
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-07 - decus/20-0171/weekly.rno
There is 1 other file named weekly.rno in the archive. Click here to see a list.
.comment This is an input file for the FROFF word processor
.comment by the same author as the WEEKLY program.  The
.comment squeeze, letter and center no fill commands are
.comment used for the title page.  The rest should work
.comment with runoff as well.
.offset right page 5.figure 20
.center no fill
.skip 12;WEEKLY
.skip;An Academic Calendar Program
.skip;Donald E. Barth
.skip;9 July 1983
.initial page.skip left page
.fill.initial page.number 1
.left top title '>',,'WEEKLY, an Academic Calendar Program'
.right top title 'WEEKLY, an Academic Calendar Program',,'>'

.skip 3.test page 6
.center;WEEKLY, an Academic Calendar Program
.center;------  -- -------- -------- -------

The WEEKLY program constructs a calendar of the events which are
scheduled for the coming weeks.  This calendar can be printed at 12
characters per inch on 15 inch wide paper.  The width of each line
in the calendar is 157 characters.  The events which appear in the
calendar are described by files which which are created using an
ordinary text editor.  Some of these files describe the events which
take place on a particular day of the week, such as on every Monday,
for several weeks.  Other files describe events which take place only
once.  The calendar includes 1 column for each of the weekdays Monday
through Friday, and a single column for the weekend.  Weekend events
are labeled as to whether they are held both days or only on Saturday
or only on Sunday.  The calendar includes the starting time, the ending
time although this is not required, and a short description of each
event.  All of the events which start at the same time appear on the
same line.  A line is ruled across the calendar at the start of each
new hour.  The first line in each description of an event which occurs
only on a single date is darkened to draw attention to the event.
The WEEKLY program is written entirely in FORTRAN, but is system
dependent both in the construction of the names of the files which
it reads and in the use of 5 characters per computer word to store
the calendar for a single week while this is being accumulated.
The distributed version is for the DECsystem10 and DECsystem20.
However, the conversion to other systems should be relatively easy.
The program reads the event descriptions using a multiple of an A1
format so that the interpretation of the line can be done in a system
independent manner.  To save space, if the line contains the text of
a description of the event, a FORTRAN ENCODE statement is used
to pack 5 characters per computer word.  The packed text is stored
in a large array which is addressed by date and line.  After all of
the files which describe the events for a single date have been read,
the information for that date is sorted by starting and ending times.
The calendar for the week is written into the output file after the
information for all 6 columns has been accumulated.
.skip.test page 3
The WEEKLY program reads many files, some with predefined names and
others with names chosen by the user.  The WEEKLY.TOP file contains
the text of one or more lines to be written across the top of each
weekly calendar.  The WEEKLY.DAY file specifies the names of other
files which describe the events which occur on the same day of the
week for several weeks.  The names of the files which describe repeating
events should be chosen so as to have meaning to the person who
maintains them.  Events which occur only once are specified in files
which have names of the form DDMMM.YY, where DD is the 2 digit day
of the month, MMM is the 3 letter month abbreviation, and YY is the
right 2 digits of the year.

.skip 2.test page 6
.c;The WEEKLY.DAY File, Establishing a Repeating Schedule
.c;--- ------ --- ----  ------------ - --------- --------
Schedules of events which are repeated on a weekly basis are specified
by the file named WEEKLY.DAY.  This file can specify several different
schedules to be applied during various parts of the year.  Each schedule
is defined by several lines which state the range of dates during which
the schedule is to be active and the names of the
files which for each day of the week describe the events and the times
during the day when these are held.  The first of the lines which
defines the schedule must start with either of the words REGULAR or
SPECIAL and this must be followed directly by a colon.  A list of the
dates and/or of the ranges of dates when this schedule is to be used
must appear to the right of the colon.
There can be only one regular schedule for a particular date, but
any number of special schedules.
If more than one schedule beginning with the word REGULAR is specified
in the WEEKLY.DAY file for a particular date, then only the first of
these is used for that date.  All schedules beginning with the word
SPECIAL for a particular date are used regardless of whether there
are schedules for the same date which begin with the word REGULAR.
The lines which define a single schedule extend up to but do not include
the next line which starts with either of the words REGULAR or SPECIAL
followed directly by a colon.
Spaces can follow the colon after the word REGULAR or SPECIAL, and
can also appear between the dates.  Dates can be specified in almost
any customary manner, but must include numeric day of month, month
name or number and either all 4 digits of the year or the right 2 digits
of the year.  Single dates or ranges of dates can be separated either
by commas, by the words AND or OR, or merely by spaces.  The words
AND and OR are considered to be equivalent.  Dates which are to be
the starting and ending dates in ranges of dates can be separated either
by the words TO or THROUGH.  Both TO and THROUGH imply the range
of dates including the stated starting and ending dates.  Month names
are the only words which can be abbreviated in these files, but THRU
is accepted as an alternate spelling of THROUGH.

The following date specifications are typical of those which are allowed.
.skip.test page 5
OCTOBER 20 83     OCTOBER-20-83
OCTOBER 20, 83    OCTOBER/20/83

20 OCTOBER 83     20-OCT-83         10-20-83
20 OCTOBER,83     20/OCT/83         10/20/83
Each of the lines which follows that beginning with the word REGULAR
or SPECIAL specifies a particular day of the week and the name of the
file which specifies the events for that day.
 Like the words REGULAR
and SPECIAL, the day name cannot be abbreviated and must be followed
immediately by a colon.  The word WEEKDAY followed by a colon can
be used to specify all of the days Monday through Friday, the word
WEEKEND can be used to specify both of the days Saturday and Sunday,
and the word ALL can be used to specify all days of the week.
It is not necessary that a particular day of the week be specified,
if it is not specified, then there are merely no events which are specified
for that day by the current schedule.
  The file name
which follows the colon must be formed of 6 or fewer alphabetic letters
A through Z and/or digits.  A file name extension or file type
consisting of a period and 3 or fewer alphabetic letters and/or digits
can follow, but is not necessary.

For example, if a particular class schedule applies during most of
the weeks in a semester, but different schedules apply during midterm
examination week and during final examination week, then the examination
schedules would be established before the schedule for the rest of
the semester.  As long as the midterm week and final week do not
overlap, either can be specified first.  Such a schedule could be
defined by the following lines in the WEEKLY.DAY file.  The text
appearing to the right of the exclamation points is taken as a comment
and is otherwise ignored.

Regular: 25/Oct/82 through 10/29/82 !midterm week
Monday:    monmid.fal
Tuesday:   tuemid.fal
Wednesday: wedmid.fal
Thursday:  thumid.fal
Friday:    frimid.fal

Regular: 15 December 82 thru December/17/82 !final week

Regular:7-Sep-82 to December 17, 82 !entire fall semester
Monday:    mon.fal
Tuesday:   tue.fal
Wednesday: wed.fal
Thursday:  thu.fal
Friday:    fri.fal
Saturday:  sat.fal
.skip 3.fill
.test page 6
.c;The Event Description Files
.c;--- ----- ----------- -----
The files which describe the events which are to appear in the calendar
all have a similar format.  In addition to those which are named
directly by the WEEKLY.DAY file, there can be a separate file for each
day describing the events taking place on that day.  This separate
file has a name constructed of the 2 digit day number, then the first
3 letters of the month name, followed by a period and the right 2 digits
of the year number.  For example, the file named 21NOV.82 would describe
the events occurring on the twenty-first of November 1982.
Each event description must start with a line which specifies the
starting time, or the starting and ending time separated by a minus
sign.  Times must be expressed as the hour followed immediately by
a colon and the minutes.  Both the colon and minutes are required.
A number which appears at the start of a line is taken to be part of
the event description rather than a time if the colon and minutes are
missing.  Hours can be stated either in the 12 hour system or the 24
hour system.  If the time does not bear either an AM or a PM suffix,
              00:00 is the start of the day
00:01 through 11:59 is before noon
              12:00 is noon
12:01 through 23:59 is after noon
              24:00 is the end of the day
If the 12 hour system is used, then an AM suffix is required for times
before 1:00am and a PM suffix is required for times of 1:00pm or later.
The AM suffix is not required in the 12 hour system for times between
1:00am and noon.  If either the AM or PM is used as a suffix, then
it must directly follow the minutes without an intervening space.  The
AM or PM can appear in either upper case (capital letters) or lower
case (small letters), but a period must not appear between the letters.
Noon should be represented either without a suffix or as 12:00m, where
the m stands for the latin word meridies, since 12:00am represents
the start of the day or 12 hours before noon, and 12:00pm represents
the end of the day or 12 hours after noon.
The event descriptions in a particular file can appear in any order
and need not be sorted by starting time.  The program will sort the
entries by both starting and ending times.  The program allows a special
notice to appear at the top of the schedule for a particular date.
Such a special notice must appear at the start of one of the files
which describe the events for that day or date, without any preceding
timestamp, since once a timestamp is found in a file, it applies to
all of the following lines until the next timestamp is encountered.
If a date or a range of dates is specified to the right of the time
or time range, then these dates are the dates when the event is not
held.  This is really only useful in the files specified by the
WEEKLY.DAY file to state exceptions to the repeating schedule.  The
rules for the construction of the dates and/or ranges of dates are
identical to those stated earlier for the WEEKLY.DAY file.
All of the entries in these files have a form similar to that shown
below.  The text appearing to the right of the exclamation points is
taken as a comment and is otherwise ignored.
.skip.nofill.lm 5
10:00am-11:45am 12 Nov 82 !date when event is not held
First line of description !comment
Second line
Final line
.skip.fill.lm 0
The first line of the description can be at most 25 characters long.
The subsequent lines should be limited to 23 characters each, because
these lines will be indented 2 spaces to the right in the calendar.
Long lines are not split or wrapped around, instead the excess
characters are discarded.  There can be at most 500 lines of descriptive
text, excluding timestamps, in the column for any particular date.
.center;An Example of a Calendar Produced by the WEEKLY Program
.center;-- ------- -- - -------- -------- -- --- ------ -------
A set of typical files and the results which are produced by
this program when these files are processed are shown below.
Since the calendar which is produced is much wider than
this document, only the right edge of calendar is shown.
The week chosen in the example is the week containing Thanksgiving
Day in 1982.  The WEEKLY.DAY file specifies 2 regular schedules, one
for Thanksgiving itself, and another for the rest of the year.
Since only 1 regular schedule can be used for any particular date,
the file which specifies the schedule for Thursday is not used
on Thanksgiving Day.

Regular:November 25, 82 !no classes on Thanksgiving day

Regular:1-Jan-82 to 31-Dec-82

8:30-9:00                     9:15
Early birds breakfast         Eastern European Finance
Cafeteria, east end           Room C19
9:00                          9:00-11:00
Plant Biology                 Advanced Basket weaving
Room A16                      John Smith House
                              Early birds breakfast
                              Cafeteria, east end
                              General anatomy
                              Room B56

8:00-12:00                    10:00
Saturday morning cartoons     Nondenominational service
Memorial Union Lounge         Old Chapel
(bring snacks)
Organic Chemistry
Advanced Lab
until dusk

Late birds brunch
Cafeteria, west end

Thanksgiving recess today     12:00
no classes are to be held     Dean's Lunch
                              Guest speaker:
                              Jim Smith

9:00                          9:00
Head of Charles Raft Race     Choir Practice
Anything that floats
Big Tag Sale, 55 Main St
Vendors wanted
.skip.fill.test page 4
The dialog between the user and the program when the
files listed above were processed is listed below.  The
The responses typed by the user appear to the right of
the question marks.
.skip.nofill.test page 6
Starting date (a Monday)? November 22, 1982
Mon 22-Nov-1982
Show how many weeks? 1
Name of output file? test.out
Answer 0 if on Decwriter, 1 if on Diablo
Will calendar be printed on Decwriter or Diablo? 0
Mon 22-Nov-1982, Lines:    0
Tue 23-Nov-1982, Lines:    0
Wed 24-Nov-1982, Lines:    0
Thu 25-Nov-1982, Lines:    2
Fri 26-Nov-1982, Lines:   11
S/S 28-Nov-1982, Lines:   15
.skip.FILL.test page 3
The right edge of the resulting calendar is shown below.
All columns to the left of the Thursday column were empty.
Only the notice about classes being cancelled for Thanksgiving
appeared in the Thursday column.
               Friday                   Saturday
              26-Nov-82                and Sunday

s today|                         |8:00-12:00 m  Saturday   |
be held|                         |Saturday morning cartoons|
       |                         |  Memorial Union Lounge  |
       |                         |  (bring snacks)         |
       |8:30-9:00 am             |                         |
       |Early birds breakfast    |                         |
       |  Cafeteria, east end    |                         |
       |9:00 am                  |9:00 am  Saturday        |
       |General anatomy          |Head of Charles Raft Race|
       |  Room B56               |  Anything that floats   |
       |9:00-11:00 am            |Big Tag Sale, 55 Main St |
       |Advanced Basket weaving  |  Vendors wanted         |
       |  John Smith House       |9:00 am  Sunday          |
       |                         |Choir Practice           |
       |9:15 am                  |9:15 am  Saturday        |
       |Eastern European Finance |Organic Chemistry        |
       |  Room C19               |  Advanced Lab           |
       |                         |  until dusk             |
       |                         |10:00 am  Sunday         |
       |                         |Nondenominational service|
       |                         |  Old Chapel             |
       |                         |10:45-12:45 pm  Both days|
       |                         |Late birds brunch        |
       |                         |  Cafeteria, west end    |
       |12:00 m                  |                         |
       |Dean's Lunch             |                         |
       |  Guest speaker:         |                         |
       |  Jim Smith              |                         |