
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-04 - decus/20-0135/vided.sim
There is 1 other file named vided.sim in the archive. Click here to see a list.
00020	VISTA.MAN for explanations on the routines used in this program;
00030	COMMENT The Author and the Swedish National Defense Research
00040	Institute take no responsibility for errors in this program or other
00050	files connected with it;
00060	BEGIN
00080	COMMENT COMMENT%IF VIDTIM marks additions to output everything
00090	input from the user terminal onto a log file;
00100	COMMENT COMMENT%IF FQC marks additions to enable the use of
00110	FQC for frequency counting on VIDED;
00120	COMMENT COMMENT%IF DEBUGTERMINAL marks additions to allow separate
00130	debug and editing terminals;
00140	COMMENT COMMENT%IF DEBUGSLOW marks additions to create artificial
00150	slowness to debug behaviour on a heavily loaded machine;
00170	COMMENT all the external procedures below are described in the
00180	DECsystem-10 SIMULA Language Handbook part 3;
00190	EXTERNAL TEXT PROCEDURE tmpin, conc, front, storbokstav, upcase,
00200	compress, rest, filspc, inline, frontstrip, scanto, from, upto,
00210	today, tmpnam;
00220	EXTERNAL CHARACTER PROCEDURE findtrigger, fetchar;
00230	EXTERNAL INTEGER PROCEDURE search, scanint, rename;
00250	EXTERNAL REF (infile) PROCEDURE findinfile;
00260	EXTERNAL REF (outfile) PROCEDURE findoutfile;
00280	EXTERNAL INTEGER PROCEDURE trmop, gettab, checkint;
00290	EXTERNAL BOOLEAN PROCEDURE puttext, numbered, tmpout, rescan,
00300	dotypeout;
00310	EXTERNAL PROCEDURE depchar, outstring, forceout, echo, abort, exit,
00320	outchr;
00330	COMMENT%IF debugslow
00350	COMMENT%IFEND debugslow;
00360	EXTERNAL CLASS mvista, qregister=vided0;
00370	EXTERNAL CLASS vided1, vided2;
00380	COMMENT%IF debugterminal - when debugging with a separate debug
00390	REF (infile) newsysin;   ! terminal for SIMDDT i/o and another;
00400	COMMENT%IF debugterminal   terminal for the VIDED editing
00410	REF(outfile) newsysout;
00420	COMMENT%IFEND debugterminal;
00440	REF (outfile) vidtim; ! File for log of input from terminal;
00470	REF (infile) editin; ! Input text file to be edited;
00480	REF (outfile) editout; ! Output file after editing;
00490	REF (qregister) q_qregisters; ! See &Q and &G VIDED commands;
00500	INTEGER terminaltype; ! Number of user terminal type;
00510	INTEGER absterminaltype; ! Absolute value of this number;
00520	INTEGER height; ! Number of lines on the screen;
00530	INTEGER width; ! Number of characters in a line on the screen;
00540	INTEGER pageheight; ! Number of lines in a page;
00550	INTEGER bad_line_count; ! Count of bad lines;
00560	INTEGER leftmargin; ! Initial value for left margin;
00570	INTEGER rightmargin; ! Initial value for right margin;
00580	INTEGER increment; ! Increment for line numbered files, 0 for
00590	nonnumbered files;
00600	COMMENT%IF debugterminal
00610	BOOLEAN debug; ! Debugging with separate terminal for SIMDDT;
00620	COMMENT%IFEND debugterminal;
00630	BOOLEAN numbered_infile; ! Input file was line-numbered;
00640	BOOLEAN tmpoutfile; ! Output file has temporary file name;
00650	BOOLEAN pageheader; ! Put headers and page numbers on top of each
00660	page;
00670	BOOLEAN synka; ! Synchronization needed of cursor;
00680	COMMENT the arrays below contain handling of switches in
00690	the initial command to VIDED giving file names etc:
00700	For a description of these arrays, see the large comment
00710	in the beginning of the file SCAN.SIM;
00720	TEXT ARRAY key, arg, ini, default[1:13];
00730	TEXT command; ! Command given by the user when starting VIDED;
00740	TEXT belowcommand; ! 1) Messages to and from the TMP:EDS file, which
00750	remembers which file to edit between edit sessions,
00760	2) The text below a VIDED command on the screen, to be restored when
00770	the command is ready;
00780	TEXT infilename;
00790	TEXT outfilename;
00800	TEXT inprotect; ! Protection code on input file;
00810	TEXT indevice; ! Device of input file;
00820	TEXT inspec; ! Input file specification;
00830	TEXT temparg; ! Temporary text;
00840	BOOLEAN otherppn; ! Input file from other PPN than your own;
00850	CHARACTER dot; ! % for .GNO files, otherwise a dot;
00870	PROCEDURE overwritewarning(t); TEXT t;
00880	BEGIN
00890	  outtext("%VIDED - You are overwriting a file: ");
00900	  outtext(temparg);
00910	  outtext(". To continue push RETURN."); outimage; inimage;
00920	END;
00940	BOOLEAN PROCEDURE helptype(heightm1,helpprint);
00950	INTEGER heightm1; BOOLEAN helpprint;
00960	COMMENT Action of &H VIDED command requesting the printing of a help
00970	text;
00980	BEGIN REF (infile) helpfile;
00990	  INTEGER count; BOOLEAN limitfound; TEXT helpborder;
01000	  helpborder:- copy("VIDED EDITING COMMANDS");
01010	  COMMENT Switch these two for higher efficiency if VIDED.HLP
01020	  is in the HLP: area;
01030	  helpfile:- findinfile("VIDED.HLP[106,346]");
01040	  IF helpfile == NONE THEN helpfile:- findinfile("HLP:VIDED.HLP");
01050	  INSPECT helpfile DO
01060	  BEGIN
01070	    open(blanks(80)); inimage;
01080	    WHILE NOT helpfile.endfile DO
01090	    BEGIN
01100	      COMMENT Different part of help file printed depending
01110	      on when this procedure is called;
01120	      IF NOT limitfound THEN
01130	      BEGIN
01140	        limitfound:= search(image,helpborder) <= 60;
01150	        IF limitfound THEN helpprint:= NOT helpprint;
01160	      END;
01170	      IF helpprint THEN
01180	      BEGIN
01190	        sysout.image:= image; sysout.outimage;
01200	        count:= count+1;
01210	        IF count = heightm1 THEN
01220	        BEGIN sysout.outtext("To continue push RETURN.");
01230	          sysout.breakoutimage;
01240	          sysin.inimage; count:= 0;
01250	          outchr(sysout,char(13),1); !carriage return;
01260	          outchr(sysout,' ',25); outchr(sysout,char(13),1);
01270	        END;
01280	      END;
01290	      inimage;
01300	    END;
01310	    helptype:= TRUE;
01320	    close;
01330	  END;
01340	END;
01360	topstart: !z_t(18); COMMENT Start of execution here;
01380	vidtim:- new outfile("VIDTIM *");
01400	!vidtim;
01430	dot:= '.';
01450	outimage;
01460	key[1]:-copy("/DEFAULT:");
01470	key[2]:-copy("/T:");
01480	key[3]:-copy("=");
01490	key[4]:- copy("/DEBUG");
01500	key[5]:- copy("/H");
01510	key[6]:- copy("/N");
01520	key[7]:- copy("/-N");
01530	key[8]:- copy("/MP:");
01540	key[9]:- copy("/ML:");
01550	key[10]:- copy("/MR:");
01560	key[11]:- copy("/P");
01570	key[12]:- copy("/-P");
01580	key[13]:- copy("/L:");
01600	INSPECT findinfile("SWITCH.INI") DO
01610	BEGIN COMMENT The SWITCH.INI file may contain personal default
01620	  settings, e.g. telling VIDED what kind of terminal you are using;
01630	  open(blanks(130));
01640	  WHILE NOT endfile DO
01650	  BEGIN
01660	    inimage;
01670	    storbokstav(image);
01680	    IF image.sub(1,5) = "VIDED" THEN
01690	    BEGIN
01700	      IF scan(from(image,7),13,ini,key,1) NE 0 THEN
01710	      BEGIN outtext("? Multiple keywords"
01720	        " in SWITCH.INI:");
01730	        outtext(image.strip);
01740	        outimage;
01750	      END;
01760	    END;
01770	  END;
01780	  close;
01790	END;
01800	start:
01810	IF rescan THEN
01820	INSPECT sysin DO
01830	BEGIN COMMENT Reread line invoking VIDED;
01840	  inimage;
01850	  IF scanto(image,'-').length < image.length THEN
01860	  BEGIN
01870	    command:- rest(image);
01880	    IF scan(command,13,arg,key,1) NE 0 THEN
01890	    GOTO multiple ELSE GOTO gotparameters;
01900	  END;
01910	END;
01930	COMMENT Scan and interpret switches in input command;
01940	restart: WHILE scan(inline("*",sysin),13,arg,key,1) NE 0 DO
01950	BEGIN
01960	  multiple: outtext("? Multiple keywords:");
01970	  outtext(sysin.image.strip);
01980	  outtext("please try again.");
01990	  outimage;
02000	END;
02020	gotparameters:
02030	IF arg[1] = "?" OR arg[5] =/= NOTEXT THEN
02040	BEGIN COMMENT type help text to the user;
02050	  echo(sysin,2); ! no echo;
02060	  IF NOT helptype(15,TRUE) THEN
02070	  BEGIN outtext("Cannot find VIDED.HLP"); outimage;
02080	  END;
02090	  echo(sysin,4); ! echo again;
02100	  GOTO start;
02110	END;
02130	  COMMENT Use default settings from the SWITCH.INI file;
02140	  FOR i:= 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 12 DO
02150	  BEGIN IF arg[i] == NOTEXT THEN arg[i]:- ini[i];
02160	  END;
02170	END;
02190	COMMENT If the user gave no input file name, look for
02200	previously used file name in TMP:EDS;
02210	IF arg[1] = " " THEN
02220	BEGIN
02230	  belowcommand:- tmpin("EDS",FALSE);
02240	  belowcommand:- scanto(belowcommand,char(13)).strip;
02250	  belowcommand:- scanto(belowcommand,char(10)).strip;
02260	  scanto(belowcommand,' '); arg[1]:- rest(belowcommand);
02270	END;
02290	editin:- findinfile(arg[1]);
02300	IF editin =/= NONE THEN
02310	BEGIN
02320	  IF arg[3] =/= NOTEXT THEN
02330	  overwritewarning(arg[1]) ELSE
02340	  BEGIN
02350	    arg[3]:- arg[1];
02360	    tmpoutfile:= TRUE;
02370	  END;
02380	END ELSE IF arg[3] == NOTEXT THEN arg[3]:- copy("NUL:NUL");
02390	IF arg[1] NE arg[3] THEN editin:- findinfile(arg[3]);
02400	IF editin == NONE THEN
02410	BEGIN outtext("?CANNOT FIND INPUT FILE: "); outtext(arg[3]);
02420	  outimage; GOTO start;
02430	END;
02450 width < 140 THEN 140 ELSE width));
02470	COMMENT find and interpret input file specification;
02480	inspec:- filspc(editin,8R121101 000001);
02490	scanto(inspec,':');
02500	indevice:- inspec.sub(1,inspec.pos-1);
02510	scanto(inspec,'['); IF inspec.more THEN
02520	BEGIN otherppn:= TRUE;
02530	END;
02540	inspec.setpos(1); scanto(inspec,'<');
02550	inprotect:- from(inspec,inspec.pos-1);
02570	IF tmpoutfile THEN
02580	BEGIN COMMENT Use temporary name on the output file;
02590	  IF otherppn THEN
02600	  BEGIN COMMENT Input file not on the user PPN, put output file
02610	    there;
02620	    temparg:- arg[1];
02630	    temparg.setpos(1); scanto(temparg,'[');
02640	    IF temparg.more THEN
02650	    BEGIN temparg.setpos(temparg.pos-1);
02660	      scanto(temparg,']'):= NOTEXT;
02670	      temparg.sub(temparg.pos-3,2):= "[,";
02680	    END ELSE temparg:- conc(temparg,"[,]");
02690	    arg[1]:- temparg;
02700	    tmpoutfile:= FALSE;
02710	    IF findinfile(temparg) =/= NONE THEN
02720	    overwritewarning(temparg);
02730	  END ELSE
02740	  BEGIN
02750	    arg[1]:- tmpnam("VID");
02760	    IF findinfile(tmpnam("PIP")) =/= NONE THEN
02770	    BEGIN outtext("?VIDED - You must delete the file """);
02780	      outtext(tmpnam("PIP")); outtext(""" first.");
02790	      outimage; outimage;
02800	      GOTO stopedit;
02810	    END;
02820	  END;
02830	END;
02850	COMMENT Read first line to check for line numbers;
02860	editin.inimage;
02870	numbered_infile:= numbered;
02880	IF arg[6] =/= NOTEXT THEN
02890	BEGIN
02900	  increment:= scanint(arg[5]);
02910	  IF increment > 1100000 THEN increment:= 0;
02920	END;
02930	IF numbered_infile AND increment = 0 THEN increment:= 10;
02940	IF arg[7] =/= NOTEXT THEN increment:= 0;
02960	temparg:- arg[1];
02970	IF tmpoutfile THEN
02980	BEGIN COMMENT Create name of backup file;
02990	  inspec.setpos(1); scanto(inspec,'.');
03000	  IF inspec.more THEN
03010	  BEGIN IF fetchar(inspec,inspec.pos) = 'Q' OR inspec.getchar = 'q'
03020	    THEN
03030	    BEGIN outtext("?VIDED - Cannot handle input file with '.Q': ");
03040	      outtext(inspec); outimage;
03050	      GOTO start;
03060	    END;
03070	  END;
03090	  IF fetchar(inprotect,2) > '2' THEN
03100	  BEGIN outtext("?VIDED - Cannot overwrite file: ");
03110	    outtext(inspec); outimage; exit(0); GOTO start;
03120	  END;
03140	  COMMENT Set protection of temporary output file;
03150	  temparg.setpos(1);
03160	  IF scanto(temparg, '<').length >= temparg.length THEN
03170	  BEGIN COMMENT no protection given by the user;
03180	    temparg:- conc(temparg,"<077>");
03190	  END;
03210	  COMMENT Set device for temporary output file;
03220	  temparg.setpos(1); IF scanto(temparg,
03230	  ':').length >= temparg.length THEN
03240	  BEGIN COMMENT no device given by the user;
03250	    temparg:- conc(indevice,temparg);
03260	  END;
03270	END;
03290	COMMENT Numbered outfile?;
03300	IF increment > 0 THEN temparg:- conc(temparg,"/NUMBERED");
03320	editout:- findoutfile(temparg);
03330	arg[1]:- temparg;
03340	IF editout == NONE THEN
03350	BEGIN outtext("?VIDED - CANNOT OPEN OUTPUT FILE: "); outtext(arg[1]);
03360	  outimage; exit(0);
03370	  GOTO start;
03380	END;
03400	COMMENT Find user given or default parameters;
03410	terminaltype:= scanint(arg[2]);
03420	COMMENT%IF debugterminal
03430	debug:= arg[4] =/= NOTEXT;
03440	COMMENT%IFEND debugterminal;
03460	IF arg[8] =/= NOTEXT THEN pageheight:= scanint(arg[8]) ELSE
03470	pageheight:= 56;
03480	IF arg[9] =/= NOTEXT THEN leftmargin:= scanint(arg[9]) ELSE
03490	leftmargin:= IF increment = 0 THEN 5 ELSE 13;
03500	IF arg[10] =/= NOTEXT THEN rightmargin:= scanint(arg[10]) ELSE
03510	rightmargin:= IF increment = 0 THEN 68 ELSE 76;
03520	IF increment > 0 AND leftmargin < 8 THEN leftmargin:= 8;
03530	COMMENT ask user about terminal type if not known;
03540	WHILE terminaltype > 12 OR terminaltype < -12 DO
03550	BEGIN
03560	  outimage;
03570	  outtext("Input type of terminal:"); outimage;
03580	  outtext("1  INFOTON VISTA WITH 20 LINES SCREEN"); outimage;
03590	  outtext("2  DEC VT52 (Not yet tested)"); outimage;
03600	  outtext("3  MINITEC"); outimage;
03610	  outtext(
03620	  "4  ELITE 2500 WITH AUTO-LF FUNCTION (Not yet tested)");
03630	  outimage;
03640	  outtext(
03650	  "5  ELITE 2500 WITHOUT AUTO-LF FUNCTION (Not yet tested)"
03660	  ); outimage;
03670	  outtext("6  ELITE 1520 WITH AUTO-LF FEATURE"); outimage;
03680	  outtext("7  ELITE 1520 WITHOUT AUTO-LF FEATURE"); outimage;
03690	  outtext("8  TELETEC"); outimage;
03700	  outtext("9  INFOTON VISTAR SATTELITE"); outimage;
03710	  outtext("10 TANDBERG TDV 2000"); outimage;
03720	  outtext("11 BEEHIVE B 100"); outimage;
03730	  outtext("12 CDC 713-10"); outimage;
03740	  outtext("99 INFOTON VISTA WITH 24 LINES SCREEN"); outimage;
03750	  outtext("0  Other kind of terminal (probably not working)");
03760	  outimage;
03770	  outimage;
03780	  outtext("Negative terminal number may"
03790	  " give direct cursor adressing,");
03800	  outimage; outtext("which is faster"
03810	  " but does not always work."); outimage;
03830	  outchar('*'); breakoutimage;
03840	  INSPECT sysin DO
03850	  BEGIN inimage; terminaltype:= scanint(image);
03860	  END;
03870	END;
03890	absterminaltype:= IF terminaltype < 0 THEN -terminaltype
03900	ELSE terminaltype;
03910	IF absterminaltype = 99 THEN terminaltype:= 1;
03920	IF absterminaltype = 2 THEN width:= 80 ELSE width:= 79;
03930	IF terminaltype = 0 THEN
03940	BEGIN outimage;
03950	  outtext("Input terminal screen width: "); breakoutimage;
03960	  inimage; width:= inint-1;
03970	END;
03980	IF arg[13] =/= NOTEXT THEN height:= scanint(arg[13]) ELSE
03990	IF terminaltype = 0 OR terminaltype = 11 OR terminaltype = 12 THEN
04000	BEGIN
04010	  outtext("Input terminal screen height: "); breakoutimage;
04020	  inimage; height:= inint;
04030	END ELSE height:= IF absterminaltype = 1 THEN 20 ELSE 24;
04050	COMMENT Open output text file for edited results;
04060 increment = 0 THEN width ELSE width+8));
04080	COMMENT%IF debugterminal
04090	IF debug THEN
04100	BEGIN
04110	  newsysin:- NEW infile("sysin *");
04120	  COMMENT%IF debugterminal
04130	  newsysout:- NEW outfile("sysout *");
04140	  COMMENT%IF debugterminal
04160	  COMMENT%IF debugterminal
04180	END ELSE
04190	BEGIN
04200	  newsysin:- sysin;
04210	  COMMENT%IF debugterminal
04220	  newsysout:- sysout
04230	END;
04240	COMMENT%IFEND debugterminal;
04260	COMMENT Write VIDED command and file name onto TMP:EDS;
04270	belowcommand:- blanks(width);
04280	IF tmpoutfile THEN outfilename:- arg[3] ELSE
04290	BEGIN
04300	  outfilename:- arg[1]; outfilename.setpos(1);
04310	  outfilename:- scanto(outfilename,'/');
04320	END;
04330	puttext(belowcommand,"VIDED ");
04340	puttext(belowcommand,outfilename);
04350	belowcommand.putchar(char(10)); ! line feed;
04360	tmpout("EDS",copy(belowcommand.strip));
04370	belowcommand.setpos(belowcommand.pos-1);
04380	belowcommand.putchar(char(32));
04400	COMMENT Shall VIDED produce headers and page numbers?;
04410	IF arg[11] =/= NOTEXT THEN pageheader:= TRUE ELSE
04420	BEGIN
04430	  TEXT extension;
04440	  outfilename.setpos(1); scanto(outfilename,'.');
04450	  extension:- rest(outfilename); extension:- upto(extension,4);
04460	  storbokstav(extension);
04470	  IF extension = "GNO" THEN dot:= '%';
04480	  IF arg[12] =/= NOTEXT THEN pageheader:= FALSE ELSE
04490	  BEGIN COMMENT these extensions give no page numbers;
04500	    pageheader:=
04510	    extension NE "INI" AND
04520	    extension NE "SIM" AND
04530	    extension NE "ALG" AND
04540	    extension NE "B10" AND
04550	    extension NE "B11" AND
04560	    extension NE "BAS" AND
04570	    extension NE "BLI" AND
04580	    extension NE "CCL" AND
04590	    extension NE "MIC" AND
04600	    extension NE "FOR" AND
04610	    extension NE "OVH" AND
04620	    extension NE "F4" AND
04630	    extension NE "GNO" AND
04640	    extension NE "LAP" AND
04650	    extension NE "LOG" AND
04660	    extension NE "LST" AND
04670	    extension NE "MAC" AND
04680	    extension NE "P11" AND
04690	    extension NE "PL1" AND
04700	    extension NE "RNO" AND
04710	    extension NE "RNM" AND
04720	    extension NE "RNH" AND
04730	    extension NE "RNP" AND
04740	    extension NE "SNO" AND
04750	    extension NE "SRC" AND
04760	    extension NE "TEC";
04770	END; END;
04790	COMMENT Get access to the editing facilities in vided1 and vided2;
04800	!z_t(-18); vided2(width, height,
04810	COMMENT%IF debugterminal
04820	newsysin, newsysout, NOT debug,
04830	COMMENT%IFNOT debugterminal;
04840	sysin, sysout, TRUE,
04850	COMMENT%IFEND debugterminal;
04860	terminaltype, NOTEXT, NOTEXT, pageheader, increment, editout,
04870	editin, command, belowcommand, arg, numbered_infile, pageheight,
04880	leftmargin, rightmargin, q_qregisters, tmpoutfile, dot)
04890	BEGIN
04910	  TEXT old_search_string; ! &S& and &N& makes the same search
04920	                            as previous search command;
04930	  TEXT dashblank; ! Used by &- command;
04940	  PROCEDURE help;
04950	  BEGIN COMMENT &H VIDED command;
04960	    IF addaltmode THEN outchr(terminalout,altmode,1);
04970	    outchr(terminalout,erasescreen,1);
04980	    IF NOT helptype(heightm1,FALSE) THEN
04990	    warning("Cannot find VIDED.HLP");
05000	    to_continue;
05010	  END;
05020	  PROCEDURE avstava;
05030	  COMMENT &- VIDED command;
05040	  IF q_verticalpos > 0 THEN
05050	  BEGIN
05060	    IF q_horizontalpos > 0 THEN
05070	    BEGIN IF
05080	      get_char_from_screen(q_horizontalpos-1,q_verticalpos)
05090	      = '-'
05100	      THEN GOTO dash_is_there;
05110	    END;
05120	    IF get_char_from_screen(q_horizontalpos,q_verticalpos) = '-'
05130	    THEN
05140	    BEGIN move_the_cursor_to(q_horizontalpos+1,q_verticalpos);
05150	      GOTO dash_is_there;
05160	    END;
05170	    insert(dashblank);
05180	    IF FALSE THEN dash_is_there: insert(dashblank.sub(2,1));
05190	    move_the_cursor_to(left_margin,q_verticalpos-1);
05200	    justify(0,TRUE);
05210	  END ELSE warning("&- Not possible on top line of screen.");
05220	  PROCEDURE print_status;
05230	  COMMENT &O VIDED command;
05240	  INSPECT sysin DO INSPECT sysout DO
05250	  BEGIN
05260	    REF (qregister) current_q;
05270	    TEXT qname; INTEGER i;
05280	    IF addaltmode THEN outchar(altmode);
05290	    outchar(erasescreen);
05300	    outtext("VIDED STATUS INFORMATION:"); outimage;
05310	    outtext("You are editing page no"); outint(pagenumber,4);
05320	    outtext("(input),"); outint(out_pagenumber,4);
05330	    outtext("(output)."); outimage;
05340	    outtext("Screen is showing line no.");
05350	    outint(top_fill+2,3); outtext(" -");
05360	    outint(top_fill+2+heightm1,3); outtext(" of current page.");
05370	    outimage;
05380	    outtext("Page height ="); outint(pageheight,3);
05390	    outchar('.');
05400	    IF pageheader THEN
05410	    BEGIN
05420	      outtext(" Title and subtitle of previous page:");
05430	      outimage; outtext(header); outimage;
05440	      outtext(sub_header);
05450	    END;
05460	    outimage;
05470	    outtext("Current cursor position, horizontal =");
05480	    outint(q_horizontalpos,3);
05490	    outtext(", vertical ="); outint(q_verticalpos,3);
05500	    outchar('.'); outimage;
05510	    outtext("Input file """); outtext(arg[3]);
05520	    outtext(""", "); IF tmpoutfile THEN outtext("temporary ");
05530	    outtext("output file """); outtext(arg[1]);
05540	    outtext(""".");
05550	    outimage;
05560	    IF tmpoutfile THEN
05570	    BEGIN
05580	      outtext("Output file will be renamed to """);
05590	      outtext(arg[3]); outtext("""."); outimage;
05600	    END;
05610	    outtext("You are ");
05620	    IF NOT endpage OR NOT lower_lines == NONE THEN
05630	    outtext("not ");
05640	    outtext("at the end of a page.");
05650	    outimage; outtext("You are ");
05660	    IF NOT editin.endfile OR NOT lower_lines == NONE
05670	    THEN outtext("not ");
05680	    outtext("at the end of the file.");
05690	    outimage;
05700	    outtext("Left margin ="); outint(left_margin,3);
05710	    outtext("  Right margin ="); outint(right_margin,3);
05720	    outimage;
05730	    IF qregisters == NONE THEN
05740	    BEGIN outtext("You have no Q-registers."); outimage;
05750	      to_continue;
05760	    END ELSE
05770	    BEGIN
05780	      IF NOT q_echoenabled THEN echon;
05790	      qlist:
05800	      outtext("Width  Height  Q-register name"); outimage;
05810	      current_q:- qregisters;
05820	      WHILE current_q =/= NONE DO
05830	      BEGIN
05840	        outint(current_q.qwidth,4);
05850	        outint(current_q.qheight,7); image.setpos(16);
05860	        outtext(current_q.qname); outimage;
05870	        current_q:- current_q.next_qregister;
05880	      END;
05890	      again:
05900	      outtext(
05910	      "If you want to see the contents of a Q-register,");
05920	      outtext(" then type its name:"); outimage;
05930	      inimage; qname:- storbokstav(sysin.image.strip);
05940	      IF qname =/= NOTEXT THEN
05950	      INSPECT find_qregister(qname) DO
05960	      BEGIN
05970	        FOR i:= 1 STEP 1 UNTIL qheight DO
05980	        BEGIN outtext(lines(i-1)); outimage;
05990	        END;
06000	        GOTO again;
06010	      END OTHERWISE
06020	      BEGIN outtext("?VIDED - There is no such Q-register.");
06030	        outimage; GOTO qlist;
06040	      END;
06050	      restore_screen(q_verticalpos);
06060	    END;
06070	  END;
06080	  PROCEDURE getcommand;
06090	  COMMENT Interpret VIDED command, this procedure is called when the
06100	  user has typed <ALTMODE> or <CONTROL-F> to start a VIDED command;
06110	  BEGIN BOOLEAN stoptime; ! Time to exit from "getcommand";
06120	    BOOLEAN anytextparameter; ! Interpreting the part of a VIDED
06130	    command such as &Q or &S which has a text parameter;
06140	    BOOLEAN type_ahead; ! The user has done type_ahead;
06150	    CHARACTER commandchar; ! First nonnumeric character after &;
06160	    CHARACTER oldchar; ! Screen character overwritten by command
06170	    character;
06180	    CHARACTER secondchar; ! Second character in VIDED command;
06190	    INTEGER hstart; ! Horizontal pos of &;
06200	    INTEGER vstart; ! Vertical pos of &;
06210	    INTEGER arg1; ! First numerical parameter to the command;
06220	    INTEGER arg2; ! Second numerical parameter to the command;
06230	    INTEGER leading_number; ! Number given by the user before the
06240	    command character, e.g. in &13V;
06250	    TEXT qname; ! Value of text parameter to VIDED command;
06260	    INTEGER PROCEDURE intin;
06270	    COMMENT read integer parameter to VIDED command;
06280	    IF leading_number NE -1 THEN
06290	    BEGIN intin:= leading_number; leading_number:= -1;
06300	    END ELSE
06310	    BEGIN
06320	      INTEGER startpos;
06330	      startpos:= command.pos;
06340	      WHILE digit(nextchar) DO;
06350	      IF q_gotchar = carriagereturn THEN
06360	      command.putchar(q_gotchar);
06370	      IF startpos+1 >= command.pos THEN intin:=
06380	      (IF commandchar = char(0) THEN -1 ELSE IF commandchar = 'M'
06390	      THEN hstart ELSE IF commandchar = 'F' THEN 0 ELSE IF
06400	      commandchar = 'T' THEN -2 ELSE 1)
06410	      ELSE intin:=
06420	      command.sub(startpos,command.pos-startpos-1).getint;
06430	    END;
06440	    PROCEDURE restore_command;
06450	    COMMENT When the user has ended a VIDED command, the screen is
06460	    restored to what it was below the command before it was typed;
06470	    BEGIN
06480	      IF q_gotchar = carriagereturn THEN
06490	      call(p_insingle);
06510	      outchr(vidtim,q_gotchar,1);
06530	      COMMENT%IF debugslow
06540	      IF debugslow > 0 THEN sleep(debugslow);
06550	      COMMENT%IFEND debugslow;
06560	      IF q_gotchar = linefeed THEN
06570	      BEGIN IF vstart >= heightm1 THEN
06580	        BEGIN call(p_scroll);
06590	          vstart:= vstart-1;
06600	          verybadscreen:= type_ahead;
06610	        END;
06620	      END;
06630	      IF terminaltype = tandberg THEN
06640	      outchr(terminalout,char(15),1);
06650	      synchronize(hstart,vstart);
06660	      outtext(front(belowcommand));
06670	      move_the_cursor_to(hstart,vstart);
06680	    END;
06690	    CHARACTER PROCEDURE nextchar;
06700	    BEGIN COMMENT Input of one character in a VIDED command;
06710	      IF stoptime THEN
06720	      BEGIN
06730	        IF badscreen THEN verybadscreen:= TRUE;
06740	        GOTO endcommand;
06750	      END;
06760	      stoptime:= q_horizontalpos = widthm1;
06770	      start: oldchar:=
06780	      get_char_from_screen(q_horizontalpos,q_verticalpos);
06790	      call(p_insingle); nextchar:= q_gotchar;
06810	      outchr(vidtim,q_gotchar,1);
06830	      COMMENT%IF debugslow
06840	      IF debugslow > 0 THEN sleep(debugslow);
06850	      COMMENT%IFEND debugslow;
06860	      IF q_gotchar = fill THEN
06870	      BEGIN
06880	        IF command.pos > 3 THEN
06890	        BEGIN
06900	          outchar(fetchar(belowcommand,belowcommand.pos-1));
06910	          move_the_cursor_to(q_horizontalpos-1,q_verticalpos);
06920	          command.setpos(command.pos-1);
06930	          belowcommand.setpos(belowcommand.pos-1);
06940	          GOTO start;
06950	        END ELSE
06960	        BEGIN commandchar:= char(0); GOTO endcommand;
06970	        END;
06980	      END ELSE
06990	      IF q_gotchar = control_u THEN ! erase command;
07000	      BEGIN commandchar:= char(0); GOTO endcommand;
07010	      END ELSE
07020	      BEGIN
07030	        IF q_gotchar < ' ' THEN
07040	        BEGIN
07050	          IF q_gotchar = altmode THEN
07060	          outchr(terminalout,fill,1);
07070	          IF q_gotchar NE carriagereturn AND
07080	          anytextparameter THEN GOTO endcommand;
07090	        END;
07100	        IF q_gotchar NE carriagereturn AND q_gotchar NE linefeed
07110	        THEN
07120	        BEGIN
07130	          belowcommand.putchar(oldchar);
07140	          command.putchar(q_gotchar);
07150	        END;
07160	      END;
07170	    END;
07180	    COMMENT body of PROCEDURE getcommand; !z_t(19);
07190	    hstart:= q_horizontalpos; vstart:= q_verticalpos;
07200	    command:= "&"; command.setpos(2);
07205	    IF q_horizontalpos > widthm1 then goto getout;
07210	    belowcommand:=
07220	    screen(q_verticalpos).sub(q_horizontalpos+1,1);
07230	    belowcommand.setpos(2);
07240	    type_ahead:= trmop(8R0001,sysout,1) = 1 !=type ahead;;
07250	    echoff; synchronize(hstart,vstart);
07260	    outchar('&');
07270	    IF hstart >= widthm1 THEN GOTO endcommand;
07280	    leading_number:= -1;
07290	    leading_number:= intin;
07300	    commandchar:= q_gotchar;
07310	    COMMENT upcase commandchar;
07320	    IF commandchar >= 'a' THEN
07330	    commandchar:= char(rank(commandchar)-32);
07350	    COMMENT test for each possible first command character;
07360	    IF commandchar = 'R' THEN
07370	    BEGIN restore_command;
07380	      restore_screen(vstart);
07390	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'W' THEN
07400	    BEGIN restore_command; removeword;
07410	    END ELSE IF commandchar = '-' THEN
07420	    BEGIN restore_command; avstava;
07430	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'X' THEN
07440	    BEGIN restore_command;
07450	      arg1:= screen(vstart).strip.length;
07460	      IF arg1 > widthm1 THEN arg1:= widthm1;
07470	      move_the_cursor_to(arg1,vstart);
07480	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'O' THEN
07490	    BEGIN restore_command; print_status;
07500	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'U' THEN
07510	    BEGIN restore_command; blank_front;
07520	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'E' THEN
07530	    BEGIN restore_command; forceout(sysout); GOTO stopedit;
07540	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'C' THEN
07550	    BEGIN restore_command; control_c;
07560	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'V' THEN
07570	    BEGIN arg1:= IF leading_number = -1 THEN 1 ELSE
07580	      leading_number;
07590	      IF arg1 > line_model.length THEN arg1:= 0;
07600	      restore_command; insert(line_model.sub(1,arg1));
07610	      move_the_cursor_to(hstart,vstart);
07620	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'T' THEN
07630	    BEGIN arg1:= intin; restore_command;
07640	      IF arg1 > widthm1 THEN arg1:= widthm1;
07650	      IF q_gotchar > ' ' AND q_gotchar NE 'T' AND q_gotchar NE 't'
07660	      THEN settab(IF arg1 = -2 THEN hstart ELSE arg1,q_gotchar)
07670	      ELSE IF arg1 = -2 THEN position_tab(FALSE) ELSE
07680	      move_the_cursor_to(arg1,vstart);
07690	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'L' THEN
07700	    BEGIN arg1:= intin; restore_command;
07710	      addlines(arg1,TRUE,q_gotchar = 'D' OR q_gotchar = 'd');
07720	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'M' THEN
07730	    BEGIN secondchar:= nextchar;
07740	      arg1:= intin; restore_command;
07750	      margset(secondchar,arg1);
07760	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'J' THEN
07770	    BEGIN arg1:= IF leading_number = -1 THEN
07780	      0 ELSE leading_number; restore_command;
07790	      justify(arg1,TRUE);
07800	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'F' THEN
07810	    BEGIN arg1:= intin; restore_command;
07820	      justify(arg1,FALSE);
07830	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'Z' THEN
07840	    BEGIN arg1:= intin; restore_command; z_scroll(arg1);
07850	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'D' THEN
07860	    BEGIN arg1:= IF leading_number = -1 THEN 1 ELSE leading_number;
07870	      restore_command; removechars(arg1);
07880	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'K' THEN
07890	    BEGIN arg1:= IF leading_number = -1 THEN 1 ELSE leading_number;
07900	      restore_command; removelines(arg1);
07910	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'H' THEN
07920	    BEGIN restore_command; help;
07930	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'P' THEN
07940	    BEGIN arg1:= intin; restore_command;
07950	      IF q_gotchar = 'A' OR q_gotchar = 'a' THEN
07960	      BEGIN
07970	        IF NOT endpage THEN newpages(0,TRUE);
07980	        append_page;
07990	      END
08000	      ELSE IF q_gotchar = 'I' OR q_gotchar = 'i' THEN pagedivide
08010	      ELSE IF q_gotchar = 'E' OR q_gotchar = 'e'
08020	      THEN newpages(arg1,TRUE)
08030	      ELSE IF q_gotchar = 'N' OR q_gotchar = 'n' THEN
08040	      BEGIN arg1:= arg1-pagenumber; IF arg1 < 0
08050	        THEN warning("That page has already been passed.")
08060	        ELSE newpages(arg1,FALSE);
08070	      END
08080	      ELSE IF q_gotchar = 's' OR q_gotchar = 'S' THEN
08090	      search_for(page_end_marker,'N') ELSE newpages(arg1,FALSE);
08100	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'Q' THEN
08110	    BEGIN
08120	      arg2:= -1; anytextparameter:= TRUE;
08130	      WHILE letter(nextchar) OR digit(q_gotchar) DO;
08140	      IF command.pos > (IF q_gotchar = carriagereturn THEN 3 ELSE 4)
08150	      THEN qname:- copy(command.sub(3,command.pos-
08160	      (IF q_gotchar = carriagereturn THEN 3 ELSE 4)));
08170	      anytextparameter:= FALSE;
08180	      arg1:= intin;
08190	      IF q_gotchar >= ' ' THEN  arg2:= intin ELSE
08200	      BEGIN arg2:= arg1; arg1:= 0;
08210	      END;
08220	      restore_command;
08230	      qregistercall:
08240	      IF qname = NOTEXT THEN
08250	      qname:- warning( "You gave no qregister name.")
08260	      ELSE put_register(qname,arg1,arg2);
08270	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'A' THEN
08280	    BEGIN
08290	      arg1:= intin; arg2:= intin; restore_command;
08300	      IF arg1 < width AND arg2 < height THEN
08310	      move_the_cursor_to(arg1,arg2);
08320	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'G' THEN
08330	    BEGIN
08340	      WHILE letter(nextchar) OR digit(q_gotchar) DO;
08350	      IF q_gotchar = carriagereturn THEN
08360	      command.setpos(command.pos+1);
08370	      IF command.pos > 4 THEN
08380	      qname:- copy(command.sub(3,command.pos-4));
08390	      restore_command; get_register(qname);
08400	    END ELSE IF commandchar = 'I' OR commandchar = 'S' OR
08410	    commandchar = 'N' THEN
08420	    BEGIN
08430	      anytextparameter:= TRUE; WHILE TRUE DO nextchar;
08440	    END ELSE
08450	    endcommand:
08460	    BEGIN COMMENT handling of end of &I, &Q, &S and &N commands,
08470	      that is some of the commands taking nonnumerical parameters,
08480	      also handling of some ununderstandable commands;
08490	      restore_command;
08500	      IF commandchar = 'I' THEN
08510	      BEGIN COMMENT &I<qname>& command;
08520	        IF command.pos > 3 THEN
08530	        qname:- command.sub(3,command.pos-3);
08540	        insert(qname);
08550	      END ELSE IF commandchar = 'S' OR commandchar = 'N' THEN
08560	      BEGIN COMMENT &S<qname>& and &N<qname>& command;
08570	        IF command.pos > 3 THEN
08580	        qname:- command.sub(3,command.pos-3);
08590	        IF qname = NOTEXT THEN qname:- old_search_string
08600	        ELSE old_search_string:- copy(qname);
08610	        search_for(qname,commandchar);
08620	      END ELSE
08630	      IF commandchar = 'Q' THEN
08640	      BEGIN COMMENT &Q<qname>& command;
08650	        IF arg2 < 0 THEN
08660	        BEGIN arg2:= arg1; arg1:= 0;
08670	        END;
08680	        IF qname == NOTEXT
08690	        AND command.pos > 3 THEN
08700	        qname:- copy(command.sub(3,command.pos-3));
08710	        GOTO qregistercall;
08720	      END;
08730	    END;
08740	    COMMENT End of the handling a VIDED command, ignore type ahead
08750	    made by the user during the performance of the action of the
08760	    VIDED command, and restore the screen if there was too much type
08770	    ahead before the beginning of the handling of the VIDED command;
08780	    IF NOT q_echoenabled THEN
08790	    BEGIN WHILE trmop(8R0001,sysout,1) = 1 !=type ahead; DO getch;
08800	      IF verybadscreen THEN
08810	      BEGIN restore_screen(q_verticalpos);
08820	        verybadscreen:= badscreen:= FALSE;
08830	      END ELSE echon;
08840	    END;
08850	    getout: !z_t(-19);
08860	  END of getcommand;
08870	  PROCEDURE edit;
08880	  COMMENT This procedures contains a loop with one step for every
08890	  character typed by the user which is to be included in the text
08900	  being edited. (Not characters in the inputting of VIDED commands
08910	  preceded by ESCAPE or CONTROL-F). The procedure checks if the
08920	  character is a single character command like CONTROL-U and
08930	  performs the appropriate action;
08940	  BEGIN INTEGER vpos, hpos; COMMENT pos before last character read;
08950	    WHILE TRUE DO
08960	    BEGIN
08970	      vpos:= q_verticalpos; hpos:= q_horizontalpos;
08980	      IF hpos > right_margin THEN
08990	      BEGIN COMMENT program echo at end of line to get proper
09000	        handling of too long input lines from the terminal;
09010	        IF q_echoenabled THEN
09020	        BEGIN IF trmop(8R0001,sysout,1) = 1 !=type ahead; THEN
09030	          BEGIN echoff; synchronize(hpos,vpos);
09040	          END;
09050	        END;
09060	      END;
09070	      call(p_insingle); COMMENT read one character;
09080	      IF NOT q_echoenabled THEN
09090	      BEGIN COMMENT shall we restore echoing if no type ahead?;
09100	        IF q_horizontalpos < right_margin THEN
09110	        BEGIN
09120	          IF NOT trmop(8R0001,sysout,1) = 1 !=type ahead; THEN echon;
09130	        END;
09140	      END;
09160	      outchr(vidtim,q_gotchar,1);
09180	      COMMENT%IF debugslow
09190	      IF debugslow > 0 THEN sleep(debugslow);
09200	      COMMENT%IFEND debugslow;
09210	      IF controlchar THEN
09220	      BEGIN COMMENT character < 32 or > 126;
09230	        IF q_gotchar NE carriagereturn THEN
09240	        BEGIN
09250	          IF q_gotchar = linefeed THEN
09260	          BEGIN
09270	            IF vpos >= heightm1 THEN
09280	            BEGIN
09290	              emptyscroll:= TRUE; call(p_scroll);
09300	              emptyscroll:= FALSE;
09310	            END;
09320	          END ELSE
09330	          BEGIN
09340	            IF q_gotchar = altmode THEN
09350	            BEGIN
09360	              IF terminaltype = minitec OR terminaltype = tandberg
09370	              THEN outchr(terminalout,fill,2);
09380	              getcommand;
09390	            END ELSE IF q_gotchar = control_f THEN getcommand
09400	            ELSE IF q_gotchar = tab THEN position_tab(TRUE)
09410	            ELSE IF q_gotchar = fill THEN
09420	            BEGIN COMMENT RUB OUT;
09430	              IF hpos = 0 AND vpos > 0 THEN
09440	              BEGIN COMMENT RUB OUT at beginning of line goes back
09450	                to end of previous line;
09460	                vpos:= vpos-1;
09470	                hpos:= screen(vpos).strip.length;
09480	                IF hpos > widthm1 THEN hpos:= widthm1;
09490	                move_the_cursor_to(hpos,vpos);
09500	              END;
09510	            END ELSE IF q_gotchar = control_u THEN
09520	            blank_front
09530	            ELSE IF q_gotchar = control_d THEN
09540	            removechars(1) ELSE IF q_gotchar = control_v THEN
09550	            BEGIN insert(line_model.sub(1,1));
09560	              move_the_cursor_to(hpos,vpos);
09570	            END ELSE IF q_gotchar = control_w THEN
09580	            BEGIN IF terminaltype = infoton THEN
09590	              removeword;
09600	            END;
09610	          END;
09620	        END;
09630	      END ELSE
09640	      BEGIN COMMENT NOT controlchar;
09650	        IF badscreen THEN COMMENT LF at bottom of a page;
09660	        BEGIN emptyscroll:= TRUE; call(p_scroll);
09670	          emptyscroll:= badscreen:= FALSE;
09680	        END;
09690	      END;
09700	    END;
09710	  END;
09720	  PROCEDURE stop_editing;
09730	  BEGIN GOTO stopedit;
09740	  END;
09750	  PROCEDURE startmic;
09760	  BEGIN COMMENT close edit text files;
09770	    IF NOT tmpoutfile THEN
09780	    BEGIN editin.close; editout.close;
09790	    END ELSE
09800	    BEGIN COMMENT delete old backup file, rename input file to
09810	      backup extension, rename output file to the name of the input
09820	      file;
09830	      TEXT bakfilename; CHARACTER c;
09840	      bakfilename:- copy(inspec);
09850	      COMMENT backup file takes extension beginning with .Q;
09860	      scanto(bakfilename,'.');
09870	      c:= fetchar(bakfilename,bakfilename.pos);
09880	      IF c NE '[' AND c NE '<' THEN
09890	      bakfilename.putchar('Q') ELSE
09900	      bakfilename:- conc(front(bakfilename),"Q",rest(bakfilename));
09910	      depchar(bakfilename,bakfilename.length-3,'0');
09930	      outimage;
09940	      IF rename(bakfilename,NOTEXT,FALSE) > 0 THEN
09950	      BEGIN COMMENT Old backup file could not be deleted;
09960	        outtext("?VIDED - CANNOT DELETE FILE: ");
09970	        outtext(bakfilename);
09980	        outimage;
09990	        editin.close; editout.close;
10000	      END ELSE
10010	      BEGIN
10020	        outtext(" INPUT FILE WILL BE RENAMED TO: ");
10030	        outtext(bakfilename); outimage;
10040	        IF rename(editin,bakfilename,TRUE) >= 0 THEN
10050	        BEGIN COMMENT input file could not be renamed to backup
10060	          name;
10070	          outtext("?VIDED - CANNOT RENAME INPUT FILE: ");
10080	          outtext(inspec); editout.close;
10090	        END ELSE
10100	        BEGIN
10110	          IF rename(editout,inspec,TRUE) >= 0 THEN
10120	          BEGIN COMMENT temporary output file could not be renamed
10130	            to the name of the input file;
10140	            outtext("?VIDED - CANNOT RENAME OUTPUT FILE: ");
10150	            outtext(arg[1]);
10160	          END;
10170	        END;
10180	      END;
10190	      sysout.outimage;
10200	    END;
10210	  END;
10220	  COMMENT start of execution;
10230	  IF terminaltype = tandberg THEN control_f:= char(14);
10240	  dashblank:- copy("- ");
10250	  edit; COMMENT start of editing;
10260	  stopedit:
10270	  COMMENT Save q-registers for continued editing;
10280	  q_qregisters:- qregisters;
10290	  IF NOT q_echoenabled THEN echon;
10300	END;
10310	stopedit:
10320	COMMENT remember initial parameter settings at continued execution;
10340	  FOR i:= 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 12 DO
10350	  BEGIN
10360	    IF arg[i] =/= NOTEXT THEN
10370	    BEGIN ini[i]:- arg[i]; arg[i]:- NOTEXT;
10380	      ini[i].setpos(1);
10390	    END;
10400	    ini[1]:- ini[3]:- NOTEXT;
10410	    tmpoutfile:= FALSE;
10430	    vidtim.close;
10450	    COMMENT%IF FQC
10460	    Goto totalstop;
10480	    exit(0);
10490	    GOTO topstart;
10500	  END;
10510	END;
10520	totalstop:
10530	END;