
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-01 - decus/20-0004/3lisp.tty
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                               SECTION 3


INTERLISP operates in  an 18-bit address  space.  This address  space is
divided into 512 word pages with a limit of 512 pages, or 262,144 words,
but only that portion of address space currently in use  actually exists
on  any  storage medium.   INTERLISP  itself and  all  data  storage are
contained within this address space.   A pointer1 to a data  element such
as a number, atom,  etc., is simply the  address of the data  element in
this 18-bit address space.


The data-types2 of INTERLISP are lists,3 atoms,4 pnames,5 arrays,6  large and
small  integers,78 floating  point numbers,9  string characters10  and string
pointers.11 There is also a  way to define new data-types.   Compiled code
and hash arrays12 are currently included with arrays.

In the descriptions of the various data-types given below, for each data
type, first the input syntax  and output format are described,  that is,
what input sequence will  cause the INTERLISP read program  to construct
an element of that type, and how the INTERLISP print program  will print
such an element.  Next, those functions that construct elements  of that
data-type are given.   Note that some  data-types cannot be  input, they
can only be constructed, e.g.  arrays.  Finally, the format in  which an
element of that data-type is stored in memory is described.

    This section was written by A. K. Hartley and J. W. Goodwin.

    INTERLISP  is currently  implemented on  (or implementations  are in
    progress for) at least four different machines.  This section treats
    subjects  that  are  for  the  most  part   somewhat  implementation
    dependent.   Where  this  is  the  case,  the  discussion  refers to
    INTERLISP-10,  the  implementation  for  the  DEC  PDP-10,  on which
    INTERLISP was first implemented.



A literal atom13 is input as any string of non-delimiting  characters that
cannot be interpreted as a number.  The syntatic characters that delimit
atoms called separator or break characters (Section 14) and normally are
space,14  end-of-line, 15  line-feed,16  %17  (18 )19  "20  ]21  and  [.22  However, these
characters may be  included in atoms by  preceding them with  the escape
character26 %.

Literal atoms are printed by print27 and prin228 as a sequence of characters
with %'s  inserted before  all delimiting characters  (so that  the atom
will read back  in properly).  Literal atoms  are printed by prin129  as a
sequence of characters without  these extra %'s.  For example,  the atom
consisting of the five characters A,  B, C, (, and D will be  printed as
ABC%(D by print and  ABC(D by prinl.  The  extra %'s are an  artifact of
the print program; they are not stored in the atom's pname.30

Literal atoms can be constructed by 31pack, 32mkatom, and 33gensym (which uses

Literal atoms34 are unique.  In other words, if two literal atoms have the
same pname, i.e. print the same, they will always be the  same identical
atom, that  is, they  will always have  the same  address in  memory, or
equivalently, they will always be eq.  Thus if pack35 or mkatom36 is given a
list of characters corresponding to a literal atom that  already exists,
they  return  a pointer  to  that atom,  and  do not  make  a  new atom.
Similarly,  if the  read program  is  given as  input of  a  sequence of
characters for  which an atom  already exists, it  returns a  pointer to
that atom.

A literal  atom is  a datum  consisting of  the following  components: a
property list, initially NIL, (accessed by getproplist  and setproplist,
Section 7),  a top  level value, (accessed  by gettopval  and settopval,
Section 5), a function definition, initially NIL, (accessed by  getd and
putd, Section 8), and a pname, (not directly accessible).

    An  end-of-line23 character  is transmitted  by 24TENEX  when it  sees a

    Note that  this is  not true for  strings, large  integers, floating
    point numbers, and lists, i.e.  they all can print the  same without
    being eq.


3.1.2 PNAMES

The pnames37 of atoms  comprise another data-type with storage assigned as
it is needed.  This data-type only occurs as a component of an atom or a
string.  It does not appear, for example, as an element of a list.

Pnames have no input syntax or output format as they cannot  be directly
referenced by user programs.

A pname is a sequence of 7 bit characters packed 5 to a  word, beginning
at a word boundary.  The first character of a pname contains its length;
thus the maximum length of a pname is 126 characters.


Numerical atoms, or  simply numbers, do  not have property  lists, value
cells,  functions  definition  cells,  or  explicit  pnames.   There are
currently  two types  of numbers  in INTERLISP:  integers,39  and floating
point numbers.40


The input syntax for an integer is an optional sign (+ or -) followed by
a sequence of digits, followed by  an optional Q. 41 If the Q  is present,
the digits are interpreted in octal,42 otherwise in decimal, e.g.  77Q and
63   both  correspond   to   the  same   integers,  and   in   fact  are
indistinguishable internally  since no  record is  kept of  how integers
were created.

The setting of radix43 (Section 14), determines how integers  are printed:
signed or unsigned, octal or decimal.

Integers  are  created by  pack44  and  mkatom45 when  given  a  sequence of
characters       observing       the       above       syntax,      e.g.
(PACK (LIST 1 2 (QUOTE Q))) = 10.  Integers are also created as a result
of arithmetic operations, as described in Section 13.

An integer is stored in one 36 bit word; thus its magnitude must be less

    All INTERLISP pointers have  pnames,38 since we define a  pname simply
    to be how that pointer  is printed. However, only literal  atoms and
    strings have their  pnames explicitly stored.  Thus, the use  of the
    term pname in a discussion of data-types or storage allocation means
    pnames of atoms or strings,  and refers to a sequence  of characters
    stored in a certain part of INTERLISP's memory.

    and terminated by a delimiting character. Note that  some data-types
    are self-delimiting, e.g. lists.


than 2^35.   To avoid having  to store (and  hence garbage  collect) the
values of small integers,46 a few pages of address space,  overlapping the
INTERLISP-10   machine   language   code,   are   reserved   for   their
representation.  The small number  pointer itself, minus a  constant, is
the value  of the number.   Currently the range  of "small"  integers is
-1536  thru +1535.   The predicate  smallp47 is  used to  test  whether an
integer is "small".

While small  integers have  a unique  representation, large  integers do
not.  In other  words, two large integers  may have the same  value, but
not  the same  address in  memory, and  therefore not  be eq.   For this
reason the function  eqp48 (or equal) should  be used to test  equality of
large integers.49


A floating  point number  is input as  a signed  integer, followed  by a
decimal  point,  followed  by  another  sequence  of  digits  called the
fraction, followed by an exponent (represented by E followed by a signed
integer). 50 Both  signs are optional,  and either the  fraction following
the decimal  point, or the  integer preceding the  decimal point  may be
omitted.51 One or the other of  the decimal point or exponent may  also be
omitted,  but at  least one  of them  must be  present to  distinguish a
floating point number from an integer.  For example, the  following will
be recognized as floating point numbers:

         5.        5.00      5.01      .3        5E2       5.1E2
                             5E-3      -5.2E+6

Floating  point numbers52  are printed  using the  facilities  provided by
TENEX.53 INTERLISP-10 calls the floating point number to string conversion
routines   using the  format control  specified by  the  function fltfmt
(Section 14).  fltfmt54 is initialized to T, or free format.  For example,
the above floating point numbers would be printed free format as:

         5.0       5.0       5.01      .3        500.0          510.0
                             .005      -5.2E6

Floating point  numbers55 are also  created by 56pack  and 57mkatom, and  as a
result of arithmetic operations as described in section 13.

    If the sequence of digits  used to create the integer is  too large,
    the high order portion is discarded. (The handling of overflow  as a
    result of arithmetic operations is discussed in Section 13.)

    and terminated by a delimiter.

    Additional information concerning these conversions may  be obtained
    from the TENEX JSYS Manual.


A floating point number is stored in one 36 bit word in  standard PDP-10
format.  The range is +2.94E-39 thru +1.69E38 (or 2^-128 thru 2^127).

3.1.4 LISTS

The input syntax for a list is a sequence (at least one)    of INTERLISP
data elements, e.g. literal  atoms numbers, other lists,59  etc.  enclosed
in parentheses or brackets.  A bracket can be used to  terminate several
lists, e.g. (A (B (C], as described in Section 2.

If there are two  or more elements in a  list, the final element  can be
preceded by a  .60 (delimited on both  sides), indicating that cdr  of the
final node in the list is to be the element immediately following the .,
e.g. (A . B) or  (A B C . D), otherwise cdr of  the last node in  a list
will  be NIL.    Note that  the input  sequence (A  B C  . NIL)  is thus
equivalent to  (A B C),  and that (A  B . (C  D)) is thus  equivalent to
(A B C D).  Note however that (A B . C D) will create a  list containing
the five literal atoms A B . C and D.

Lists are constructed by the primitive functions cons61 and list.62

Lists are printed by printing a left parenthesis, and then  printing the
first element of  the list,   then printing  a space, then  printing the
second  element,  etc.  until  the final  node  is  reached.   Lists are
considered to terminate when cdr of some node is not a list.  If  cdr of
this terminal node is NIL (the usual case), car of the terminal  node is
printed followed by a right parenthesis.  If cdr of the terminal node is
not NIL, car  of the terminal  node is printed,  followed by a  space, a
period, another  space, cdr  of the  terminal node,  and then  the right
parenthesis.  Note  that a list  input as (A  B C .  NIL) will  print as
(A B C),  and a  list input  as (A B . (C D))  will print  as (A B C D).
Note also that printlevel63 affects the printing of lists to teletype, and
that carriage returns may  be inserted where dictated by  linelength,64 as
described in Section 14.

A list is stored as a chain of list nodes.65 A list node is stored  in one
36 bit word, the right half containing car of the list (a pointer to the
first element of the list), and the left half containing cdr of the list
(a pointer to the next node of the list).

    ()58 is read as the atom NIL.

    Note that in INTERLISP terminology,  a list does not have to  end in
    NIL, it is simply a structure composed of one or more conses.

    The individual  elements of a  list are printed  using prin2  if the
    list is being printed by print or prin2, and by prin1 if the list is
    being printed by prin1.


3.1.5 ARRAYS

An array66 in INTERLISP is  a one dimensional block of  contiguous storage
of arbitrary length.  Arrays do not have input syntax; they can  only be
created by the function array.67 Arrays are printed by both  68print, 69prin2,
and 70prin1, as #71 followed by the address of the array pointer72 (in 73octal).
Array elements can be referenced by the functions elt74 and eltd,75  and set
by the functions seta76 and setd,77 as described in Section 10.

Arrays  are  partitioned  into  four  sections:  a  header,78   a  section
containing unboxed numbers,79 a section containing INTERLISP pointers, and
a section containing relocation information.80 The last three sections can
each be of arbitrary length (including 0); the header is two  words long
and  contains the  length  of the  other  sections as  indicated  in the
diagram below.  The unboxed number  region of an array is used  to store
36 bit quantities that are not INTERLISP pointers, and therefore  not to
be chased  from during garbage  collections, e.g.  machine instructions.
The relocation informaion is used when the array contains the definition
of a  compiled function,  and specifies which  locations in  the unboxed
region of  the array  must be  changed if  the array  is moved  during a
garbage collection.

The format of an array in INTERLISP-10 is as follows:


                               Figure 3-1

The header contains:

word 0   right      -   length of entire block=ARRAYSIZE+2.

         left       -   address  of relocation  information  relative to
                        word 0 of  block (> 0 if  relocation information
                        exists, negative if array is a hash array,  0 if
                        ordinary array).

word 1   right      -   address of pointers relative to word 0 of block.

         left       -   used by garbage collector.


The input  syntax for a  string is a  ", followed by  a sequence  of any
characters except " and %, terminated by a ". " and % may be included in
a string by preceding them with the escape character %.

Strings81 are printed by 82print  and 83prin2 with initial and final  "'s,84 and
%'s85 inserted where necessary for  it to read back in  properly.  Strings
are printed by 86prin1 without the delimiting "'s and extra %'s.

Strings are created by 87mkstring, 88substring, and 89concat.

Internally a  string is stored  in two parts;  a string pointer  and the
sequence  of  characters.  The  INTERLISP  pointer to  a  string  is the
address of the  string pointer.  The  string pointer, in  turn, contains
the character  position at  which the string  characters90 begin,  and the
number of  characters.  String  pointers91 and  string characters  are two


separate  data-types,   and  several string  pointers may  reference the
same characters.  This method of storing strings permits the creation of
a substring by creating a  new string pointer, thus avoiding  copying of
the characters.  For more details, see Section 10.

String characters92 are 7 bit bytes  packed 5 to a word.  The format  of a
string pointer is:

                               Figure 3-2

The maximum length of a string is 32K (K=1024) characters.93

                           14 15

In addition to the several built-in data-types, INTERLISP provides a way
of defining completely  new classes of objects,  with a fixed  number of
fields determined  by the definition  of the data-type.   Facilities are
provided for  declaring the number  and type of  the fields for  a given
class, creating objects  of a given  class, accessing and  replacing the
contents  of  each  of  the  fields  of  such  an  object,  as  well  as
interrogating such objects.

In order to define a new  class of objects, the user must supply  a name
for the new data-type and  specifications for each of its  fields.  Each
field  may  contain  either a  pointer  (i.e.,  any  arbitrary INTERLISP
datum), an integer, a floating point integer, or an n-bit  integer.  The
latter may also have an offset, e.g., a 3-bit field with an offset of 10
may contain the  integers 10 through 17.  The offset redefines  the zero

    String characters are not directly accessible by user programs.

    The most  convenient way  to define new  data-types is  via DATATYPE
    declarations in the RECORD package (as described in Section 23).

    User data types were implemented by D.C. Lewis and L.M. Masinter


The  above   operations  are  accomplished   by  calling   the  function

                        typename is a literal atom, which  specifies the
                        name of the data-type.  fieldspecs is a  list of
                        field specifications.  Each  field specification
                        may be one of the following:

                        POINTER            field    may    contain   any
                        FIXP               field contains an integer
                        FLOATP             field  contains   a  floating
                        point number
                        (BITS n offset)    field contains an integer, x,
                                           value satisfies
                                           offset < x < 2  + offset

                        declaredatatype   returns   a   list   of  field
                        descriptors, one for each element of fieldspecs.
                        The field descriptor contains  information about
                        where  within the  datum the  field  is actually
                        stored.   If  typename  is  already  declared  a
                        datatype,  it is  re-declared.  In  addition, if
                        fieldspecs is NIL, typename is "undeclared".

                        Returns the contents  of the field  described by
                        fieldesc from datum.  fieldesc must be  a "field
                        descriptor" as returned by  declaredatatype.  If
                        datum  is not  an  instance of  the  datatype of
                        which fieldesc is a descriptor, causes error
                        DATUM OF INCORRECT TYPE96.

                        Store newvalue into the field of datum described
                        by   fieldesc.    fieldesc  must   be   a  field
                        descriptor, as returned by  declaredatatype.  If
                        datum  is not  an  instance of  the  datatype of
                        which  fieldesc  is a  descriptor,  causes error
                        DATUM OF INCORRECT TYPE.  Value is newvalue.

98typename[datum]         Returns  the "name"  of  datum. If  datum  is an

    In INTERLISP-10,  if fieldesc is  quoted, fetchfield  compiles open.
    This is used by the record package.


                        instance of  a user datatype,  the value  is the
                        name   given   to   declaredatatype.  Otherwise,
                        typename returns one of the atoms LISTP, FLOATP,
                        FIXP,   STRINGP,   LITATOM,    STACKP,   ARRAYP,
                        SWPARRAYP, SMALLP corresponding to  the datatype
                        of datum.

                        Equivalent to eq[typename[datum];name].

100getfieldspecs[typename] Returns a list which is equal to  the fieldspecs
                        argument given to declaredatatype  for typename;
                        if   typename  is   not  a   currently  declared
                        data-type, returns NIL.

101getdescriptors[typename]Returns a  list of  field descriptors,  equal to
                        the value of declaredatatype for typename.

102userdatatypes[]         Returns list of names of currently declared user

In INTERLISP-10, user datatypes are allocated starting with  type number
31.  The minimum amount of space  that can be assigned to any  one data-
type is one page, thus effectively limiting the number of  possible data
types.  The fields are rearranged internally so that pointer fields come
first;  the  remaining numeric  fields,  if  any, are  packed  so  as to
optimize the space used.


In the following discussion,103 we will speak of a quantity of memory being
assigned to a particular  data-type, meaning that the space  is reserved
for storage  of elements  of that  type.  Allocation  will refer  to the
process used to  obtain from the  already assigned storage  a particular
location for storing one data element.

A  small  amount  of   storage  is  assigned  to  each   data-type  when
INTERLISP-10 is  started; additional storage  is assigned only  during a
garbage collection.104

The page105 is the smallest unit of memory that may be assigned for  use by
a particular  data-type.  For each  page of memory  there is a  one word
entry in a type table.  The entry contains the data-type residing on the
page as well as other information about the page.  The type of a pointer
is determined by examining the appropriate entry in the type table.

    typenamep compiles open.


Storage is allocated as is needed by the functions which create new data
elements,  such  as cons,106  pack,107  mkstring.108 For  example,  when  a large
integer is created by iplus, the integer is stored in the next available
location in the  space assigned to integers.   If there is  no available
location, a garbage  collection is initiated,  which may result  in more
storage being assigned.

The storage  allocation109 and  garbage collection  methods differ  for the
various  data-types.110 The  major distinction  is between  the  types with
elements  of  fixed length  and  the types  with  elements  of arbitrary
length.  List nodes,111 atoms,112 large integers,113 floating point  numbers,114 and
string pointers115 are fixed length;  all occupy 1 word except  atoms which
use  3  words.   Arrays,116 pnames,117  and  strings  (string  characters)118 are
variable length.

Elements of fixed  length types are stored  so that they do  not overlap
page boundaries.  Thus  the pages assigned to  a fixed length  type need
not be adjacent.  If more space is needed, any empty page will  be used.
The method of allocating storage for these types employs a  free-list119 of
available locations; that is, each available location contains a pointer
to the  next available location.  A new element  is stored at  the first
location on the free-list, and the free-list pointer is updated.

Elements  of  variable length  data-types  are allowed  to  overlap page
boundaries.  Consequently  all pages assigned  to a  particular variable
length type must  be contiguous.  Space for  a new element  is allocated
following  the  last space  used  in the  assigned  block  of contiguous

When INTERLISP-10 is first called, a few pages of memory are assigned to
each data-type.  When the allocation routine for a type  determines that
no more  space is  available in the  assigned storage  for that  type, a
garbage collection is initiated.  The garbage collector  determines what
data is currently in use and reclaims that which is no longer in use.  A
garbage collection may also be  initiated by the user with  the function
reclaim120 (Section 10).

Data in use (also called active data) is any data that can  be "reached"
from  the  currently  running  program  (i.e.,  variable   bindings  and
functions in  execution) or  from atoms.   To find  the active  data the
garbage collector "chases" all pointers, beginning with the  contents of
the push-down  lists and  the components (i.e.,  car, cdr,  and function
definition cell) of all atoms with at least one non-trivial component.

When a previously unmarked datum  is encountered, it is marked,  and all
pointers contained in it  are chased.  Most data-types are  marked using
bit tables; that is tables  containing one bit for each  datum.  Arrays,121
however, are marked using a half-word in the array header.

    The allocation routine for list nodes is more complicated. Each page
    containing list  nodes has  a separate  free list.  First a  page is
    chosen (see CONS for details),  then the free list for that  page is
    used. Lists are the only data-type which operate this way.


When the mark  and chase process  is completed, unmarked  (and therefore
unused) space is reclaimed.  Elements of fixed length types that  are no
longer active are reclaimed  by adding their locations to  the free-list122
for  that type.   This free  list allocation  method  permits reclaiming
space  without  moving any  data,  thereby avoiding  the  time consuming
process of updating all pointers to moved data.  To reclaim unused space
in a  block of storage  assigned to a  variable length type,  the active
elements are compacted123  toward the beginning  of the storage  block, and
then a scan of  all active data that  can contain pointers to  the moved
data is performed to update the pointers.

Whenever a garbage collection  of any type is initiated,    unused space
for all  fixed length types  is reclaimed since  the additional  cost is
slight.  However,  space for  a variable length  type is  reclaimed only
when that type initiated the garbage collection.

If  the amount  of storage  reclaimed for  the type  that  initiated the
garbage collection is less than the minimum free storage requirement for
that type, the garbage  collector will assign enough  additional storage
to  satisfy  the minimum  free  storage requirement.   The  minimum free
storage requirement  for each data  may be set  with the  function 125minfs
(Section 10).  The garbage collector assigns additional storage to fixed
length types  by finding  empty pages, and  adding the  appropriate size
elements from each page to the free list.  Assigning  additional storage
to a variable length type  involves finding empty pages and  moving data
so that the empty pages are at the end of the block of  storage assigned
to that type.

In addition to increasing the storage assigned to the type  initiating a
garbage  collection,  the  garbage collector  will  attempt  to minimize
garbage  collections by  assigning more  storage to  other  fixed length
types according to  the following algorithm.    If the amount  of active
data of a type has  increased since the last garbage collection  by more
than 1/4  of the  minfs126 value for  that type,  storage is  increased (if
necessary), to attain the minfs value.  If active data has  increased by
less than 1/4 of the minfs value, available storage is increased  to 1/2
minfs.  If there  has been no increase,  no more storage is  added.  For
example, if the 127minfs setting is 2000 words, the number of  active words
has increased  by 700, and  after all unused  words have  been collected
there are 1000 words  available, 1024 additional words (two  pages) will
be assigned to bring the  total to 2024 words available.  If  the number
of active  words had  increased by only  300, and  there were  500 words
available, 512 additional words would be assigned.128

    The "type  of a garbage  collection" or the  "type that  initiated a
    garbage collection" means either the type that ran out of  space and
    called the garbage collector, or the argument to 124reclaim.

    We may experiment with different algorithms.



The INTERLISP-10 system initially  obtained by the user is  shared; that
is, all active users of  INTERLISP-10 are actually using the  same pages
of memory.  As a user adds to the system, private pages are added to his
memory.  Similarly, if the user changes anything in the  original shared
INTERLISP-10, for example, by advising a system function, a private copy
of the changed page is created.

In addition to the swapping time saved by having several users accessing
the same memory, the sharing129 mechanism permits a large saving in garbage
collection time, since we do not have to garbage collect any data in the
shared system, and thus do not need to chase from any pointers on shared
pages130 during garbage collections.

This reduction in garbage collection time is possible because the shared
system usually  is not modified  very much by  the user.  If  the shared
system is changed extensively, the savings in time will  vanish, because
once a page that was initially shared is made private,131 every  pointer on
it must be assumed active, because it may be pointed to by  something in
the shared system.  Since every  pointer on an initially shared  but now
private page can also point to private data, they must always be chased.

A user may create his  own shared system132 with the function  makesys.  If
several people are  using the same system,  making the system  be shared
will result in  a savings in swapping  time.  Similarly, if a  system is
large  and  seldom  modified,  making it  be  shared  will  result  in a
reduction of  garbage collection time,  and may therefore  be worthwhile
even if the system is only being used by one user.

makesys[file]           133creates a saved file in which all pages  in this
                        system, including  private user pages,  are made
                        read execute, i.e. shared.  This system can then
                        be run  via the  134TENEX command  135RUN, or  GET and

For  example, new  INTERLISP-10 systems  are brought  up by  loading the
appropriate compiled files and then performing makesys[LISP.SAV].

herald[string]          137makes  string be  the 'herald'  for  the system,
                        i.e.  the  message printed  when  the  system is
                        first started.  Primarily for use in conjunction

    makesys  is  also  advised  (see section  19)  to  set  the variable
    136makesysdate to (DATE), i.e. the time and date the system was made.


                        with makesys.


INTERLISP-10 provides  a very large  auxilary address  space exclusively
for  swappable  arrays (primarily  compiled  function  definitions).  In
addition to the 256K of resident address space, this "shadow  space" can
currently accomodate an additonal 256K words, can easily be  expanded to
3.5  million  words,  and  with  some  further  modifications,  could be
expanded  to  128  million words.   Thus,  the  overlay  system provides
essentially unlimited space for compiled code.

Shadow space and the swapper are intended to be more or less transparent
to the user.   However, this section is  included in the manual  to give
programmers a  reasonable feeling  for what  overlays are  like, without
getting  unnecessarily  technical,  as  well  as  to  document  some new
functions and system  controls which may be  of interest for  authors of
exceptionally large systems.


The  shadow  space  is  a  very  large  auxiliary  address   space  used
exclusively for  an INTERLISP data-type  called a swappable  array140.  The
regular address space is  called the "resident" space to  distinguish it

    makesys  is  advised  to  set  the  variable  heraldstring  138  to the
    concatenation of "INTERLISP-10", the  month and day of  the makesys,
    and "..." and to call herald on this string.  Alternatively, makesys
    can be given  as a second  argument a string  to be used  instead of
    "INTERLISP-10", e.g.   makesys[STREK.SAV;STAR-TREK] would  cause the
    message STAR-TREK followed by the date and "..." to be  printed when
    STREK.SAV was run.

    The INTERLISP-10 swapper was  designed by E. L. Wegbreit  (PARC) and
    J. W. Goodwin (BBN), and implemented by J. W. Goodwin.

    Since compiled code  arrays point to  atoms for function  names, and
    strings for error  messages, not to  mention the fact  that programs
    usually  have  data  base, which  are  typically  lists  rather than
    arrays, there  is still a  very real and  finite limit to  the total
    size of programs  that INTERLISP-10 can accomodate.   However, since
    much of  the system and  user compiled code  can be  made swappable,
    there is  that much  more resident space  available for  these other


from shadow space.  Any kind of resident array - compiled  code, pointer
data, binary data,  or a hash  array - can  be copied into  shadow space
("made swappable"), from which it is referred to by a  one-word resident
entity called  a handle141.   The resident space  occupied by  the original
array  can then  be garbage  collected normally  (assuming there  are no
remaining pointers to it, and it has not been made shared by a makesys).
Similarly, a swappable array can be made resident again at any time, but
of course this requires (re)allocating the necessary resident space.

The  main  purpose  and  intent of  the  swapping  system  is  to permit
utilization  of  swappable  arrays  directly  and  interchangeably  with
resident arrays, thereby saving  resident space which is  then available
for other data-types, such as lists, atoms, strings, etc.

This is accomplished as follows: A section of the resident address space
is  permanently  reserved for  a  swapping buffer.    When  a particular
swappable array is requested, it  is brought (swapped) in by  mapping or
overlaying the pages of shadow space in which it lies onto a  section of
the swapping buffer142.   This process is  the swapping or  overlaying from
which  the  system  takes  its  name.   The  array  is   now  (directly)
accessible.   However, further  requests  for swapping  could  cause the
array to be overlaid with something  else, so in effect it is  liable to
go away at any  time. Thus all system  code that relates to  arrays must
recognize handles as a special kind of array, fetch them into the buffer
(if  not  already  there),  when  necessary  check  that  they  have not
disappeared, fetch them back in  if they have, and even be  prepared for
the second fetch  to bring the swappable  array in at a  different place
than did the first.

The major emphasis in the  design of the overlay system has  been placed
on running  compiled code,  because this  accounts for  the overwhelming
majority of arrays  in typical systems,  and for as  much as 60%  of the
overall data and code.  The system supports the running of compiled code
directly from  the swapping buffer,  and the function  calling mechanism
knows  when a  swappable definition  is being  called, finds  it  in the
buffer if it is already  there, and brings it in otherwise.   Thus, from
the  user's point  of  view, there  is  no need  to  distinguish between
swappable and resident compiled definitions, and in fact ccodep143  will be
true for either.


Once of the most important design goals for the overlay system  was that
swappable code  should not  execute any  extra instructions  compared to
resident code, once it had been swapped in.  Thus, the instructions of a
swappable piece of  code are identical  (except for two  instructions at
the  entry  point) to  those  of the  resident  code from  which  it was

    Currently 64 512 word pages.


copied,   and similarly when a swappable function calls another function
(of any kind) it uses the exact same calling sequence as any other code.
Thus, all costs  associated with running of  swappable code are  paid at
the point of entry (both calling and returning).

The  cost of  the swapping  itself, i.e.  the fetch  of a  new  piece of
swapped code into  the buffer, is  even harder to  measure meaningfully,
since two successive fetches of the same function are not the  same, due
to  the fact  that the  instance created  by the  first fetch  is almost
certain to be resident when the  second is done, if no swapping  is done
in between.   Similarly, two successive  PMAP's (the Tenex  operation to
fetch one page) are not the same from one moment to another, even if the
virtual state of both forks is exactly the same - a difficult constraint
to meet in  itself.   Thus, all that  can be reported is  that empirical
measurements  and  observations  have shown  no  consistent  slowdown in
performance of systems containing swappable functions viz a viz resident


Associated  with the  overlay system  is a  datatype called  a swparray144,
(numeric datatype 4),  which occupies one  word of resident  space, plus
however much of shadow space needed for the body of the array.  arglist,
fntyp,  nargs,  getd,  putd,  argtype,  arraysize,   changename,  calls,
printstructure,  break, advise,  and edita  all work  equally  well with
swappable  as  resident  programs.  ccodep145  is  true  for  all  compiled

    The relocatable instructions are indexed by a base register, to make
    them  run  equally well  at  any  location in  the  buffer.  The net
    slowdown due  to this  extra level  of indirection  is too  small to
    measure  accurately  in  the  overall  running  of  a  program.   On
    analytical grounds, one would expect it to be around 2%.

    If  the  function  in   question  does  nothing,  e.g.   a  compiled
    (LAMBDA NIL NIL), it costs approximately twice as much to  enter its
    definition if  it is  swappable as  compared to  resident.  However,
    very small functions are  normally not made swappable  (see mkswapp,
    page 3.17), because they don't save much space, and  are (typically)
    entered frequently.  Larger programs don't exhibit a measurable slow
    down since they amortize the entry cost over longer runs.

    The cost of fetching is probably not in the mapping operation itself
    but in the first reference to the page, which has a high probability
    of  faulting.   This  raises the  problem  of  measuring  page fault
    activity, another  morass of uncertainty.   The BBN  INTERLISP group
    has a project in progress to measure the interaction of INTERLISP-10
    and TENEX.


146swparrayp[x]            Analogous  to  arrayp147.  Returns  x  if  x  is  a
                        swappable array and, NIL otherwise.

148mkswap[x]               If x  is a resident  array, returns  a swappable
                        array which is a copy  of x.  If x is  a literal
                        atom and  ccodep[x] is  true, its  definition is
                        copied  into  a  swappable  array,  and   it  is
                        (undoably) redefined with the latter.  The value
                        of mkswap is x.

149mkunswap[x]             the inverse of mkswap.  x is either  a swappable
                        array, or an atom with swapped definition on its
                        CODE150 property.

151mkswapp[fname;cdef]     All compiled definitions begin life  as resident
                        arrays, whether they are created by load,  or by
                        compiling to core.  Before they are  stored away
                        into  their  atom's  function  cell,  mkswapp is
                        applied to the atom and the array.  If the value
                        of  mkswapp  is   T,  the  definition   is  made
                        swappable; otherwise,  it is left  resident.  By
                        redefining mkswapp or advising it, the  user can
                        completely  control  the  swappability   of  all
                        future  definitions  as they  are  created.  The
                        initial  definition  of  mkswapp  will   make  a
                        function swappable if (1) noswapflg is  NIL, and
                        (2)  the  name   of  the  function  is   not  on
                        noswapfns152, and (3) the size of its definition is
                        greater than mkswapsize153 words, initially 128.

154setsbsize[n]            Sets the  size of  the swapping  buffer to  n, a
                        number  of  pages. Returns  the  previous value.
                        setsbsize[]  returns  the  current  size without
                        changing it.  155

    Currently, the system  lacks error recovery routines  for situations
    such as  a call to  a swappable  function which is  too big  for the
    swapping  buffer, or  when the  size is  zero.  Therefore, setsbsize
    should be used with care.

(pointer 1 1)
(BEGIN data-types 1 2)
(lists 1 3)
(atoms 1 4)
(pnames 1 5)
(arrays 1 6)
(large integers 1 7)
(small integers 1 8)
(floating point numbers 1 9)
(string characters 1 10)
(string pointers 1 11)
(hash arrays 1 12)
(literal atoms 2 13)
(space 2 14)
(end-of-line 2 15)
(line-feed 2 16)
(% (escape character) 2 17)
(( 2 18)
() 2 19)
(" 2 20)
(] 2 21)
([ 2 22)
(end-of-line 2 23)
(TENEX  NIL 2 24)
(carriage-return 2 25)
(escape character 2 26)
(PRINT 2 27)
(PRIN2 2 28)
(PRIN1 2 29)
(pnames 2 30)
(PACK 2 31)
(MKATOM 2 32)
(GENSYM 2 33)
(literal atoms 2 34)
(PACK 2 35)
(MKATOM 2 36)
(pnames 3 37)
(pnames 3 38)
(integers 3 39)
(floating point numbers 3 40)
(Q (following a number) 3 41)
(octal 3 42)
(RADIX 3 43)
(PACK 3 44)
(MKATOM 3 45)
(small integers 4 46)
(SMALLP 4 47)
(EQP 4 48)
(large integers 4 49)
(E (in a floating point number) 4 50)
(. (in a floating point number) 4 51)
(floating point numbers 4 52)
(TENEX NIL 4 53)
(FLTFMT 4 54)
(floating point numbers 4 55)
(PACK 4 56)
(MKATOM 4 57)
(() 5 58)
(lists 5 59)
(. 5 60)
(CONS 5 61)
(LIST 5 62)
(list nodes 5 65)
(arrays 6 66)
(ARRAY 6 67)
(PRINT 6 68)
(PRIN2 6 69)
(PRIN1 6 70)
(# (followed by a number) 6 71)
(array pointer 6 72)
(octal 6 73)
(ELT 6 74)
(ELTD 6 75)
(SETA 6 76)
(SETD 6 77)
(array header 6 78)
(unboxed numbers (in arrays) 6 79)
(relocation information (in arrays) 6 80)
(strings 7 81)
(PRINT 7 82)
(PRIN2 7 83)
(" 7 84)
(% (escape character) 7 85)
(PRIN1 7 86)
(CONCAT 7 89)
(string characters 7 90)
(string pointers 7 91)
(string characters 8 92)
(END data-types 8 93)
(storage allocation 10 103)
(BEGIN garbage collection 10 104)
(page 10 105)
(CONS 11 106)
(PACK 11 107)
(MKSTRING 11 108)
(storage allocation 11 109)
(data-types 11 110)
(list nodes 11 111)
(atoms 11 112)
(large integers 11 113)
(floating point numbers 11 114)
(string pointers 11 115)
(arrays 11 116)
(pnames 11 117)
(string characters 11 118)
(free-list 11 119)
(RECLAIM 11 120)
(arrays 11 121)
(free-list 12 122)
(compacting 12 123)
(RECLAIM 12 124)
(MINFS 12 125)
(MINFS 12 126)
(MINFS 12 127)
(END garbage collection 12 128)
(sharing 13 129)
(shared pages 13 130)
(private pages 13 131)
(shared system 13 132)
(MAKESYS 13 133)
(TENEX  NIL 13 134)
(RUN  TC 13 135)
(HERALD 13 137)
(BEGIN overlays 14 139)
(swappable array 14 140)
(handle 15 141)
(swapping buffer 15 142)
(CCODEP 15 143)
(SWPARRAY 16 144)
(CCODEP 16 145)
(SWPARRAYP 17 146)
(ARRAYP 17 147)
(MKSWAP 17 148)
(MKUNSWAP 17 149)
(CODE  PN 17 150)
(MKSWAPP 17 151)
(NOSWAPFNS  OV 17 152)
(SETSBSIZE 17 154)
(END overlays 17 155)