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             DECsystem-10 RPG II Report Program Generator
                           Reference Manual

                             Revision:  2

                             June 1, 1977

Copyright (C) 1977
Cerritos Community College District and Robert Currier

This software is furnished under license for  use  only  on  a  single
computer system and may be copied only with the inclusion of the above
copyright notice.  This software, or any other copies thereof, may not
be provided or otherwise made available to any other person except for
use on such system and to one  who  agrees  to  these  license  terms.
Title  to and ownership of the software shall at all times remain with
Cerritos Community College District and Robert Currier.

The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice
and  should  not  be  construed  as  a  commitment  by either Cerritos
Community College District or Robert Currier.
DECsystem-10 RPG II Reference Manual                            Page 2
DECsystem-10 RPG II Reference Manual                            Page 3

                          Table of Contents


                 1.1    THE RPG II CYCLE ........................ 1-2
                 1.1.1     Single Input File Processing ......... 1-2
                 1.1.2     Multiple Input File Processing ....... 1-3
                 1.1.3     Changes to the Standard Cycle ........ 1-5
                 1.1.4     Cycle Summary ........................ 1-5
                 1.2    RPG II FUNCTIONS - THE SPECIFICATIONS ... 1-5
                 1.3    DEFINITION OF TERMS ..................... 1-7


                 2.1    QUICK REFERENCE CHARTS .................. 2-1


                 3.1    PAGE NUMBER ............................. 3-1
                 3.2    LINE NUMBER ............................. 3-2
                 3.3    FORM TYPE ............................... 3-2
                 3.4    COMMENTS ................................ 3-3
                 3.5    PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION .................. 3-3


                 4.1    OBJECT PROGRAM EXECUTION SIZE ........... 4-1
                 4.2    DEBUG ................................... 4-1
                 4.3    FORMS POSITIONING ....................... 4-2


                 5.1    FILENAME ................................ 5-1
                 5.2    FILE TYPE ............................... 5-2
                 5.2.1     Input Files .......................... 5-2
                 5.2.2     Output Files ......................... 5-2
                 5.2.3     Update Files ......................... 5-3
                 5.2.4     Combined Files ....................... 5-3
                 5.2.5     Display Files ........................ 5-3
                 5.3    FILE DESIGNATION ........................ 5-4
                 5.3.1     Primary Files ........................ 5-4
                 5.3.2     Secondary Files ...................... 5-4
                 5.3.3     Chained Files ........................ 5-5
                 5.3.4     Record Address Files ................. 5-5
                 5.3.5     Table or Array Files ................. 5-5
                 5.3.6     Demand Files ......................... 5-6
                 5.4    END OF FILE ............................. 5-6
                 5.5    SEQUENCE ................................ 5-7
                 5.6    FILE FORMAT ............................. 5-7
                 5.7    BLOCK LENGTH ............................ 5-7
                 5.8    RECORD LENGTH ........................... 5-8
                 5.9    MODE OF PROCESSING ...................... 5-8
                 5.9.1     Consecutive Processing ............... 5-10
                 5.9.2     Sequential Processing of Indexed Files 5-10
DECsystem-10 RPG II Reference Manual                            Page 4

                 5.9.3     Processing by ADDROUT File ........... 5-10
                 5.9.4     Random Processing .................... 5-11
                 5.10   LENGTH OF KEY OR RECORD ADDRESS FIELD ... 5-11
                 5.11   RECORD ADDRESS TYPE ..................... 5-11
                 5.12   TYPE OF FILE ORGANIZATION ............... 5-12
                 5.13   PRINT FILE OVERFLOW INDICATOR ........... 5-12
                 5.14   KEY FIELD STARTING LOCATION ............. 5-13
                 5.15   EXTENSION CODE .......................... 5-13
                 5.16   DEVICE CODE ............................. 5-14
                 5.17   FILENAME ................................ 5-14
                 5.17.1    Default Extensions ................... 5-15
                 5.18   CONTINUATION LINES ...................... 5-16
                 5.18.1    Column 53 ............................ 5-16
                 5.18.2    Continuation Lines Options ........... 5-16
                 5.19   FILE ADDITION AND UNORDERED OUTPUT ...... 5-16
                 5.20   TAPE REWIND ............................. 5-17


                 6.1    FROM FILENAME ........................... 6-1
                 6.2    TO FILENAME ............................. 6-2
                 6.3    NAME OF TABLE OR ARRAY .................. 6-2
                 6.4    NUMBER OF ENTRIES PER RECORD ............ 6-3
                 6.5    NUMBER OF ENTRIES PER TABLE OR ARRAY .... 6-4
                 6.6    LENGTH OF ENTRY ......................... 6-5
                 6.7    DATA FORMAT ............................. 6-5
                 6.8    DECIMAL POSITIONS ....................... 6-6
                 6.9    SEQUENCE ................................ 6-6
                 6.10   ALTERNATE TABLE OR ARRAY ................ 6-7
                 6.11   COMMENTS ................................ 6-7


                 7.1    FILENAME ................................ 7-1
                 7.2    NUMBER OF LINES PER PAGE ................ 7-1
                 7.3    FORM LENGTH ............................. 7-2
                 7.4    OVERFLOW LINE NUMBER .................... 7-2
                 7.5    OVERFLOW LINE ........................... 7-2


                 8.1    FILENAME ................................ 8-1
                 8.2    SEQUENCE ................................ 8-2
                 8.3    NUMBER .................................. 8-3
                 8.4    OPTION .................................. 8-3
                 8.5    RECORD IDENTIFYING INDICATOR ............ 8-3
                 8.6    RECORD IDENTIFICATION CODES ............. 8-5
                 8.6.1     Position ............................. 8-5
                 8.6.2     NOT .................................. 8-6
                 8.6.3     C .................................... 8-6
                 8.6.4     Record Identification Character ...... 8-6
                 8.7    ADDITIONAL RECORD IDENTIFICATIONS ....... 8-6
                 8.8    FIELD TYPE .............................. 8-7
                 8.9    FIELD LOCATION .......................... 8-7
                 8.10   DECIMAL POSITIONS ....................... 8-8
DECsystem-10 RPG II Reference Manual                            Page 5

                 8.11   FIELD NAME .............................. 8-8
                 8.11.1    Special Words -- PAGE, PAGE1, PAGE2 .. 8-9
                 8.12   CONTROL LEVEL ........................... 8-9
                 8.13   MATCHING FIELDS ......................... 8-10
                 8.14   FIELD RECORD RELATION ................... 8-11
                 8.15   FIELD INDICATORS ........................ 8-13


                 9.1    CONTROL LEVEL ........................... 9-3
                 9.2    INDICATORS .............................. 9-4
                 9.2.1     AN/OR Lines .......................... 9-5
                 9.3    FACTOR 1 AND FACTOR 2 ................... 9-7
                 9.3.1     Field Names .......................... 9-8
                 9.3.2     Literals ............................. 9-8
             Numeric ........................... 9-8
             Alphanumeric ...................... 9-9
                 9.3.3     Names and Elements ................... 9-9
                 9.3.4     Date Field Names ..................... 9-9
                 9.3.5     Special Names ........................ 9-9
                 9.3.6     Labels ............................... 9-10
                 9.3.7     Filenames ............................ 9-10
                 9.4    OPERATION -- COLUMNS 28-32 .............. 9-10
                 9.4.1     Arithmetic Operations ................ 9-12
                 9.4.2     Move Operations ...................... 9-12
                 9.4.3     Move Zone Operations ................. 9-12
             MHHZO ............................. 9-13
             MHLZO ............................. 9-13
             MLLZO ............................. 9-13
             MLHZO ............................. 9-13
                 9.4.4     Compare, Bit and Test Operations ..... 9-13
             COMP .............................. 9-13
             BITON, BITOF, TESTB ............... 9-18
             TESTZ ............................. 9-19
                 9.4.5     Branch and Exit ...................... 9-19
             GOTO .............................. 9-20
             TAG ............................... 9-20
             EXSR .............................. 9-20
             BEGSR ............................. 9-21
             ENDSR ............................. 9-21
             EXIT .............................. 9-21
             RLABL ............................. 9-21
                 9.4.6     Indicator Operations ................. 9-21
             SETON ............................. 9-21
             SETOF ............................. 9-22
                 9.4.7     Table Operation ...................... 9-22
             LOKUP With One Table .............. 9-23
             LOKUP With Two Tables ............. 9-23
             LOKUP With Arrays ................. 9-23
                 9.4.8     Input/Output Operations .............. 9-27
             EXCPT ............................. 9-27
             FORCE ............................. 9-27
             DSPLY ............................. 9-28
             READ .............................. 9-28
             CHAIN ............................. 9-29
DECsystem-10 RPG II Reference Manual                            Page 6

              Random Input Processing ........ 9-29
              Direct File Output Load ........ 9-29
                 9.4.9     DEBUG Operation ...................... 9-30
                 9.4.10    TIME Operation ....................... 9-32
                 9.5    RESULT FIELD ............................ 9-32
                 9.6    FIELD LENGTH ............................ 9-33
                 9.7    DECIMAL POSITIONS ....................... 9-33
                 9.8    HALF ADJUST ............................. 9-33
                 9.9    RESULTING INDICATORS .................... 9-34
                 9.10   COMMENTS ................................ 9-35
                 9.11   CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS EXAMPLES ..... 9-35


                10.1    FILENAME ............................... 10-1
                10.2    AND/OR RELATIONSHIPS ................... 10-1
                10.3    RECORD TYPE ............................ 10-2
                10.4    ADD RECORD ............................. 10-4
                10.5    FETCH OVERFLOW ......................... 10-4
                10.6    FORMS CONTROL - SPACE/SKIP ............. 10-7
                10.6.1     Space Forms Control ................. 10-7
                10.6.2     Skip Forms Control .................. 10-7
                10.7    OUTPUT INDICATORS ...................... 10-8
                10.8    FIELD NAME ............................. 10-9
                10.8.1     Field Names ......................... 10-9
                10.8.2     PAGE, PAGE1, PAGE2 .................. 10-10
                10.8.3     *PLACE .............................. 10-10
                10.8.4     Date Field .......................... 10-11
                10.9    EDIT CODES (COLUMN 38) ................. 10-11
                10.10   BLANK AFTER ............................ 10-11
                10.11   END POSITION IN OUTPUT RECORD .......... 10-14
                10.12   FIELD TYPE ............................. 10-14
                10.13   CONSTANT OR EDIT WORD .................. 10-14
                10.13.1    Constants ........................... 10-15
                10.13.2    Edit Code Modifiers -- * and $ ...... 10-15
                10.13.3    Edit Words .......................... 10-15
                10.14   OUTPUT-FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS EXAMPLES .. 10-17


                11.1    FORMING TABLES AND ARRAYS .............. 11-5
                11.2    USING TABLES AND ARRAYS ................ 11-12


                12.1    SEQUENTIAL FILE PROCESSING ............. 12-1
                12.1.1     Matching Records .................... 12-2
                12.1.2     Look-Ahead Fields ................... 12-8
                12.2    INDEXED FILE PROCESSING ................ 12-13
                12.3    DIRECT FILE PROCESSING ................. 12-13


                 A.1    COMMON ENTRIES .......................... A-1
                 A.2    CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS - FORM H ......... A-3
DECsystem-10 RPG II Reference Manual                            Page 7

                 A.4    EXTENSION SPECIFICATION - FORM E ........ A-8
                 A.5    LINE COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS - FORM L .... A-10
                 A.6    INPUT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM I ........... A-11
                 A.7    CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS - FORM C ..... A-15
                 A.8    OUTPUT-FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O ... A-18







                 G.1    EXIT OPERATION .......................... G-1
                 G.2    RLABL SPECIFICATION ..................... G-1

                              CHAPTER 1


DECsystem-10 RPG II is a one-pass multi-phase compiler  and  run  time
system.   Along  with  the  other programs on the DECsystem-10, RPG II
resides on the system device, a disk.  RPG II  operations  have  three
phases;    compilation,   linking,   and   execution.   Input  to  the
compilation phase is a  set  of  specifications  for  the  application
program,  and  sometimes additional data arranged in tables or arrays.
Such data is usually information that is unlikely to  change  for  the
life of the program.  Output from the compilation phase includes (1) a
relocatable binary (REL) module (input to the linking loader) and  (2)
a listing of the specifications plus any error messages.

Once the listings indicate error-free  specifications,  the  user  can
make  the REL module "executable" by running the linking loader (LINK)
program.  LINK takes the REL module and produces  an  executable  core
image.  This core image may then be saved as an EXE file so that later
runs do not require the user to relink the RPG II program.   The  user
may store the REL module or the EXE file on disk, DECtape, or magtape.

The EXE file plus data stored in files or entered from a terminal make
up  the  input  to the execution phase.  The execution phase can occur
repeatedly  with  different  data.   The  output  of  that  phase   is
determined  by the application.  It may include reports, modifications
to the input data files, or completely new data files.

In addition to the EXE  file,  the  object  program  makes  use  of  a
collection of routines, called the Object Time System (OTS or RPGLIB).
Because these routines are  needed  by  all  RPG II  users,  they  are
implemented as sharable code, so that only one copy must be present on
the machine, regardless of the number of users.

RPG II OTS can perform sequential access with files on any device.  In
addition,  disk  allows (1) indexed and random access by key or record
number and (2) access according to a separate  file  called  a  Record
Address  File.   Record Address Files list which records to process in
the order of processing.

Indexed files are actually two files;  one containing the data and the
other containing the index.
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-2


RPG II works from this  premise:   most  business  applications  which
process data files perform the same operations on a significant number
of records in the  files.   Hence,  RPGLIB  can  work  in  a  standard
cycle--roughly, input a record, process it, and output some data.

1.1.1  Single Input File Processing

The simplest case involves a program to process a  single  input  file
with  a  single  record  type.   Example:  a program to read a file of
sales records, print buyer and price, and show total receipts  at  the
end.   An  RPG II specification for such a program would contain (1) a
description of input and output files and records, and  (2)  a  single
calculation statement to specify continued summing of the receipts for
each record.  RPGLIB would accomplish all input and output, one record
at a time, in the standard cycle.

In single input file processing, there can be at least three areas  of
complication:   (1)  files with different record types, (2) look ahead
fields, and (3) different levels in the  report  structure.   A  sales
file  with  different  record types might have a type for each product
line, and one for salesmen, as well.  When a file has  more  than  one
record  type,  users  can assign internal switches called "indicators"
for "conditioning" calculations and/or output according to the type of
record  currently  being  processed.   When a file has multiple record
types, the cycle remains the same, but different things can happen for
different  records.   In addition, record type groups can be specified
to reflect well-structured files.  Example:   a  product  line  record
must  be  followed  by  exactly one statistical record and then by any
number of (or no) salesmen records.

The look-ahead capability allows RPGLIB to examine fields in the  next
record  while  it  is processing the current one.  This is useful, for
example, when the program is processing a file  with  multiple  record
types,  and  the user needs to know the next record's type in order to
handle correctly the current record.

Levels in the report structure  often  correspond  to  the  management
levels  in  a  company.   Thus,  a sales report for a national company
might show subtotals at the salesman, office, district,  and  regional
levels,  and  end  with  a  total for the whole company.  Calculations
appropriate for the salesman level may be irrelevant to other  levels,
and  vice-versa, so RPG II gives users easy methods for specifying the
correct  level  for  calculations.   The  Object   Time   System   can
automatially  set  an  indicator  when, say, the office number changes
from one record to the next.

For a national company, a master sales file with one record  per  sale
might  list  sales  by  order  number  within salesman, within office,
within district, within  region.   If  the  file  is  sorted  in  that
hierarchy,  a change in one level (the next district, perhaps) implies
a change in all lower levels (office and salesmen), so that totals for
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-3

all  those levels (district, office, and salesman) are required.  Each
time the salesman listed on the  record  is  different  from  the  one
listed on the previous record, the program might total up the previous
man's sales and print out information needed for the  salesman  level.
Then,  RPGLIB  would  do  detail  calculations  and output for the new
record.  Each time office, district, or region differs  from  that  on
the  previous  record,  RPGLIB  could  do all lower level calculations
until it completes those for the level that caused  the  interruption.
These  interruptions  are  called  control breaks.  Users must specify
which parts of the records (control fields) pertain to each level, and
which calculations and output should be done when each level's control
break occurs.  He can leave the rest up to  the  RPG II  cycle.   When
control  break  processing  has  been  specified,  the RPG II cycle is
expanded to become (1) input, (2) determine whether  a  control  break
has  occurred:   if  not,  go  to step (5);  (3) perform control break
calculations (also called total calculations);   (4)  perform  control
break  (total)  output;  (5) perform detail calculations;  (6) perform
detail output.

1.1.2  Multiple Input File Processing

Multiple Input File processing can be quite  complicated.   Each  file
may  have  the  complexity  of  a  single  file,  and the files can be
interrelated, as well.  The user has complete control over  the  order
in  which  RPGLIB  reads  records.   When  he  does  not exercise that
control, however, RPGLIB reads and processes one file after the other,
as if all the files were strung end-to-end.

In cases where files are interrelated, the user can  specify  matching
records.   Matching  records  involves  a  comparison of field(s) from
records in several input files.  When the fields match,  RPGLIB  turns
on  the  matching  record  indicator  and  selects  the record for the
current  cycle  according  to  the  order  indicated   by   the   file
specifications  forms.   When records do not match, RPGLIB selects the
record whose matching record  field(s)  are  first  in  the  collating
sequence.   As  with  record  types  and  control levels, the matching
record indicator can  condition  calculations  and  output.   Matching
records   operations   allow   simplified   file   merging.   Example:
incorporation of a transaction file into  a  master  file.   Refer  to
paragraph 12.1 for more information.
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-4

                              Figure 1-1
                         Typical RPG II Flow
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-5

1.1.3  Changes To The Standard Cycle

In cases where the above operations do not apply, the user can specify
which  file  to  read  on  the  next  cycle,  or even modify the cycle
entirely by using special input and output commands.

1.1.4  Cycle Summary

As  the  above  discussion  implies,  RPG II   distinguishes   between
operations  done each cycle and those done only after a control break.
Operations done each cycle are called detail operations;   the  others
are total operations.  Control breaks occur when RPGLIB reads a record
with a control field different from the last record's  control  field.
All  input  records  processed  between one control break and the next
constitute a control group.  Since breaks occur only when RPGLIB reads
a   record  from  outside  the  current  control  group,  RPGLIB  does
processing for the control break before it does detail operations  for
the current record.

In addition to detail and total operations, there are 1P (first  page)
output  operations  and  LR  (last  record)  operations.  1P output is
unique to  the  first  cycle.   It  must  be  conditioned  by  the  1P
indicator,  and  may  include  printing  the  title  of  a  report  or
positioning preprinted forms on the printer.  When RPGLIB reaches  the
end of the last file to be processed, it sets the LR indicator.  Users
can condition calculations and output to occur after the last cycle by
using the LR indicator.


Figure 1-1 illustrates the function flow of RPG II.  In  that  figure,
original  input  is  shown  as  punched  card files.  Interactive data
terminals, disk, and a magtape can also supply input data.  output can
go  to  a  printer, a terminal, disk, or a magtape.  After someone has
produced an initial statement showing the desired results,  production
of  most RPG II programs involves four steps:  (a) coding and creating
the specifications for the report  program;   (b)  compilation  of  an
object  program  that meets the specifications;  (c) task building the
object  program  with  the  necessary  run-time  routines;   and   (d)
executing the task module.

The specifications  mentioned  in  steps  (a)  and  (b)  have  several
possible formats, seven of which DIGITAL supplies on preprinted coding
forms.  There is a control specification for the whole job, and  there
are six form types for input, calculation, and output.

          The  Control  Specification  (Form   H)   supplies
          information  pertaining  to  the  compilation as a
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-6

          The File Description Specification  (Form  F)  and
          the  Extension Specification (Form E) describe the
          files, tables,  and  arrays  to  be  used  by  the

          The Line  Counter  Specification  (Form  L)  gives
          special information about print files.

          The Input Specification  (Form  I)  describes  the
          input records in the files named in Forms F and E.

          The Calculation Specification (Form  C)  describes
          the operations to be performed.

          The Output Specification (Form  O)  describes  the
          format  and  contents of the output files named in
          Form F.

In addition, the user may specify:  (1) the  contents  of  tables  and
arrays  which  won't  change  for  the  life  of the program;  and (2)
alternate collating sequence  tables  to  modify  the  standard  ASCII
collating  sequence  in  certain  operations.  These two specification
types do not require special coding forms, but they must  be  prepared
according to well-defined formatting rules.  The relationships of form
type to logical specification area are shown in Table 1-1.

                              Table 1-1
                        Summary of Form Types

Specification Forms               Logical Specification Area
                                Input   Calculation     Output

Control Specification   (H)
File Description        (F)       X                        X
File Extension          (E)       X                        X
Line Counter            (L)                                X
Input                   (I)       X
Calculation             (C)       X          X             X
Output-Format           (O)                                X

Chapter 2  summarizes  the  form  types  for  experienced  RPG  users.
Chapter  3  through  10  describe  all form types in detail.  For this
introductory  discussion  of  RPG II   problem   specifications,   the
orientation will be in terms of the logical specification areas rather
than the physical form types.

The user describes the input to be available to the object program  in
terms  of  files,  records,  fields  and  file  devices.  A file is an
aggregation of data  that  is  organized  for  a  consistent  purpose.
Examples:   inventory file, employee file, accounts payable file, file
of equipment characteristics.  A record is the major entry of a  file.
Records  usually  carry  an  identification  value  and  a  number  of
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-7

additional information elements called fields.  Example:  an inventory
file includes records for each item in the inventory identified by the
item stock number.  The item stock number of an  inventory  record  is
considered  a field, as is the item balance and the bin location.  The
description of input need only be complete enough to  allow  selection
of  necessary  records  and fields.  The user can omit descriptions of
fields not germane to desired processing.

File devices are the computer's equipment media for input and output.

In the calculation specifications the user  describes  the  conditions
under  which  each calculation operation is to be performed.  Examples
of conditions:  presence or absence of a record  identifying  code,  a
specified  control  level, a positive result of a previous calculation
or retrieval of the last record of a file.  The calculation operations
include  arithmetic,  movement  of  fields, comparisons, definition of
internal subroutines, execution of internal  subroutines,  setting  of
indicators  for  later  reference,  setting  and testing of flag bits,
table lookup, and limited input/output operations.

The output specifications describe the  files,  records,  fields,  and
file  devices  for  the  output.   The specifications also include the
conditions which must be met for output to be produced.  For files  to
be  updated,  output  specifications  must supplement the descriptions
provided in the input specifications.  For a new  output  file  to  be
produced,  the record organization and field positions are given.  For
listing output, the editing desired for fields is described.   Editing
includes  functions  such  as  zero suppression, insertion of floating
dollar sign, insertion of credit balance symbol, and printing  numeric
fields with commas and a decimal point.

The RPG II compilation of an object program for  which  specifications
have  been prepared is performed under control of the RPG II Compiler.
If specification errors are found, indicative  messages  are  printed.
Compilation  is  completed  and  task building is allowed, even though
errors are found which would prohibit successful  execution.   Certain
omissions  from  specifications  can be tolerated.  In such cases, the
compiler may insert default  values  and  processes  into  the  object
program.   The occurence of default cases, insertions, and subroutines
is noted in the printed record of the compilation.


        Alphabetic Characters - The ASCII characters A through Z

        Alphanumeric Characters - The set of 128 ASCII characters

        Alphanumeric Fields - A field for which a decimal place  entry
        was omitted from a specification form.

        ASCII  Character  Set  -  The  set  of  128  seven-bit   ASCII
        characters (listed in Appendix D).
INTRODUCTION                                                  Page 1-8

        Compilation Time - The  time  at  which  the  RPG II  compiler
        accepts  source  program  specifications, produces program and
        diagnostic listings, and generates the object program.

        Detail Time - The time when those operations  not  conditioned
        by control level indicators are executed.

        EBCDIC Character Set - An alternate character set widely  used
        in the computing industry.

        Execution Time (or Run Time) - The time  during  which  object
        program cycles are being executed.

        Numeric Characters - The ASCII characters 0 through 9.

        Numeric Field - A  field  for  which  a  decimal  place  entry
        (including 0) was made on a specifications form.  Only numeric
        characters are valid in a numeric field.

        Pre-Execution Time - The time during which the object  program
        is entering execution:  i.e., when the object program has been
        loaded into core memory, input/output files are being  opened,
        certain  Tables and Arrays are being read, and just before the
        first program cycle is executed.

        Record Key - The field or  fields  that  uniquely  identify  a
        record  in  an  indexed  file.   The Record Key determines the
        order in which the records may be sequentially processed.

        RPG II Names -

                Filename  -  Up  to  eight  alphabetic   and   numeric
                characters.  The first character of a filename must be
                alphabetic, and the first six characters of a filename
                must be a unique combination.  Embedded blanks are not
                allowed.  Filenames are left-justified in  the  fields
                in which they appear.

                Field  Name  -  Up  to  six  alphabetic  and   numeric
                characters.   All  the  restrictions  listed above for
                filenames also apply to field names.

        Special Characters - The 91 nonalphanumeric ASCII characters.

        Total Time - The time after a control  break  when  operations
        for a control group occur.  (See paragraph 1.1.4.)

                              CHAPTER 2

                     RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS

As described in Chapter 1, an RPG II  source  program  consists  of  a
series  of  records  or  lines  originally written on formatted coding
sheets  called  RPG II  Specifications  forms,  and  transcribed  into
machine   readable   form.    There   are   seven   different   RPG II
Specifications forms, each designed for a specific purpose;  not  all,
however, are mandatory for a given job.

Table 2-1 lists the seven forms in the order in which they  appear  in
the  source  program  and  indicates the minimum and maximum number of
lines allowable.


The following pages contain a separate chart for  each  of  the  seven
RPG II Specifications forms.  Each chart presents a summary of the use
and content for entries on the form.

For readers already familiar  with  RPG  or  RPG II,  these  reference
charts  should  be  basically  self-explanatory.   Should  the  reader
encounter an entry whose usage or content differs from the RPG version
with which he is familiar, he can refer to the detailed description or
further clarification.

For readers new to RPG II,  these  charts  will  serve  as  a  general
overview  of the RPG II Specifications forms.  After scanning them and
becoming familiar with the basic purpose of each, these readers should
continue with Chapters 3 through 10.

Once the user begins working with RPG II, he will  find  these  charts
helpful  as  a  reference source for refreshing his memory or checking
the correctness of entries.  DIGITAL  also  supplies  these  forms  as
separate forms guides.
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-2

                              Table 2-1

            RPG II Specifications Forms:  Minimum Required
                        and Maximum Allowable

        Form Type                Minimum # of           Maximum # of
                                Lines Required          Lines Allowed

Control Specification                   1                       1

File Description Specifications         1                       20

Extension Specifications                0                       NSL

Line Counter Specifications             0                       2

Input Specifications                    Lines required
                                        to describe one         NSL
                                        input file

Calculations Specifications             0                       NSL

Output-Format Specifications            Lines required
                                        to describe one         NSL
                                        output file

The minima given for Input and Output are practical limits.  A working
RPG II program could be run with special I/O commands from Form C, and
no Form I or no Form O.  That would be unusual, however.

NSL = No Specific Limit -- depends on a combination of  factors,  such
as core memory available and space used by other components.
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-3
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-4
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-5
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-6
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-7
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-8
RPG II SPECIFICATIONS FORMS                                   Page 2-9

                              CHAPTER 3

                            COMMON ENTRIES

This chapter describes Specifications Form entries that are common  to
all RPG II coding sheet formats, except the forms described in Chapter
11.  The common entries are:

        Columns 1-2             Page Number     Page and line together
                                                make up the  "Sequence
        Columns 3-5             Line Number     Number".

        Column 6                Form Type

        Column 7                Comments

        Columns 75-80           Program Identification


Column          Values

 1-2            01-99

These columns ordinarily receive the number filled  in  at  the  upper
right  corner  of  each  coding sheet.  Those specification types used
must come in the following order:

                Control Specifications
                File Description Specifications
                Extension Specifications
                Line Counter Specifications
                Input Specifications
                Calculation Specifications
                Output - Format Specifications

A specifications type may require more than one sheet, but the  listed
COMMON ENTRIES                                                Page 3-2

order by type must be maintained.


Columns         Value

 3-5            Any 3-digit number

Most of the lines on each form have two-digit numbers already  printed
in  columns  three  and  four.   If  the  line  number is completed by
entering a zero in column 5, the lines are numbered by  tens  on  each
specifications  page.  This is a helpful convention, because it allows
the  user  to  subsequently   insert   lines   without   re-numbering.
Programmers can use the unnumbered lines at the bottom of the form for


The form type is preprinted in column six on each Specification  Form.
The  compiler  uses this column to determine the type of specification
of each source statement.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  6                H            Control Specifications

                   F            File Description Specifications

                   E            Extension Specifications

                   L            Line Counter Specifications

                   I            Input Specifications

                   C            Calculation Specifications

                   O            Output-Format Specifications


Column          Values                  Meaning

  7                *            This specification  contains  comments
COMMON ENTRIES                                                Page 3-3

                blank           This is a normal specification line

The compiler treats as a comment any line containing  an  asterisk  in
column  7.   Columns  following  the  asterisk  may  contain any ASCII
characters.  The compiler checks  the  sequence  and  prints  comments
lines in the source program listing.  Otherwise, it ignores them.


Columns         Values

 75-80          Blanks or a valid RPG II name

This field has meaning only on the Control Specification;   for  other
form  Specs.  it will be listed but otherwise ignored by the compiler.
RPG  treats  the  name  entered  in  columns  75-80  of  the   Control
Specification  as  the  internal  program name, and includes it on the
header of the listing.

                              CHAPTER 4


The Control Specifications form is optional.   In  the  absence  of  a
Control Specification form, a blank form is assumed.  The shaded areas
of Figure 4-1 indicate the areas of the  form  containing  information
pertinent  to  the  RPG II  compilation.   Other columns, except those
listed in Chapter 3, should contain blanks.


Columns         Value                   Meaning

 13-14          Blank           The object program will be compiled to
                                use  as  much  space as necessary.  No
                                check is made to see if this  much  is

                01-64           The main storage available for program

Use columns 13-14 to specify some multiple of 1K words of storage (K =

Columns 13-14 define the main storage available for program  execution
(not  including  storage  space  requirements for the runtime system).
The entry must end in column 14.

Because the current runtime system does not expand the user's  program
storage space dynamically, these columns have little practical use.

4.2  DEBUG

Column          Values                  Meaning

  15            blank           Do no DEBUG operations.

                  1             Do any requested DEBUG operations.
CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM H                              Page 4-2

The DEBUG specification indicates whether or  not  a  DEBUG  operation
will  (1)  or  will not (blank) be performed.  (Chapter 9 explains the
DEBUG specification.) A DEBUG operation will be  performed  only  when
requested  by  this  specification  and by a DEBUG operation code on a
Calculations Specifications form.   Thus,  when  a  program  has  been
debugged, the only change required to eliminate the DEBUG checks is in
this one column of the Control Specification.


Column          Values                  Meaning

  41            Blank           No forms positioning required.

                  1             Forms positioning required.

Users should specify forms positioning when line printer  output  must
go  onto  pre-printed  forms,  such  as check blanks.  When requested,
forms positioning allows the operator  to  correctly  position  output
forms by first printing a test line.

When forms positioning has been specified, RPG II enters the  1P  Halt
Procedure  (see  Appendix  E).   A  BYPASS  response will continue the
execution;  a CONTINUE response  will  give  another  1P  line  and  a
repetition of the Halt Procedure.

Forms positioning may only  be  used  when  the  printer  is  directly
assigned  to  the  user's  job.   It  will  not work properly when the
printer spooler is intercepting output.

                              CHAPTER 5


Programmers must name and describe all files to be handled at  runtime
on   Form   F,   the  File  Description  Specifications.   Figure  5-1
illustrates  the  File  Descriptions  Specifications  Form.   Form   F
describes  all files except compile-time tables and arrays.  Those are
described only on Form E.  Information about file records must  appear
on other forms, depending on the type of file:

        Input   data   records   are   described   on    Input
        Specifications -- Form I

        Output data records are  described  on  Output  Format
        Specifications -- Form O

        Update records are described on both Form I and Form O

In addition, Record Address files and Pre-execution and Execution time
tables and arrays are further described on Extension Specifications --
Form E.  Display File records need no extra forms.

Each file requires a single line of Form F.  RPG programs can handle a
maximum of sixteen files.


A unique filename identifies each file to be  handled  by  the  object

Columns         Value

 7-14           Any valid RPG II filename

Use columns 7-14 to assign a unique filename to  every  file  used  in
your program except compile time table and array files, which must not
be named on the File Descriptions Specifications sheet.  The  filename
can  be  from 1 to 8 characters long, must begin in column 7, and must
be a valid RPG II name.  The filename can be the same as a field name.

Pre-execution time table and array files are  described  on  the  File
Description  Specifications  sheet.  More than one table or array file
can be described for device READ01, but the File  Description  entries
must  be  in the same order as the tables that are to be loaded.  Thus
if you are going to load tables TABA and TABB from READ01, and TABA is
associated  with  FILEA, and TABB with FILEB;  if the data for TABA is
to be loaded first, the File Description entry for FILEA must  precede
that for FILEB.


Column          Value                   Meaning

  15              I             Input file

                  O             Output file

                  U             Update file

                  C             Combined file

                  D             Display file

Use column 15 to identify the way in which your program is to use  the

5.2.1  Input File

Input files are records that the program uses as  a  source  of  data.
When  input files are described in a program it indicates that records
are to read from the file.  All input files except  table  and  record
address  files  must  be  further  defined on the Input Specifications
sheet.  Table and record address files must be  further  described  in
the Extension Specifications.

5.2.2  Output Files

Output files are records that are written or  printed  by  a  program.
All output files, except table and array output files, must be further
described on the Output Format Specifications Sheet.

5.2.3  Update Files

Update files are disk files from  which  a  program  reads  a  record,
updates  fields  in the record, and writes the record back in the same
location from which  it  was  read.   Update  files  must  be  further
described  on both the Input Specification sheet and the Output Format
sheet.  A record in an update file can be updated only once  during  a
cycle  (see  Output  File  - Output Indicator description).  A chained
file or a demand file may be updated at detail time,  total  time,  or
execution  time.   All  other  files  should be updated only at detail
time, during the same program cycle that reads the record,  otherwise,
results of the update will be unpredictable at best.

5.2.4  Combined Files

A combined file is both an input and an output file.  A combined  file
can  only  be assigned to the simulated MFCU.  A program reads records
from a combined file and includes output data on the  records  in  the
file.   The  result  is  one  file that contains both input and output
data.  Combined files must be further  described  on  both  the  Input
Specification Sheet and the Output Format Sheet.

Do not condition output to a combined file such  that  more  than  one
record can satisfy the output conditions during the same cycle.  (This
condition should not exist for the entire detail output cycle, even if
output is going to more than one combined file.)

All output records to a combined file are stored in a hold area  until
another  record  is read from the combined file.  The output record is
punched just prior to the time the next record is read.

Since each record stored in the hold area overlays  and  replaces  any
previous  record in the hold area, only one record can be available as
output to a combined file during any one RPG II  cycle.   This  record
will  be  the  last record that satisfied output conditions during the

5.2.5  Display Files

A display file is a collection of information from fields  used  by  a
program.   The  DSPLY  operation  code must be used on the Calculation
Specification Sheet in order to print a field or record directly  from
storage  and/or  key  data into a field or record in storage.  Display
files need only be described on the  File  Description  Specifications
Sheet.   The  device  associated  with  a  display  file  must  be  an
interactive terminal (CONSOLE).  See  DSPLY  in  Chapter  9  for  more


Column          Value                   Meaning

  16              P             Primary file

                  S             Secondary file

                  C             Chained file

                  R             Record Address file

                  T             Table  or  array  file  (pre-execution
                                time tables or arrays)

                  D             Demand file

Use column 16 to further identify the use of input, update,  combined,
and  chained  output files.  Leave this column blank for display files
and all output files except chained output files (direct load).

5.3.1  Primary Files

A primary file is the main file from which a  program  reads  records.
In  multifile processing the primary file is used to control the order
in which records are selected for processing.  It  can  be  an  input,
update, or combined file.  In programs that read records from only one
file, that file is the primary file.  Every program must have  exactly
one primary file.

5.3.2  Secondary Files

Secondary files apply to programs that do multifile  processing.   All
of  the  files  involved  in  multifile processing, except the primary
file, are secondary files.  A secondary file can be an input,  update,
or combined file.  Secondary files are processed in the order in which
they are written on the File Description Specifications Sheet.

Note that table, chained, record address, and  demand  files  are  not
involved  in  record selection in multifile processing.  See Multifile
Processing (columns 61-62)  in  Chapter  8  for  more  information  on
primary and secondary files.

5.3.3  Chained Files

A chained file is a disk file that is read randomly or loaded directly
via the CHAIN operation code.

A chained file can be an input, output, or update file.  See Column 28
(Mode  of Processing, Random) in this chapter, and the CHAIN operation
code in Chapter 9 for more information.

5.3.4  Record Address Files

A record address file is an input file that  indicates  which  records
are  to be read from a disk file, and the order in which those records
are to be read.  A record address files must be further defined in the
Extension Specifications.

Record address file contain binary relative record  numbers.   Because
the  record number are stored as 18-bit binary numbers, record address
files can only reside on disk or tape.

Record address files on disk are call ADDROUT (address output)  files.
They  can  be produced by a disk sort program and can be used with any
type of disk  file,  except  ISAM  files.   See  Column  28  (Mode  of
Processing, via ADDROUT) in this chapter for more information.

5.3.5  Table Or Array Files

A table or array file is a sequential input file that  contains  table
or  array  entries.   The  entries can be read into the program during
compilation or immediatly  before  execution  of  the  program.   Only
pre-execution  time  table  or  array  files are described on the File
Description Sheet.   However,  both  pre-execution  and  compile  time
tables  and  arrays  must be described on the Extension Specifications

A table or array output file (written or punched after LR  output)  is
defined  as  a  normal  output  file  and does not require an entry in
column 16.

Table and array  files  are  not  involved  in  record  selection  and
processing.  They are only a means of supplying entries for tables and
arrays used by the program.  When table or array files are read during
the  execution  of the program, the program reads all the entries from
the table and array files before it  begins  record  processing.   See
Tables and Arrays in Chapter 6 for additional information.

5.3.6  Demand Files

Demand files can be  input,  update,  or  combined  files.   The  READ
operation  code must be used on the Calculation Specification Sheet in
order to read from a demand  file.   Demand  files  may  be  processed
either  sequentially by key, or consecutively.  See the READ operation
code in Chapter 9 for a discussion of the processing of demand files.


Column          Value                   Meaning

  17            Blank           a.  If none of the Primary, Secondary,
                                    or Record Address files has an 'E'
                                    in its specification, RPGLIB  will
                                    read all such files to their end.

                                b.  If  any  has   an   'E'   in   its
                                    specification,  those with a blank
                                    in column 17 need not be  read  to
                                    end of file.

                  E             RPGLIB will read this file to its  end
                                before  performing end-of-job process-

In single file processing, RPGLIB will read the Primary  File  to  its
end, regardless of column 17 in the File Specification.

In  multi-file  processing,  RPGLIB  will   process   all   files   to
end-of-file,   unless   some  have  an  "E"  in  column  17  of  their
Specifications.  In that case, it will process all files with  an  "E"
to their completion.

EXCEPTION:  When the primary file is the only  file  with  an  "E"  in
column 17, and a matching records operation has been specified between
it and one or more secondary files, and  record(s)  in  the  secondary
file(s)  which  match the last record of the primary file are read and
processed before end-of-job operations.

When processing with a Record Address file, end-of-file processing  is
specified for the Record Address file, not for its object file.


Users may request RPGLIB to monitor the order of input records.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  18            Blank           RPGLIB need not check sequence

                  A             This  is  a  sequential   primary   or
                                secondary  file.   The  value  of  the
                                fields specified by  M1-M9  should  be
                                lowest  in the first record, and equal
                                or higher in each succeeding record.

                  D             This  is  a  sequential   primary   or
                                secondary  file.   The  value  of  the
                                fields specified by  M1-M9  should  be
                                highest in the first record, and equal
                                or lower in each succeeding record.

An entry in column 18 is required when matching fields (columns 61-62)
are  specified  on  form I.  Files with matching fields must be either
all Ascending or all Descending.  This column does not apply to tables
and arrays, Chain, Demand or Record Address files.


Column          Value

  19              F

Column 19 must contain an F to indicate that all the  records  in  the
file have a fixed length.


Column          Value                   Meaning

 20-23          1-4096          Number of characters in  each  logical
                                block of a file

Block length must either equal the record length  value  specified  in
columns  24-27,  or  it  must be an integer multiple of record length.
Block length can not be greater than the maximum record length for the

The blocking factor of a file is calculated by dividing the Block Size

by the Record Length.  If the block and record sizes are equal, RPG II
calculates the optimum blocking  factor  based  on  the  file  devices
physical characteristics.  All ASCII files are unblocked.


Columns         Values                  Meaning

 24-27          1-4096          Number of characters per record

These columns specify the length of all records in the file.   For  an
Update  file,  record  length  must  not vary between input and output
phases.  The value  is  right-adjusted,  and  leading  zeroes  may  be
suppressed.   The  maximum  record  length  for each device type is as

        Device                  Maximum Record Length

        MFCU                            96
        READ01                          80
        PRINTER                        132
        CONSOLE                        132
        DISK                          4096
        TAPE                          4096


RPGLIB must know in advance how it will process each file.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  28            Blank           a.  Access will be consecutive, or

                                b.  Access will be sequential, in  the
                                    order  the  records  appear in the
                                    index.  This is called  sequential
                                    by key.

                  R             a.  Access will be random by  relative
                                    record number or by key, or

                                b.  An  ADDROUT  record  address  file
                                    will determine access, or

                                c.  This will  be  a  direct  (random)
                                    file load.

Users must  coordinate  the  file  type  (column  16)  with  the  file
processing  mode (column 28), the record address type (column 31), and
the file organization (column 32) for  all  Input  and  Update  files.
Input files not resident on disk have sequential organization and must
be accessed consecutively.  Such files  must  be  designated  Primary,
Secondary,  Demand,  Table/Array,  or  Record  Address with record key
limits and their specifications must contain blanks in columns 28  and
31, and blank or 1-9 in 32.

Direct or indexed Input and Update files must reside on  disk.   Table
5-1  illustrates  the legal combinations of entries in columns 16, 28,
31, for any Input or Update files stored on disk.

                              Table 5-1
          Legal Combinations for Input or Update Disk Files

5.9.1  Consecutive Processing (Blank In Column 28)

Consecutive processing occurs when a program examines each  record  as
it occurs on a medium.

RPGLIB can do consecutive processing on files on any device;   it  can
only  do  consecutive  processing  on  non-random access devices.  The
nature of such devices requires RPG II to examine each  record  as  it
appears -- for example, one card after the other.

Disk allows several file organizations.   The  only  ones  suited  for
consecutive  processing  are  sequential  and direct organizations.  A
sequential organization occurs when records come one right  after  the
other, just as in a card deck or magnetic tape.  A direct organization
is similar to sequential, but gaps may occur in the file, to allow for
future  additions.   (One might simulate direct organization in a card
file by inserting blank cards every so often.)  The  gaps  are  really
records filled with blank characters.  Users should test for such gaps
when processing a direct organized file.  

5.9.2  Sequential Processing Of Indexed Files By Key (Blank In Column 28)

Sequential processing by key is similar to consecutive  processing  in
that  the  index  entries  are  accessed  consecutively,  but the data
records of the file are processed  in  the  order  determined  by  the
index.    Primary,  Secondary,  and  Demand  files  may  be  processed
sequentially by key.  Sequential processing by key requires an indexed
file.   Files  with  indexes  work  just  like books with indexes.  In
books, key words are scattered all  through  the  volume.   The  index
lists the key words in alphabetic order, and gives their location.  In
an indexed file, records may  be  scattered  here  and  there  on  the
device, but the index lists the record keys in an order, and gives the
record location within the file.

Indexed files are a little more complicated than books,  because  book
indexes  are always in alphabetic order, but file indexes may have one
of a variety  of  orders.   For  example,  in  a  file  that  contains
information  about  employees,  an  index might be ordered by employee
name,  employee  number,  employee  address,  department,  or  salary.
Whichever  field  governs  the  order  of the index is called the key.
Each index entry contains the key value and number of each  record  in
the  file.  Keys must always have an ascending order before RPGLIB can
process an indexed file.

5.9.3  Processing By ADDROUT File (R In Column 28)

A sort utility program can produce ADDROUT  files,  which  are  Record
Address  files  containing  record  numbers.   They are similar to the
indexes for indexed files, but they  do  not  contain  keys.   When  a
programmer has produced more than one ADDROUT file, he can process the
same data file in one order one time and  in  another  order  (with  a

different  ADDROUT  file) at a different time.  Although ADDROUT files
may reside on disk or magnetic tape, their  object  files  (the  files
they point to) may reside only on disk.

5.9.4  Random Processing (R In Column 28)

Random processing applies  to  Chained  files  and  occurs  only  when
requested by a CHAIN operation code.  (CHAIN is described in paragraph
9.4)  CHAIN  retrieves  records  from  sequential  and  direct   files
according to a record number.  With indexed files, record retrieval is
based on a key value in the record.


Indexed files and ADDROUT files must have an entry in this field.

Columns         Values          Meaning

 29-30           Blank          Output, Input, Update or  Demand  file
                                to   be   processed  sequentially,  or
                                chained  file   by   relative   record

                 1-64           Indexed  file  with  key   length   as

The value must be right-justified in the field, and leading zeroes may
be suppressed.


This entry gives more information about  how  RPGLIB  is  to  retrieve
records from the file.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  31             Blank          a.  Output file, or
                                b.  Chained sequential/direct file, or
                                c.  Input or update file,  and  access
                                    will be consecutive.

                  A             Access will be via an alphameric key.

                  I             a.  This is an ADDROUT file, or
                                b.  This file will be processed via an
                                    ADDROUT file.


This entry gives additional information about file organization.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  32              I             Indexed (ISAM) file

                  T             ADDROUT file

                Blank           Sequential or direct file

NOTE:  ISAM files require an "A" in column 31.


This entry allows the  user  to  name  an  overflow  indicator  to  be
associated with a print file.

Columns         Value                   Meaning

 33-34          Blank           a.  Not a print file, or
                                b.  Print  file   with   no   overflow
                                    indicator associated with it.

              OA-OG or OV       Print  file,  and  the  name  of   its
                                overflow    indicator   is   the   two
                                characters entered.

The overflow indicator is associated with the area of the  print  page
starting  with  the  overflow  line  and ending with the bottom of the
page.  This area is called the overflow area, and it can be  specified
via  Form  L  (see  Chapter  7).   RPGLIB  turns on the named overflow
indicator when a space  or  skip  terminates  in  the  overflow  area.

Paragraph 10.5 discusses overflow in detail.

Overflow indicators can be turned  on  and  off  by  SETON  and  SETOF
operation codes and may be used with control level indicators L0-L9.

Use of overflow indicators with other indicators may cause a  variable
number  of  lines  to be printed on successive pages.  The user should
take care to leave enough room for the maximum, and  yet  retain  good
spacing on the page when few lines are printed.


RPG II must know the location of the  key  field  in  the  records  of
indexed  files.   This entry specifies the first (high order) position
of the key field.

Column          Values                  Meaning

 35-38          Blanks          Not an indexed file.

                1-4096          Indexed file;  the key starts  at  the
                                character with the number entered.

The entry must be numeric and right justified.  Leading zeroes may  be

An entry of blanks or zeroes in columns 35-37,  and  6  in  column  38
specifies the key field starting location in the example above.


Print files, Record Address files, tables and  arrays  may  require  a
Form  E  or L for a complete specification.  This entry indicates that
such a form has been prepared.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  39            Blank           No additional form has been prepared.

                  E             An extension  Specification  (Form  E)
                                has   been  prepared  for  this  file.
                                Tables,  arrays,  and  Record  Address
                                files require Form E specifications.

                  L             A Line Counter Specification (Form  L)
                                has been prepared for this print file.


By the nature of files, each one is associated with  a  device.   This
entry names that device.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

40-46           DISK            A disk device (DSK:)

                READ01          A card reader (CDR:)

                PRINTER         A line-printer (LPT:)

                PRINTR          A line-printer (LPT:)

                TAPE            A mag-tape (TAPEn:, where  n  is  unit

                CONSOLE         A console device (TTY:)

                MFCU1           Simulated MFCU input hopper 1

                MFCU2           Simulated MFCU input hopper 2

  44            0-7             Unit number (for TAPE only)

Names must be left-justified (start in column 40) in the field.  


Use this entry to define a filename to a file.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 47-52          Blanks          This file is  not  associated  with  a
                                multiple file device.

        Valid DEC-10 Filename   This entry defines  the  six-character
                                filename to be used for this file.

Since file-structured devices contain more than one file, RPGLIB  must
have  some  way  of  choosing  a  particular file.  Whenever a file is
assigned to a file-structured device, either  by  entering  "DISK"  in
columns  40-45,  or via use of logical device names;  an entry must be
made in these columns.

It is often convenient to define a filename in these columns  for  all
files,   even   if   they   are  never  planned  to  be  used  with  a
file-structured device.  If a case arises, such as debugging, where  a
file  formerly  assigned  to  a  non-file-structured  device  must  be
changed, it makes the change a  matter  of  assigning  logical  device
names at the monitor level, rather than having to supply a new F card.

5.17.1  Default Extensions

In addition to the six character filename, the DECsystem-10 also  uses
a three character extension to define a unique file.  Because there is
no room on the F card to supply this extension,  it  is  defaulted  as

        Extension               Type of File

           MF1                  MFCU input hopper 1 file

           MF2                  MFCU input hopper 2 file

           ST1-ST4              MFCU output stackers 1-4 (These  files
                                are  assigned  automatically by RPG II
                                as the simulated MFCU output files)

           IDX                  ISAM file index

           IDA                  ISAM file data portion

           RGA                  ADDROUT file

           RGD                  Any file not described above


Continuation lines provide  further  information  on  the  file  being
defined.   In  particular they allow a file to be declared as an ASCII
format file.

5.18.1  Column 53

Column          Values                  Meaning

  53            Blank           No continuation line follows this card

                  K             A continuation line follows this card

To specify that this F card is followed by a continuation  card,  a  K
should be entered in column 53.

5.18.2  Continuation Lines Option

These options are placed in the columns  listed  below,  on  the  card
immediatly following the one containing the K in column 53.

Columns         Value                   Meaning

 54-59          ASCII           The file is defined as being in  ASCII


Column          Values                  Meaning

  66            Blank           a.  Input file, or
                                b.  Non-indexed Output or Update file.

                  A             a.  Pre-existing indexed file, and the
                                    current program will be adding new
                                    records by key, or
                                b.  Pre-existing disk or Magtape file,
                                    and  the  current  program will be
                                    adding records to the end.

Note that files with non-blank entries must be disk or magtape  files.
In  particular,  they  must be indexed, sequential or direct.  (Direct
files are consecutive files with gaps for  adding  records.)  Further,
when  adding  records  to  a  pre-existing Indexed file which is being
processed sequentially by key, the key value of the added record  must

fall  between  those for the last and next records processed from that

When there is an "A" in column 66, RPGLIB will add new records to  the
ends  of  files.   EXCEPTION:  the CHAIN operation allows insertion of
new records within Direct files.

A program may add records to a file at  detail,  total,  or  exception
time.   Records  to  be  added must be identified by an "ADD" entry in
columns 16-18 of the corresponding Output/Format Specifications  (FORM


               On the DECsystem-10, all  indexed  files
               must  be  created  by  the ISAM program.
               Once a file has  been  created  via  the
               ISAM  program,  it  may be loaded via an
               RPG II program, however, RPG II  is  not
               capable  of  creating  indexed  files ex


This column specifies positioning for magnetic tape units.

Column          Value                   Meaning

  70              R             Rewind tape at end of file

                  U             Unload tape at end of file

                  N             Leave tape at end of file

                Blank           Leave tape at end of file

                              CHAPTER 6


RPG II requires more information about Record  Address  files,  Tables
and  Arrays  than  space  on the File Specification Form permits.  The
Extension Specification gives  the  required  extra  information,  and
allows the complete description of Compilation time Tables and Arrays.
Figure 6-1 shows the positions used for the  four  types  of  datasets
described on Extension Specifications:

     1.  Compilation time Tables and Arrays,

     2.  Pre-execution time Table and Arrays,

     3.  Execution time Arrays, and,

     4.  Record Address files.

Chapters 12 and 13 contain  comprehensive  discussions  of  Table  and
Array  organization  and  usage, and of disk file operations involving
Record Address files.


Pre-execution time Tables and Arrays and Record Address files  require
this entry.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 11-18          Blanks          Compilation or Execution time Table or

               Filename         Name of Record Address file,  or  name
                                of    Input    file    that   contains
                                pre-execution  time  Table  or   Array

The name must be left-justified in the field, and must be the same  as
a filename in the File Description Specifications.
EXTENSION SPECIFICATION -- FORM E                             Page 6-2


For Record Address files, this entry specifies the  data  file  to  be
used  with the Record Address file.  For Tables and Arrays, this entry
specifies the name of an output file to receive  the  data  file.   An
Execution time array may not be written out in this manner.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 19-26          Blanks          Execution  time  array,  or  Table  or
                                Array with no associated output file.

               Filename         a.  Record Address file:   this  entry
                                    names  the  data  file  associated
                                    with the Record Adress file.
                                b.  Compilation or Pre-execution  time
                                    Table  or Array:  this entry names
                                    the file to receive the  table  or
                                    array    after    compilation   or

The name should be left-justified in the field, and  it  must  be  the
same as a filename in the Field Description Specifications.


Record Address files must have no more entries after column 26, except
for comments.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 27-32          Blanks          Record Address file

                 Name           Name of a Table or Array

All names must be valid RPG II names.  Table  names  must  start  with
"TAB";   array  names  must not.  If the form describes an alternating
(paired) Table or Array, this is the name of  the  first  one  --  the
other  appears  further  on.  The name should be left-justified in the
EXTENSION SPECIFICATION -- FORM E                             Page 6-3


               RPG II processes table and  array  files
               in  the  order they appear in the Form E
               Specifications.   In  particular,   when
               more than one Form E references the same
               file  or  device,  RPG II  expects   the
               tables  in  the  order  of  the  Form  E
               Specifications  (for  Input  files)  and
               writes them out in the order of the Form
               E Specifications (for Output files).


This field pertains to Compilation and Pre-execution time  Tables  and
Arrays.   It  indicates  how  many  entries  will  be  present in each
physical record.  EXAMPLE:  In a  card  file,  this  entry  shows  the
number of entries on each card.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 33-35          Blanks          Record Address file or Execution  time

                1-999           Compilation  or   Pre-execution   time
                                single    Table   or   Array:    entry
                                indicates the number of  arguments  in
                                each physical record, or

                                Compilation  or   Pre-execution   time
                                paired  (alternating)  Table or Array:
                                the  entry  indicates  the  number  of
                                pairs  of  arguments  in each physical

All records except the last must have the same  number  of  arguments.
The  last  record  may  have  fewer.   Entries must begin in the first
position of the record, and no spaces may occur between entries  in  a
single  record.   No  entry  may start in one record and finish in the
EXTENSION SPECIFICATION -- FORM E                             Page 6-4


This is  a  table  file  on  punched  cards.   Arguments  have  eleven
characters, and there are seven entries per record.


This is a file of related tables on punched cards.  Arguments come  in
pairs  --  a  five-character  item followed by a seven-character item.
There are six pairs of entries per record, even though  the  card  has
unused  columns that could contain another five-character item.  Pairs
must not be split across record boundaries.

The table name of items 1A, 2A, etc.  would appear in  columns  27-32.
The  table  name of items 1B, 2B, etc.  would appear in columns 46-51.
The number of entries per record  field  must  be  numeric  and  right
justified.   Leading  zeroes  may  be  omitted.  These columns must be
blank for execution time arrays.


This field specifies one of two things:

     1.  The exact number of entries or pairs of entries in the entire
         table or array, when full, or

     2.  the maximum number of entries a table or array  may  have  if
         not full (termed a "short" table or array).
EXTENSION SPECIFICATION -- FORM E                             Page 6-5

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 36-39          Blanks          Record Address file.

                1-999           Table or Array:  see above.

The number of entries must be numeric  and  right-justified.   Leading
zeroes may be omitted.


Columns         Values                  Meaning

 40-42          Blanks          Record Address file.

                1-256           Entry   specifies   the   number    of
                                character  positions  of  the table or
                                array  with  the   following   maximum

                                a.  256 if alphanumeric
                                b.  15 if numeric

For paired (alternate) Tables or Arrays,  this  entry  refers  to  the
length  of  entries in the first.  The length entered in columns 40-42
must be right-justified.  Leading zeroes may be omitted.

Physical Aspects of Tables:  In the  file  that  contains  tables  and
arrays, numeric items which are shorter than the length specified must
be padded with leading zeroes or  blanks.   Short  alphanumeric  items
must be padded with blanks on either end.


Column          Value

  43            Blank

All Extension Specification cards must contain a blank in this column.
DECsystem-10  RPG II  supports  only alphanumeric and unpacked decimal
EXTENSION SPECIFICATION -- FORM E                             Page 6-6


Column          Values                  Meaning

  44            Blank           a.  Record Address file, or
                                b.  Data will be alphanumeric.

                  0             Data will be decimal integers.

                 1-9            Data will be decimal numbers, with the
                                indicated  number  of places after the
                                decimal point.


The order of a table or array (if  any)  determines  how  RPG II  will
perform LOKUP operations.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  45            Blank           Record Address file, or entries are in
                                arbitrary order

                  A             Entries are in ascending order

                  D             Entries are in descending order

Consecutive equal entries are always considered  to  be  in  sequence.
Column  45  refers  only  to the first of alternate (paired) Tables or
EXTENSION SPECIFICATION -- FORM E                             Page 6-7


When a specification describes paired or alternate Tables  or  Arrays,
columns  46  through 57 describe the second one.  The rules listed for
the first one apply to the second.  Note that the two names must  both
be unique.  Corresponding field positions are the following:

Field          First Table or Array    Second Table or Array

Name                    27-32                   46-51

Length of               40-42                   52-54

Data format              43                      55

Decimal                  44                      56

Sequence                 45                      57

A table may not be paired with an array.


Columns         Values

 58-74          Any ASCII characters

The comments field does  not  affect  compilation  or  object  program
execution,  but  it  is useful in program listings for later analysis,
checkout and documentation.

                              CHAPTER 7


The Line Counter Specifications form (Figure  7-1)  is  used  for  all
printer  output files with an L in column 39 of the corresponding File
Description Specification (FORM F).  Form L specifies  form  size  and
overflow  line.   When  a  printer file does not have a Form L, RPG II
uses default values of 66 lines per page and an overflow line at 60.


Columns         Values                  Meaning

 7-14          filename         Filename entered on the  corresponding
                                form F.

The device assigned to the corresponding file must be a line printer.


Columns         Values                  Meaning

 15-17          Blanks          The user  wishes  the  default  --  66
                                lines per page

                1-112           The entry specifies the  exact  number
                                of  print  lines  available  on a page
                                (exact number of lines from one top of
                                form to the next)

The entry must be numeric and right-justified.  Leading zeroes may  be
LINE COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM L                         Page 7-2


Columns         Values

 20-22          FL

This field must  contain  the  characters  FL  to  indicate  that  the
preceding field defines form length.


Columns         Values                  Meaning

 20-22          Blanks          The user wishes the RPG II default  of
                                line 60.

                1-112           Spaces,  skips,  or  print  operations
                                that  terminate on or before this line
                                will set overflow conditions.

See also paragraph 5.13.  Different overflow lines  can  be  specified
for  individual  printer  files.   This  may  be necessary for varying
numbers of lines printed in overflow conditions.

Use of overflow indicators with other indicators may cause a  variable
number  of  lines  to  be printed on sucessive pages.  The user should
take care to leave enough room for the maximum, and  yet  retain  good
spacing on the page when few lines are printed.


Columns         Value

 23-24            OL

This field must contain the letters OL to indicate that the  preceding
field defines an overflow line.

                              CHAPTER 8

                    INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I

Form F describes all files except  compile  time  tables  and  arrays.
Form  I,  Input  Specifications,  describes  the  records of input and
update files.  Each file consists of one or more record types and each
record  type  may consist of one or more fields.  Form I has a section
for records, and one  for  fields.   Record  descriptions  go  in  the
columns  labeled  Record  Identification  (columns  7-41, Figure 8-1).
Descriptions of the fields within  that  record  type  go  in  columns
43-70,  field  description,  of as many succeeding lines as required--
one line for each field.  Then the next record type may be  described,
and so on, until all record types and fields have been described.


This entry names  the  file  that  holds  the  record.   The  filename
provides the link between information contained on Form F and Form I.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 7-14           blanks          a.  Field descriptor
                                b.  File name is the same as  that  on
                                    the last record description.

            Filename  from
            a Form F entry      Named file.

The name of every input or update file (except table input  files  and
record  address  files)  described  in  form F must be entered on this
sheet.  The filename must be the first line that contains  information
concerning  the records in that file.  If the filename is omitted, the
last filename is assumed to be the  file  being  described.   All  the
records  and  fields  for one file must be completely described before
another file is described.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-2


This entry allows users to tell RPGLIB to  check  for  a  sequence  of
record types.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 15-16          blanks          a.  Field description, or
                                b.  AND or OR line

                01-99           RPGLIB will perform sequence checking

                AA-ZZ           This  record  type  not  part   of   a
                                sequence.  Note that "ND" and "R " are
                                not permitted as they would  interfere
                                with AND/OR lines.

This field may contain an alphabetic or numeric code.  The  alphabetic
code  may  be  any  two  alphabetic  characters (e.g., AA, BC, DQ) and
signifies  that  this  specific  record  type  is  not   part   of   a
predetermined  sequence.   The  record  may  appear at any time in the
file, so long as it does not interrupt some other  sequence.   Chained
files require alphabetic sequence codes.

A numeric code (01-99) specifies sequence checking.  The codes must be
in  ascending  order  for  each  record  type checked.  This gives the
correct order for records in the sequence.  The first record type in a
sequence  must  have  01  in  columns  15-16.   There  may be only one
sequence per file.  Note that the leading  zero  must  be  entered  in
column  15.   Records to be sequence-checked also must be specified on
the form in the order in which they should occur when  read  from  the
file.   When  these  columns contain a numeric entry, an entry must be
made in column 17, and an entry in column 18 must be considered.

Note that this type of sequence  checking  ensures  only  that  record
types  appear  in a given order in the file.  A sequence specification
on  Form  F  causes  sequence  checking  based  on   matching   record

In the Form I  entries  for  a  file,  record  types  with  alphabetic
sequence  specifications  must come before those with numeric entries.
AND and OR  lines  (description  continuation  lines)  must  not  have
entries  in  these columns.  Presumably, the line preceding the AND or
OR line specifies any required sequence checking.

If sequence checking is specified and RPGLIB detects a sequence error,
it enters a Halt Procedure.  Halt Procedures are defined more fully in
Appendix E.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-3


Users must make an entry here if columns 15-16 have a  numeric  entry.
This  column  indicates  whether more than one record of a type may be
present before a different record type is encountered.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  17            blank           Column   15-16   contain    alphabetic
                                characters or blanks.

                  1             Only  one  record  of  this  type  may
                                appear in the sequence of each group.

                  N             Multiple  records  of  this  type  may
                                appear  before a record type change of
                                each group


Column          Values                  Meaning

  18            blank           a.  No record type  sequence  checking
                                    is  to be performed (columns 15-16
                                    are alphabetic).
                                b.  Record type sequence  checking  is
                                    being  done  and this type must be
                                    present  in  each  group  (columns
                                    15-16  numeric)  except  the  last
                                    group which isn't checked.

                  O             Record type sequence  checking  is  is
                                being  performed  and this type may or
                                may  not  be  present  in  each  group
                                (columns 15-16 numeric).

An entry should not be made in this column for lines which have an AND
or OR relationship with a preceding line.  The first line of an AND/OR
relationship specifies the column 18 option.


Each different type of input or update record may have  an  identifier
encoded in columns 19-20.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-4

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 19-20          blanks          a.  Field description, or
                                b.  No destinction need be given  this
                                    and the preceding record type.

                01-99           General record  identifying  indicator

                L1-L9           Control  level  indicator  used  as  a
                                record   identifying   indicator  when
                                record type rather than control  field
                                triggers a control break.

                H1-H9           Halt indicator to be set  when  RPGLIB
                                encounters this type.

                  LR            Last  record  indicator  --  simulates
                                end-of-file condition.

                  **            Look-ahead field

When RPGLIB selects a record for processing and identifies it, it sets
on the indicator specified by this entry.  Users can specify this code
to condition functions and operations in Calculations  Specifications,
Output-Format Specifications and additional Input Specifications.  

The entry in columns 19-20 may be unique for each input record type if
desired,  but  sometimes  it  is  useful  to  assign  the  same one to
different record types.  Example:  a file with several  record  types,
only  the  first  of  which is to be used in a given calculation.  The
others are handled by a common subroutine.   Assignment  of  the  same
identifying  indicator  to  all  but  the  first  type allows a single
indicator to condition the subroutine for all the appropriate records.

When RPGLIB turns on a record identifying indicator, it turns off  any
indicator  which is on because of a previous record.  Exception:  when
a record is retrieved by chaining from another record, the  indicators
for  both  records  are  on  simultaneously  and can condition further

When a control level indicator is set  on  by  a  record  type,  lower
levels remain off.

The record identifying indicator field must be blank for AND lines  of
an AND relationship.  (See paragraph 8.7.)

When a line has a pair of  asterisks,  fields  defined  on  succeeding
specifications  lines are "look-ahead" fields.  A look-ahead field can
be examined in the next record of the file, while the  current  record
is  still  being processed.  For update files, look-ahead fields apply
only to the current record.

Look-ahead fields can not be specified for chained or demand files, or
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-5

as  array  fields.   Neither  can the fields be altered as a result of
calculations or blank-after operations.   Lines  containing  asterisks
require  alphabetic  sequence code specifications.  Columns 17, 18 and
21-74 must be blank, as well.

Only one set of look-ahead fields can  be  described  per  file.   The
description  applies  to all records in the file, regardless of record

If a field  is  to  be  available  for  processing  before  and  after
selection,  the  field must be described on two specifications lines--
as a look-ahead field and as a normal field.

Look-ahead  fields  are  useful  for  extending  the  matching  record
capability and for searching for the last record of a control group.


These entries tell RPGLIB how to distinguish among record types  in  a
file.   They allow up to three identifying codes per line as indicated
by the 1, 2, and 3 on form I.  For more than three  codes,  additional
lines  may  be used as described in paragraph 8.7.  These lines may be
in an AND or OR relationship.  Identification codes on a  single  line
are  considered in an AND relationship:  code 1 AND code 2 AND code 3.
If a file contains only one  type  of  record,  or  if  a  distinction
between  record  types  is  not  important,  columns 21-41 may be left
blank.   If  RPGLIB  encounters  an  input  record  which  cannot   be
identified,  it  enters  halt  procedure  "U1".  For more data on Halt
Procedures, see Appendix E.

8.6.1  Position

Each record  identification  code  is  one  character  in  size.   The
position  (number  of  characters  from  beginning  of record) of this
character in  the  input  record  goes  in  21-24,  28-31,  or  35-38,

Columns         Values                  Meaning

21-24, 28-31    blanks          No record identification code
  or 35-38
                1-4096          Position  in   the   record   of   the
                                identification code.

If the record identification code is not needed, this  field  is  left
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-6

8.6.2  Not

Column          Values                  Meaning

25, 32, or 39   blank           Code in the next two columns  must  be

                  N             Code must not be present.

8.6.3  C

This entry tells RPGLIB which part of the character in column 27,  34,
or 41 to use for comparison with the input record.  This field is left
blank if columns 21-25 are blank.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

26, 33 or 40    blank           No entry in  21-24,  38-31  or  35-38,

                  C             Full character comparison

A C says the entire character specified in column 27,  34,  or  41  is
used for the comparison.

8.6.4  Record Identification Character

Column                  Values

27, 34, or 41   Blank or any alphanumeric character

RPGLIB will use a character entered here for comparison with the input


Columns         Values

 14-16          AND or OR

More than three record  identification  codes  may  be  designated  by
entering  the  word  AND in columns 14 through 16 of the next line and
using columns 21-41 as described in paragraph 8.6.

RPG II allows an OR relationship between record  identification  codes
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-7

for  one  record  type  or  between  record  types for efficient field
description when:

    One record type can be identified  by  different  combinations  of
    record  identification  codes.   Example:  all records having 'A',
    'B', or 'C' in column 1 are to be considered as  the  same  record

    Two or more record types have  identical  field  descriptions  but
    must be considered as different records.

    Two or more record types have very similar field descriptions, but
    a  small  number  of  fields  may be in different positions or may
    occur in one record type but not the other.

Grouping  record  types  in  OR  relationships  simplifies  coding  by
allowing  their  common  fields  to be specified once only.  Those few
fields which are not common can then be linked to their  corresponding
record types by entering the record's identifying indicator in columns
63-64 of the field description line (see paragraph 8.14).

OR in columns 14 and 15 specifies the OR relationship.

A maximum of 20 AND and OR lines in any combination  may  be  used  to
describe the record identification code.


Column 43 starts the field description.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  43            blank           a.  Record description, or

                                b.  Alphanumeric or  unpacked  decimal


Columns         Values

 44-51          Two 1-4 digit numbers

Field location designates the starting and ending positions of a field
within  a  record.   The  starting  position  goes  in  the From Field
Location (columns  44-47);   the  ending  position  in  the  To  Field
Location  (columns  48-51).   A  one-position  field  is designated by
encoding the same position in both the From and  To  location  fields;
otherwise  the  From  location  must  be smaller than the To location.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-8

Entries must be  right-justified;   leading  zeroes  may  be  omitted.
These  entries indicate field position and size.  The maximum size for
numeric data is 15 digits;  for alphanumeric data, 256 characters.

Fields within a record may  be  defined  in  any  order.   Fields  may
overlap and the same positions may be given different field names.


Column          Values                  Meaning

  52            blank           Alphameric field

                 0-9            Numeric field - entry gives number  of
                                places to right of decimal

The number entered cannot be larger than the  effective  field  length
designated in Field Location (columns 44-51).

Only numeric fields may be edited or used in arithmetic calculations.


References to input fields require a name;  this entry supplies it.

Columns                         Values

 53-58          A valid RPG II field name, array name, array  element,
                PAGE, PAGE1, or PAGE2

Unused portions of a record need not be named.   Different  fields  in
the  same  record  should have different names;  because of this, each
field of a record is defined on a separate line.  If a field is to  be
used  as  both  an  alphanumeric and numeric field, it must be defined
twice by designating two different field names for the same  position.
Fields  in  different record types may have the same name if they have
the same length and format.  To avoid duplicate coding to describe the
same  field  in  two  or  more records, one can use an OR relationship
(paragraph 8.7) to define the field name once for all the  records  in
which it occurs.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                                Page 8-9

8.11.1  Special Words -- PAGE, PAGE1, And PAGE2

A PAGE entry on the Output-Format  Specifications  form  (Chapter  10)
causes  RPGLIB  to  write  page  numbers on a print file.  An entry of
PAGE, PAGE1, or PAGE2 as a field name  specifies  that  the  indicated
portion  of  the  record being defined contains a starting page number
minus one.  (When special words are not entered here,  page  numbering
begins with 1.)

Three special words exist so  that  three  page  number  counters  can
operate in one object program.  Because the counters have field names,
they can enter into calculations like other  field  definitions.   The
format  specified  for  a  special word name must be numeric with zero
decimal positions.  Page numbering is  restarted  when  the  specified
field of an input record contains a different value.


Columns         Values

 59-60          Blanks or L1-L9

These columns allow the specification of a  control  level  indicator.
Control  level indicators are ranked from L9 (highest) to L1 (lowest),
but may appear in any order on the Input Specification Form.   The  L0
indicator  is  always  on,  thus may not be used to indicate a control

If RPGLIB encounters a field which has been assigned a control  level,
the  contents of that field are compared with the contents of the same
field from the previous record.  If they are not equal,  RPGLIB  turns
on  the  specified control level indicator and all lower control level

For example, if the field in question  has  been  assigned  a  control
level  of L4 and a control break occurs, indicators L4, L3, L2, and L1
are turned on.  These indicators can control  timing  of  calculations
and output functions.

If the user does not wish  lower  level  calculations  performed  when
their  respective  level  indicators  are  turned on by a higher level
control break, he may use the SETOF function on form C.

Users can make several fields in an  input  record  into  one  control
field  by  giving  them all the same control level indicator.  This is
called a split control field.  All fields of  a  given  control  level
must  have  the  same  format  and must be specified in adjacent field
description lines.  The first field specified is considered  the  high
order  part of the control field;  and the last is the low order part;
any in between have the order in which they  appear.   RPGLIB  ignores
decimal positions in control fields.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                               Page 8-10

Control level indicators can not be specified for  chained  or  demand

This entry is left blank if the field being described is not a control


Columns         Values

 61-62          Blanks or M1-M9

Entries in columns 61-62 indicate fields which are used  for  matching
of  records  from different sequential files and for sequence checking
of a single sequential file.  Record matching  is  the  technique  for
associating records from two or more sequential files.

Consider posting stock issue transactions against an inventory balance
file  to update the balances.  Assume that both files are sequenced on
item stock number within warehouse location;  warehouse  location  and
stock number are used as matching fields.  These fields are designated
in columns 61-62 by encoding a matching record code  (M1-M9)  for  the
records  to  be matched from both files.  The issue file is encoded as
primary (P in column 16) on the File Description Specification Form  F
and  the  inventory  balance  file is encoded as a secondary file.  As
issue records are read in, the inventory balance file is advanced  and
the  designated  matching  fields  of  the records are compared.  When
matching occurs, the matching records (MR) indicator is set on.   This
indicator  subsequently  may  be  used  as  a  condition for the issue
posting calculation.

In record matching, the file  sequences  must  be  consistent  --  all
ascending  or  all  descending, and so encoded in column 18 of form F.
The order in which multiple matching fields are checked depends on the
value  (M1-M9)  assigned.   M9  designates  a highest order field;  M1
designates a  lowest  order  field.   If  the  program  has  a  single
sequential file, it may be sequence checked by entering M1-M9 codes to
designate the sequence control field(s) in proper order.  As in record
matching,  the  higher order code must be assigned to the higher order
control fields, etc.  RPGLIB enters Halt Procedure "L1" if a  file  is
found  out  of  sequence.  Sequence checking occurs automatically when
fields are being matched.  Table 8-1 gives rules for matching  fields.
Note  that  M1-M9 are not indicators, but cause the indicator MR to be
set on when a match occurs.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                               Page 8-11

                              Table 8-1
                      Rules for Matching Fields

Number of       A given record may have as many as nine matching field
Codes           codes.

Length          The lengths of fields  to  be  matched  (those  having
                corresponding  Mn codes) must be equal.  The length of
                the combined matching fields of a record must  be  the
                same  as  for  any record against which matching takes

Format          Fields to be matched must have the same format--  both
                numeric  or  both alphanumeric.  An alphanumeric field
                may be treated as numeric  for  matching  or  sequence
                checking  by  defining it again with a different field
                name and designating it as numeric  (by  an  entry  in
                column  52).   The  Mn  code  then  is  used  with the
                redefined field.

Decimals and    Decimal  positions  are  ignored  in  matching numeric
Leading         fields.  Also, a numeric  field  with  leading  zeroes
Zeroes          will  match  a  field  having  the  same  value   with
                suppressed leading zeroes.

Sign            Only the digit portions of numeric fields are matched.
ignored         Thus a negative number can match a positive number.

AND             Multiple  matching  fields are in an AND relationship.
relationship    Matches must occur in all  matching  fields  specified
                for a record before RPGLIB sets on the MR indicator.

Initial         Alphanumeric  matching  fields are initialized to bla-
value           nks.  Initial value for numerics is zero.

Only            Matching records  may be specified only  for input and
Input or        update files.


Columns         Values

 63-64          Blanks, 01-99, L1-L9, MR, U1-U8, or H1-H9.

This field can be used as a means of minimizing the  number  of  field
definition entries to be written.  It also provides a convenient means
for selective control of processing.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                               Page 8-12

The meanings of the allowable entries are the following:

01-99           Record identifying  indicator  assigned  to  a  record

L1-L9           Control level indicator previously used.

MR              Matching record indicator

U1-U8           External indicator previously set

H1-H9           Halt indicator previously used

The following general rules apply to this entry:

     1.  All  fields  without  a  field  record  relation  should   be
         specified before fields with field record relations.

     2.  All fields with the same field record relation  entry  should
         be entered on consecutive lines.

     3.  All parts of a split control field must have the  same  field
         record  relation  entry  and must be described on consecutive
         specification lines.

A record identifying indicator  (01-99)  can  be  specified  here  for
records  in  an  OR  relationship  having  fields  occupying different
positions in the records.  In this case, the indicator  specifies  the
record for which the field description applies.

Control fields and matching fields  can  also  be  associated  with  a
record  having an OR relationship by a field record relation.  Also, a
field record relation may be specified for  only  one  of  a  pair  of
control  fields  or  matching fields.  In this case, the specification
having the  relation  is  used  when  the  indicator  is  on  and  the
specification  not  having  the relation is used when the indicator is

A control level indicator (L1-L9) or matching  record  indicator  (MR)
can  be specified as a field record relation when the defined field is
to be used only when the control break or matching records occurs.  An
L1-L9 or MR entry cannot be specified here when the defined field is a
control field or matching field.

When U1-U8 has been encoded in columns 63-64,  the  normal  processing
for  that field is carried out if the specified external indicator has
been set on by a job control command.  If the indicator  is  off,  all
input  processing  of  the  field  in  this  record  is bypassed.  The
external encoding must not be used for fields defined as  matching  or
control  level fields.  A halt indicator (H1-H9) is specified here for
records which have  OR  relationships  and  have  the  halt  indicator
specified in columns 19-20.
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM I                               Page 8-13


Columns         Values

 65-70          Blanks, 01-99, H1-H9

This field is used to specify that the contents of the field are to be
examined  when  its record has been selected for processing.  The data
contained in the field can be tested for the following conditions:

        Zero or Blank

As can be seen on the  Input  Specifications  Form,  there  is  a  two
position  subfield  representing  each of these conditions.  Allowable
encoding for indicators in each of these subfields  is  01-99  and  H1
through H9.

If the specified condition is not met,  the  designated  indicator  is
turned  off  for the input record.  If the condition specified is met,
the designated indicator is turned on.  The Plus and Minus  conditions
can be used only with numeric fields.  All field indicators are off at
the beginning of object program execution.

                              CHAPTER 9


The Calculation Specifications tell RPG II which  run-time  operations
to perform.  General rules:

    Each operation must be specified  on  a  single  line  of  the
    coding  form.   Generally,  operations must be in the order of

    Detail  calculations  must  come   first,   then   all   total
    calculations, then all subroutines.

Form C (Figure 9-1) has three major sections:

    Entries in columns 7-17 control when the calculation is to  be

    Those in columns 18-53 describe the calculation.

    Those in columns 54-59  specify  which  indicators  should  be
    turned on or off as a result of the calculation.

Columns 60-74, COMMENTS, have no significance to the compiler.

RPG II prints any entries in the COMMENTS field on the source  program
listing to aid the user or other readers.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-2

                              Figure 9-1
                                Form C
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-3


Columns         Values                  Meaning

  7, 8          Blanks          Calculation operation is performed  at
                                detail time

                  L0            Calculation operation is performed  at
                                total time.  (L0 is always on.)

                L1-L9           Calculation  is  performed  when   the
                                corresponding   or   a   higher  level
                                control break occurs, or when a  SETON
                                operation has set it on.

                  LR            Calculation operation  is  done  after
                                the last record has been processed, or
                                after LR has been set on.

                  SR            Calculation operation  is  part  of  a

              AN or OR          Indicators listed on the current  line
                                are  in an AND or OR relationship with
                                indicators on the preceding line(s).

Calculation form entries must be presented  to  the  compiler  in  the
above  order,  with  the exception that AN/OR lines are specified with
their associated lines.  Paragraph 9.2 gives more information about AN
and OR.

RPGLIB performs calculations at either detail or total  time.   Blanks
in  columns  7-8  indicate  performance at detail time.  Control level
indicators L0, L1 through L9  and  LR  designate  calculations  to  be
performed  at  total time.  As is described in paragraph 8.12, control
level indicators are set by control breaks.  A break in control at any
given level sets the indicator at that level and all lower levels.


In the following cases, lower level indicators are not turned on:

     1.  Higher level indicator is set by  a  SETON  operation.   (See
         paragraph 9.4.5).

     2.  The higher level indicator is set on as a record  identifying
         indicator.  (See paragraph 8.5.)

The last record indicator, LR, is set on after the last  input  record
has  been  read and processed.  Control level indicators L1 through L9
are also turned on when this occurs.  When LR is set  on  by  anything
other  than  the  last  record,  for example, by a SETON operation, L1
through L9 are not affected.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-4

The L0 indicator is on throughout the exception phase and marks  total
calculations to be performed even if a control break has not occurred.

An SR in columns 7 and 8 identifies the line as part of a  subroutine.
Specifications  for  subroutine  operations  may  not show the control
level(s) for those operations in columns 7-8 because these spaces  are
occupied  by  the  code SR.  Subroutines may be entered, however, from
either  a  detail  or  a  total  calculation   sequence.    Individual
operations within the subroutine may be conditioned by any indicators,
including L0-L9, encoded in columns 9-17.


The  entries  in  these  columns  (if  any)  specify  the   additional
conditions  which must be met after those in 7 and 8 are satisfied, if
the conditioned operation is to be performed.   These  conditions  are
expressed in terms of indicators which must be on and/or off.

RPGLIB sets (turns on) or clears (turns off) indicators  according  to
input conditions or previous calculations.  Up to three indicators may
be specified (one each in columns 10-11, 13-14, and 16-17);  if two or
more  are  specified they are considered to be in an AND relationship.
If the desired indicator state is off, an N should be encoded  in  the
preceding column (9, 12, or 15).

Columns         Values                  Meaning

10-11, 13-14    Blanks          Columns 7-8 list the only conditioner.
or 16-17                        If  columns  7-8  are  blank,  do  the
                                operation for every record read.

                 01-99          Do operation when this result or input
                                indicator is set.

                 L1-L9          Do operation when  the  named  control
                                level indicator is on.

                  LR            Do  operation  when  the  last  record
                                indicator is on.

                  MR            Do  operation  when  matching  records
                                have been found.

                 H1-H9          Do  operation  when  the  named   halt
                                indicator is on.

                 U1-U8          Do operation when the  named  external
                                indicator is on.

                OA-OG, OV       Do operation when the  named  overflow
                                indicator is on.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-5

Through AN and  OR  entries  in  columns  7  and  8  more  than  three
indicators can be used to condition one operation.  

9.2.1  AN/OR Lines

A maximum of seven AN/OR lines may condition a single  operation,  and
up  to three indicators may be specified on each AN/OR line.  The last
line of an AN/OR group lists the operation and  operands  to  be  used
when   the   conditions  are  met.   The  others  should  not  specify
operations, operands, or resulting indicators.

AN/OR lines give flexibility for conditioning.   If  more  than  three
indicators  must  be  on  or  off for a particular operation, AN lines
allow up to  eighteen  more  indicators.   OR  lines  allow  alternate
conditions.   When  there  are combinations of AN and OR lines, AN has
the higher binding power.


          01N03  09
      AN  02 04  07
      OR  99 98N 97
      OR  96N95  LR
      AN  93N92    ----------OPERATION--------------

OPERATION will be performed if conditions  listed  on  the  first  two
lines,  or  those  on the third, or those on the last two are met.  In
particular if 01 is set, 03 is not set, and 09, 02, 04 and 07 are set,
or  99 and 98 are set, and 97 is not set, or 96 is set, 95 is not set,
LR and 93 are set, and 92 is not set.

Users may enter halt indicators to prevent a  calculation  from  being
performed with erroneous data.

Points to remember when filling in columns 7-8 and 9-17:

     1.  When columns  7-8  contain  a  control  level  indicator  and
         columns  9-17  specify  MR,  the  matching record description
         applies to the  last  record  processed  --  not  the  record
         causing  the  control  break.   MR  will  not  be set for the
         current record until all the total calculations specified for
         the appropriate control break in 7-8 have been performed.

     2.  A control level  entry  in  columns  7-8  indicates  a  total
         calculation.  A control level entry in columns 9-17 specifies
         a detail operation to be performed after the  control  break.
         The organization of the RPG II program cycle causes RPGLIB to
         perform total operations  for  a  control  break  before  the
         detail operations for the record causing the control break.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-6

                              Figure 9-2
                      Conditioning Calculations
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-7

Figure 9-2 shows examples.  Explanation:

    Line 010 - The  detail  calculation  is  performed   only   if
               indicator 01 is on.

    Line 030 - The detail calculation is performed only if control
               break indicator L2 is on.

    Line 040 - The total calculation  is  performed  when  the  L4
               control  break  indicator is on and MR has not been
               set by the previously processed record.


Many  RPG II  Calculation  operations  require  the  specification  of
factors.   Entries  may  be  needed  for  Factor 1, Factor 2, both, or
neither,  depending  on  the  particular  operation.   The   following
paragraphs  discuss  requirements for each operation.  Appendix A is a
summary of Calculation Specification Entries.

Columns         Values

18-27, 33-42    Factor 1  and  Factor  2  may  contain  the  following

                    Field name

                    Alphanumeric or numeric literal

                    Array element, or name  of  subroutine,  table  or

                    Date field name (UDATE, UMONTH, UDAY, UYEAR)

                    Special name (PAGE, PAGE1, PAGE2)

                    Label for a TAG, BEGSR, or ENDSR operation (Factor
                    1) or a label for a GOTO or EXSR operation (Factor

                    Filename  (first  six  characters)  for  a  CHAIN,
                    DEBUG, DSPLY, READ, or FORCE operation (Factor 2)

Entries are left-justified in the two  fields.   The  rules  for  each
entry type:
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-8

9.3.1  Field Names

All field names must be defined if they are to be used  in  writing  a
Calculation  Specifications line.  A field name is defined by an entry
in columns 53-58 of an Input Specifications form or  by  an  entry  in
columns  43-48 (result field) of a Calculation Specifications line.  A
field name not defined as input may be used as a Factor 1 or Factor  2
entry  only  if  it  is  defined  (1)  as  a  result field on the same
Calculation Specifications line where it is first used as a factor or,
(2) as a result field on an earlier line.  A compiler error results if
a field name is entered which is  undefined  or  defined  in  a  later
Calculation line.

9.3.2  Literals

Literals are self defining data and may be  numeric  or  alphanumeric.
Examples:  123.4 (numeric) or 'ABC', '123.4' (alphanumeric)  Numeric - A combination of digits (0-9), one  decimal  point,
and one arithmetic sign.


     1.  Numeric literals must

         1.  not exceed ten positions,

         2.  not contain embedded blanks,

         3.  be left-justified

         4.  have the sign, if encoded, in the leftmost column  18  or
             33);  an unsigned literal is assumed to be positive

         5.  not be enclosed in apostrophes.

     2.  The decimal point, if encoded, may  appear  anywhere  in  the
         literal.   If  it is not encoded, it is assumed to follow the
         rightmost digit.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                          Page 9-9  Alphanumeric - An alphanumeric literal is  a  combination  of
characters enclosed in apostrophes.


     1.  It must not exceed eight position, plus two apostrophes.

     2.  It may contain any alphanumeric character including blanks.

     3.  It must be left-justified.  An apostrophe  within  a  literal
         must be encoded by entering two consecutive apostrophes.


         The word USER'S is encoded as a literal 'USER''S'.
         123 is a numeric literal;  '123' is an alphanumeric literal.

9.3.3  Names And Elements

Table and array names were described  briefly  in  Chapter  6.   These
names  and  array  element  names  are  discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 12.  

Rule for Labels and Subroutine Names:

     1.  must be left-justified

     2.  must start with an alphabetic character

     3.  must not exceed six characters

     4.  must not be the same as any field name

     5.  must not include special characters or embedded blanks

9.3.4  Date Field Names

The date field names--UDATE, UMONTH, UDAY,  and  UYEAR--refer  to  the
current date that RPGLIB supplies to the object program.  These values
cannot be changed by calculations  specifications,  so  they  may  not
appear  in columns 43-48.  They may appear as factors to, for example,
produce the next month's billing date.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-10

9.3.5  Special Names

The special names--PAGE, PAGE1, and PAGE2--are described in  paragraph
10.8.2.   These  names  are  used  for  the three page number counters
available to RPGLIB.  The  programmer  may  increment  these  counters
explicitly in the calculations specifications, or implicitly in output

9.3.6  Labels

Paragraph 9.3.3 gives rules for establishing  Factor  1  labels  (used
with  TAG, BEGSR, and ENDSR operations) and Factor 2 labels (used with
GOTO and EXSR operations).

9.3.7  Filenames

Any valid RPG II filename can be used as Factor 2  for  CHAIN,  DEBUG,
DSPLY,   READ,   and   FORCE   operations,  subject  to  the  specific
requirements of each operation.


This field specifies the operation to be  performed  using  Factor  1,
Factor  2  and the Result Field, as appropriate.  Allowable operations
are summarized in Table 9-1.  Operation codes must be  left-justified.
Detailed rules for each code are given in subsequent paragraphs.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-11

                              TABLE 9-1
              Operations for Calculation Specifications

Class           Code            Operation

Arithmetic      ADD             Add
                Z-ADD           Zero and Add
                SUB             Subtract
                Z-SUB           Zero and Subtract
                MULT            Multiply
                DIV             Divide
                MVR             Move Remainder
                SQRT            Square Root
                XFOOT           Crossfoot - Sum Elements of an Array

Move            MOVE            Move
                MOVEL           Move Left
                MOVEA           Move Array

Move Zone       MHHZO           Move High to High Zone
                MHLZO           Move High to Low Zone
                MLLZO           Move Low to Low Zone
                MLHZO           Move Low to High Zone

Compare, Bit,
and Test        COMP            Compare
                BITON           Set Bit On
                BITOF           Set Bit Off
                TESTB           Test Bit
                TESTZ           Test Zone

Branch and Tags GOTO            Go To
                TAG             Provide a Branching Label
                EXSR            Execute an RPG II Subroutine
                BEGSR           Begin an RPG II Subroutine
                ENDSR           End an RPG II Subroutine
                EXIT            Enter a non-RPG II Subroutine
                RLABL           Pass  Parameters   to   a   non-RPG II

Indicator       SETON           Set Indicator On
                SETOF           Set Indicator Off

Table           LOKUP           Table or Array Lookup

Input/Output    EXCPT           Force Output Printing
                FORCE           Force Record to be Read
                DSPLY           Print  and/or  Accept  Data   at   the
                                Console Device
                READ            Read from Demand File
                CHAIN           Retreive Defined Record

Debugging       DEBUG           Aid in Finding Programming Errors

Miscellaneous   TIME            Retreive Time of Day from RPGLIB
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-12

9.4.1  Arithmetic Operations

The fields and literals used in arithmetic operations must be numeric.
None  of  the  fields  specified  as Factor 1, Factor 2, or the Result
Field can exceed 15 digits.  RPGLIB aligns decimal points  before  all
arithmetic  operations.   The  arithmetic  operation  codes  and their
corresponding fields are listed below:

        Factor 1        Operation       Factor 2        Result Field

        required           ADD
        blanks            Z-ADD
        required           SUB
        blanks            Z-SUB         required          required
        required          MULT
        required           DIV
                           MVR           blanks
        blanks            SQRT          required
                         XFOOT          required

Up to three distinct names may be in a single statement.  Factor 1 and
2  fields  are not altered by the operations unless one or both of the
names are the same as the Result Field Name.  The previous contents of
a  Result  Field  are  lost  after an arithmetic operation.  Table 9-2
describes Arithmetic Operations.

9.4.2  Move Operations 

When using the MOVE, MOVEL or MOVEA operations the form  of  the  data
may  be  changed from alphanumeric to numeric and vice versa.  When an
alphanumeric field is moved to a numeric field, blanks  are  converted
to  zeroes.  Move operations do not align decimal positions.  Factor 1
and  the  resulting  indicators  columns  must  be  blank   for   move

Table 9-3 describes Move Operations.

9.4.3  Move Zone Operations

These operations are used to move the zone  portion  of  a  character.
There are four varieties of the move zone operation.

Note:  Generally, whenever the word high is used, the  field  involved
must be alphanumeric;  whenever low is used, the field involved may be
either alphanumeric or numeric.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-13  MHHZO - This operation  moves  the  zone  from  the  leftmost
position  of  Factor  2  to the leftmost position of the Result Field.
Factor 2 and the Result Field must be alphanumeric.  MHLZO - This operation  moves  the  zone  from  the  leftmost
position  of  Factor  1 to the rightmost position of the Result Field.
Factor 2 can only be alphanumeric.  The Result  Field  can  be  either
numeric or alphanumeric.  MLLZO - This operation moves  the  zone  from  the  rightmost
position  of  Factor  2 to the rightmost position of the result field.
Factor 2 and the Result Field may be either alphanumeric or numeric.  MLHZO - This operation moves  the  zone  from  the  rightmost
position  of  Factor  2  to the leftmost position of the Result Field.
Factor 2 can be either numeric or alphanumeric, but the  Result  Field
can only be alphanumeric.

9.4.4  Compare, Bit And Test Operations  COMP - The  operation  COMP  compares  the  literal  or   the
contents  of  the field in Factor 1 against the literal or contents of
the field in Factor 2.  The Factor 1 and Factor  2  fields  must  have
identical formats--both numeric or both alphanumeric.  An entire array
cannot be specified as either Factor.  The Result Field must  be  left

At least one resulting indicator (columns 54-59)  must  be  specified.
Depending   upon  the  results  of  the  comparison,  the  appropriate
indicators are turned on:

High    Factor 1 is greater than Factor 2.
Low     Factor 1 is less than Factor 2.
Equal   Factor 1 equals Factor 2.

Table 9-4 gives rules for comparisons.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-14

                              TABLE 9-2
                        Arithmetic Operations

Operation               Description

ADD             Factor 2 is added to Factor 1 and the sum is placed in
                the Result Field.

Z-ADD           Factor 2 is placed in the Result Field.

SUB             Factor  2  is  subtracted  from  Factor  1   and   the
                difference is placed in the Result Field.  When Factor
                1 and Factor 2 have the same name, the Result Field is

Z-SUB           Factor 2 is placed in the Result Field with  its  sign

MULT            Factor 1 is multiplied by Factor 2 and the product  is
                placed in the Result Field.

DIV             Factor 1 is divided by Factor 2 and  the  quotient  is
                placed in the Result Field.  Factor 2 can not be zero.
                The remainder of a  divide  is  lost,  unless  an  MVR
                operation    follows    on    the   next   Calculation
                Specifications line;  when a move remainder  operation
                is  specified, half-adjusting can not be requested for
                the divide, and the MVR must be the next line.

MVR             The remainder from the  immediately  preceding  divide
                operation is moved to the Result Field.  Since the DIV
                and  MVR  operations  go  together  they   should   be
                conditioned  by  the  same  indicators,  if  any.  The
                number  of  significant  decimal  positions   in   the
                remainder is the greater of:

                1.  The number of decimal positions specified for  the
                    Factor 1 field of the divide

                2.  The  sum  of  the  number  of  decimal   positions
                    specified  for  the  Factor 2 and Result fields of
                    the preceding divide operation.

SQRT            The  square  root   of   Factor   2   is   calculated,
                half-adjusted  and placed in the Result Field.  Factor
                2 can  not  be  a  negative  number.   The  number  of
                significant  whole number and decimal positions in the
                Result  Field  is   one-half   that   of   Factor   2,
                half-adjusted to the next highest whole number.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-15

                          TABLE 9-2 (cont'd)
                        Arithmetic Operations

Operation               Description

XFOOT           The sum of all the elements of the Factor 2  array  is
                placed   in   the   single   element   Result   Field.
                Half-adjusting can be specified for the  Result  Field
                If  the  Result  Field  is  an element of the Factor 2
                array, the original value of the element  is  used  in
                the addition, and then replaced by the sum.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-16

                              Table 9-3
                           Move Operations

Operation               Description

MOVE            Causes   characters,   starting   at   the   rightmost
                character,  to be moved from the data field or literal
                specified in Factor 2 to the  rightmost  positions  of
                the  Result Field.  The contents of the data specified
                by Factor 2 remain unchanged in all cases.

                If the Result Field length is shorter than the  length
                of  the  Factor 2 data field, RPGLIB moves only enough
                to fill the Result Field.

                If the Result Field is longer than the Factor  2  data
                field,  RPGLIB  moves  all  available  characters, and
                leaves  excess  characters   of   the   Result   Field
                unaffected.   A  numeric Result Field assumes the sign
                associated with Factor 2.

MOVEL           This operation is similar to  the  MOVE,  except  that
                characters are moved from the leftmost position of the
                Factor  2  data  field  to  the  leftmost   characters
                position  of  the  Result  Field.  If a numeric Result
                Field is the same length as Factor 2, it  assumes  the
                sign  associated  with  Factor 2.  If a numeric Result
                Field is longer than Factor 2, it  retains  its  sign,
                but  a  spurious  sign  will appear over the rightmost
                result character contributed by Factor 2.   A  numeric
                Result Field shorter than Factor 2 will have no sign.

MOVEA           Moves the data starting at the  leftmost  position  of
                Factor 2 to the leftmost position of the Result Field.
                The shorter field  (Factor  2  or  the  Result  Field)
                determines  the  length  of  the move.  If Factor 2 is
                longer than the Result  Field,  the  excess  rightmost
                characters  of  Factor  2  will  not be moved.  If the
                Result Field is longer than Factor 2,  the  characters
                to  the  right of the data moved into the Result Field
                will remain unchanged.  All arrays an field referenced
                by a MOVEA instruction must be alphanumeric.

                The MOVEA operation makes it  possible  to  move  such
                things as:

                1.  Several contiguous  array  elements  to  a  single

                2.  A  single  field  to  several   contiguous   array
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-17

                          Table 9-3 (cont'd)
                           Move Operations

Operation               Description
XFOOT (cont'd)  3.  Contiguous elements of  one  array  to  contiguous
                    elements of another array.

                The movement of data starts with the first element  of
                an  array or field.  If the array is indexed, the move
                starts with the element referenced.  The  movement  of
                data  is  terminated  when  the last array element has
                been moved or filled, or when the number of characters
                moved equals the length of the shorter field specified
                in Factor 2 or the Result Field.  This may  cause  the
                move  to  be  terminated  in  the  middle  of an array

                Note:  Both Factor  2  and  the  Result  Field  cannot
                reference the same array.

                              Table 9-4
                        Rules for Comparisons

TYPE            TOPIC                   RULE

Numeric         Length          Maximum length is 15 digits.

                Alignment       RPGLIB aligns  decimal  points  before

                Padding         When  necessary,  RPGLIB   pads   with
                                zeroes until lengths are equal.

                Comparison      The comparison is algebraic.

Alphanumeric    Length          Maximum length is 256 characters.

                Alignment       RPGLIB aligns the left-most characters
                                before the comparison.

                Padding         RPGLIB pads with blanks on  the  right
                                when lengths are unequal.

                Comparison      Characters are compared  according  to
                                the normal collating sequence.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-18  BITON, BITOF, TESTB - The bit operations allow users  to  set
(BITON),  clear  (BITOF),  and test (TESTB) bits which can be used for
conditioning operations.

The Result Field specification  must  be  a  1-character  alphanumeric
field or element in a table or array.

The Factor 2 specification can have two formats:

     1.  Bit numbers (0-5) can  be  specified.   The  numbers  specify
         which  bits  are  to  be set on, set off, or tested.  Up to 6
         bits can be specified in any order.  Bits  are  numbered  0-5
         from  left  to  right  in the 1-character Result Field.  Bits
         specified in Factor 2  are  enclosed  in  apostrophes.   When
         Factor  2  has  the value '0', the leftmost bit of the Result
         Field is to be set or tested.  An entry of '5342' causes bits
         2-5 (the rightmost four bits) to be set or tested.

     2.  Factor 2 can also be a 1-character  field  or  element  in  a
         table  or  array.  In this case, the contents of the Factor 2
         specification  (that  is,  those  bits  which  are  equal  to
         one--set) indicates the bits to be set or tested.

No matter which format is used for Factor 2, unspecified bit positions
cause  the  corresponding  Result  Field  bits  to  be  ignored.   Bit
operations can be conditioned by entries in columns  7-17.   If  field
length  is  specified,  the  value  must  be  1.   Factor  1,  Decimal
Positions,  and  Half-Adjust  must  be  blank  for   bit   operations.
Resulting  Indicators  (columns  54-59) are blank for BITON and BITOF,
but must have at least one entry for TESTB operations.

The BITON operation causes bits specified in Factor 2 to be set  equal
to  one  in  the  corresponding  Result Field bit positions.  That is,
RPGLIB places the inclusive OR of Factor 2 and the Result  Field  into
the Result Field.  

The BITOF operation causes bits specified in Factor 2 to be cleared to
zero  in  the  corresponding Result Field bit positions.  (RPGLIB ANDs
the Result Field with the complement of Factor 2.)

Bits specified in Factor 2 of a TESTB  operation  cause  corresponding
bit positions in the Result Field specification to be tested for an on
or off condition and  resulting  indicators  to  be  set  accordingly.
(RPGLIB  ANDs  the Result Field with Factor 2.) At least one indicator
must be specified in the  Resulting  Indicators  field.   A  user  may
specify  up  to  three, but a single indicator may not be specified in
more than two positions.  If Factor 2 is a field which is all  zeroes,
no  indicators  are  set by a TESTB operation.  Otherwise, RPGLIB sets
resulting indicators according to the following conditions:

     1.  An indicator in columns 54-55 is set if each Result Field bit
         specified by the Factor 2 entry is off (0).
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-19

     2.  An indicator in columns 56-57 is set if the Result Field bits
         specified  by  the  Factor  2  entry are in a mixed condition
         (some on, some off).  If the Factor 2 entry causes  only  one
         bit  to  be  tested,  an indicator specified here will not be

     3.  An indicator in columns 58-59 is set if each Result Field bit
         specified by the Factor 2 entry is one (1).  TESTZ - This  operation  tests  the  zone  of  the   leftmost
character  in  the  result  field  (see  Appendix D for information on
character structure).  The Result Field  must  be  alphanumeric  since
this operation can only be done on alphanumeric characters.  Resulting
indicators are used to determine the results of the  test.   The  zone
portion  of characters & and A-I causes the plus indicator to turn on.
The zone portion of the characters } (right curly-bracket), - (minus),
and  J-R causes the minus indicator to turn on.  All other characters,
when tested, cause the blank indicator  to  turn  on.   Factor  1  and
Factor 2 are not used in this operation.

9.4.5  Branch And Exit

RPGLIB usually does calculations  in  the  order  in  which  they  are
entered  on  specifications lines.  Operations listed in this section,
however, can alter this sequence for the following sample reasons:

     1.  Some operations should be skipped  as  a  result  of  certain

     2.  Operations defined on preceding specifications  forms  should
         be repeated as a result of certain conditions.

     3.  A sequence of operations is to be  performed  over  and  over

It is also desireable, at times, to be able to access subroutines  not
written  in  RPG II,  in  order  to  do system-dependent functions not
possible in RPG II.  For this reason subroutine linkages to accomplish
this are provided.

Branch and exit operations:

    GOTO                (Branch)
    TAG                 (Provide a name for a branch)
    EXSR                (Transfer to an RPG II subroutine)
    BEGSR               (Begin an RPG II subroutine)
    ENDSR               (End an RPG II subroutine)
    EXIT                (Transfer to a non-RPG II subroutine)
    RLABL               (Pass a parameter to a non-RPG II subroutine)
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-20

Branch and exit operations and their corresponding fields  are  listed

  GOTO - If the conditions specified in columns 7-17  are  met,
control  is  transferred  to the point in the program specified by the
name in Factor  2.   (See  TAG,  next  paragraph.)  Both  forward  and
backward  referencing  is  allowed.   WARNING:  (1) Control may not be
transferred to a TAG within a subroutine from outside that subroutine.
Transfer  may  not  be  made  from  a  calculation  not conditioned by
indicators in columns 7-8 to  one  that  is;   or  vice  versa.   When
conditions  are  not  specified  for  the GOTO operation, the transfer
always occurs.

Factor 1 and Result Field must be blank for a GOTO operation.  TAG - The  TAG  operation  defines  names  to  which  a  GOTO
operation  may transfer control.  The name goes in Factor 1 and may be
1 to 6 characters long.  The first character must be alphabetic and be
placed  in column 18.  No special characters or embedded blanks may be

Columns 9-17 must be blank for a TAG operation  code,  but  a  control
level  indicator  can  be  specified in columns 7-8 to signal that the
branch is to occur at total time.  EXSR - The EXSR operation causes a transfer of control to  an
internal  subroutine  written in RPG II as a part of the same program.
After the subroutine has been performed, control returns to  the  next
specification following the EXSR operation.

The name of the  subroutine  is  left-justified  in  Factor  2.   EXSR
operations may be conditioned by entries in columns 7-17.

Nesting (an EXSR for a second subroutine in an RPG II subroutine)  may
occur,  but  a subroutine may not call itself, nor any subroutine that
called itself and so on.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-21  BEGSR - The BEGSR operation defines the  entry  point  of  an
RPG II  subroutine.  The left-justified name of the subroutine goes in
Factor 1.  Columns 7-8 must contain  SR;   all  other  columns  except
COMMENTS (columns 60-74) must be blank.  ENDSR - An ENDSR operation is the last statement of an RPG II
subroutine.  The Factor 1 field may contain a name which is referenced
by GOTO operations within the subroutine.  Columns  7-8  must  contain
SR.  EXIT - The EXIT operation generates a  call  to  an  external
subroutine,  using linkages compatible with such standard DECsystem-10
language processors as MACRO, FORTRAN, and COBOL.  See Appendix G  for
more information on this calling sequence.

Factor 2 must contain the name of the external subroutine.   Factor  2
must  therefore contain a legal RAD50 symbol, compatible with LINK-10.
(A legal RAD50 name may contain the characters  A-Z,  0-9,  ".",  "$",
"%", or " ".)  RLABL - The RLABL operation allows the passing  of  a  field,
table  or  array, as a parameter to an external non-RPG II subroutine.
The  parameter  passing  procedure  is  compatible  with  most   other
DECsystem-10   language   processors   (see   Appendix   G   for  more

9.4.6  Indicator Operations

RPG II provides two indicator operations.  Both may be conditioned  by
entries in columns 7-17.  SETON (Set Indicators On) - This  operation  turns   on   the
indicators  specified  in columns 54-55, 56-57, 58-59.  Any indicators
may be referenced except 1P, MR, L0, and U1-U8.

When LR is set on by an  operation  conditioned  by  a  control  level
indicator  (columns  7-8).   processing  stops  after all total output
operations are completed.  If  the  SETON  is  not  conditioned  by  a
control  level indicator, processing stops after the next total output
sequence is completed.

If one or more halt indicators (H1-H9) is SETON  and  not  turned  off
before detail operations are completed, processing stops at that time.

Setting a control level  indicator  (L1-L9)  on  does  not  set  lower
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-22

control level indicators on.  A control level indicator which has been
SETON is automatically turned off at  the  completion  of  the  detail
output operation cycle.

Record identifying indicators (01-99) are conditioned by a new record,
regardless  of previous SETON and SETOF operations.  That is, SETON or
SETOF only lasts until the next input record is identified.  SETOF (Set Indicators Off) - This operation is  identical  to
SETON,  except specified indicators are turned off rather than on, and
LR cannot be set off.

9.4.7  Table Operation

RPG II provides a table lookup operation,  encoded  LOKUP.   Factor  1
specifies  the  search argument and Factor 2 specifies the name of the
internally stored argument table or  array  to  be  searched.   RPGLIB
begins  all  table searches with the first element and stops searching
when conditions have been satisfied.  At least one indicator  must  be
designated in columns 54-59 to specify the type of search.

The search argument (Factor 1) may be:

     1.  An alphanumeric or numeric constant.

     2.  A field name.

     3.  A table name.

     4.  An array element.

As described below, when a table is  named  as  Factor  1,  the  table
element  last  selected  by  LOKUP  operation  is the search argument.
Factor 1 and Factor 2 must have equal lengths  and  data  type  (i.e.,
both  numeric  or  both  alphanumeric),  and decimal points of the two
items are ignored.

The type of search is specified by entries in the resulting indicators
field (54-59).  Before the search, all indicators are turned off.  The
specified indicators are  turned  on  when  the  conditions  are  met.
Conditions possible are:

HIGH    (columns 54-55) -- RPGLIB turns on the indicator specified  in
        54-55  and  stops  searching  when it finds the smallest entry
        which is greater than Factor 1 (search argument).

LOW     (columns 56-57) -- Same as HIGH, except  RPGLIB  searches  for
        the  largest  entry  which  is  less  than  Factor  1  (search

EQUAL   (columns 58-59) -- Same as HIGH, except  RPGLIB  searches  for
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-23

        the first entry equal to Factor 1 (search argument).

Combinations of HIGH and EQUAL  may  be  specified  with  EQUAL  given
precedence.   Thus,  if  there is an entry which is equal, RPGLIB will
find it.  HIGH and LOW may not be specified simultaneously.

Comparisons made during a search are algebraic for numeric quantities.
Alphanumeric quantities are compared by the ASCII collating sequence.

Tables and arrays to be searched by a LOKUP  operation  must  have  an
entry  in  column  45  (sequence  specification)  of Form E unless the
search is for an equal condition only (entry in columns 58-59 and none
in columns 54-55 and 56-57).

LOKUP operations can be conditioned by entries in columns 7-17.  LOKUP With One Table - If   a    single-table    search    is
successful,  RPGLIB  retrieves  the  table  value  and  stores it in a
holding area.  Previous contents of the holding area (i.e., the result
of  a  prior  LOKUP)  are  destroyed.   If the search is unsuccessful,
RPGLIB does not change the holding area.  References to a  table  name
in  later  operations (other than another LOKUP) actually refer to the
item currently in the holding area.  Thus, the later operations should
be conditioned by indicators set by a successful search.

When a table name is used as a search argument (Factor 1) of a  LOKUP,
RPGLIB uses the current value in the holding area in the search.  When
a table name which has been Factor 2 in a successful search  is  named
as  the  result field of a calculation operation, the holding area and
the last element retrieved receive the result of the operation.   This
allows object programs to change table items.  LOKUP With Two Tables - Chapter 12 describes related  tables.
Related  tables  can  be  specified  as Factor 2 and Result Field in a
LOKUP operation.  Factor 2 names the first table to be searched.  When
a  search is successful, two items are moved to the holding area:  the
Factor  2  item  resulting  from  the  successful   search   and   the
corresponding  item  from the related table.  Both holding area values
remain available according to the rules  specified  above.   When  the
number  of  elements  does  not  match, the shorter number of elements
determines the number to be searched.  Thus, the last elements in  the
longer table are ignored.  LOKUP With Arrays - When a LOKUP operation is performed  with
an array named as Factor 2, the result field must be blank.  Searching
an array is similar to searching a table except that RPGLIB  does  not
move  an  item  to a holding area when a search is successful.  RPGLIB
does set appropriate indicators after a successful array search.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-24

When Factor 2 is an unindexed array, RPGLIB begins the search  at  the
first element of the array.

When Factor 2 is an array name and index, the search begins  with  the
element indicated by the index.  The Factor 2 format in this case is

        [array name],[index]

where the index can be a field name or  a  numeric  literal.   If  the
index  is a field name, a successful search causes RPGLIB to place the
appropriate element number in the field used as the index.  The  array
element  can then be referenced like a found table item in calculation
and output, using the array and index names.  RPG II places a 1 in the
index field if the search was unsuccessful.  This resets the index for
a subsequent search.  When the index is a literal, only the indicators
tell if the search conditions are satisfied.  That is, RPGLIB does not
change the  value  of  the  literal  or  identify  the  array  element
satisfying a search.  

Figure 9-3 illustrates LOKUP operations  on  tables  and  arrays.   At
lines 010-030, TABLE1 is searched for an argument stored at ACTNO.  If
RPGLIB finds a match it adds the matching element to a value stored at
TOTAL  and stores the sum at TOTAL.  When the HIGH indicator is set by
the search, that indicator conditions a branch to a TAG called ERROR.

Calculations at lines  080  and  090  are  conditioned  by  the  Equal
indicator  of the LOKUP operation at 010.  If the LOKUP at line 080 is
performed, RPGLIB searches  TABA  for  an  element  which  equals  the
element  retrieved  at line 010.  If this search is successful, RPGLIB
sets indicator 01 and squares the associated element in TABB.  At line
130,  RPGLIB  searches ARRAY for an element equal to a value stored at
ARG.  If a match is not found, control is transferred to a  TAG  named

At lines 170 and 180,  RPGLIB  searches  array  ARRAY  for  the  first
element  having  a  value  less  than  0556.  The field INDX initially
contains the number of the array element at which  the  search  should
begin.   If  the  search is unsuccessful, RPGLIB sets INDX to value 1.
When the search is successful, INDX contains the number of the element
that  satisfied  the  search.  The next line causes RPGLIB to move the
element satisfying the condition to a field named HOLD.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-25

                              Figure 9-3
                          LOKUP with Tables
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-26

                              Figure 9-4
                          LOKUP with Arrays
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-27

9.4.8  Input/Output Operations

In the RPG II program logic  outlined  in  Appendix  C,  RPGLIB  reads
records,  performs  calculations, and outputs records.  Deviation from
this pattern is possible via five operation codes which allow input or
output at calculations time:

     1.  EXCPT (exception)

     2.  FORCE (force)

     3.  DSPLY (display)

     4.  READ (read)

     5.  CHAIN (chain)  EXCPT - The EXCPT operation allows records to be  written  at
calculations  time.  Use this primarily when you like to have a number
of similar or identical records to be written in one program cycle.

When the EXCPT operation  is  used,  except  columns  28-32  and  only
columns  7-17  may  have  entries.   The line or lines which are to be
written out are indicated by an E in column 15 of the output sheet.  FORCE - The   FORCE   operation   overrides   normal   record
selection,  and  allows  the  user to select the file that will supply
input for the next cycle.   The  forced  file  can  be  a  primary  or
secondary  input or update file.  Factor 2 names the file from which a
record is to be forced.  

The FORCE can be conditioned by columns 7-17, but  all  other  columns
except COMMENTS on the line must be blank.

If a FORCE operation is executed, the next program cycle will  process
the  next  available  record  from  the FORCEd file.  If several FORCE
operations occur in one calculations cycle, RPGLIB executes  the  last
one only.  The effect of a FORCE lasts only one cycle.

In multi-file processing,  RPGLIB  selects  the  first  record  to  be
processed  in the normal fashion, but thereafter records can be forced
in an abnormal manner.  At end of file on a forced file, normal record
selection resumes.  See also 1.1.2, 5.3 and 13.1.1
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-28  DSPLY - Through a DSPLY operation,  either  or  both  of  the
following can occur:

     1.  Up to 125  characters  are  printed  from  storage  onto  the
         console device without a halt in program execution.  Programs
         may display characters from a literal, a field, or a table or
         array element named as Factor 1.

     2.  Up to 125 characters of a field or  table  or  array  element
         named  as the Result Field are printed on the console device.
         The program then halts, allowing the contents of the field or
         element to be altered from the console.

A display file is described completely on Form F;  it needs no  record
descriptions.   The  filename  goes in Factor 2 on the DSPLY operation
line.  The operation can be conditioned by entries in columns 7-17.

The rules for entering data during program execution:

     1.  A literal cannot be altered (i.e., cannot be entered  in  the
         Result Field).

     2.  Numeric data need not be entered with  leading  zeroes;   the
         data is right-justified in the result field or element.

     3.  Alphameric data is left-justified in the receiving  field  or

     4.  Typing a single space causes a numeric field or element to be
         cleared  to zeroes and an alphanumeric field or element to be
         set to blanks.

     5.  A field or element is  not  changed  if  characters  are  not
         entered.  READ - The READ operation causes RPGLIB to read and process a
record  from  a  demand  file during the calculations cycle.  Unlike a
record read by a FORCE operation, RPGLIB reads it immediately, not  at
the  start  of  the  next  program  cycle.  Demand files are processed

The demand file is described on Forms F and I,  and  the  filename  is
entered  as  Factor  2  for  the  READ  operation.   The  READ  can be
conditioned by entries in columns 7-17.  All other columns  should  be
blank  except  58  and 59, in which an indicator may be specified, and
COMMENTS.  RPGLIB turns on the indicator when it  reaches  end-of-file
in  the  demand file.  When columns 58-59 are blank, program execution
halts at end-of-file.

A demand file's record identifying indicator remains on throughout the
program cycle after a record has been READ from the file.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-29

A demand file must have a D in column 16 on Form F and must  be  input
or  update.   Demand  file  records  can be accessed only through READ
operations.  Control levels, matching records, and  look-ahead  fields
can  not  be  specified  for  demand  files,  nor can numeric sequence
checking be requested.

When a demand file is conditioned by  an  external  indicator  (U1-U8)
which is not on, no records are read from the file and the end-of-file
indicator (columns 58-59) is not set on.  CHAIN - The CHAIN operation is used for two purposes:

     1.  Random processing of an indexed, sequential, or direct file.

     2.  Loading (creating) a direct file.

The operation requires Factor 1 and  Factor  2  entries,  but  columns
43-53 and 56-59 must be blank.

A CHAIN may be conditioned by entries in columns 7-17.

An indicator should be specified in columns 54-55.  This indicator  is
set  when  a  record  is not found;  output can not occur to a chained
file when the specified record  is  not  found  unless  the  operation
indicator  was  intended to ADD a record (see 10.4).  If columns 54-55
are blank and the record is not found, program execution halts.

When RPGLIB processes Chained files, more than one record  identifying
indicator may be on at the same time.  Random Input Processing - The entry in Factor 1  identifies
the  record  to  be  retrived.  The value is either a numeric relative
record number (for sequential and direct files) or a record  key  (for
indexed files).  The entry in Factor 2 identifies the file.  This file
must be described on Forms F and I.  Direct File Output Load - When a  direct  file  is  created
(loaded),  the  file  is described as a chained output file on forms F
and O.  Factor 1 names a relative record number and Factor 2 names the

The relative record number can be all or part of a field in  an  input
record, or it can be generated by the RPG II program.

When direct file load is to occur, RPGLIB clears to blanks the  entire
area reserved for the file.  As a record is being output, the relative
record number points to  the  disk  record  to  which  output  occurs.
Records not specified in the load are left blank.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-30

When records are added to a sequential or indexed  file,  records  are
added at the end of existing records.  Records are updated in a direct
file, however, according to the relative record number.

Once the direct file has been created, the file  can  be  modified  in
later program executions by defining the file as an update file.

It may be that duplicate record numbers will be entered as  Factor  1.
This  could  happen  if  information  to  be  loaded  is  specified in
different portions of several  records.   Since  a  direct  file  load
implies  a  blank  area,  only the last record loaded for one relative
record number will appear in the created file.   The  records  can  be
completed in succeeding program executions, if direct file is declared
an update file.

9.4.9  DEBUG Operation

The DEBUG operation can assist in isolating programming errors in  the
object  program.   Whenever a DEBUG operation is executed, one or more
records are written to the output file specified as Factor 2.

All DEBUG statements in a program must refer to the same output file.

A DEBUG operation  is  executed  only  if  requested  on  the  Control
Specifications  form  (1  in  column  15).  When that column is blank,
RPG II ignores DEBUG.  Thus, DEBUG can be used during program checkout
and   only  form  H  need  be  changed  when  the  RPG II  program  is
operational.  The operation may be conditioned by entries  in  columns

Factor 1 is optional but may  contain  a  literal  or  field  name  to
identify  the  DEBUG output record.  The Result Field is also optional
but may name a field a table or array element, or an entire array.  An
entry  in  the Result Field causes the named item to be written to the
output file when the DEBUG operation is executed.   Columns  49-59  of
the DEBUG line must be blank.

The first record is automatically produced by a DEBUG operation and is
a  list  of  all the indicators which are currently on in the program.
The format of the first record is:
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-31

Record Positions                Values

 2-7                    DEBUG

  8                     Blank

9-16                    The constant specified  as  Factor  1  or  the
                        statement number of the DEBUG operation line.

 17                     Blank

18-31                   INDICATORS ON-

32-end of record        The names of all the indicators which are  on,
                        seperated by blanks.

If the indicator list will not fit in one record,  the  list  is  con-
tinued in the next record starting at position 2.

RPGLIB writes additional records to the output file if a Result  Field
is specified for the DEBUG operation.  Format of additional records:

Record Positions                Values

 2-12                   FIELD VALUE or
                        TABLE VALUE or
                        ARRAY VALUE

13-14                   Blanks

15-end of record        The contents of the Result Field specification
                        (up  to  256 characters per element).  A minus
                        sign is appended to a negative element.   When
                        an  entire  array is written, the elements are
                        seperated by blanks.

The record will be continued  starting  in  position  2  of  the  next
record, if required.

In Figure 9-4, a search is made of ARRAY for  an  element  matching  a
value  at  ACTNO.   If a match is not found, the following records are
written to DBGFILE (assuming Form H contains a 1 in column 15):

    A list of indicators currently on.

    The word ACTNO and the value of that field.

    A list of indicators currently on.

    The contents of the entire array, ARRAY.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-32

When the match is not found, RPGLIB bypasses the MOVE operation.  When
a  match  is  found, the DEBUG operations are bypasses and the MOVE is

9.4.10  TIME Operation

This calculation operation code allows you to access the  system  time
of  day  as  well  as  the  system  date.  To use this operation code,
columns 28-32 must contain the operation  code  TIME  and  the  Result
Field  must  specify the name of a numeric field.  To contain the time
of day, the field specified by the  Result  Field  must  be  six-digit
numeric  (with  no decimals).  To contain both the time of day and the
date, the Result Field must specify the name  of  a  12-digit  numeric
field  (with  no  decimals).   Whole arrays cannot be specified in the
Result Field.

Columns 49-52 may be used to define the time of day field.   Factor  1
and  Factor  2  are  not used and must be left blank.  Half Adjust and
Resulting Indicators (columns 53-59) are not used  and  must  also  be

If the field specified in the Result Field is six-digit numeric,  time
will be returned in the followin format:


Where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds.

If the field specified in the Result Field is 12-digit  numeric,  both
time and date will be returned as follows:


Where hh is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, mm is  month,  dd  is
day, and yy is year.


Columns         Values

 43-48          Name of field, table, array, or array element

This entry  names  a  location  where  the  result  of  a  calculation
operation  is  placed.   The name must conform to the rules for naming
fields, tables, and arrays.   The  result  field  name  together  with
entries   in  columns  49-52  define  the  result  field  for  further
references.  If the name has not been defined in extension, input,  or
previous  calculation specifications, appropriate entries must be made
in columns 49-52 and the entry must not be referenced  prior  to  this
line.   A  field  first defined in this entry is initialized to zeroes
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-33

(numeric) or blanks (alphameric) by the RPG II compiler.

When the name has already been defined, entries in columns  49-52,  if
any, must agree with the previous definition.


Columns         Values

 49-51          blanks or 1-256

The length of the result  field  may  be  entered  in  these  columns,
right-justified.   Leading  zeroes may be omitted.  The maximum length
for numeric fields is 15 characters;   the  maximum  for  alphanumeric
fields  is  256  characters.   Unpacked  lengths must be specified for
numeric fields.

If the field length for this field has  been  specified  on  an  Input
Specifications  Form I, it need not go here.  If it does, however, the
length entered must agree with the Form I entry.  If  a  result  field
length  is  first  specified  on  Form C, subsequent references to the
field for results need not give the length.


Columns         Values

  52            Blank or 0-9

For  numeric  result  fields,  this  entry  specifies  the  number  of
positions  to  the  right  of the decimal point.  No entry is made for
alphanumeric fields.  A zero means the numeric field contains only  an
integer (whole number).

A result field may have not more than 9 decimal positions.  The number
of  decimal  positions  must  never exceed the field length.  When the
number of decimal positions  for  a  numeric  result  field  has  been
specified,  subsequent  entries  which reference the field do not need
respecification.  An entry in columns 49-51 is required when an  entry
is made here.

When the result of a calculation produces fewer decimal positions than
specified  here,  RPGLIB  pads  the  low-order  positions with zeroes.
RPGLIB drops the low-order decimal positions when  this  specification
is  smaller  than  the  number  of  decimal  positions  produced  in a
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-34


Column          Values

  53            Blank or H

An H in this  column  specifies  that  the  result  of  an  arithmetic
operation   is   to  be  half-adusted  (rounded).   Half-adjusting  is
accomplished by adding a five to the position immediately to the right
of  the  last position of the number to be stored in the result field.
The addition is performed on the absolute value of the  number  to  be
stored.   The  correct  sign  is replaced before the rounded result is
stored.  If the move remainder (MVR) operation is used, half-adjusting
must  not  be specified either for the MVR result or for the preceding
divide (DIV) operation.


Columns                 Values

 54-59          blanks or 01-99, H1-H9, L1-L9, LR, OA-OG, OV

Indicators specified in these columns serve four purposes:

     1.  To describe the value of a result field after  an  arithmetic

     2.  To indicate the outcome of a CHAIN,  LOKUP,  COMP,  or  TESTB

     3.  To specify indicators for SETON and SETOF operations.

     4.  To signal end-of-file for the READ operation code.

The specified uses of this field have been defined  in  the  preceding
paragraphs,  with  one  exception:   When  arithmetic  operations  are
performed, the results are tested and  indicators  are  turned  on  as

Indicator specified in columns 54-55 if result is positive.  Indicator
specified in columns 56-57 if result is negative.

Indicator specified in columns 58-59 if result is zero.

If a  single  resulting  indicator  is  specified  on  more  than  one
calculations  line,  its  condition  reflects  the  result of the last
calculation performed.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-35


Columns                 Values

 60-74          Blanks or any alphanumeric characters

These columns are not interpreted by  the  RPG II  compiler,  but  are
printed on the source program listing.


Figure 9-5 highlights some of  the  principles  just  discussed.   The
meanings are explained below.

Line 010        If halt indicator H1 and indicator 16 are both on,  H1
                and 15 are set off.

Line 020        If indicator 13 is on and LR is not on,  indicator  43
                is set on.

Line 030        As the comments field entry  indicates,  bits  0-7  of
                FLAGS are set off.

Line 040        If indicator 23 is  off,  control  is  transferred  to
                label LOOK.

Line 050        Otherwise, FLD1 is compared with the  numeric  literal
                21;  if they are equal, indicator 12 is turned on.

Line 060        If indicator 12  is  on,  control  is  transferred  to
                subroutine SUBR.

Line 070        Defines label LOOK, to which a transfer  was  made  at
                line 040.

Line 080        If bit 2 or 4 (but not both) is on in the  flag  word,
                indicator 77 is set.

Line 090        If H2 is not on, a table lookup is performed using the
                content  of  a  field  named  NAME  as the argument in
                searching a table named TABNAM.  TABADD is the name of
                a related table.  If an equal case is found, indicator
                77 is set on.

Line 100        If indicator 77 is on, the value retrieved by the last
                executed table lookup is moved to a field ADDOUT which
                is defined as  a  6-character  numeric  field  with  2
                decimal positions.

Line 110        If a level 3 control break has occurred, a field named
                SUBTOT  is added to a field named TOTAL and the result
                is half-adjusted and stored in  TOTAL.   TOTAL  is  an
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-36

                8-character numeric field having 2 decimal positions.

                If the result is positive, indicator 63 is turned on.

                If the result is negative, indicator 64 is turned on.

Line 120        If L3 and indicator 64 are on, an exception  record(s)
                is output.

Line 130        If L3 and 63 are  on,  ADDOUT  is  multiplied  by  the
                numeric  literal 3 and the result is stored in TRIPLE,
                an 8-character numeric field with 2 decimal positions.

Line 140        This entry names the beginning of a subroutine.  Lines
                through  210 are part of the subroutine (SR in columns

Line 160        A record is read at this time from a demand file named
                NEWFILE.   Indicator  H2  is set on if end-of-file has
                been reached.

Line 170        If H2 is on bit 2 is set on at FLAGS.

Line 180        If H2 is not on, control is transferred to SUBXIT.

Line 210        SUBXIT is named as the label of the  last  instruction
                and exit of the subroutine.
CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS -- FORM C                         Page 9-37

                              Figure 9-5
                        Calculations Examples

                              CHAPTER 10


Output specifications describe your output records.   Logically  these
specifications may be divided into two portions.

     1.  Record description portions (columns 7-31) which describe the
         output file records to be written out.

     2.  Field description portion (columns 23-70) which indicates the
         position and the format of data on the output record.

All output fields are initialized to blanks before each cycle.


Columns         Values

 7-14           Blanks or a valid RPG II filename

The filename must be one of those  defined  in  the  file  description
specification  as  output on update files.  The filename must begin in
column 7.  You need to specify the output filename only once.  It must
be on the first line that identifies the file.


Columns         Values                  Meaning

 14-16          Blank           Field Specfication

                 AND            Record     Specification:       Output
                                Indicators  on this line are in an AND
                                relationship   with   those   on   the
                                previous line.

                  OR            Record Specification:  OR relationship
                                with indicators on the previous line.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-2

One line in Form O allows up  to  three  indicators  for  conditioning
record output.  If more than three indicators are needed for a record,
an AND in columns 14-16 of the next line allows three  more  indicator
codes.  All codes are then considered in an AND relationship.

An OR in columns 14-15 of the next line allows the user to specify  up
to  three  alternate  output  indicators for a record.  For Example, a
page heading line (record) usually goes on each new page.  Forms eject
to  a new page may occur when the page is full, or when directed after
certain control breaks.  Thus, the heading record could be conditioned
by  overflow OR by Ln.  When the OR conditions are used, the space and
skip entries (columns 17-22) need not be filled  in  unless  different
spacing/skipping is desired for the alternate case.

The AND/OR relationships may be used for record-definition lines only.
Up  to 20 AND, OR or mixed AND and OR lines are allowed for one output
operation.  AND/OR lines are not allowed in field definitions.


Column          Values                  Meaning

  15            Blank           Field Specification

                  H             Heading Record

                  D             Detail Record

                  T             Total Record

                  E             Exception Record

Record type determines  when  a  record  should  be  output.   Heading
records  apply  only  to  print  files, and normally are output at the
beginning of printing by virtue of the first page indicator (1P) being
defined  as  a  condition.   Subsequently,  heading  lines are usually
printed as a result of overflow processing and skipping to a new page.
Detail  lines  usually  are  output  after each detail record has been
processed.  Total lines usually are output after control  breaks  have
occurred  and  total  calculations  performed,  and  at end of job (LR
indicator).   Exception  records  are  output  when  directed  by  the
calculation operation EXCPT.

Exception output conditioned by  control  level  indicators  or  total
output may not be specified for update files.

The user may find it helpful to prepare Form O entries for  each  file
in  the  following order:  all heading records, followed by all detail
records, followed by all total records, followed by exception records.
It is not mandatory, however, that this sequence be followed.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-3

                             Figure 10-1
                                Form O
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-4


This field allows records to be added  to  files.   The  corresponding
files FORM F specification must have an A in column 66.

Columns         Value                   Meaning

 16-18           ADD            This  record  will  be  added  to   an
                                existing disk file.

The ADD entry must be on the first Form O line describing a record  to
be added.


An F in this column indicates that the overflow routine  can  be  used
for a printer file at this point.

Column          Values                  Meaning

  16            Blank           Standard overflow

                  F             Fetch overflow

An F can go on any  total,  detail  or  exception  line  except  those
conditioned by an overflow indicator.  Table 10-1 describes the effect
of overflow usage.  An F in this column can cause printing of overflow
lines  and  a forms advance to occur before the printing of detail and
total lines is completed.  Overflow can be fetched  only  if  all  the
conditions  specified  in  columns 23-31 are met and overflow has been

Forms advance takes place only by explicit request  (probably  on  the
first heading line for a new page).

When fetch overflow has not been specified, all detail and total lines
conditioned  for  print during one cycle are printed.  If any of those
lines get printed on or below the overflow line, all  remaining  lines
will  be  printed  before output conditioned by the overflow indicator
gets done.  Thus, if there are more lines remaining to be printed than
are  available  before  the  end of the page, unattractive output will
result.  Use of the fetch overflow feature can ensure the occurence of
overflow  processing  before  the  page  end  is  reached.  Table 10-1
further describes the effects of overflow indicator usage.

Figure 10-2 illustrates partial specifications for fetching  overflow.
Lines 030, 060, and 070 can fetch overflow.  This can happen, however,
only when indicators OA and L1  are  set.   After  overflow  has  been
fetched,  the  OA  indicator  is  reset  (following  the forms advance
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-5

requested on line 010).

When the output line specified on line 030 is ready to be printed, and
OA  and  L1 are on, the forms advance occurs, the heading record (line
010) is printed, and records corresponding to lines  030  through  080
are  printed on the new page.  If overflow has not been sensed by line
030 but is set on when that line  is  printed,  line  060  causes  the
overflow  routine  to  be  fetched.   In  that case, the forms advance
occurs, the heading record is printed, and records described on  lines
060 through 080 are printed on the new page.

Notice that if line 060 fetches overflow, line 070 will  not,  because
the overflow indicator will be reset at the forms advance.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-6

                              Table 10-1
                 Effects of Overflow Indicator Usage
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-7


RPGLIB allows relative and absolute forms control.  Columns 17 and  18
allow  up to three lines of spacing, before and/or after a print line,
relative to adjacent lines.  Columns 19-22 allow absolute  spacing  to
any  particular  line on a page, before and/or after a print line.  If
both spacing and skipping are specified on the  same  line,  the  skip
always precedes the space.  Thus, entries in all four yields:

     1.  Skip before

     2.  Space before

         (print required line)

     3.  Skip after

     4.  Space after

If all these columns are blank, single spacing occurs after each  line
is  printed.   Entries in these columns are only applicable to printer

10.6.1  Space Forms Control

Column 17 specifies the spacing before and column 18 the spacing after
printing a line.

Columns         Values                  Meaning

 17,18          Blank           Default:  blank in 17 = 0;   blank  in
                                18 = 1

                 1-3            Indicated  number  of  spaces   before
                                (column   17)  or  after  (column  18)
                                printing.  Entry  in  17  yields  same
                                number  blank lines;  in 18 yields one
                                less blank line.

Use of columns 17 and 18 does  not  conflict  with  the  ADD  encoding
described  in  10.4 because records may not be ADDed to printer files,
and line spacing is not germane to disk or magtape files.

10.6.2  Skip Forms Control

Columns 19-20 and 21-22 specify skipping before and after  printing  a
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-8

Columns         Values                  Meaning

19-20, or       Blanks          Skipping is not requested

                01-99           Lines 01-99

                A0-A9           Lines 100-109

                B0-B2           Lines 110-112

The codes indicate the forms location of the next line to be  printed.
An entry in columns 19-20 specifies a skip before the line is printed;
an entry in columns 21-22 specifies a skip after the line is  printed.
When the skip is to a lower line number, the forms are advanced.

No action  occurs  when  the  forms  are  already  positioned  at  the
specified  line.   Exception:   There  is  no way to obtain overprint.
Thus, a skip to 5 before and after yields a skip to 5 on the next page
after printing.

If the destination of a skip (or space) is beyond  the  overflow  line
but before a top of form, the overflow indicator is set on and remains
on until forms advance occurs.

A skip code cannot exceed the forms length specified on Form L, or 66,
if there is no Form L.

The skip function is useful in moving form stock more than  the  lines
possible  by  a spacing entry, or when the number of spaces to the de-
sired print position may vary.  The skip function is  also  useful  in
positioning for subtotal, total, and heading lines.


Columns         Values

 23-31          any indicators

The output indicator entries can condition output  of  entire  records
and/or  their component fields.  Any of the indicators associated with
RPG II may be specified.

The indicator codes are entered in columns 24-25, 27-28, 30-31 and are
in  an AND relationship.  If the indicator should be off for output to
occur, N goes  in  the  preceding  column  (23,  26  or  29).   If  no
indicators,  or  only  negative  ones  are  specified for a heading or
detail operation, the record will be output before  the  first  cycle.
Warning:   Only  one  record  can  be written to an update file in one
cycle, so the user must be careful not to specify multiple records  in
one cycle for update files.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                      Page 10-9

All total records conditioned by the LR indicator are  produced  last.
Control  level  indicators condition when output records or fields are
written.  Total records (T in column 15) with no overflow indicator in
columns  23-31,  are  written  only after the last record in a control
group has been processed.  Detail records (D in  column  15)  with  no
overflow  indicator  in 23-31, are written only after the first record
of the new control group  has  been  processed.   When  columns  23-31
contain  both a control level indicator and an overflow indicator, the
record is produced only when overflow has been sensed and the  control
break has occurred.

Print records conditioned by an overflow indicator are  produced  only
when overflow has been sensed.  An overflow indicator cannot condition
an E (exception) record but can condition  a  field  of  an  exception
record.   A  specified  overflow  indicator  must  be identical to the
overflow indicator named on the Form F for the file that will  receive
the record.

An overflow indicator may have an OR condition with the  1P  indicator
if identical heading records will go on every page.  The 1P indicator,
however, can be specified only for heading and detail print lines.


Entries in columns 32-37 identify each field to  be  included  in  the
output record or print line last specified.

Columns                 Values

 32-37          1.  Any field name previously defined in the program.

                2.  The special  words  PAGE,  PAGE1,  PAGE2,  *PLACE,
                    UDATE, UDAY, UMONTH, and UYEAR.

                3.  The name of a table, array, or array element.

If a constant is to be included in the output, columns 32-37 are  left
blank  and  the  constant is defined in columns 45-70.  If an entry is
made in the field name columns, columns 7-22 must be blank.

10.8.1  Field Names

The order  in  which  the  fields  appear  in  the  output  record  is
determined  by  the  entries  in columns 40-43 (described in paragraph
13), not by the order of the field name entries of Form  O.   A  field
name   is  entered  left-justified  in  columns  32-37.   It  must  be
previously defined as a field of an input record in columns  53-58  of
the  Input  Specifications Form I or as a result field of an operation
in columns 43-48 of the Calculation Specifications Form C.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-10

If overlapping fields are specified in one record,  the  field  listed
last overlays prior specifications, resulting in lost data.

10.8.2  PAGE, PAGE1, PAGE2 

RPGLIB will automatically number print file pages if PAGE,  PAGE1,  or
PAGE2 is entered in columns 32-37 instead of a field name.  (The three
names provide three page counters for multiple sections of  a  printed
output  file).  Each page of the output will be numbered consecutively
in the print position called out by columns 40-43.  The page number is
taken from a four-digit numeric counter which RPGLIB increments by one
before using it on each page.

Page numbering usually starts  with  the  number  1.   The  user  can,
however,  start  with  any  number  via  a  Calculation  result  or by
specifying a record on the Input Specification  Form  I  containing  a
field  named  PAGE,  PAGE1, or PAGE 2.  The field may be constant (one
less than the desired number) or dependent on input.

A page number may be reset to zero by use of the blank after  code  (B
in  column  39)  in  the line where the page counter label is entered.
The reset function also may be conditioned by an output indicator such
as  L1-L9.   The output indicators for PAGE, PAGE1 or PAGE2 mean this:
Whenever indicator conditions assigned to PAGE,  PAGE1  or  PAGE2  are
satisfied, the specified page counter is reset to zero and incremented
by one before printing.  Z-ADD or MOVE with the  desired  reset  value
entered  as  a  numeric  literal  in  Factor  2  are two of the ways a
Calculation can change a counter value.  Conditioning  indicators  may
be used in this case also.

10.8.3  *PLACE

The RPG II special word *PLACE allows fields to occupy more  than  one
position  in  an output record without being respecified.  When *PLACE
is encountered, all fields previously specified  for  the  record  are
repeated  in  the  same  relative  position,  ending  at the character
position named in columns 40-43 of the *PLACE line.

Rules for using *PLACE:

     1.  *PLACE  goes  on  the   line   following   the   last   field
         specification which is to be repeated.

     2.  *PLACE entries may be made on successive lines.

     3.  An *PLACE specification causes all prior field specifications
         for the record to be moved.

     4.  The end position specified for an *PLACE  must  be  at  least
         twice  the  previously  named  end  position  for the record.
         (This does not include previous  *PLACE  specifications.)  If
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-11

         not,  some output fields will overlap, and characters will be

     5.  The starting (left-most) character  position  for  an  *PLACE
         move is always position 1 of the record.

     6.  An *PLACE line cannot be conditioned by indicators in columns
         23-31.   *PLACE  movements  are  automatically conditioned by
         indicators listed in the preceding field specifications.

10.8.4  Date Field

The special words UDATE, UMONTH, UDAY,  UYEAR  refer  to  the  current
system  date.   A  reference  to  UDATE yields a six-character numeric
field in the format mmddyy.  UMONTH refers to the 2-character mm, UDAY
to  dd,  and  UYEAR  to  yy.   When a UDATE field is edited (paragraph
10.11), the result is of the form mm/dd/yy.

None of these special words can be specified in the result field of  a
calculations  specification.  Any of the words, however, can be Factor
1 and Factor 2 names on Form C.


This entry is used to specify editing for numeric  fields.   No  entry
should  be  made  for  alphanumeric  fields,  or if an editing word is
entered in columns 45-70.  Modifiers affecting  the  editing  function
specified in column 38 may be encoded in columns 45-47.

There are two kinds of edit codes.  Codes in the first category do not
cause  punctuation of the numeric output field, and entries in columns
45-47 are not  allowed.   Codes  in  the  second  category  may  cause
punctuation  of  the  output  field  and  affixing of negative balance
indicators, and entries in columns  45-47  are  allowed.   Table  10-2
summarizes the Edit codes.

A plus or minus sign is encoded with the low-order digit of an numeric
field.   The  sign  is printed with the digit, producing a non-numeric
character, unless the field is edited.


Column          Values

  39            Blank or B

The entry of B in this column causes the source field to be  reset  to
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-12

blanks  if alphanumeric, or zeroes if numeric after the content of the
field has been placed in the output record.  If no entry  is  made  in
column  39,  the  source  field  remains  unchanged.   A  blank  after
operation can not be specified for a date field name (e.g.,  UDATE)  a
look-ahead field, or a field in an update file.

When blank after is requested for a  table  name,  RPGLIB  blanks  the
element  corresponding to the one in the holding area, and the holding
area itself.  When blank  after  is  requested  for  a  constant,  the
constant is set to blanks after its first use.

Care must be taken in specifying blank after for a field which is used
in output.  The blank after should be designated in the last record in
which the field is output to avoid premature clearing  of  the  field.
Blank  after  provides  a convenient means for resetting control break
accumulators after they are printed at total time.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-13

                              TABLE 10-2
                              Edit Codes

Column          Values                  Meaning

Category 1 (no punctuation;  no entry in 45-47 allowed)

  38              X             Suppress a plus sign for  non-negative

                  Y             Causes a date field to  be  edited  as
                                where the first digit of the  date  is
                                suppressed if zero.

                  Z             Causes suppression of  leading  zeroes
                                in the output field and removal of the

Category 2 (punctuation;  entry in 45-47 allowed)

                  1             Print with commas, print zero balance,
                                suppress sign.

                  2             Print  with  commas,   suppress   zero
                                balance, suppress sign.

                  3             Print  without  commas,   print   zero
                                balance, suppress sign.

                  4             Print without  commas,  suppress  zero
                                balance, suppress sign.

                  A             Print with commas, print zero balance,
                                print sign as CR.  *

                  B             Print  with  commas,   suppress   zero
                                balance, print sign as CR.

                  C             Print  without  commas,   print   zero
                                balance, print sign as CR.

                  D             Print without  commas,  suppress  zero
                                balance, print sign as CR.

                  J             Print with commas, print zero balance,
                                print sign as -.

                  K             Print  with  commas,   suppress   zero
                                balance, print sign as -.

                  L             Print  without  commas,   print   zero
                                balance, print sign as -.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-14

                         TABLE 10-2 (cont'd)
                              Edit Codes

Column          Values                  Meaning

                  M             Print without  commas,  suppress  zero
                                balance, print sign as -.

* For codes A through M if the field is positive, no  sign  indication
is printed.


This entry specifies the rightmost or least  significant  position  of
the designated field or constant in the output record.

Columns                 Values

 40-43          any number less than or equal to the record length.

The entry is numeric  and  right-justified.   Leading  zeroes  may  be
omitted.   The  end  position  entry must not exceed the record length
specification for the file.

If punctuation or other charaters are added to the field  by  editing,
the  effective  field length is increased.  The entry in columns 40-43
must reflect the length of the edited field.  If columns 32-35 contain
PAGE columns 40-43 must show the low order position of the page number
in the print line.  The end position of an *PLACE specification is the
rightmost character position to which the move occurs.


Column          Value                   Meaning

  44            Blank           Alphanumeric or unpacked decimal data


The entries in these columns (1) define a constant to be placed in the
output  record, (2) indicate a modification to the edit function coded
in column 38, or specify an edit word for output format.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-15

10.13.1  Constants

An alphanumeric constant may be defined by encoding an  apostrophe  in
column  45  followed  by  up  to  24  characters  in  any  combination
terminated  by  another  apostrophe.   Any   alphanumeric   characters
including  blanks  may  be used.  An apostrophe within the constant is
encoded by entering two consecutive apostrophes.   EXAMPLE:   IT'S  is
defined  as  a  constant  by  encoding 'IT''S' beginning in column 45.
When a constant is used as a  source  field  for  data  in  an  output
record, Field Name (columns 32-37) must be left blank.

When a constant  exceeding  24  characters  is  required,  subsets  of
characters  go on successive lines, as if they were independent.  Each
line must have an appropriate entry in columns 40-43.

10.13.2  Edit Code Modifiers -- * And $

Two edit  code  modifiers  may  be  entered  in  columns  45  and  46,
left-justified, for use in conjunction with the Edit Code (column 38).
An asterisk (*) says that all leading  zeroes  of  the  numeric  field
shall  be  replaced  by  the asterisk character.  '$' indicates that a
dollar sign shall be placed just preceding  the  high  order  non-zero
digit of the numeric output field.  This is called the floating dollar
sign function.  The asterisk and dollar sign allow check protection.

10.13.3  Edit Words

The Edit Codes for column 38, plus asterisk and dollar  signs  provide
normal  editing  of  typical  numeric  fields.  The edit word facility
allows more unusual or complex editing.  An edit word is like  a  mask
or  framework  which  allows  insertion of numeric characters from the
source field named in columns 32-37.  Edit words  allow  inclusion  of
decimal  points,  commas, dollar signs, negative balance indicator (if
any), even whole words between one digit and  the  next.   Table  10-3
gives the rules for edit words.
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-16

                              Table 10-3
                         Rules for Edit Words
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-17


Figure 10-3 shows various examples of the Output-Format Specifications
Form O.  The examples are discussed below.

Page 08 Lines 010 and 020--A header record for a file named PRTFIL  is
        to  be  spaced two lines after printing (column 18) and a skip
        before printing should be made to line 6 (columns 19-20).  The
        line  is  printed  if indicators 17, U3 and 06 are on, (AND in
        columns 14-16), and 05 is not on.

        Line 030--The  same  header  record  is  printed  if  overflow
        indicator OA is on.

        Lines 040 through 070--The contents of UDATE are to be  edited
        and  placed  in  the  print  line  ending in position 68;  the
        contents of page counter PAGE1 are to  end  in  position  100.
        The  remainder  of  the heading, consisting of the title PRINT
        FILE LIST and the captions  DATE  and  PAGE  are  supplied  as
        constants to be placed to end in positions 59 and 95.  (Notice
        that the length of the heading line required  that  components
        be split.)

        Line 080--A detail record of PRTFIL is printed if indicator 02
        is  on--the  carriage is spaced one line after printing, since
        no skip or space is indicated.  Lines 090 and 100 describe the
        fields of this record.

        Line 090--FLD1 is placed to end in position 60  of  the  print
        line.  Leading zeroes are suppressed (Z in column 38).

        Line 100--FLDX  is  zero  suppressed  and  placed  to  end  in
        position 45 of the print line.  RPGLIB will print FLDX only if
        indicator 15 is on (15  in  columns  24-25),  and  the  record
        conditioner 02 is on.

        Line 110--If indicator L1 is on, RPGLIB  will  print  a  total
        record  of  PRTFIL after a skip to line 60.  Lines 120 and 130
        describe the fields of this record.

        Lines 120 and 130--The total line is made up  of  the  caption
        SUBTOTAL  supplied  as  a constant and the field named ATOTAL.
        RPGLIB will set this field to  zeroes  after  printing  (B  in
        column 39).

        Line 140--If indicator LR is on  RPGLIB  will  print  a  total
        record  of  PRTFIL  after spacing three lines.  After printing
        it, RPGLIB will skip to line 06.

        Line 150 through  200--The  total  record  has  the  following
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-18

                             Figure 10-3
                            Output Example
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-19

                         Figure 10-3 (cont'd)
                            Output Example
OUTPUT - FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS - FORM O                     Page 10-20

Page 09

        Line 010--A record is added (ADD in columns 16-18)  to  DSKFIL
        if indicator 22 is on.

        Line 020--The record consists of  a  field  named  DTL  to  be
        output in binary format ending in position 80.

        Line 030--RPGLIB will print a detail record of  LISTFIL,  with
        one space after (default) if indicator 23 is on.

        Lines 040 and 050--The detail line contains  an  account  code
        (ACCT  in  Field Name) and an amount (AMT in Field Name).  The
        source field AMT is edited according to the edit word given in
        columns  45-62.  The trailing asterisk entered in column 61 of
        the edit word is placed in position 30 of the print line.  The
        edit  word  provides  for  the  fixed  dollar  sign, comma and
        explicit  decimal  point  punctuation,  zero  suppression  and
        asterisk  protection  ending  just before the decimal point, a
        space after the cents position, the CR symbol  if  the  source
        field is negative, and a trailing asterisk.

                              CHAPTER 11


Chapter 6 describes specification of tables and arrays.  This  chapter
describes their use and formation.

Tables are systematically arranged sets of information more limited in
scope   than   other  files.   Examples:   tables  of  freight  rates,
withholding  percentages,  prices,  conversion  coefficients.   RPGLIB
treats  tables  much  as  clerks do in manual systems.  A document (or
record) provides a piece of  known  information  such  as  item  stock
number.  The clerk (or RPGLIB) then uses it to obtain another piece of
information from a table by search or lookup.  Thus, item stock number
may  be  used in looking up the item price in a table of prices listed
by stock number.

Tables might be used to provide verification only.   For  example,  an
input account code may be used to search a table of all active account
codes to determine the input code's validity.  RPGLIB may  extract  an
element from a table with a MOVE operation.

RPG II allows table updating, whereby entries may  be  changed  during
processing.   An  example is the substitution of new prices in a price

Arrays are also systematically arranged sets of information which  can
be  searched  for  a  uniquely  identified data item.  In addition, an
array  element  may  be  referenced  by  position   number.    Another
difference  is  that  an  unindexed  reference  to  an array name is a
reference to the entire set of data  rather  than  to  an  item  in  a
holding  area  (paragraph  9.4.6).  RPGLIB can use an array element or
the entire array as an operand in a calculation.

Advantages of table and array formats over file formats:  (1) A  table
or array is compact and may be completely contained in computer memory
for random accessing.  (2) Any member of the  entire  set  of  entries
comprising  the  table  or  array  may  be  retrieved  for use once or
repeatedly during  the  course  of  processing  by  an  RPG II  object

Table names begin with TAB;  array names  do  not.   Both  follow  the
rules for naming fields.

Each element  in  a  table  or  array  has  the  same  length,  format
(alphanumeric or numeric), and number of decimal positions.


     1.  Compile Time Table or Array.  A compile time table  or  array
         is  compiled  with the source program and becomes part of the
         object program.   A  compile  time  table  or  array  can  be
         permanently changed only through recompilation, but it can be
         output after other processing is completed at end of job,  if
         requested on Form E.

     2.  Pre-Execution Time Table  or  Array.   A  pre-execution  time
         table  or  array  is  loaded  with  the  object just prior to
         reading  the  first  non-table  or  array  input  record.   A
         pre-execution  time  table  or  array  can be modified by the
         program and output at program termination.

     3.  Execution Time Array.  An execution time  array  is  read  or
         created  during  the input or calculations phase of an object
         program cycle but cannot be output at program termination.

     4.  Related Tables and Arrays.  Related  tables  and  arrays  are
         files  which  are  used  together.   They  may  be  specified
         separately or in alternating format.  Whereas  all  items  in
         one  table  or  array  must  have  the  same  characteristics
         (element length, etc.), related tables  or  arrays  need  not
         have  identical  characteristics,  nor  must they contain the
         same number of elements.  When a search of related tables  is
         successful, corresponding items of the two tables are brought
         to the holding areas.  A successful search of related indexed
         arrays  causes  the index field to point to the corresponding
         items in the related arrays.

Figure  11-1  illustrates  a  use  of  related  tables.   A   shipping
transaction  file  (at 1) is sequenced by a stock number within record
type within customer number.  There is one  type  1  record  for  each
customer  and  a variable number of type 2 records.  The type 1 record
shows the date of shipment and the address to which shipment was made.
Each  type 2 record shows a stock number for each item shipped and the
quantity shipped.  Item stock numbers and associated item  prices  are
maintained in related tables (at 2).  The stock number from the type 2
transaction record is used as a search argument for  item  price  from
the  price table (at 3).  The price then is used in extending the item
quantity to produce line item price.  A record for the  line  item  is
output  for  invoicing.   Figure  11-2  illustrates  two  methods  for
specifying related tables.

                             Figure 11-1
                       A Use for Related Tables

                             Figure 11-2
              Two Methods for Specifying Related Tables

     5.  Short Tables and Arrays.  A short  table  or  array  contains
         some null elements.  Null elements equal zero, if numeric, or
         blanks if alphanumeric.  Significant elements may replace the
         null  elements  at a later time.  A short table or array must
         have at least one non-null element.

     6.  Full Table or Array.  Every element of a full table or  array
         contains significant data.


Tables and arrays may  be  formed  inside  or  outside  the  computer.
Elements  formed  on  the  outside  may  be  entered through any input
device.  Any computer program, including an RPG II program,  may  also
form  them,  and  they  may  be  output to any sequential file medium.
Tables and arrays have the same format  and  structure  rules  whether
they  are  formed outside or within the computer.  The complete set of
entries comprising a table  or  array  is  considered  a  sequentially
organized  file,  although  the entries need not be in sequence within
the table or array.

A table or array file must have a unique name consistent with the file
naming  rules  stated  in  Paragraph  1.6.   The  filename must not be
confused with the table  or  array  name  described  earlier  in  this
chapter.  Table and array files may be assigned to the same device, if
required.  The files are read from the device in the  order  they  are
specified on Form F.

Chapter Six describes rules for table files.  An array file can  abide
by the rules for table files or it can be described as any other input
file on  the  Input  Specifications  form,  Form  I.   Exception:   An
execution  time  array to be read by the program can only be described
on Form I.

The definition on Form I specifies  whether  the  array  is  a  single
record  or  many records, and whether the elements are contiguous in a
record.  If the array name appears as the field name (paragraph  8.11)
then  the  array  is  contained  in  one  record, and the elements are
contiguous.  Otherwise, each array element must be  specified  on  its
own  Form  I line, with the appropriate field positions specified.  An
array cannot be used until every element is in core.  Calculation  and
output  operations,  therefore,  may  have to be suspended for several
program cycles until RPGLIB has read all array file records.

Figures 11-3 and 11-4 illustrate the coding required to fill an  array
from  contiguous  elements  of  a  single  input  record.  Figure 11-5
illustrates that required when elements are separated  by  1-character
values which serve as index values for the array.

Rules for entering a compile time table or array:

     1.  The table or array must be  on  the  device  that  holds  the
         source program and follow the RPG II source program.

     2.  Each distinct table or array must be  preceded  by  a  record
         having  **b in positions 1-3.  As this record is a delimiter,
         the first element of a table or array record must not contain
         those characters in the first three positions.

     3.  The last compile time table or array is followed by a  record
         reading /* in positions 1 and 2.

     4.  The tables and arrays must be loaded in the  order  specified
         on  Form  E,  ignoring any pre-execution time table and array
         definitions  that  may  be  interspersed  with  compile  time
         entries on that form.

     5.  Numeric tables and arrays must be in unpacked decimal form.

Figure 11-6 illustrates the  placement  of  compile  time  tables  and
arrays  in  the  compiler input stream.  In this example, the user has
two of his own compile time tables, TABA and TABB.

Pre-execution time tables and arrays are not loaded  with  the  source
program but rather just prior to execution of the object program.

Rules for pre-execution time tables or arrays:

     1.  Each table and array is terminated by an end of file.  The /*
         record is not used.

     2.  The tables and arrays  are  loaded  before  the  first  input
         record is read.

     3.  Pre-execution time tables and arrays must be arranged in  the
         order specified on form F.

An execution time array is loaded or created during execution  of  the
object  program.  The array is not checked for sequence, but column 45
of Form E (Sequence) must contain an A or D code if high or low  LOKUP
is specified for the array.

If the execution time array is in packed decimal or binary format,  an
appropriate  entry  must  be specified in column 43 of Form I.  Length
specified for arrays in these formats reflect  the  packed  or  binary
length of an element, in numbers of bytes.  Columns 19-26 and 46-57 of
Form E must be blank for execution time arrays.  That  is,  the  array
cannot  be  output  at  end of job, and an alternating array cannot be

In Figure 11-7, an array is to be built during the calculations phases
of  execution.   It  is  to contain square roots of the numeric values
contained in two input records.  The first input record is defined  by
a 1 in position 80;  the second record type has a 2 in position 80.

The conventions for naming arrays have been established  in  preceding

paragraphs.  The names must be shorter, however, when indexing is used
with the array name.  When the array is used as the  result  field  in
calculations  specifications,  the array name plus comma and index can
not exceed six characters, so the array name must be  four  characters
or less.

                             Figure 11-3
           Coding to Fill an Array from Contiguous Elements
                       of a Single Input Record

                             Figure 11-4
       Coding for Contiguous Elements of a Single Input Record

                             Figure 11-5
          Illustration of Required Array Elements Supported
                       by One-Character Values

                             Figure 11-6
             Placement of Compile Time Tables and Arrays


LOKUP operations specify table  and  array  search.   Paragraph  9.4.6
describes LOKUP.

When elements in a short table  or  array  are  being  added,  deleted
(replaced  by zeroes or blanks), or changed, the number of entries per
table or array is not altered by the operations.  This number is fixed
on  the  Extention  Specifications,  Form  E.   Rather,  the number of
meaningful entries in a table or array can be altered.   By  selection
of  proper  search  arguments and criteria, the non-meaningful entries
can be ignored during processing.

The  following  rules  apply  when  using   arrays   in   Calculations

     1.  When Factor 1, Factor 2, and the Result Field  specifications
         are  all  unindexed  array  names,  RPGLIB does the operation
         using the first  element  of  each  array,  then  the  second
         element  of  each  array, and so on until at least one of the
         arrays  is  exhausted.   Result  field  array  elements   not
         participating   in   the   calculations  (i.e.,  unreferenced
         elements in a longer array) remain the same.

     2.  When one of the factors is a field or constant and the  other
         factor and result field are unindexed arrays, RPGLIB does the
         operation once for each element in the shorter array.  RPGLIB
         uses  the  field  or constant in each operation, and does not
         change unreferenced result field array elements.

     3.  Resulting  indicators  can  not  be  specified   unless   the
         operation code is LOKUP or XFOOT (yielding one result).

     4.  In   arithmetic   operations,   arrays   must   be   numeric.
         Half-adjusting can be specified.

     5.  A Result Field can not be specified for the LOKUP operation.

In Output-Format Specifications, a table element and an indexed  array
element  are  treated like any other field specification.  Blank after
codes can be used.

When an unindexed array name is specified as a field name of  Form  O,
The  value  specified  as the end position in the output record is the
position of the right-most character of the last element in the array.
Any  editing  specified  for  the array applied to each element in the
array.  Elements, therefore, must be individually specified as indexed
elements if uniform editing can not be used.

RPGLIB automatically inserts two blank characters  in  front  of  each
element  of  the  array  unless  an edit word is used.  Edit words for
unindexed arrays must contain explicit leading blanks, if desired.

The following example illustrates the use of arrays  in  Output-Format
Specifications,  and  shows  how  they can reduce the number of coding

lines required.  In this program three levels of totals are maintained
and output at specified control breaks.

In Figure 11-8, as input  records  are  read  and  record  identifying
indicator  25  is  set, fields FLDA, FLDB, FLDC, and FLDD are added to
level 1 subtotals L1TA, L1TB, L1TC, and L1TD, respectively.

At a level 1 control  break,  the  level  1  subtotals  are  added  to
subtotals L2TA, L2TB, L2TC, and L2TD, respectively.

At a level 2 control break, totals L3TA,  L3TB,  L3TC,  and  L3TD  are
updated.   Total  lines  are output when the appropriate control level
indicators are on, and totals are blanked to  zeroes  after  printing.
Since  L1TA-L1TD, L2TA-L2TD, and L3TA-L3TD are first defined as result
fields in Form C, the fields have already been initialized  to  zeroes
by  RPG II.   They  do not, therefore, require initial clearing by the
source program.

In Figure 11-9, execution time arrays SL1, SL2, and  TL3  are  defined
for  accumulation  of  the  various  subtotals and totals.  The output
produced by Figures 11-8 and -9 is identical.  Figure  11-9,  however,
eliminates most of the repetitious coding lines of Figure 11-8.  Since
the array  elements  are  defined  on  Form  E  in  Figure  11-9,  the
definitions  are  not  repeated on Form C.  Whereas in Figure 11-8 the
level 1-3 fields are defined with lengths of 6, 7, and  8  characters,
respectively,  each  element of each array is defined as 8 characters,
for equal spacing on the output line.  The  equal  spacing  occurs  in
Figure  11-8 as a result of individual end position specifications for
the fields.

                             Figure 11-7
          Example of an Array Built During the Calculations
                          Phase of Execution

                         Figure 11-7 (cont'd)
          Example of an Array Built During the Calculations
                          Phase of Execution

                             Figure 11-8
                            Input Records

                         Figure 11-8 (cont'd)
                            Input Records

                             Figure 11-9
                 Definition of Execution Time Arrays

                         Figure 11-9 (cont'd)
                 Definition of Execution Time Arrays

                              CHAPTER 12

                        RPG II FILE PROCESSING

The various file structures  and  modes  of  processing  available  in
RPG II were described briefly in Chapter 5.  This chapter discusses in
detail the subject of record selection and the  significance  of  file
structures to the modes of processing.


All records in files with Sequential organization are written  to  the
storage  medium  with no intervening logical gaps -- each one followed
by the next.

Files may be in sequential  organization  on  any  medium  subject  to
specification  for  RPG II.  Frequently, the records of a sequentially
organized  file  are  logically  in  sequence.   For  RPG II,  logical
sequence  implies keys in the file that are in ascending or descending
order.  RPG II can handle ordered and unordered sequentially organized
files.   The  SORT-10  program  can  put  sequential files in order or
RPG II object programs can create them in order, if the input data  is
in the correct sequence.

All files on any medium can be created in sequential order by  RPG II.
Files  on  disk  may  be  created  with indexed organization to permit
random processing later.  Other sequential disk files may be processed
non-sequentially  as well through use of a record address file of tags
(ADDROUT file).

RPG II object programs process records of  sequential  files  as  they
appear  from  the beginning of the file.  RPGLIB can process to end of
file, or stop  in  the  middle  (see  paragraph  5.4,  END  OF  FILE).
Example:   A  customer billing address file is referenced in preparing
bills for mailing.  When the record of the last customer to be  billed
has been reached, there is no further use for the mailing address file
in this run, although there may be many address records  remaining  in
the file.

An indexed file may be processed from beginning to end of the index or
within  limits supplied by a record address file.  Example:  A program
must process an inventory file  to  generate  an  inventory  valuation
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-2

report  for  selected  warehouses.   If the file is sequenced by stock
number within warehouse, the record address file specifies the  lowest
and  highest  possible  record  keys  for the warehouses for which the
report is desired.

When there is only one input file it is the primary file  (P  in  col.
16  of Form F).  The entire file is processed beginning with the first
record and continuing until end of file.  At end of file, RPGLIB  sets
on the LR (last record) indicator, and starts end of job activities.

With multiple input  files,  one  is  primary  and  the  other(s)  are
secondary.   If there is no relationship between the processing of the
files, RPGLIB processes the primary file to  end  of  file  before  it
processes  the  secondary  file(s).   RPGLIB  processes  two  or  more
secondary files in the order of their Form F descriptions.

When a record matching relationship exists among multiple  files,  the
file   which  controls  processing  is  primary  and  the  others  are
secondary.  In the example of mailing bills, the  billing  transaction
input  file  would  be  primary  and the billing address file would be
secondary.  The problem determines primary and secondary designations.
In  a  file  update  involving  posting,  posting occurs to the record
currently  being  processed.   In  this  case,  the  posting  file  is
designated  a  secondary  file, ensuring that individual records to be
posted (from  the  primary  file)  have  already  been  read  and  are

In the following discussion of primary and secondary input files, note
that  RPGLIB first reads records into a read area, and then moves them
to a process area.  When a control break occurs, RPGLIB  executes  all
control  break  processing  and  then  moves the record to the process

12.1.1  Matching Records

Interrelated multiple files are  processed  via  the  matching  record
technique.   The  matching  field  entries  on  Form I (columns 61-62)
determine when records of a secondary file are to be processed.

Rules for matching field entries:

        There can be up to nine matching  field  specification
        entries (M1-M9) per record.

        The locations of the matching fields within  a  record
        type  of file must be the same for all records of that

        The locations of  the  matching  fields  in  different
        record types may be different.

        Not all the  record  types  in  a  file  need  have  a
        matching field.
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-3

        Records can be matched by one field, many  fields,  or
        the entire record.

        The same number of  matching  field  entries  must  be
        specified  for  records  of  two  or  more files being

        The combined lengths of  the  matching  fields  for  a
        given  record  must equal the combined lengths for any
        record to be matched.

        The combined lengths must not exceed 256 bytes.

        If matching fields are specified for  a  single  input
        file, they are used in sequence checking of the file.

Matching fields can be specified for a file even if  not  all  records
are  to  be  matched.   A matching field entry is not made for records
which are not to be matched.

RPGLIB turns on the Matching Record Indicator (MR) when a match occurs
among  records  of  a  primary file and secondary file(s).  This indi-
cator  may  condition  calculation  operations  and  output  functions
specified  on Forms C and O.  RPGLIB leaves the MR indicator on during
the complete processing of the record  and  turns  it  off  after  all
calculations and printing specified for the record are completed.

If no matching occurs among records of a primary  file  and  secondary
file(s),  the  MR indicator is not turned on.  Its off status may con-
dition calculations for unmatched records or  selection  of  unmatched
records for output.

If there is more than one matching field entry for a record, the codes
M1-M9   must   be  assigned  in  turn  to  the  fields  of  increasing
significance, in the  order  of  significance  of  the  match.   If  a
matching field in any record is defined as numeric, the fields at that
same level (i.e., having the same value of  Mn,  will  be  treated  as
numeric  in all records to be matched.  If all fields at a given level
are defined as alphanumeric, they will be compared logically.

In matching records of primary and secondary  files,  four  situations
can occur:

     1.  There is a matching primary record.

     2.  There is a matching secondary record.

     3.  There is an unmatched primary record.

     4.  There is an unmatched secondary record.

Rule for order of processing:  Records having no  designated  matching
fields  are  processed  before  records  having matching fields.  When
records match, the primary file record is processed first;   when  the
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-4

records  do  not  match, the record first in sequence according to the
matching field  value  is  processed  regardless  of  file.   Matching
records  of  additional  secondary files are processed in the order of
specification of the files on Form F.

Figure 12-1 illustrates the selection  based  on  matching  fields  of
records  from one primary and one secondary file.  The result is shown
as a merger of the two files.  The MR indicator  is  on  (set)  during
processing  of  the  shaded records.  The files shown are in ascending
sequence;  the record selection would be inverted if the files were in
descending sequence.
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-5

                             Figure 12-1
                  Selection Based on Matching Fields
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-6

                             Figure 12-2
                      Read and Process Areas for
                        Records in Figure 12-1
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-7

                         Figure 12-2 (cont'd)
                      Read and Process Areas for
                        Records in Figure 12-1
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-8

12.1.2  Look-Ahead Fields

Look-ahead extends the matching record capability by  allowing  fields
in  the  read  area to be used before the record has been selected for
processing.  Look-ahead can not be specified  for  chained  or  demand
files,  as  records  in these files are not held in a read area before

Figure 12-2 illustrates the read and process areas as the  records  in
Figure 12-1 are being selected.

In picture 1, the first record of each file has been read.  In picture
2,  the secondary record with no matching field specification has been
selected for  processing.   In  pictures  2  through  4,  the  records
selected  for  processing  and  available  for  look-ahead are charted

Picture         Record Being Processed          Available

   2                      S1                    P1 and S2
   3                      P1                    P2 and S2
   4                      P2                    P3 and S2

Look-ahead can be specified for an update file, but it applies to  the
current  record of the file only.  A copy of the current update record
remains in the read area until the  end  of  cycle;   thus,  the  next
record is not available for look-ahead until the next cycle.

If the primary file in Figure 12-1 were an update file, the  read  and
process  areas would take the configurations shown in Figure 12-3.  In
pictures 2 through 4, the following list indicates the current  record
being processed and the records available for look-ahead.

Picture         Record Being Processed          Available

   2                      S1                    U1 and S2
   3                      U1                    U1 and S2
   4                      U2                    U2 and S2

Figure 12-4 illustrates an application for look-ahead fields.  A price
table is defined as a primary update file named PTABLE.  Price changes
for some items in the table are contained in a  secondary  file  named
SFILE.   When  matching  occurs, the new price is taken from SFILE and
placed in positions 11-18 of the PTABLE record.   When  matching  does
not  occur  and  a  secondary record is being processed, the erroneous
record is printed out.
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                       Page 12-9

                             Figure 12-3
                Read and Process Areas if Figure 12-1
                         Were an Update File
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                      Page 12-10

                         Figure 12-3 (cont'd)
                Read and Process Areas if Figure 12-1
                         Were an Update File
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                      Page 12-11

                             Figure 12-4
                 An Application for Look-Ahead Fields
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                      Page 12-12

                         Figure 12-4 (cont'd)
                 An Application for Look-Ahead Fields
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                      Page 12-13


Indexed (ISAM) files may be loaded by RPG II as output files.  As this
occurs (through use of the indexed access method -- ISAM), RPGLIB uses
the record keys to form an index.  Once the file has been loaded, ISAM
may be used to access records in later runs on a random basis.  RPGLIB
uses the record key of the desired  record  to  find  the  index  that
points  to  the  right  record.   The  record  then  may be used as an
information source for other processing or changes may be made to  the
record, after which it is returned to its position in the disk file.


               It  is  very  important  that  the  user
               understand that RPG II is not capable of
               actually  creating  indexed  files.   In
               order  for  RPG II  to  utilize the ISAM
               access method, the file  must  first  be
               created  using  the  ISAM program.  This
               program will  create  an  empty  indexed
               file, which can then be loaded with data
               via an RPG II program.

RPGLIB can add new records to an indexed file which is being  accessed
randomly.   ISAM  provides  for  changing  the  index  as  required to
accommodate the new record.

Processing an indexed file  with  specific  keys  using  CHAIN  allows
greater  selectivity  than  processing  within limits.  Further, while
processing within limits reduces the number of records to be  handled,
it  still  requires  sequential  accessing  within those limits.  With
CHAIN the order of processing may be completely non-sequential.   This
mode  of  processing  allows  retrieval  of specific information in an
indexed file.  For example, an  inventory  manager  may  be  concerned
about  the  balances  of certain critical stock items.  Inquiry can be
accomplished by entering the critical item numbers in  a  file  to  be
used with the CHAIN operation.

Figure 12-5 illustrates the creation of an indexed  file  on  disk  or
DECtape.   In  the example, the values in parentheses are the re- cord
key values (one digit numbers for simplicity in this case).   D1,  D2,
etc.  are disk addresses.


Direct access files are sequentially organized disk files  which  also
may  be  processed  randomly.   Records  are retrieved through ADDROUT
files or with the CHAIN operation.  A direct file is created in RPG II
through the CHAIN operation.

Because a direct file is  not  organized  according  to  a  known  key
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                      Page 12-14

sequence,  sequential  processing  of the file by key or limits is not
possible.  Figure 12-6 illustrates the organization of a  direct  file
on  disk.  At file creation, relative record numbers are supplied with
the records to be  loaded.   The  shaded  areas  in  the  illustration
indicate  null records (containing blanks) into which a record was not
RPG II FILE PROCESSING                                      Page 12-15

                             Figure 12-5
                      Indexed File Organization

                             Figure 13-6
                          A Direct File Load

                             APPENDIX A


This appendix is provided as a brief summary of Chapters 3-10.  It  is
intended  as a quick reference for programmers who are acquainted with

On any form, columns for which specifications are not listed are to be
left blank.


RPG II specifications forms should be  ordered  in  ascending  numeric
sequence  based  on  columns  1-5.   Pages  should  be arranged in the
following order and numbered accordingly:

     1.  Control Specification (Form H)

     2.  File Description Specifications (Form F)

     3.  Extension Specifications (Form E)

     4.  Line Counter Specifications (Form L)

     5.  Input Specifications (Form I)

     6.  Calculation Specifications (Form C)

     7.  Output-Format Specifications (Form O)

Columns 1-2 (Page)              Numeric page number

Columns 3-5 (Line)              Numeric line number within page

Column 6 (Form Type)            Enter an H, F, E, L, I,  C,  or  O  to
                                indicate the specifications form type.

Column 7 (Comments)             An asterisk in this position indicates
                                that the entire line is commentary.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-2

Columns 75-80 (Program ID)      Enter any valid character  into  these
                                columns   to   identify   the   object
                                program.  Only the entry on Form H  is
                                used to identify the program.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-3


Column 15 (Debug)

        Blank           DEBUG operation not used.

        1               DEBUG operation used.

Column 41 (Forms Positioning)

        Blank           1P line printer only once

          1             First 1P  line  printed  repeatedly  to  allow
                        forms positioning.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-4


Columns 7-14 (Filename)
        Enter a 1-8 character RPG II filename, beginning in column  7.
        Each name must be unique in the first six characters.  

Column 15 (File Type)

        I               Input

        O               Output

        U               Update

        C               Combined

        D               Display

Column 16 (File Designation)

        Blank           Display or  output  file  other  than  chained
                        output file.

        P               Primary

        S               Secondary

        C               Chained

        R               Record address

        T               Table or array

        D               Demand

Column 17 (End of File)

        Blank           Program can end before end of file is  reached
                        on this file.

        E               Program termination not possible before end of
                        file on this file.

        If column 17 is blank or E for  all  files,  every  record  of
        every  input  and  update file is processed before the program
        terminates.  An E in this column requires an I,  U,  or  C  in
        column 15, and a P, S, or R in column 16.

Column 18 (Sequence)

        Blank           Sequence checking not requested.

        A               Records to be checked for ascending sequence.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-5

        D               Records to be checked for descending sequence.

        An entry is required  here  when  matching  fields  are  used.
        Column 18 applies to primary and secondary files;  these files
        must conform to the same sequence specification.

Column 19 (File Format)

        F               Fixed length records

        All files are required to have fixed length records.

Columns 20-23 (Block Length)


        Block length must be  an  even  integral  multiple  of  record

Columns 24-27 (Record Length)

        Device                          Maximum Record Length

        TAPEn, DISK                             4096
        READ01                                  80
        CONSOLE, MFCUn                          96
        PRINTER                                 132

Column 28 (Mode of Processing)

        Blank           Sequential by key


        R               Random by relative record number

                        Random by key

                        By ADDROUT file

                        Direct file load (Random load)

        This column applies only to file-structured devices.

Column 29-30 (Length of Field or Record Address Field)

        Indexed         Length of record key

        ADDROUT         Length of record

        Maximum record key length is 64 characters.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-6

Column 31 (Record Address Type)

        Blank           Sequential, direct, or consecutive

        A               Indexed file, alphanumeric key

        I               ADDROUT file or processed by ADDROUT file

        This column applied to input, update, or chained output files.

Column 32 (File Organization or Additional I/O Area)

        I               Indexed organization

        T               ADDROUT file

        Blank           Sequential or direct file;  uses one I/O  area
                        for the file

Columns 33-34 (Overflow Indicator)

        OA-OG, OV       Overflow indicator used to  condition  records
                        in the file

        Blank           No overflow indicator is used

Column 35-38 (Key Field Starting Location)

        For indexed files, enter the beginning  position  of  the  key
        field in the record.

Column 39 (Extension Code)

        E               The file described on this  line  is  a  table
                        file,   array  file  or  record  address  file
                        further described on extension  specifications
                        (Form E).

        L               The File described on this line is  a  printer
                        file   further   described   on  line  counter
                        specifications (Form L).

Columns 40-46 (Device)

        Enter the device code for the input/output unit  used  by  the
        file specified in columns 7-14, as follows:
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-7

Actual Device                   RPG Device      System Device Name

Multi-Function Card Unit 1       MFCU1            DSK:??????.MF1
Multi-Function Card Unit 2       MFCU2            DSK:??????.MF2
Card Reader                      READ01           CDR:
Line Printer                     PRINTER          LPT:
Line Printer                     PRINTR           LPT:
Interactive Terminal             CONSOLE          TTY:
Disk                             DISK             DSK:
Magnetic Tape Unit n             TAPEn            TAPEn:

Columns 47-52 (Physical File Name)

        Specify a six character (alphanumeric with leading alphabetic)
        name which can be used as the system filename, under which the
        file is to be stored  in  the  user's  directory.   The  three
        character extension is defaulted as follows:

        Extension                       Type of File

           MFn          MFCU input hopper n file
           STn          MFCU output stacker n
           IDA          ISAM data file
           IDX          ISAM index file
           RGA          RPG II ADDROUT address file
           RGD          Miscellaneous data file (anything  other  than

Column 60-65 (Unused)

Column 66 (File Addition)

        A               New records will be added to the file.

        This position applies to sequential and indexed disk files.

Column 70 (Tape Rewind)

        Specifies what is to be done to the tape after  processing  is

                        Entry           Action

                          R             Rewind tape at end of file.

                          U             Unload tape at end of file.

                        N or Blank      Leave tape at end of file.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-8


Columns 11-18 (From Filename)

        1.  The filename of a pre-execution time table or array;

        2.  The filename of a record address file named on Form F.

Columns 19-26 (To Filename)

        1.  The output file to which the compilation or  pre-execution
            time  table  or array is to be written at job termination.
            Leave To Filename blank if  the  table  or  array  is  not
            written out.

        2.  The name of the file for which the  From  Filename  record
            address file controls record selection.

Columns 27-32 (Table or Array Name)

        Enter the name of a table or array used in the program.  Table
        names  start  with the three characters TAB;  array names must
        not start with TAB.   If  alternating  tables  or  arrays  are
        specified  on  this  line, enter here the name of the table or
        array to which  the  first  element  of  the  input  record(s)

Columns 33-35 (Number of Entries per Record)

        Enter the number of table or array elements contained in  each
        record.   An  entry  must  be  made  here  for compilation and
        pre-execution time tables and arrays;  these positions must be
        blank for execution time arrays.

Columns 36-39 (Number of Entries per Table or Array)

        Enter here, right-justified, the maximum  of  entries  in  the
        table  or  array  named  in  columns  27-32.  When alternating
        format is used, a pair of elements is  considered  to  be  one

Columns 40-42 (Length of Entry) Enter, right-justified, the length  of
        each  table  or  array  entry.   The maximum length is 256 for
        alphanumeric entries and 15 for numeric entries.   For  packed
        binary tables and arrays, enter the number of bytes of storage
        required to represent the data in unpacked format.

Column 43 (Field Type)

        Blank           Alphanumeric or  unpacked  data  in  table  or
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                               Page A-9

Column 44 (Decimal Positions)

        Blank           Alphanumeric table or array

        0-9             Number of positions to be right of the decimal
                        (0 of integers)

Column 45 (Sequence)

        Blank           No particular sequence

        A               Ascending sequence

        D               Descending sequence

        This position describes the sequence of data  in  a  table  or
        array.  Column 45 must contain an entry if high or low look-up
        is to be used.

Columns 46-57 (Alternate Table or Array)

        These  positions,  corresponding  in  definitions  to  columns
        27-45,  describe  a  table  or  array  which is in alternating
        format with the table or array named in columns 27-32.

Columns 58-74 (Comments)

        An entry in these columns is assumed by  the  compiler  to  be
        entirely commentary.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-10


Columns 7-14 (Filename)

        Enter the name of a printer file for which you wish to specify
        a form size and overflow line.

Columns 15-17 (Line Number - Number of Lines per Page)

        1-112           Number of lines available for printing on  the
                        printer form

        Blank           Standard value of 59 is assumed

Columns 18-19 (Form Length)

        Enter FL to indicate that the  previous  entry  is  the  forms

Columns 20-22 (Line Number - Overflow Line)

1-112           Number of the overflow line

Blank           Standard value of 65 is assumed

Columns 23-24 (Overflow Line)

        Enter OL to indicate that the previous entry is  the  overflow
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-11


Entries must be made on this form for every input and update file used
in the program.

Columns 7-14 (Filename)

        The filename of an input or update file.

Columns 15-16 (Sequence)

        Enter a 2-digit number to assign a special sequence to  record
        types  in  a file and to request that the record type sequence
        be checked by the program.  Enter two alphabetic charaters  to
        indicate that record type sequence is not checked.  Alphabetic
        characters must be used for a chained file.   Within  a  file,
        record  types  with  an  alphabetic  sequence  entry  must  be
        described before record types with a numeric sequence entry.

Column 17 (Number)

        Blank           Positions 15-16 contain alphabetic  characters
                        (record type sequence is not being checked)

        1               Positions 15-16  contain  numeric  characters;
                        only  one  record  of  this type is present in

        N               Positions 15-16  contain  numeric  characters;
                        one  or  more  records  of  this  type  can be
                        present in the sequenced group

Column 18 (Option)

        Blank           Record type must be present

        O               Optional.  Record  type  may  or  may  not  be

        This position is used when columns  15-16  contain  a  numeric
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-12

Columns 19-20 (Record Identifying Indicator, **)

        01-99           Record identifying indicator

        L1-L9           Control  level  indicator  used  as  a  record
                        identifying  indicator when record type rather
                        than control field  signals  start  of  a  new
                        control group

        LR              Last record indicator

        H1-H9           Halt indicator used as  a  record  identifying
                        indicator when checking for a record type that
                        causes an error condition

        **              Look-ahead fields

Columns 21-41 (Record Identification Codes)

        This field is divided into three identical sub-fields.  An AND
        relationship exists between the sub-fields.

    Columns 21-24 (Position)

        Blank           A record identification code is not specified

        1-4096          Character    position    of     the     record
                        identification code

    Column 25 (Not)

        Blank           Either  columns  21-24  are   blank   or   the
                        character  (or  zone or digit) must be present
                        to identify the record

        N               the character, zone,  or  digit  must  not  be
                        present in the position being described

Column 26 (C)

        C               Entire character

        Additional record identification codes are specified as  above
        in  columns 27-32 and 33-41, if necessary.  If more than three
        codes are needed to identify a record, enter  AND  in  columns
        14-16  of  the next line and enter additional codes.  Enter OR
        in columns 14-15 of the next line if an OR relationship exists
        between  the  codes.   Up  to  20  AND  or  OR  lines  in  any
        combination can be specified for one record.

Column 43 (Field Type)

        Blank           Input   field   in   unpacked    decimal    or
                        alphanumeric format
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-13

Columns 44-51 (Field Location)

        Enter two 1-4 digit numbers to identify  the  beginning  of  a
        field  (From) and the end of a field (To) in the input record.
        These entries are identical for a one-position field.

Column 52 (Decimal Position)

        Blank           Alphanumeric field

        0-9             The number of decimal positions in the numeric
                        field  named  in  positions 53-58 (zero for an

Columns 53-58 (Field Name)

        These positions name the field  specified  in  columns  43-52.
        The following entries can be made here:

            A valid RPG II field name

            An array name element

            The special words PAGE, PAGE1, OR PAGE2

Columns 59-60 (Control Level)

        Blank           The field being described  is  not  a  control

        L1-L9           The level of the control field being defined

        These columns must be blank for chained or demand files.

Columns 61-62 (Matching Fields)

        Enter a matching-level identifier (M1-M9) to indicate matching
        fields  and  sequence checking when you have two or more input
        or update files with matched fields.  When you have  just  one
        input  or update file with match fields this entry causes only
        sequence checking.

Columns 63-64 (Field Record Relation)

        01-99           Record identifying  indicator  assigned  to  a
                        record type.

        L1-L9           Control level indicator previously used.

        MR              Matching record indicator.

        U1-U8           External indicator previously set

        H1-H9           Halt indicator previously used.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-14

        The following general rules apply to this entry:

        1.  All  fields  without  field  record  relation  should   be
            specified before fields with field record relation

        2.  All fields with  the  same  field  record  relation  entry
            should be entered on consecutive lines.

        3.  All parts of a split control  field  must  have  the  same
            field  record  relation  entry  and  must  be described on
            consecutive specification lines.

Columns 65-70 (Field Indicators)

        01-99           Field indicator

        H1-H9           Halt indicator (when  checking  for  an  error
                        condition in the field data)

        When indicators are specified in these positions, RPG II  make
        appropriate  settings when the field is input.  When the field
        is numeric, indicators are specified for  positive,  negative,
        and zero conditions in columns 65-66, and 69-70, respectively.
        One, two, or three indicators can be specified, but  only  the
        indicator  which  reflects  the  result of the test is set on;
        other specified indicators are set off.  An alphanumeric field
        can be tested only for all blanks (columns 69-70).
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-15


Columns 7-8 (Control Level)

        Blank           Operation done at detail time

        L0              Calculation is performed at total time (always

        L1-L9           Calculation  operation  is   done   when   the
                        appropriate   control   break  occurs  or  the
                        specified indicator is set on

        LR              Calculation operation is done after  the  last
                        record has been processed or after LR has been
                        set on

        SR              Calculation operation is part of a subroutine

        Calculation specifications must be  ordered  by  the  sequence
        listed  above.  AND or OR can be entered in these positions to
        indicate that indicators (columns 0-17) on the line are in  an
        AND or OR relationship with indicators on the preceding line.

Columns 9-17 (Indicators) Enter one to three indicators.   Any  RPG II
        indicators  except  1P and LO can be used.  Columns 9, 12, and
        15 may contain blank or N.  An AND relationship exists between
        indicators on a line.  Additional lines may be used containing
        indicators  in  columns  9-17  which  are  in  an  AND  or  OR
        relationship  with  those on the first line by entering AND or
        OR in columns 7-8.

Columns 18-27 (Factor 1) and Columns 33-42 (Factor  2)  Factor  1  and
        Factor 2 may contain the following entries:

        1.  Name of any field that has been defined

        2.  Alphanumeric or numeric literal

        3.  Subroutine, table or array name, or array element

        4.  Date field name (UDATE, UMONTH, UDAY, UYEAR)

        5.  Special name (PAGE, PAGE1, OR PAGE2)

        6.  Label for a TAG, BEGSR, or ENDSR operation (Factor 1) or a
            label for a GOTO or EXSR operation (Factor 2)

        7.  Filename (first 6 characters) for a CHAIN,  DEBUG,  DSPLY,
            READ, or FORCE operation (Factor 2)
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-16

Columns 28-32 (Operation)

        ADD             EXCPT           MOVE            SUB
        BEGSR           EXIT            MOVEA           TAG
        BITOF           EXSR            MOVEL           TESTB
        BITON           FORCE           MULT            TESTZ
        CHAIN           GOTO            MVR             TIME
        COMP            LOKUP           READ            XFOOT
        DEBUG           MHHZO           RLABL           Z-ADD
        DIV             MHLZO           SETOF           Z-SUB
        DSPLY           MLHZO           SETON
        ENDSR           MLLZO           SQRT

Columns 43-48 (Result Field)

        Enter the name of the field, table, array,  or  array  element
        that  holds the result of the operation specified in positions
        28-32.  If the field  named  in  Result  Field  has  not  been
        defined   in   extension,   input,   or  previous  calculation
        specifications, it  must  be  defined  by  making  entries  in
        positions 49-52.

Columns 49-51 (Field Length)

        Blank           The result field entry was defined elsewhere

        1-256           Result field length (right-justified)

        The maximum length of a  numeric  field  is  15  digits;   the
        maximum length of an alphanumeric field is 256 characters.

Column 52 (Decimal Positions)

        Blank           Field  designated  elsewhere  or  alphanumeric

        0-9             Number of decimal places in a numeric field

Column 53 (Half Adjust)

        Blank           Do not adjust the result field

        H               Half adjust the result field

        Half  adjusting  can  be  specified   only   with   arithmetic

Columns 54-59 (Resulting Indicators)

        Enter any of the following indicators:  01-99,  H1-H9,  L1-L9,
        LR, OA-OG, and OV.  Columns 54-59 are used:

        1.  To test the value of the result field after an  arithmetic
            operation.   Enter  up  to  3  indicators  to  test  for a
            positive result (columns 54-55), negative result  (columns
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-17

            56-57), or a result of zero (columns 58-59).

        2.  To check the outcome of a CHAIN,  LOKUP,  COMP,  or  TESTB
            operation.    With   the  CHAIN  operation,  an  indicator
            specified in columns 54-55 is set on if the record is  not

            With the LOKUP operation, up to 3 indicators are specified
            to  indicate  that  Factor 2 is HIGH (columns 54-55).  LOW
            (columns 56-57), or equal (columns 58-59).  For  the  COMP
            operation,  up  to  3 indicators are specified to indicate
            that Factor 1 is greater than (columns 54-55),  less  than
            (columns 56-57), or equal to (columns 58-59) Factor 2.

            With the TESTB operation, resulting  indicators  have  the
            following meanings:

             Positions 54-55:  An  indicator  in  these  positions  is
             turned on if each bit specified in Factor 2 is off in the
             Result Field.

             Positions 56-57:  An  indicator  in  these  positions  is
             turned  on  if  two or more bits were tested and of mixed
             status (some bits on and some bits off).

             Positions 58-59:  An  indicator  in  these  positions  is
             turned  on if each bit specified in Factor 2 is on in the
             Result Field.

     3.  To specify up to 3 indicators to SETON or SETOFF.

     4.  To indicate end of file for  the  READ  operation  code.   An
         indicator  specified  in  columns  58-59  is  set  on  if  an
         end-of-file condition is reached through a READ operation.

Columns 60-74 (Comments)

        The compiler treats  entries  in  these  columns  as  entirely
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-18


Columns 7-14 (Filename)

        Enter a valid RPG II filename for each output and update  file
        used.  Each filename need be specified only once, on the first
        line describing that file.

Columns 14-16 (AND/OR Relationship) Enter AND in positions 14-16 or OR
        in  positions  14-15  if  output  records  are in an AND or OR

Column 15 (Type)

        H               Heading record description

        D               Detail record description

        T               Total record description

        E               Exception record description

Columns 16-18 (Add a Record) Enter ADD in these columns if the  record
        is  added  to an input, update or output disk file.  An A must
        also be coded in position 66 of the File Description sheet for
        the file to which a record is added.

Column 16 (Fetch Overflow)

        Blank           Standard overflow procedures in effect

        F               Fetch overflow routine used

Columns 17-22 (Space/Skip) If these columns are blank, single  spacing
        occurs  after  each line is printed.  Spacing and skipping are
        not allowed on the printer/keyboard.

Columns 17-18 (Space)

        Enter a number (1-3) to specify how many lines to skip  before
        (column 17) and after (column 18) a line is printed.

Columns 19-22 (Skip)

        Blank           No skipping

        01-99           Lines 1-99

        A0-A9           Lines 100-109

        B0-B9           Lines 110-112 

        Enter one of the two-character specifications listed above  to
        indicate  the next line to be printed.  A skip before printing
        is specified in columns 19-20, a skip after, in columns 21-22.
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-19

        If  the skip line number is less than the current line number,
        a skip to a new page occurs.

Columns 23-31 (Output Indicators)

        Enter one to three indicators to condition the output  record.
        Any  RPG II  indicators can be specified.  An N may be entered
        in columns 23, 26, and 29 to indicate  negative  conditioning.
        An  AND  relationship exists between indicators on a line.  Up
        to 20 additional sets of indicators can be specified following
        lines having AND in columns 14-16 or OR in columns 14-15.

Columns 32-37 (Field Name)

        Enter one of the following to name every field written out:

            Any field name previously defined in this program.

            The special words, PAGE, PAGE1, PAGE2, *PLACE, UDATE UDAY,
            UMONTH, and UYEAR.

            A previously defined table  name,  array  name,  or  array

        These positions must be blank if  a  constant  is  entered  on
        positions  45-70 of the line.  If an entry is made under field
        name, positions 7-22 must be blank.

Column 38 (Edit Codes)

        Enter an edit code in position 38 when you want to:

        1.  Suppress leading zeros for a numeric field.

        2.  Omit a sign from the  low  order  position  of  a  numeric

        3.  Punctuate a numeric field without setting up your own edit

        A table summarizing the edit codes that can be used is printed
        above positions 45-70 on the Output-Format Sheet.

Column 39 (Blank Option)

        Blank           Field is not modified after output

        B               Field is reset to blanks (if alphanumeric)  or
                        zeros (if numeric) after being output 

        This column must be blank for look-ahead  and  update  fields.
        If  field  name  is  a  table  name,  the  last  table element
        retrieved is reset.

Column 40-43 (End Position in Output Record)
SUMMARY OF RPG II SPECIFICATIONS                              Page A-20

        Positions 40-43 indicate the location on the output record  of
        the  field  or  constant  written.   Enter  the  number of the
        position occupied by the right-most character  of  the  output
        field.   The  end  position entry must not be greater than the
        record length.

Column 44 (Packed or Binary Field)

        Blank           Field is unpacked numeric or alphanumeric data

        Position 44 must be blank with *PLACE fields.

Column 45-70 (Constant or Edit Word)


        1.  Field name (positions 32-37) must be blank.

        2.  A constant is enclosed in apostrophes.  Enter the  leading
            apostrophe in position 45.

        3.  An  apostrophe  is  represented  in  a  constant  by   two

        4.  Up to 24 characters of constant information can be  placed
            in  one line.  Additional lines may be used, but each line
            must be treated as a separate line of constants.  The  end
            position of each line must appear in positions 40-43.

        Edit Word

        Enter any edit word to specify editing of numeric fields.

        Edit words must be enclosed  by  apostrophes.   Constants  are
        allowed  within edit words.  Edit words are not used with edit
        codes.  However, when edit codes 1-4, A-D, and J-M  are  used,
        positions  45-47 may contain an * (to denote asterisk fill) or
        a $ (to denote a floating dollar sign).

                             APPENDIX B

                           REFERENCE TABLES

                              Table B-1
                              Edit Codes

Edit            Decimal    Sign for Negative Value      Zero
Code  Commas    Point      No Sign    CR        -       Suppress

1       Yes     Yes        No Sign                      Yes
2       Yes     Yes        No Sign                      Yes
3       No      Yes        No Sign                      Yes
4       No      Yes        No Sign                      Yes
A       Yes     Yes                     CR              Yes
B       Yes     Yes                     CR              Yes
C       No      Yes                     CR              Yes
D       No      Yes                     CR              Yes
J       Yes     Yes                           -         Yes
K       Yes     Yes                           -         Yes
L       No      Yes                           -         Yes
M       No      Yes                           -         Yes
X       No      No                                      No
Y       No      No                                      Yes (1)
Z       No      No                                      Yes

(1) The left-most zero, only, is suppressed.
REFERENCE TABLES                                              Page B-2

                              Table B-2
                           Operation Codes
REFERENCE TABLES                                              Page B-3

                          Table B-2 (cont'd)
                           Operation Codes

                              Table B-3
                    Summary of Program Indicators
REFERENCE TABLES                                              Page B-4

                          Table B-3 (Cont'd)
                    Summary of Program Indicators
REFERENCE TABLES                                              Page B-5

                              Table B-4
                           Valid Indicators

                              APPENDIX C

                             RPG II CYCLE
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-2
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-3
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-4

For each record that is processed,  the  RPG II  object  program  goes
through the same general cycle of operations.  After a record is read,
there are two  different  instances  in  time  when  calculations  are
performed,  and records written out.  These instances are called total
time and detail  time.   During  total  time,  all  total  calculation
operations  (those  conditioned by control level indicators in columns
7-8 of the Calculation Sheet) and all total output  operations  (those
conditioned  by  control  level  indicators)  are done.  During detail
time, all detail calculation  operations  (those  not  conditioned  by
control  level  indicators  in  columns  7-8)  and  all  detail output
operations are done.  Total time includes  steps  18  and  19  of  the
RPG II  object  program cycle;  detail time includes steps 25 and 3 of
the cycle.

Total calculations are performed before the information on the  record
selected  for  processing  is made available.  Detail calculations are
performed after  the  information  on  the  selected  reocrd  is  made
available.  The following discussion describes this concept in detail.

Whenever a record is read, a check is made to determine if information
in  a  control  field  (when one has been specified) is different from
control field information on the previous record.   A  change  in  the
control field information indicates that all records from a particular
group have been read, and that a new  group  is  starting.   When  all
records  from  a  group  have  been  read  (indicated by control level
indicators turning on),  operations  may  be  done  using  information
accumulated  from  all  records  in  that  group.   At  this time, all
calculations conditioned by control  indicators  in  columns  7-8  are
done.   Total  output  operations  are performed immediately after all
total calculations are completed.  Remember that  information  on  the
record read at the beginning of the program cycle is not used in these
operations;  only information from records  in  the  previous  control
group is used.

Detail calculations (all calculations not conditioned by control level
indicators in columns 7-8) occur after the information on the selected
record has been made  available.   Detail  calculations  are  used  to
calculate  values  needed  each  time a record is processed.  They are
also used to calculate  totals  for  the  current  control  group  (if
control  fields  are specified).  Immediately after detail calculation
operations are completed, detail output operations are performed.

The specific steps taken in the program cycle are shown in Figure C-1.
The  item numbers in the following description refer to the numbers in
the figure.  A program cycle begins with step 3 and continues  through
step 25.

     1.  All data files to be used by the RPG  II object  program  are
         opened;   that  is,  they are prepared to be processed by the
         object program.  Pre-execution time  tables  and  arrays  are
         loaded before the first program cycle.

     2.  The object program performs all output conditioned by the  1P
         indicator.   This  output is performed only once per job, and
         does not fall within the program cycle (steps 3 through 25).
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-5

     3.  The object program performs all specified heading and  detail
         output  operations  whose  conditions  are  satisfied.   This
         includes specifications that are conditioned by the  overflow
         indicator if the overflow indicator has been fetched.

     4.  The object program  performs  a  test  to  determine  if  the
         overflow  line  was encountered during detail calculations in
         the previous cycle or when  heading  and  detail  output  was
         written  in  the  current  cycle.   If  it  was, the overflow
         indicators turns on.  Otherwise,  the  indicator  turns  off,
         unless overflow was fetched in step 3.

     5.  The object program tests the halt indicators.   If  the  halt
         indicators are off, the program branches to step 6.

     5A. The execution of the program is stopped once  for  each  halt
         indicator  that  is on.  The operator can select one of three
         options:  continue, controlled cancel, or  immediate  cancel.
         See Appendix E for an explanation of operator options.

     5B. If the operator desires to  continue  the  job,  the  program
         returns  to step 5 to test for other halt indicators.  If the
         operator selects one of the cancel options, a branch is taken
         to step 34.

     6.  All record identifying indicators and indicators  1P,  L1-L9,
         an H1-H9 are turned off.

     7.  The program tests to see if the LR indicator is  on.   If  it
         is, the program branches to step 26.

     8.  The program reads the next input record.  At the beginning of
         processing,  one  record  from each input file (except forced
         files and demand files) is read.  If the file has  look-ahead
         fields,  it  is  read  only  on the first cycle.  After that,
         records with look-ahead fields are identified only.

     9.  The program performs a test to determine of the record is  an
         end-of-file record.  If an end-of-file condition has occured,
         the program branches to step 11.

    10.  If an end of file has not occurred, the  program  performs  a
         test  to  determine  if the input records are in the sequence
         specified for them on the Input Sheet.  If  the  sequence  is
         incorrect, the program branches to step 32.  The program also
         branches to step  32  if  non-sequential  input  records  are
         specified and the record cannot be identified.

    11.  If end-of-job conditions have been met, a branch to  step  26
         is  taken.   All  files  for which an E has been specified in
         columns 17 of the File Description Sheet must be  at  end  of
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-6

    12.  When multiple input files are used, it is necessary to select
         the next record to process.  A branch to step 27 is made.

    13.  If there is only one  input  file,  no  record  selection  is
         needed.  A test is made to determine if sequence checking has
         been requested.  If so, a branch is taken to step 30.

    14.  The record identifying indicator specified  for  the  current
         record  type  turns on.  Data from the current record type is
         not available for processing until step 24.

    15.  If the record contains control  fields,  the  object  program
         preforms a test to determine if a control break has occured (
         the contents of the  control  field  are  not  equal  to  the
         contents  of  a previously stored field).  If a control break
         has not occurred or control fields  are  not  specified,  the
         program branches to step 17.

    16.  If a control break has occurred, the control level  indicator
         reflecting  this  condition  is turned on.  All lower control
         level indicators are also turned on.

    17.  If this is the first program cycle or  first  control  break,
         the   program  bypasses  all  total  calculation  and  output
         operations and branches to step 20.

    18.  All calculations  conditioned  by  control  level  indicators
         (columns 7-8 of calculation specifications) are performed and
         resulting indicators are turned on or off as speccified.   If
         the  LR  indicator  is on, calculations conditioned by LR are
         done after all other total calculations.  Fetch  overflow  is
         performed  if  it  is  required  by exception output.  If the
         overflow line has been reached because of  exception  output,
         the overflow indicator is turned on.

    19.  All total output that  is  not  conditioned  by  an  overflow
         indicator  is  performed.   The  program  performs  a test to
         determine if an  overflow  condition  has  occurred.   If  an
         overflow  condition  has  occurred  at  any  time during this
         cycle, the overflow indicator turns on.  If the LR  indicator
         is  on,  output  conditioned  by LR is done after other total
         output.  Fetch overflow is performed if required.

    20.  The program performs a test to determine is the  last  record
         (LR)  indicator  is  on.  If the indicator is on, the program
         branches to step 37.

    21.  The program performs a test  to  determine  if  any  overflow
         indicators  are  on.   If  no overflow indicators are on, the
         program branches to step 23.

    22.  All  output  operations  conditioned  by  a  positive  (no  N
         preceding the indicator) overflow indicator are performed.
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-7

    23.  The MR indicator turns on if this is a multifile job and  the
         record  to  be  processed is a matching record.  Otherwise MR
         turns off.

    24.  Field indicators are turned on or  off  as  specified.   Data
         from  the  last  record  read  and  from specified look-ahead
         fields is made available for processing.

    25.  Any calculations not conditioned by control level  indicators
         (columns   7-8   of   the   calculation  specifications)  are
         performed, and resulting indicators are turned on or  off  as
         specified.   Fetch overflow is performed if it is required by
         exception output.  If the  overflow  line  has  been  reached
         because of exception output, the overflow indicator is turned
         on.  Processing continues with step 3.

    26.  The  last  record  indicator  (LR)  and  all  control   level
         indicators  (L1-L9)  are  turned  on and processing continues
         with step 18.

    27.  If a file has been forced, the next record in  that  file  is
         selected for processing and a branch is taken to step 14.

    28.  If a record with no matching fields  is  found  in  a  normal
         input file which is not at end of file, it is selected.

    29.  When matching fields are specified, the normal file with  the
         highest  priority  matching record field is selected.  If two
         or more files have the equal and  highest  priority  matching
         record   fields,  the  highest  priority  file  of  those  is
         selected.  (The primary file has the  highest  priority,  the
         first specified secondary file is next, and so forth.)

    30.  The match field value is compared to the match field value of
         the  last  record.   If  it  is  in  sequence,  the record is
         accepted and processing  continues  with  step  14.   If  the
         record is out of sequence, processing goes to step 31.

    31.  The execution of the program is stopped because a  file  with
         matching  fields  is out of sequence.  The operator's option,
         indicated in step 33, is to bypass (read the next record from
         the same file) or cancel the job.

    32.  The execution of the program is stopped because of  a  record
         type sequence error or an unidentified record.

    33.  Step 33 tests the operator's decision either  to  bypass  the
         record which causes the error condition (branch to step 4) or
         to cancel the job.

    34.  If the operator elects to terminate the job  by  means  of  a
         controlled cancel, steps 35 through 39 are performed.  If the
         operator selects an immediate cancle, the job is terminated.
RPG II CYCLE                                                  Page C-8

    35.  All operations conditioned by the LR indicator are done.

    36.  Same as 35.

    37.  The program writes out any tables or arrays for  which  a  To
         Filename is specified on the Extension Sheet.

    38.  All files used by the program are closed  (final  termination
         functions are done).

    39.  End of job occurs.

                             APPENDIX D

                            CHARACTER SETS

DECsystem-10 RPG II uses the sixbit subset of the ASCII character  set
for  all  internal  calculation.   While  this  works  fine  for  most
operations, it presents a problem when using the move  and  test  zone
operations.   Because the DECsystem-10 does not normally work with the
EBCDIC character set, nor with  8-bit  bytes,  the  implementation  of
these operations is marginal at best.

When a zone operation is encountered, the character that must have its
zone moved/modified/examined is converted to an 8-bit EBCDIC character
from its native SIXBIT.  The zone operation is  then  carried  out  on
this  8-bit  quantity.   When all operation have been completed on the
character, it is converted back to  SIXBIT.   Because  the  conversion
between  character  sets  (shown  in  Table D-1) is not always totally
accurate, due to fundamental differences between the  different  sets,
the  zone  operations  do  not  always give the same results that they
would under a System/3 RPG II.

It is recommended that the zone operations only be used as an  aid  in
conversion of existing RPG II programs, and not be used in new ones.
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-2

Table  D-1  shows  ASCII  and  SIXBIT  collating  sequence   and   the
conversions  from ASCII to EBCDIC, and SIXBIT to EBCDIC.  If the ASCII
character does not convert to the same character in EBCDIC, the EBCDIC
character  is shown in parentheses next to the EBCDIC code.  Note that
the first and last 32  characters  do  not  exist  in  SIXBIT.   Also,
characters  in  the  first  column  (NULL, SOH, STX, etc.) are control
characters, which are nonprinting.

                              Table D-1
     ASCII and SIXBIT Collating Sequence and Conversion to EBCDIC
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-3

                          Table D-1 (cont'd)
     ASCII and SIXBIT Collating Sequence and Conversion to EBCDIC
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-4

Table D-2 shows the conversion of ASCII  code  to  SIXBIT  code.   The
table  does  not  show  ASCII  codes  000 through 037 because they all
convert to SIXBIT 74 (\), except 22 (TAB) which converts to SIXBIT  00

                              Table D-2
                      ASCII to SIXBIT Conversion
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-5

                          Table D-2 (cont'd)
                      ASCII to SIXBIT Conversion
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-6

Table D-3 shows the EBCDIC collating sequence and the conversion  from
EBCDIC to ASCII.  When conversion is from EBCDIC to SIXBIT, it is done
as if the code was converted to ASCII, and then from ASCII to SIXBIT.

                              Table D-3
          EBCDIC Collating Sequence and Conversion to ASCII
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-7

                          Table D-3 (cont'd)
          EBCDIC Collating Sequence and Conversion to ASCII
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-8

                          Table D-3 (cont'd)
          EBCDIC Collating Sequence and Conversion to ASCII
CHARACTER SETS                                                Page D-9

                          Table D-3 (cont'd)
          EBCDIC Collating Sequence and Conversion to ASCII

                              APPENDIX E

                        RPG II HALT PROCEDURES

When an error occurs during the execution of an RPG II program, a halt
procedure  is  entered.  The runtime system (RPGLIB) notifies the user
of this by typing:

        %Entered Halt Procedure xx              error-text
        Please select a halt option:

Where xx is the two character halt code  and  error-text  is  a  brief
summary  of  the  error.   An  optional third line tells which file is
affected by the error.

The halt codes have been chosen to be compatible with those  given  by
IBM System-3 RPG II.  In respone to the above message, the user should
enter one of the follwing responses:

    CONTINUE            Control  is  returned  to  the  program,   and
                        processing continues.

    BYPASS              The  remainder  of  the   program   cycle   is
                        bypassed, and the next record is read.

    CONTROLLED CANCEL   End-of-job operations (conditioned  by  an  LR
                        indicator)  are  done,  tables  are dumped and
                        files are closed.

    IMMEDIATE CANCEL    Files are closed and the job stops.

    DEFAULT             Use the default operation (see table E-1).

    DDT                 DDT  is  entered  if  it  was  loaded   during
                        compiler generation.

    <CR>                Same as DEFAULT.

    0                   Same as CONTINUE.

    1                   Same as BYPASS.

    2                   Same as CONTROLLED CANCEL.
RPG II HALT PROCEDURES                                        Page E-2

    3                   Same as IMMEDIATE CANCEL.

    4                   Same as DDT

                              Table E-1
                      Halt Procedure Definitions

Halt Display    Error Description       Options         Default

    H1          Indicator H1 is on       0234            none

    H2          Indicator H2 is on       0234            none

    H3          Indicator H3 is on       0234            none

    H4          Indicator H4 is on       0234            none

    H5          Indicator H5 is on       0234            none

    H6          Indicator H6 is on       0234            none

    H7          Indicator H7 is on       0234            none

    H8          Indicator H8 is on       0234            none

    H9          Indicator H9 is on       0234            none

    11          Square root of a neg-    0234              2
                ative number asked

    12          Overflow during div-     0234              2

    13          Division by zero         0234              2

    14          Zero, negative, or       0234              2
                invalid array index

    15          Table out of sequence    0234              2

    16          No table data found      0234              2

    17          Too much data for        0234              2

    1A          Exceeded specified       34                3
                object core

    1E          End-of-file on           0234              2
                demand file

    1F          Attempting to ac-        234               2
                cess beyond extent
RPG II HALT PROCEDURES                                        Page E-3

                          Table E-1 (cont'd)
                      Halt Procedure Definitions

Halt Display    Error Description       Options         Default

    1H          Attempting to add        0234              2
                duplicate key

    1P          1P forms allignment      014             none

    1U          Record not found.        1234              2
                Key not in index or
                record number too

    1Y          Invalid response         1234              2
                to display

    1b          Prepare for              034             none
                table output

    J1          Record out of            1234              2

    L1          File out of match-       1234              2
                ing sequence

    U1          Unidentified record      1234              2

                             APPENDIX F

                           COMMAND STRINGS

The general form of the command string is as follows:


                              Table F-1
                 Explanation of Command String Terms

          Term                  Meaning

        RELFIL          The file that is to hold the  generated  code.
                        If   no   generated   code   is  desired,  the
                        descriptor for RELFIL is replaced by a hyphen.

                        Example:  -,LSTFIL=SRC1,SRC2...

        LSTFIL          The  file  that  is  to  hold  the   generated
                        listing.    If  no  listing  is  desired,  the
                        descriptor for LSTFIL is replaced by a hyphen.

                        Example:  RELFIL,-=SRC1,SRC2,...

        SRC1,SRC2       The source files required to  from  one  input

Each file description has the following form:


Certain default assignments are made by the  compiler  whenever  terms
are omitted from the command strings or file descriptions.

     1.  If the device is omitted in any output file description,  DSK
         is  assumed.   If  the  device  is  omitted  in an input file
         description, either  the  preceding  device  or  DSK  (if  no
         preceding device was specified) is assumed.

     2.  If the filename for RELFIL  and/or  LSTFIL  is  omitted,  the
         filename of the first source file is used.
COMMAND STRINGS                                               Page F-2

     3.  If the file type is omitted from RELFIL, .REL is assumed;  if
         it  is  omitted from LSTFIL, .LST is assumed.  If the type is
         omitted from the source file desriptor, the compiler looks in
         the file area for the named file with the type .RPG.  If that
         file is not found, the compiler  looks  for  the  named  file
         without a type.

     4.  If the [PROJECT,PROGRAMMER] option is omitted  on  any  file,
         the users directory is used.

                              Table F-2
                Explanation of File Description Terms

          Term                  Meaning

        DEVICE          The name of a device.  The name is composed of
                        6 or fewer letters and/or digits.

        FILE            The name of a file.  The name is composed of 6
                        or fewer letters and/or digits.

        TYP             The file type (extension).  It is composed  of
                        3 or fewer letters and/or digits.

        PROJECT         A user's project number.

        PROGRAMMER      A user's programmer number.

        SWITCH          Any of the switches shown in Table F-3.

                              Table F-3
                        RPG II Switch Summary

     Switch                             Action by Compiler

        A               Allows the listing of the code generated  (the
                        source  program  is  listed whenever a listing
                        file is specified).

        E               Checks the program for  errors  but  does  not
                        generate code.

        H               Types a description of RPG II command  strings
                        and  lists  the switches.  When this switch is
                        used, the other parts of  the  command  string
                        are ignored.

        N               The source errors are not typed on the  user's

        W               Rewinds the device before reading or  writing.
                        (This is valid for magnetic tape only.)

                             APPENDIX G


Subroutines written in FORTRAN or MACRO may be called from an  RPG  II
program  by  use  of  the EXIT and RLABL operations.  These operations
generate the standard calling sequence used  by  FORTRAN,  MACRO,  and
COBOL programs.


The rules for  use  of  the  EXIT  operation  in  RPG  II  calculation
specification are as follows:

  Columns               Entry

  Operation             EXIT

  Factor 1              Blank

  Factor 2              The name of the subroutine to which control is
                        to be passed.

  Result Field          Blank

  Resulting Indicators  Blank

The EXIT  operation  can  be  conditioned  by  control  level  entries
(columns   7-8)   and   indicator  entries  (columns  9-17).   If  not
conditioned by control level entries, the  EXIT  operation  occurs  at
detail calculation time.


Through the RLABL operation, a field, table, or array defined  in  the
RPG  II  program can be referenced by the subroutine to which the EXIT
operation gives control.  The  rules  for  use  of  RLABL  in  RPG  II
programs are as follows:
RPG II STANDARD CALLING SEQUENCE                              Page G-2

  Columns                  Entry

  Operation             RLABL

  Result Field          Field, table or array name

  Field Length          Length of field (optional)

  Decimal Positions     Decimal indication (optional)

The  RLABL   specifications   must   immediately   follow   the   EXIT
specifications  for  the subroutine which references the RPG II field.
A name specified by a TAG, BEGSR, or  ENDSR  specification  cannot  be
used in an RLABL specification.
                                                          Page Index-1


*place . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-10

1p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-2

Add operation  . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Alphabetic characters  . . . . . .  1-7
Alphanumeric characters  . . . . .  1-7
Alphanumeric fields  . . . . . . .  1-7
Arithmetic operations  . . . . . .  9-12
Ascii  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-7, D-1
Ascii files  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-8, 5-16

Begsr operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-21
Bitof operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-18
Biton operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-18
Block length . . . . . . . . . . .  5-7
Blocking factor  . . . . . . . . .  5-7

Calculation factors  . . . . . . .  9-7
Calculations operations
  add  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
  begsr  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-21
  bitof  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-18
  biton  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-18
  chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-5, 5-11, 9-29
  comp . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-13
  debug  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-1, 9-30
  div  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14, 9-34
  dsply  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-3, 9-28
  endsr  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-21
  excpt  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-27
  exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-21, G-1
  exsr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
  force  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-27
  goto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
  lokup  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-22, 9-24
  mhhzo  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-13
  mhlzo  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-13
  mlhzo  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-13
  mllzo  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-13
  move . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-16
  movea  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-16
  movel  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-16
  mult . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
  mvr  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14, 9-34
  read . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-6, 9-28
  rlabl  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-21, G-1
  setof  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-9, 9-22
  seton  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-3, 9-21
  sqrt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
  sub  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
  tag  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
  testb  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-18
  testz  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-19
  time . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-32
  xfoot  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-15
  z-add  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
  z-sub  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Chain operation  . . . . . . . . .  5-5, 5-11, 9-29
Character sets . . . . . . . . . .  D-1
Character zones  . . . . . . . . .  D-1
Command strings  . . . . . . . . .  F-1
Comp operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-13
Compilation time . . . . . . . . .  1-7
Console  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-3
Continuation lines . . . . . . . .  5-16
Control levels . . . . . . . . . .  9-3
Control specifications . . . . . .  4-1

Date field names . . . . . . . . .  9-9
Debug operation  . . . . . . . . .  4-1
Demand files . . . . . . . . . . .  9-28
Detail time  . . . . . . . . . . .  1-8
Device code  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-14
Direct load  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-4, 9-29
Div operation  . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Dsply operation  . . . . . . . . .  5-3, 9-28

Ebcdic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-8, D-1
Edit codes . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-11
End of file processing . . . . . .  5-6
Endsr operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-21
Entries per record . . . . . . . .  6-3
Excpt operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-27
Execution time . . . . . . . . . .  1-8
Exit operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-21, G-1
Exsr operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
Extension code . . . . . . . . . .  5-13
Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-15, A-7

Fetch overflow . . . . . . . . . .  10-4
Field indicators . . . . . . . . .  8-13
Field record relation  . . . . . .  8-11
Field type
  alphanumeric . . . . . . . . . .  1-7
  numeric  . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-8
File description . . . . . . . . .  5-1
File designation
  chained  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-5
  demand . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-6
  primary  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-4
  record address . . . . . . . . .  5-5
  secondary  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-4
  table or array . . . . . . . . .  5-5
File format  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-7
File organization  . . . . . . . .  5-12
File processing
  direct . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-13
  indexed  . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-13
  sequential . . . . . . . . . . .  12-1
File type
  combined . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-3
  display  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-3
  input  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-2
  output . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-2
  update . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-3
Filename extensions  . . . . . . .  5-15, A-7
Force operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-27
Form length  . . . . . . . . . . .  7-2
Forms positioning  . . . . . . . .  4-2
From filename  . . . . . . . . . .  6-1

Goto operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-20

H card . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-1
Half-adjust  . . . . . . . . . . .  9-34
Halt procedures  . . . . . . . . .  E-1

  control level  . . . . . . . . .  8-9, 8-11, 9-3 to 9-4, 9-21
  external . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-11, 9-4
  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-13
  halt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-11, 8-13, 9-4, 9-21
  last record  . . . . . . . . . .  9-4, 9-21
  matching record  . . . . . . . .  8-10 to 8-11, 9-4, 12-3
  mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-10 to 8-11
  output . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-8
  overflow . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-4
  record identifying . . . . . . .  8-3, 8-5, 8-11, 8-13, 9-4,
  resulting  . . . . . . . . . . .  9-4, 9-34
Isam processing  . . . . . . . . .  12-13

Key field  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-11, 5-13

Lines per page . . . . . . . . . .  7-1
  default  . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-1
Lokup operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-22, 9-24
Look-ahead fields  . . . . . . . .  8-3 to 8-4, 12-8

Matching fields  . . . . . . . . .  8-10
Matching records . . . . . . . . .  12-2
Mfcu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-3
Mhhzo operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-13
Mhlzo operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-13
Mlhzo operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-13
Mllzo operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-13
Mode of processing
  by addrout . . . . . . . . . . .  5-10
  consecutive  . . . . . . . . . .  5-10
  random . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-11
  sequential by key  . . . . . . .  5-10
Move operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-16
Movea operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-16
Movel operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-16
Mult operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Multi-file processing  . . . . . .  5-4, 5-6, 9-27, 12-2
Mvr operation  . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14

Numeric characters . . . . . . . .  1-8
Numeric field  . . . . . . . . . .  1-8

Overflow indicator . . . . . . . .  5-12
Overflow line  . . . . . . . . . .  7-2
  default  . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-1
Overflow line number . . . . . . .  7-2

Pre-execution time . . . . . . . .  1-8
Program identification . . . . . .  3-3

Random files . . . . . . . . . . .  9-29
Read operation . . . . . . . . . .  5-6, 9-28
Record address field . . . . . . .  5-11
Record address type  . . . . . . .  5-11
Record key . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-8
Record length  . . . . . . . . . .  5-8
Result field . . . . . . . . . . .  9-32
Rlabl operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-21, G-1

Sequence checking  . . . . . . . .  5-7
Setof operation  . . . . . . . . .  8-9, 9-22
Seton operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-3, 9-21
Single file processing . . . . . .  5-6
Sixbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  D-1
Special characters . . . . . . . .  1-8
Special words
  page . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-9, 9-7, 9-10, 10-10
  page1  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-9, 9-7, 9-10, 10-10
  page2  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-9, 9-7, 9-10, 10-10
  udate  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-7, 9-9, 10-11
  uday . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-7, 9-9, 10-11
  umonth . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-7, 9-9, 10-11
  uyear  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-7, 9-9, 10-11
Sqrt operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Sub operation  . . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Subroutines  . . . . . . . . . . .  9-3

Tables and arrays  . . . . . . . .  11-1
  advantages . . . . . . . . . . .  11-1
  alternate  . . . . . . . . . . .  6-7
  compile time . . . . . . . . . .  11-5
  execution time . . . . . . . . .  11-6
  files  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-5
  forming  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-5
  full . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-5
  naming . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-1
  output . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-5
  pre-execution time . . . . . . .  11-6
  sequence . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-6
  short  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-5
Tag operation  . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
Tape rewind  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-17
Testb operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-18
Testz operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-19
Time operation . . . . . . . . . .  9-32
To filename  . . . . . . . . . . .  6-2
Total time . . . . . . . . . . . .  1-8

Xfoot operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-15

Z-add operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14
Z-sub operation  . . . . . . . . .  9-12, 9-14