(b)
	406060'	253 03 0 00 406054'		aobjn c,putblp
	406061'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 29
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		initialization

						subttl initialization

	406062'	265 01 0 00 406064'	pasin.:	jsp a,pasif.		;[6] for old programs, new ones use pasif.
	406063'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,			;[6]

	406064'	200 07 0 00 000001 	pasif.:	move g,a		;[6] save return address
	406065'	200 06 0 00 000002 		move f,b		;save flag for checking
	406066'	554 05 0 00 000000*		hlrz e,.jbsa##		;get 1st above low seg
	406067'	275 05 0 00 000001 		subi e,1		;adjust to page boundary
	406070'	660 05 0 00 000777 		tro e,777		;we assume .jbff is always even page
	406071'	271 05 0 00 000001 		addi e,1
	406072'	506 05 0 00 406066*		hrlm e,.jbsa		;and put back adjusted value
	406073'	311 05 0 00 400013*	clrlop:	caml e,.jbff##		;now clear everything up to .jbff
	406074'	254 00 0 00 406105'		jrst clrdon
	406075'	474 01 0 00 000000 		seto a,			;unmap the page
	406076'	200 02 0 00 000005 		move b,e
	406077'	242 02 0 00 777767 		lsh b,-9		;make page no.
	406100'	505 02 0 00 400000 		hrli b,400000		;this process
	406101'	400 03 0 00 000000 		setz c,
	406102'	104 00 0 00 000056 		pmap
	406103'	271 05 0 00 001000 		addi e,1000		;now go to next page
	406104'	254 00 0 00 406073'		jrst clrlop
	406105'	554 05 0 00 406072*	clrdon:	hlrz e,.jbsa		;get back adjusted top of code
	406106'	202 05 0 00 406073*		movem e,.jbff		;use for .jbff

	406107'	104 00 0 00 000147 		reset

	406110'	402 00 0 00 000633'		setzm izer1		;zero interrupt data area
	406111'	200 00 0 00 407045'		move t,[xwd izer1,izer1+1]
	406112'	251 00 0 00 000640'		blt t,izer99
	406113'	402 00 0 00 000561'		setzm chntb.		;reinitialize interrupt control blocks
	406114'	200 00 0 00 407046'		move t,[xwd chntb.,chntb.+1]
	406115'	251 00 0 00 000624'		blt t,chntb.+^D35
	406116'	200 00 0 00 407047'		move t,[xwd 1,ovrflw]
	406117'	202 00 0 00 000567'		movem t,chntb.+6
	406120'	202 00 0 00 000570'		movem t,chntb.+7
	406121'	200 00 0 00 407050'		move t,[xwd 1,pdltrp]
	406122'	202 00 0 00 000572'		movem t,chntb.+^D9
	406123'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000		;turn on interrupts
	406124'	200 02 0 00 407051'		move b,[xwd levtab,chntb.]
	406125'	104 00 0 00 000125 		sir			;set up vector
	406126'	205 02 0 00 000400 		movsi b,(1b9)		;[4] pdl overflow
	406127'	332 00 0 00 000006 		skipe f			;[4] ignore arith. if not checking
	406130'	661 02 0 00 006000 		tlo b,(1b6!1b7)		;[4] arith. overflow
	406131'	104 00 0 00 000131 		aic			;turn on conditions
	406132'	104 00 0 00 000126 		eir			;turn on system

					;if any files are left open, we clear filtst, to indicate that they
					;need reinitialization

	406133'	201 01 0 00 000412'		movei a,blktab		;loop through all files
	406134'	332 02 0 01 000000 	pasin1:	skipe b,(a)		;get the fcb addr there
	406135'	402 00 0 02 000040 		setzm filtst(b)		;and indicate no longer valid
	406136'	402 00 0 01 000000 		setzm (a)		;clear table entry
	406137'	315 01 0 00 000552'		camge a,lstblk		;go to next, if any
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 29-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		initialization

	406140'	344 01 0 00 406134'		aoja a,pasin1
	406141'	402 00 0 00 000552'		setzm lstblk		;now nothing in use
	406142'	476 00 0 00 000252'		setom blklck		;restore all to unlocked
	406143'	200 01 0 00 407052'		move a,[xwd blklck,blklck+1]
	406144'	251 01 0 00 000411'		blt a,blklck+blklen-1

					;here we are going to set the frepag bit table to all 1's to indicate all
					;  pages are free.  GETPG. checks for overlap with heap, which is below
					;  the code, so we won't run into the high seg.  After setting to all 1's,
					;  we then remove pages below .jbff, i.e. the low seg.
	406145'	476 00 0 00 000000'	pasin2: setom frepag		;indicate all 512 pages free
	406146'	200 00 0 00 407053'		move t,[xwd frepag,frepag+1]
	406147'	251 00 0 00 000015'		blt t,frepag+15		;clear 14 words
	406150'	205 00 0 00 776000 		movsi t,776000		;and 10 bits
	406151'	202 00 0 00 000016'		movem t,frepag+16
	406152'	200 02 0 00 406106*		move b,.jbff##		;now clear everything below .JBFF
	406153'	242 02 0 00 777767 		lsh b,-11		;get page number. b is # of pages to be clear
	406154'	231 02 0 00 000044 		idivi b,44		;b _ words to be cleared, c _ bits
	406155'	361 02 0 00 406162'		sojl b,pasin3		;no words, just do bits
	406156'	402 00 0 00 000000'		setzm frepag		;b _ words-1 to be cleared
	406157'	322 02 0 00 406162'		jumpe b,pasin3		;one word only, do bits
	406160'	200 00 0 00 407053'		move t,[xwd frepag,frepag+1]
	406161'	251 00 0 02 000000'		blt t,frepag(b)		;clear words
					;all full words cleared, b _ # words cleared - 1
	406162'	322 03 0 00 406167'	pasin3:	jumpe c,pasin4		;if no bits to clear, ignore
	406163'	205 00 0 00 400000 		movsi t,400000		;make mask for c bits
	406164'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c
	406165'	240 00 0 03 000001 		ash t,1(c)		;t _ xxx000, c bits on
	406166'	412 00 0 02 000001'		andcam t,frepag+1(b)	;clear these bits in next word
	406167'	402 00 0 00 000000#	pasin4:	setzm tty##+1
	406170'	402 00 0 00 000000#		setzm tty##+filbct
	406171'	200 00 0 00 407054'		move t,[xwd tty##+1,tty##+2]
	406172'	251 00 0 00 000000#		blt t,tty##+filr11-1
	406173'	402 00 0 00 000000#		setzm ttyout##+1
	406174'	200 00 0 00 407055'		move t,[xwd ttyout##+1,ttyout##+2]
	406175'	251 00 0 00 000000#		blt t,ttyout##+filr11-1
	406176'	200 00 0 00 407056'		move t,[xwd ttynt,tty##+filr11] ;copy special tty routines into tty
	406177'	251 00 0 00 000000#		blt t,tty##+filr99
	406200'	200 00 0 00 407057'		move t,[xwd ttynt,ttyout##+filr11] ;and ttyout
	406201'	251 00 0 00 000000#		blt t,ttyout##+filr99
	406202'	350 00 0 00 000000#		aos tty##+fileol
	406203'	350 00 0 00 000000#		aos tty##+filbad
	406204'	350 00 0 00 000000#		aos ttyout##+fileof
	406205'	200 00 0 00 406617'		move t,[ascii /-----/]
	406206'	202 00 0 00 000000#		movem t,tty##+fillnr
	406207'	202 00 0 00 000000#		movem t,ttyout##+fillnr
	406210'	201 00 0 00 000042'		movei t,ttybuf
	406211'	202 00 0 00 000000#		movem t,tty##+filttb
	406212'	201 00 0 00 314157 		movei t,314157		;magic indicating a valid file
	406213'	202 00 0 00 000000#		movem t,tty##+filtst
	406214'	202 00 0 00 000000#		movem t,ttyout##+filtst
	406215'	402 00 0 00 000000*		SETZM	AVAIL##
	406216'	402 00 0 00 000000#		SETZM	AVAIL+1
	406217'	402 00 0 00 000000*		SETZM	BEGMEM##
	406220'	402 00 0 00 000000*		SETZM	ENDMEM##
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 29-2
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		initialization

	406221'	254 00 0 07 000000 		jrst (g)		;[6] return

	000252'					reloc

			000140		blklen==140			;there are only 100 jfn's possible
	000252'				blklck: block blklen
	000412'				blktab: block blklen
	000552'				lstblk:	block 1

					;still in low segment
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 30
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		error trapping

						subttl error trapping
					;still in low segment

						intern chntb.,oldpc.

	000553'	000000	000556'		levtab:	.+3
	000554'	000000	000557'			.+3
	000555'	000000	000560'			.+3
	000556'				oldpc.:	block 3
	000561'				chntb.:	block 6		;0 - 5
	000567'	000001	406222'			xwd 1,ovrflw	;6
	000570'	000001	406222'			xwd 1,ovrflw	;7
	000571'					block 1		;[4] 8
	000572'	000001	406261'			xwd 1,pdltrp	;[4] 9
	000573'					block ^D32	;[4] 10-35

	406222'					reloc

	406222'				ovrflw:	;This routine is taken from forots, more or less

		000100	000000			fxu==1b11	;floating underflow
		040000	000000			fov==1b3	;some floating pt. error
		000040	000000			ndv==1b12	;some division by zero

	406222'	105 17 0 00 000003 		adjstk p,3	;[3] just for safety, as sometimes use above stack
	406223'	261 17 0 00 000000 		push p,t	;[3] save ac's so we can restore
	406224'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a	;[3]
	406225'	200 00 0 00 000556'		move t,oldpc.
	406226'	550 01 0 00 000000 		hrrz a,t	;the error pc
	406227'	301 01 0 00 000000*		cail a,safbeg##	;in runtime
	406230'	303 01 0 00 000000*		caile a,safend##
	406231'	254 00 0 00 406233'		jrst .+2
	406232'	254 00 0 00 406245'		jrst ignore
	406233'	315 15 0 00 406152*		camge n,.jbff##	;in debugger
	406234'	254 00 0 00 406245'		jrst ignore
	406235'	554 01 0 00 000000 		hlrz a,t	;get flags in RH
	406236'	405 01 0 00 040140 		andi a,(ndv!fov!fxu) ;clear all but these
	406237'	242 01 0 00 777773 		lsh a,-5	;right-justify ndv
	406240'	622 01 0 00 001000 		trze a,(1b8)	;fov set?
	406241'	435 01 0 00 000004 		iori a,1b33	;move it to right end
	406242'	560 01 0 01 406251'		hrro a,aprtab(a) ;get right error message
	406243'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	406244'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer.	;put out pc and maybe go to ddt
					;	jrst ignore	;if he continues, ignore the error

	406245'	262 17 0 00 000001 	ignore:	pop p,a		;[3] restore state and exit
	406246'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t		;[3]
	406247'	105 17 0 00 777775 		adjstk p,-3	;[3]
	406250'	104 00 0 00 000136 		debrk

	406251'	000000	407060'		aprtab:	[asciz /Integer overflow/]
	406252'	000000	407064'			[asciz /Integer divide check/]
	406253'	000000	406565'			[0]
	406254'	000000	406565'			[0]
	406255'	000000	407071'			[asciz /Floating overflow/]
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 30-1
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		error trapping

	406256'	000000	407075'			[asciz /Floating divide check/]
	406257'	000000	407102'			[asciz /Floating underflow/]
	406260'	000000	406565'			[0]

	406261'	200 17 0 00 407106'	pdltrp:	move p,[xwd 20,20]	;[4] fake pdl - real one is garbage
	406262'	561 01 0 00 407107'		hrroi a,[asciz /No space left for stack or local variables/] ;[4]
	406263'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout			;[4]
	406264'	200 00 0 00 000556'		move t,oldpc.		;[4]
	406265'	260 17 0 00 400041'		pushj p,runer. 		;[4] pasddt has its own stack
						hrroi a,[asciz /Can't continue without stack
	406266'	561 01 0 00 407120'	/]
	406267'	104 00 0 00 000076 		psout
	406270'	254 00 0 00 405215'		jrst endl
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 31
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		critical sections

						subttl critical sections

						intern lockc.,level.,leav.
						entry enterc,leavec

	000633'					reloc

	000633'				izer1:
	000633'				level.:	block 1		;current interrupt level
	000634'				lockc.:	block 1		;0 or pointer to int. deferral block if in crit. section
	000635'				dfins0:	block 1		;interrupt deferral blocks:
	000636'				dfins1:	block 1
	000637'				dfins2:	block 1
	000640'				dfins3:	block 1
			000640'		izer99==.-1

	406271'					reloc

	406271'	000000	000635'		dftab:	dfins0
	406272'	000000	000636'			dfins1
	406273'	000000	000637'			dfins2
	406274'	000000	000640'			dfins3

	406275'	200 01 0 00 000633'	enterc:	move a,level.	;set up int. deferral block
	406276'	200 01 0 01 406271'		move a,dftab(a)
	406277'	202 01 0 00 000634'		movem a,lockc.	;now in critical section
	406300'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	406301'	201 01 0 00 000000 	leavec:	movei a,0
	406302'	250 01 0 00 000634'		exch a,lockc.	;out of critical section
	406303'	332 00 0 00 000001 		skipe a		;user is doing leave without enter
	406304'	336 00 0 01 000000 		skipn (a)	;any deferred interrupt?
	406305'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,		;no - normal exit
	406306'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	406307'	200 02 0 01 000000 		move b,(a)	;deferred interrupts
	406310'	402 00 0 01 000000 		setzm (a)	;zero for next use
	406311'	201 01 0 00 400000 		movei a,400000	;this job
	406312'	104 00 0 00 000132 		iic
	406313'	262 17 0 00 000002 	leav.:	pop p,b
	406314'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 32
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		page allocation/deallcation

						subttl page allocation/deallcation

						entry getpag,relpag	;[20]

					;	a - count of number of pages desired
					;garbages a,t - result in a

	406315'	261 17 0 00 000634'	getpg.:	push p,lockc.		;remember if user was in crit. sec.
	406316'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
	406317'	336 00 0 00 000634'		skipn lockc.		;if so, don't make new one
	406320'	260 17 0 00 406275'		pushj p,enterc		;critical section
	406321'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	406322'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	406323'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	406324'	261 17 0 00 000004 		push p,d
	406325'	261 17 0 00 000005 		push p,e
	406326'	261 17 0 00 000006 		push p,f
					;here we set up pagmsk to be xxxx0000, with x being (a) bits
	406327'	303 01 0 00 000044 		caile a,44		;be sure count is legal
	406330'	254 00 0 00 406414'		jrst getptm		;too many
	406331'	205 02 0 00 400000 		movsi b,400000		;b _ 400000,,0
	406332'	210 03 0 00 000001 		movn c,a
	406333'	240 02 0 03 000001 		ash b,1(c)		;b _ xxx0000, as ash propogates the bit
			000000		pagmsk==0   ;location of mask on stack
	406334'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	406335'	515 02 0 00 777761 		hrlzi b,-17		;b - aobjn pointer to word we are looking at
	406336'	200 04 0 00 000001 		move d,a		;d - number of pages desired

					;outer loop in which we check all words			     i
	406337'	200 00 0 02 000000'	getpl1:	move t,frepag(b)	;first find a word in which there are free
	406340'	201 03 0 00 000000 		movei c,0		;c - accumulate previous shifts

					;inner loop in which we check various starting places in word
					;Note that t gets shifted if we have to retry this
	406341'	243 00 0 00 406344'	getpl2:	jffo t,gotbit		;if free page in this word, exit search

	406342'	253 02 0 00 406337'		aobjn b,getpl1		;no more bits in this word, get next
	406343'	254 00 0 00 406417'		jrst nofree		;ran out of words, we failed

					;here is the text of the inner loop
					;we have found one free page, see if we have N contiguous ones
	406344'	270 03 0 00 000001 	gotbit:	add c,a			;c _ total shift to this bit
	406345'	460 05 0 02 000000'		setcm e,frepag(b)	;e,f _ complement of words being tested
	406346'	460 06 0 02 000001'		setcm f,frepag+1(b)
	406347'	246 05 0 03 000000 		lshc e,(c)		;      shifted to left justify tested bits
	406350'	616 05 0 17 000000 		tdnn e,pagmsk(p)	;since complemented, if all are zero
	406351'	254 00 0 00 406355'		jrst gotpgs		;then we have our pages
					;not enough bits after the one we found.  We now shift the word (in t)
					;to the beginning of the field we were considering plus one more bit.
					;this eliminates the bit our last jffo found, and causes the next one
					;to advance to the next bit.  However it requires us to keep track of
					;the total amount of shifting, which is done in c.
	406352'	242 00 0 01 000001 		lsh t,1(a)		;get to start of field, and gobble one bit
	406353'	271 03 0 00 000001 		addi c,1		;indicated shifted by one more
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 32-1
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	406354'	254 00 0 00 406341'		jrst getpl2		;and see if another candidate in this word

					;here when we have found the free pages 
					;clear the bits in frepag array and figure out page number
	406355'	200 05 0 17 000000 	gotpgs:	move e,pagmsk(p)	;get mask for clearing
	406356'	400 06 0 00 000000 		setz f,
	406357'	210 01 0 00 000003 		movn a,c		;a _ neg no. of bits shifted
	406360'	246 05 0 01 000000 		lshc e,(a)		;e,f _ mask of bits found
	406361'	412 05 0 02 000000'		andcam e,frepag(b)	;clear bits in memory
	406362'	412 06 0 02 000001'		andcam f,frepag+1(b)
	406363'	621 02 0 00 777777 		tlz b,-1		;now compute b _ page number
	406364'	221 02 0 00 000044 		imuli b,44		;words times pages in a word
	406365'	270 02 0 00 000003 		add b,c			;and offset within word
	406366'	242 02 0 00 000011 		lsh b,11		;d _ addr of first page in group
	406367'	200 03 0 00 000004 		move c,d		;c _ number of pages in group
	406370'	242 03 0 00 000011 		lsh c,11		;c _ number of words in group
	406371'	270 03 0 00 000002 		add c,b			;c _ first address beyond
	406372'	311 03 0 00 000017'		caml c,lstnew		;be sure we don't overlap heap
	406373'	254 00 0 00 406417'		jrst nofree		;if we do, fatal error
	406374'	313 03 0 00 406233*		camle c,.jbff##		;if we have taken more core
	406375'	202 03 0 00 406374*		movem c,.jbff##		;  update .jbff
	406376'	200 01 0 00 000002 		move a,b		;a _ address of first page in group
	406377'	504 01 0 00 000004 		hrl a,d			;number of pages in LH
	406400'	262 17 0 17 000000 		pop p,(p)		;pagmsk
	406401'	262 17 0 00 000006 		pop p,f			;saved ac's
	406402'	262 17 0 00 000005 		pop p,e	
	406403'	262 17 0 00 000004 		pop p,d
	406404'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	406405'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b			;previous lock still on stack
	406406'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a		;stack is top --> ret val , lock
	406407'	336 00 0 17 777777 	getpgx:	skipn -1(p)		;if user was in cri. sec., don't leave
	406410'	260 17 0 00 406301'		pushj p,leavec		;end critical section
	406411'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	406412'	262 17 0 17 000000 		pop p,(p)
	406413'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

	406414'	561 01 0 00 407127'	getptm:	hrroi a,[asciz /Internal error: buffer request exceeds 36 pages/]
	406415'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	406416'	254 00 0 00 405215'		jrst endl

	406417'	561 01 0 00 407141'	nofree:	hrroi a,[asciz /Request for buffer space runs into heap /]
	406420'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	406421'	254 00 0 00 405215'		jrst endl

					;  a - count,,addr
					;garbages a,t - arg in a
	406422'	261 17 0 00 000634'	relpg.:	push p,lockc.		;remember whether user was in crit. sec.
	406423'	261 17 0 00 000001 		push p,a
	406424'	261 17 0 00 000002 		push p,b
	406425'	261 17 0 00 000003 		push p,c
	406426'	336 00 0 00 000634'		skipn lockc.		;if so, don't make new one
	406427'	260 17 0 00 406275'		pushj p,enterc		;critical section
	406430'	205 00 0 00 400000 		movsi t,400000		;t,a _ 400000...
	406431'	400 01 0 00 000000 		setz a,
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PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52		page allocation/deallcation

	406432'	554 02 0 17 777776 		hlrz b,-2(p)		;number of pages
	406433'	303 02 0 00 000044 		caile b,44		;be sure its legal
	406434'	254 00 0 00 406414'		jrst getptm
	406435'	210 02 0 00 000002 		movn b,b		;b _ - number of pages
	406436'	240 00 0 02 000001 		ash t,1(b)		;t,a _ xxx000 with one x for each page
	406437'	550 02 0 17 777776 		hrrz b,-2(p)		;addr to return
	406440'	242 02 0 00 777767 		lsh b,-11		;make into page number
	406441'	231 02 0 00 000044 		idivi b,44		;b _ word offset, c _ bit within word
	406442'	210 03 0 00 000003 		movn c,c		;c _ - number of bits
	406443'	246 00 0 03 000000 		lshc t,(c)		;t,a _ mask of bits to set in word
	406444'	436 00 0 02 000000'		iorm t,frepag(b)	;clear at offset b and b+1
	406445'	436 01 0 02 000001'		iorm a,frepag+1(b)
	406446'	262 17 0 00 000003 		pop p,c
	406447'	262 17 0 00 000002 		pop p,b
	406450'	262 17 0 00 000001 		pop p,a
	406451'	262 17 0 00 000000 		pop p,t
	406452'	336 00 0 00 000000 		skipn t			;if user was in cri. sec., don't leave
	406453'	254 00 0 00 406301'		jrst leavec		;end critical section
	406454'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;[20] Replaced old routines that did only one page.

					;Routines for normal user use

					;procedure getpages(howmany:integer;var pagenum:integer; var:page:^realpage);
					;b - number of pages to get
					;c - place to put page no.:
					;d - place to put addr.
	406455'	200 01 0 00 000002 	getpag:	move a,b		;number of pages
	406456'	260 17 0 00 406315'		pushj p,getpg.		;actually get page - addr in a
	406457'	552 01 0 04 000000 		hrrzm a,(d)		;return addr
	406460'	621 01 0 00 777777 		tlz a,777777		;clear out LH (count)
	406461'	242 01 0 00 777767 		lsh a,-9		;return page no.
	406462'	202 01 0 03 000000 		movem a,(c)
	406463'	263 17 0 00 000000 		popj p,

					;procedure relpages(howmany:integer;pagenum:integer);
					;b - number of pages to return
					;c - page to return
	406464'	303 02 0 00 000000 	relpag:	caile b,0		;check args - count GT 0
	406465'	307 03 0 00 000000 		caig c,0		;page number GT 0
	406466'	254 00 0 00 406477'		jrst illpag
	406467'	200 04 0 00 000003 		move d,c
	406470'	270 04 0 00 000002 		add d,b			;page + count  LE 1000
	406471'	303 02 0 00 001000 		caile b,1000
	406472'	254 00 0 00 406477'		jrst illpag
	406473'	242 03 0 00 000011 		lsh c,9			;make addr
	406474'	200 01 0 00 000003 		move a,c		;where rlpag wants it
	406475'	504 01 0 00 000002 		hrl a,b			;number to return
	406476'	254 00 0 00 406422'		jrst relpg.

					illpag:	hrroi a,[asciz /Relpages: page numbers must be 1 to 777B
	406477'	561 01 0 00 407152'	/]
	406500'	104 00 0 00 000313 		esout
	406501'	254 00 0 00 405215'		jrst endl
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					if2,<	purge sin>	;so we don't interfere with Forlib's sin



CPU TIME USED 00:15.999

PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page S-1

A		000001		CMDBUF		000140'		DSKWRT		403454'		FILGLN		000020	spd	
AIC	104000	000131	int	CMJFN		000234'		DV%TYP	000777	000000	sin	FILJFN		000004	spd	
ALCBFN		403556'		CO%NRJ	400000	000000	sin	DVCHR	104000	000117	int	FILLBY		000012	spd	
ALCBUF		403546'		COMND	104000	000544	int	E		000005		FILLCT		000027	spd	
ANALYS		405224'	ent	CORERR		400000'	ent	EIOER		405063'		FILLNR		000031	spd	
APPBIN		403515'		CPOPJ		400177'		EIR	104000	000126	int	FILLTS		000014	spd	
APPEND		400236'	ent	CPOPJ1		403326'		END		405203'	ent	FILPAG		000033	spd	
APRTAB		406251'		CPOPJH		403525'		ENDCL		405204'		FILPBP		000012	spd	
ATBUF		000176'		CURPBX		404400'		ENDCN		405213'		FILPBS		000013	spd	
AVAIL		406215'	ext	CURPOS		401540'	ent	ENDL		405215'	ent	FILPGB		000024	spd	
B		000002		CZ%ABT	004000	000000	sin	ENDMEM		406220'	ext	FILPLN		000021	spd	
BADADV		403264'		D		000004		ENTERC		406275'	ent	FILPTR		000000	spd	
BADPAG		403330'		DDTGO		000021'		ERCAL	320740	000000	int	FILPUT		000017	spd	
BEG		403035'	spd	DEBRK	104000	000136	int	ERCHOK		401355'		FILR11		000016	spd	
BEGMEM		406217'	ext	DECDDT		400074'		ERJMP	320700	000000	int	FILR99		000023	spd	
BIN	104000	000050	int	DELF	104000	000026	int	ERP		405107'		FILS11		000011	spd	
BLKLCK		000252'		DELF.		400306'	ent	ERP.		405105'	int	FILS12		000012	spd	
BLKLEN		000140	spd	DESX5		600154	int	ERP..		405107'	int	FILS13		000013	spd	
BLKTAB		000412'		DEVFND		400605'		ERPDON		405130'		FILS15		000024	spd	
BLKTBE		400145'		DEVPRM		400555'		ERRACS		000022'		FILS16		000025	spd	
BOUT	104000	000051	int	DEVTAB		400624'		ERRCHK		401332'		FILS17		000026	spd	
BREAK		401650'	ent	DF%EXP	200000	000000	sin	ERREST		400113'		FILS20		000027	spd	
BREAKI		401652'	ent	DF%NRJ	400000	000000	sin	ERROPT		401241'		FILS21		000030	spd	
BUFSIZ		000036	spd	DFINS0		000635'		ERSTAT		405221'	ent	FILST1		000033	spd	
BXINI		404417'		DFINS1		000636'		ERSTR	104000	000011	int	FILST2		000034	spd	
BXOPN		404416'		DFINS2		000637'		ESOUT	104000	000313	int	FILST3		000035	spd	
BYTREC		400663'		DFINS3		000640'		F		000006		FILST4		000036	spd	
BYTTXT		400642'		DFTAB		406271'		F%BRK		000007	spd	FILST5		000037	spd	
C		000003		DIC	104000	000133	int	F%CURP		000004	spd	FILSVF		000037	spd	
CFMBLK		405336'		DISPC.		405157'	ent	F%GETX		000000	spd	FILSVG		000030	spd	
CHFDB	104000	000064	int	DISPFL		405165'		F%INIT		000005	spd	FILTER		000024	spd	
CHNTB.		000561'	int	DISPFN		405176'		F%LTST		000010	spd	FILTST		000040	spd	
CHROFR		404652'		DOCAL		405032'		F%OPEN		000006	spd	FILTTB		000033	spd	
CHRONR		404646'		DOCLOS		401563'		F%PUTP		000002	spd	FL%BUF	060600	000000	spd	
CHROP1		405721'		DOJMP		405027'		F%PUTX		000001	spd	FL%EOL		000020	spd	
CHROPN		405716'		DOOPE		401315'		F%SETP		000003	spd	FL%FME		000004	spd	
CHROPX		404557'		DOPENF		403517'		FILADV		000011	spd	FL%IOE		000002	spd	
CHROX1		404562'		DSKADV		403252'		FILBAD		000007	spd	FL%LC		000001	spd	
CHROXX		404660'		DSKAPP		403503'		FILBCT		000034	spd	FL%MOD	140600	000000	spd	
CHRREC		401114'		DSKBIN		403475'		FILBFP		000025	spd	FL%OPE		000010	spd	
CHRTXT		401073'		DSKBN1		403470'		FILBFS		000026	spd	FL%TMP		000040	spd	
CLOCHK		401560'		DSKBRI		403607'		FILBGP		000036	spd	FM%BYT		000001	spd	
CLOF2		401644'		DSKBRK		403566'		FILBLK		405332'		FM%CHR		000006	spd	
CLOFB		401624'		DSKCL1		403637'		FILBPT		000035	spd	FM%LST		000007	spd	
CLOFIL		401557'	ent	DSKCLO		403616'		FILBUF		000015	spd	FM%MAP		000002	spd	
CLONK		401610'		DSKCPO		403743'		FILCBY		000013	spd	FM%MTA		000000	spd	
CLORL		401621'		DSKEOF		402134'		FILCHT		000010	spd	FM%NUL		000004	spd	
CLOSF	104000	000022	int	DSKINI		403527'		FILCLO		000022	spd	FM%REC		000007	spd	
CLRDON		406105'		DSKLTS		403561'		FILCMP		000043	spd	FM%TTY		000003	spd	
CLREOF		405231'	ent	DSKMOV		403722'		FILCNT		000032	spd	FM%WRD		000005	spd	
CLRLOP		406073'		DSKOP1		403447'		FILEOF		000001	spd	FNPROM		000124'		
CLROK		405244'		DSKOPN		403417'		FILEOL		000002	spd	FOV	040000	000000	spd	
CM%NOP	200000	000000	sin	DSKRCL		403604'		FILERR		000003	spd	FREPAG		000000'		
CMCFN		405274'	udf	DSKSPF		403741'		FILFLG		000006	spd	FXU	000100	000000	spd	
CMDBLK		000127'		DSKSPO		403674'		FILGET		000016	spd	G		000007		
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G1%RND	400000	000000	sin	GJ%FNS	000002	000000	sin	IZER1		000633'		NOFREE		406417'		
GET.		401530'	ent	GJ%FOU	400000	000000	sin	IZER99		000640'	spd	NONEW		400035'		
GETB		406014'		GJ%IFG	000100	000000	sin	JFNS	104000	000030	int	NONEXT		401703'		
GETBLN		405544'		GJ%JFN	000600	000000	sin	JRSTF	254100	000000	int	NONXT1		401715'		
GETBLP		406046'		GJ%OFG	000040	000000	sin	JS%AT1		000200	sin	NOPUT		402034'		
GETBX		404322'		GJ%OLD	100000	000000	sin	KLCPU		000001	spd	NORCHT		402171'	ent	
GETBXR		404421'		GJ%REG	000665	000000	spd	LCCHT		402413'		NORCHX		402613'	ent	
GETCB1		405530'		GJ%SHT	000001	000000	sin	LCCHX		403035'		NOTOP		405252'		
GETCD1		402145'		GJ%XTN	000004	000000	sin	LEAV.		406313'	int	NOTRY		401743'		
GETCH		401530'	sen	GNJFN	104000	000017	int	LEAVEC		406301'	ent	NOUT	104000	000224	int	
GETCHB		405526'		GNJFX1		601054		LEVEL.		000633'	int	NULREC		401010'		
GETCHD		402131'		GOTBIT		406344'		LEVTAB		000553'		NULSPO		401550'		
GETCHR		403756'	ent	GOTOC.		405133'	ent	LOCKC.		000634'	int	NULSPX		401552'		
GETCHT		404126'		GOTOCN		405151'		LOGCLO		405740'		NULTXT		400767'		
GETCHX		403746'		GOTOL		405140'		LOGCLX		404666'		NUMBUF		400473'		
GETCLN		403235'		GOTPAG		403320'		LOGINI		406005'		O		000016		
GETCX		404466'		GOTPGS		406355'		LOGINX		404674'		OF%APP		020000	sin	
GETCX1		403751'		GS%EOF	001000	000000	sin	LOGOPN		405651'		OF%BSZ	770000	000000	sin	
GETCXL		404477'		GS%ERR	000400	000000	sin	LSTBLK		000552'		OF%EX		040000	sin	
GETCXN		404470'		GS%RDF	200000	000000	sin	LSTNEW		000017'	ent	OF%RD		200000	sin	
GETD		403333'		GTFDB	104000	000063	int	LSTREC		404453'	ent	OF%REG		360000	spd	
GETDLP		403373'		GTJFN	104000	000020	int	MAKSPE		401424'		OF%WR		100000	sin	
GETEOL		402163'		GTSTS	104000	000024	int	MAKSPL		401403'		OLDCOM		000001	spd	
GETER	104000	000012	int	H		000010		MAKSPR		401417'		OLDPC.		000556'	int	
GETFDF		405402'		HALTF	104000	000170	int	MAKSPX		401451'		OP%TTY	400000	000000	spd	
GETFE1		405412'	udf	HAVSPC		401431'		MAPBFS		000004	spd	OP%WLD	200000	000000	spd	
GETFER		405342'		HLTERR		400105'		MAPER1		402063'		OPENF	104000	000021	int	
GETFH1		405375'		IGNORE		406245'		MAPER2		402120'		OPENFI		401303'		
GETFH2		405377'		IIC	104000	000132	int	MAPER3		402121'		OPER		401314'		
GETFHL		405355'		ILFIL.		400117'	ent	MAPERR		402040'		OPNTTY		400547'		
GETFN.		405256'	ent	ILLFN		405002'	ent	MAPQUO		402076'		OPTBYT		400502'		
GETFN1		405274'		ILLPAG		406477'		MAPREC		400725'		OPTDCL		400515'		
GETFNA		000235'		INIBLK		405326'		MAPTXT		400704'		OPTDCX		400532'		
GETFNX		405413'	udf	INIT.B		405436'	ent	MTAANS		404756'		OPTDEC		400506'		
GETFPG		403267'		INITB.		405414'	ent	MTABX		404765'		OPTEND		400437'		
GETFPN		403304'		INITBC		405426'		MTACHR		404770'		OPTERD		400536'		
GETJFN		401357'		INITBF		405440'		MTALOG		404737'		OPTERR		400541'		
GETLN		401532'	ent	INPUT		405517'	ext	MTAOPN		404703'		OPTION		400412'		
GETLNX		404301'	ent	INXERR		400125'	ent	MTARD		404742'		OPTLOP		400422'		
GETLX		404537'		IOEBCP		405576'		MTAREC		401177'		OPTMAX		000125	spd	
GETLX1		404300'		IOECBP		404113'		MTATXT		401177'		OPTMIN		000102		
GETNEW		400007'	ent	IOECP		405577'		MTAWRD		404775'		OPTMOD		400467'		
GETPAG		406455'	ent	IOER		405064'		MTOPR	104000	000077	int	OPTTAB		400443'		
GETPG.		406315'	ent	IOERB		403776'		MTOX1		601210	int	OUTPUT		405407'	ext	
GETPGX		406407'		IOERBC		403775'		N		000015		OVRFLW		406222'		
GETPL1		406337'		IOERBX		404350'		NDV	000040	000000	spd	P		000017		
GETPL2		406341'		IOERP		405065'		NEW		400023'	ext	PA%EX	020000	000000	sin	
GETPTM		406414'		IOERP2		405073'		NEWBND		000020'	ent	PA%IND	004000	000000	sin	
GETTTY		404000'		IOERP5		404176'		NEWCL.		400022'	ent	PA%PEX	010000	000000	sin	
GETX.		401542'	ent	IOERPX		405061'		NEWERR		400131'		PA%WT	040000	000000	sin	
GETXB		406034'		IOX11		601440	int	NEWNIL		400017'		PA2040		000000	spd	
GETXBX		404334'		IOX2		600216	int	NEWXIT		400015'		PAGMSK		000000	spd	
GETXD		403353'		IOX20		602234	int	NEXTFI		401674'	ent	PASIF.		406064'	ent	
GJ%CFM	020000	000000	sin	IOX4		600220	int	NIN	104000	000225	int	PASIN.		406062'	ent	
GJ%FLG	000020	000000	sin	ISQUOT		405040'		NODDT		400065'		PASIN1		406134'		
PASIO - I/O routines for TOPS-20 Pascal	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page S-3

PASIN2		406145'		RESDEV		401554'	ent	TRYDDT		401766'		.JBSA		406105'	ext	
PASIN3		406162'		RESET	104000	000147	int	TRYNOD		402010'		.LTUNL		000001	sin	
PASIN4		406167'		RESETF		400154'	ent	TRYOK		402016'		.MORLI		000050	sin	
PBOUT	104000	000074	int	RETBA		405024'		TTOCR1		404046'		.MORRS		000015	sin	
PDLTRP		406261'		RETZER		401546'		TTOCR2		404032'		.PRIIN		000100	sin	
PM%CNT	400000	000000	sin	REWRIT		400221'	ent	TTOCUR		404027'		.PRIOU		000101	sin	
PM%PLD	010000	000000	sin	RFPOS	104000	000111	int	TTSHL3		404100'		
PM%RD	100000	000000	sin	RFPTR	104000	000043	int	TTSHL4		404075'		
PM%WR	040000	000000	sin	RLJFN	104000	000023	int	TTY		400406'	ext	
PMAP	104000	000056	int	RNAMF	104000	000035	int	TTYADV		404005'		
PMAPX6		601107	int	RPACS	104000	000057	int	TTYBSZ		000372	spd	
POSDON		403677'		RUNER.		400041'	ent	TTYBUF		000042'		
POSNOC		403710'		SAFBEG		406227'	ext	TTYFXL		404110'		
PROTOB		405442'		SAFEND		406230'	ext	TTYINI		404124'		
PSOUT	104000	000076	int	SAMBSZ		403671'		TTYNT		401220'		
PTCXER		404463'		SAVERR		405623'		TTYOUT		400407'	ext	
PTRER.		400135'	ent	SETDSP		400612'		TTYPR.		405506'	ent	
PUT		401531'	ent	SETPB		406002'		TTYPRG		405517'		
PUTB		406024'		SETPBX		404406'		TTYREC		400663'	spd	
PUTBLP		406054'		SETPOS		401536'	ent	TTYSHL		404055'		
PUTBX		404353'		SETPR1		400340'		TTYSPC		401502'		
PUTBXR		404436'		SETPRM		400325'		TTYSPE		401515'		
PUTBY		404354'		SETPT		404172'		TTYSPL		401505'		
PUTCH		401531'	sen	SFPTR	104000	000027	int	TTYTXT		400746'		
PUTCHB		405521'		SHOWLN		401720'		TXTIER		404200'		
PUTCHD		402023'		SIMEOF		402135'		UNIMP		405002'	spd	
PUTCHX		403765'		SIMERR		405645'		UNOP		401262'		
PUTCX		404456'		SIMERX		405644'		UNOP.		401262'		
PUTD		403343'		SINR	104000	000531	int	UPDATE		400200'	ent	
PUTDLP		403405'		SIR	104000	000125	int	WRDLTS		403561'		
PUTLN		401533'	ent	SIZEFI		403643'		WRDOPN		405727'		
PUTLNX		404306'	ent	SMOPER		401320'		WRDREC		401052'		
PUTLX		404506'		SOUT	104000	000053	int	WRDTXT		401031'		
PUTLXX		404530'		SOUTR	104000	000532	int	WRTBUF		405555'		
PUTPG		401534'	ent	SPEC		000001	spd	.CMBFP		000003	sin	
PUTPGX		404314'	ent	SPECER		401455'		.CMCFM		000010	sin	
PUTTTY		404117'		SRERR		400141'	ent	.CMCNT		000005	sin	
PUTX		401544'	ent	SRISW		000000		.CMFIL		000006	sin	
PUTXBX		404367'		STSTS	104000	000025	int	.CMINC		000006	sin	
PUTXD		403365'		SUMEX		000000	spd	.CMINI		000014	sin	
QUIT		405203'	ent	T		000000		.CMPTR		000004	sin	
QUOCHK		405006'		TDOCR1		404227'		.DVCDR		000010	sin	
RD%JFN	004000	000000	sin	TDOCR2		404214'		.DVDSK		000000	sin	
RD%TOP	200000	000000	sin	TDOCUR		404202'		.DVLPT		000007	sin	
RDTTY	104000	000523	int	TDVADV		404143'		.DVMTA		000002	sin	
REABUF		405602'		TDVFXL		404275'		.DVNUL		000015	sin	
RECREC		401156'		TDVOPN		404135'		.DVTTY		000012	sin	
RECTB		404663'		TDVSH1		404257'		.FBBYV		000011	sin	
RECTXT		401135'		TDVSH3		404263'		.FBSIZ		000012	sin	
RELF.		401556'	ent	TDVSH4		404260'		.FHSLF		400000	sin	
RELPAG		406464'	ent	TDVSHL		404236'		.GJGEN		000000	sin	
RELPG.		406422'		TENEX		000000	spd	.JBDDT		401755'	ext	
RENAME		400253'	ent	TEXTI	104000	000524	int	.JBFF		406375'	ext	
RENER		400300'		TRYAG1		401755'		.JBOPC		400074'	ext	
RENER1		400303'		TRYAGN		401751'		.JBREN		400112'	ext	
NEW	; FAKE ENTRY IN CASE DISPOSE NOT INCLUDED	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 32-4
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

			000000*		NEW=GETNEW##
	400000'					TWOSEG
	000000'					RELOC 0
	000000'				AVAIL::	BLOCK 2
	000002'				BEGMEM::BLOCK 1
	000003'				ENDMEM::BLOCK 1

	400000'					RELOC	400000


CPU TIME USED 00:00.019


AVAIL		000000'	int	
BEGMEM		000002'	int	
ENDMEM		000003'	int	
GETNEW		000000	ext	
NEW		000000*	ent	
DANGER - routine for dummy label when pasnum not loaded	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page 33
PASIO	MAC	 7-Mar-81 20:52	

						title DANGER - routine for dummy label when pasnum not loaded

						entry safbeg,safend

	000000'				safbeg:	block 0
	000000'				safend:	block 0



CPU TIME USED 00:00.012

DANGER - routine for dummy label when pasnum not loaded	MACRO %53A(1152) 20:53  7-Mar-81 Page S-5

SAFBEG		000000'	ent	
SAFEND		000000'	ent