
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-04 - decus/20-0135/doc/vided.vib
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Jacob Palme               VIDED.VIB   1979-03-24  Revised: 1979-04-07
Swedish National Defense Research Institute
S-104 50 Stockholm 80, Sweden

. _____________________________________________________
.+Version 4A of the video editor VIDED is now available.

.A   VIDED  is  a  general-purpose  display-oriented text editor for the
     DEC-10  computer.  VIDED is suitable for the editing of source pro-
     gram text, documents, reports, tables, semi-graphic  pictures  etc.
     Restrictions  are  (i) the edited text may not contain lines longer
     than the screen width, (ii) other control characters than  carriage
     return, line feed and form feed may not appear in the edited file.
     Some features of VIDED:
   > A  basic set of commands makes a display terminal, connected to the
     DEC 10, work like an advanced so called word processing machine.
   > No  postprocessing with RUNOFF is necessary, since most of the fea-
     tures of RUNOFF are built into VIDED.
   > Special features to simplify the editing of tables, source language
     text,  semi-graphic  pictures and two-dimensional mathematical for-
   > VIDED has an automatic backup facility to save you from losing work
     at machine failures.
   > Can handle files both with and without line numbers.
   > Has been tested on the following terminal models:
     Infoton vista, vistar sattelite, i 200, Digital vt52, vt100,
     Minitec, Teletec, Tandberg TDV 2000, Elite 1520, 1521, 2500, 3025,
     Beehive B 100, Volker-Craig 404, 414H, Adm 3a, CDC S713-10.
     VIDED  is  in many cases easy to adjust to other display terminals,
     often without any need for program changes.
   > VIDED  can  take  advantage  of  terminal control codes like direct
     cursor addressing, erase-to-end-of line, delete line, insert  line,
     if they are available, but will also work on terminals which do not
     have these features.
   > VIDED  works  well  even  on  heavily loaded computers with several
     seconds of response time. Such computer  sites  cause  problems  to
     many video editors.
   > Full source files for VIDED are available on the VIDED distribution
     VIDED  version  4A, which was ready in April 1979, has been sent to
     the DECUS library. Note that it may take  some  months  after  this
     before  the  program  is available from the DECUS library. (Earlier
     VIDED versions available in the DECUS library are not recommended.)
     VIDED  is  also  available  directly from the author for a price of
     1000 Swedish kronor (about 250 US dollars), including 800 BPI  MAG-
     tape  but  not postage. Indicate in your order if you want the tape
     by air or surface mail. VIDED  has  been  heavily  tested  by  many
     users, but no responsibility is taken for errors which may still be
VIDED - A DISPLAY ORIENTED TEXT EDITOR                            PAGE 2


     !                            ABSTRACT                             !
     !                                                                 !
     ! The  main  principle of VIDED is that the screen on the display !
     ! will always show the modified text immediately after each  edit !
     ! operation.  The  full  screen  is used to show a segment of the !
     ! edited text. The users will thus get an immediate  feedback  of !
     ! the  result  of their operations and can correct the text again !
     ! if necessary.                                                   !
     !                                                                 !
     ! VIDED replaces both an ordinary text editor and a paragraph and !
     ! page  formatter  like  RUNOFF in one editor. You need not post- !
     ! process your text with RUNOFF.                                  !
     !                                                                 !

     VIDED version 4A has been tested for the following terminal models:

     Input terminal type: (Infoton) vista, i200, (vistar) sattelite,
     (DEC) vt52, vt100, Minitec, Teletec, (Tandberg) TDV 2000,
     (Elite) 1520, 1521, 2500, 3025, (Beehive) B100, (CDC) S713-10,
     (Volker) 404, 414H, Adm3A, (Other) display.

.A   VIDED  will also directly work for many other display terminals. In
     that case, you set VIDED up for a new terminal by just pushing  the
     cursor control keys on the terminal.

     VIDED  can  only  be  adjusted to those display terminals where the
     terminal can send to the computer and  receive  from  the  computer
     control codes to move the cursor up, down, left, right, to the home
     position and to erase the screen.

     Special features of VIDED:

   > Justification  command to get even paragraphs after adding or dele-
     ting text giving uneven lines.

.N   Example:

     Text before editing:       John and Mary went down
                                to the station to buy a

     Text after addition:       John and Mary took the tram down
                                to the station to buy a

     Text after justification:  John and Mary took the
                                tram down to the station
                                to buy a ticket.

.A > Automatic date on the first page (see top of this page) and headers
     and subheaders on succeeding pages with correct page numbers in the
     header. This facility is optional.
VIDED - A DISPLAY ORIENTED TEXT EDITOR                          Page 3

   > Features  for  copying  vertical  and horizontal lines and boxes to
     simplify the production of tables, flow diagrams etc. Example:

       !  How to answer ! Fact --> ! Yes  ! No       ! Neither  !
       !                -----------------------------------------
       !  questions and ! Question ! Yes  ! No       ! I do not !
       !                -----------------------------------------
       !  statements:   ! State-   ! I    ! Not      ! Accepted !
       !                ! ment     ! know ! possible !          !

   > Free  movement  of cursor around the screen to simplify the produc-
.N   tion of character pictures. Example:

!                                                                    !
!       ^                                 __________                 !
!      / \                                !        !                 !
!     / o \            --------<---NO-<---! READY? !--->-YES---      !
!    / o o \           !                  !________!          !      !
!   / o o o \          V                      !               V      !
!  /_________\    _________      ________     !           ________   !
!  ! O O O O !    !       !      !      !     !           !      !   !
!  ! O O O O !    ! START !----->! EDIT !-->---           ! STOP !   !
!  ! O O O O !    !_______!      !______!                 !______!   !
!  ! O O O O !        ^                                       !      !
!  ! O O O O !        !                                       V      !

       1.00 -!- - - - - - oooooo  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             !          oo      oo
             !        oo          oo
             !       o              o
             !     oo                oo
             !    o                    o
             !   o                      o
       0.00  !--o------------------------o------------------------o---
             !                           ^o                      o
             !  The curve intersects     ! o                    o
             !  zero at this point ---->--  oo                oo
             !                                o              o
             !                                 oo          oo
             !                                   oo      oo
      -1.00 -!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  oooooo - - - - - -
VIDED - A DISPLAY ORIENTED TEXT EDITOR                          Page 4

                          \ ! /
                     ------(*)------     ____________________
                          / ! \         /                    \                /
                            !          /                      \    \___/     /
  ((               ))                 /                        \  _(o.o)    /
  ! \_____________/ !                /                          \/___,,!___/___
  !  \           /  !_______________/________________            \
  !   (0) \ / (0)   !===    ===   ==  =  ==          \            \       _____
__!_______ ! _______!__       ===   ===  = /    //    \            \     /
----------.!.----------            ===  = / //         \            \   /
  /\   \__/ \__/   /         \  ==   ==  !     !!     \\\            \ /
 !   \___________/           /           ! !!            \            /
 !                          /         ___!___        /\\  \ _________/
 \________!     !________  /_________/              /  \   !         \_______tm
 /        \_____/        \/         (_(_(_(__/_____/    \\\\
(_(__(__(__)   (_)__)__)__)

This lynx drawn by Tomas Moll using VIDED.


.A   COST:  Since  VIDED  version  4A  is mostly written in a high level
     language (SIMULA) some commands in VIDED are more expensive than in
     SOS or TECO. The commands for moving rapidly to a certain page in a
     large file and for automatic file  backup  are  however  faster  in
     VIDED  than  in SOS and TECO. VIDED is also less expensive than the
     combination of SOS or TECO with RUNOFF postprocessing.

     ADVANTAGES:  Immediate feedback of edit results, seconds after each
     edit  step,  gives  better  control  of   the   result   than   the
     postprocessing with RUNOFF. The half-automatic nature of VIDED also
     gives   better   control   than   the   fully   automated    RUNOFF

     DISADVANTAGES:  The  half-automatic nature makes certain operations
     slightly more difficult, but efficient commands  are  available  to
     simplify  such  operations.  Example: "PA" command to append pages,
     "PI" command to split pages, "PS" command to find pages which  have
     too many lines, automatic warning to the user when writing too many
     lines per page.

     VIDED  has  no  built-in indexing facility, but a separate indexing
     program will be made available instead.


     ADVANTAGES:  The fuller control makes it easier to produce readable
     structured programs with well disposed comments. The  full  display
     of  the  edited  program  makes  it  easier  to  spot  and  correct
     programming errors.

     DISADVANTAGES: Somewhat more expensive to run, no program execution
     facilities of the kind available in TECO.
VIDED - A DISPLAY ORIENTED TEXT EDITOR                          Page 5


     CURSOR  MOVEMENT:  Up,  down,  left,  right, home, search, goto tab
     setting, set and remove tabs, beginning of line, end of line.

     PARAGRAPH  JUSTIFICATION:  Justify  paragraph, justify n lines, set
     left and right margin, divide word at syllable. Center line,  shift
     line or lines left or right.

     TEXT  INSERTION:  Insert  text,  insert blanks, insert blank lines,
     divide line.

     TEXT  DELETION:  Delete characters, delete lines, delete last char-
     acter, delete last word, delete last line.

     MOVING  AND  COPYING:  Store box in qregister, restore text from q-

     PAGE  HANDLING: Scroll screen up and down, find top of page n, find
     end of page n, find end of last page, advance or  backup  n  pages,
     divide  page,  append page, find too large page. Automatic handling
     of page numbers, title  lines  and  subtitle  lines  on  each  page

     FILE  BACKUP:  Automatic file backup at regular intervals or backup
     at user command.

     STATUS,  HELP  AND  RESTORATION:  Get status, type command summary,
     restore jumbled screen.

     MULTI-LINE  ACTION:  Repeat  the  same VIDED command on n succesive

     EXITING: Normal exit, cancel exit.

     UTILITY  PROGRAMS:  Associated utility programs available for index
     preparation, left/right pagination on even/odd pages,  underlining,
     half-line steps for formulaes on Diablo 1620 terminals.


     The  VIDED distribution tape contains source program, EXE files and
     a 62-page user manual. See the file READ.ME on the  tape  for  more
     information  on  the tape contents. The source programs can only be
     compiled with DECsystem-10/20 SIMULA release 4 or higher. VIDED has
     only been tested on a DECsystem-10 with KL10 and KI10 CPU.

     Copyright  (c) Swedish National Defense Research Institute. Copying
     and use of VIDED Release 4A is allowed. Modification for local  use
     at your installation is allowed.

     Jacob Palme, Swedish National Defense Research Institute,
     S-104 50 Stockholm 80, Sweden.