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Data base handling in SIMULA 67
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Kalle M{kil{
National Central Bureau of Statistics
S-102 50 Stockholm 27, SWEDEN
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1.  Introduction.
2.  Specifying the structure of a data base.
3.  FETCH - a simple selfcontained DBMS.
4.  Input and updating.
5.  Retrieval operations.
6.  Summary of commands in FETCH.
7.  GEMIC - a program for statistical output.
8.  Some other utility programs.
9.  References.
1.  Introduction.
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    SIMDBM is a data base system to be used by SIMULA programs,
itself written entirely in SIMULA.  It is a typical "host language
system" with SIMULA as the host language and is described in the
report (1).
    SIMDBM has been in use for about two years and several
general purpose programs have been written on top of it.  A few of
those are documented in this report.
    In some cases those programs may be used in their present
form, but usually it is preferable to develop one's own programs in a
similar way.  We hope that this report will be useful as a guide
when doing so.  It is more to be regarded as tutorial to the use
of the basic system SIMDBM than a presentation of a ready-made
DBH system.
    Most of this report (chapters 3-6) deals with an updating and
retrieval program called FETCH.
    It can be used on any database following the SIMDBM
conventions.  FETCH makes it possible to manipulate the data
bases through a simple interactive command language.
    In chapter 7 there is a short summary of GEMIC, a system
based on SIMDBM for producing statistical output, either from
SIMDBM databases or from ordinary sequential files.  The kernel
of that system is a meta-database describing the primary data,
the various aggregration operations to be performed and the
layout of the statistical tables to be presented.  GEMIC is
documented more fully in another report (3).
    In chapter 8 a few smaller SIMDBM utility programs are
treated e.g. for loading a sequential file into a data base or for
making a partial copy from one data base to another.
2.  Specifying the structure of a data base.
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The first thing one must do is to create a description of all the
record types in the data base.  In SIMDBM data bases these
descriptions are themselves records of the particular type RSPEC.
The description of RSPEC is itself not stored but is generated in
the class SIMDBM.
An RSPEC record has the following fields:
    RNAME   the name of the record type
    KEY     the name of the key field
    BASE    the start location of the area reserved
    SIZE    the size of the area reserved in the data base
    KEYPOS  the position of the key field
    ADIM    the number of fields
    ANAMES  the names of the fields
    ATYPES  the data types of the fields
All record types must have an RSPEC record describing it stored
in the data base.  When that data base then is opened for
processing by a program prefixed with the class SIMDBM, the
procedure LOADSPEC, which is part of SIMDBM, is called.  This is
done in the code of the prefix.  LOADSPEC will read all records
of the type RSPEC and represent them internally as objects of the
class RSPEC.  Pointers to them are saved in a global array, and a
description of a particular record type can then be retrieved by
a simple call to the procedure GETRECORDSPEC.
To initially create record specifications, the program SPEC can
be used.  It is driven by a simple command language.
First the user is prompted to give the name of the data base file
and its image size (which is the physical record length in the
SIMULA directfile which constitutes the data base).
There are two characters having a special function as delimiters
in SIMBM: between fields in records and between array
elements.  These characters may not occur in text fields stored,
so normally some unprintable ascii characters should be used.
The codes (in decimal) for these are given to SPEC.
Then a few record types required internally in SIMDBM and in the
program FETCH (described in chapters 3-6 below) are defined
automatically by SPEC.  The user just has to estimate suitable
sizes for the areas to be reserved for these record types.
Default values are assumed if the user answers with return on
these questions, and help information is typed if the answer is a
question mark.
Then there is a loop where the user is prompted by an asterisk to
give commands.
The commands have all the format:
    COMMAND,op1,op2,op3, ...
where COMMAND is the name of the command and op1,op2 ...  are the
operands.  The following commands are available:
           to specify the name of the record type
            to specify which of the fields
            is the key (=unique identifier)
            the size of the area reserved
            in the data base for records
            of this type
    <TYPE>,field1,field2 ...
            type and names of data fields
            to finish one record declaration
            to exit from the SPEC program
            to define a set. The record types for
            owner and member must have been
            defined in an earlier run with SPEC.
or TEXT ARRAY.  Short hand notations for these types are
I,R,T,IA,RA and TA.  Also the other commands NAME,KEY,SIZE,RECORD
and EXIT can be shortened to N,K,S,REC and EX, respectively.
The fields will occur in the record in the same order as they are
specified through the TYPE commands when running SPEC.
SPEC can also be used to modify an existing data base
specification.  In this case a question is issued whether an old file
is to be edited, to protect the user from inadvertently
destroying an existing file.  No questions about system areas and
delimiters are issued; they cannot be changed in an existing
For existing records, just the commands NAME and TYPE are
relevant; KEY and SIZE are ignored if given.  But if NAME
specifies a new record type an entire new specification of a
record is to be created -  so then all commands are relevant.  For
existing record types only fields can be added, or the types of
fields can be changed.
An example of a dialogue with SPEC can be found in the report (1)
appendix I.
Help information for FETCH.
When that program is used, a question mark as answer to
a question will type help information for that situation.
However, that help information must first be stored in
the data base as records of the type HELPMESS. This is
done in the following way:
When running SPEC, the seventh of the
parameters SYSTEM AREA SIZES:  is set to 45
(at least).
Data is loaded from the file HMESS.DMP using the
utility program DBLOAD. The conversation for this
is as follows: (also in the file HMESS.MIC)
.skip dbload
Data base file: ownfil.bas
Input file: HMESS.DMP
Image size: 1600
Whenever you want to process a file with FETCH and want
to have help information available, you should load
it into the file as specified above. There is also
a command HELP in FETCH which will type help
information for every command available.
3.  FETCH  -  a simple self-contained data base handler.
.skip 2
FETCH is a program which can be applied to an arbitrary SIMDBM
data base.  It is used through a simple command language which
allows a number of updating and retrieval operations.  Most of
these are described in the next four chapters, which are intended
not only as a user's manual for FETCH, but also as a collection of
examples of how reasonably general data base handling programs
can be written on top of SIMDBM.
The use of FETCH does not require knowledge of SIMULA.  It has
mainly been used to make models of data bases, and for teaching
data base technique.  In a few hours with the programs SPEC and
FETCH the novice can get a quite good feeling for some basic
concepts in data base handling.  FETCH has also been used in
production in combination with special purpose programs written
The command language in FETCH.
In the top loop the user is prompted to give a command with the
character "_>".  Here one can answer either with a command, which
always begins with a period, or with the key of a single record
to be retrieved.
The commands have a very simple syntax:
    .COMMAND,op1,op2,op3, ...
Mostly the operations are fully specified through the command,
only in a few cases the user is prompted to give further
Only the first three characters in the command keyword are
significant.  The arguments are separated by commas and no extra
spaces are allowed within the command string.
The following convention is used to allow continuation lines (for
commands, and for other information which might be prompted for):
      If a line is ended with an ampersand (_&), then a
      continuation line is expected.  Such ampersands are not
      taken as part of the input.  Spaces at either ends of the
      lines are ignored, the rest of the lines are concatenated
      to one single string.
      this is an ex_&
      tra long strin_&
      g inputted on sever_&
      al very short lines
Help information.
In most cases when the user is prompted, the user can answer with
a question mark to obtain help information.  On the top level a
table of the commands is given.  Then the user can use the
command HELP to get information for particular commands. The help
texts are not part of the program, but are loaded from the data
base when they are needed. They must be loaded on initial creation
of the data base as described in section 2.
It is always possible to get back to command level by typing
two periods. Then the conversation from the previous command is
4.  Input and updating.
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a. Input of individual records.
There is just one command for this in FETCH:
The specification for the record type is used to prompt the user
to give a value to each of the fields.  The fields are checked to
be of the correct type.  When all the fields have been specified,
the record is stored.  If there is a previous record with the
same key in the data base it is simply overwritten.
If RECORDTYPE is omitted in the command string, then the current
record type (that given by the latest .TYPE command) is assumed.
To type in many records in this way can be very cumbersome.  In
such cases it is better to use some of the loading programs
described in chapter 8.
b. Updating of individual records.
The command  .TYPE,recordtype must be used first to specify which
record type is to be processed.
If then an individual record of that type is to be retrieved, its
key is simply given.  If it isn't found the user is told so,
otherwise the question   TERM:  appears.
Three types of answers are possible here:
    (a)  .
         will display all field names and values
    (b)  FIELDNAME
         will display the value of that field only
    (c)  FIELDNAME=newvalue
         will change the value of that field
    (d)  FIELDNAME oldstring=newstring
         will change one substring
         to another within that field
If the key field of a record is changed, then a new record with
that identity is stored, and the old one remains unchanged.  All
the other fields are copied from the old record.
If the names and types of a record type are unknown, they can be
typed using the command:
c. Defining relations between records (sets).
First the sets must be declared using the command:
Only one type of record is allowed for owner and for members.
When a set has been defined, records can be connected using the
    .INSERT,setname,owner,member1,member2, ...
Records can also be removed using the command:
    .REMOVE,setname,owner,member1,member2, ...
The definitions of sets are just ordinary records of the type
SETSPEC, which are created and stored by FETCH when the .DEFINE
command is used.  This means that the ordinary retrieval commands
can be used to obtain information of which sets are defined and
how they connect records.
There are two different methods to represent sets internally.  It
is of no importance to know which method is used when running
FETCH, but when the data base is initially specified using SPEC,
a choice must be made when specifying the data fields:
.left margin 15
      A text field with the same name as the relation is declared
      for both owner and member record types. Then these fields
      are used to represent the sets within SIMDBM.  For the
      owners a pointer array to all the members is stored, and
      for each member a pointer back to the owner is stored.
      What is actually stored is the keys of the records, never
      physical pointers.
      No special fields are defined in the records.  In this case
      SIMDBM will create a special record of the type STRUKTUR
      for all the records which are involved in sets.  The unique
      identity of those records is the record type concatenated with
      record key.
      This method is more flexible (the records themselves
      contain no relational information at all), but also
      somewhat wasteful of space.
.left margin 10
There is one danger with the method (1).  When records are
deleted they are not automatically removed from the sets where
they are involved.  With method (2) this is easy to take care of,
because all relational information is stored in a separate
When the .DELETE command is used on records with set
representation of type (1), then the .REMOVE command must be used
first to remove them from sets where they are members.  If they
are owners in sets, all their members must be removed first.  All
this is done automatically with sets represented with the method
5.  Retrieval operations.
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a.  Individual records.
A command string always starts with a period followed by the
command key word.  All strings not starting with a period are
taken as keys for single records to be retrieved.  Then fields
within that record can be both displayed and updated as described
in Section 4b.
b.  Searches over entire record types.
There are two commands .AND and .OR for this.  they can
optionally have an argument which is a file name where data from
the records found are written.  Normally all fields of the
records found are typed on the terminal in a standard format.
When the commands .AND or .OR are given the user is prompted to
give search conditions of the form:
Here FIELDNAME is a data field within the current record type (as
specified by a previous .TYPE command).  OP is a binary
relational operator, either = /= _< _> _>= or _<= .  VALUE is a value
of the field.
The sequence of conditions is ended with an empty line, which
starts the retrieval operation.
The commands .AND and .OR have two optional parameters.  The
first of them is a filename to direct output to an external file.
This is further described in section (f) below.
The second parameter is a set name, and can be used if search
conditions are to be put on one record type, but one wants to
type out data for the owners of the records found.
Combinations of AND-OR-conditions can be defined.  Instead of a
simple condition a sub-sequence of conditions can be given,
starting with a line containing .AND or .OR and closed by an
empty line.
Persons with AGE _> 30 and either INCOME _> 50 or INCOME _< 20
   .AND                  ------_!
   *AGE_>30                     _!
   *.OR            -----_!      _!
   *INCOME_>50           _!      _!
   *INCOME_<20           _!      _!
   *               -----_!      _!
   *                 ----------_!
If records are members in sets, then conditions can also be
expressed in terms of the data fields for the owner records.
Suppose we have the structure:
   COMPANY ---------_> PERSON
and that we want to retrieve persons with age_>30 and employed in
companies with more than 2000 employees.  This can be expressed
as follows if the basic search is made over persons:
The colon indicates that what follows is a set name and field name
separated by a period.  There is also another way of expressing
this search with the basic search made over companies analogouos
to the example in section 5d below.
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c.  How to save results of search operations.
Normally the records hit by a search operation are typed on the
terminal in a standard format.  But there are also other forms of
Index records.
If the command .INVERT is given prior to the search, no result is
typed directly.  Instead, when the search is completed, the
number of hits is typed, and then the question Next action:  is
Then there are four alternatives to proceed:
  1.  .DISPLAY will type the records found in
      the usual standard format.
  2.  .NAMES will type just the keys of the
      records found.
  3.  .EXIT will abandon the search operation without
      any action.
  4.  .INDEX,irecordname  will save pointers to the
      records found in the data base in the form of
      a record of the type INDEXFILE. Then they can be
      used via the commands .INDEX and .DISPLAY (see below).
Normal mode of output from searches can be reset by the command
_.TTY, which cancels an earlier .INVERT command.
Formatted tables.
There is a special command .TABLE to specify a format for the
output from search operations.  The result will then be output to
a sequential file if the name of that file is given as an extra
parameter to the search commands.  The details of this are given
in section (f) of this chapter.
d.  Searches via sets.
There are three commands for this:
will type the members in the set SETNAME for the owner OWNER.
FILENAME is either the string "NAMES" which signifies that only
the names (keys) are to be typed; normally all data are printed
in the standard format.  Or it is a name of a file where the
output shall be made as specified in an earlier .TABLE command.
is analogous to .SET, but the data for the owner in the set
occurrence is printed.
In this command the user is prompted to give information which
will guide the search downwards through a hierarchy of records.
On each level ordninary search conditions for the records on that
level are given, and also a set to be followed down to the next
Suppose we have the following structure:
                LOC                EMP
      CITY    -------_>  COMPANY  -------_> PERSON
and that we want to find all persons older than 50 , employed by
companies owned by the government in cities with more than 100000
This question can be answered by a search over all cities, and
following the relations downwards.  To this, SELECT can be used
as follows:
Final conditions:
If the question SET:  is answered with either .TYPE or .INDEX,
then the search is finished on that level.
With .TYPE the records found are typed in the usual standard
format, with .INDEX the question:  Next action:  is given and can
be answered as described above for the .INVERT command.
e.  Special operations on index records.
There are four commands working on such stored sets of records:
will type the records in the indexfile in the usual standard
will activate this set of records to be treated by subsequent
search operations (.AND-, .OR-commands).
will make a union of the sets named iname1 and iname2 and store
the result as a new index record with the name newname.  If the
fourth parameter is given, the intersection is taken instead of
the union. If the fourth parameter starts with N (as in NOT), then
the new set created will contain all records contained in INAME1
but not contained in INAME2. All other strings as fourth parameter
will give the records contained in both INAME1 and INAME2.

will create a new index record with the name iname.  The
question KEYS:  is issued, and as answer the keys of the records
to be included are given, separated by commas.
.skip 2
f.  Formatted output on files.
The result of search via the commands .AND, .OR, .SET, .OWNER ,
_.SELECT and .DISPLAY can be directed to an external file by
giving the name of that file as an extra parameter to those
commands.  In this case it is not a standard output of all the
data fields, but instead a formatted output of selected fields.
However, if the filename given is SYSOUT, the output
will still be done on the terminal, but formatted.
The format must first have been given using the command .TABLE.
TABLE layouts can either be specified interactively and/or
stored in the database or retrieved from the data base.
A table specification contains four parts:
1.  Field names (valid for the current record type) with commas
between them.
2.  Columns where the fields are to be put on the output line.
Texts are then left-adjusted, numbers right-adjusted.  The last
column (an extra one) gives the length of the outfile image.
3.  Names of fields to be computed sums for.  Can be omitted.
4.  Remark;  comment for the convenience of the user for
.skip 2
Extra spaces
Extra blank fields can be interpolated by giving blank fields
among the field names and corresponding columns.  Can be useful
to separate numbers, which are right-adjusted, from texts, which
are left-adjusted.
Change of context for output data
To make it possible to include in a table data from the owner in
a particular set, the following conventions have been introduced:
   (1)   Instead of a field name the name of the
         set to be followed upwards is given.
   (2)   In the vector of columns, -1 is given to
         indicate that this is a set name, not a
         field name.
Suppose we have the relation
   COMPANY   --------_>   PERSON
and that we want to print for persons their name, their address and
the name of the company where they are employed.  This can be
done through the following table:
COLUMNS:  1,30,-1,50,70
It is possible to follow more than one set relation upwards in
this way by giving more set names among the fields and minus ones
among the columns.  However, there is no way to get back to the
original context, so data for these owners must always come
towards the end of the output record.
The .TABLE command has the following forms, depending on the
permanence of the layout defined:
_.TABLE           a table is defined temporarily,
                  not stored.
_.TABLE,name       a table is retrieved from the
                   data base.
_.TABLE,name,store a table is defined and then stored
                   in the data base for later reference.
g.##Command procedures.
This is a simple but very useful feature, which we demonstrate
with a small example.
Suppose you often do the following type of sequence of
commands (to list the telephone number and adress of a person):
term: ADRESS
                  Stockholm 80

Using the command .COMMAND , this can be summarized in the
following way:
Description: Procedure to show data for person.
: .type,PERSON
: %1
This procedure is then stored in the data base and can be used exactly
as there were a new command SHOW with one parameter. Thus
will reproduce the dialogue above, and
will show the corresponding data for JOHN.
Thus %1, %2 ...  up to %9 are formal parameters, which are replaced
by actual parameters from the command string when the command is
used. Any lines in the FETCH conversation can be contained in a
procedure, and any text string can be taken as a parameter
(maximum 9 parameters). However, if the actual parameters contain
commas they must be surrounded by quotes (').
6. Summary of commands available.
All the commands have been treated somewhere in the previous
chapters. This chapter only contains a short summary of all
commands in alphabetic order.
References to other parts of the report for a particular
command can be found via the index at the end of this report.
.skip 2
     Starts input of and-connected conditions.
     If filename="NAMES" then only the names are typed
     on the terminal. If filename is a string other than
     "NAMES" it is taken to be a file name for output as
     specified by an earlier .TABLE command. Otherwise if no
     filename is given data are typed on the terminal
     in standard format.
     Setname is given if the data to be typed are
     not those of the records found, but those of the
     owners in that set for the records found.
     Makes the union (or intersection) of two sets of records
     Stores the result as a new index record.
     The user is prompted to give a description of the
     procedure, and then its lines one per line,
     possibly containing %1, %2,  etc to stand for
     parameters. The sequence is terminated with END.
     Defines a set before it is used in either of the commands
     .INSERT, .OWNER, .SET or .SELECT. The specification is
     stored as a record of type SETSPEC. REMARK is an optional
     comment which is stored as a field in that record.
     The records enumerated are deleted. Before that they are
     removed from all sets where they are members (except when
     the relationships are expressed by an explicit field in
     the record; in that case the user must be careful to
     use the .REMOVE command first).
     .DELETE always works on the record type specified in the
     latest previous .TYPE command.
     Type the records in the index-record specified.
     The parameter filename has the same meaning as in the
     .AND command.
     Finish the FETCH execution, close the data base. Never exit
     with control C from FETCH - the data base might be left
     in an uncomplete state.
     Type all data field names and their types for a particular
     record type.
     A help text under the given name is typed. Help texts for
     FETCH must then have been loaded when the data base
     was initialized (see chapter 2). There are help texts
     for each command in FETCH, and for each question
     that can be issued during a FETCH conversation.
     Activate an index record to be processed by subsequent
     searches with the commands .AND or .OR.
     Insert members into a set.
     Causes the result of searches with .AND and .OR to be
     collected as pointer arrays rather than being typed
     When the search is completed the user is notified of the
     number of hits. Then the records found can be displayed,
     saved in an index record, or a new search operation can be
     performed to decrease the number of hits.
     An index record is created through direct input of the
     keys for the records in it.
     Opens a data base file with the given name. Must be done
     before any other command to FETCH. More than one file
     can be treated in the same run, the previously opened
     file will then be closed.
     Starts a sequence of OR-connected conditions.
     The parameters filename and setname have the
     same meaning as in the .AND command.
     Type the data for the member in the set SETNAME where
     MEMBER is a member.
     The parameter filename has the same meaning as in the
     .AND command.
     If the records are members in some set of the given type
     they are removed.
     Resets some control parameters to the value they had on
     entry to FETCH.
     Starts a search down through a hierarchy of records
     connected via sets. On each level a sequence of
     selection conditions can be given and also the set
     to be followed to the next level.
     The parameters filename and setname have the
     same meaning as in the .AND command.
     Output all the members in a set.
     The parameter filename has the same meaning as in the
     .AND command.
     New records of the given type are to be input via the
     terminal. FETCH will prompt the user by the field names,
     and the type of each value given is checked.
     If recordtype is omitted, it is assumed to be that
     given by the latest .TYPE command.
     On search with .AND, .OR, .SET, .OWNER, .SELECT or .DISPLAY,
     write the result on a file given as an extra parameter
     to those commands. For details, see section 5f.
     Cancels an earlier .INVERT command, which means that records
     found in searches will be written directly on the
     terminal in the standard format.
     There is a current recordtype which most of the search
     commands works on. This is set by the .TYPE command.
7.  GEMIC - a program for statistical output.
At the National Bureau of Statistics (SCB) some experiments have
been done to develop general software for production of
statistics.  In one such experiment SIMDBM has been used as a
basic tool.  That system is called GEMIC (GEneral MICro base
handler), and is more fully documented elsewhere (3).
GEMIC is based on some theoretical concepts outlined in (2).  It
is still a prototype system, used for research and small scale
Our intention in this chapter is just to outline the general
ideas in GEMIC, and to discuss how data base handling facilities
can be used in such a system.
How GEMIC is used.
A statistical micro data base contains information on single
objects e.g. persons or companies.  What is to be produced from
that are statistical tables, which comprise information on groups of
In our approach the tables are produced in a number of steps:
   (a) from micro data to multidimensional arrays or boxes
   (b) box transformations. Other boxes can be created from
       those obtained in step (a).
   (c) from box to table. Many different tables can be produced
       from the same box. Partial summations can be
       done over selected columns or rows. Subsets of
       the values in each dimension can be selected for
In GEMIC a SIMDBM data base is used to store control information
(or meta information).  The various entities on all three levels
a - c are represented as records externally, and as SIMULA class
objects internally.  A few examples of records in the data base:
     Object types and their connections to files of individual
     records with information on the individual objects.
     Variables in the micro files, their definition, location
     length and type.
     Descriptions of boxes, especially to control the mapping
     from micro data to box (the aggregation).
     Descriptions of tabulations, which are mappings from
     boxes, which are multidimensional arrays, to
     two-dimensional representations (of some parts) of them
     suitable to display on a paper.
All these data structures can be created and updated with GEMIC
via a simple interactive command language.  Sequences of commands
in that language can be stored as procedures in the data base and
be used later as a sort of higher level commands.
8.  Some other utility programs.
This program can be used to load data from a sequential file with
fixed format.  First the user is prompted to give the name and image
size for the data base and for the input file.
Then the user gives the name of the record type to be loaded.  (A
specification of that type must have been created earlier with
the program SPEC.) Using that specification LOAD prompts the user
to give start position and length for all the data fields as they
appear in the input file.
A record type COMPANY is to be loaded from a file.  The fields
have the names NAME, TRADE, EMP, PROD and start in columns
1,25,40 and 50 respectively.  A dialogue with LOAD to do this
looks like the following:
Give name of data base file: DATA.BAS
Input file: DATA.DAT
Image size: 120
Record type: COMPANY
Give startpos and length for the following fields:
NAME 1,24
TRADE 25,15
EMP 40,10
PROD 50,10
OK, loading started
Observe that loading can be a relatively timeconsuming activity,
especially if the records contain many data fields and are spread
over a large address space.  Usually it is economic to sort the
input file in key order before loading.
LOAD gives a message on the terminal for every 200 records loaded,
and also a final message with the number of records found on
input.  After that the user is prompted again for a new
infile and possibly record type.  Here a return as an answer causes
exit from LOAD.
.skip 2
With this program a sequential file in free format can be
produced from selected parts of the data base.  The output from
DBDUMP can then be given as input to the program DBLOAD described
below.  This can be useful if parts of one data base are to be
copied into another, or if a data base is to be reorganized.  A
complete reorganization then is done by dumping all the record
types to a sequential file using DBDUMP, and then using DBLOAD to
load them into a new one.
DBDUMP starts by asking for data base name.  Then
it asks for record types.  Several names separated by commas can
be given on one line, then DBDUMP starts outputting them, and
when this is ready asks for more record types.  If the user
answers with return here the processing is finished.
For every record type processed DBDUMP types the number of
records found.  This can be used as a guideline for optimal
choice of area sizes when the new data base version is specified.
.skip 2
This program can either be used (combined with DBDUMP) to make
selective copies or complete reorganizations of data bases, or to
load data defined manually e.g. by an ordinary text editor.
The format of the input file to DBLOAD is as follows:
    line 1    contains just one character = the
              character used to separate fields
              within records.
    line 2    _!_!_!recordtypename
    line 3     One line per record with the fields
    and        separated by the character specified
    fol-       in line 1. Continues until a line starting
    lowing     with three exclamation marks signals
               start of data for a new record type.
Data with the same layout as in the example for LOAD above is to
be loaded.  For three companies it would look like the following if a
semicolon is used as the delimiter between fields:
Reorganizing a data base.
This is not fully automated, but can be done with a moderate
effort by combining the programs DBDUMP and DBLOAD:
    (a)  Run DBDUMP on all the record types
         that are to be preserved in the new version.
         If structured information is to be kept, then
         the records of type STRUKTUR should be included.
    (b)  Create a clean specification of the data base
         by running SPEC creating a new file. Usually
         some minor adjustments, e.g. of field names and area
         sizes, are to be done. If there exists a log file
         from the occasion when the original base was
         specified, this can be edited and used as input
         to SPEC.
    (c)  Run DBLOAD on the new base with the file created
         by DBDUMP as input.
This processing can be used to make a selective copy of a data
base, and to adjust parameters such as image and area sizes to
the current contents.
But if more sophisticated reorganizations are to be done, e.g.
adding or deleting of fields and records, then the user is
recommended to write his own version of DBDUMP.
The existing program is quite small and can still be used as a
skeleton; usually very small changes and additions will be
sufficient.  But the output produced should always be in the
normal format as required by DBLOAD, and must be consistent with
the new specification, as done with SPEC.
.skip 2
In SIMDBM data bases no order is maintained among the records
within an area or within a set.
If there are not too many records involved, an in-core sort of
the record objects might be done instead.  The class DBSORT (with
DBMSET as prefix) contains procedures to create and scan sorted
arrays of records.  It can be used as prefix to programs that
need such facilities.  The following procedures are available:
procedure recsort(arr,n,key);
ref (record) array arr;  integer n,key;
The array arr contains n records which are sorted (in ascending
order) on the values of field number key, alphabetically.  KEY
can be derived from the record type and field name through the
following expression:
The procedures LOCTEXT and GETRECORDSPEC, etc., are described in
the original report on SIMDBM (1).
procedure scan(ra,p);
ref (record) array ra;  procedure p;
This is a very simple scanning procedure similar to DOFOREACH and
MAPSET.  It just scans through all the records in the array ra
(an element == none signals the end of the records to be scanned).
For each record the procedure p is called.  P is a userdefined
procedure with one parameter which is ref (record).
Often it is more efficient and equally readable to code the
scanning done by SCAN openly, for instance as a simple while
expression containing also the instructions contained in p.  But
sometimes the use of SCAN facilitates a recursive search through
a hierarchy of records.
integer procedure rec__array(rtyp,sortfield,ra,owner,setname);
text rtyp,sortfield,setname;  ref (record) array ra;  ref
(record) owner;
This procedure can be used to collect sets of records in the
array ra, sorted on the field with name sortfield.  The value
returned is the number of records found.  There are two different
    (a)  All the records of the type RTYP are to be
         collected. In this case the parameters OWNER
         and SETNAME are irrelevant.
    (b)  All the records in the set SETNAME owned by the
         record OWNER are to be collected. In this case
         the parameter RTYP is irrelevant.
In a typical application of the procedures in DBSORT arrays are
allocated large enough to contain all the records to be
processed.  These arrays are filled through calls to REC__ARRAY
and then processed through calls to SCAN.  If a sorting is to be
done on more than one field, then RECSORT can be used after the
call to REC__ARRAY.
.skip 2
Programs for mapping records on SIMULA classes.
Such mappings can be done in two ways, and there are two program
generators PREP and PREP2 which generate SIMULA source code from
the record specifications stored in the data base.  These are
described in another report (1), and there examples of the code
generated are also given.  Here we just give a short summary to
indicate in which situations these tools might be used.
This program generates a complete SIMULA class to be used as
prefix to the user program.  That class contains one subclass to
RECORD for each record type to be used.  This makes it easy to
write specific, problem-oriented programs.  The field names in the
data base are mapped onto class attributes.  Thus the field names
used must also be valid SIMULA variable names; e.g. reserved words
such as NAME, VALUE, BEGIN, etc., must not be used as field names.
This program generates
procedures to load data from the data base records
into attributes of user defined class objects.  The user
specifies interactively which internal classes are to be
connected to which records, and then a list of attributes and
fields to be coupled.
The code generated by PREP and PREP2 could equally well be
written manually by the user.  Often it can be generated and then
modified, either by additions or deletions.  For instance some
application might need just to read records and to process only a
few of the fields.  In the code generated by PREP the procedures
for storing can then be deleted as well as the statements loading
fields which are not to be processed.
Perhaps later if the technique with program generators turns out
to be very useful, these programs will be improved so that they
can accept a more detailed specification of the code to be
generated.  Probably it would then be attractive to store these
specifications in the data base for later reference.  They would
then constitute a counterpart to the concept of sub-schema as
outlined in the CODASYL proposal.
.skip 2
Other utility programs.
This program is independent from SIMDBM; it is a simple editor
which can be used on any SIMULA direct file.  In the case of
serious errors it can be used to examine the contents of a data
base file.  It can also be used for updating, but great care
should be exercised on such occasions.  At least some knowledge
of the internal structures is required to do this.
DIRED can be used interactively, and is designed to be reasonably
self-documenting.  On each level in the dialogue a question mark
can be typed to obtain help information.
There are just a few commands, one letter followed by line number
intervals.  Records can be listed, replaced, or deleted and
strings can be be replaced by other strings over a particular
interval of records.
Observe that records for DIRED are the lines manipulated by
INIMAGE and OUTIMAGE in the basic SIMULA direct file handling;
they do not in general correspond to records in the sense of
.skip 2
This program is a kind of source code editor used to define
reduced versions of a particular program.  This device can be
used to avoid keeping separate versions of almost the same code.
Instead, the differences are stored as comments in the original
version.  To obtain a reduced version TRANSF is applied, and will
then treat these comments as editing commands.  For example, the
class SIMDBM has a reduced version DBMMIN which is obtained by
applying TRANSF.
The commands all have the following general format in order to
make them invisible as comments:
where KEYWORD stands for the particular editing command where
just one letter is significant.  n stands for a version number;
only commands with a specific version number are treated in a
particular run with TRANSF.  When starting TRANSF the user first
specifies input file, output file and version number.
The following commands are recognized:
Deletes the following lines up to the first line starting with
the string _!.;
_!.nCHANGE /oldstring/newstring/;
Replaces oldstring with newstring on the next line.  Ampersands
within the strings are first replaced with semicolons.
The following lines up to the first line beginning with _!.;  will
be inserted, thereby all ampersands being replaced with
9.   References.
Most of the present documentation on applications of SIMDBM is
written i Swedish.  We include them here for the convenience of
the readers who happen to know that language.  (4) is essentially
a subset of this report, chapters 3-6.  (1) has appeared in a
first edition as FOA Report 10043-M3(E5), and has also been
printed in Management Datamatics.  That version is now partly
obsolete.The current version exists in machine-readable form and
can be ordered from the author.  The new version of that report
will soon be distributed.  If there is interest, the report (3)
on GEMIC will be translated to English.
(2) has no direct connection to SIMDBM, but could be of some
interest as a background to (3).
.skip 2
1.  M{kil{:  A Codasyl type Data Base System written i SIMULA.
2.  Sundgren:  An infological approach to data bases.
3.  Andersson,Pappila,M{kil{:  Anv{ndarhandledning f`r GEMIC.
    (GEMIC Users Manual.)
4.  FETCH - ett program f`r laddning av och s`kning i en databas.
    (FETCH - a program for loading and retrieval from a
    data base.)
.skip 2
All the reports except (2) exist in machine-readable form and are
distributed with the DEC-10 SIMULA-67 system as are all the
programs described in this report.