PDP-10 Archives
There are 6 other files named tecerr.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
0edHk*n@/VERSION:3(25427)@`@ @z @2 @ @2 @ @ @ @ @- @ @ @X @ @ @@ @ @( @i\Y @I1 @^ @? @wO @ @h @ @ @
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X7 c@@c,X3,X3,X0+ 1N/,Y ,X0 "U* @3+ +X\ <+Xg e+Xg "+X: <a@ <{+Xi e+Xs7 +X? *U*A"@; e+Xn +X7 <+Xg <+XgZ,+X:[`&"PYL.d `4DYP *@@D,X=@C$Z1N,~0N+@E "?h(BG"?h0B+@E,~$Z (U*U*@L+@E 0+X? 0?+XZ P+X7 5+X7 <{+Xg <t+Xg7= <+X: (@@U+X: +X? Improper Arguments
Thefollowing@argument combinations are illegal:
1) , (no argument before comma)
2) M,N, (where M and N are numeric terms)
3) H, @f (because H=B,Z is already two arguments)
4) ,H (H following other arguments)
@n Ambiguous Switch Name: /19
The switch "/19" is not uniquely abbreviated, i.e. mor @we than
one switch will match "/19". A longer, unique form of the
switch should be @ used.
Cannot Delete Old Backup File
Failure in RENAME process at close of editi Ang job initiated by an EB
command or a TECO command. There exists an old backup file A 08.BAK
with a protection 07 such that it cannot be deleted. Hence the
input file A 10 cannot be renamed to "08.BAK". The output file
is closed with the filename "0 A!1". The RENAME MUUO
error code is 03.
Block not found
This is an internal er A*ror and should be reported. A block of text,
such as a previously-executed command, A2 or q-register text, was not
in the linked list of such blocks.
Breakpoint in A;macro "18"
The most recent EB file was: "10"
The most recent ER file was: "21"
ACThe most recent EW file was: "20"
The most recent search argument was: "17"
EO=1 AL6, ET=22, ED=23
ARG=06, SARG=24, VALUE=26,
CCL Command Missing AT
TECO10 was run with a run-offset of one (1) and there was no file
'EDT' in TMPCOR A]or '###EDT.TMP' on the user's disk area.
Core expansion failure
The current ope Aeration requires more memory storage than XTEC now has
and TECO10 is unable to obtain An more core from the monitor. This message
can occur as a result of any one of the fo Avllowing things:
1) Command buffer overflow while a long command string is being type Ad,
2) Q-register buffer overflow caused by an X or [ command.
3) Too many Q-registe Brs in use (.gt.5000),
4) Too much nesting or recursion of the M command.
5) Editing B buffer overflow caused by an insert command or
a readcommand or other causes.
Can't Find Overflowed PDL
A PDL overflow trap occurred, but TECO10 could not f B!ind the PDL
that caused the overflow. This is an internal error and should be
repo B)rted, along with a teletype printout showing what the user was
Confused B2use of conditionals
Conditionals, parenthesized arguments, and iterations must be pr B:operly
nested. The user probably used some construct like: N"E...(...' where
an it BCeration or parenthesized argument is begun in a conditional
but not terminated in th BKe same conditional.
EB with Device 04 is Illegal
The EB command and the TECO BTcommand may be specified only with
file structured devices (ie: disk and DECtape.)
B\ EB with Illegal File 02
The EB command and the TECO command may not be used w Beith a file
having the filename extension ".BAK" or a file having the name
"NNNXTC.T BmMP" where NNN is the user's job number. The user must
either use an ER-EW sequence o Bvr rename the file.
EW Before Current EB Closed
An ER or EW command may not be B~ given while an EB command is in
progress. Give an EF to close the files if you wish C
to do an ER or EW, or an EK to cancel the current EB.
EB Illegal because of fi Cle 02 Protection
The file 02 cannot be edited with an EB command or a TECO command C
because it has a protection 07 such that it cannot be renamed
at close time.
C EM with Illegal Argument
The argument N in an NEM command must be greater than zero C).
EM with no Input Device Open
EM commands apply only to the input device, and s C1hould be preceded
by an ER (or equivalent) command. To position a tape for output, t C:hat
unit should be temporarily opened for input while doing the EM commands.
EN w CBith a Device is Illegal
Since it is not possible to RENAME across devices. There mus CKt be
no device specified in an EN command. The device is specified
in the ER comman CSd which selected the file.
EN commands apply to t C\he file currently open for input. You must
execute an ER command to select the file Cdto be RENAME'd or deleted
before executing an EN.
00Illegal Output Filena Cmme "02"
ENTER UUO failure 0. The filename "02" specified for the
output file cann Cuot be used. the format is invalid.
01Output UFD for the file "02" not found
ENTER C~ UUO failure 1. The file 02 specified
for output by an EE, EW, EA, EZ, OR MAKE comm Dand cannot be created
because there is no user file directory with the project-progr Dammer
number 05 on device 04.
02Output Protection Failure
ENTER UUO failure 2. DThe file 02 specified
for output by an EE, EA, EZ, EB, MAKE, or TECO command cannot D be
created either because it already exists and is write-protected against
the use D(r, or because the UFD it is to be entered into is write-
protected against the user. D1
03Output File being Modified
ENTER UUO failure 3. The file 02 specified for outp D9ut
by an EE, EW, EA, EZ, EB, or TECO command cannot be created
because it is curren DBtly being created or modified by another job.
04File "02" already exists
ENTER UU DJO failure 4. Re-issue the command with the /SUPERSEDE switch,
if you really want to DSsupersede the file. Otherwise use a different
name, or (assuming you do not intend D[to read your current "ER" file
any more, do an "ER" to the file that would be supers Ddeded, and
an "E=newname$" to rename it.
06Output UFD or RIB Error
ENTER UUO failu Dlre 6. The output file 02 cannot be
created because a bad directory block was encoun Dutered by the
monitor while the ENTER was in progress. The user may try
repeating th D}e EE, EW, EA, EB, or TECO COMMAND, BUT IF The ERROR
PERSISTS, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PR EOCEED. Notify your system manager.
14No Room or Quota Exceeded on 04
ENTER UUO FA EILURE 14. The output file 02 cannot be
created because there is no more free space Eon device 04 or
because the user's quota is already exceeded there.
15Write Lock Eon 04
ENTER UUO failure 15. The output file 02 cannot be
created because the outp E(ut file structure is write-locked.
16Monitor Table Space Exhausted
ENTER UUO failu E0re 16. The output file 02 cannot be
created because there is not enough table space E9 left in the
monitor to allow the enter. The user may try repeating the
EE, EW, EA, EA EB, or TECO command, but if the error persists
he or she will have to wait till con EJditions improve.
23Output SFD Not Found
ENTER UUO failure 23. The output file 02 ERcannot be
created because the Sub-File-Directory on which it should be
entered cann E[ot be found.
24Search List Empty
ENTER UUO failure 24. The output file 02 cannot Ecbe
created because the user's file structure search list is empty.
25Output SFD Ne Elsted Too Deeply
ENTER UUO failure 25. The output file 02 cannot be
created because Et the specified SFD path for the ENTER
is nested too deeply.
26No Create for Specif E}ied SFD Path
ENTER UUO failure 26. The output file 02 cannot be
created because th Fe specified sfd path for the ENTER
is set for no creation.
41Undefined Network Nod Fe.
ENTER UUO failure 41. The device 04 cannot be opened
because the node on which F it resides is not on line. Try again later.
ENTER FAILURE 03 on Output File 02
FThe attempted ENTER of the output file 02 has failed and
the monitor has returned a F'n error code of 03. This error
is not expected to occur on an ENTER. Please report F0it to your
systems manager with the tty printout showing what you were doing.
F8 06EO Argument Too Large
The argument 06 given with an EO command is larger than t FAhe
standard (maximum) setting of eo=16 for this version of TECO10.
This must be an FI older version of TECO10 than the user thinks he
is using; the features correspondin FRg to EO=06 do not exist.
00Input File 02 not Found
LOOKUP UUO failure 0 FZ. The file 02 specified for input by an
ER, EB, EI, EP, OR TECO command was not fou Fcnd on the
input device 04.
01Input UFD - not Found
LOOKUP UUO failure 1. The fil Fke 02 specified for input by
an ER, EB, EI, EP, OR TECO command cannot be found
bec Ftause there is no User File Directory with project-programmer
number 05 on device 0 F|4.
02Input Protection Failure
LOOKUP UUO failure 2. The file 02 specified for inp Gut
by an ER, EB, EI, EP OR TECO command cannot be read
becauseaitsistread-protected G
06Input UFD or RIB Error
LOOKUP UUO failure 6. The input fi Gle 02 cannot be
read because a bad directory block was encountered by the
monitor Gwhile the LOOKUP was in progress. The user may try
repeating the ER, EB, EI, EP OR G'TECO command, but if the error
persists all is lost. Notify your system manager.
G/16Monitor Table Space Exhausted
LOOKUP UUO failure 16. The input file 02 cannot be G8
read because there is not enough table space left in the
monitor to allow the LOOK G@UP. The user may try repeating the
ER, EB, EI, EP, OR TECO command, but if the erro GIr persists
he or she will have to wait until conditions improve.
23Input SFD not F GQound
LOOKUP UUO failure 23. The input file 02 cannot be found
because the sub-file GZ-directory on which it should be looked up
cannot be found.
24Search List Empty
L GbOOKUP UUO failure 24. The input file 02 cannot be
found because the user's file st Gkructure search list is empty.
25Input SFD Nested Too Deeply
LOOKUP UUO failure 25. Gs The input file 02 cannot be found
because the specified SFD path for the LOOKUP is G|
nested too deeply.
41Undefined Network Node.
LOOKUP UUO failure 41. The device H04 cannot be opened
because the node on which it resides is not on line. Try again H
Lookup Failure (03) on Input File 02
The attempted LOOKUP on the input fi Hle 02 has failed and
the monitor has returned an error code of 03. This error
is Hnot expected to occur on a LOOKUP. Please give the
terminal prinout showing what you H& were doing to your system manager.
Illegal ^E Command in Search Argument
A sea H/rch argument contains a ^E command that is either not defined
or incomplete. The onl H7y valid ^E commands in search arguments are:
^EA, ^ED, ^EV, ^EW, ^EL, ^ES, ^E<NNN>, H@and ^E[A,B,C,...].
Illegal ^N Command in Search Argument
When used in a searc HHh argument, the ^N command must be followed
by a character.
Input Device 04 no HQt Available
Open failure. Unable to initialize the device 04
for input. Either the HY device is being used by someone else right
now, or else it does not exist in the sy Hbstem.
Illegal Character "00" After E
"E" was interpreted as part of a 2-letter Hj command.
"E00" is not recognized as a command.
Re-Init Failure on Device 04 Hs After EM
Unable to re-initialize the device 04 after executing an
EM command on i H{t. If this error persists after retrying to
initialize the device with an ER comman Id(or EW command
if output to the device is desired), consult your system manager.
Input Error While Reading a File
While reading an initialization, EI, EP, etc. an i I/o error
Input Error While Reading SWITCH.INI
An I/O error occurred I whilst reading SWITCH.INI.
Illegal Character "00" After F
"F" was interpreted a I&s part of a 2-letter command.
"F00" is not recognized as a command.
Illegal C I.haracter "00" in File Specification
File specifications must be of the form: DEV:FI I7LE.TXT[PATH]
where DEV, FILE, and EXT are alphanumeric strings. No
characters other I? than these may appear between the EB, E&, EE, EI,
E=, EQ, E%, EW, or EZ command and IH the terminator.
Illegal Command: 00
The character "00" is not defined as a va IPlid TECO10 command.
Illegal Memory Reference
TECO10 made an illegal memory ref IYerence. This is an internal
error and should be reported, along with a teletype pri Iantout showing
what the user was doing. The value of the buffer pointer is set to
t Ijhe beginning of the buffer; the buffer and file should (hopefully)
remain intact.
Ir Cannot LOOKUP Input File 09 to RENAME it
Failure in rename process at close of edi I{ting job initiated by
anEB commandJor a TECO command. Unable to do a LOOKUP on the
original input file 10 in order to RENAME it to
"08.BAK". The output file is clos J
ed with the name "01".
The LOOKUP UUO error code is 03.
Illegal EL Specific Jation
A numeric specification for the EL command must be greater
than or equal to 0 J, and less than or equal to 3.
Input Error 11 on File 09
A read error has occ J%urred during input. The input file 09
has been released. The user may try again to the file, but if
the error persists, the user will have to return to his or her J6 backup file.
The input device error flags (status word right half with bits 22-35
J?masked out) are 11 (14
Illegal argument to "P" comma Knd
The "P" command can take a numeric argument, which is the number of
pages to mov Ke. A negative argument is illegal.
Illegal Character "00" in PPN
"PJ" AND "PG" MUST BE OCTAL NUMBERS. AN SFD is an alphanumeric
or quoted string.
K% Illegal Character 00 in /PROTECT Switch
The format of the /PROTECT switch is: /PRO K-TECT:NNN
Where NNN is an octal number and may optionally be
enclosed in angle brack K6ets (ie: /protect:<nnn>.)
Illegal Character "00" after " Command
"<, ">, "=, "R, "A, "D, "V, "W, "T, "F, "S, and KG "U.
Illegal Character "00" in Q-Register Name
A Q-register name must be in o KOne 2 formats:
(1) X , where "X" is a printing character (except `,{,|,},~)
(2) (FOO KX) where "FOO" is up to 6 alphanumerics, or is in quotes.
Illegal Character "00" K`in Q-Register Name, please retype
The Q-register name given in the "*" command conta Kiins
an illegal character. Re-type the "*" and a legal q-register name.
A Q-registe Kqr name must be in one 2 formats:
(1) X , where "X" is a printing character (except ` Kz,{,|,},~)
(2) (FOO) where "FOO" is up to 6 alphanumerics, or is in quotes.
Cann Lot Rename Input File 09 to 08.BAK
Failure in rename process at close of editing jo Lb initiated by an
EB command or a TECO command. The attempt to rename the original
Linput file 10 to the backup filename "08.BAK"
has failed. The output file is clos Led with the name "01".
The RENAME UUO error code is 03.
Cannot Re-Init Devi L$ce 04 for Rename Process
Failure in rename process at close of editing job initiate L-d by
an EB command or a TECO command. Cannot reinitialize
the original input devic L5e 04 in order to rename the input file
01 to 08.BAK. The output file is closed w L>ith the
name 02.
Illegal Character "00" in a Switch
Illegal TTCALL Type Valu LOe 06
The EXTENDED TTCALL command must take the form "arg1,arg2:^T"
where arg1 is t LWhe (optional) TTCALL argument and arg2 is the
TTCALL type in decimal. The second arg L`ument must be a
legitimate TTCALL type, With 0-13 legal except for 3(OUTSTR).
:8^T Lhwill do a RESCAN, :1,8^T tests for CCL entry point.
Illegal LUUO
A local uuo was Lq encountered which is not legal. This error
should not occur. close your files and r Lyeport this problem
to your system manager.
Cannot Access Log Device
I can't Mget that device for a log file, dummy!
Cannot ENTER Log File
I can't make the M
file, dummy!
Linked-list broken
This is an internal error. The linked list Mof q-register values, etc.
is broken. Try to save your edits and exit. This is an Minternal error
which should be reported. Save your output.
Missing '
Every co M$nditional (opened with the " command) must be closed
with the ' command.
Miss M,ing Control PDL
A pdl overflow was trapped and the control pdl was found to be
miss M5ing. This error should not occur. Close your files
and report the problem to your sy M=stem manager.
Macro Ending with E
A command macro being executed from a Q-reg MFister ends with the
character"E".NThis is an incomplete command. E is the initial
character of an entire set of commands. The other character
of the command begun by MW E must be in the same macro with the E.
Macro Ending with F
A command macro be M_ing executed from a Q-register ends with the
character "F". This is an incomplete co Mhmmand. F is the initial
character of an entire set of commands. The other character Mp
of the command begun by F must be in the same macro with the F.
Macro Ending w Myith Unterminated O Command
The last command in macro "18" is an "O" command with n No
delimiter to mark the end of the tag-name.
Macro Ending with "
The macro "1 N
8" ends with a " character. This is an
incomplete command. " must be followed by G N, L, N, E, C, A, D,
V, W, T, F, S, or U to indicate the condition under which the
f Nollowing commands are to be executed. This character must be in
the Q-register with N#the ".
Macro Ending with ^
Themacro"18" ends with a ^ character. This is an
incomplete command. ^ followed by a character converts the character
into a contro N4l character for command parsing. The
character was not there.
Macro Ending w N=ith "00"
The macro "18" ends with the "00" command.
This command requires a Q-re NEgister name of 1 character
or up to 6 characters in parentheses.
Missing Left A NNngle Bracket
There is a right angle bracket that has no
matching left angle bracket NV. An iteration must
be complete within the macro or command.
Missing (
There is N_ a right parenthesis that is not matched
by a corresponding left parenthesis.
Ng Missing Right Angle Bracket
There is a left angle bracket that has no
matching rig Npht angle bracket. An iteration must
be complete within the macro or command.
Nx Missing )
There is a right parenthesis that is not matched
by a corresponding left O parenthesis.
Missing Start of Conditional
A ' command (end of conditional) w O as encountered. Every '
command must be matched by a preceding " (start of conditio Onal)
Macro Ending with ^^
The macro "18" ends with either a control O-^
or ^^. This is an incomplete command. The ^^command takes
a single character tex O#t argument that must be in the Q-register
with the ^^.
No Argument Before =
Th O+e command N= or N== causes that value N to be typed. The
= command must be preceded O4by either a specific numeric
argument or a command that returns a numeric value.
O< No Delimiter After I
If the I command has a numeric argument it must be followed
b OEy a null text string i.e.: 33I$ or 33@i//
No Argument Before "
The " command mus OMt be preceded by a single numeric argument
on which the decision to execute the foll OVowing commands
or skip to the matching ' is based.
No Argument Before U
The com O^mand NUI stores the value N in Q-register I.
The U command must be preceded by eithe Ogr a specific numeric
argument or a command that returns a numeric value.
No F Ooile for Input
Before issuing an input command (Y, ^Y, or A) it is necessary
to ope Oxn an input file by use of an ER, EB, or TECO command.
No File for Output
Befo Pre giving an output command (PW, P, ^P, N, EX, or EG) it is
necessary to open an out P put file by use of an EA, EB, EW, EZ, MAKE,
or TECO command.
No Log File Open
A P command of the form nEL was given, but there is no log file
open to have parameters P modified.
Null Switch Name is Illegal
A switch name must consist of one or mor P"e alphanumeric characters.
No text in Q-register
The Q-register "19" does not c P+ontain text.
Numeric argument to "Y" or "EY" command
The "Y" command does not tak P3e numeric arguments.
Did you type "0YY" instead of "0TT"?
Output Device 04 N P<ot Available
Initialization failure. Unable to initialize the device 04
for output PD. Either the device is being used by someone else
right now, or it is write locked, PMor else it does not exist in
the system.
EW Before Current Output file Closed
A PUn EB,EW,EA, or EZ command may not be given while an output file is open.
Give an EF P^to close the file if you wish to save the output file as it is,
or an EK to throw aw Pfay the current output file.
Output Error 11. Output File 10 Closed
An error on Pothe output device is fatal.
The output file is closed at the end of the last data th Pwat
was successfully output. It has the filename "01".
See the TECO Reference Manua Ql section 4.4 for a recovery
technique. The output device flags (status word right h Qalf
with bits 22-35 masked out) are 11 (14
00End of Tape).
01Block Number Too QLarge, Device Full or Quota Exceeded).
02Parity or Checksum Error).
Block Number QToo Large and Parity Error).
04Device Error, Data Missed).
05Block Number Too Lar Q"ge and Device Error).
06Oarity Error and Device Error).
07Block Number Too Large, Q* Parity Error, and Device Error).
10Improper Mode or Device Write Locked).
11Bloc Q3k Number Too Large and Improper Mode).
12Parity Error and Improper mode).
13Block Q; Number Too Large, Parity Error, and Improper Mode).
14Device Error and Improper Mo QDde).
15Block Number Too Large, Device Error, and Improper Mode).
16Parity Error, QLDevice Error, and Improper Mode).
17Block Number Too Large, Parity Error, Device Er QUror,
and Improper Mode).
Confused Use of Parentheses
An iteration may not be contained within Qf a parenthesized expression.
Attempt to Pop Empty Stack
A ] command (pop off Qn q-register stack into a q-register) was
encountered when there was nothing on the q Qw-register stack.
Page Number 06 Not Found
An attempt to move to page 06 of the Q input file 02
wasmadewithRthe ^P or ^Y command. that page does not exist in the
input file.
Attempt to move Pointer Off Page.
The argument specified with a J, C R, R, or D command must point to
a position within the current size of the buffer. (i Re: between B
and Z inclusive.) This can also occur on a "]()" command since
the nu R!meric value will be used for ".".
This can also occur with the nA command (A with nu R*meric argument)
if (.+n) attempts to access a character off either end of the buffer R2.
Attempt to Move Previous to Current page with ^P or ^Y
The argument to a R;^P or ^Y command is an absolute page number in the
file. it must be greater than or RCequal to the current page number.
PDL Table Too Small
There are not enough EN RLTRIES in the pdl table. This error is not
expected to occur. Close your files and re RTport the problem to your
system manager.
01UFD for 02 Not Found
RENAME U R]UO failure 1. The new filespec 01 specified
by an EN command cannot be used because Re there is no directory
05 on device 04.
02Protection Failure for 01
RENAME UUO Rn faulure 2. the filespec 01 specified
by an EN command cannot be used because you a Rvre not privileged
to RENAME the input file.
03File Being Modified
RENAME UUO fail Rure 3. The filespec 02 specified
by an EN command cannot be used because the input Sfile is being
modified by someone.
04Rename Filename 02 already exists
RENAME UU SO failure 4. The filespec 02 specified
by an EN command could not be used because t Shere is already
a file by that name.
06UFD or RIB Error
RENAME UUO failure 6. The S! filespec 02 specified
by an EN command could not be used because a bad directory
S)block was encountered by the monitor. Notify your system manager.
22Cannot Delete a S2 Non-Empty Directory
RENAME UUO failure 22. The filespec 02 specified
by an EN com S:mand could not be used because the input file was
a directory which was not empty, a SCnd therefore cannot be deleted.
23Output SFD Not Found
RENAME UUO failure 23. The SKoutput file 02 specified
by an EN command could not be used because the Sub-File-Di STrectory
on which the file should be placed does not exist.
RENAME failure 03 for S\02
The attempted Rename of the Input file has failed and
the monitor has returned Sean error code of 03. This error should
probably not happen on a RENAME. Please repo Smrt
the problem to your systems manager.
Cannot Rename Output File 01
Failure Svin rename process at close of EDITING job initiated by
an EB command or a TECO comma S~nd. The attempt to rename the output
file 01 to the name "10" originally specified T in the
EB or TECO command has failed. The original input file 10
as been renamed T"08.BAK", BUT The OUTPUT FILE IS CLOSED WITH
The NAME "01". The RENAME UUO error c Tode is 03.
Superceding Existing File: 02
The output file 02 already exists on T 04.
This message is warning the user that his or her existing file is
being overw T)ritten.
Initial Search With No Argument
A search command with null argument has b T1een given, but there
was no preceding search command from which the argument could b T:e
; Not in Iteration
The semicolon command may be used only in an iter TBation.
Cannot Find "17"
A search command not preceded by a colon modifier and n TKot
within an iteration has failed to find the specified character
string "17".
If TS an S, FS, FD, or any negative or bounded search fails, the pointer is
unchanged. Af T\ter an n or _ search fails, the last page of the
input file has been read and, in th Tde case of N, output, and the
buffer cleared.
Search String Too Long
The maximu Tmm length of a search string is 80 characters, including
all string control commands Tuand their arguments.
Search String Too Long
The maximum length of a search stri T~ng is 36 character positions,
not counting extra characters required to specify a si Ungle position.
Missing Tag !12!
The tag !12! specified by an O command canno Ut be found.
This tag must be in the same macro level as the O command
referencing i Ut.
Two Arguments With L
The L command takes at most one numeric argument, namely, U the
number of lines over which the buffer pointer is to be moved.
Too Many Neste U(d SFD'S
The number of Sub-File-Directories specified in
a path exceeds the number a U1llowed by TECO10. If desired, the user
may re-assemble TECO10 with 'C$SFDL' equal to U9 the desired
nesting level of SFD'S.
Illegal TTY I/O Device
A teletype may be sp UBecified as an input/output device in an
ER, EW, EZ, or MAKE command only if it is no UJt being used
to control an attached job, the user's own terminal.
Unenabled APR USTrap
An APR trap occurred which was not enabled. This
error should not occur. Pleas U[e report it to your systems manager.
Unterminated ^A Command
A ^A message type-o Udut command has been given,
but there is no corresponding ^A to mark the end
of the Ulmessage. ^A commands must be complete within a
single macro level.
Unimplemented Uu"EN" command
The EN command is not implemented, sorry.
Macro Ending with Unterm U}inated File Selection Command
The last command in the macro "18" is a file selectio Vn command
(ER, EW, EB, ED, EL, EI, EN, or EZ) with no delimiter to mark the
end of Vthe file specification.
The file selection command must be complete within the Q-reg Vister.
Unterminated Insert Command
An insert command (possibly an @ insert comma Vnd) has been given
without terminating the text argument at the same macro level.
V( Unterminated Q-Register Name (missing ) )
If a multi-character q-register name is s V0pecified, it must be
terminated by a right parenthesis. the format is:
<command>(<q V9-reg-name>)
Unknown Switch Name: /19
The switch "/19" is not defined with eith VAer input or output
file selectionJcommands. The currently implemented switches are:
Unterminated Search Command
A search command (possibly an @ search c V[ommand) has been given
without terminating the text argument at the same macro level Vc.
Unterminated Tag
A command string tag has been indicated by a ! command,
but Vlthere is no corresponding ! to mark the end of the tag.
Tags must be complete within Vt a single command level.
Version incompatability
The current version of TECO10 V} may be incompatable with save files
written with the EE command with an old version W of TECO10.
Re-compile all your macros and re-issue the EE command if possible.
If Wthis is not possible, it may be possible to continue, but random
errors may occur.
W Attempt to execute the Text editing Buffer.
The Q-register 18 is currently sh Waring with the blank Q-register,
which istheText-editing buffer. Do "HX18m18".
Should Not Occur.
Please report this problem to your systems manager as soon a W0s
possible. sorry for the inconvenience. try to close your files
if possible.
W8 "Y" or "_" command aborted due to non-empty buffer
The "Y" and "_" commands are on WAly legal if the editing buffer is empty,
or if 2ED is set, or in a macro.
"EY" is t WIhe same command as "Y" but without this restriction.
"E_" is the same command as "_"
U*WR but without this restriction.
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