
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-06 - decus/20-160/tables.dat
There are no other files named tables.dat in the archive.
TITLE PROGRAM TO TEST TABLES                                            00000010
* EULER                                                                 00000020
* NOSTATS                                                               00000040
L LEVEL.K=INTGRL(RATE.JK)                                               00000050
R RATE.KL=LEVEL.K                                                       00000060
N LEVEL=0                                                               00000070
S HL.K=TABHL(TAB1,TIME.K,2,8,2)                                         00000080
S LE.K=TABLE(TAB1,TIME.K,2,8)                                           00000090
S FL.K=TABFL(TAB1,TIME.K,2,8)                                           00000100
S ND.K=TABND(TAB1,TIME.K,2,8)                                           00000110
T TAB1=1,2,1,2                                                          00000120
PARM DT=.2                                                              00000130
PARM STOP=10                                                            00000140
PARM PLTPER=.2                                                          00000150
PLOT HL(.5,2.5),LE,FL,ND                                                00000160